Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1934, p. 2

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april receipts record gain customs house index shows tenth consecutive increase in goods importations toronto that the steady upward trend of business is continuing in to- rival here for a twoweeks rest and a ronto j shown by the fact that when sightseeing trip the toronto customs house show fi- his prediction ftelss said was a gur for april a substantial increase reaffirmation of the prophecy con- in cus and revenue collections tained in his recent book which took wi s the view that the world will hayej the j recorded for april at recovered economically within six t c of the books higher than war in 1940 is certainty h g wells declared world will have recovered sufficiently new york- a war to end war in 1940 was called a certainty by h g wells the english author on his ar- years sufficiently again to engage in a wholesale human slaughter war situations take a certain time wells continued certainly there is nothing dangerous now but 1910 gives us time improvments in the science of war fare were viewed by wells as fore casting a faster conclusion to the war of the future dont forget that the great war was hastened in it send by mutinies 1 dont exactly want to include the british but all the armies were get ting lax in their discipline asked to specify war danger spots wells said that there was none in kurope at present and that he was uncertain about the far east are you beautifying your home grounds that of march which was 73807 the upturn in customs receipts started last july when the first in crease was ahown in the same month of the previous year from july the increases have continued this month showing the highest gain of all march 31 was the end of the fisca year for the toronto customs house and while receipts for the year were only 83199 above the previous for cal year a much greater increase will be shown for the twelve months end ing june 0 it is understood for cus toms officials hope that may and june will continue to show increases here by making a continual 12nionth in crease this month will make the tenth consecutive month of gains to play in italy two tomato crops yearly is aim the more beautiful canada campaign carried on during recent years has resulted in a vast improve ment in the appearance of many dis tricts but there is still much to be done in this field many farm homes have wonderful natural settings set tings similar to which the more af fluent of our people spend thousands of dollars to create but too often arance we find that the farmer has his house foi tp fa pants wou be erected and lie jn thg j fruit ing by early october and continuing to christmas for the spring crop i seeding would be effected in decern two tomato crops under glass is the ambition of on progressive on tario grower it is the proposal that one crop should be ready for market from october to christmas while the next would sell in may and june just prior to the outdoor prcduct making and farm building- leaves it at that i a house situated near a bend in the i road and on ground a little elevated otluilif if w mill above the surrounding land offers a y evel wonderful opportunity for landscap- ing with a very small expenditure either of time or of money beauti fying the home grounds is valuable from the practical as well as from the artistic point of view a little money judiciously spent on landscape effects now will undoubtedly prove a good ed to about a foot high by february or march ready for the beds blind mother paints pastels mrs anrie mckinnon dies at guelph age 92 cuelph one of the oldest resi dents of the city mrs annie p mc kinnon died at the home of her son after a lengthy illness born at nor- val ont mrs mckinnon was a dau ghter of mr and mrs john mckin non pioneer residents of this district she was in her 92nd year and was the last surviving member of her fa- nily surviving are two sons judge mckinnon guelph and garfield of toronto news shorts counterfeit counterfeit canadian fivecent coins were in circulation lust week at loudon aud are said to be very difficult to detect the only clue given is that they are less ihlny than the real ones endowments establishment of two endowment scholarships at the university of western ontario is announced in memory of sir arthur carrie each is for s00 and carries a s100 cash annuity for four years and an annual tuition credit for 100 voice of the press with more safety and less cost than the best steam powered trains it was built for the chicago qulncy and burlington railway and will oper ate on the famous burlington route canada it is returning from a tour in the canadians eastern united states to detroit and i the disturbance of a year or tiro to chicago where it is to be put on i ago over the question of canadian exhibition at the worlds fair before nationality has evidently borne fruit getting down to regular business on with the announcement that children the burlington route 210foot bridge from sault ste marie comes in born in canada can now be deslgat- ed on their birth certificates as can adians the following significant paragraph is added to the birth certl- f urination to the effect that the call- flcate nationality is defined as tho ing for tenders will soon take place country tojrhclh the person owes al- for the building of the second larg est bridge on the soofort william portion of the transcanada high way this bridge is for the coulais legiance the term canadian should be used as descriptive of every per son who has rights of citizenship in canada every person born in can- river near batchawana hay and ada should be entered as canadian is said to be some 210 feet in length unless he or she has subsequently be- the structure will be of steel with several piers and the ice and log situation will have to be taken care of iu the construction miss helen jacobs of california united states womens tennis champion snapped by the photographer as she sailed on the ss rex to play a series of matches in italy investment should it be necessary to sell the property at some future date- r f of suggestions for planting home le grounds will be gladly offered by the dominion experimental station har row ontario outdoor world from memory i miami fla blind the 77yearold i mother of the late glenn h curtiss lcn summer seen i aviation pioneer finds solace at her r ir j l 1 hji easel spreading on canvas she cannot by wooastock man see ren true paste of scenes memory keeps fresh never mind mother curtiss who paced the field of flying for a quarter of a century consoled her after she awakened one morning six years ago to find the world blotted out youll find things to keep you busy but even he scoffed with the rest of the family when mrs curtiss de tcrmined to find her happiness in the arts now she works as many hours day with her pastel sticks or brushes as her failitm strength will permit with her daughter and a younger sister handing iter the colors she requires carefully first outlining the board of canvas with her hands and plac ing in her mind the outline of the proposed work she then calls for the colors and applies them working slowly but deftlv all of her work an unusually long summer is the cheerful prospect held out to house holder wiiuw oacks are beginning to ache from shovelling coal during the past severe winter by william radhy woodstocks long distance weather forecaster who issued his forecast for the uxt six months end ing september 20 yes sir nature is going to make it up fcr us mr itadley said start ing right in may were goin to have summer weather and thats some thing i havent heon able to say in my forecast in recent years when ive had to warn folks to keap a supply of fuel on hand for cold days in may j mr itadley who has been forecast ing weather as- a hobby since 1s97 i and who has gained lonsiderable pro- minence for the accuracy of his prog nostications uses readings of the winds over certain periods of the j year as the buis for his forecasts j and keeps extensive records of these depicts scenes of the out of doors readings for purpose of comparison over a lengthy period of years h linney to write muskoka history orillia mr ami mrs harry iin- ney arrived in orillia recently from toronto to take up their residence they intend to make their home in orillia for the future mr linney intends to devote a considerable part of his time towriting the history and folk lore of muskoka a task for which he has been gathering mater ials for thirty year- mr linney is already well known in orillia fire losses brantford man dies toronto fire losses in canada during the week ending april 25 were estimated by the monetary times at 139550 during the preceding week and 281500 during the correspond ing week last year fire losses since jan 1 to april 25 totalled 53 200 compared with 6820525 for the same period in 1933 hoppers again insects in n nebraska where three successive crops destroyed brantford henvy wcidrick 70 butte neb northeast nebraska died in hospital on friday of injuries here hordes of hungry grasshoppers suffered a fractured skull and broken nave destroyed grain crops for three struck by an automobile as he walk- successive years is threatened with another insect invasion the destructive army of the insect pests is already beginning to appear and farmers of the region are frank ly discouraged recent surveys by entomologists in knox boyd and cedar counties have indicated an unusually large hatch of tho hoppers this spring this means possible loss of a fourth crop by impoverished farmers loss of crops during the past three years through drought and grasshop per plagues has stripped farmers of this region of funds with which to pheasant eggs thirty settings will be pro vided for hatching and release in norfolk county thirty settings of engmsh ring- necked pheasants eggs will be supplied the simeoe kinsmen club for distribution among youngsters of this cciuty according to word received from the ontario depart ment of dimes and fisheries in a latter to james j miller leading proponent of the idea of the clubs aiding in the propagation of wild life in this district d mc donald deputy minister of the department expressed high praise for the kinsmens plans and pointed out that he would be pleased to supply 30 setting of pheasants eggs for hatching under the supervision of youngsters of 15 years or more the clubs plan is to form a club somewhat on the lines of the potato club already ill operation so that the pheasants may be hatched re leased and properly looked after and protected in his letter to the department mr miller had also inquired about hungarian patridge and was told that the policy in connection with these was to liberate only the grown bird if proper application is received some of these may be sent for re lease in norfolk it was stated ed oh the brant fordhaniiiton high way east of cainsville wcidrick suffered a fractured skull and broken bones in his faces provincial cons table ben milligrn launched an investigation separated sault ste marie ont old age and retirement have served to separ ate algomas famous twins for the first time in their 70 years of life the twins arc mrs j armstrong and mrs j irwin who have lived on adjoining farms in maclcnnnn for buy poison to combat the threatened 51 years and who spent their girl- now invasion hood years together in huron county where they were born now mrs it seems reasonable to suppose armstrong will reside in sault ste that the worst of the world deprcs- mario while her sister remains in slon passed some time ago alfred mactennan p slonn jr the markets produck pricks united farmers cooperative co saturday were paying the following prices for produce eggs prices to farmers cases returned a large 17c a med ium 15c c 14c company also advancing on pool shipments 3 2 cents per dozen delivered toronto on grade a larg2 and medium butter ontario creamery solids 19ic no 2 19uc poultry a grade alive- spring chickens over 6 lbs ea 11 do over 5 to g lbs each 10 do over 4 to 5 lbs each 09 over 2 to 4 lbs each 08 broilers overjfi to 2 lbs 10 fatted hens over 5 lbs 11 over 4 to 5 lbs 10 over 3 to 4 lbs 08 old roosters over 5 lbs 07 white ducklings over 5 lbs 12 do- 4 to 5 lbs 11 colored 2c less poultry a grade dressed spring chickens over 6 lbs each 10 do over 5 to 6 lbs each 15 do over 4 to 5 lbs each 13 do over 2 to 4 lbs each 12 broilers over ik to 2 lbs 15 fatted hens over 6 lbs 13 do over 4 to 5 lbs 12 over 3 to 4 lbs 10 old rooster over 5 lbs 10 black and red feathered birds 2c less per lb white ducklings over 5 lbs 14 do 4 to 5 lbs 13 colored 2c less young turkeys over 8 lbs 17 guinea fowl per pair 75c b grade poultry 2c lb less than a c grade poultry 2c lb less than b wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers arc quoting the following prices to to ronto retail dealers pork hams 19ve shoulders 14c butts 15v4c pork loins 19c picnics 134c lard pure tierces 10c tubs 10c pails lie prints 914c shortening tierces 94c tubs 10c pails lie prints 10c live stock quotations steers up to 1050 lbs good and choice s1s5 to 535 do medium 450 to l7 do common 350 to 425 steers over 1050 lbs good and choice 550 to 600 do me dium 500 to 550 do common 450 to 500 heifers good and choice 485 to 525 do medium 450 to 475 do common 250 to 425 fed calves good and choice 650 to 700 do medium 375 to 425 cows good 375 to 425 do medium 325 to 350 do common 250 to 300 can- ners and cutters 125 to 225 bulls good 325 to 350 do com mon 275 to 300 stocker and feeder steers good 400 to 450 do common 375 to 400 milkers and springers 2500 to 4500 cal ves good and choice veals 600 to 650 do com and medium 300 to 550 grassers 250 to 300 i hogs bacon fob 575 do- off trucks 800 do- off cars 850 good ewes and wether lambs 900 do medium 825 to 875 do culls 650 to 750 sheep good light 350 to 400 do heavies 250 to 325 do culls 100 to 200 5317 simcoes population now stands at 5i7 all increase of 143 over last year according to the census just completed by the assessor john rutherford two years ago ihe population reached the high water mark of all time at 5397 dropping in 1933 to 5171 a loss of 223 evidently the the tide has turned again and this years figure is just so short of the record fishing begins simeoe the trout fishermen were out on norfolk streams bright and early on may 1st and several of them reported excellent results the prevailing fine weather and the pros pect of good catches will undoubted ly lure many nimrods to the streams during the next few weeks county roads in good condition frost does little damage to rural highways in simeoe orillia roads are county and now in better township condition come the citizen of another country with all our vaunting of canadas proud position as an autonomous na tion in the british commonwealth of nations it has required until 1934 ai to remedy the anomalous and preposterous condition which denied canadians the right to call themselves canadian simeoe reformer they read editorials at noon today a fine manly up standing young chap left the star office with a copy of the paper in his hand lie went across the street and listen carefully you editors sat down in his car and spread out the paper he started lo thumb the than they usually are at this time of pages he passed up the front page the year says the barrie examiner without notice carefully unravelled despite the very severe nature of tne paper till he got his eye on pages tho winter the snow and ice disap peared rather quickly and the con dition of the roads was not adversely affected by an overabundance of rain it is the general opinion that the roads are a great deal better than they were last year county engineer freeman g campbell stated recently that the county roads system was in excellent i 2 and 3 immediately wet his thumb again and unleashed another page ah here was what he wanted to see first the editorial page and the intelligent youth spread it out and began to enjoy himself now why was that remarkable because it was the first time this column had ever seen anybody delib erately hunting up the editorial page soviet debarred from us credit old liabilities must be paid is official ruling washington may c attorney- general homer cummings decided today russia was in default on ob ligations to the united states and was not entitled to receive financial aid from citizens of the country his ruling which was made satur day with a view to determining what countries would be barred by the johnson act from marketing their securities in the united states or in any other way receiving financial as sistance said that great britain italy czechoslovakia latvia and li thuania the five nations that have made token payments on their war debts were not in default as for canada mr cummings said he had been asked whether the do minion is to be regarded as a politi cal subdivision of great britain the question should properly be answered in the negative he added and this conclusion was suggested to congress but it appears to be im material in view of my conclusion concerning the intention of congress as applied to the obligations of sub divisions canada i believe is not in default famous train the burlington zephyr one of the worlds most modern trains which was recently clocked at 107 miles an hour passed through waterford over the michigan central railway last week on an exhibition run through southwestern ontario the zephyr is a new streamlined stainless steel and aluminum built train powered with diesel engines and is said to travel much faster condition a considerable amount of to read its contents before tackling dragging and repairing has been done an other part of the paper it but generally speaking the county roads have not been better for some years reports from the townships indi cate that the township roads also came through the winter in good shape lack of rain has had a great deal to do witli this situation crime decreases london lord trenchard chief commissioner of metropolitan police reports that in the year just past imash and grab robberies where windows are broken to reach goods had decreased 40 per cent and auto mobile therts had fallen off by 23 per cent in london trans canada highway a series of graphic illustrations of the progress of construction under way on the gigantic coasttocoast highway will be shown from week to week in this paper watch for them these photographs will be of historical interest and are well worth preserving after stumping and grubbing operations described last week are completed the work of grading the right of way is next in order this photograph shows the building up of the grade which in most cases was thirty feet in clear width between ditches all the earth taken from the side ditches is utilized in the building of the grade and the boulders piled j y fulfilled winnipeg tribune struck us as the outstanding event of the day that young man is a credit to al- goma if he is ia business he will wind up a very rich man if he is in politics he will likely be premier some day but in any case he has knocked on the head one of our fav orite theories that nobody ever reads the editorials we thank him and anything in reason he can have from this column even to leaving his name out of the paper if he ever gets into police court just what the event portends is beyond us sault ste marie star pillows and soap the new york visitor notices pecu liar evidences of economy at one famous hotel which cost millions of dollars the beds in singterooms are provided with only one pillow apiece the aggregate saving in laundry and service thus effected in a very large hostelry is considerable the bath rooms are not a3 plentifully supplied with cakes of soap as they used to be in the magnificent grand cen tral station on the 42nd street the incoming baggage department has been closed so that incoming and outgoing baggage are handled by a single staff here again a consider able saving has been achieved these are examples of the farreaching economies that are being practiced south of the international border toronto mail and empire reminders of tay pay the presence of sir basil thomson in paris to help solve the stavisky affair recalls that tay pay ocon nor once was requested by him when metropolitan police head to lend an editorial hand to prohibit comic pol icemen on tho films which in turn recalls according to hamilton fyfes life of t p that justin mccarthy once said to oconnor t p when you reach heaven it wont be more than an hour before you have a cohort of angels setting type for tps daily glory t ps own vision was hardly so flattering when i am on my deathbed he said and the friars are gathering round to shrive me 1 will be found with a typewriter on my chest pound ing out an article to pay the funeral expenses a prophecy all too near- along the edges of the right of way moscow is resentful moscow may c attorney ho mer cummings ruling that the so viet government is a defaulter under the johnson act appeared certain to day to intensify resentment aroused among soviet officialdom by passage of the bill shutting off united states credit to moscow this resentment has already crys tallized into actual retaliatory steps in the form of a recommendation that all soviet economic organiza tions refrain from planning any or ders from the united states with tho exception of such items that cannot be had elsewhere used snow plows after dust storm rkd oak la snow plows are busy in montgomery country chug ging out defianco to spring breezes and a balmy sun tho reason is a dust storm that lashed the stales of nebraska and iowa left the roads in this county clogged with dust in some places ono to three feet deep tv m k widows and pensions one evening while in toronto i was relating an incident which occurred in orillia this winter on a ccrtaiu saturday night a man who has spent practically all his days in orillia died at a good age and the next morning a neighbors wifo came to see the widow during the conversation the bereaved woman made the remark that it was too bad it was sunday as she could not go up to see about her pension she had children young enough to claim the allowance a man who heard me tell the slory turned to his wife and said now tell yours she then related an in cident she had come across in tor onto a man died and his wife ap plied for the allowance for some reason there were delays and the money was not forthcoming she be gan to weary of the delays and one day remarked lo a friend that it almost makes me sorry my husband died i think my toronto friend had the edge on my story j it- hale in tin orillia packettimes showing another phase of the grading operations where solid rock is ncountered this was one of the few instances where mechanical equip ment was used in the transfer of the rock from the rock cut to the nearest fill as this undertaking was unemployment relief work every endeavor the snow plows were called out to was made to carry out the work in such a way that hanil labour of all iolor on the picka clear the roads kind would be given employment on the work recordnews true somehow we feel sure the secdj being sown in our garden will never turn out to be such beautiful cge lables as those appearing in brliiaut smith iau

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