stouffville ontario october 26th 1933 expects to pull through senate stock market investigators in the usa nave given the public a glimpse of rich profits of successful us hankers when albert h wiggin now retired on an annuity of 100- 000 testified the ichaso national bank paid hirn almost 1000000 in salary and bonuses from 1929 until the present time ills largest income was 218750 salary and a 75000 bonus in 1930 winthrop w aldrich soninlaw of john d rockefeller jr came on the chase bank payroll in 1930 at a salary of 87500 he was raised to 150000 in 1931 and was cut to 135556 the next year he is to receive s7500 this year as wiggins successor as head of the institution it is confidently expected that both of theso gentlemen will weather the depression if things dont get any worse send the tribune to absent friends our grocery bulletin cracked wheat stone ground 8 lbs 25c bran flakes pkg 10c peanut butter jib 15c 2 lbs 25c maple butter special per lb 15c ideal for lunches claremont brand tomatoes standard quality 3 tins for 25c pearl white soap 8 bars 25c bulb dutch cocoa 2 lbs 25c peas 3 tins 29c 3 cakes palmolive soap and 1 large pkg princess soap flakes all for 21c the tribune published ever thursday at stouffvule ontario yearly subscription kate canada and united kingdom 200 united states points 250 a v nolan jp editor and publisher the cursing habit ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 salt tile fertilizers place your orders for fertilizers and ansure a crop of wheat fertilizer prices are down we have land tile on hand all sizes 3 4 5 6 and 8 inch at reduced prices coal and coke place your orders at once as prices on coal are advancing all kinds of feeds on hand s w hastings phone 169 coal stouffville ont coke swearing is on the increase we have heard little boys on the streets opposite the office cursing like drunken troopers and a farmer in formed us last week he had heard boys in this town uttering oaths as soon as they were out of sunday school says one of our weekly edi tors last week many of the novels today are profuse with oaths and a citizen of hamilton became so full of righteous indignation at the blas phemous nature of conan doyles sir nigel that he wrote to the principal of the high sohool his daughter was attending protesting against his daughter being supplied with a copy of the book the letter in part read i feel i must utter a protest against a book of this kind being handed to a child to road with the endorsement of the school authorities and although she has read part of it without my know ledge i have according to my custom with books of this kind forbidden her to read any more and am sending it back to you by her hand in glancing quickly over the pag es of the book ones eye falls re peatedly upon suoh profane and blas phemous expressions as the follow ing which i hesitate to write down by god the splendor of god by gods dignity by the soul of god in the name of christs passion by the blesed mother of of god etc i tho innocent mind of a teen aged child who has been taught to have a deep reverence for these very things and to abhor profanity in any form will be polluted and their sense of reverence lessened by the continual repition of such expressions it is contrary to the word of god to utter oaths and shows a lack of culture as well what an awfully de praved mind a person must have who can take the name of god in vain not only on the least provoca tion but in ordinary conversation some may consider it smart to use oaths but with persons of good re finement one rarely ever hears an oath from them an attractive showing of new fall coats and dresses this is the season for warm coats and- dresses and many exclusive lines are being shown our coats are attractive and distinctive made to meet the critical taste large cosy fur collars and dainty fur trim on sleeves in all the desirable fall shades womans coat 1750 to 3250 children and girls 600 to 750 street and afternoon frocks never have we been able to show a finer line of lovely street and afternoon frocks for the woman who is a keen buyer these gowns while very moderate in price have the appearance and quality of much higher priced wear the very latest in style and shades it will be to your advantage to call and make your selection early jersey dresses in attractive styles 295 celanese dresses 350 up satin and crepe dresses all shades and sizes 775 to 1250 flannelette blankets ibex flannelette blankets are the standard of quality finished separately with whipped ends in white gray or pink or blue borders note the large size 70x84 regular 239 sale price 219 brockvale pure wool blankets are noted for their warmth comfort and durability they are beautifully soft and fleecy exceptionally well made and finished separately with whipped ends the blue bordeis are very attractive double bed size 64x84 per pair 595 and 750 sports pullovers these are penmans fullfitting pullovers well knit from sturdy yarns that will give long wear and warmth high neck turndown collar and zipper fastenei in green blue rust and red sizes 34 36 298 350 curtain scrim curtains frilled with vallance and tiebacks in rose gold green and blue very dainty per pair 79c marquisette curtains frilled with vallance and lieback in pink gold ecru cream extra value at per pair 129 notes and comments a writer in one of the evening papers supportitg a beer and wine license for ontario puts forth the argument that one hundred and twenty million people in the usa are voting for the return to booze surely he says all these people are not wrong and a mere fraction of the number ten million in canada right sounds pretty good on the surface that right must be with the big majority but how about the time when the yankees voted pro hibition it they were wrong then in the action taken it is just as logical that they may be wrong this time to eur way of thinking they were near er doing the right thing then in any case the writers argument is poor logic w a mistake was made rt a public meeting in stouffville on sunday which occurs so often we are moved to comment on jtlie matter the audience had assembled to hear a special speaker advance tho cause of the u c bible society the nor mal time of such a service is one hour or a little more but the special speaker who had come with a real message was not given an opportun ity to get the ear of the audience un til almost one hour was gone the delay in getting to the sermon of the evening was caused by cram- ing in undue number of announce ments and a sermonette by the chairman when the man whom the folks had really hoped to hear got his innings he had a more or less tired audience and if there is one thing that a public speaker hates to face its weary listeners fortunately mr harrington had a telling mess age which quickened the interest in the meeting and held the attention to the end so often this error is committed a speaker sometimes comes a long distance is the real at traction and yet he is crowded to the last of the evening with no opportunity to get the ear of his listeners like those who appear be fore him on the program it would almost seem to be discourteous to the guest speaker and still it is not done from that motive at all it is just thoughtlessness and purely an unintentional blunder the accident which resulted in little bobbie fong receiving a double fracture to both his legs is a highly regrettable thing the motor ist was not to blame but the lad forgot to use the ordinary precau tion which too often even older folk overlook the motorist was passing standing vehicles in the business centre of the village at a cautious rate of speed but the boy- rushed right into tho path of the moving car because he was cautious the driver was not held how different it might have been had he been travelling at the speed so many pass along our main street when it is lined with parked cars an arrest and a jail term might have been the outcome quimmell re ceives his reward for carefulness by not having the onus for the acci dent on his shoulders other drivers might well be warned by this inci dent and if they accept the warning they too some day may nave cause to be as thankful as mr quimmell for having done all they could to avert an aecident and perhaps save a childs life as surely the slow- speed did in this instance mr p a way representative of the la salle style tailors of canada will be at our store on saturday oct 28th he will have with him a complete range of british woolens in all the newer shades and patterns that are so popular today to retail at 1850 suits made to measure also overcoats these suits are high grade union tail ored guaranteed all wool and the cloths are all cold water shrunk we invite you to come and inspect these woolens you will be assured of that person al and courteous attention that has always characterized our dealings customers will have the opportunity of seeing what we consider the best clothing value of the present day at this low price ae weldon stouffville ontario styles ccf freakish liberal who once went astray will wander no more the german bolt 25c unit sale continued berry bowls salt and pepper egg timers spoon trays bon bons tea pots cake plates sugars cruets milk jugs 3 piece white kitchen bowl set 25c set cream jugs 23 piece tea set ash trays cup saucer and plate 25c sugar 25c jam pots cream 25c tea pot 25c cups and saucers the w h shaw store phone 9512 stouffvule ontario the toronto saturday night so well expressed our idea of the german disarmament dispute a foremost matter among tho nations at this time that we pass it on to our readers the withdrawal of germany from tho league of nations and the dis armament conference while deeply regrettable does not seem to create so tremendous a change in the inter national situation in europe as one might suppose from the sizo of the headlines and still more from the bellicose tones of a portion of the canadian daily press the real cliange took place some months ago and consisted in uio suppression ex pulsion or assassination of everybody of importance in germany who look ed forward to a future of peace and cooperation among the peoples of europe since that event the solo assurance of peace has been tho rela tive weakness of germany in arma ments and the improbability of her being ablo to secure allies among the bettor armed powers it is now fifteen years slnco tho close of the war it can never havo ibeon expected by anybody that ger many could bo permanently kept in a state of armament immensely be low that of all the nations around her and tho time has now obviously arrived whon sho can be kept in that state only by means of force tho leaguo of nations originally con ceived as an organization for im posing the general willtopoaco of tho civilized countries upon any and every country which might bo dis posed to break tho ipoace has for years been put in a false position by having to act as enforcer of tho i versailles limitations upon gor- imany and thus to assume tho as- ipect of a loaguo of the victors it is conceivable that as a result of the jextromely frank attitude of tho ger- nian government tho league may jbo lett to adopt a more realistic con cept of tho world in which 1t has to function and the duties which it ought to perform dear sir i was more than suprisod to read in tho last issue of the tribune that the ccf had organ ized in your pleasant village surely if there is any placo in ontario where a contented class of people ought to prevail it is right in our own community local conditions in the immediate countryside have this year made things materially better but still we have the agita tors and dissatisfied few i do not believe that our people will bo led from the sure and certain path of tried system for the flimpsy iccf platform constructed on foolish imagination if the radi cals and theorists who lead the party ever attain power here in canada we would be plunged down to russias level the ccf policies are not only freakish but dangerous to the wellbeig or canada it is perhaps natural that any new political movement should attract a following in times of de pression but surely thero is little excuse for the astute people of this district to tolerate a local following where want and hardship do not make us grasp at a straw in conclusion allow me to warn the unsuspecting public that it has ever been the history of every period of hard times the world over for new and impractical ideas to spring up so why be led astray at this time work save and be thrifty if you want a return to normal conditions which when they come will spell the end of the ccf propaganda i came through the experiences of the patrons of industry movement the only time i forsoon honest liberal principals for a phantom and i always regretted by disalleg- ianco to sound liberalism i pen these lines to warn the unsuspect ing rising generation through your print yours truly experience markham twp oct 21 1933 another triumph for bray chicks in recent tliick liaising contest out of 50000 chicks entered 21 per cent wero bray hutched 51 more than one hull of the total prize- money went to bray chick owners in compel it ion j willi 15 hatcheries in the final decision perhaps the most important factor was that they were bray chicks bray cliicks have 7 years of blood testing and 5 of government approval it pays to buy bray chicks get your free copy of our fall service bulletin bray chick hatchery 81 clayburn ave st catharines ontario autumn coach tour s york county statistics twelve rural and 14 urban muni cipalities show assets of 00- 035854 york county has a total debenture debt amounting to 43841569 on a combined assessment of 131410s99 according to the statistics for the year for the county issued last week by tho ontario municipal board the heavy dobt includes the fol lowing general dobt 0731415 schools 9516552 local improve ments 20033094 tho assessment is derived on the following basis land 6264s7g2 buildiiig59664- 578 business 2395920 and in come 6701033 total assessed population is 21g3g4 with the assessed acreago being 542902 tho 12 rural and 14 urban munici palities show total nssots of 60925- s45and liabilities amounting to 60- 584513 rocoipts from all sources during 1932 wero 12025931 against which there wore expondl turos of 12142318 including schools altogether taxes amounting to 9- 180525 wore levied 6792365 of those being for municipal purposes and 23ss1g0 for schools tho only two municipalities having a sinking fund aro iftichmond hillwith 25480 and woodbridgo 1s27 municipalities operating water works showing profits at the end of tho year wero scarhoro 27195 york 100s9 stouffville 950 woodbridgo 644 aurora 366 and markham 125 thoso showing a loss wore richmond hill 5490 mimico 3007 weston 3142 new toronto 23s9 and new market 1782 on the kings highway now is the ideal time to make that expected visit to friends or relatives that long delayed business trip or an in spection of the latest fall fashions youll enjoy the brisk air of the open countryside and the beautiful spectacle of the land scape bedecked in the varied and gorgeous colours of autumn for travel information telephone gray coach lines anderson stouffville phone 158 a record the fact that our make of butter this summer has been the largest since we have been in business shows that a greater number of cream shippers have availed themselves of our excellent creamery srvice which is superior in every respect if you are not yet among our cream shippers we would be pleased to have you and prove to you what a real creamery service means stouffville creamery co phone 186 stouffville ontario renderesr of a most efficient creamery service since 918 open tesday thursday saturday evenings tax notices issuing collector of taxes p ii steckley is issuing tho tax hills tor whit church township for the year 1933 tho downward trend of taxes in the municipality is appreciated by the farmers and wo have heard more than ono so express himsolf this j ear the rato still points downward the rates however must bo paid by dec rsth otherwiso a penalty of fivo per cent will bo added to each and every tax not so paid unpaid taxes for 1932 now carry a penalty of 10 per cent and in all total 5000 j tho improved farm pricos fall for most products of tho soil will it is believed help materially keep tho farmers to moot tholr tax demand easier than any time in the last two or three years good man and a gentleman ho says whoever tho candidate may be he will bo opposed by mr morgan bak er tho liboral choico tor tho contest private maternity nursing home medical and convelosccnt cases accepted private semi private rooms weekly rates 1000 inspection invited mrs geo thompson phone 7808 stouffville r r nol groceries reovo george b elliott of north york who this year is wardon of york county has announced that ho will seek tho conservative nomina tion in north york for tho next ontario olection tho seat is now held by imr clifford icaso of aurora who whon questioned about tho matter states that it will bo a matter for tho delegates to decide mr elliott is a black mixed tea 1 lb 37c coffee per lb 37c soda biscuits 2 lbs 20c assorted icream siscults 2 lbs 25c oranges per dozen 28e tomato catsup latgo bottle 17c candy special mixed creams lb 18c a w scott