Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 23, 1933, p. 4

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stouffviue ontario november 23rd 1933 christmas baking new crop raisins- peek figs mas baking all fancy valencia style raisins 2 lbs for 25c australian seedless ltaisins 2 lbs for 25c 15c nuts dates for the christ- in stock currants per lb finest lemon and orange drained peel per lb 20c no useless hard sugar cooking figs 3 lbs 25c shelled walnuts per lb 40c almonds large per lb 50c new hallowi dates 3 lbs comb honey per section fancv clover honey no5 tin 25e coc 25c mincemeat 2 lbs 25c cracked wheat s lbs 25c notwithstanding the big advance in tea we are still selling our special yellow pkg lb 35c quaker oats family package 20c ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 coal coke golden west flour 8 pound hag 250 value only with two pound package regular 20c vnlue ed rivei cereal special for ontario bran 1000 ton on n rising market s w hastings phone 169 stouffviue ont notes and comments ontario potatoes never primo favorites in toronto dropped in price some recently and the rea son was tho quality of the tubers was away below tho maratlnie murphies coming iu t t t t whether or not the united farm ers of ontario will continue as an affiliated unit of the ccf will he a matter of discussion and decision by tho ufo in annual meeting next mouth t t t t definite assurauco that legisla tion providing for the establish ment of a central bank in canada would be submitted at the next session of parliament and an in timation that tho government had been seriously considering an extensive program of public works and undertaking possibly next spring were given by prime mini ster it b bennett in a radio broad cast made monday night t t t t tho shelbume economist reports that two school sections in mel- ancthon township dufferin county this year have done what municipal ities the province over would give a great deal to imitate in short they are requiring no levy whatever for 1933 and the melancthon township tax slips this year will just show a blank after their names ratepayers of these sections are fortunate in that the taxpayers of other years put up a portion of the taxes of 1933 apparently the rate payers of these two sections raised no objection to the levy iu other years to build up a surplus being illegal the school law in reference to trustees duty in submitting es timates to the municipal council re quired for each years expenditure reads thus to submit to councils on or before the first day of august or as may be required by council an estimate for the current year of the expenses of the schools under their charge no mention here of build ing up a surplus to take care of future years bach year must be for the expenditure of that year only it is up to those who sold their pro perty in the years when the large surplus was being built up and have since moved out of these sections to take action in law against the trus tees of these two sections to recover the extra taxes they paid iu when the surplus was accumulating e a grubin registered optometrist november dates 13th and 14th 27th and 28th december pttes 11th and 12th 26th at stouffviue every other monday and tuesday eyes examined phone stouffviue 2405 onward has word to say relief board continue to markham township has families receiving government aid 40 i at a meeting held in the township stouffviue nov 1933 dear mr editor after reading the comments of experience in your issue of the jlgth lust 1 am at a loss to know which our markham friend loves more the ccf with its fanatical impracticable ideas or the tory j party with its unmeaning barrage of words its slowness and inefficiency undoubtedly this staunch old liberal who to his eternal disgrace cast a nonliberal vote can see no prospect of any good thing originating any where but in the house of his fathers hut alas mr editor a new day is hall unionville for the purpose of j dawning in which youth will assert considering relief for residents of the itself iu terms of the new day and its township it was decided to carry on needs and will indignantly spurn for the present with the executive j ideas that are misfits iu our present appointed last wintcd with the adili- order the day of unthinking parti tion of a l brown and major bash- loyalty is fast passing and we er tho executive is composed of vision iu its stead a more intelligent reeve g b padget and coakwell electorate whose prime concern wiil with representatives from the three j be not party dominance but the womens institutes operating in the weal townships thornhill mrs arm strong unionville mrs ee braith- waite buttonville jessie thompson church representatives are a j camplin f pollard a r burk- holder w heise w gormley root ratclift w whalen with bill champion secretary representing tho junior farmers and miss ruby reesor the girls club there are now 40 families on re lief the question of sending 20 un- this truly old time politician sorely disgruntled at tho rising tide of democracy as represented in the ccf talks glibly of bom- jbardment ire and thunder fanatics and red herrings these are his stock in trade but none but tho most conventional minds car escape the logic of the articles to which he refers yes we have noted the bc elec- c hr1stma as0n employed unmarried men to govern- w lder rows that a ment camps for winter was debated ovenent but little over a year old applicants are to register with the f to secretary this week a meeting is e9 f f called for next tuesday when ai a r rangements will be made for farmers ff comprising as it did having unsaleable foodstuffs t0 the bulk of the old conservative bring them to a central point or electorate moreover had the only distribution last winter great stores democratic method of election been were thus contributed not only of employed tmkt of proportional re- unsaleable goods but meat flour iresenuhonthe liberals would have discovered that tor every is the cry would seats held by them hold 13 m n nr r i as for one ccf speaker say- a task well performed ing this an1 anothcr as saying that this is cheap irrelevant the whitby gazette having nothing to do with program as outlined in the regina manifesto there are atheists galore in the liberal ranks as well ias many others who will not sing cod save the king a certain amount of personal opinion is per missible in most parties and this is in the ofiing and the wise shopper is already making selections of her christmas purchases our stock is complete and we are showing a large and varied line of christmas gifts and necessities any article will be held until wanted upon payment of a small deposit christmas cards and folders we are showing a splendid line of new christmas and new year cards of a high quality and mostattractive designs get your cards now and save worry all prices from 2 for 5c up christmas card selection very fine selection of twenty cards with envelopes nicely boxed box 49c books for the larger boys and girls books for the boys and girls a splen did assortment by well known authors price each 15c 19c 39c books for the little children picture and story books of all kinds both paper and linen also books for paint ing and for cutting out 5c up games for everyone authors parcheesi checkers domnoes snip lost heir and many other games which make attractive gifts 15c 25c 35c christmas papetries make a most desirable gift and our showing of dainty boxes of paper and envelopes are particularly good prices to suit everyone 25c to 150 gift lingerie dainty garments in pink peach white and maize trimmed with lace and em broidery and each separately boxed pantie and brassiere- per set 95c vest and bloomers per set 95c night gowns each 95c up vests and bloomers heavy winter weight cotton vest and bloomers warm and cosy vest with short sleeves or no sleeves price per garment 49c 59c bath robes eiderdown bath robes very attractive in blue rose gray and green a very delightful gift these must be seen to be appreciated priced at 225 450 chamosuede gloves pull on chamosuede gloves of line quality in gray chamois mode hazel heavy quality for cold weather wear per pair 79c french kid gloves a particularly attractive showing of these imported gloves of very fine quality a pair of fine kid gloves are a necessity to the well dressed woman per pair 2005250 street and afternoon frocks a splendid range in both style and materials to choose from a wellmade and wellfitted dress will add to your enjoyment of the holiday season cascade crepe flat crepe satin crepe and sande crepe- in blue green wine and brown 52581250 winter coats winter coats of chongo cloth english suede and broadcloth and trimmed with selected furs in all the new fall shades 1695 to 3250 cut glass a fine showing of new shapes and new cuttings in all kinds of glass ware comports water sets cake plates cream and sugar and numberless other useful and ornamental dishes at very moderate prices dinner services nothing would please her better than a new dinner service we have a large stock of english bonechina and french limoges at per set of 96 pieces 1495 to 3500 faithful and conscientious public ser vant nor one who receives so little for services rendered than owen davies tho secretary of the county old age pensions board the work of the pensions board is extensive the county has hundreds of old people receiving the pensions to which they are entitled while from time to time new applica tions have to be dealt with all this requires considerable clerical work to say nothing of the bookkeeping involved time and again govern ment inspectors have reported that the books kept by lmr davies are a model of neatness and accur acy while the councils under which mr davies has served have always been loud in their praise of his work the county of ontario we believe is fortunate is having a man of mr davies ability in looking after its j pensioners the cost of the service rendered by mr davies is nothing in comparison with its value every cent counts we are paying a premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat for cream delivered to us whether you are a steady cream shipper or not it will always pay you to bring your cream here- you will not only get the premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat which means on the average from 25 to 30 cents on a can but you also stand a good chance of getting special grade which means an additional 2 cents per lb of butterfat over first grade our method of testing your cream and paying for it while you wait if you so desire has proven its self very con venient bring your cream to our creamery and get every cent possible stouffviue creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamery sorvlee sinco 191s for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening ccf moreover lie forgets that the will not work class belongs to the group who are benefieians of the present system and whose support in luxury and idleness is made possible only by the toil of those who can never attain moro than a bare subsis tence the tory party is too slow suggests experience the ccf lays the same charge to the liberal party ho speaks of his partys advance the ccf demands a greater ad vance its platform has been framed alter much study in the committee responsible for it are three rhodes scholars and no fanatics or hide bound politicians the supreme hope of the canadian people lies along the path they have marked out for us we believe in looking forward not backward and are confident that old party prejudices will crumble before the forces of intelligence dire necessity and a longing to bring our social and economic practices into line with the ideal and religious pro fessions of our people thanking you mr editor for your valued space onward the tribune published every thursdny at stouffviue ontario yearly subscription rate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolau j p editor and publisher parcel post changes should be particularly so in a party which designates itself as liberal as for socialism it has already made tremendous strides in our social economy the greatest reforms of modern years have been definitely socialistic and our schools would be distinctly remiss if they failed to re cognize these conditions and to study their advantages your correspondents attitude to- avards the unemployed impresses one as being very unethical he apparently has not had much contact with the appalling results of the pre sent industrial stagnation he not only advises the comfortable people of stouffviue to be unconcerned but criticizes the unemployed for being themselves concerned in matters of their own betterment by associating send the tribune to absent friends themselves with the aims of tho the w h shaw store phone 9512 stmiffvllle ontario ten years given to promoter of claim to drake estate sioux city iowa nov 15 ap oscar m hartzell promoter of a claim to the sir francis drake estate was found guilty today on 12 federal charges of using the united states mails to defraud collection on funds for his enter prise federal judge george c scott sentenced him to 10 years in the federal penitentiary and lined him 2000 carlos coltz defence attorney announced the case would be ap pealed attorneys went into con ference regarding the amount of bond on which hartzell would be at liberty pending action on the ap peal the verdict meant the liberation of tho jurors from more than three weeks of confinement during which they were prevented from reading newspapers or conversing with others than themselves the case opened oct 21 in 12 cotuits hartzell was charg ed with sending through the mails leters in promotion of a fraudulent enterprise he was labelled a swindler and racketeer by government attorneys for his collection of between 700- 000 and si 300 000 from the public to finance his 13 years stay in london supposedly establishing claim to the estate tho defence contended he had ob tained an assignment of claims of an heir to an mirecorled son of sir- francis drake who had been fraud ulently deprived of his share in the famous privateers fortune amassed through piracy along the spanish main postmaster leavens received from the postal authorities a circular an nouncing several changes regarding articles sent by parcel post as a result of these changes it is now possible to send parcels j weighing up to 25 pounds former ly the weight limit was 15 pounds parcels weighing from 15 to 20 pounds are placed in one group and parcels weighing from 20 to 25 pounds in another another important change is one by which the charges will be deter mined by the weight to the nearest pound in tho past every fraction of a pound counted as a full pound i for instance a parcel weighing one pound three ounces would formerly have gone under the two pound charge now it comes under the one pound rate the third change is in regard to insurance parcels for delivery in canada on which postage of 40c or more has been paid may be insured up to 50 freo of charge if the send er requests it if the sender desires to insure such parcels in excess of 50 the regular insurance fee of 12 cents to cover the additional insurance must be paid the regular insurance rates are otherwise in effect viz 3c up to 5 6 cents not exceeding 25 12c not exceeding 50 and 30c not exceeding 100 which is the maximum cress corn sat ve made es pecially for those difficult cases guaranteed j m storeys drug store stouffviue ontario private maternity nursing home medical and conveloscent cases accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates 1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phone 7808 stouffviue r r nol dec 1st is i ho last day to pay tho final instalment village of stouffviue taxes wilhont the usual penalty be ing added the vrst instalment was well subscribed to in september groceries black mixed tea 1 lb 37c coffee per lb 37o soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c assorted icream biscuits 2 lbs 25c oranges por dozen 28c tomato catsup large bottle 17c candy special mixed creams lb 18c a w scott can impose tax penalty oculls or skulls whichever way thoy are spelt suits gcorg von o opol who captured tho diamond sculls at henley england and who was a winner at toronto canada for he has just returned from a month of hunting south of banff world famous canadian paci fic rocky mountain resort and has brought back with him some spen- did specimens of big game skulls after booking for a two weeks trip he found the sport so good that ho increased it to six weeks elk moose muledeer rocky mountain goats and bighorn sheep lie added to his collection whilo hunting south but failed to got a grizzly for two days ho trailed one big fellow but the inclement and changeable weather met with made success impossible tho grizzly however annoyed by the trailing turned tho tables on gcorg by trailing the hunter to camp and stealing georgs most prized goat head von opel made the trip with frank phillips famous rocky mountain guide picture shows von opel on tho right taxpayers in some municipalities have questioned the authority of a council to impose a penalty on un paid taxes subsection 2 of sec ill of rso ii27 reads as fol lows tho council may also by bylaw allow a discount for the payment of such taxes or any class of taxes or of any instalment there of on or before a day or days there in named and may impose an addi tional percentage charge for non payment of such taxes or any class of taxes or of any instalment there of by a day or days named in such bylaw provided that no greater percentago charge than five- per centum shall ho imposed on any in stalment of taxes or on the aggre gate amount of taxes and such ad ditional percentago cliargo shall be added to such unpaid tax or assess ment rent or rate or instalment thereof and bo collected by tho collector or otherwise as if tho samo had been originally imposed and form part of such unpaid tax or assossmont rent or rate or in stalment thereof stouffviue read for luncheon sand wiches with your meals or for break fast its sure to please everybodys taste buns rolls cakes pies and special lines of pastry visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189

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