Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 26, 1933, p. 5

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stouffville ontario october 26th 1933 mi9ee local happenings imrs heavers of newmarket was a recent guest of mrs frank thompson westend b a grubin optomerist will bo at his office in stouffville on holiday and tuesday oct 20th and 31st miss zalda barker who is attend ing toronto normal was home over sunday mrs w t uyam and miss ethel spent the weekend in toronto with mr and mrs bryson and mrs elsie boyd for sale square piano excel lent tone and valuable case mrs levi hoover miss isabel cooper of toronto spent a few days of her vacation in town as guest of mrs k d woodburn before visiting at her home in claremont six roomed house to rent on main street central lights and water phone 187 g w brownsberger imiss frances ratcliff was borne from bnfntford over monday even ing having just returned from a trip to montreal those who won any prize money at the labor day sports in stouff ville are advised to call at l e oneills rurniture storeaud receive their prize imr and mrs robt leslie were in hamilton over the weekend where they attended the silver wedding of his sister and brother- inlaw mr and mrs cuunyworth mrs james edwin smith and baby daughter also imrs k d woodburn aro visiting with mrs smiths mother mrs parchoron ai kirkland lake mr joseph may and two sisters mrs edmund hind and mrs w imabbott of toronto also mrs t h fulton of stratford visited with their cousins mr and mrs k g tarr ono day recently mr noah baker pulled up a castor oil treo on his premises the other day that stood 9 feet and 0 inches the bean was planted last spring and the phenomenal growth therefrom is something that has amazed many people who saw the stalk in the ollico of this paper where it is still on view doris tidy aged s years who suffered a badly fractured hip while playing at th school one day last week has since been removed to the sick childrens hospital toronto physicians say it will be 12 weeks ero she will be about again mr and imrs barney savransky motored from cleveland to visit with mr and mrs b rexlin they were accompanied by mrs geer and two children stanley theatre stouffville alltalkie friday saturday octobeh 27 28 international house the favorite radio stars pictorial comedies tuesday wednesday october 31 november 1st two shows wed 7 and o oclock a demana tor pasteurized milk by the citizens of unionville has led to one of the two dairies in the village getting his milk pasteurized at turners farm dairy in stouffville this is done here every morning then rushed to unionville for distri bution the junior institute are practis ing for their latest play to bo given in ratcliffs hall on the evening of wednesday november 15th the drama is entitled chintz cottage and has a caste of seven the institute always puts over some thing that appeals to the big audiences they have attracted on previous occasions the young peoples society of the lemouville circuit are giving their play cranberry corners in the lemonville church on friday november 10th admission 25c and 15c watch for further announce ment the chicken supper to be served in the basement of the united church on the evening of nov g by the womans association promises to be something that few people are going to miss note the date one week from next monday mrs john pallister has been mak ing a mental note on the big potatoes reported in these columns as grown this fall so far tone of them were uxbridge township tubers but now mrs pallister brings the potato township into the limelight an ex cellent yield of dooleys was grown on the pallister farm and three huge murfies were singled out to weigh 4 lbs 6 ounces this will stand ahead of anything we have heard of so far for size this fall and once more emphasises the wonder ful growth in this section in the past season while there is a short crop in most parts of ontario a party of young folk motored to scott township one night last week to spend the evening with mr and mrs chris armstrong on the recent ly acquired silversides farm on the cth concession it is said that the string of weaners eaten if dlaced end to end would have reached back to stouffville a more truthful state- merchant james merit however is the one which re ports that the jolly time enjoyed will long live as a pleasing memory in the minds of the friends assembled harold lloyd moviecrazr detriment to fairs fall note wednesday nov 1st draw for six valuable prizes to be given away by delbert holden to the holder or lucky tickets secure yours now and bo a winner parking space at rear of theatre wait for the benefit concert on thursday nov 2nd a new factor that has created a problem for rural fall fairs is the prevalent use of the motor truck by stockbreeders says the orillla newsletter which adds with a big truck and good highways it is just as easy for a breeder to go fifty miles to a fair as it is to drive five the result is that a number of rounders take in all the fairs with a wide radius and clean up a sub stantial sum in prizewinnings when one considers the fact that the purpose of a local fair is to en courage local agriculture this new practice is not the thing the same thing is going on in regard to womens word and hall exhibits some agricultural societies have al ready dealt with this problem by placing a limit upon the number of miles distant that an exhibitor may live from the fair in this way an other will be effectively stopped buythe feeds in striped sacks reenact wedding of 25 years ago while our local ratcliff does not lay any claim to being a bullleyegetter when it comes to rifle or gun fire he cer tainly sot a record for shooting while in the haliburton country the lega hours for the local last week on a brief holiday this p00 room to operate do not appear dean of the counter hoppers with a to be generally known to our rate- companion bagged 27 partridge iir- when this paper received ing only 27 shots from the gun butj less than two complaints in one one other shot fired by mr ratcliff w to the effect that the local during his hunt brought down a rabbit if any of the bisley sharp shooters can beat this record let them come along hot water bottles we have just received a new supply of seiberlings hot water bottles sell ing at lowest prices in years if you are in need of ono buy it now boadways drug store stouffville law sons economy store friday saturday only lolbswhito or brown sugar 72c rinso 10c we handle and recommend daleys teas the grange brand pound 39c and 50c jewells shortening 10c p g soap 3 for 10c lied rose half 21c choice fruits dressed chicken geo lawson proprietor on the first sunday in november one week from next sabbath the united church anniversary will be held special speakers have been arranged for in rev harold e toyo nccordin who will preach at the morning ser vice at 11 oclock and rev wra mustard the speaker at 7 oclock rev mr toye at one time lived in goodwood where his father preached in the former methodist church 20 years ago while mr mustard is a native of scott township and a former pupil of uxbridge high school these two men have risen to be among the sought for preachers in toronto pulpits the choral music will be specially prepared by an augmented choir under direction of mr robert leslie the ladies association will serve a chicken supper on the monday evening nov g following tlio anniversary you are asked to keep in mind these special services hangout was being kept open after 10 pm we investigated to find that the village bylaw governing the operation of the place per mits the pool room to remain open until eleven oclock each night hence the proprietor is within his rights so long as the place is closed at elven and the complaints are ly misplaced a e weldon tho morchant has a special meut to men and youths four of this issue west end announce- on page mrs cliff pipher is making a satisfactory recovery from a serious attack of pneumonia friends will be pleased to learn of her im provement mrs harold lewis and imiss ann lehman have been engaged as talent on the program following the hot fowl supper to bo served at ashburn on october 31 the special meetings in the menuonite church invite your interest and presence help your self and help others by- supporting this evangelistic campaign every evening at s pm do you provide the best bread when you supply your family with our full weight 8c loaf you are assured they are getting the re liable staff of life which their bodies require we pride ourselves with putting the rich nutritious ingredients in our loaf that is reserved for more highly priced bread buns rolls cakes pies and special lines of pastry mr richard o ward has some clearcut evidence about the latentess that potatoes could be plante d last summer and still come to maturity the gar- ageman mechanic had the audacity to put potatoes in his garden as late as august this year but its all right providence was right with him and mr ward is now the poss essor of a small quantity of tubers from the experiment he wouldnt recommend anybody however to delay planting until so late a date as august for they would most tiktery be disappointed dicks seed had a wonderful start with sprouts several inches long some of our citizens will rem ember m e hutchison when he was a member of the old standard bank staff here relatives in toron to have just been advised of his death in new york as the result of a motorcycle accident he was born in ailsa craig enlisted early in the great war was an officer in the haudjimaiid battamfon and was severely wounded on three occasions while in france he married while in england nursing sister augusta ann gooch daughter of mr and imrs f h gooch crescent road toronto who survives witli a young son john and daughter joan visit our cake shop stouffville bakery ambrose stover proprietor phone 189 stoves and heaters call and see tho uptodato sorviceablo f1ndlay stoves heaters or cooking models wo have hot platos eloctric stovos on hand at real attractive prices dont delay putting that furnaco in shape for winter headquarters for hunters supplies vcoach ulnejy rahel the sing 3ifihtoap toronto single 85c return s155 brathwaite 6 hardware daily service leave leave stouffvillo toronto standard time d 715 am a 1100 pm a 915 am c 130 pm c 330 pm g 530 pm a 830 pm c 545 pm a 1015 pm a sundays and holidays only c saturday only d dally ex cept sunday and holidays g daily except saturday sunday and holidays daily service low faros botweoh toronto and buffalo hamilton detroit barrio orillla midland brampton schomberg and all usa points gray coach lines tuesday saw the first fall of snow in this district for the pre sent season it was enough to blanket tire ground and cause one to think about storm windows and other preparations as prelimary to winter weather going to victoria square from toronto to imr boyntons boyhood home mr and mrs wm e boyn ton 334 belsize drive toronto cele brated their 25th wedding anni versary at a dinner party in victoria square hall on- wednesday of last week irov h s clugston on behalf of members of manor rdunited church presented tho anniversary couple with a gift of flat silverwarefollow- ing a reenactment of the wedding ceremony of a quarter of a century ago the guests partook of a wedding cake made by mrs boynton simi lar to tho original wedding cake among the guests were mrs wm boynton 80 years old victoria square mother of mr boynton stanley boynton victoria square a brother and mrs stanley boynton roy boynton toronto brother and mts roy boynton mrs herbert sanderson richmond hill a sister w mckibbin and miss annie wal- pole toronto only brother and only aunt of mrs boynton two daught ers margaret and jane what makes a good hen good the best hen in the world cant do her work unless shegetstherightfeed thefeedthatcon tains just the things a hen must have to make eggs quaker fulopep egg mash this scientificallyprepared feed contains in precise proportions the various materials from which eggs aro made plus molasses and cod liver meal to keep the birds healthy and active in all weather we have it- come in and talk it over orders filled without delay you can start now stiver bros phono 4501 stouffville ont the village council has caused to he erected at either side of the brierbush private hospital a couple of signs requesting persons to go quietly such a modest request is usually respected by everybody who has sympathy for the sick miss foote and mr lome wide- man two york county public school teachers were successful in passing the upper school geometry examination last august the re sults of which were recently an nounced both these teachers took private tutoring from mr h w watson former principal of our continuation school you have all this week and un til next tuesday night to secure a tree ticket on the 50 gallons of motor oil and 50 gallons of gaso line being given away to lucky holders of sales tickets for the month of october at delbert holdens read tho display an nouncement in this issue halloween masquerade a masquerade dance will ibe held at coultiees pavilion south shore lakemusselman on saturday even ing october 28 fred cowies old time band will bo there and a 7- piece orchestra prizes will be offer ed you cant afford to miss this big striped sack9 halloween event come with the crowd and enjoy a good time only 25c alvem s farmer licensed auctioneer farm stock sales a specialty sales conducter anywhere rates moderate phone stouffville 6312 address gormley p o e a grubin registered optometrist october dates 2nd 3rd 16th 17th 30th and 31st november dates 13th and 14th 27th and 28th at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined phone stouffville 2405 that funny drama flyaway will bo given in stouffville on tho evening of thursday nov 2nd in ratcliffs hall this concert or entertainment is well worthwhile in itself but it has another motive in being put on locally the pro ceeds after expenses are paid will go for the benefit of the needy dur ing tho coming winter season could any more laudable cause demand your patronage then it not be ready to buy a ticket or two when tho sellers of tho pasteboards call on you make it a contribution to tho downandouts in our midst tho talent is from markham and tho drama comes under auspices of the ioof who have been good enough to sponsor tho affair in tho interest of our village welfare j tickets 25 cents s two very thoughtful sermons wore delivered from the pulpit of tho local baptist church here on sunday by rev chas mcgrath of toronto who was preaching for a call mr mcgrath is an energetic young man and a fluent speak er with a pleasing personality and unlimited possibilities as a successful ministor tho morning sormon was based on galatians tho evening discourse was one which should concern oach individu al personally and aroused the im portance in tho inner man of all prosont tho sormon was taken from st john chaptor 6 47th verse verily verily i say unto you he that belleveth on mo hath everlast ing life tho ministor pleaded with those present to give themselves to god for without him wo are lost mr mcgrath pointed fout if not for tho cross of calvary death would bo terrible but would it bo any more terrible than death in sin ho also quoted iromans chapter 10 verso 23 for the wagos of sin is death but tho gift of god is eternal ufo through jesus christ our lordv only a few days more free for the month of october 50 gallons motor oil 85 gallons gasoline to the holders of lucky draw tickets 1 free ticket will be given for each gallon of motor oil in purchases of 5 or more gallons to be taken this fall or for next spring delivery 1 free ticket for each 5 gallons of gasoline or distillate fuel oil pur chased between oct 1st 1933 and nov 1st 1933 prizes for oil purchased 1st prize 25 gallons of motor oil free 2nd prize 15 gallons of motor oil free 3rd prize 10 gallons of motor oil free prizes for gasoline 1st prize 50 gallons of gasoline free 2nd prize 25 gallons of gasoline free 3rd prize 10 gallons of gasoline free the draw will take november 1st 1933 the draw on the the draw on the place at the stouffville stanley theatre on the evening of gasoline prizes will take place at 9 pm oil prizes will take place at 11 pm this draw will in no way interfer with the draw on the ford v8 tudor to be given away january 1st 1934 remember you will receive tickets on that draw as well come and see the special picture at the stanley theatre on nov 1st 1933 d f ford dealer holden stouffville ont

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