manhattan night lj vczam aijsoo vlf ah right jaid peter let him come up to le continued synopsis 1 think tnvyre kolnjs to artcst ntv jvtcr i dont nuan they think 1 actu ally lird the shot they think kiin till iim so martha thayer told ieter in the tliayer penthouse apartment after inspector connolly and awst distrkt attorney itarelay had questioned iter about the murder of her husband taek who lay shot to death in the next room she eouldnt believe it when connolly raid she eould go ieter arranged by phone for her to ko to the home of his klfcter carol mrs wentworth peter and taek thayer had been college mates at vale after graduation peter had don- chemical research stumbled on an alloy ttold his patents and headed for lunhat- ian he was tiring of the switt whorl when he met tack and martha at km mas night club uefore he realized it peter was in love with martha but she told hlm she loved kvan ross chapter xiv carol had been as gcod as her word she and steve were both up and dressed and a sleepyeyed maid ap peared with coffee jimmy watson whod brought peters two nephews into the world and was a friend as well as a doctor was there too mar tha whod met him managed a smie for him try to drink a cup of coffee mrs thayer he said cheerfully matter- offact and im going to give you something to lay you out for a while i dont know who takes care of you but ill take a chance on his over looking my butting in after all theres not much choice at a time like this thanks said martha submissively in a voice wholly new to peter she drank a cup of coffee took a powder jimmy watson handed her and swal lowed the glass of water he held out lo her afterward then carol took her off and the three men were left alone what goes on peter saiel steve wentworth and peter told him the little he knew about tacks death he saw without surprise the quick creas ing of the lawyers forehead in a few minutes carol came back jimmy watson glanced at her inquiringly asleep she said i scarcely had lime to get her undressed i didnt think you would said watson dryly what i gave her on top of the shock well there are times when suspended animations what you want and this seems to be one of them she wont stir before evening and she wont be up to much then call me up if shes restless unless she wants her own doctor of course but i rather think shell wake up and make a pass at some food and then drop off again tomorrowil be the bad day im off haleys operating on a patient of mine at half past eight and ive got to be on deck he went out ell i said carol you might as well have some breakfast with us peter its not very much earlier than our usual time as a matter of fact theyll be ready soon this is a frightful business my dear that poor rhild yes said peter its worse than you know steve wentworth looked up sharp ly i was afraid it was he said theyre trying to mix her- up in it peter nodded and carol gave a ut ile quickly suppressed exclamation i want to talk to you steve he said shes going to need help and shes surprisingly alone its not my line of course said steve still youd better tell me he frowned lets sec if she hasnt 0 lawyer of her own i can get arthur eouton for her hes a friend ofmine and hes as good a criminal lawyer as 1 know he happens to be a gentle man too and that might help in a case like this it will said peter its a good deal of a mess peter hesitated or a moment then made up his mind this was no time obviously for reticence for delcacy for distinguishing between what he had learned more or less in confidence and what any one might know terse ly but as fully as he could he ex plained the situation that had led up lo the quarrel at the fantomas club he stressed the queer sort of armed neutrality there had been between martha and tack and told what he knew of tacks mother and her atti tude the old ladyll blame maltha of tonrse he said oh naturally said carol anil steve nodded he listened attentively lo peters account of his own cross- xamination by connolly you dont know of course what barclay and connolly said to her eleve asked and peter shook his head no except that theyd obviously kjvred her to death she got it into kcr head that they thought ross had ihot tack and that shed been in on it i didnt ask her any questions there wasnt time and you saw the state ihe was n yes said wentworth thats jjoutons job anyway or the job of whoever she retains he frowned j w why they didnt arrest her light away ivthey hgven got a case said peter indignantly ive known of plenty of arrests with less than theyve got already laid steve dryly you might as well face it peter this is an ugly business they know sh cant get way of course but as rule they woman declares her sex inhuman they try to get in their work before people can talk to a lawyer and get mrs laura harris lawyer iry for a confession tight off the reel j detective sergeant mitchell primed on what to say he frowned again thoughtfully ycu can see how it works take a woman in her state put her up against five or six hours of grilling in a police station well shes apt to say almost anything he shook his head doggedly well theyve given us a breathing spel and thats all to the good he said they cant get at her again before tomorrow jimmy watson can stand them off if they try id give a good deal to know what theyre doing to ross about now rosi said peter id forgotten abouthim vou can be prety sure connolly a snt said his brotherinlaw dryly ross was probably picked up while you were waiting over there on the roof the maid came in just then to say that breakast was ready and peter was surprised to find that he was by no means without interest in grape fruit and bacoi and cup after cup of strong coffee queer the way life i sisted on going on along its ordi- nar commonplace lines in spite of murder and trageely and the looming shadow of utter disaster itell you what youd better do said steve to peter presently find vut anything you can about marthas people sec whether she has a lawyer she must have of course let me know who he is and ill get in touch with him chances are hell want a crim inal man to handle this just as i would and if hed rather have some one besides bouton itll be all right with me only some one ought to be on the job right away times what ccunts just now peter agreed with him especially when he remembered thi way connolly had looked when he flung open the door after the flashlight had gone off it had been all very well for him to reassure martha to tell her that she ws crazy to think she might be ar rested but in point of fact peter agrceel with steve entworth the very fact that martha was still at liberty struck him now as alarming he did what he could on the tele phone from carols apartment though it went against the grain he trieel to reach ross but he was hardly surprised to be told both at his apart ment and at his office ross had a job of sorts downtown that he was out from marian bronson he learn ed that marthas father was at palm beach and not without difficulty finally reached him by long distance it wasnt altogether easy to maee mr cameron understand what had happened nor for that matter to identify himself and explain how it was that he was talking to him poor kid he said when he under stood is martha all right shes with your sister ah mrs wentworth yes youre being very kind now i can start north tonight im the devil of a long way off to be of much use though w said peter i dont know that theres much that you can do 1 thought youd want to be with mar tha he was handicapped of course be cause he didnt for any number of reasons want even to suggest over the telephone that martha was in any danger of arrest of course said mr cam eron ill see about getting off at once meanwhile can you get hold of prentice i wonder my lawyer hell know what to do geoige pren ticeprentice stone and grcsham george prentice oh first rate said steve i know him very well hell be all for getting bouton ill lay odds on that carorl came in thn you look terrible peter she said you need a shave arid oh go home and let manuel take care of you ive let you in for a lit of trouble im afraid said peter i he news papermen dont seem to know mai- thas here yet but theyre bound to find out carols teeth snapped let them she said and much good may it do them in ninth street peter ha his first experience of running the gauntlet among the reporters if hed seen the early editions of the evening papers he would have known that his name figured almost as prominently as mar thas and tacks more prominently as he was glad later to learn than rosss since connolly had chosen so far for reasonr of his own to keep his knowledge of rosss part in the case to himself ho shook his pursuers olf by main force and went up to his flat to find a distracted and harassed manuel the telephone it seemed had been ring ing incegsnntly or aii hour and it says women must learn to support each other to gain success chicago american women must be educated to patronize and sup port the members of their own sex delegates to the national federation of business and professional wom ens biennial convention were told last week a paper prepared by mrs laura b harris of casper wyo read in her absence to the lawyers round table section of the convention brought the issue to the fore mrs harris believed to be the only woman legal adviser to a state senate detailed tribulations of a wo man seeking topnotch recognition in the legal profession and said not un til women learned to support women would feminine president of the united states become a possibility other speakers listed a variety of reasons why women do not patronize women more generally iu the legal field one suggested the feminine client only comes to the lawyer when seeking a cutrate lydia lee a missouri lawyer said most women owning property have inherited it and know little about handling it they dont believe there are other women who do and should be edu cated to the fact that there are she said martha l connole east st loivis 111 attorney said womens alti tude is the ono they have had for years ship ends old custom london the icebreaker nascopie steamed down the clyde from ardros- san marking the end of a tradition that has lasted 245 years in 1gs8 the fiftyton ketch nonsuch sailed from gravesend to hudson bay with fortytwo men the pioneers of the hudson bay company it was the dashing prince rupert the first gov ernor who backed the first venture of the governor and company of adven turers of england trading into hud sons bay and ever since then ships have sailed from britain to canada with stores and provisions and back from canada to britain with cargoes of furs but the nascopie is the last of them and will never return to british waters the departure was the last sailing of a hudson bay company ship from bri tain the nascopie will remain per manently in canadian waters and fur collections will in future be shipped each year to england by the regular atlantic liners to london an oldfashioned garden mr jerome was tempted to linger in the garden for though the house was pretty and well deserved its name the white house the tall damask roses that clustered over the porch being thrown into relief by rough stuc co of the most brilliant white yet the garden and orchards were mr jer omes glory as well they might be and there was nothing iu which he had a more innocent pride than in conduct ing a hitherto uninitiated visitor over his groundsand making bim in some degree aware of the incomparable ad vantages possessed by the inhabitants of the white house in the matter of redstreaked apples russets northern green excellent for baking swanegg pears and early vegetables to say nothing of flowering shrubs pink hawthorns lavender bushes more than ever mr jerome could use and in short a superabundances everything that a person retired from business could desire to possess himself or to share with his fiends the garden was one of those oldfashioned para dises which hardly exist any longer ex cept as memories of our childhood no finical separation between flower and kitchen garden there no monotony of enjoyment ftr one sense to the exclu sion of another but a charming para disaical mingling of all that was pleasant to the eyes and good for food the rich flowerborder running along every walk with its endless succession of spring flowers anemones auriculas wallflowers sweet william campan- ulus snapdragons and tigerlilieshad its taller beauties such as moss and provence roses varied with espalier apple trees the crimson of a carna tion was carried out in the lurking crimson of the neighboring strawberry beds you gather a moss rose one mo ment and a bunch of currants the next you were in a delicious fluctua tion between the scent of jasmine and the juice of gooseberries then what a big wall at one end flanked by a summerhouse so lofty that after as cending its long flight of steps you could see perfectly well there was no view worth looking at what alcoves and gardenseats in all directions and along one side what a hedge tall and firm and unbroken like a green wall george eliot in scenes of clerical life rockefeller at 94 drops golf game usual nine holes not on days schedule motors through heavily guarded estate tarrytown ny john d rocke feller celebrated his ninetyfourth birthday on july s at his pccauticu hills estate with his son john d rockefeller jr his grandchildren and his two great grandchildren it was the etuietest birthday he has tpent for several years although it was reported by persons close to the family that mr rockefeller was in i excellent health for purposes of observation itfflysjt s es holes on his anniversary he did mosquitoes raised in hundreds baltimore mosquitoes which most people wish would stay away are the parlor guests of edwin h perkins of baltimore he has raised hundreds of them in his living room during the past two months for a study of the insects and a series of photographs of them at various stages of development rafts of eggs are collected from two barrels of stagnant water in the backyard and placed in jars of sterile water in the house the hatching is aided by electric heaters controlled by thermostats by the hour perkins watches his jars taking photographs of the insects to show their life circle but there is othci been unable lcave tho estau but i years ho frequently has taken ions dssing photograph in automobile rides through westches- life is when he hasher county ho did take an auto- one picture which he ha to obtain the single missi tho mosquitos life pushed his head through his shell and mobile ride of an hours is pulling himself out of it i thc afternoon however at one time he said he watched for leaving pocantico hills whose an- eight hours without success the preaches were patrolled by camera change is so quick he added he has n ea for l p duration without of the not been able to catch it with his cam era as a control against the insects he said a bowl of goldfish in your house will eventually get rid of the mosqui toes the insects he asserted keep tho goldfish healthy contended and grateful anil heres good news for the mis ogynist perkins saystonly the lady mosquitoes do the biting housekeeping at dr barnardos homes in the united kingdom is done on an enormous scale more than 25000 meals a day have to be provided for s456 children one big item is milk 1000 gallons per day being required in hull britains largest fishing port between 50000 and 60000 per sons depend upon this industry for their livelihood loans help students paris honor loans to permit needy students to complete their course in the university of paris were of great service in the last university year and an increased number of students are applying for this aid during the com ing year the system was adopted in 1924 by the academy of paris which establish ed a fund out of which deserving stu dents could obtain financial aid the maximum loan is for 3000 francs which the student receives by weekly signing an honor declaration that he will repay it within twelve years after he obtained his university degree this year 514 of these loans were issued to french students and 440 the year previous france is losing her tourist traffic the number of visitors falling from 1011107 in 1929 to 994358 last year the drop is least heavy in the case of british visitors who numbered 522000 in 1932 poetry love taught wthout study rule children show a much greater in terest iu poetry if they are not re quired to do any memorizing dr honora m frawley research graduate at teachers college columbia univer sity declares in a survey just made public when children are allowed to read poetry in a natural manner devoid of rules or academic rote their enjoy ment in poems increases accordingly dr frawley found she experimented with 300 pupils of grade 5b in public schools 33 06 17 10s 148 and 124 in the borough of queens the problem undertaken was to compare results in comprehension amount of memorizing and attitude ob tained by teaching poems to children with five different procedures in re gard to memorization dr frawley explains these procedures were immediate required memorizing without any teaching of the poem required inde pendent memorizing after the poem had been taught required supervised memorizing after the poem had been taught memorizing encouraged but not required after the poem had been taught and no memorizing required or suggested but time spent on f e choice activities out of the study of i the poem dr frawley found that the pupils responded more eagerly to the poetry hour where no memorizing was re quired but where free activity in the study of the poems was allowed not forcing the pupils to study the poems in minute detail brought forth a desire to read more poetry she adds past and present positions compared greater freedom stressed by business woman in hamilton address philanthropist estate is a long one pocantico hills is so large 3c0c acres and so laid out that its ownei can drive for miles without leaving it main traveled roads pass through it at some places but mr rockefeller can pass under them through tunnels or over them on bridges and this he did on his birth day the day was passed in thc quiet routine which marks every day in mr rockefellers life except for the presence of all the members of thc family who arc in or near new york and the birthday dinner with its candledecorated birthday cako there was little to mark it the estate is valued at 150000000 and is westchester countys second largest industry five hundred men the emancipation of modern woman are employed on it and at times as and the important place she had come many as 1400 have been on the pay- to occupy in the busy modern world roll mr rockefeller is understood were emphasized in an address which to have spent 1000000 on improve- miss a josephine daupliinee of van- couver gave to members of the cana dian federation of business and pro fessional womens clubs meeting in hamilton ont contrasting conditions affecting wo men in 1870 and the present day miss dauphinee recalled that the victorian miss would not go to a skating rink un accompanied the woman of sixty years ago depended on- her men folk for her knowledge of public affairs she did her needlework while her hus band read the difficult passages in the newspaper to her today women were in every sphere of life competi tive social and public they were run ning their own factories they were merchants dentists doctors they took part in aviation filled no second place in sport and took part in the bisley rifle competition woman to day miss dauphinee said might choose any career which suited her cunard celebrates its ninetythird birthday kept on doinfe so dui manuel was an adept telephone liar and no one coultl reach peter unless the voice was known to manuel the house telephone was simply shut off accordingly it was with some indignation that peter heard it ring after he had come out from a shower im sorry mr wayne said the apartment superintendent but theres an officer who says he has to see you man who melted from the heat in london on june 6 the thermom eter rose to 90 in theshade and the next day some of the papers related the story of a man in the south end who had actually melted from the heat and had attracted such great crowds by so doing that the police had to disperse them one of the papers printed a photograph of the phenomen on it shows a young man of about 20 with cleanshaven face and hair neatly plastered down and arrayed in the latest fashion hut with drooping head and a smile that is rapidly dis solving into an expression of horror as the eyes appear to join it the police came and moved the terror- stricken or joking according to tem peramentpeople on but called no ambulance just as the poor man col lapsed he was taken into thc shop be fore which the tragedy had taken place for lie was a dummy made of wax ments i the last year to give em- plovment to neighborhood men tho extent and vaue of the estate also make mr rockefeller the largest taxpayer in westchester his tax bill is said to be about 186000 time to duck i see you advertised your saxo phone for sale said my friend yes he sighed saw my neigh bor in the hardware store yesterday buying a gun tj7hen the cunard flagship aquitania fails into vv halifax ns this week on a cruise from new york her arrival will mark the ninetythird anniversary of the first voyage of the pioneer cunardcr britannia from liverpool to america the britannia left liverpool on july 4th 1840 for halifax and boston covering thc route in 14 days and 8 hours in the same year the acadia her sister ship made the same voyage in ii days and 4 hours- this inaugurated the first regular steamship service across the atlantic samuel afterwards sir cunard was a passenger on thc maiden voyage and on hisarrival at boston he was presented with a silver cup by thc merchants cf boston commemorating the achievement a trophy which is still in existence and valued at over 50000 sir samuel cunard was born in halifax in 1787 and even before founding the cunard line in england had by the year 1830 amassed a huge fortune and was head of a fleet of sailingships plying between nova scotia and the west indies he was knighted in 1859 for outstandingervicc in the crimean war and died in london in 1864 in his 78tb year in contrast to the 1100 gross tons of thc 1840 bri tannia is the 45000ton liner aquitania of today the thread of an argument often im plies that the whole thing is merely a yarn traits of the japanese character the love of nature is one of the essentially japanese qualities which make the lives of the race so happy the japanese have a passionate ad miration for their own country which they declare to be the most beautiful in the world and compare it to a vast garden designed by the gods the scenery of japan is exquisite and the japanese contemplate it with emotion the vivid sensitiveness with vhich they appreciate the charm of their landscapes and the originality of both animate and inanimate ob jects is admirably expressed in their paintings and engravings the work of japanese painters and engravers is delicate and powerful and they ex cel in the reproduction of nature they are also vonderfully successful in expressing in their compositions the most varied and fleeting aspects of their srro hidings in everyday life the japanese ex hibits a certain gaiety which docs not make him less serious in graver mo ments such is the impression fre quently ganed by visitors to the coun try even nowadays the only excep tion to that ulc is to be observed among the proletariat of the towns who are subjected to the iron sway of modern industry what is the origin of this peoples almost universal good humor tats secret happiness which thc outward gaiety of the japanese denotes seems lo be a combination of several simple qualities courtesy patriotism love of nature dnd a sense of humorf chaknj in the soul of japan london george routlcdgc sons ltd britain wants more timber from canada loiidok purchases of canadian lumber by tho united kingdom which averaged 5000 stall- aids per month during january february and march of this year soared to 11000 stand ards during the month of may the explanation given here is that a large number of municipal and other public corporations are now si eclfying cana dian timber in their requirements kx- ports in the trade believe that the do minion has established a permanent market here a feature of the recent increased demand is the popularity of canadian timber for paving blocks twelve lon don boroughs ar- specifying canadian pine in current contracts and the lon don county council is ordering 230000 british columbian blocks during th present year issue no 2933 father at 1 nm is that youni man asleep marie daughter hush father hes just asked m to marry him and make him tho haj picst man in the world just as thought wake him up five babies three hoys and twi grls all alive and healthy were bori at ono birth in foggla italy to a tonla coppula the wife of a laucirer