Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 12, 1933, p. 3

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hm smiles one of lifes little jokes the child of our neighbors has eaten from birth just the things that he wanted from pickles to earth now our child has eaten the things which he should hcgardless of whether he thought them so good yet the child of our neighbors seldom is ill and were always paying on some doctors bill foreman how is it that the other hoy makes such a very thin joint with his mortar bricklayers apprentice habit i lies been working in a sandwich shop man theres a decided uniformity in the contents of my mail this morn lug julia his wife how do you mean dear man about all my letters begiu with the same word unless gold mines the most prosperous canadian industry earnings of leading gold mining companies are at record levels and although gold is at a premium of over 50 the shares of the leading canadian gold producing companies have appreciated only moder ately in value in the past six months revaluation of gold with consequent perpetuation of all or most of the premium is practically assured we offer on request concise analytical studies of all canadian gold mining companies of any importance including all the following dome siscoe bralorne lake shore teck hughes nicola wrighthargreaves macassa sylvanite trie position cr com in the vvlis economic structure analyz ing and making clear its puzzling features has been carefully ftet nut in our tcoklet uold the key to conditions cut out and mail this coupon without obligation on my part please forward me your booklet jom tiie key to conditions ulsu rtport on the lollovint mines nam- add ei t h mcwhirter company limited federal building toronto naaaae ababesaabbgbbg aa gaa why are you rushing about like his on a hot day im trying to get something for my husband had any offers fly fisherman did you catch all those trout with nothing but worms boy oh no ther was brains at ihe oilier end of the line too rsiich party last night too much food late hours smoky atmosphere god created the world in six days and the nature of the job is shown by the fact that it has taken men ceil luries to wreck it sergeant say top how would you like to lend a friend a five top sergeant buddy id like it but 1 havent a friend in the world great expectations the commercial traveller was antici pating an interesting event at home and gave instructions for a telegram to be sent to him as soon as it happen ed he was however scarcely pre pared for the following twins boy and girl arrived this morning all doing well more to fol low an explorer was speaking at a din ner given on his behalf before be left on a long journey into the heart of africa in concluding his remarks he said i thank you for your kind wishes re- gavclig my welfare on my dangerous journey and want you to know that when i am far away surrouuded by ugly grinning faces i shall certainly think of you police notice locate airplane flown by young woman of high wing monoplane type with green fuselage and orange nose bespect or appreciation does not al ways go to the man who most deserves it mr dumm it doesnt take much to turn a womans head miss smartie thats right one just turned to look at you simple truths never take a mans last dollar hes liable to turn around and borrow five from you women dont mind dieting themselves but they hate a man around the house on a diet an am bitious wifo is many a mans self- starter many matrimonial bonds are of short term variety we dont hear so uracil about the wolf at the door nowadays maybe the beast got in and starved to death as wise men do not need it and foolish men will not take it we keep our advice tightly corked mid pleasures and palaces though wo roam we still like to raid the ice box at home young author the art of telling a story consists of knowing what to leave unsaid married rounder it doesnt make ny difference my boy my experience is that she finds out anyway i know what youre thinking about be said well why dont you she whisper- nobodys looking id life a fragment life is a riddlc because it ia a fragment we are only able to read ono volume of a story that extends to many volumes wueo btle set of ijjrana the scheme of wliich re quires many actj to unfold its plot and puffote we aro tfko workers at some largo piece cf tapestry with our attention fixed on one part and that a small part o the pattern yo arc like mechanics who see only one portion of the grcjt engine or subtle piece of licchaintsm at which they are laboring and never see the com plete machine in a word we know in part and consequently prophesy in part dean butcher yetthis morning no acid headache no upset stomach scientists say this is the quick est surest and easiest way to combat feeling the effects of overindulgence the most powerful acid neutralizcr known to science just do litis take 2 tablcspoonfuls of phil lips milk of magnesia in a glass of water before bed in the morning take 2 more tablcspoonfuls with the juice of a whole orange thais all tomorrow youll feel greatl or take the equivalent amount of phillips milk of magnesia tablets each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful of the liquid get genuine phillips milk of magnesia in the familiar liquid form or the new marvclously convenient tablets be sure its phillips the kind doctors endorse now in 1abiet or liquid form madc in canada prairie soil superiority the essental or distinguishing char acteristic of the western prairie soils is the possession of a large proportion of vegetable matter and its concomit ant nitrogen it is to this act unques tionably says the dominion chemist that these soils primarily owe their re markable fertility and lasting quality for the most part they certainly con tain abundant stores of the mineral ele ments of plant food but in this respect they do not differ from many soils of less productiveness in other parts of the dominion it is the larger per centage of nitrogenholding humus- forming material and its intimate cor poration with the sand and clay that give to these soils their superiority chemically physically and biologically lastly there is the winter with its in tense cold practically locking up the stores of plant food from the autumn until the season opens again waste rom leaching such as occurs in coun tries in which the winter is mild and open is thus prevented recent events from overseas -fc- im fflreid f wmt an announcement of special interest to our readers commencing with the next issue cf quaiutauces from other lands bids goodbye weymouth eng admiral sir john kelly stood on the admirals walk above the navigating bridge of the flagship nelson recently and waved goodbye to his fleet he sailed away from portland be tween two lines of battleships cruis ers and destroyers the home fleet of which he had been commander- inchief since last year he was on his way to portsmouth to haul down his flag his successor admiral sir william boyd this paper we take pleasure in pre senting a now feature under the above heading this is a series of travel articles contributed by the wellknown traveller capt f h itcid captain beid is a canadian who con ducts travel parties to and through europe he has just returned from an extensive trip covering much territory that is quite off the beaten path of travel many interesting things have affected him personally or have come under his observation and we have asked him to recount them for your benefit these impressions will appeal to the imagination of those who have not en joyed the advantages of foreign travel but who have nursed the desire to some time see the things about which they have read or about whicli they have he id through friends and those who have travelled these articles will conjure up memories of pleasant incidents lovely scenery quaint dress and customs above all much kind ness received amidst unfamiliar sur roundings travel is an important medium ofj good understanding if in people ofi one country appreciated te motives and the problems of he peoples of other countries the fear of interna tional discord would soon cease the range of incidents related will carry you not only to the british isles but also to portugal spain hungary italy jugoslavia switzerland austria czechoslovakia germany holland belgium and france we know that you will enjoy them we will appreci ate your comments the first story of the series will e an encounter with scotland yard ore smokes thats what you get when you buy plug tobacco lasts longer gives h more smokes cuts off smoking cost ly 20 a bbg plug three stations arrived little damage was done the guards in fatigue dress were cheered by a number of visit ors including a parly of american tourists unusual wedding london eng a real chinese wed- a pal of mist hid the ships from iin wi a the ceremonial of the somebody once said that brevity is the soul of wit when he obviously meant to say that wit is the soul of brevity g k chesterton the land and gave a sombre touch to the scene as the flagship came abreast of the renown wliich led the line the ad miral acknowledged a thunder of cheers from ratings who lined the decks as eacli ship passed the solitary figure on admiral walk saluted and then waved farewell the procession was five miles long with hands on the forecastle playing the admirals salute and rule britannia when the last of the destroyers had dipped her hag to lie departing commanderinchief the aircraft car rier furious turned out of the line and airplanes rose from her decks to give a final salute from the air our john as sir john had been known throughout the home fleet will be missed for his understanding attitude towards the probems of all those serving under him the few words he addressed to the men when he became commander- inchief are well remembered by them i am the new cinc he said thought you would all like to have a look at him if you see me about and some new rating says whos the old gentleman you say dont you know thats the cinc and- mind you jolly well salute his 24th conviction london eng william smith aged 47 a plasterer who pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing 2s 3 34d from a hospital collection box was senten ced to two years imprisonment at the old bailey this was his 21th conviction smith it was stated was sentenced to death for desertion in the field in france this was after wards commuted fight flames london eng welsh guards and beefeaters summoned by a bugle call fought a blaze in a shed adjoining a refreshment room just insido the gates of the tower of london one night recently officers ncos and men doubled to the shed the roof of which was alight and practically extinguish ed hit fire before the engines from east took piace in loondon recently but there was one similarity with english marriages the bride promis ed to obey the wedding took place at china house gower street wc and was conducted in almost exactly the same way as it would have been in china the bride miss chang fhuying had come from china and was in true chinese costume the bridegroom was mr lie utsinwen who lias pass ed his final examination at the lon don school of economics the brides maij cf honor and the bridegroom were in european clothes the ceremony was performed by mr peon yu who was the brides schoolmaster in china in a chinese marriage there is no minister but an essential feature of the brides declaration to obey her husband the bride and bridegroom had the support of a large number of fellow- students after the ceremony the whole party went to a west end chinese restaur ant to celebrate the event promise narrow escape brough eng two pilots one with his foot jammed in the rudder con trols vainly tried to save themselves from crashing on the main hull-don- caster railway line at brough recent ly they failed their machine crashed on to the lines at brough station a few seconds later an express train thundered through they were saved by five yards but they had just escaped death by five feet their airplane in its uncontrolled descent had skimmed a 22000voit electricity cable she looked fat felt it now getting the pounds off takes hot juice and water lemon kruschen salts a few surplus puiids of fat can make a lot of difference a woman who has taken 11 lbs oft her 139 lbs says she feels so fine and happy she writes two years ago 1 suffered with pains in my arms and shoulders so i decided to try kruschen sails seeing in the papers what it had done for others although i only weighed 139 lbs 1 looked very fat and felt it but after taking a spoonful of that wonderful kruschcn every morning in hol water find tcnion juice i wenl down to 12s lbs and i must say i feel a lot better for it i have no signs of any pain whatever i am not quite sure but i think this is my sixth jar i feel so fine and happy that i had to write and let you know what kruschen salts havo done for me i have a friend here that has sfnrtcd taking it and the has reduced from 13s lbs to 132 lbs mrs e e start takidg kruschen salts thats the commonsense way to reduce but dont take them with the idea that they possess reducing qualities themselves this is what they do- they clean out tho impurities in your blood by keeping tho bowels kidneys and liver in splendid working shape and fill you with vigor and tireless energy youd almost forgotten had existed and after two weeks your excess flesh starts to go youll know it feel it see it the scales will tell the story kruschen salts js obtainable at all drug stores at 45c and 75c per bottle released not a scratch the two men were captain n h woodhead and flying officer l f stanley they were not even scrat died although tho airplanes wings were ripped by telephone wires bor dering the railway they climbed out and walked round the machine to examine the damage members of tho airdrome staff had seen the crash and rushed out but met the two pilots walking to the airdrome captain woodhead immediately went up in another airplane to main tain his flying nerve the driver of the car mrs jackson russell of archerfield house east lothian was accompanied by her sis terinlaw mrs boyd and mrs boyds children a boy aged 10 and a girl of 14 tho car was approaching a park ing place at the side of the harbor when for some unaccountable reason it failed to stop and fell over the wall into tho water beneath the rescuer was mr jack stewart a 21yearold upholsterer of westgate north berwick i was standing at the harbor talk ing to a friend he said when the alarm was raised i threw off my jacket and shoes and dived in i groped about and feeling the mechanism of the car and the axle 1 realized that it was lying upside down i next came upon a door handle and with a great effort i got it open 1 felt about and caught hold of a leg and some clothes it proved to be the children they were conscious and gripped bold of me and with them clinging to me i took them to the surface where a boat came to my assistance and took charge ot them again i dived and secured the woman passenger and succeeded in getting her to the surface the woman driver seemed to le jammed against the steering wheef we tried hard to extricate her and it was some time before we got her out but unfortunately it was too late to save her life the body was taken to a hut near by and every effort was made to bring back life hut without avail mrs jackson russells husband is a large landowner in the gullane dis trict and archerfield house a large mansion stands in magnificent grounds fine remedy for pour out ot five people have aclil stomach whether they know it or not fains utter eating belching kas am bloating are all sijns of too much aeld a spoonful or uisu rated magnesia after meals will overcome this condition with in three minutes any druggist will tell you that try it and see farmers notes car forgotten siirbiton eng a woman garage proprietor of brighton road siirbiton asked tho advice of the kingston bench recently respecting a motor car left at her garage a year ago which had not been claimed by the owner she wished to secure the costs of repairing the car and the garage fees for the period the clerk was instruct ed to look up the law on the subject and advise the woman how to pro ceed dramatic rescue ondon england a woman driv ing a saloon car was drowned when it hurtled over tho quay into the harbor at north berwick the famous golfing resort recently but her three passengers another woman and two children were rescued dramatically by a young man swimming- under the muddy water he first brought the two children to tho surface where other rescuers took charge ot them and diving again brought up their mother tho drowned woman was pinned against the steeringwheel and it was only with difficulty that her body was inflated tubes solve airplane ice problem chicago sleeves of balloon silk drawn over the front of the wings and tail surfaces inflated or deflated at the will of the pilot have proved a practical icebreaking device it is an nounced by mr w a patterson vice- president of the united air lines when ice began to appear on the edges of the nllmeul plant used in tests the pilot turned a valve on an air pump the sleeves swelled up and the ice cracked and blew off in the air stream strips of balloor silk are stewn to form a series of tubes and are cemented to the wings along elas tic lubber edges tests have gone on all summer while ground temper ature was around 90 degrees experi menters flew aloft 19000 feet nearly four miles to find their iceformiig condition it is corn roast time in canada one of the two principal outdoor festivities in the dominion with which the pass ing of the ears does not seem to inter fere the other is sugaring off at maple sugar time in the early days of spring farmers must produce to tile man in the street any at tempts to increase production in these days of depressing world surpluses seem a waste of time or even worse he forgets says mr l 1 newman dominion cerealist that the problem of the individual farmer differs vastly from that of the nation as a whole in that the capacity of the farmer to carry on and pay his way is measured in no small degree by the yields he realizes per acre to the farmer the acre is his unit ot production it his acreage yields per acre whether con verted into milk mutton or beef or disposed of in their law state are not sufficiently high to enable him to meet his obligations he must either suc cumb entirely or be forced to adopt a standard ol living wliich removes lim as an important factor in the problem o keeping the wheels of commerce moving a blight feature of the egg market is that this year promises to be the heaviest eggexporting season since 1926 good bulls in demand lately a very definite increase in the demand for registered holstein bulls with creditable backing has be come apparent in all parts of ontario the movement in this direction has been particularly noticeable since the new premium policy went into effect iii june as a result prices have been strengthening and even higher values are likely to prevail this fall accord ing to breeders limited ocean space the volume of livestock export this year is considerably greater than that of last year said garnet ii duncan livestock investigator ontario mar keting board and a comparison of sales in great britain discloses that top prices have been received for cat tle of 1150 to 1300 pounds mr duncan said that ontario feed ers still have a considerable number of cattle available for export and lack of ocean space seems to be the only factor restraining even greater ship ments for the present prospective individ ual shippers should communicate with livestock agents in montreal with a view to securing any space whicli may be offered from time to time it is not as easy to bunko investors g i- r n i today as in 192s and 1929 roger w canadian koot growth babson i canadian field root crops both in yield and quality raised from cana- the trouble with the theatre now is that there are too many heartaches in it george m cohan children grow up only once the health giving vitamins in scotts emulsion diangrown seed are in many cases superior and in all cases equal to crops of the same varieties grown from im ported seed however previous to the great war there existed a conception in the dominion that field root seed grown in canada was not capable of producing as good crops as seed of the same varieties imported from eur ope until that time the amount of field root seed raised in canada was neglig ible the hulk of the seed used being imported from europe supplemented by small quantities from tho united states during the war imported seed was not available and it was a case of growing seed in canada or cutting down tho acreage of crops the de partment of agriculture led the way aud since then ample proot has beei given particularly through tho exten sive tests by the experimental farms and stations of the continued stability of canadiangrown seed parliamentary government has be come a dreary farce george ber nard shaw classified advertising agents waiited agkkts waxtkd- big phoihts used in every house polish munu- taeturlng company 1ss4 yonge toronto homes wanted fob chudeen free homes wanted for both protestant and catholic boys from four to ten years of age yvrlt county chlldrens aid society u toro lto strdt toronto meat siicebs for salemeat dutehi sl1cers for hers grocers and restaurants new and factory rchullt as low as 500 write ucrkcl products co limited 125 york street toronto patents an offer to every inventor list of wanted inveutons jnd full information sent free the bamimy com pany world patent attorneys 273 bank street ottawa canada v trye safe sensiblelp r ismoderdteifyingarrcivvisf k once or twiqeva wpek 5v j ti asrjarklinggrass of yvi andrews liver satfss jo tinsrlse ihdioc 2 1 v newj laftge ttotf ekarks tho friend of every motiier tjaaj t who j valiia uer children skinllcalih price 25c tired and irritable take lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound it steadies the nerves and helps to build you up you will eat bet ter sleep better look bet ter life will seem worth living again remember that 98 out of 100 women say it helps me let it help you too liquid or tab let form as you prefer soured on the world thats liver wake up your liver bile no calomel nccessarj many people who feel euur luknieh mid kcncruhy wretched mnko the minlato of taking fruits oil minora water laxative canity 01 chimiiik gum or roughage whirl only wovi tho bowels ami ignore the liver what you need is to wako up your livei bile ktart your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bonclo get your stomach and intestine working txf they should once more carters littlo liver 1iiic will eoon fu you op purely vegetable fcnfo sure tjtuclc ank for them bv name itefuee fubetitulea 25c at all duekiata 6 caked udder cleared experienced ilalrymen find minarji pnrtlculnrly txl for ireatlnk caked udder umis bruise colic etc keep bottles in stable and house 01 and all skin diseases overcomo whito specks on your coat collar mean only one thing your scalp ia diseased get ddd prescription nf oncoj millions of pcoplo have found quiclt happy release from dandruff and nil sorts of irritating skin troubles since dr d d dennis developed the ddd formula for his own private praotice ddd prescription is now made and endorsed aa a dependable quick remedy for skin and scalp dis eases by the chemists who compound cnmpanas italian balmi at drufhstsy trial site sse ouarantwd to girt intunt relte or uodsj refunded issue no 41 33

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