Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 16, 1933, p. 4

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stouffville ontario november 16th 1933 the tribune published every thursday at stouffviue ontario yearly subscription rate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher old age pensioners on wo work in the last year by the roll in county now icounty was 1 1279849 while the number 685 the report or the old age pen- slons board of ontario county i total amount expended was 127- 9s490 it was pointed out that the countys share of the total expend ed was 10 per cent the report which covered the ac- presented to the county council tivities ot tne board belween now in session at whitby by grant christie reeve of reach township chairman showed that on october 31 ot this year there were gs5 pen sioners on the roll in the county the amount extended in this credit- continued for another week laundry soap special sale j week 10 full sized bars 25c fancy hallowi dates new seasons crop 3 lbs 25c sailed peanuts 2 lbs 25c sugar coated peanuts per lb 20c blanched peanut and cocoanut taffy 18c lb 2 for 35c sunbeam liquid shoe polish black per bottle 10c crisco lb tin 23c orange pekoe tea lb pkg with tea pot stand 60c vitane large can 65c bordens chocolate malted milk 1 lb tin 39c christies old favourite biscuits 1 lb package 25c grapefruit 5 for 25c v california grapes ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 nov 1 1932 and october 31 1933 staled that twelve meetings had been held during the year during that time 130 applications were re ceived seventytwo of which were granted and twentyone refused thirtyseven applications were still under investigation 19 over 80 years it was stated that 74 pensioners were over the age 75 years while another 19 were over so years of age the average amount received oysters de luxe liberal portion for literals newmarket era local members and f rh njs of north york liberal association were hosts at a gettogether which in cluded a good oldfashioned oyster supper first of the season served by ladies of newmarket christian church on friday evening november 3rd the occasion was a celebration of the promised hearty welcome by local representatives for extending acquaintances and good fellowship by pensioners in the county was generally to promote a broader spirit stated be 15 3s per month dur- of liberalism amongst executives ins the past year 59 pensioners were from various municipalities through- removed from the roll by death out tho riding as an initial step to- trausfers into the county totalled ward future activities 17 with 21 transfers being made out of the country nine transfers being letused in regard to receipts and expen ditures it was stated that 54374 was received from inmates ot the county house of refuge while s90s92 was expended for mileage and per diem printing and other items the report stated that owen davies secretary for the board has received 44g communications dur ing the year and replied to 2s6 recommend survey tho report recommended that all members of tho county council make a survey of their districts and make a confidential report to the board of any undeserving persons who were receiving sion delegations included georgina sut ton north gwillimbury east gwil- limbury newmarket aurora whit church king richmond hill york twp woodbridge and vaughan and behold these partook liberally of those charming wigglers from balti more according to their respective habits and customs dead alive cooked or raw mingled together with tho many other good things of which tables were bountifully laden thus was the feast prepared in pleas ing fashion following a sumptuous repast amidst attractive decorations of tables and surroundings which made a beautiful setting mr howard cane assumed the duties as master of cere- old age pen- monies in his inimitably pleasing and proficient mannerthough some eulogistic address delivered by dr g a wilson at hie funeral of rev dr a k mitchell october 5th 1933 at st giles church vancouver u c tho report expressed appreciation i what handicapped by a suporabund of the assistance and cooperation jance of seafood and other delicacies given the board by the warden and still staring upward at our congenial members of the county council hosts etc yea verily the warmth after the reort was adopted of hospitality was quickly perceived coal coke we have a variety of the best fuels place your orders for welsh scotch american anthracite pokohontas coke warden g b johnston called on owen davies secretary of the board to address the council mr davies as various speakers within the organ ization advanced enlightenment con cerning working methods and accom- we have a spray that will rid your poultry stabtes of lice or mits in just a few minutes houses or all kind of feeds on hand we are buyers of alsike red clover alfalfa timothy s w hastings phone 169 stouffviue ont a brief address pointed out some plishments thus inspiring younger in of the salient factors of the boards work and expressed his own ap preciation of the manner in which the council had cooperated e a grubin registered optometrist november dates 13th and 14th 27th and 28th december dates 11th and 12th 26th at stouffviue every other monday and tuesday eyes examined phone stouffviue 2405 value winners at shaws store at this season of the year people are looking for full value for their purchases and despite the sharp advance in the cost of goods we are still offering wonderful values at low prices it will be to your advantage to buy at shaws all wool french delaines for those who like to make their own frocks delaines are the most suitable materials for this season of the year a wide range of colours and- patterns to choose from per yard 75c dominion cotton flannel a magog fabric sun and tub fast in small patterns and a variety of colours very suitable for babies dresses yard 25c tadoussac cotton flannel a very suitable material for school dresses or blouses the colours are attrac tive and the patterns are good an econ omical buy at per yard 29c tweed velvet suitings velvet is the medium in which to in terpret all the easy grace and soft beauty of the fall formal mode in stately clinging lines and rich tones a delightful showing of these suitings now on display at er yard 135 all wool and silk and wool hose the cold winds remind one of the need of warmer clothing and we are showing the reliable penman hose in all the new shades and sizes at per pair 95c also the wellknown london knit hosiery a very dependable- line in all sizes and shades at per pair 69c79c childrens all wool hose in all the late shades and in all sizes will keep the childrens feet warm and will wear well all sizes and shades pr 39c49c flannelette night gowns made of good quality white flannelette with long sleeve finely embroidered and tucked yoke each 95c girls sizes each 69c chamosuede gloves a special in these fine chamosuede pullon gloves in all shades and sizes at this price these will not last long make your selection early per pair 39c to 79c floor coverings have you considered replacing that shabby wornout floor covering with a new one we are showing some very attractive floor coverings in linoleum oilcloth and feltol which will brighten up your rooms during the dull fall and winter weather linoleum at per square yaid 80c90c oilcloth at per square yard 48c feltol at per square yard 43c jute rugs at half price and colours with attractive patterns suitable for bedroom or hall size 72x36 regular 250 special 125 size 56x27 regular 149 special 75c rexoleum rugs just the thing for placing on the floor where the wear is greatest to protect your rugs size 36xl8 each 19c size 27xl4awo for 25c french and canadian berets warm comfortable and attractive in all the popular shades for the cold fall and winter days they will prove most useful prices range from 19c to 79c liberalism to rally to the colors and getontheirtoes for future activ ties mr morgan baker north yorks provincial candidate who is headed for queens park in tho next election then promptly responded with the address of the evening which was splendidly received radiating inspir ation to a crowd of other oyster sharks around him mr baker launched out regarding organization expansion and publicity control be ing more or less locked up within the association vault where it is some what difficult of approach except on state occasions however since changing trend of public sentiment voices sincere desire for educational data concerning liberal policies and candidates is it not timely that more careful consideration be extended the general public of north york through the medium of press and platform an interesting resume of serious unemployment conditions and stag nant business resulting from- high tariffs and trade barriers also ac cumulating distress arising from overburden of taxation loss of pro perties and business occurring through foreclosures bankruptcy or taxsales were substantially impress ed by the speaker thus did he em phasize definite need tor right aboutface policies under a decided change through responsible govern ment and principles of live and let live itoms of pyramid provincial and national debts including hopeless waste and reckless expenditures by existing government were likewise featured including vivid reminders of mr henrys personal activities and investments in acme dairy combines mortgage and loan manipulations plus grandhydro- abitibi accomplish ments for the wellbeing of no 1 other details of intrigue and su blime efforts to stimulate tory patronage wore uncovered in similiar fashion plans for practical relief through encouraging greater freedom ot trade with other nations upon a re ciprocal basis were strongly urged under a new deal forjliberalism war against existing extremes of monopo lies and huge combines that throttle the interests and markets of common people will bo waged by hon mit chell hepburn and company accord ing to schedule so let the good work we are assembled this afternoon to render tribute to the worth and work of a beloved comrade ere we convey to their last resting place the remains of our brother with whom we had often gathered in council with whom we had been partners in a great task and witli whom we had been coworkers in the masters service a closo companion and the choicest of friends true there is an element of sad ness of farewell as wo know that we shall miss his cheery greeting sadly miss his sympathetic cooperation and be bereft of his wise leadership in ail our work all of which was an inspir ation to persevere an inspiration perhaps more stimulating than we were aware to think of this makes the heart beat a little faster and us to go more softly on our way this is part of our weak humanity and we would not be without it for it is the richest testimony to tho greatness or bis life he genuineness of his faith the warmth of his friendship and tho nobility of his character if he had not been all he was if lie had meant nothing to us wo would not have mourned sorrow would not have filled our hearts but our lamentation is mingled with the song of triumph now is christ risen from the dead nd become tho first fruits of them that slept for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them which sleep in jesus will god bring with him the word is a new world since the resurrection of cnrist what a cheery message greeted those women who were mourning at the sepulchre all hail he said alls well he said death hath no dominion over me alls well he said so we say alls well with our brother and our mourning is turned to joy as we think of this great servant of god now separated from us for a little our thoughts go back to a farm home in ontario where he was born often has he spoken to me of its simplicity and the devotion of his parents i take it that his prepara tion for the ministry began in that home years before he was born be gan in the development in christian character of those who were to be his parents it was there in that humble home that the foundation were laid of a great and uoble soul offering himself for the ministry he was later graduated from the university of toronto and in theol ogy from knox college he began his public ministry in waterloo ont where he spent about two years when lie was called to almonte erskine church ottawa was his next charge then hamilton ontario prince albert sask and then in this church for eleven years and lastly for five years in shaugh- nessy heights his ministry extend ed over forty three years after ordi nation it was a fruitful ministry in to those years was crowded a great volume of work and resultant achievement rarely surpassed and not often equalled by his brethren in the ministry as a preacher of the gospel he was loyal to the trust committed to him he was faithful and courageous there may have been more brilliant preachers but his place was among the best his note was evangelistic in the very best and highest sense of the word it was this that made his ministry so fruitful that bound multitudes to him with tho chords of love his sermons were wrought out of a great conviction of the reality of spiritual things and out of a deep religious experience to lift his hearers to that plane which lie en visaged was his constant endeavour by word and deed and life his pastoral work was as carefully done as his pulpit preparation he lamented in recent years the fact that tho modern customs of society prevented his pastoral work from being as effective and helpful as he would have wished spending hours in making calls only to find nobody at home was a cause of disappoint ment as a church leader jio was greatly honoured by his brethren both in the east and in the west elected moder- balance your rations with marmill iodized minerals containing 033 potassium iodide supported by all necessary minerals for the prevention of and for building up a power or resistance against milk fever abortion goitre and other ailments in cattle caused by mineral deficiencies promotes health and better gains in hogs and sheep read what a prominent ayrshire breeder says citedholme farms streetsville ontario may 22 1933 dear mr reesor wo have beeu feeding your marmill iodized minerals for tho past s months and i do not hesitate to say that it has paid for its cost price many times over our cows have milked well and all calves at birth have been normal and healthy while any udder trouble has practically been eliminated from the herd wo have received results and it will be your pleasure as well as ours to watch for further developments i am yours very truly signed a m wallace herd mgr marmill iodized minerals will do same for you get our prices and literature before buying your stock of minerals we can save you money through your dealer or direct made only by reesors marmill ltd markham ontario every cent counts we are paying a premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat for cream delivered to us whether you are a steady cream shipper or not it will always pay you to bring your cream here- you will not only get the premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat which means on the average from 25 to 30 cents on a can but you also stand a good chance of getting special grade which means an additional 2 cents per lb of butterfat over first grade our method of testing your cream and paying for it while you wait if you so desire has proven its self very con venient bring your cream to our creamery and get every cent possible stouffviue creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamery service since 19 is for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening was his deep conviction of the te- hepburn the liberal leader an alities of tho christian faith and ills opportunity to enter the house every act was in accord he was a without conservative opposition great rock behind which many other mr hepburn should step in and men took refuse and in the stress take up the offer for he would havo and storm of life rema inert steadfast more weight with the electore as a by him lives have liuoii influenced member than as a mere private l mere tor righteousness influences have citizen his obligation been set in motion that shall stand electors of elgin will not be affected the test of time as he is not due- to run there until the finest tribute eve- paid to any the next general election we hope man was paid to him when after an mr hepburn will take up this offer absence of thirty years when most of the government which will put at rest the statements that he is to the continue indiciatlons throughout the ator of presbytery and synod and country unquestionably prove seeth- 1 president of conference when the of his fellowworkers must have pass ed away and those who then knew him in sunday school but now grown to manhood and womanhood almonte congregation extended a call to him to return and ire their minister to which call he would have gladly responded had not the ravages of disease arerdy begun their disintegrating work always modest and unassuming in our last conversation together when i referred to his fruitful ministry he replied i tried to do my best we know what that best was perhaps ho would havo hesitated to say for him self what we can say with pel feet confidence he fought a good fight ho finished his course he naa kept the faith wo thankgod for the life and ministry of albert mitchell those loans to farmers ing unrest and agitation against monopolies under either extreme of capitalism or socialism featuring urgent need for maintaining the mid dle highway instead of either tho right or loft ditch no doubt there will bo an election when howard says the word do not forget that we carry a large v stock of frocks for afternoon and street wear many delightful styles to choose from in all shades and sizes also winter coats plain and fur trimmed in all the new styles it will pay you to visit our readytowear department the w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffviue ontario boxes like this aro distributed about stouffvlllo tho park com mission will collect the wrappers from your buckingham cigarettes for the benefit of tho kiddles this christmas general assembly established a special committeo on church life and work ho was chosen as the first convener as ono eminently suitable to lead tho church in the study of this important department in the church courts when grave issues wore involved requiring judical in sight and conciliatory action dr mitchell if not appointed the con vener of tho ocmmlttco was usually found among its members in such matters ho enjoyed tho confidence of his brethren in an unusual degree he was a great churchman in the sense that ho was deeply interested in every phaso of tho churchs work whilo usually ministering to largo and growing congregations lie recog nised that both ho and his people were part of a greater church and should loyally support tho leadership which tho church gave to every enter prise ho was therefore intensely missionary in spirit and practical and gave unstintlngly and ungrudgingly of both tlmo and strength to aid all her varied activities anyono serving tho church in any sphoro could rely upon him for support what was the secret of his life it if tho government were to call in these lonns they would have a large percentage of form land on their hands and what would they do with litem the speaker would be in favor of the government writing off talf of this mortgage indebtedness and allowing tlue men to get a ficwh start those who had given the loans would he lyimbuised from the lfimlnloii treasury millions of public money bad been guaranteed to railways hsrlio- hoard and other corporations unit wouf never be re deemed why nl give the comman manas fair a deal the foregoing is from a report by tho cantire cor of the paisley advo cate of a part of miss macphails ad- dross at gillies hill tho reference is to thomoans made by the agricultural development board of the ontarro government wo understand the amount of these loans is about 47 millions tho rate of interest is 6j6 per cent u half the amount of these loans wero written off and the govern mont soaked for 23 v- million dollars to add to its already colossal debt would it bo very unfair to the farmers who have mortgages from private persons or loan companies all farmers should bo used alike an other objection to imiss mcphalls move is that it is pretty commonly believed that through political pull loans have been extended far beyond reason or valuo of tho property mortgage going up and down the country making charges that he could not substantiate in the house private maternity nursing home medical and conveloscent casee accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates 1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phono 7808 stouffviue r r nol i groceries black mixed tea 1 lb 87c coffee per lb 37c soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c assorted cream biscuits 2 lbs 25c oranges per dozen 28c tomato catsup large bottle 17c candy special mixed creams lb 18c a w scof t stouffviue bread premier henry has made a sport ing offer to mitchell f hepburn in announcing a byeelection in east kent tho premier has offered mr for luncheon sand wiches witlvyour meals or for break fast its sure to please everybodys taste buns rolls cakes pies and special lines of pastry visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose storer proprietor phone 189

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