stouffville ontario november 23rd 1933 henry wadsworth longfeijxnv lives of great men all re in in 3 us wo can make our lives sublime and departing leave be hind us footprints on the sands of time time has proven our service of tribute a record of honorablo ac complishments to acquit ourselves with honor is our creed r g clendening funeral director phone stouffville 263 gordon e cober radio technician at buttons hardware builder of sound systems and power amplifiers specializing in radio repairing box 244 phone 3306 j e smith radio service all makes of radios electric stoves toasters irons and fixtures repaired will appreciate your custom notice to creditors altona kenneth reesor has returned with his deer tlliss hilda madill spent tiiurs day in newmarket a number from here attended the centennial services at blooniiwoon ou sunday mr and mrs f johnson spent sunday with mr and mrs writ mcnair mr and mrs a lapp of lorne- ville junction visited last wednes day at d crosiers imr and mrs norman bunker visited with mr and mrs richard jones of markham on sunday farmers information in the matter of the estate of james conner deceased all persons having claims against the estate of james conner late of the township of markham in the couuty of york gentle man who died on the 14th day of october 1933 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solici tors for the executors full particu- lare of their claims on or before the 11th day of november 1933 skates ouce moro after which date the assots of the i understand altona has enter said estate bill be distributed j ei iu oiia hockey for the season heres good luck to the boys harry thorne of stouffville and miss olive madill spent the weekend i n t b with his parents mr and mrs a pembleton at burgessville during the past week the thermometer dropped several de- rees below zegoi making the pond possible for the young folks to don amongst the partios entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have had notice charlie a conner esq jacob r cober esq executors of the said estate mccullough button stouffville ontario their solicitors herein mrs d crosier mrs f wagg mrs e lehman and mrs h yake attended the institute convention and banquet held in the royal york hotel m toronto on wednesday this week we have recently installed the latest black decker vibrocentric alve reconditioning system have us give you a price for grinding your valves in a proper way satisfaction guaranteed better than hand methods central garage i h silverthorn prop stouffville ont ee prizes ford v8 tudor automobile also 100 cash value prize 50 cash value prize three electric clocks also 50 gallons gasoline 25 gallons motor oil ontario fruit storage the cold storage warehouse re cently erected at woodstock on tario with its yo000 barrel capacity is another unit iu a chain of cold storage warehouses that gives on tario facilities for 200000 barrels of apples the warehouse has facilities to handle the storage of all kinds of fruits and vegetables t t t t beauty parlors for dairy cows an important step in clean milk production is to clip the udders hips and flanks of the cows thus much easier and more effective clipping of the tail head neck and should ers adds to the appearance of the cows and aids in getting rid of lice which will multiply quickly at this time if not promptly eradicat ed a good wet or power shampoo repeated in ten days time will do the trick t t t t alfalfa wanted one ticket will be given for each 100 paid in purchase of antifreeze for the 3 prizes of electric clocks one ticket for each 5 gal gasoline for 3 prizes 1st 25 gal gasoline 2nd 15 gal- and 3rd 10 gallons 1 ticket for each gallon of motor oil prizes 1st 10 gal motor oil 2nd 10 gal and 3rd 5 gallons you will also receive your tickets for draw 100 and 5000 prizes january 1st 1934 on ford v8 tudor as well as the draw for clocks at the stanley theatre stouffville december 1st 1933 terms and conditions on car 1 free ticket for every 5 gallons of gasoline or distillate oil purchas ed 1 free ticket for every 1 quart of oil purchased 1 free ticket for every one dollar in purchase of ford parts accessories 1 free ticket for every one dollar in purchase of goodyear car and truck tires or tubes and accessories ticket for every one dollar in labor on cars trucks free paid tractors free ticket for every ten dollars paid in purchase of new cars trucks and tractors free ticket for every ten dollars paid in purchase of any used car all purchases must be settled for at time of purchase either in cash or by note contest open ii on february 27 1933 and closes on january 1st 1934 the employees proprietor and his family are barred from this opportunity to obtain a ford v8 free under this campaign d f ford dealer holden stouffville ont taking more prominent part iu kvport to great britain since septembor canada has commenced to take a place anion the more important suppliers of eggs to the british markets some 12s000 dozen of eggs wero export ed during that month prices to canadian producers have recently improved steadily fresh receipts of eggs are somewhat scarce and continued firmness iu price is prob able those producers who wisely hatched or purchased early chicks are in a position to at least make some profit as a result of adopting firm business methods canadian eggs continue to be exporited in fall- volume the toronto and montreal markets continue very firm t t t t the royal teams representing boys cattle swine grain and potato clubs in ontario held their annual inter- club competitions at oac on friday october 27th teams were each composed of two club mem bers between the ages of 16 and 20 years inclusive in all 2111 club members are enrolled in the 103 clubs organized in the four pro- ects in ontario during the past year fiftyfive of these clubs sent their representatives to the college to compete in one of the four inter club competitions conducted under- the direction of r s duncan direct or of the agricultural representa tives for ontario in the cattle club competition 21 i teams competed the woodbridgo i dairy calf club of york county com posed of norman baggs and wilberl i jennings were winners for the one prize coming to this county t t t t royal prospects good advance information from the management of the roya winter fair is to the effect that prospects are brighter for the coming fair than any in its 12year history it is expected that there will be a particularly heavy entry of all classes of live stock and farm pro ducts for eight days november 22 to 30 there will be on display some of the best products of the land the small breeder or small land owner will be found in competition with the products from large hold ings the boys will have an oppor tunity to show their beef calves in a wide open competition form erly it was necessary to be a mem ber of a calf club in order to show but this year any body between 11 and 20 years of age who has a calf sired by a purebred bull horn on or after september 1 1932 which he has fed cared for and fitted two months priors to fair dates may en ter in competition i i 4 4 takes optimistic attitude towards ontario fall fairs for very definite reasons stat ed j a carroll superintendent of horticultural societies i am con vinced that the near future will enco again see the fall fair as an institution of real importance in tho farming life of ontario mr carroll in his official capa city has visited some 28 fairs com mencing with tho canadian nation- ai exhibition ho points out that gato receipts are increasing gener ally and in some cases this in crease is as much as thirty or forty per cent over last year crops in general being earlier this year ho said has resulted in giving moro rarmers time to attend tho fairs then again economic conditions have had much to do with increased attendance whero in tho past farmers would turn to the city for relaxation a less expensive entertainment is now the order of the day fall fairs answer this need more attractive prizes and the program of junior work wore named as two additional reasons for the in creased interest in the fall fair jr work has been carried on for over twenty years now and this program is beginning to bear fruit inasmuch as an entirely new generation is add ed to tho attendance at these annual functions for those reasons ho conclud ed i cannot tako anything but an optimistic attitude towards tho fu ture of tho fall fair in ontario mr robert miller of stouffville is authority for the statement that the railroad worm cau bo handled if the orchardlst would pick up the little apples that fall to the ground right after the blossom leaves the trees and the small apple forms mr miller has followed this plan in his orchards and while the pest is so prevalent everywhere he has yet to have it affect his crop says mr miller winter fair at guelpli the ontario provincial winter fair to be held december 5 to 7 in clusive will undoubtedly draw a particularly strong entry at no show is tliero a more attractive dis play of draft horses than is seen in the single and teams at guelph the classes for market cattle are always strong and there is usually a good showing in the three beef breeds the sheep show is out standing in tho seed department there nro good prizes and keen competition the evening horse show i is an attraction that always pleases writo to r w wade parliament buildings toronto for premium list and remember that entries close on november 20 this is the fiftieth annual ontario provincial winter fair to be held at guelpli winners to represent ontario at mice injure orchards one of the greatest hazards in tho growing of an apple orchard is tho danger of girdling by micethis is especially true in orchards under sod culture although even orchards under clean cultivation are frequently subject to consider able damage from this cause the amount of damage caused by these animals varies greatly from year to year depending largely upon their available supply of food galvanized wire screen makes the most effective protection the i initial cost is high but as it only has to be placed once and will last for a large number of years it will be found cheaper in the long run this fire should be cut into pieces large enough to encircle the trunk and leave room for expansion of the trunk as the tree grows the lower end should bo buried about one inch in the soil in order to prevent mice from working under neath 1 st highest 2nd market prices submit samples and 3rd cutting puld dicksons h i mills phone 5ts05 mrs hattie saunders of stouff ville who underwent a serious operation last week is making fair recovery according to latest reports bicycle for sale good condition will sell reasonable for quick sale apply tribune office apartment for rent recently decorated new hard wood floois ceorgo j lawson honey exports increasing domestic price is rising indications are for a shortage of honey in ontario next spring re ported the ontario marketing board recently total white honey exports of all grades from the province are now in excess of 300 tons which taken together with the croi variously reported from 40 to 50 less than last year and with the substantial exports from the pro vince of quebec leaves the entire domestic market cleaned up of all surplus supplies prices are risin to producers and few beekeepers are selling bulk lots for less than s cents per pound fob shipping point for top grades this is an in crease of approximately 2 to 3 cents per pound as compared with 1031 the british market is reporting a lively interest in canadian honey this year due somewhat to the fact that a world shortage of this crop is reported except for domestic pro duction in england in addition the benefit of the imperial preference agreements which give empiro honey a protection of seven shill ings per long cwt are being realized to the maximum for the first time this year since their adoption shoot1xg match wednes day nov 29 at george coppins ballantrao goose shot guns and rifles allowed shooting match on saturday november 25 at george mylarids farm itingwood lot 34 con 8 markham geese ducks and irobstors for prizes shot guns and rifles shooting match for turkeys will bo held on the farm oftlios gilroy 7tli con of whitchurch just north of lcmonvillc fri day november 24th good flock of turkeys as prizes shot guns only allowed shooting match fine flock of geese and ducks on the farm of john spence lot 4 con whit church on saturday dec 2 1033 shot guns and rifles allowed ammunition supplied for shot guns god save tho king skates sharpened los rowbotham will sharpen your skates the very best shop near corner of main aud church street for sale jersey cow due to freshen henry miller phone 4914 for sale eight pigs 7 weeks old ed davis glasgow attention farmers clipper plates of all makes sharpened by modern electric plate grinder all work guaranteed buttons hardware for sale pigs ready to wean also number of chunks and a pure bred yorkshire hog lou hoover phone 15ft 1 claremotit folt sale number of pullets lay ing also driver for sale 5 years old apply to w e claughton con 9 phono 5c04 ah local preachers on programme gill line anniversary the baptist church 6th line will observe its s5th anniversary on sunday dec 3rd a former much esteemed pastor rev w s whit- combo will preach at the morning and evening services special musical program will be announced next issue the public are cordially invited to attend the special services to bo held every night of next week at s00 excepting saturday in the stouffville christian church mini sters of the local churches are co operating with us in bringing the messages and in furthering a bettei interdeiioniinationally mr bob bins of the church of england will deliver the address on monday even- ingimr fuller tuesdaymr laid- law wednesday mr cressman thursday and friday will lie an nounced later special music and worship is ex pected to harmonize with the mess age of each evening it is hoped that these meetings will be success ful in meeting the highest moral and spiritual needs of those attend ing and will result in numbers be ing led lo live tho christian life may these meetings be the means of a general spiritual uplift in the com munity let us all join tog3ther in hearing these men whom wo may not have heard before c o sommers esthay hoitse one horse strav- ed onto lot 10 con c whit church owner can have same by paying expenses j sibley chickens 24 plymouth rock early pullets and 24 while leg horns heavy laying strain prize winning birds your pick 1 each wi stephens ringwood wood wood body hardwood 4 foot length at 59 cord hard wood poles 4 foot at 100 cord 100 extra charge for cutting any length dry pine for kindling ou hand fred betz phone 177 for sale young cow about duo to freshen priced right for quick sale a carruthers claremont r it no 2 cows for sale- about nov 20 phono 3704 2 jerseys duo geo a barkey wanted old and disabled horses and cattle james arsenault phone 2s03 feed cattle i am prepared to take in cattle to feed for the winter phono 7804 ijloomington stouffville branch seedlesa raisiris 2 lbs for 23c- campbells tomato soup 3 for 23c five rose flour 24 lb for 79c brunswick sardines 6 for 25c standard wax beans tin 10c infants delight soap 5 for 25c grapes lb 10c head lettuce 2 for 15c celery 5c spanish onions 4 lbs 25c sweet potatoes 5 lbs 19c grape fruit 5 for 25c the bloomington christian church anniversary on sunday was marked by a good attendance at both services the messages in song and sermon were spiritual feats and should prove to be real inspira tion for the present congregation to carry on iu tho work of tho lord in this part of his vineyard at the morning service tho speak er was mrs steed a missionary who has spent many years in africa her talk led her audience to realize vividly the differences made by christianity to the natives of tlio villages of africa tho bothesda male quartette from reach town ship sang several gospel songs which wero thoroughly enjoyed by the audience rev bruce morion opened the evening service and introduced tho kinsmen male quartette who then took charge this quartette sang several selections which were in themselves a spiritual uplift mr o raymeiva member of the quartette delivered the message showing how wo may in these days feel the perpetual presence of god as th children of israel did in their time whoii the cloud and fire wero as a visible sign that god was leading hem the desciples of jesus also felt this presence when ho said to them lo i am with you always even unto tho end of tho world at the morning service messages wero read from several of tho farm er pastors mr earl davis also read a paper prepared by miss lizzie hill on tho early history of hie church and leading up to the pro- sent lime miss nora stapieton had brought a communion set which had been loaned by mrs alt collins stouflvillo for the occasion this set was the first one used by the first congregation after the church was newly organized in 1s33 mrs collins grandfather had bought it and it has remained as a family possesion during tho century there was also on display a portrait of the jlate elijah johnson who donated the money for the building of the present beautiful church which was erected in 1sd2 apple butter person wishing apple butter made at the altona mill please get orders in at once p nighswander phone 9021 fowl wanted i am open to buy hens chickens geese ducks etc and will pay highest maket price locate me at edw pennocks livery phone 1g3 sam golden for rent brick house hot water heating and all conveniences ocrane filling automatic draft on furnace electric vator heater hardwood floors veranda and garage good cellar on church street stouffville apply to geo baker realtor phono 179 in memoriam noble in ever loving memory of our dear mother mrs louisa hastings noble who departed this life november 25 1932 in memory a daily thought in heart a silent sorrow son and daughter machinery for sale i have for sale universal wood worker emmery stand grinder sal attach ments turning lathe complete with stand saw table with counter shaft set of plumers caulking tools set of pump augers carpentors boring machine with auger pump cylinders pipe fittings water taps pulleys carpenters tools tinners shears heavy can bo seen at h b barnes stouffville alvin s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducted anywhere rates moderate phone stouffville s312 address gormley p o fall sale of good imple ments low priced for sale 5 hp lister engine pulpers good as new 13 cutting box blizzard with blower and 40 ft pipe good as now buzz saw with b and iron framo m i manure spreader will sell very cheap international tractor plow 35 feet of 10 wide belting rubber for high speed cheap heater and other used stoves one pair sloop and pair kneo sleighs b rexlin highest price for fowl hides wool etc phone 192 stouffville