Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 21, 1933, p. 7

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0 t n m womans world by mair m morgan n sunday school lesson bakeless pie a delicious pie which doesnt require any baking lis the very newest con tribution to the art ot cooking now that summer is on the wane your family is going to expect more wholesome desserts thau you served during the hot months by pooling your resources you can give them the sweets they crave and at the same time spare yourself much work in pre paration use peaches mow that peaches are in season why not make tire most ot them heres the way to make a delicious peach pie which doesnt have to be cooked for the pie filling blend ono and onethird cups of sweetened condensed milk one can with onequarter cup of lemon juice the grated rind ot one lemon and one cup of sliced peaches since the condensed milk contains milk and sugar which are already boiled down to perfect smoothness it will thicken with the lemon juice al most instantly for the uncooked pie crust roll enough sweet wafers to make three- quarters ot a cup ot crumbs cut more wafers in halves and stand them around the edge of the pie plate cover the bottom ot the plate with crumbs and fill the spaces between the wafers pour in the filling and cover with whipped cream which has been sweet- 1 eued with two tablespoons of confec tioners sugar put the whole thing in the ice box so that it will be thoroughly chilled when you are ready o serve it garnish the top of the pie with slices of fresh peaches just before you are ready to take it to the table pickle making secrets the secret of pickle making lies in obtaining a collect bacterial action in one respect ami at the same time pre venting the bacterial action which causes spoilage and softening salt has been found to be the most eflicient igent for this purpose and every recipe for pickles uses salt in some form in large amounts small pickles known is gherkins always are in demand and they are very easy to make if the housewife is willing to take the time gherkins two quarts small cucumbers 2 cups bait 2 quarts boiling water 2 quarts vinegar 2 ounces mixed pickling spices 2 teaspoons powdered alum 2 cups brown sugar vi cup sliced horse radish root choose very small cucumbers of uni form size be careful not to bruise or mar the cucumbers wash carefully and pat dry between towels put into a deep crock and pour over brine made by dissolving salt in boiling water let stand twentyfour hours and drain off brine bring to the boiling point skim and pour over cucumbers let stand twentytour hours drain and wipe cucumbers cover with boiling water lu which alum has been dissolved and let stand six hours drain from alum water and rinse in clear water com bine vinegar sugar spices and horse radish root and heat to the scalding point add cucumbers and simmer ten minutes pack in hot sterilized jars pour over hot vinegar to cover and seal enght to ten 4 to 0 inch cucumbers 1 ounce stick cinnamon 1 ounce whole cloves 1 ounce whole allspice 1 ounce celery seed 3 pints cider vinegar 1 teaspoon powdered alum make a strong brine as in preceding recipe wash and wipe cucumbers and lot stand in brine tor three days keep covered with a large plate drain from brine and let stand in clear water over night drain add alum to equal parts ot vinegar and water and let cucum bers simmer in this solution for two hours drain and cool and throw iiway vinegar solution cut cucumbers in inch rings and pack in a deep crock combine sugar vinegar and spices and bring to the boiling point pour boiling hot over the cucumber slices and let stand over night in the morning drain off vinegar reheat and pour lack over cucumbers do this throe times the fourth morning pack cucumbers in sterilized jars scald the vinegar and pour boiling hot over cu- dark cumbers seal aud 3tore in cool place peel for flavoring it is nice to dry the skins of several oranges and lemons and then grate them and put in a glass bottle to be kept for flavoring purposes it cer tainly saves time in the future aud one is inclined to use these flavorings iu interesting ways it already at baud appetizers appetizers for serving at the begin ning ot a meal may easily be concoct ed from canned vegetables canned beets cut into dice aud mixed with a little minced onion aud marinated iu french dressing are much favored by the french canned string beans lima beans celery and tomato may be used in the same way or the thick part ot the tomato may be used alone almost any combination preferred may be served as an appetizer or tomato aspic cut into small cubes may be served iu cocktail glasses sandwich fillings sardines mashed to a paste with lemon juice aud mayonnaise or cream cheese mixed with chopped ripe olives pickles and pimentoes and mayonnaise make excellent fillings for the special sandwiches other delectable fillings might include orange marmalade and chopped walnuts blended together chopped cucumbers and onions held together with a small amount ot salad dressing finely chopped olives blend ed into cream cheese and smoothed to a paste with mayonnaise finely chop ped green peppers pimentoes aud hardboiled eggs mixed with mayon naise and placed on shredded lettuce aud of course the more usual bam and cheese combination and the boiled tongue aud cheese combination melon jam peel mediumsized underripe mel ons remove the seeds and cut the fruit into small pieces weigh and a low v lb- sugar to each pound of fruit put fruit and sugar in layers in a deep earthenware bowl and leave for twelve hours to each 2 lb ot fruit add the grated rind and the juice of one lemon and a oz ground ginger put all into the preserving pan stir until the sugar is dissolved and boil until the fruit is soft and until a little ot the mixture tested on a saucer will set saratoga chips choose smooth even sized potatoes peel them aud slice very thin into a bowl ot cold water leaving them in water for an hour or more put enough lard into a saucepan to cover the potatoes and allow it to get very hot remove potatoes from the water and dry them in a clean absorb ent cloth put as many slices as can be easily handled into saucepan aud cook till a nice light brown stirring them around to make sure they cook evenly aud none of them get too brown have several folds of absorbent paper ready lift out the potato slices as they arc done and spread on paper so that grease will be soaked up when grease is absorbed sprinkle with salt and serve keeping pastry short pastry improves if it is kept for a few das before it is cooked it is therefore a saving in time to mix enough paste to last a week and bake it as required pastry made to keep should contain no baking powder or selfraising flour and be mixed with water only fresh cheese to keep cheese fresh wrap it loosely in a pieco of muslin dipped in vinegar so long as the muslin is kept slightly damp the cheese will neither go dry nor mouldy also the flavour seems to be greatly improved sweet potatoes the fact that sweet potatoes live up to their name and contain a large amount ot sugar makes them a splen did energyproducing food compared with irish potatoes the food value is higher in fat and carbo hydrates but lower in protein one- half a baked sweet potato provides 100 calories while ono whole medium sized irish potato is required to fur- lesson i october tarsus acts 21 28 2647 golden text 1 saul 39 223 philippians 3 give diligence in 27 36 to present thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed handling aright the word of truth 2 tim 215 time saul born- about ad i saul sent to the synagogue school ad c or 7 saul lecomes a tent- maker ad 13 11 saul sent to the rabbinical college in jerusalem ad 15 i place tarusu in cilicia jeru salem sauls childhood acts 2139 but paul said paul was visiting jerusalem to bring succor from the gentile christians of europe to the lersecuted christians of jerusalem when he was attacked by some bigoted jews who objected to his work among the gentiles he was speaking to the commander in charge of the regiment who asked him for an account of him self i am a jew paul was the apostle to the gentiles whose great work was the extension of christian ity among the greeks and romans of asia minor and europer but he was always true to his jewish arcestry and faith of tarsus in cilicia cilicia was the roman provirce at the northett corner of he meditervan ean the western half of the province of syria a citizen of no mern city at the beginning of the christian era tarsus was the worlds principal scat ci learning and i beseech thee give me leave to speak unto the people paul never missed a chance to speak for christ sauls training in jeru salem acts 22 3 27 28 i am a jew born in tarsus of cilicia these three verses are con nected with the address which saul delivered to the mob from the stairs leading to the castle antonia but brought up in this city sauls fam ily must have been in comfortable cir cumstances or they could not have af- forted to give the son of the family i hi education or to send him so r vy js erjsalem at the feet if i literally so as the teacher fat rii m elevated platform a hs punkl sat at his feet in- stiueted ace r hug to the strict man ner of the law of our fathers paul while he did not insist that his con verts from heathenism should enter into the minutiae of jewish ritual and forms or even be circumcised was himself careful to observe all the reli gious rules held binding by the strict est jews being zealous for god even as ye all are this day the apostle it must be remembered was addressing a mob of jewish zealots who accused him of a most serious in fraction of their rules for preserving the temple inviolate and the chief captain came and said unto him tell me art thou a roman as soon as saul made men tion of his work among the hated gentiles the mob flew into a rage and he said yea more than once uish the hundredcalorie portion both sweet and irish potatoes are good car riers of fat since their palatability de pends much on a generous seasoning ot butter vitamin a so essential for growth and the building of new tissues is pre sent iu sweet potatoes in considerable quantity one table rates the vitamin a unit in one ounce ot irish potato at s and in the same amount of sweet potato at 200 vitamin b and c are found in small amounts when sweet potatoes have been used in place of white potatoes a dessert that is not very sweet should be chosen fresh fruit fruit whip gela- tino puddings and ices make suitable endings for meals keep in mind the perishability of sweet potatoes when you 1uy them they are very susceptible to tempera ture and dampness and spoil quickly calculate your needs and purchase ac cordingly iu order to avoid waste french fried french fried sweet potatoes are good too they are prepared and cooked just like white ones use sweet potatoes for desserts boil them with the skins on then peel and mash season with butter and a little saltami beat hi nilk to make moist adding 1 tablespoon brown sugar and teaspoon cinnamon to each cup ot potato pulp turn into individual molds and bake 25 minutes top with inashmallows about five minutes be fore removing from oven aud servo warm with or without cream this is a good dessert for small children in his strenuous missionary exper iences saul had made use of his ro man citizenship to obtain safety and exemption from cruelties and the chief captain answered with a great sum obtained i this citi zenship from time to time various favorites of the roman emperor were allowed to seel roman citizenship and so enrich themselves and paul said but i am a romn born tar sus as free city making its own laws and choosing its own rulers but that would not suffice to make a ro man citizen of a jew living there pauls statement that he was a free born citizen of rome not only saved him from scourging but obtained for him special consideration it did not save him from a trvo years light im prisonment at caesarea but it did procure for him the right of an ap peal to the emperor at rome a right which he exercised when his enemies became too threatening saul the pharisee and per secutor acts 2g 47 my manner of life then from my youth up paul near the conclusion of his twoyears imprisonment at the roman capital of palestine caesarea on the seacoast was brought before king herod agrippa ii agrippa had expressed a desire to see and hear the well known prisoner who was about to go to rome on his appeal to casar which was from th- begin ning among mine own nation and at jerusalem agrippa the great grandson of herod the great was of idumean descent and thus was nom inally a jew he was expert in mat ters of jewish law and custom and would understand much in pauls case know all the jews though pauls missionary labors were in foreign lais and chiefly for the gentiles he whs by this tinc one of the best- known figures in the holy city having knowledge of me from the first it they be willing to testify paul appeals to the abundant evidence existing but with a warning that the jews were on the whole prejudiced against him on account of his chris tianity that after the straitest sect of our religion i lived a pharisee the word pharisee probably means separated and now i stand here the grand est man of all the ages a convict in chains to be judged for the hope of the promise made of god unto our fathers the promise must be of the messiah and of his coming i to the world as king unto which promise our twelve tribes earnestly serving god night and day hope to atlin the jews were very careful of their ancestral records and the continuity of the twelve tribes was still maiitained in a way though the members were scat tered all over the world ard con cerning this hope i am accused by the jews 0 king agrippa knew that this hope however misdirected was the hope of every isrealite for we are the circumcision the true circumcision he taught is the de votion of the heart the circumcision of the soul who worship by the spirit of god tle holy spirit within is the true source of worship paul insisted and not an outward ceremonial and glory in christ jesus the jewi gloried in their strict adherence to the customs and rites laid down by moses which were perseded and useless now that christ had come and have no confi dence in the flesh christians would not base their hope of salvation on any fleshly rite said paul but solely oi the atonement for sin acomplished by christ on the cross though i myself might have confi dence even in the flesh that is if outward ceremonies had any virtue in them paul had passed through them all if any other man thinketh to have confidence ii the flesh i yet more paul would not vaunt his ad comments events around the dial by austin moran assoc radio news syndicate slimming craze gets a setback bill hay show boat sound effects forbes randolph to present novel broadcasts the inside story of bill hay here they are that familiar voice with the scotch burr presenting amos a andy is as well known to millions of listeners as the duskv characters them selves and well it might be for bill hay has beeu identified with the boys as their announcer as long as there has been an amos v andy he has been announcing correll and gosden creators of the characters even before that for he also officiated at the microphone for them introducing san and henry predecessors ot amos u audy hays association with the two blackface comedians began with tho creation of their first act the afore mentioned sam aud henry in chicago he announced their first program and the here they are was an involun tary bit brought about because the boys had him laughing so hard before they ever took the air that he was short ot breath and couldnt gasp any thing else the broadcast went well and the phrase stuck no matter where the boys are hay introduces them on the air for their program even though they may speak from new york and he from chicago in fact as an announcer he is a specialist having only two net work programs amos u andy and the goldbergs the sponsor ot both programs liked his work so well that they decided he should announce their second program as well as the first even though it was produced iu new york so hay goe3 on from chicago each night with the actors working before the microphones iu the new york studios sound effects have you ever wondered how sound effects are made dining a radio program let us take show boat for instance with the help ot two men and enough gadgets all the sounds ot the actual docking ot a mississippi steamer are produced with faithful accuracy each time the show boat warps into her landing the various noises of the water are so intricate and so much an intregal part of the show that the sponsors ot the program hired two technicians to devise and operate the scores ot contraptions necessary to make the sounds called for in the script the thrashing and turning of the paddle wheels and most of the other sounds are artificial but the wheezy show boat calliope tune which inaugurates the program each week however is played on a life sized calliope which is run by compressed air it hasnt been timed for years purposely so it will sound like a real tliow boat we hear that b a rolfe goes yachting ralph kirbery goes fishing vincent lopez sings into the mike with his eyes closed julia sanderson is annoyed by badly dressed men lanny ross continues his musical tuition wayne king flies his own airplane ben bernie plays a good hand of bridge forbes randolph director of the theatre ot the air in toronto is planning something different for radio broadcasting forbes promises big tilings in the way of entertainment for this fall jimmie shields is being primed for his debut on ed wynns new network cfrb spent close to 5000 for their studio at the exhibition to show how a program is actually presented curved figures popular again london shops now fea ture average size in stead of small women are fatter and they art going to be fatter still the end of the great slimming ses sion is in sight according to dress makers chemists and restaurant keep ers and curves in the natural plaoej for curves will soon be son ot women who have resembled beanpoles for uw last five years the buyer in the gown department of a large iondon department stora said when the slimming craze first started five or six years ago an entir reorganization of the usual stock mea surements had to bo made curved hips now inctead of ordering hundreds a gowns of the o inch bust and 40 inch hip measurements which was tin usual stock size and only a few dress es of 34 inch bust and 3g inch hipa we had to reverse the process women slimmed until most of them could slip into frocks that were usually marked very small women now we are featuring the old mea surements once more corsets are fea turing a waist and curved hips instead of the straight upanddown kind that have been in use for some years clothes must be made to suit this now type of figure and a run haa started on dresses which wxuld have been stock sizes six years ago a chemist said that the women who came to him to be weighed every week were steadily increasing to the weight doctors considered normal for their height and age whatever they do in their own homes women have certainly abandon ed dieting in restaurants the maitre dhotel of the savoy ho tel said we are very seldom asked to serve meals consisting mostly of lettuce sal ads fruit and toast such as were de manded last year and several yeara before that by dieting women i lotice that my women clients in the restaurant now eat potatoes pas try bread and puddings in fact ex actly the same type of food as theit menfolk choose cfrb toroio 435 ckac montreal 411 ckcr waterloo 4c5 cltct toronto 312 ciiml hamilton 340 cpco ottawa ckoc hamilton 475 ckpc preston 341 cklw windsorlondon 555 cpry toronto 357 kdka pittsburg jog kmox st louis 275 icyw chicago 291 herence to judaic legalism more than wabc new ork 34 9 others but he might well do so if he wgm chicago 389 in the air radios allstar presentations wave lengths andre kostelanetz wicbw 1130 press bulletins crct tuesday pm c 45 lowell thomas 700 amos n andy station cknc toronto clcf montreal cfch north hay cfco chatham metres 291 291 322 297 chose circumcised the eighth day that the eighth day aftt birth he was neither a proselyte circumcised as an adult nor an ishmaelite circumcised as josephus tells is at thirteen years but a member of the covenant from infancy of the stock of tsreal in lineal descent fro i jacob of the tribe of benjamin benjamin was the ix ot jacobs favorite wife a he brew of hebrews a man of pure hebraic stock unmixed with gentile bjod as touching the law a phar isee outward obedieree to law being the main characteristic of the phar isees as touching zeal persecuting the church concerning pauls zeal in persecuting the christians we are to study in our next lesson as touch ing the righteousness which is in the law found blameless paul could defy anyone to find fault with the correct ness of his life according to the strict est legalistic standards of tie jews but he goes on to say that all these points of fancied superiority he count ed as but loss for christs sake kilo cycles 1020 600 930 1210 690 730 g45 960 s90 1010 1010 930 540 840 930 1090 1020 800 770 900 060 870 550 790 1150 1180 760 750 700 670 1070 se it is only the finite that has wrought and suffered tho infinite lies stretched in smiling repose emerson wbbn buffalo 333 weaf new york 454 wenr chicago 345 wgr buffalo 645 wgy schenectady 379 wham rochester 201 wicbw buffalo 202 wjz new york 394 wjr detroit 400 wtw cincinnati 428 wmaq chicago 447 wtam cleveland 280 these programs are subject to ch without notice sunday eastern daylight saving time pm 215 the playboys wgr 230 manhattan mood3 cfrb 300 national opera crct symphonic hour cfrb 400 cathedral hour cklw 500 wuiard robinson cfrb paul ash orchestra crct 630 crumlt and sanderson wgr 030 chicago knights cfrb 730 press bulletins crct 800 bert lahr crct 815 john henry wabc 830 phil concert cfrb 1000 operetta crbc crct 1100 old folks crbc crct monday pm 645 lowell thomas cri1 700 amos n andy crct 800 happy bakers cklw 815 slnglii sam wgr 830 kate smith cklw 900 greater minstrels wham a p gypsies wben 915 four aces crbc crct looo contented hour wlw i crct crct 730 mills broilers wgr press bulletin i crct s00 love songs cfrb blackstone wben 830 kate smilh wgr s45 poets gold cfrb 900 ben bernie wgy 930 fire chief band wlw 1000 gaiety and romance crct 1130- lives at stake press bulletins wtam crct wednesday pm 645 lowell thomas crot 700 amos n andy crct morton downey cfrb 746 the goldbergs wben 800 happy bakers cklw 830 kate smith wgr 900 irvln s cobb wabc 1000 mandy lou kmcx corn col club wgy one hour with you r crct 1030 boswell sisters cfrb 1045 edwin c hill wgr 1100 columbia orchestra cfrb 1130 press bulletins crct thursday pm 645- 700- lowell thomas crct morton downey cfrb amos n andy crct 7 30 the mills bros cfrb press bulletins crct 800 rudv vallec crct 830 dramatic guild wgr 900 mark wornow cfrb death valley day3 wlw show boat wgy 1000 wlllard robinson wkbw al jolson wtam 1130 press bulletins crct pm 645- 700- pbiday lowell thomas morton downey amos n andy 800 cities service happy bakers 900 little forum fred allen irvlits cobb 1000 first nlghter 1030 boswell sisters 1130 press bulletins saturday pm 715 annie judy n zck 730 kindergarten 800 evan evans 830 international 930 wuiard robinson k7 mvstery 10 00 dancing party crct cfrb crvit cuct wgr crct wben wabc koiva cklw crct wbal wbal cfrb crct wabc wrelj crct womens bureau studies production of infants dresses conditions in this trade al most parallel with those of sweat shops washington exquisite baby dress es handembroidered and finely tuck ed hve been branded by the united states womens bureau as taking a human toll similar to the cheap pro ducts of the sweat shops to texas a state ranking second only to new york in production of infants dresses womens bureau ex perts went and surveyed labor condi tions of skilled mexican seamstresses conditions in this trade are strik ingly similar in texas and puerto rico was their report the con tract system home work low wages prevail in both places the womens bureau reported that in the texas infant dres3 factories most of them branches of new york firms or contracting with them needle women of the highest skill failed to receive a living wage the averaga factory wage was reported as 570 a week for 365 women studied in four factories i 15 cornhuskcrs clru bulova time dally over stations crct ckac mutt and jeff- by bud fisher the only thing mutt missed was the eagle motorists sense of duty not sufficiently alive augusta me it a keener senao ot responsibility could be instilled in tho public who use our highway so that they would recognize thi duties which are imposed upon then when approaching a railroad croai lug the great number ot fatal accl dents which occur airually might bl greatly red ced was tho statemcnl made in a judgment handed dowi by tho public utilities commiasloi of the state of maine in a recont fatal railway crossing accident whoi three men were instantly killed iu i collision between their autonioblll and a canadian national railway passenger train in many other ac cidents which havo been called u our attention tho commission stat id the travellers on the higliwaj have shown air utter lack of appro elation ot their responsibilities whoi approaching a railroad crossing twice baked twice bakes sweet potatoes aro de licious aud simple to make after bak ing they are cut in halves lengthwise and the pulp is scooped out and mash ed season well with salt popper lots ot butter and cream to make moist and beat until light and huffy chopped nuts may be added it liked pile mix- turo lightly fnto the sheila and brunt over tho top with melted butter its turn to oven to brown tops and makt very hot if there is any practice ot capitalism which in indefensible it is tho trans mission ot vast wealta fora ono gen eration to the next marry klmot barnes

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