stouffville ontario november 30th 1933 christmas baking new crop raisias peels figs nuts dates mas baking all in stock for the christ- fancy valencia style raisins 2 lbs for 25c australian seedless raisins 2 lbs for 25c currants per lb 15c finest lemon and orange drained peel per lb 20c no useless hard sugar cooking figs 3 lbs 25c shelled walnuts per lb 40c almonds large per lb 50c new hallowi dates 3 lbs 25c comb honey per section 25c fancy clover honey no5 tin 60c mincemeat 2 lbs 25c cracked wheat 8 lbs 25c notwithstanding the big advance in tea we are still selling our special yellow pkg lb 35c quaker oats family package 20c ratcliff cc town delivery phone 7112 coal coke golden west flour 08 pound 250 value bxvg only with two pound package regular 20c value the tribune published ever thursday at stouffville ontario yearly subscription rate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher notes and comments unbreakable rubber dishes which are tasteless and odorless are being manufactured in the united states when housewives learn ot this they will be wondering if they will bounce back into the cupboard t t t t we hear a good deal these days about such movements as a back to tlie land back to the home for women and back to this and back to that as for the editor of this local newspaper its a case for us of back to the wall t t t t yonge street was originally indian trail to lake simcoe with the celebration of the dia- rmond jubilee early next mouth i memories of the growth and develop- iment of irichmond hill are brought back to the few remaining oldtimers 1 las they recall their childhood days dentists are having a convention j the vi was in pittsburg and it was found that j stainless steel was being largely used for filling teeth it is taking the place of silver and silver in turn took the place of gold the idea of teeth reinforced by steel is attrac tive one could bite the tops off pickle bottles and do all manner of household gimcracks t t t t when your bid is accepted at am auction sale you must pay the price even if you decide it is too high judge wilson ruled in division way to the court at windsor mrs ir f ames bid 27 for a rug when she said she intended to bid but 20 and refused to pay 7 tho court decided she had to pay and she did t t t t bicycles electric cars and motor cars traversing it yongo street was one of the old stago coach routes the first stage line was started in 1s2s by george playter and his sous the stages were ponderous affairs of the old english mail coach type drawn by four horses in 1s32 the line was bought hy william weller mr weller was also tho owner of stages to kingston dundas and niagara and guaranteed to take passengers through to ham ilton by daylight on the lakeshore road the journey to kingston gen erally lasted about 2s hours- tho yonge street stages ran in connection with the steamers which tedious and the service often poor lako simcoe iu the ear davf however the old stage j 0l1 advertisement in 1s50 states a stage in connection with the and the time for tho journey was re- steamor morning on lake simcoe duced to a matter of minutes heaves the simcoe stage office led- a history of the yonge street stage dolrs bu church street daily line can be found in landmarks of sunday exc another stage toronto by john ross robertson leaves tho western hotel daily at 7 founder of the evening telegram am for pine grove richmond hill perhaps one of the most interesting developments in the history of the village was the growth of the means ot transportation between york now toronto and richmond hill which was as romantic as it was pro gressive in the early days a trip to toronto was looked forward to days ahead and necessitated a great deal of prepara tion as the journey was slow and every cent counts we are paying a premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat for cream delivered to us whether you are a steady cream shipper or not it will always pay you to bring your cream here- you will not only get the premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat which means on the average from 25 to 30 cents on a can but you also stand a good chance of getting special grade which means an additional 2 cents per lb of butterfat over first grade our method of testing your cream and paying for it while you wait if you so desire has proven its self very con venient bring your cream to our creamexy and get every cent possible t0uffv1lle creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamery service sinco 19 is for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening reader please seated be up to the end of october some w compiled over a period of th yowwlls 9000000 pounds or 300 freight car- s jn ms an extractr- s- loads of fruit and vegetables had from one of its volumes gives an the second line of stage cojehes ed river cereal special for ontario ltnui 1000 ton on n rising market s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont been shipped into the needy prairie interesl account of the early days was started by a mr shuttleworth in districts the united churchs travel through tho county ofls47 the vehicles were called national relief committee has an nounced ontario has supplied 110 cars and the maritimes 10 cars un der the committees direction in many cases a number of other church bodies sent carloads jmjany bale3 of clothing etc wero also sent t t t t a strathroy merchant was swin dled out of a substantial sum by a clever rogue a few days ago by means of a raised certified cheque this is how the trick was worked at york omnibuses in contrast to the stages it reads as follows the thompson line and only ran as long as toronto or york as far as richmond hill 10 miles county exists the name of sir george north of toronto mr shuttleworth yonge secretary of war in 1791 was succeeded by edward shepherd will be perpetuated for it is from proprietor ot the halfway house him that yonge street the principal where the horses were changed half thoroughfare of toronto and of the way between toronto and holland county as well received its name landing the stage coach run by yonge street is one of the oldest thompson carried passengers to highways in tho province it was stouffville the end of the journey originally an indian trail leading to east from yonge street lake simcoe in 1794 it was made a the fate of the stage line was roy the stranger made a small de posit and induced the manager to make out for him and also certify a christmas season is in the offing and the wise shopper is already making selections of her christmas purchases our stock is complete and we are showing a large and varied line of christmas gifts and necessities any article will be held until wanted upon payment of a small deposit a village bank not far from strath- busl road by or 0 governor sealed when in 1s53 the northern simcoe the troops of his excellencys railway was constructed up to that corps laying the road so rough was period all the passengers baggage the track that when in 1797 balser and mail between toronto and munshaw one of the founders ot the holland landing had gone by stage village of richmond hill sought a when the railway went through line wilderness home along this thorough- to the landing was discontinued fare it was found necessary to take mail was still carried to richmond his canvass top wagon apart and hill by the bus line which possei drag the wheels and axles and other successively into the hands of john equipment up the steep hills by palmer a man by the name of ray- means of ropes parts of the road mond from richmond hill william were laid with stones shortly after- cook and john thompson this wards but it was not until 1847 gentleman bought the line early in that the road was macadamized as the seventies and did not discontinue far as holland landing and now it until 1s96 when tho introdue- flfty years from that date it is a tion of the electric cars killed the serviceable modern highway with business christmas cards and folders we are showing a splendid line of new christmas and new year cards of a high quality and most attractive designs get your cards now and save worry all prices from 2 for 5c up christmas card selection very fine selection of twenty cards with envelopes nicely boxed box 49c books for the larger and girls boys books for the boys and girls a splen did assortment by well known authors price each 15c 19c 39c books for the little children picture and story books of all kinds both paper and linen also books for paint ing and for cutting out 5c up games for everyone authors parcheesi checkers domnoes snip lost heir and many other games which make attractive gifts 15c 25c 35c christmas papetrles make a most desirable gift and our showing of dainty boxes of paper and envelopes are particularly good prices to suit everyone 25c to 150 gift lingerie dainty garments in pink peach white and maize trimmed with lace and em broidery and cich separately boxed pantie and brassiere- per set 95c vest and bloomers per set 95c night gowns each 95c up vests and bloomers heavy winter weight cotton vest and bloomers warm and cosy vest with short sleeves or no sleeves price per garment 49c 59c bath robes eiderdown bath robes very attractive in blue rose gray and green a very delightful gift these must be seen to be appreciated priced at 225 450 chamosuede gloves pull on chamosuede gloves of fine quality in gray chamois mode hazel heavy quality for cold weather wear per pair 79c french kid gloves a particularly attractive showing of these imported gloves of very fine quality a pair of fine kid gloves are a necessity to the well dressed woman per pair 2008250 street and afternoon frocks a splendid range in both style and materials to choose from a wellmade and wellfitted dress will add to your enjoyment of the holiday season cascade crepe flat crepe satin crepe and sande crepe in blue green wine and brown 5251250 winter coats winter coats of chongo cloth english suede and broadcloth and trimmed with selected furs in all the new fall shades 1695 to 3250 cut glass a fine showing of new shapes and new cuttings in all kinds of glass ware comports water sets cake plates cream and sugar and numberless other useful and ornamental dishes at very moderate prices dinner services nothing would please her better than a new dinner service we have a large stock of english bonechina and french limoges at per set of 96 pieces 1495 to 3500 cheque upon the account for 6 with which the man was to pay a small debt a few days later the stranger walked into a strathroy store and made a purchase or two amounting to about 15 tendering in payment the marked cheque the amount of which had been cleverly raised to sixty dollars instead of six the merchant of course accepted the cheque as genuine and gave his customer tho balance of the money the fraud was not discovered until the cheque was later presented to the village bank where it was found that the original amount had been cleverly altered by the slick thief business men and store keep ers throughout the province should be on tho lookout for such sharp practices and be very careful as to the ways of strangers the identity of the choquo raiser is not known ft t t the lone woh with shorter darker evenings the danger of unliguted horsedrawn buggies and wagons and bicycles on the highways and rural roads be comes even greater than during the summer months the law calls for such vehicles to carry lights which are clearly visible both from the front and rear certainly this is ont law that is frequently broken one does not have to travel far before encountering some unliglited buggy wagon or bicycle on the roads dark wet evenings become particular nightmare to the motor ists as they drive along never know ing when some object may luom up in front of them with startling sud denness driving loses all its plea sure and becomes a drudge buggies and wagons and for that matter bicycles are particularly hard to see on a wet dark road the driver and his companions must strain every nerve all the time to avoid them grim pictures of road side death scenes and resulting court cases loom up in his or her minds eye the pleasure is gone with a great many it is apparent ly the idea that the sole responsibility rests with the car driver he must avoid the buggy wagon bicy cle or pedestrian as best he can what great failh some people have in the car drivers under other cii cumstancos doubtless the drivers would bo highly flattered the strange part of it is that the driver of tho buggy or other vehicle is the one most in danger of life and limb county council session in parcel ost kates corrections e w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffville ontario because the public has become moro particular about its food dur ing tho past 10 or 15 years beet cattle and sheep are smaller in sizo today than they were a decade ago and another is that families are smaller now than they used to be and moro of them live in apartments in tho old days beef cattlo wero bulky animals thoso wero the times when a cut or a roast would be served up in the averago families for several days but now tho housewife and her family want meat that is more ten der and they want more variety in their moat dishes they do not want a roast to last two or three or mere days they want a different kind of cut every day or as often as they havo meat served in sheep the same situation has come to pass the lamb now in demand weights so pounds years ago they wero i bigger and heavier loss lamb and mutton is consumed in ontario than in england allowing for tho differ- 1 ence in population but moro pork is j eaten hero than in tho old country i very few farmers specialize in j sheep raising in tho hog raising in- j dustry tho weight of the animals has become stabllzed at about 200 pounds this has been tho standard at stoultvlllo every other monday weight for years but 15 years and tuesday ago farmers fattened their hogs to eyes examined weigh far beyond this figure phone stouffville 2405 the killing of a lone wolf within three or four miles of stouffville in the township ot whitchurch opens an interesting question or two first is there another wolf in the neighbor hood and secondly how many sheep if any have been killed by the maurader experienced wolf hunters tell us that these animals do npt stay long by themselvesthey usually go in twos or in packs a wolf had been sighted at- various points in whitchurch the past year or two and this would strengthen the belief that more than one of them is abroad in the vicinity the nature of the killing this past summer among the sheep has more than onco been the subject of comment dogs mostly have their own way of destroying a sheep but much of the killing the past season appeared to bo of a vastly different nature causing the impression that some animal other than a dog was do ing it at any rate tho whitchurch council has expressed themselves in this way although in tho case of the brodie slieep tho owner is firmly of the opinion that his sheep were never attacked by any animal other than a dog whitchurch council offered a re ward of 50 fgr tho killing ot a lynx hoping that the liberal amount would induce hunters to got out at that time and if they wero successful re- duco the number of sheep being kill ed there wero no animals shot how ever but now that a wolf has been destroyed it might bo a good thing to offer a roward again perhaps not so largo but a liberal reward none theless this added to tho bounty should induce a real hunt to be made this winter in the swamps where the wolf was believed to havo its haunt tho first intimation by the postal authorities regarding parcels up to 25 lbs being allowed to go by mail turned out to bo premature the heaviest weight to go by parcel post is still 15 bs s oz tho only chang es are those by which the charger will be determined by the weight to the nearest pound in tho past every fraction of a pound counted as a full pound for instance a parcel weigh ing one pound three ounces would formerly have gone under the two pound charge now it comes under the one pound rate the second change is in regard to insurance all parcels for delivery in canada may be insured up to 50 free of charge if the sender requests it if the sender desires to insure such parcels in excess of 50 the regular insurance fee of 12 cents to cover the additional insurance must be paid irichmond hill liberal york county council is in session the county legislators will make a better impression on the rate payers of tho county if they make tho session short representatives who are as well paid as county councillors can well afford to start promptly at an early hour in the morning and work reasonably late iu an effort to keep the cost of tho session as low as possible thure is almost a unanimous feeling throughout ontario that we are very much overgoverned there is also a pretty general feeling that the county council is one of tho expensive branches of government which possibly we could get along without this is a very debat able question and we believe that tho county council can serve a very useful purpose but if it is to con tinue to serve that useful purpose it must give tangible evidence of its usefulness and must correct the impression which is undoubtedly abroad that the sessions are- un necessarily lengthy and costly boxes like this are distributed about stouffville tho park com mission will collect the wrappers from your buckingham cigarettes for the benefit ot the kiddies this christmas phivate maternity nursing home medical and convalescent case accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates 1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phone 7808 stouffville r r nol alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere rates moderate phone stouffville 6312 address gormley p o e a grubin registered optometrist november dates 13th and 14th 27th and 28th decemlicr dates 11th and 12th 26th henry wadsworth longfellow lives of great men all re mind us we can make our lives sublime and departing leavo be hind us footprints on tho sands ot time time has proven our servico of tribute a record of honorable ac complishments to acquit ourselves with honor is our creed r g clendening funeral olreotor phone stouffville 268 groceries black mixed tea 1 lb s7c coffee per lb 37c soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c assorted cream biscuits 2 lbs 25c oranges per dozen 28c tomato catsup large bottle 17c candy special mixed creams lb 18o a w sco ft stouffville read for luncheon sand wiches with your meals or for break fast its sure to please everybodys taste buns rolls cakes pies and special lines of pastry visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189