stouffville ontario thursday august 31st 1933 the ontario township speak on association necessary efficiency economy are the mag- eflielency and economy the mag ic words ot the ontario townships association which will place the world back on its feet all the roads will lead to toronto on august 30- 31st next one of the important dis cussions will be abolition or reform of county councils every official and representative of townships villages and towns not separated from counties should attend mr j h ross reeve ot winchester will i are county councils if so how could they be made more useful municipal representatives in favour of the pre sent system should attend and ex press their views resolutions such as a tax on all meals of 75c and over served in hotels and rest aurants called the hospital tax relief of the 20 per cent on the kings highway etc will be dis cussed this conference will make history in our province the opening will be made by his worship mayor stewart at king edward hotel 2 pm wodnesday august 30th he will be followed by a leading re presentative of the cabinet and the leaders of the other groups in the house hon e c drury will also deliver an important address why buy hard unripened peaches let us have your order and we will make your selec tion from properly ripened fruit and deliver them to your satisfaction notes and comments yellow st johns are on this week they will not last long so act promptly if you want this delicious variety ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 salt tile fertilizers placo your orders for fertilizers and ansure a crop of wheat fertilizer prices are dowu we have land tile on hand all sizes 3 4 5 g and 8 inch at reduced prices coax and coke place your orders at once as prices on coal are advancing all kinds of feeds on hand phone 169 coal s w hastings stouffville ont coke the tax rate for the town of allistcu was struck last week at 60 mills on the dollar the progressive town of simcoe has every city privilege the tax rate indicates that the conveniences such a3 good roads and sewers are not paid for yet how much does it cost to eat in now york well here is one an swer new eating places opened there announce special breakfast 15 cents here is what is offered fruit or cereal choice ot coffee cake with butter fried cakes or breakfast rools coffee milk or tea perhaps not enough for a man do ing a big days work but report says that the various places run by this compauy were crowded at 730 yi the morning dr rogers supt of education for the province of ontario has de cided views against the teaching of latin in secondary schools and dr wm boyd head ot the department of education glasgow university who has been investigating the canadian school system finds that our system is not practical but bas ed on a german theoretical system discarded 75 years ago dr boyd says the secondary school curri culum in canada is a 50 per cent waste of time and i am prepared to raise the percentage above 50 tor university students canadian edu cationists are overloading the secondary school curriculum with subjects that do not fit the students for the business of living i some times think teachers are only people in schools who are learning anything schools as they exist now in canada are not good enough they are not producing the kind of people the world- needs hepburn raps the hydro charges as absurd talk at col mulocks picnic woodbrldge in stouffville and markham electors may be gerrymandered out of north york for election day but in senti ment and interest they are right in these municipalities along with whitchurch township ratepayers turned out in big numbers for col bill mulocks picnic at woodbridge while horseshoo pitching base ball and football races games of chance and- skill lucky draws and the midway attracted all the great test attention was focussed on the speakers platform when mitchell f hepburn mp provincial libera leader delivered stinging statements regarding the recent hydro com mission pamphlet in welcoming the picnickers col mulock expressed regret at the absence of rt hon w l m king dominion liberal leader he could not be present he said owing to his e a grubin registered optometrist august dates 7t s 21 and 22 at stouffville every other monday and tuesday september dates- 5th 18th 19th eyes examined phone stouffville 2405 col iv p mulock money savers clearance floral voile dresses girls beach pyjamas cotton voiles in dainty flowered patterns made from splendidly tubfast prints cool frocks for all the hot weather yet to cut in roomy sizes with wide legs floral come choice of styles some long sleeve patterns one and two piece styles trimm- others with puff sleeves and cape effects ed with contrasting shade sizes 8 to 14 yrs smaitly trimmed with organdy as these reg 00 and 110 special 69c dresses are a peter pan voile of course they are sun and tubfast reg 275 girls beach pyjamas clearing l95 tere is a splendid range of pretty another special in voile dresses colored prints in a variety of shades several attractive shortsieeved styles sizes 6 to 14 years reg 59c to 89c other no sleeve and cape effects in a choice special 39c of various necklines gay colored patterns wit contrasting trimmings extraordinary pyjamas for the little tots values reg 150 and 195 special 119 colorful designs in onepiece pyjamas cheerful colored apron for clearing price 33c the kitchen assorted shades with bib and ties at sfj hw back fast colors special 29c before the prices rise wnmpn rrtttiv wncw wonderful selection of light and dark womlin lollon hobl prints nothing more practical for house- a particularly good quality cotton hose frocks aprons and childrens wear with reinforced heel and toe in a variety ot starts sewing today with the aid of our light and dark shades special pair 25c guaranteed 15c patterns youll enjoy it childrens ribbed hose and fmd 5t profitable just what a child needs for cooler days also for starting back to school in sand and xnbw laklu oilcloth black reg25c sale price per pair 19c the seasons newest patterns here is just arriveda new shipment of ts m mrxi ai r rnnupts f nnpr pttp amti to vour home at a low cost width 45 39c corsets corselettes and d wijth g4 49c sfi ft qimih n ide girdles d 10c an exceptionally good range of styles to suit all figures in plain and brocaded vatttf tnt thv wrvrmnc materials prices ranging from 95c to 450 5c vau- in l norions visit our corset department before buying jelly glasses 5c elsewhere glass tumblers 5c heavy ribbed hose for boys shite cupsf 5c that will stand lots of n wear made dish cloths 5c of heavy cotton in 21 rib reg 50 39c hair pins 5c salad bowls gsm5 here is a wonderful opportunity to mending yarn 5c replenish your salad bowls a new shipment nail files 5c you will be astonished at the quality and bead necklaces 5c price see window display handkerchiefs yyv 5c extra values 25c 35c sewing needles pkg 5c special clearing of beach vrva l pyjamas wash c1 5c darning needles 5c misses beach pyjamas mgay colored bobby pins card 5c prints practical for beach or house 14 to j moulds 5c 16 years regular 150 special 95c egg cups 5c the w h shaw store phone 9612 jtfjj stonffvflle ontario speaking tour of the west he read a telegram from the leader in which the latter said in part liberalism is very much in the ascendancy and i am delighted that you are keeping the banner afloat in north york col mulock expressed his pleasure that there were so many ladies present recalling that it was a liberal government which had given women the franchise hydro and trade were the prin cipal subjects discussed at the picnic mitchell f hepburn provincial liberal leader replied to the recent statement issued by the hy dro electric power commission charging him with absurd refer ences to the management of the hydro industry hon j c elliott former minister of trade and com merce spoke on canadas business at homo and abroad replying to the statement issued by the hydro chairman hon j r cooke on tuesday mr hepburn said he was represented as having mado a number of obviously absurd statements with reference to the commissions overpurchase of power and its surplus of unneeded electric supplies f for oxamplo i am reported to have stated that wo will have a sur plus sometime of 15000000 hp when of course it is well known that there is not that much electri cal horsepower dovoloped in all canada truth wanted mr hepburn claimed that the hydro commissioners could easily have informed themselves of his real statements tho public however was not so much concerned with the commissioners opinion of him per sonally what the electors desired to know he said was the truth re garding conditions as they exist quoting from the last report ot tho commission mr hepburn sum marized the power purchased by it from gatineau chats falls mclar en boauharnols and abitibi there was approximately 800000 hp undor contract which with the com missions own generating stations would make almost 2000000 hp these figures did not include the madawaska purchase since tho figures given above were published mr heburn went on the commission had takon over tho wholo abitibi development of 275- 000 hp adding 176000 hp to tho 2000000 mentioned i have not posed as a prophet as to business conditions of 1937 said mr hepburn were liberal govern ments in office at ottawa and tor onto recovery might be rapid and progress great but what i have said on many occasions is that tho com mission has purchased by capital expenditure and privato contract supplies of to double the amount ot its recent market or 1000000 hp excess which at 15 per hp is 15000000 per year and i havo added that this will be a dead loss to tho hydro municipalities or the ontario taxpayers unless some way bo found in the tour years interven ing for an amount ot power equal to twice our present consumption or a new market for such power as we aro now selling free hot water if there is no present surplus of power why has the commission ex tended thousands of dollars in hot water heaters which are being sup plied free of charge to anyone who will use them and thus absorb elec tric energy why is the commission selling power at 6 per horsepower to the thorold plant and elsewhere and why has it expended further thou sands of dallars in capital invest ment to make possible sale at such prices ot power costing 515 per horsepower hon mr elliott said the last bud get was tho most disappointing since confederation for the last year in canada trade per capita had dropped from 260 in 1930 to 590 nd tor a family of five as against 51500 in 1930 thero was only 5150 last year as an example to the extent to which the government had been driven in taxation the impost of two cents a pound on sugara necessity in every household was equal to nearly half tho total price of sugar under liberal rule wants reciprocity we havo in power in tho united states said mr elliott a demo cratic government pledged to obtain reciprocity with canada the cana dian prime minister stated that all we could do was to be ready and willing to avail ourselves of any pro posals that are fair and reasonable how much longer do you think that the people of this country can stand to do without a market for our surplus goods while the govern ment is relying on conferences which are getting us nowhere whatever pressure can be brought to bear up on the prime minister to get a re ciprocity agreement should be brought to hear upon him at the earllost possible moment cream grading in addition to taking care of your cream it is most important that it be graded in the shortest possible time after leaving your place it would not only be a loss but also very discouraging to know that in many cases your cream might have been 1st or special grade when leaving your place and becoming 2nd grade in transient or time lost before grading after you care for your cream we on our part are doing everything possible to assist you in receiving the best grade from those whom we collect their cream by truck we are now collecting twice a week and by being sit uated so close to our shippers we are able to get your cream in very short time our cream shippers who are delivering their cream to the cramery are able to bring it at any time during the day and in addition three nights a week in any quantity and their ship ments are graded immediately as it comes in for original grade highest price correct weight and test ship your cream to stouffville creamery co rcnderers of a most efficient creamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone 186 stouffville ontario cleaners will also be subject to ihe tax the liconse or tax for eith order takes or those actually business there is 20 the roosevelt drive newmarket town council has im posed a tax on cleaners and pressers who operate in the yonge street municipality those who are there now will be required to pay the tax j across and those who solicit orders lor the big push is on and the whole world is keenly watching the light against depression on the united states economic front the new move affected the retail business of the nation and tho plans for reduc tion of hours and increase of wages are expected to open nip a million jobs in a few days there is no lack of patriotic fervor and the white house is deluged with telegrams and messages pledging cooperation with the presidential programme whatever tho outcome may he tor the united states or the world there is no doubt but that things are hap pening down there and uncle sam is going somewhere canadians look tho border with sympathetic interest and with not a little wist- fulness too as they think of ottawa and ot what might be happening there now outlook falti fairs barrio sopt 1s20 beaverton sept 131 4 belleville aug 29sept 1 blackstock sept 1920 bobsaygeon sept 29to collingwood sept 2ti2s durham sept 1 213 gooderham sept 27 kinmount sept s9 lakofield sept 2g27 lindsay sept 2023 london western fair sept 11315 markham oct 57 midland sept 2123 minden sept 2g oakwood sept 1s19 oyillia sept 1415 peterboro sept 1116 port perry sept 151 g sunderland sept 2g27 toronto national exaug25sopt 9 celebrate labor day monday september 4th at stouffville field day sports frolic street carnival and dance baseball hardball uxbr1dge vs stouffville softball tournament open to ladies and gents ernie bruce with f novelty band his orchestra and ladies events throwing the rolling pin nail driving javalin throwing mens and boys events horseshoe pitching nail drivin wheelbarrow race sawing wood water throwing g amateur wrestling match and boxing at 730 pm four big prizes 1st ford v8 sedan dance to olde tyme and modern orchestral music 9 pm norman m maclean chairman park commission ii c quiliel secy baseball club evening carnival and awarded to carnival field sports admission 25c prizes dr s s rail secretary dance on main street sitc dance ticket holders