j i mmm voice of the press i canada the empire and the wortd at large canada children at the wheel a 14yearold chicago high school girl driving an automobile along a public highway recently struck a 7- earold boy who was riding a bicycle the boy was not badly injured and witnesses said that the girl did every thing an adult driver could have done to avoid hitting him but it preyed on her mind and the tragic upshot was that after a sleepless night of brood ing the girl committed suicide it is a pitiful story and makes a bad commentary on the automobile age why should a child of 14 years be permitted to drive a car in heavy traffic or for that matter in any kind of traffic handling an automobile these days is strictly a job for adults the nervous strain that the accidents of the road can bring to a driver is something no child ought to have to boulder woodstock sentinel re view protectors protected not newspapermen alone but the public generally will be interested in the new law put into effect recently in kew jersey under which no court grand jury or other inquisitorial body could require any reported to divulge the source of confidential information used in news articles this law simp ly recognizes what has long been the code of the newsgathering profession that a reporter is in honor bound to protect the person from whom he gets information of legitimate interest to the public it is a new bulwark for tho freedom o f the press halifax herald steadily increasing its output thero are 25 factories now in that country producing a million clocks a year hamilton spectator strawberries en route an alabama woman who raises ear ly strawberries for tho market was overcome recently ly the inquisitive streak that is popularly supposed to be a component part of the feminine makeup as the kitchener newsre cord tells the story a godericb house wife bought a box of berries for which she paid 29 cents in the bottom of the box was a note it was please writo me who bought this box and the price paid for it we received 75 cents a crate of 24 boxes picked by ruth williams cullman alabama route 9 a brief joust with mental arithmetic reveals that tho grower received for her product just 3 125 cents per box the spread by the time the berries got to the table of the consumer was just short of 2g cents not all of that of course was accountable to the profits of those who had handled the berries between patch and retail sale dutj exchange and transportation combined to roll up the price and of course the middleman and distribut ing agents got their bits hamilton spectator pneumonia serum cuts death rate mother and son killed in smash pepping up death gamble new trains to run 110 miles an hour are being planned for united states railroads that should pep up the lets beat it to the crossing fans ottawa citizen joke on the buffalo a couple of years rgo an expert was driven from wawa to michipicotcn fails one cold winters day the driver tucked the buffalo robe careful ly around his passenger and climbed in of course says the efficiency nian this is all wrong there is real ly more warmth in a buffalo robe when you wear the hair inside and the skin outside mac looked at the engineer well he says its quite a joke on tho buffalo to have been wearing it wrong all these years sault ste marie star return to farms in sixty years the entire picture of canadian life lias changed in 1s71 thero were 81 persons out of every hundred living in the country while in 1931 there were nearly 54 out of every hundred in the cities and towns even these figures impressive though they are do not disclose the whole story for the reason that persons living in small communities and unincorporated villages are recorded as rural dwellers actually according to figures compiled by the canadian government bureau of statistics only 317 of the whole population of canada live on farms there is however a noticeable return movement toward the farms now in progress fredericton gleaner why accidents happen y 111 the urban centres the pedestrians have rights which must be respected but accidents constantly occur be cause pedestrians are careless or ab sorbed when crossing the streets for their own safety they must develop eternal vigilance and caution i tho fatalities and injuries are not inevitable that is the fact to recog nize totalled up these accidents are ghastly story they are also ghastly evidence of human lapses of one kind or another and of the need of a sus tained effort to inculcate habits of gafo driving and safo walking win- plpcg free press hows your vocabulary wc read that broadcasting has add- fcd five hundred words to the average ralo fans vocabulary some say in ot- iwa the total now excees six hun- red ottawa journal v j british clocks 2jif ever an industry saw opportun- ty and took it the clock trade has one so reports the secretary o the iritlsh clock manufacturers associa tion in sending for review a special umber of a magazine published in to interests of the trade the effects the new british policy of modified yfptccllon coupled withthe advantage jfcrcd by the sterling exchange situa tion havo been truly remarkable it acxpcctcd that in the course of tho rcsont year nearly one hundred times 3 many clocks will be produced in eng- sh factories as in the year 1930 the jxncreaso bolng from 2so0o to two and half millions millions of pounds ijtvp been invested in the industry and orelgn competition is being most suc- issfully met in spite of tho fact that 5 imported clocks are mado to sell t ridiculously low prices it is said qtsomo instances that foreign time- ilecos aro put on the market at about neslxlh iho values asked five year lj0 the competition com main the empire increase in motorcar sales there is at least one trado the motor industry which cannot be said to be suffering gravely from the gen eral depression more pjrivate cars were registered in march than in any single month hitherto the total being 1722 above that for tho previous re cord month march 1929 in the first three months of the year 40105 new- cars were registered a figure which falls below that of the peak year by only 42 the result is not so surpris ing as it appears and cannot safely be taken as a sign of returning gener al prosperity for in the years im mediately preceding 192d the motor habit was increasing rapidly and the registration figures going forward in a steep upward curve the market was still very far below saturation point in the ordinary course of events we should have expected a continuous expansion between 1929 and 1933 what actually happened was that there was some failing off after 1929 and that this deficiency is now being made good for the industries con cerned it is an encouraging sigir so far as it goes showing that the natural growth of the motoring habit is suf ficient to counteract the trade slump the spectator london sun rays blamed when cars collide near brighton three injured belleville two persons were kill ed and three injured friday night in a ieadion collision between two motor car3 four and onehalf miles west were brought to hospital in belle ville thoso killed were mrs edith pat terson of kingston and her eight- yearold son james thomas martin a toronto teach er whose home is at 40 parks street nprth7beneviyle dtiving alone 7 i youths were of ottawa two year experiments prove injections successful in treating type one milwaukee the possibllty of cut ting in half the death rata from at lea3t one of the four major types of pneumonia by injection of serum into the veins of patients was announced last week before the american medical association the results of two year experi ments to learn the practical value of the serum treatment for pneumonia which ranks second as the cause of death among people in early adult life were reported by drs gaylord ander son and roderick heffron of boston ma3s the tests were made to deter- mine the advisability of continuing the production of the serum usually made from the blood of horses by an expeu sivo process the study showed that thero were less than half as many deaths among patients treated with the serum for typo one pneumonia as among pa tients not given the serum it also was fairly successful in tho treatment of type two but did not produce so great ft reduction in deaths the serum 13 usually considered chiefly valuable in treating thoso two types tho great problem now that the serums usefulness has been proved the doctors said is to deveop a method for wider distribution of the serum while conserving the supply as much as possible because of its high cost serum offers the only practical method of controlling pneumonia which outranks all other infectious diseases except tuberculosis as a cause of death more than- half the cases of pneu- monia in young people ore type one clear and were found jammed in the or type two so it is advised that the ruins serum shall be given even before it is athlete killed jtoronto athlete iheat wave hits in car accident wins us marathon prairie province j i maurice becker 18 of of tireless finn sprints last 100 thermometer 104 farmers tawa loses control of car companion thrown clear other accidents ottawa june is losing control of otbrightou the injured jj b yards for margin of 15 seconds washington june 18 a lean tire- jess runner from toronto maintained work fields at nifjht to avoid terrific heat winnipeg june 17 summers firs sustained heat attack had taken becker 18 a versatile st patricks college athlete was killed here late saturday night and a companion george kiefl also a student of the same college escaped miraculously when he was thrown through a window of the car and landed on his feet both his reputation as the most consistent firm grip on the canadian west to marathoner on the north american night the wave had claimed at leas continent he was dave komonen one life and threatened damage u one of the cars suffered two broken ribs a broken arm and severe cuts and bruises- dr car j haig oklahoma city okla driver of the other car suf fered scalp injuries severe bruises and cuts from hying glass aud 15- yearold jack patterson brother of the dead boy received scalp wounds- and cuts the patterson family wero all passengers in dr haigs car dr haig a graduate of queens university kingston aud for the past two years a teacher at oklahoma university was returning to king ston accompanied by mrs patterson and her two sons it is believed he was temporarily blinded by the rays of the setting sun and pulled his car to the loft side of the highway into the path of that driven by mar tin martin alone in his car was re turning to belleville after complet ing his year as a teacher in toronto tli cars wero reduced to a mass nt twisted wreckage by the impact but none of the occudants was thrown determined what type has attacked aj patient us and world peace america has now formally pledged herself to take from henceforth a di rect active part in the guardianship of the peace of the world that is the effect of mr daviss statement mr davis promised in the name of his country to join others in abolishing aggressive weapons to consult with others in case of a threat to peace and to participate in a system of supervision to ensure the faithful car rying out of any measures of disarma ment the last is clearly the most important of these obligations an american representative oh tho per manent commission of control will bo a solid guarantee of americas active practical concern in the work of dis armament the newschronicle the united states newspaper advertising wo learn that starting juno 1 mont gomery ward and company will dis continue advertising through hand bills and give 100 per cent concentra tion upon newspaper advertising offi cials of the company with 500 stores in 46 states assert this new policy is a test and they will continue it for at least a year it it yields results the placing of tho newspaper contracts hereafter will be from the central of fice copy will be sent in mat form to retail managers a month in advance for merchandising purposes and for insertion of local prices on specified items releases will be on a monthly schedule and frequency of insertion will depend somewhat upon local com petitive conditions all right newspapers will gladly ac cept the challengo it will pay out handsomely if the central control is intelligent and keenly alert to tho fact that local merchandising 13 often a hairtrigger business there is no comparison between the pulling power of a good daily and a handbill assum ing that the copy is right and releases scientific montgomery ward and company aro set for what the hunter calls a killing editor and publisher new york hailstorm costs ottawa 90000 worst storm in history shat ters glass of hotbeds young plants ruined ottawa last week the worst hail storm in the memory of the oldest in habitant with the heavens discharging frozen projectiles the size of hens eggs wrecked the hopes of hundreds of market gardeners in suburban ot tawa and caused damage estimated at 90000 in the village of cyrvilie alone the glass in thousands of hotbeds was shattered and the young plants flattened while numerous green houses collapsed under the bombard ment with their contents ruined joseph cyr prominent market gar dener of cyrvilie president of the ontario fruit and vegetable growers association suffered heavy loss and declared that the village was practi cally ruined so far as this season was concerned the work of months had been destroyed together with much valuable equipment long long trail author dies of sleeping sickness spokane wash stoddard king humorist newspaper columnist and author of theres a long zong english firm solves black smoke nuisance sheffield eng an innovation in smoke prevention has been brought to a high state of efficiency by a shef field firm applied to locomotives and to marine boilers on tugboats com plete elimination of black smoke is claimed the apparatus is easily fitted re quires no structural alteration to the interior of the boiler or interference with the flues or grates and is auto matic the system is one of intro ducing steamdriven secondary air over the fire in such a manner that it is pretreatod and meets the volatile gases as they are given off from the fresh fired coal with considerable tur bulence black smoke is never formed the efficiency of the boiler is increased owing to bettor combustion and in many cases tho use of cheaper fuel has been possible thus adding to the economy obtained bbc to broadcast canadian pageant historical review of the do minion to be given in london july 1st a picture of canada in 1353 as re flected in the canadian national ex hibition of that year will be broad cast at midnight on july 1st lon don time by the british broadcast ing corporation as one of two most elaborate radio programs ever de vised by the famous british institu tion it is timed to coincido with tho anniversary of the dominions birth written by a former young torou- tonian e darcy sullivan son of the wellknown canadian writer alan sullivan plans for an inspiring his torical pageant of canada are well advanced e j kingbull is co operating with mr sullivan as pro ducer after the opening address by high commissioner g howard fer guson the story of the 250 years of canadas history opens- with king charles granting the hudson bay charter to priuco rupert with whom aro captains stannard and gillam there follows a thrilling moment when in 1743 explorer ia verendrye and his three sons arethe first white men to set eyes on the rockies scottish traders on the shore of hudson bay will be heard seven years later receiving the news of wolfs capture of quebec another graphic episode will be canadas entry luto tlia great war according to kiefl becker sudden ly lost control the wheel slipping from his hands he jammed on the brakes in an effort to bring the car to a stop but the machine somersaulted against the curb and turned over twice more kiefl was thrown out when tho vehicle hit the curb police said young becker was thrown out also his head hitting the curb and fracturing his skull death was instantaneous the crash attracted nearby resi dents who rushed into the street to render what aid they could king clancy toronto maple leafs hockey player who was visiting nearby was one of the first to reach the scene st thomas june 18 gerald ja cobs 5yearold yarmouth centre boy was knocked down by a car driven by henry e hart of syracuse ny this afternoon and removed to the mem orial hospital for observation young jacobs was walking on the highway with his sster when the hart car ap proached the lad stopped apparently to let the car pass only to dart for ward as the carwas almost opposite him the car passed over the boy tho wheels straddling his little body it is expected that the boy will make a recovery former canadian national champion who chugged home in a 40 automo bile carrying wite him the emblem of the united states amateur athletic union marathon championship he won saturday- komonen along with percy wyer 98poung toionto running idol and other monarch athletic club mates scraped together the 40 with which to buy the car to come here and enter the grind when they were unable to secure sufficient funds for train fare their confidence in themselves was amply rewarded komonen ran into exhaustion a field of 87 runners in cluding a majority of the best dis tance men in the eastern united states the diminutive wyer finished fifth while another torontonian dick wilding was seventh komonen however did not win the classic without a terrific battle lit tle mell porter of the irishamerican ac of newark nj fought stub bornly the entire 20 miles 385 yards to lose only when the toronto man burst loose with a mighty sprint in the last 100 yards the markets three severely injured london out june is one man is dying two others are under hospital treatment and lives of ten in all were imperilled in a spectacular midnight collision at the junction of no 22 and no 4 highway three miles north of london no hope is held for the recovery of lome mckay age 2s of 9sg oxford street driver of one of the machines which hurtled into a ditch upside down a moment after six had been pulled from tile wreckage the car was de- j stroyed by fire michael barratta 1c dundas street and marian campbell 2 brighton street are also in st jo sephs hospital barratta with cuts about the head and possibly fractured ribs and miss campbell with many cuts and bruises margaret forest and marion parker nurses in training at the ontario hospital wero other members of mckays party who re ceived minor hurts carloadings show good movement industrial drive organized plans started to rebuild economic structure washington juno 18 president roosevelts campaign to put millions of men back to work before tho snow flies will begin in earnest this week in perhaps tho greatest economic and social experiment in history for all practical purposes the econ omic structure of the country is to bo made over thocamiaign isconcentratod here thecapital today watteminiscent of transportation mail lines reflects increasing con fidence of buying public ottawa june 10 the transporta tion situation iu canada is showing considerable improvement and reflects tho increasing confidence of the buy ing public and improving internal and external commerce according toa bul letin issued by the department of trado and commerce carloadings for tho week ending june 10 numbered 10812 cars an increase of near 2000 cars over the preceding week and representing tho largest move ment of freight in 34 weeks movement of merchandise freight representing as it does the shipments from manufacturers to wholesalers and from wholesalers to retailers showed a marked improvement pro- coedj tho bulletin movement of merchandise by railroad has climbed to nearly threequarters of normal whllo that shipped via canal boats in may was approximately double that of the corresponding month last year lower values for rents and fuel havo reduced the costs of living in canada from 780 in april to 77g in may on tho dominion bureau of sta tistics index tho retail valuo of food wartime washington thero was the tense and buoyant air of a great owev stly higher n keen trail s dead a victim of sleeping adventure as the generals of the mnrove a sickness he was 43 national recovery plan ami their aides t p king succumbed at his home here eschewed golf and other recroation iflzl m a a spent tfie day in hastilyprovided headquarters in government buildings a sovenlay week will be the schc- hc was stricken with the disease remember you cannot have ability dule of those who are seeking to ostab- unless you do what lincoln did study lish the fiveday week for american piii european cdunftl- with japao prepare yourself van amburgh industry do not despair if you fail once your repentanco will bo a moro beautiful act than any you havo yet done be gin selfimprovement not by cultivat ing noblo impulses but by ruthlessly cutting away all evil that is in you occupant vanishes a man named scott who was sixth in the party disappeared from the sceno soon after the crash and be came the object of an anxious search when the report spread that he had been burned to deatli in tho wreck the occupants of the other car were jacob vincent 1278 king street pres ton and his wife and mr and mrs russell bayham of dashwood bay- ham was in the rumble seat and was thrown clear with minor hurts as the car rolled over and finally came to rest on its wheels vincent and the two women who were in the front seat sustained only slight hurts michael barratta a well known rug by player dragged himself from the wreckage and though severely injured pulled mckay out and then the two girls a moment later as lin towle of london township peered under the car in search of other victims it burst into flames scorching towle who reached safety with difficulty inspector t g p lucas and traffic officer j l whitty investigated the case jobs and wages show recovery us labor secretary reports they are far in excess of seasonal washington an increase in em ployment and payrolls in manufactur ing industries in may reflecting the first substantial gain in any one month since january 1932 was re ported last week by secretary of la bor frances perkins miss perkins described the increas es as far in excess of the normal trend at this season of the year but v arned against overoptimism declar ing that the statistics should not bo interpreted as meanfng that the course out of the industrial crisis of the past years is clear tho secretarys bureau of labor sta tistics which canvassed 89 of the principal manufacturing industries of j the country reported an increase of 18 per cent iu employment and 115 per cct in payrolls in may over april 1933 a portion of this advance miss perkins explained should be regard produce prices toronto dealers are buying produce prevailing t the following prices i 1 eggs prices to farmers and coun try snippers ungraded cases return ed fresh extras 14c fresh firsts 12c seconds 10c cracks 9c graded cases free lgc for fresh extras 14 to wkc for fresh firsts 12c for seconds butter no 1 ontario creanierj- solids 19c no 2 18c churning cream special 13 to wc no 1 17 to 18c iso 2 14 to 15c fob shipping points cheese no 1 large colored paraf- fined and government trraded lie twins llvic triplets llc poultry a grade alive 1933 spring broilers over 3m lb 18c over 3 to 3m lbs hie over v- to 3 j lbs 13c over 1 to 2 lbs lie fowl fatted over 5 lbs lcc over 4 to 5 lbs 9c over 3 to 4 lbs- 8c old roosters 5c turkeys market price squabs per pair 25c pigeons per pair 15c poultry a erade dressed fowl fatted over 5 lbs 12c over 4 to 5 lbs lie over 3 to 4 lbs 10c- old roosters 8c turkeys market price- b grade 2c lb less than a c grade 2c lb less than b grain quotations following are saturdays closing quotations on grain transactions for car lots prices on basis cif bay ports man- wheat no 1 hard 7214c no 1 north gsc no 2 north c3c no 3 north g7c man oats no 2 cw- 32 c no 3 cw 30wc no 1 feed 29 c no 2 feed 28c mixed feed oats 21c man barley no 3 cw 40ic no 1 feed screenings 1475 per ton south african com cgc ontario grain approximate prices track shipping point wheat 05 to 07c oats 28 to 30c barlev 38 to 42c corn 50 to 58c rye 35 to 38c buckwheat 30 to 32c sprouting wheat crops as old so clased the mercury in a dizzy ascen to new high marks the heat was most pronounced if alberta and saskatchewan where tor rid wecther has persisted for fivi successise days already scorched bj the burning rays prairie citizem gasped as thermometers recorded cen tury marks and better at 13 widelj scattered points first death from prostration wai reported at lethbridge in southon alberta where mike kukuro bee worker succumbed to the intense heat heat honors for the dominion weni to kindersley in saskatchewan when the temperature had risen to 104 do grees a new record for the date high readings of 102 were register ed at medicine hat in southern al berta and at empress elbow kam- sack consul shaunavon and moos jaw in sasatchewan heat was mosi oppressive in the cities in the coun try farmers herded their cattle t nearby watering places preferring tc work their fields at night to oscapt the burning sun there was i cooler side to the wea ther report too- ice was reported still ill the river at churchill manitoba baby seaport and along the coast of hudson bay in the vicinity of th port the temperature at churchill was 38 with cool northwest winds hay and straw prices toronto dealers are paving for hav ami straw hated car lots delivered per ton no 2 timothy 850 no- 3 timothy g to 7 wheat straw 0 to 050 oat straw g live stock quotations steers up to 1050 lbs good and choice 475 to 5 do med 425 to 450 do com- 350 to 425 steers over 1050 lbs good and choice 485 to 525 do med 450 to 475 do com 4 to 425 heifers good and choice 475 to 5 do med- 425 to 150 do com 350 to 4 fed calves good and choice 525 to 500 do mod 450 to 5 cows good 3 to 350 do mod 250 to 3 do com 2 to 225 canners and cutters 1 to 175 bulls good 250 to 275 do com 175 to 225 stocker and feed er steers good 4 to 425 do com 325 to 375 milkers and springers 25 to 45 calves good arid choice veals 4 to 5 do com and mod 2 to 350 grassers 2 to s225 hogs bacon fob 5 to 510 do off trucks 525 to 535 do off cars 550 to 500 good ewe and wether lambs 9 do mod 8 to 850 culls 5 to 550 good light sheep 2 do heavies each 1 to 150 do culls 50 to 75c gandhis son weds high caste brahmin poona india devi das gandhi youngest son of the mahatma gandhi on june 10 married a daughter ol raja gopal achariar a high cast brahmin and one of the mahatmai oldest friends full hindu rites were observed ex cept that there was no gift to tht bride and no dowry handsome young devi das firsl underwent a purification ceremony virtually becoming a brahrliri one ol the first of the four castes in india early last year devi das patriot ism triumphed over his romance witl the beautiful 20yearold girl who ha become his bride when he deliberatelj courted arrest for civil disobedience the mahatma himself played a lead ing role in the romance a few hours before his own arrest in connection with the civil disobedience campaign when he gave devi das in marriage and the ceremony was to have follow ed at the earliest opportunity his fatherinlay was once the pre sident of the national congress th mahatma according to latest reports is recovering from a three weeks fast in protest against untouchability new and better banana trinidad bwi a new banana has been discovered here which prom ises to meet export trade require ments including the ability to with stand reasonably rough handling iti flavor is said to be better than th already known varieties at a natur alists meeting at which the discovers was announced it was stated that tho trinidad department of agriculture is testing the new banana shipments of bananas from here have so far been purely experimental and the fruit have been mostly gros michel variety flu preventive is now claimed london june 18 effective treat ment for influenza is reported to have been found following extensive ex periments in the national institute of medical research officials remained silent nut it was understood tley had succeeded in transmitting the virus to animals and then cured them the tests were said to insure an effective preventive medicine although isolation of the germ itself has not yet been achieved a successful cure could save great thousands at work on provinces road- quebec with an estimated 7000 to 8000 men employed repair work o the provinces network of highways is now in progress all over quebec it was stated by j- l boulanger deputy minister of roads and mines last week the men are paid at rates varying from 20 cents an hour upwards de pending on the type of work these workers do not come under the new plan announced recently by premier tnschereau whereby they are paid only half their wages during the working yieriod and receive the rest later remedy for diabetes is distributed free txmdon ont a report issued by dr a j black director of the facul ty shows that the institute of public health during the past year distribut ed more than 2491200 units of insu lin for diabetic patients throughout western ontario a total of 59951 examinations were given to patients from 180 municipalities britain alone millions of pounds stcr ed as a recovery from the precipitate ling- insurance companies paid 1- decline in employment payrolls fol- 500000 in january and february on lowing the bank holiday in oarly policies held by persons who died of cently issued by the topographical march influenza survey dept- of the interior ottawa a long survey line ottawa the second meridian of the dominion lands system of survey has been surveyed northerly from the international boundary to the north bank of kamuchawie lake in town ship 85 a distance of over 500 miles this lake which lies across the mani tobasaskatchewan provincial bound ary ami the northern terminus of the surveyed meridian arc shown on tho reindeer lake south map sheet re-