stouffville thursday september 21 1933 gormley mount pisgahs young peoples society journeyed in a truck to claremont to attend a corn roast given by miss alice pegg the form er school teacher at white hose mrs john hllllard of bells lake has come to live with her son mr robert carlisle mr and mrs leonard rogersou and family spent the weekend with his mother mrs walter newns mr and mrs sam foote betbes- da celebrated their fiftythird wedd ing anniversary at toronto exhib ition and had dinner with their daughter mrs george leary in the evening miss gertrude carlisle is on a case at dixie mrs albert allan who has been at her parents for a rest- cure returned home much im proved on sunday miss reva monkman entertained a number of friends to a corn roast mrs john leary is confined to her bed having had a slight stroke last week your grocery list sugar crisp corn flakes 3 packages for 2sc muffkts 10c grape nut flakes 10c wheat flakes per package 3c special soap offer heavy galvanized utility tub with soap deal 87c evaporate milk bordens or carnation evapor ated milk 4 small tins 25c japan rice 10 lbs 25c hawes lemon oil bottlo 15c 25c hawes floor wax lb tin 40c fly tox bottle with sprays 3c55c90c fresh marshmallows package or bulk preserving needs fresh pickling and prcservinr materials lard whytes lard per lb 12c ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 salt tile fertilizers place your orders for fertilizers and ansure a crop of wheat fertilizer prices are down we have land tile on hand all sizes 3 4 5 g and 8 inch at reduced prices coal and coke placo your orders at once as prices on coal are advancing all kinds of feeds on hand s w hastings notes and comments phone 169 coal stouffville ont coke premier bennett sees a silver lining in the financial clouds and some local prophets predict the hardest winter forjusness in the history of canada we hope the optimist has the situation sized up better than all the other forecasters t t t t did you know there was fifty million dollars salted away safely for you and for me in the ocean well neither did i until 1 read it this week in a government bulletin it has been estimated says this pamphlet that the total quantity of gold in the sea amounts to about 30000000 for each inhabitant of tho globe but try and get it no wonder schemes for tho extraction of gold from sea water have victimized thousands of investors in the past economists say one reason the gold standard fell down was be cause there wasnt enough of the metal around heres an opportun ity for a bright inventor to get busy on that fifty million of yours and mine we have a banking system which has stood the battle and the breeze and which has been considered perfect and yet we have a royal commission touring icanada in or der to see if it can be improved the foregoing is from the pem broke paper come come brer logan havent you made too sweep ing an assertion banks pay 2 per cent on deposits and charge 7 per cent on short loans and 15c for cashing small checks we have a sate banking system in canada hutnot a perfect one in the public interests t t t t the canada year book issued by the dominion bureau of statistics and recognized as one of the best publications of reliable informa tion in the world has just been re ceived at this office there are 1123 pages in the book which deals with the population of canada since 1871 vital statistics immigration by industries agricultural productions world crops minerals imports and exports merchandising shipping department of labor receipts and expenditures of every province in canada hospitals tariffs in fact everything pertaining to the busi ness life of this country as a book of reliable reference it meets the need of every publisher se shaws store news blouses a clearing sale of blouses that will pro vide an opportunity for economical buying very dainty designs in voile batisle and broadcloth in a wide range of shades and patterns blouses regular l50 special 95c blouses regular 100 and 125 for 79c chamosuede fabric gloves four button length full shrunk pullon gloves novelty styles jauntily cuffed with stitch or applique trimmings black brown biege per pair 39c to 100 berets a splendid showing of french canadian berets just the thing for wear in all the new fall shades priced at 25c 39c 69c and fall tadoussac flannel a tubfast and sunfast fabric giving splendid service for dresses or shirting in checks and floral patterns and in various shades per yard 29c wallpapers now is the time to have that room freshly decorated we are showing many lines at greatly reduced prices sunworthy wall papers at 15c to 18c per single roll regularly sold at 25c 30c many other lines below cost make your selection early as they will not last long at these prices flannelette we carry a large stock of flannelette both white and colored of the best quality procurable and our prices are the lowest consistent with high quality per yaid 15c to 35c teapots another lot of the popular brown tea pots on sale three sizes with capacity to 8 cups better secure one or two of these high class english teapots at the low price of each 49c flannelette blankets the ibex blankets are known to careful housewives as the very best procurable large size deep soft napp and with very attractive bordeis in pink and blue size 72x84 price 219 size c6x72 price 210 bowls a shipment of bowls in a great variety of styles just in english ironstone china footed bowls of the best quality f large size each 19c medium size each 13c 2 for 25c small size each 10c english footed bowls blue stripe or floral decorations generous size each 15c25c esmond baby blankets these blankets are very light and warm with a close heavy napp blue and white with bunny pattern each 95c esmond blankets plain with colored border size 30x40 special 79c baby blankets in plaid patterns of blue pink and white soft warm and cosy with whipped edges size 30x40 very special each 59c dinner services 32 piece dinner sets consisting of 6 cups and saucers 6 plates and platter 1 salad bowl 6 fruit servers and 6 bread and butter plates these are good english ware with attractive patterns ask to see them per set only 450 595 flannelette nightgowns these gowns are very special value made of soft white saxony flannelette with shir ring and fancy stitching special 59c fine soft flannelette gowns kimona sleeves yoke with swiss embroidery and contrasting trim in large sizes 95c warm flannelette gowns long sleeves double yoke style with tucks and embroid ery trim assorted sizes special 100 97 piece dinner services these are best english ware with green on ivory band decorations this in one of our most popular patterns a very service able and attractive service at a moderate price 97 pieces per set 1495 sit at home and see the world french limoges dinner services dainty designs and attractively decorat ed services that will delight the heart of any housewife are shown in these limoges dinner services we invite your inspection per set 3000 3500 the wh shaw store television seems to be just around the corner we had suspected for some time that it was fast approach ing but felt sure that it was still some blocks away says the new outlook now it looks as though this most astounding of modern miracles might get here oven ahead of prosperity at least such is the assurance given by a young latin- american inventor ulysses a sanabria who has been giving demonstrations in toronto with his million dollar televising set it will not be more than three years he prophesies before our depart mental store buyers in canada will give up their annual trip to euro pean cities to select the fashions for the coming serson they will sit in their office chairs and simply push a button and the gowns and models of paris and london will appear on a screen newspapermen in van couver winnipeg or montreal will move a switch at their desks and gaze at the happenings of the world bankers in halifax ottawa or edmonton doubtful regarding cheques signed in moscow or cape town will slip a penny in tho slot and identify signatures at the other side of the globe questioned about television in the home the demon strator replied there will prob ably be two or three television broadcasting stations in toronto receiving sets not costing more than fifty dollars will be iustalled in homes just as telephones are hospital costs to be curbed alarmed at the increasing cost of hospitalization for indigent patients in york county which has expanded from 05000 in 1928 to approximately 260000 for this year york county hos pitalization committee at a special meeting made drastic changes in the system of admitting such persons in an effort to curb the heavy expenditure commencing immediately all persons wishing to enter hospit alization officials must prove their eligibilty should the patient be accepted he will then be given a detailed form to sign similar to that used by unemployed men applying for relief this will be checked over before the committee allows him to be admitted at the countys cost in the case where the patient is a child or wife the county officials will interview the father or husband respectively and re ceive certain information from him as to the condition of the family this will be submitted to the relief officer for the mun icipality in which the family resides who in turn will con duct an investigation into the case a report on his findings will ho handed over to the hospitaliza tion board and decision then made whether the county is responsible for the cost of the patient should as a result of an in vestigation the committee find that any patient seeking admittance was not eligible this patient would be reported to the proper authorities and action taken mr and mrs arthur pugh celebrate silver wedding phono 9512 stouffville ontario the barrle advance on saturday sept 9th mr and mrs arthur f pugh celebrated the twentyfifth anniversary of their wedding at their home 30 tiffin st during the aftornoon and evening a hundred friends and relatives took advantage of tho occasion to extend in person their best wishes a very dainty luncheon was served by the win one class of burton ave church while mrs a a wall mrs a b fleetham and mrs j e morrison poured tea mrs m cluson and mrs h johnston assisted with the guests selections on tho piano were rendered by miss mary patton and mr w a bell mr and mrs pugh were the reci pients of numerous gifts of silver ware including a chest of adams community plato flatware a tea set of eight of royal grafton mr pughs gift to his bride of twenty- five years ago was a dining room suite in dull oak finish daughter bettys gift was a solid mahogany magazino rack among those from out of town at tending were mrs young and miss young of port colborne sister of mrs pugh mrs s h foote another sister and family of stouff- vftle also air l wildman mr and mrs d pugh and mrs harry pugh of stouffville mrs s h sharpo miss k sharpe mr and mrs w logge mr and mrs c pugh all of toronto miss janet young of claremont and mr and mrs j oracey of elm vale mr arthur pugh and miss louise young wero married near uxbrldge on sept 9th 1908 by rov o c grey of uxbrldgo and lived in that district till 1921 when they moved to allandalc where mr pugh has since been in chargo as district dis tributor for tho imperial oil co mr and mrs pugh wish to extend their sincere thanks to all who help ed to make tholr silver wcddln anniversary a happyand memorable i occasion i the mellon millions manchester guardian the largest family fortune in the united states is owned by the mell- ons of pittsburg and is estimated at nearly 500000000 2492290- 143 at the end of three years of depression according to a state ment issued by harvey oconnor the author whose boon mellons millions the biography of a for tune has just been completed mr andrew v mellon former ambassador in london head of the tamily banker metal magnate and former secretary of tho treasury is declared by mr oconnor to be the countrys richest man the great mellon rortune mr oconnor says has sprawled out across the entire continent in a score of unrelated in dustries but is integrated through the union trust company a bank ing institution of pittsburg which has paid the worlds highest divi dend rate 200 per cent a year f o n o 30i lobtoe 30i announcing another marm1ll product lar mill health food aoesoc i o natures diet made from the whole wheat kernel for on the party line the angry man is funny the angry man is funny not to himself of course but to other people his face is red his eyes flash murderously his lips are drawn back from his teeth his hair rises his muscles bulge and his fists clench he talks to him self and anybody who will listen a violent secretion pours through his body and urges him to de structive action he stands alone all alone in this world and makes a spectacle of himself hes funny i dont know all i know is that angry men angry about some thing that isnt our intimate con cern are laughable we dont laugh at sick people we dont laugh at tho poor and helpless our sym pathy goes out to them but we do laugh when we see a man get red breakfast cereal health bread muffins get a 5 lb package from your grocer youll enjoy its health ful appetizing flavor special note send us yourlvcoipes for new ways in which marmill health food may bo usiil tor bak ing or cooking- 100 will be paid for each rtfelpe accept ed by us ami received prior to december 1st i5 for sale at leading grocers milled only by reesors marmill limited o d o o n o markham io i sabeioc ranoc ontario 30e30e in the face and double up his lists and defy the whole world io put him down not because he has a great cause not because he is slad to sell his life to make other lives better but just because hes one of those unstable lads who flys off tho handle at the slightest nudge of circumstances that mans a joke hes funny i i know ive done it myself and tho memory of the spectacle i made isstill a sore spot with me i ought to laugh at myself now but i cant vanity gets in the way vanity will not let me laugh at that odd creature who lost his temper in public and gave strangers some free amusement so im quietly im- gry at myself the old philosopher was right when he said an unry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason and so was shakespeare writing an gers my meat i sup upon myself and so shall starve with feeding so in the future ill let the other furious fellow furnish the public amusement and ill go stalk ing round the house to kick a fence- post perhaps cream grading in addition to taking care of your cream it is most important that it be graded in the shortest possible time after leaving your place it would not only be a loss but also very discouraging to know that in many cases your cream might have been 1st or special grade when leaving your place and becoming 2nd grade in transient or time lost before grading after you care for your cream we on our part are doing everything possible to assist you in receiving the best grade from those whom we collect their cream by truck we are now collecting twice a week and by being sit uated so close to our shippers we are able to get your cream in very short time our cream shippers who are delivering their cream to the cramery are able to bring it at any time during the day and in addition three nights a week in any quantity and their ship ments are graded immediately as it comes in for original grade highest price correct weight and test ship your cream to j stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficientcreamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone 186 stouffville ontario john mccormacks daughter to be married september 15 in brompton oratory the wedding of miss gwen mc- cormack daughter of that great singer john count mccormack to mr edward pyke a member of an old north of england calholi family will take placo in the brompton oratory in london september 1g count mccormack will give his daughter away and will sing the benedictus during the high mass it is considered more expedient that the wedding should take place in london as moore abbey mr mccormacks residence in ireland has been closed down owing to the long period of concert engagements which faces count mccormack at a savings account and its 4 selling points s a v afety hundreds of millions of dollars worth of conservatively valued bank assets ensure the safety of your deposits vailability whatever the state of business or the money market your deposits are at your immediate disposal dollar for dollar alue increases through the halfyearly compounding of interest encouragement to thrift through a service which receives throughout the dominion day in and day out thousands of savings deposits large and small and which aims at giving every depositor courteous and careful attention the canadian bank of commerce present moreover miss mdcormack has been living in london for some time past sharing a flat with her brother mr cyril mccormack who has taken up electrical engineering there h ere an a tii ere it is corn roast time in can ada one of thejtwo principal out door festivals in the dominion with which the passing of the years does not seem to interfere the other is sugaring off at maple sugar time in the early days of spring canadian pacific railway ex perimental farm at calgary took honors in the sheep judging at the canadian pacific exhibition held recently at vancouver with two firsts in each of the rams ewes and pens classes five sec- onds and the grand champion suf folk ram and ewe champion keeping well in the forefront of tbe golfing world in canada tho seignory club montebello que bec has tecenuy staged a wo mens golf tournament and has followed this up by the tourna ment of the canadian senior golfers association both were well patronized the latter draw ing a big and prominent entry from the united states tho worlds valuable deposits of coal and iron he with the at- lantlc nations rather than with those who front on the pacific the discussions of the fifth bien nial conference of tho pacific re lations institute held recently at the banff springs hotel revealed the fact enters largely into tho problems of the countries of the pacific figures from the dominion bureau of statistics draw atten tion to tho safety of railway tra vel in canada in collisions only two fatalities occurred among a total of more than 21 million pas sengers passengers injured num bered only 339 other fatalities bringing tho total up to seven wero due to such causes as fall ing from trains or in getting on or off trains the figures are for the year to march 81 1933 paidup capital reserve fund 30 million doflare 30 mfflion dollara cwn striking success of the cent-a- mlle coach travel plan inaugurat ed last may and june by cana dian railways providing full faci lities for transoanada excursions cast and west is the justification of its repetition on the same scale during septombor c p riddcll chairman canadian passenger assoctauon announces two great tides of travel will again be set in motion one from the west to the cast and the other from tho east to tho west starting with the commence ment of tho rourid trip from southampton at tho end of aug ust tho empress of britain for tho following twelve weeks will be engaged upon what amounts ta a continuous voyago of 40320 miles in tho course of this voy ago tho ship will spend a total of eighty days actually under way- was tho statement of oeorgo stephen vicepresident of traffic canadian pacific railway who was a passenger on an august sailing