stouffville ontario thursday july 20 1933 your grocery bulletin christies fig bars lb 10c wax 1aper christlesbuttercookies2 ioz 13c toasted cheese tluns pkg 15c japan rice broken 10 lbs 2c bettys marmalade large jar 25c kraftsandnich spread joz jar 18c new clover money 5 lb pail e0c 3 bolls small 1kk- large pkg 10c 25c 45c canada dry bevekagks except canada dry ginger ale 2 bottles reputed qts 25c coleo soap per cake 5c large italian lemons doz 30c let us liavo your order for blueberries and montmorency cherries so tliat they may bo filled market prices at the right fresh fish every wednesday morning ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 salt tile cattle spray cattle spray wo keep the best that can be bought it will not taint the milk or discolor the skin and odorless arsenate of lime and arsenate of lead for potatoes and all other vegetables fertilizers for cabbage and cauliflower place your orders for coal and coke and we will give you service second to none s w hastings notes and comments the national year are saturday sundays dates of the canadian exhibition at toronto this friday august 25th to sept 9th exclusive miss macphail invited to contest east york dr locke the miracle man of williamsburg who lays claim to bo able- to cure all forms of rheuma tism is getting considerable tree advertising from his patients his charge is one dollar for each treat ment of about half a minute the dollar bills must have piled up fairly fast last year when dr lockes in come tax hill was 73000 yesterday was a historymaking day in canadian politics when dele gates assembled at iregina sask to formulate a policy for the new party so far iocf speakers have been carrying on a campaign of de nouncing the two historic parties but have not put forth any definite plat form of how the theories propouud- ed by the ccf would be worked out midland board of education has decided that pupils attending tho high school from outside tho mun icipality will have to pay a higher ee or make the municipality from which they come pay the cost of educating such pupils it was also j agreed to enforce the new fee system whereby students will have to con tribute toward the cost of their education after they have spent a minimum of six years at high school the ratepsyers of stouffville and the township of markham may have an opportunity to vote for or against miss agnes mcphail at tbs next of federal election canadas only women mp has been invited to re present the riding of east york which comprises this local territory when the invitation was extended last week miss macphall did not give a definite answer she said she loved the people of south grey and considered it a great honor to be the recipient of this invitation should she finally accept miss macphail would have as her oppon ent r h mcgregor the sitting member it would certainly be a lively fight with the odds not all on one side as it always is in east york may call another con vention phone 169 coal stouffville ont coke we offer the farmers 4 fresh cows 2 repossessed international separators to be sold cheap other used separators massey harris mower massey harris binder 6 international steel wheel truck set disk harrows peter hamilton cutting box a new mower a big discount off frank baker international agent phone office 15201 phone residence 15204 whether ministers of the gospel are a preferred class or not when it conies to holidays we do not know but at the present time there is but one active preacher still on the job in this community of seven church es despite the fact that we are bordering on dog days rev c cressman of the mennonite church is still holding his post while the other sky pilots are away refresh ing their thinking powers in readi ness for the fall term thus the supply of preachers in the village is at the lowest ebb that we have ever known it so happens that the bap tist church is without a pastor at the moment since the retirement from the charge of rev walter fleischer to go to brantford and the disciples church is also with out a pastor one parishiner was- telling his pastor how fortunate he the preacher was to be able to have holidays but the pulpit orator said the holiday was to give the congre gation a holiday ono of these days there will bo another liberal nomination meet ing called for the riding of north york in view of the fact that the riding has been materially altered since the meeting at newmarket at which mr morgan baker was given the unanimous choice of tho con vention mr baker states that in view of the fact that considerable territory was added to the riding since the last convention he favors tho call ing of another convention to re affirm the choice of the liberals in the old riding or to do what the dele gates think most advisable while there is little likelihood of any other candidate being chosen over mr baker we believe his action in advising that another convention be called is a wise one and vill in the general course ot events make his position even stronger the new territory- added to north york comprises vaughan township richmond hill village and a part of the township ot east york such a gathering would give him a good opportunity to meet his active work- ers and strongest supporters in a body and the delegates from the new territory will be more pleased in having had a hand in the selec tion of their representative 5000 orangemen at xmount albert thirtyfive lodges represented dutchmans address dog to his our summer specials dainty summer voiles we have a most attractive display of voiles in very desirable patterns and shades a real buy at the price per ya 25c silk lingerie these garments are the products of one of the best known manufacturers in can ada and are thoroughly dependable goods they are of a fine close even weave and in all the popular shades vests each 49c bloomers and panties each 59c i silk hose rayon silk hose a r attrac tive hose in a good assortment of shades fine for hot weather 39c gloves chamosuede gloves of a light weight suitable for the hot weather white only per pair 25c note paper and envelopes pads note paper size of fine linen paper each 15c tablet pads fine windsor linen each 10c blue lined business envelopes per pkg 5c fine linen envelopes per pkg 15c feltol runners an attractive and useful runner for the hall or kitchen in bright and cheerful col ours 18x9 ft price each 75c a special in silk mesh hose we are clearing out these silk mesh and lace hose selling regularly at 125 and 149 not all shades or sizes mostly 9 9 10 regular 125 and 149 for 79c sockees these sockees have been very popula this summer because of the very hot weather we are showing them in a wide range of colors and sizes per pair 19c 25c and 39c towels are needed at the summer cottage as well as in the home and we are offering these towels as very suitable for every pur pose of a soft absorbent quality and generous size each 69c cushions an attractive lot of chintz covered cush ions just the thing for every day use in the home on the verandah at the summer cot tage or in the car assorted colors 29c 35c cushion sets for the kitchen chai cushions for the seat and back with tieonribbons covered with serviceable chintz these will add com fort and beauty to your kitchen per set 35c camp stools an attractive and useful stool fine for picnics the summer cottage or for use in the car each 50c last month shatters record for sunny hours a special in towels see these special bath and dish towels bath towels of a soft abso quality of terry towelling and the dish towel are pure linen each 25c or 5 for 100 a great oneday sale of dresses in conjunction with one of the large wholesale firms we are glad to announce a gigantic sale of dresses on saturday july 22nd five hundred dresses will be on sale dresses of the best quality and latest styles well tailored to fit perfectly you will find here gowns to suit evey occasion and prices range from 79c to 1295 remember the sale is for one day only saturday july 22 the wh shaw store phone 9512 v stoaffrflte ontario seven successive days of ex treme heat boosted june to a mean temperature of 51 degrees above the average according to the weathermans announcement the mean which is calculated from an average over 24 hours of highest and lowest was 675 highest point was reached oii june 11th at 01 s and lowest was 43 reached on the 14th and 15th it was a dry month too rain fall totalling only 184 inches o 002 below the average the heaviest shower was 073- of an inch on june 7th june also supplied the rather rare record of not one day of the thirty completely clouded there were 205 hours of sunshine- as compared to 271 in june of last year the total was 32 hours above average and g3 per cent of the possible the brightest day was the 7th with 10 hours 6 minutes sunlight you vas only a dog but i wish i vas you ven you go to bed you shust turn around three times and lay down ven i go to bed i have to lock de place vind up de clock put out do cat ondresy meself scold mia my wife valk mit de baby ven it cries and den maybe ven i gets myself to bed it is time to get up ven you get up you shust stratch yourself scratch your neck a lettle and you vas up i haf to light de lire put on de kiddle scrap some wid my wife and git myself some breakfast you play around all day and half plenty of fun i haf to work all day and plenty of truble ven you die you vas dead ven i die i haf to go to hell yet upward of 5000 took par in the orange demonstration at mount albert with thirtyfive lodges from twentyeight communities in york and ontario counties represented tho parade which mustered at community park was headed by marshal jack madill uxbridgc who was mounted on the traditional white charger with milton gibney of mount albert tho county mar shal for north york in charge of arrangements and the mount albert hand playing along the route the various lodges in line were victoria corners derryville uddia goodwood uxbridge sunderland stouuville and wilfred all from the north ontario county district rich mond hill woodbridge weston from west york oriole markham thornhill and unionville from east york northview nobleton aurora newmarket mount albert king queensville and island grove from north york on returning to the park the huge assembly was addressed by cautain h a bruels toronto w h taylor aurora a former grand lodge officer and john w hirst who is county master for north york several lodges of the loba the oyb and the ltb also attended while sixty children from the loyal true blue and orange lodge nt richmond hill were en hand four vacant seats in federal house levy should not exceed cash income still more drastic action will bo necessary if municipal credit is to be safeguarded against increasing tax arrears remarks a bulletin issued by tho citizens research institute of canada the warning is timely and it should command the immediate attention of municipal offlcials within the last two or three years canada has had too many illustra tions of postponing until the eleven th hour tho effort to fit expenditures to diminished revenues too often at the last minute there have been scurry and flurry acrimony between departments arid illdirected slash es which cripple essential services while others of less importance os capo the net the not result has course an unduly large number ot crazypatchwork patterns in municipal finance sound advice is given in the con cluding paragraph of the bulletin municipal councils and offi cials should keep a watchful eye on tho taxcollection barometer if tax collections drop below the estimated figuro upon which the current budget was based the bud get expenditures should at once be reduced accordingly the surest way to avoid financial embarrassment its to live within tho cash income tho continued rise in commodity prices and tho increasing volume of sales in retail stores together with increased exports of two important commodities wheat and wheat flour and increasing price values and volume of transactions on the can adian stock exchange indlcato the possible incoming of a tldo of com mercial and industrial prosperity in canada this is tho opinion ex pressed in a statistical review issued by tho department of trado and commerce four vacant seats in the house oi commons await elections in which the policy of the conservative government would be tested before the voters one byeelectionthat ii mackenzie vacated by milton c-imf- bells appointment to the tariff board is already announced three other byeelections must be further held judge stubbs of winnipeg is the nominee of the cooperative commonwealth federation in mack enzie he is opposed by a conserva tive s h edgar and by a united front candidate espousing radical socialism l p mcnamee there is as yet no liberal nominee the other vacant seats are south oxford ontario formerly by t m cnyley liberal yamaska quebec held by a boucher liberal and vacant because of the action of the courts and restigouche- madawaska new brunswick the ccf candidate is favored in mackenzie and the first two seats are fair fighting ground for the liberals the nb seat will see a close fight elections are probable in british columbianova scotia and ontario and there is even tho possibility ot an election in saskatchewan in the near futuret another car won newmarket by another lucky draw car goes to newmarket mrs win brown of eagle street is the latest lucky individual having the right number on tho frontenac coach which was given away at mt albert 12th of july celebration with number 2333 try to toll the newmarket lady that it doesnt matter what number you have ccf not in provincial politics interviewed by tho york post miss agnes macphall imp who addressed a largo gathering on sunday afternoon nt scarboro bluffs said that her opinion was nuite decisivo and largely held by other ccf leaders that tho cc- f was not vitally concerned to contest provincial elections oxcopt in special cases tho provincial governments powers do not go deep enough to bring any effective change to canadas deplorable condition wo shall concentrate on tiio federal election to win olllco and thereby to put into effect the commonsonse policies that will at once bring canada to the position of being economically what she is in our hearts the happiest and best land on earth in which to live what political alignments might bo encouraged in a provincial elec tion would bo a better matter for the various provincial associations holiday shoes sismans you w canvas shoes scampers fj in many different styles ami colors are inexpensive service able athletic nou- perspiring bathing shoos in red comfortable aud hlue par 3 mens work hools and sox light or heavy weight womens one strap leather shoe low heel at per pair 123 o lehman the shoe store service stouffville ontario phone 4301 quality cream grading in addition to taking care of your cream it is most important that it be graded in the shortest possible time after leaving your place it would not only be a loss but also very discouraging to know that in many cases your cream might have been 1st or special grade when leaving your place and becoming 2nd grade in transient or time lost before grading after you care for your cream we on our part are doing everything possible to assist you in receiving the best grade from those whom we collect their cream by truck we are now collecting twice a week and by being sit uated so close to our shippers we are able to get your cream in very short time our cream shippers who are delivering their cream to the cramery are able to bring it at any time during the day and in addition three nights a week in any quantity and their ship ments are graded immediately as it comes in for original grade highest price correct weight and test ship your cream to stouffville creamery co renderers of a most efficientcreamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone 186 stouffville ontario here and there almost 20010000 was spent in the manufacture of toilet prepara tions soaps and washing com pounds in canada in 1932 a re cently issued official report states that the total value of the former produced was 5073134 and of the latter 14731549 forty boy scouts of oregon and washington made the first leg of their s000 mile trip to budapest in the princess kathleen seattle to vancouver they are travelling cjpr across canada to quebec whence they will sail for england on the empress of britain alaska and the yukon hold their popularity as summer play grounds judging by the sizable list ot passengers sailing north to skagway in canadian pacific coastal liners many of them arc mining and business men hut the majority are summer tourists at tracted by the rate reductions for summer alaska travel hoboes play joke on bather takes trousers fortythree ycars ot active loyal and efficient service with the canadian pacific railway closed june 30 with the retire ment of w a kittermastcr gen eral westcnn freight agent chi cago he was succeeded by e l cardie assistant general freight agent and tho office which the latter vacated was ab olished on monday evening a freight train from the north carrying some twenty hoboes stopped east ofbarrie station seeing a pair of trousers on the bank by the track one of the free riders jumped down and grabbed them when wilburt rutter of 14s worsley st came out of the bay where he had been swimming he found his trousers gone with his watch and jack knife he at once notified the police and a quick searcli was made at barrie and allandale but without avail on tuesday the lost trousers with the watch and knife were found and the joke was over claremont for the first time cinco its foun dation 25 years ago r governor- general of canada was present at the annual closing exercises of the boys farm and training school sliawbridgi que recently when the karl of bessborough accom panied by k w bcatty chairman and president canadian pacific railway attended the school and awarded prizes to graduates there are tangible signs of business and economic improve ment in canada and the united states sir josiah stamp direc tor of the bank of england presi dent of the london midland scottish railway and one of bri tains leading economists said re cently when lie sailed for england on the canadian pacific liner empress of britain after a short visit to this continent ten honolulu youths- between 11 and 17 years of age arrived recently at vancouver on cana dian australasian liner mono- wai en route to tho yukon where they will spend the summer in scientific research aud adventure they will sail north to skagway go into white horse where they wil build boats for the run down the yukon river to dawson the union services of the baptist and united church congrega tions were well attended last sun day this is a new arrangement and likely to work ont well during the month of july the morning service is being held in the united church and the evening service in the bap tist lohurch with rev j e glover as minister during august rev mr hartonwlll have charge with the place of service the reverse of that in july the supply problems for each ministers holidays is thus satisfactorily solved during july the united church choir will lead the service of song and the baptist church choir during august a cord ial invitation is extended to all to attend these services motion pictures of herds of caribou swimming tho swift cur rent of the yukon river and other striking studies of wild life in tho far north have been garnered by harry pollard associated screen news photographer who returned recently in the princess norah to vancouver after six weeks in alaska and the yukon he wont on to banff and lako louise where he will photograph moun tain scenery a total of 616215 persons visit ed the is national parks of canada in the fiscal year 193132 thcso great reservations cover an ag gregate area of lsooj square miles each has its own attrac tive characteristics thero aro three scenic and four animal parks in alberta four scenic parks in british columbia one scenic park in manitoba and one in saskatchewan gray coach toronto single 85c return 16g daily service eastern standard tlmo leave leave stoufrviho toronto a- 615 am b 800 am b 815 am d 100 pm c 240 pm a 430 pm c 610 pm d 915 pm d 730 pm a daily except sunday holi days b sunlay holidays only c saturday only d saturday sunday holidays only vacation tours muskokn lakes 30000 isles with all expenses paid low fares to all usa point gray coach lines