Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 9, 1933, p. 4

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stouffville ontario november 9th 1933 mongolia we are sorry to report that mr henry grice te not in the best of health these days mrssebeck has returned home after spending two weeks- with her mother mrs george thompson sir and mrs win licorish re turned from england last week mr licorish is mr bert licorishs father most of the farmers have finished their fall work we are sorry to report so many barrels of flue apples frozen on the trees miss thompson is home from tor onto for a time mr and mrs frank ward of clare- mont spent sunday at mr o zellars we are glad to report that mr harvey baker is much improved this last week the tribune published kvery thursday at stouffrllle ontario yearly subscription hate canada and united kingdom 5200 united states points 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher laundry soap special sale j week 10 full sized bars 25c fancy hallowi dates new seasons crop 3 lbs 25c salted peanuts 2 lbs 25c sugar coated peanuts per lb 20c blanched peanut and cocoanut tafty 18c lb 2 f or 35c sunbeam liquid shoe polish black per bottle 10c crisco lb tin 23c orange pekoe tea lb pkg with tea pot stand 60c vitane large can 65c bordens chocolate malted milk 1 lb tin 39c christies old favourite biscuits 1 lb package 25c grapefruit 5 for 25c california grapes ratcliffco town delivery phone 7112 notes and comments coal coke we have a variety of the best fuels place your orders for welsh scotch american anthracite pokohontas coke we have a spray that will rid your poultry stables of lice or mits in just a few minutes houses or all kind of feeds on hand we are buyers of alsike red clover alfalfa timothy s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont celebration of halloween has got out of hand evening telegram in three widely separated portions or the province shootings follow ed rowdy halloween demonstrations of tho live who were injured lour were young men of twenty years of ago or over one was a boy of fifteen years one is injured critically and another seriously in each ease a farmers house was bombarded with stones or other missiles and in each case a farmers gun did tho shooting the farmers have been placed under arrest and will have to answer for this use of their firearms so far as is reported ro charges have been laid against the members of gangs which attack ed their houses apparently the hurl ing of rocks at houses is recognized as coming within tho limits of pranks or halloween fun so far no ono has ariseth to describe it as a prank when the person who is baited joins in the entertainment witl his shotgun apparently halloween celebra tions are getting rather out of hand inability to distinguish between merrymaking and destruction of property seems to be the cause of most of the trouble and if the de struction of property actually or threatened is resented with more than necessary violence the results may easily be serious generally speaking ohildren are not responsible for halloween mis- chiaf they dress up ring door bells conduct shell out operations and enjoy themselves for the most pari in a thoroughly innocent mannc the smashing of fences breaking of hydro lights ringing in false al arms of fire and so on is usually the work of gangs of louts who regard the night as one of licensed destruc tion disorderly conduct of this sort should no more be tolerated on october 31st than on anyother day in the year if the police permit the wearing of masks by adults they in vite such cowardly outrages as the brutal beating up of the sexton by a gang of roughs at kingston trucking may cause legislative change in cattle marketing federal laws designed to supervise and control cattle shipments by rail to yards trucks and direct sales need new procedure direct sales to the packers and the growth of trucking may compel drastic changes in the legislation applied to stock yards throughout canada the rapid growth of trucking and of direct sales have directly affected both the farmer and the stockyards and adjustments have not yet been effected to meet the new marketing conditions created in ottawa published last the volume of the competitive livestock experts substantiated the figures week revealing the great growth in direct sales by farmers to buyers outside market at the stockyards the effect of such a volume of livestock removed from the market upon the prices paid to producers is the most serious prob lem but there is also the question of adjusting the union stockyards mechanism to shipments by road instead of by rail the legislation was drawn up sixteen years ago and was designed primarily to deal with shipments by rail truck shipments were not then large both farmers and those operating the stockyards may seek new legislation to bring the regulations up to date shipment by truck either owned independently or by farmers themselves is not questioned and advantages are recognized- authorities are pointing out however that the stockyard in toronto or at the other nine points in canada is based on the assumption of a continuous though seasonally varying flow of livestock into it by rail on that basis the livestock legislation was framed regulations are calculated stock by rail and yardage feeding and unloading costs in relation to such a continuous flow of live- value winner at shaws store at this season of the year people are looking for full value for their purchases and despite the sharp advance in the cost of goods we are still offering wonderful values at low prices it will be to your advantage to buy at shaws all wool french delaines for those who like to make their own frocks delaines are the most suitable materials for this season of the year a wide range of colours and patterns to choose from per yard 75c dominion cotton flannel a magog fabric sun and tub fast in small patterns and a variety of colours very suitable for babies dresses yard 25c tadoussac cotton flannel a very suitable material for school dresses or blouses the colours are attrac tive and the patterns are good an econ omical buy at per yard 29c tweed velvet suitings velvet is the medium in which to in terpret all the easy grace and soft beauty of the fall formal mode in stately clinging lines and rich tones a delightful showing of these suitings now on display at per yard 135 all wool and silk and wool hose the cold winds remind one of the need of warmer clothing and we are showing the reliable penman hose in all the new shades and sizes at per pair 95c also the wellknown london knit hosiery a very dependable line in all sizes and shades at per pair 69c79c childrens all wool hose tn all the late shades and in all sizes will keep the childrens feet warm and will wear well all sizes and shades pr 39c49c flannelette night gowns made of good quality white flannelette with long sleeve finely embroidered and tucked yoke each 95c girls sizes each 69c chamosuede gloves a special in these fine chamosuede pullon gloves in all shades and sizes at this price these will not last long make your selection earlyper pair 39c to 79c- floor coverings have you considered replacing that shabby wornout floor covering with a new one we are showing some very attractive floor coverings in linoleum oilcloth and feltol which will brighten up your rooms during the dull fall and winter weather linoleum at per square yard 80c90c oilcloth at per square yard 48c feltol at per square yard 43c the increase of trucking to the yards while not in any way harmful to orderly marketing as is the case in trucking from the farm to packing and similar plants nevertheless means that the whole structure of stockyard marketing will sooner or later have to be changed to meet the new con ditions piecemeal reorganization to meet the new situation is not satisfactory tinkering with charges is no permanent solution auhorities state the situation demands investigation perhaps a com plete revision of the livestock act and a reconstruction of stockyard organization to meet the transportion problem it is said in ottawa that some steps toward this end might have been taken if the milk investigation had not occupied parliamentary time last session this winter may see some action both stockyard companies and the department at ottawa are concerned- the advent of trucking has de stroyed and carefully built up system of marketing a new livestock act may be in order balance your rations with marmill iodized minerals containing 035 potassium iodide supported by all necessary minerals for tho prevention of and for building up a power or resistance against milk fever abortion goitre and other ailments in cattle caused by mineral deficiencies promotes health and better gains in hogs and sheep read what a prominent ayrshire breeder says credholme farms streetsville ontario may 22 1933 dear mr reesor wo havo been feeding your marmill iodized minerals for tho past s months and 1 do not hesitate to say that it has paid for its cost price many times over our cows have milked well and all calves at birth have been normal and healthy while any uddertrouble has practically been eliminated from the herd we have received results and it will be your pleasure as well as ours to watch tor further developments i am yours very truly signed a m wallace herd mgr marmill iodized minerals will do same for you get our prices and literature before buying your stock of minerals we can save you money through your dealer or direct made only by reesors marmill ltd markham ontario warm praise for secre tary hosts at dinner at uxbridge reeve grant christie of reach township chairman of the county of ontario old age pensions board and owen davles exreeve of ux- bridge township the secretary were hosts to members of the county ccf denounces old parties in the opinion of miss agnes mac- phail mp canada will be simply jumping from the frying pan into the fire if it discards the bennett government to put the liberals into power a liberal government would not be anything substantially different from the bennett government she council on friday at a dinner given jsaid excepting that it might be will- in the mansion house at uxbridge is to go down four or five degrees in addition to members of the coun cil lieut col r b smith officer commanding the ontario regiment duncan b mclntyre town solicitor d j kean county road superintend- ont w s ormiston uxbridge mr j on the tariff i regret tho defeat of l st g stubbs but in a fourcornered contest anything may happen i was not well enough to take part in the mackenzie byeelection or i would have been there every cent counts we are paying a premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat for cream delivered to us whether you are a steady cream shipper or not it will always pay you to bring your cream here- you will not oily get the premium of 1 cent per lb of butterfat which means on the average from 25 to 30 cents on a can but you also stand a good chance of getting special grade which means an additional 2 cents per lb of butterfat over first grade our method of testing your cream and paying for it while you wait if you so desire has proven its self very con venient bring your cream to our creamery and get every cent possible stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficient creamry service sinco 191s for the winter months we close at 6 pm- every day excepting saturdays when we are open all evening shorthand easy to homestudy learn bv tax payers build rink in sutton are you interested in improving your mind and at the same time making it possible for you to earn a living anywhere there is no better opportunity for studying the cultural subject short hand than that offered through the home study department o the gregg we must not in these times of un- college in toronto limited leisure become lazy and let our minds lapse into a sluggish in difference you may at home study the practical and very beneficial subject shorthand tho success of our corresponlence department gives us confidence to pass the informa tion on to all those who feel that they are going back and wish to go forward to form new interests you cannot do bettor than to write tho gregg college today for more information about their home- study courses jute rugs at half price and colours do not forget for afternoon and that we street wear with attractive patterns suitable for bedroom or hall size 72x36 regular 250 special 125 size 56x27 regular 149 special 75c rexoleum rugs just the thing for placing on the floor where the wear is greatest to protect your rugs size 36xl8 each 19c size 27xl4 two for 25c french and canadian berets warm comfortable and attractive in all the popular shades for the cold fall and winter days they will prove most useful prices range from 19c to 79c carry a large stock many delightful styles to choose from lancaster inspector tor the old age the people are supreme they pensions board toronto j h may not be ready yet for the changes ormiston editor of the whitby that must come these election re- gazetto and chronicle w j h suits may mean another year of m- richardson inspector of tho house activity it takes time to bring about of refuge and others were guests changes but it is better to take timo following tho excellent dinner anl make a thorough job of it so that which seemed to meet with the aptho changes that are made will be on proval of all a number of brief ada sure and solid foundation how- dresses were given by lieut col j ever it would appear that some of smith reeve jaekson whitby ex- the people are not thinking deeply on warden john ross reeve of thorah economic issues or they would not oxwarden robert sommerville of send a liberal to ottawa from west- port perry inspector lancaster tor- em canada just now onto- d j kean county road super- capt elmore phillpott leader of intendont owen davles pensions tho ccf in ontario told the daily board secretary j h ormiston and star that there wore signs of a others d j kean county road superin tendent advised council to undor- tako a stretch of road in reach township leading into uxbridge un der tho governments unemployment great swing of tho canadian financial powers from tho conservative party to tho liberals i havo been in ottawa and montreal the last few days and there i obtained informa tion which indicates that tho fln- altona mr and mrs s lewis with mr and mrs thos lewis spent a day recently in toronto mr and mrs e woodward and family of claremont were guests with mr and mrs fred rhymer mr and mrs norman lee spent sunday with mr and mrs bert lewis miss florence tindall is visiting for a few days with mr and mrs j coats mr and mrs e mcmullen harvey bunker mr and mrs a wagg and miss k reesor all went cityward last saturday mr win reesor has returned home being successful in getting a moose it was so large that only tho head was brought out sutton november 1 construction of the villages first covered hockey rink which will cost approximately s000 and accommodate 1500 people is now under way the structure is expected to be completed about december 15th the opening of the hockey season thirty unemployed men from tho surrounding district are engaged in the work the inter mediate team last year went far in theoha playoffs and are expected to do big things this winter private maternity nursing home medical and conveloscent cases accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates j1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phone 7808 stouffville r r nol groceries black mixed tea 1 lb 37c coffee per lb 37c soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c assorted icream biscuits 2 lbs 25c oranges per dozen 28c tomato catsup large bottle 17c candy special mixed creams lb 18c a w sco ft relief plan if tho work was done ancial intorests realize that the con- now it would givo employment to uervativo party is finished and are quito a number of men and at tho j preparing toglvo their whole support same timo tho countys sharo of the to the liberal party he said cost would he only a third or about it is quite evident that the votors 33 per cent i from atlantic to pacific aro chiefly members of council favored mr animated by a desire to pass a voto keans suggestion and felt that it of censure on the bennett govorn- should havo immediate considori- j mont he said it is my bolief that tion in another year or eighteen months following tho dinner mr owen j not a conservative government will davles entertained the guests at his j remain in power in either tho pro- remembrance day is statutory holiday of frocks all shades and sizes also winter coats plain and fur trimmed in all the new styles it will pay you to visit our readytowear department the w h shaw store homo in uxbridge township when occasion was taken by tho council to discuss road work and somo mat- tors that may como up at the novembor session this week altona old timk concert phone 9512 stouffville ontario an old timo- concert under auspices of tho altona womens institute will be hold in tho school house on the ovening of friday november 10 old timo refreshments adults 20c children 10c vincial or federal field this does not mean that toryism will disappear tho present liberal party is becoming moro tory every day in the byeelection campaigns none of tho liberal loaders made one constructive suggestion to remedy present conditions of course we re gret tho defeat of exjudge stubbs in the west but ho will no doubt como to tho front again in manitoba corns calluses and ingrown toe nails do hurt use cress salve storeys drug store stouffvlllo remembrance day saturday november 11 is a statutory holiday announcement to this effect having been made by tho secretary of states department last week in re- sponso to many inquiries as to whether remembrance day was a compulsory holiday a statement issued by tho depart ment explains as follows chapter 4 of the acts of tho parliament of canada 1931 pro vides that throughout canada in each and every year tho eleventh day of november shall bo kept and observed as such under the name of remembrance day remembrance day is thorefore a statutory holi day the same as sunday christmas day new years day or labor day under the statutes of the dominion and of tho province sunday is the only holiday which is compulsorlly observed by tho closing of factories and stores nevertheless throughout canada general public recognition is usually given to all holidays which aro proscribed by tho statutes of canada do you provide the best bread when you supply your family with our full weight 7c loaf you are assured they are getting the re liable staff of life which their bodies require we pride ourselves with putting the rich nutritious ingredients in our loaf that is reserved for more highly priced bread buns rolls cakes pies and special lines of pastry visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189

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