stouffville ontario thursday may 4 1932 up on your salo of cream if you are not a shipper to the stouffville creamery and comparo your results at our creamery or with any of our customers and you will find you have heen losing dollars as well as missing a creamery service that is unexcelled an indicati the fact that our make of butter at present is up 20 over last year is sufficient proof of how we use our cream shippers it is always our aim to render to our shippers the best creamery service possible every day in the year as to the price we pay method of payment method of receiving and collect ing- the cream and in all other respects nothing suits us better than to see our shipp ers pleased equally are we pleased with the progress which we are making in the way of dispos ing of our butter and the demand we have created for our butter the delivery system we have establishd in toronto to deliver our butter direct to stores helps us to get the top price for our product as a convenience for those who deliver their cream we are also open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings from those whom we collect the cream by truck we are making plans to collect twice a week have you missed something if you have not tried stouffville creamery butter ask your grocer or get it at the creamery it is always obtain able fresh and of the highest quality thous ands of satisfied homes use only stouffville creamery butter look for our label on every pound hard times or good times it matters not the milk cow is the farmers best friend this means some thing to our farmers mutual benefit notwithstanding the fact that we had a 30 per cent increase in 1931 over the butter manufactured by us in 1930 that increase was maihtainedqn 1932 and so far this year 1933 we are again forging ahead with a still larger production than hereto fore or to be exact a further increase of 20 per cent for the first quarter of 1933 the fact that we are situated right among our cream shippers and getting all our cream just within a few miles plays a very important part in the quality of cream we get and naturally in the quality of butter we make which commands the top price its the price that we get for our butter that governs the price we pay for cream the prices we pay for cream are always the highest the butter market permits to pay and not only on special occasions or for a special purpose which is so often doneby be ing so situated and giving prompt attention to the cream as it comes in gives our cream shippers a chance to get the best grade for their cream the fact is that the percentage of our 2nd grade cream is exceptionally low you must remember that the difference in 2nd grade and 1st grade is 3c per lb of butterfat and we pay a premium of 2 cents per lb of butter fat for special grade over 1st i mi stouf f villecreamer y co most efficient creamery service since 1918 phone 186 stouffville ont the dominionstores stouffville sherriffs jellies pkt 5o bayside corn 3 for 25c bayslde peas 3 for 25c- bayside tomatoes 3 for 25c cheese thins pkt 15c 4xquaker flour bag 199 domino bk powder lb 19c domino peas 3s tin 15c domino corn 2 tins 25c domino tea eb lb 39t domino raisins pkt 15c domino nice 2 pkgs 25c aylmer soaps 2 for 15c cello pop corn pkt 10c 10c richmello coffee lb 45c domino coffee lb 33o bulk tea 3 lbs s3c lard lb 10c soup beans 2 lbs 5c peanuts lb 10c salter peanuts lb 15c p boadway manager the farm news claremont an enjoyable time was spent at the homo of melburn and mrs chapman near goodwood on fri day evening last week when a sur prise party of several car loads of their old friends and neighbors of this locality motored up to spend the evening with them mrs jno pallister on behalf of the party expressed regret at the removal of mr and mrs chapman and daughter from this community and extended to them sincere good wishes for their future welfare in their new home a beautiful gift was thou pre sented to them mr chapman made a suitable replythanking the donors for their kindness the remainder of the evening was spent in grimes and community sing ing in which every one present joined most heartily a dainty lunch was served by the visitors before leaving for their homes god be with you till we meet again ias sung bringing a very happy even ing to a close h ere an dth ere heaves the ailment common in horses is frequently caused by re peated gorging with food or water or both dusty grain or hay also predisposes to this trouble early in spring is the best time to transplant most kinds of trees and shrubs evergreens included evergreens may be trausplautd in summer but greater precautions must be taken to do it successfully although held back in some dis tricts by wet cold weather spring farm work has become general throughout ontario in many coun ties cultivating has been general and in some cases spring wheat and oats sown the reports indi cate that fall wheat is looking de cidedly good and that clovers al falfa and timothy have come through the winter in fairly good condition another sale of salmon angling leases is announced in new bruns wick for the famous waters of the upsalquitch river which will be leased to the highest bidder at a sale to be held in fredericton april 27 the leases will be for ten years from march 1 1933 canadian railway salaries have experienced severe cuts over the past few years this has ap- plied to officers as well as to workers on the trains and along the lines the recently issued annual report of the c p r an nounced that e w beatty chair man and president of the c p r had instituted a special cut of 15 per cent for himself and the com panys directors this makes a total cut of 25- for them since the decline in earnings began nipigon rivers famous speck led trout dont know it yet but the ukase has gone forth that nonresidents shall pay only 550 for an annual fishing license or about half the charge hitherto further nipigon guides will offer their services this year for 2300 a woek as against 2800 in 1932 these trout in the nipigon pools and in those off the islands at its mouth including st ignace run to seven pounds and up canadian pacific liner empress of japan recently hung up a new speed record when she travelled the 2329 miles from honolulu to victoria in four days eight hours and three minutes clipping seven hours 47 from her best previous time for the voyage and much outdistancing the best mark for any other pacific liner except the empress of canada the literary hit of the year has been made by frederic nlven canadian author living near nel son bc whose mrs barry has been recently hailed by authori ties as one of the most profound ly moving books ever written mr nivcn who thus breaks into the ranks of best sellers earlier in the century handled baggage and freight for the canadian pa cific railway at nelson exports to us jump a tremendous increase in the ex port of farm products to the unit ed states was noted for the year ending jan 31st 1933 as against the previous 12month period cit ing some of the canadian items which mounted in export trade wo seo canned fruits tobacco leaf honey- cheese condensed milk and canned meats in the lastnamed item the increase was 2413 per cent there being 153ss pounds exported in 1931 and 391354 pounds in 1932 tobacco leaf exportation grew from gs39000 pounds in 1931 to 13909000 in 1932 cheese 70 per cent ontario from s047s0 hun dredweight to 833 63s canned fruits so per cent ontario 5412- 000 pounds to 10442000 pounds honey so per cent ontario 1su4 000 pounds to 2230000 and con densed milk s40g2 pounds to 171- 000 pounds sow good seed ono of tho best services render ed by the experimental farms in the testing of varieties of grain to de termine their suitability to partic ular areas that this work has been extensive and satisfactory is in dicated by the general adoption of varieties that were first distri buted from the farms outstanding examples are marquis and garnet wheat in the west and oac no 44 and oajc no 72 oats in on tario in the face of all this at tempts are made at times to push the sale of seed from the united states of socalled new varieties a fancy prices on the claim thrt fabulous yields may bo obtained about a year ago a carload of an inferior sort w sold in central on tario at 135 to 2 per bushel even though it graded no 3 this leads a ii martin of the crop and markets branch to state that not one variety ever introduced into the province by high pressure sales men has ever been equal to the standard varieties already grown another matter to be kept in mind at the seeding season is that quality counts either in home grown or purchased seed experiments at tho oac prove that large plump kernel yields 20 per cent more than light or shrunken seed theso ex periments also show that an add itional outlay for plump seed will increaso tho yield from 10 to 15 bus per aero which at the present price of 40 cents per bushel for feed oats means a cash increase of from 4 to 6 per acre ii f mathews general man ager canadian pacific hotels in western canada with headquar ters at winnipeg has been pro moted general manager of the companys hotel system from coast to coast with headquarters in montreal according to a re cent announcement by e w beatty chairman and president of the railway it is necessary to go back to the year 1916 to find revenues of the canadian railways on a level comparable with 1932 the fol lowing figures show that in 1932 as compared with 1916 railway operating rev enues decreased railway operating ex penses increased net revenue from railway operations decreased railway tax accruals increased 1357 net railway operating income decreased 683 railway property invest ment increased 346 rate of return on invest ment decreased revenue freight ton miles decreased revenue passenger miles decreased actual gro33 ton miles decreased payroll of engine and train service employees and telegraphers increased 313 fraln miles decreased 228 55 209 506 690 283 503 172 for wilkinsons sto page seven grocery specials patrons build factory dissatisfied with the returns which their nearby markets were returning them for their milk de scendants of tho scottish pioneers of east nissouri township m ox ford county ontario decided to build a real cooperative cheese factory for themselves this they did in the truest sense of the word and tho result is the homestead cooperative cheese factory open ed not long ago it was built with the patrons own hands at a big saving and in splendid manner a nifmber of oldfashioned bees helped out the personal labor that was being carried on by tho direct ors and others from among the patrons the factory has the cellar curing system and is modern in every way and generous in its size it will have an output of about 150 tons per season honey market improved two cents increase a pound in the price of honey since last fall and an improved market out look has placed the honey industry in tho best position in which it has been for a number of years accord ing to professor f eric milieu of tho oac honey has received preference on tho british market and this combined with other factors has helped the export trade in light houey considerably the ontario honey export ex portation announces it has shipped to date some 675000 pounds of honey to great britain and the con tinental market tho quantity is made up as follows 450000 pounds of white and golden honey 20000 pounds of light amber 0000 pounds of comb honey and 200000 pounds og buckwheat various processes have been adopted to give honey in different forms to suit the markets prof milieu advocates selling as soon as possible after extraction so that the best flavor may be preserved attend tho spring fair at melville on friday may 12 everything in garden seeds shrubs etc on sale amusements for all as a special attraction premier henry added four regis tered holsteius to his york county farm herd at a little under 1000 when ho attended the sale at ufa coliseum fiftyone hoajl sold for a total of s771 or an average of 172 a head at what was considered the most outstanding sale of dairy cattle in canada during the past four years the stiffest bidding centred about a sixyearold cow consigned by the mount victoria farms hudson heights que which went to harry d norris of baltimore for 1200 after premier henry had run the bid up to 1175 buyers from michigan illinois and the new england states ont quebec and the maritimes were at tho sale the top price realized for a malo was 525 paid for a 10 months old bull calf consigned by j walter jones of icharlottetown pei and bought by im l mccarthy of sussex new brunswick premier henry a four-year- old heifer at 250 from mount vic toria farms hudson heights que a yearling heifer at 260 from j walter jones of charlottetown a fouryearold heifer jat 170 from j watson roulston of hagersville ontario and a two-year-old- heifer from t it dent of woodstock out aol22wm cakd of thanks my sister and i through the medium of tho tribune wish to convey our earnest thanks and appreciation to our many friends u stouffville and vicinity for their sincere sympathy expressed to us during our recent bereavement and tor their tokens of respect paid to the memory of our beloved aged mother gordon r duuean pigs thirteen pigs for sale apply albert hoover phono 4s03 holstein ayrshire cow for sale fresh three weeks ph 9709 strayed female fox hound frank timbers phono 4704 for sal ayrshire bull rising 2 years arthur fuller lot 20 con 10 markham sprayed fruit is best orch ards sprayed and ail material found reasonablo price ewalls phono 7s20 piano for sale doherty make practically new apply mrs nathan gilbert bloomington tractor plowing and cultiva ting done on short notice gordon holden phone c415j for sale s00 tilt i r sale at 3c also quantity of mangolds jos b reesor phones 6005 hatches every ten days barred iroeks and white lc- horns baby chicks of good lay ing strains r e brown ph 176 potatoes 35 or 10 bags oloy from certified seed excellent stock for cooking or seed apply freeman slack phone 9106 holstein cow for sale due to calve extra good milker also a beef ringer for sale robert hook lot 30 con 10 markham harked hock hicks ready for delivery may 17th and may 27 our own eggs hatched in largo jamesway incubator these two hatches at 9 cents a chick henry miller phone 4914 baby ducks for sale man- noth pekin breed 15 per hun dred wo do custom hatching at 2c egg groves duck farm ring- wood phone 4s05 carrot growers notice all parlies concerned in the grow ing of red carrots for factory pur poses campbell soup co ltd should got in touch with r e brown phono 176 tlto district representative first of all this season the company demand carrots grown from seed of a distinct type there are also other plans concern ing the growing and cultivation qf same which growers should know r e brown house to rent main street all conveniences and centrally locat ed isaac boadway goodwood pasture farim for rent 50 for season or will take in stock 3 for yearlings or 1 for older cattlo for season plenty of water and shade the late wm pearson farm lot 7 con 3 uxbridge apply to ernie mantle 100 acres for sale being lot 32 con s markham fair build ings with bank barn and brick house 70 acres workable bal ance pasture and woodland well watered with never failing stream one milo to store and post office on tarvia road for terms and conditions appiy to owner p ii raymer on premises or ringwood post office tho date on the label of your tribuno indicates tho time your paper expires tho rate is 2 per year or 1 for six months renewal we are looking forward to the entertainment to ho given in the united church sunday school room on monday evening next whore mr croskcry will be giving moving pictures which will bo both educa tive and entertaining mr and mrs gould and family of toronto visited friends in town over sunday mr and mrs johnson of mark ham havo taken up their abode on the farm recently owned by the torn bros welcome to our community mrs j e wagg norman and gladys visited in imount alberton sunday with mr and mrs harry leadbetter toronto tmrs mcdonald the good wife of our friend distin was a much welcomed visitor at tho social gathering in toronto of the goodwood cemetery board mrs mcdonald is ono of many friends who sees that tho toronto members no not return homo hungry after their visits to goodwood in connec tion with tho cemetery mrs john loo of stouffville was another very wolcomed guest custom hatching let us hatch- your chicks from your own eggs 350 per tray iso eggs 2 trays 6 write or phono for particulars m weekes clare- mont phono 200s for sale or rent sixroomed house on main street water and lights installed a snap priced at 1000 with 200 down apply d j yake 12 keystone ave toronto or d rusnell town 50 years ix business for more than halt a century i have been doing business and in real estate since 1900 watch your step when doing business witli real estate men for some of them are dead beats come to yake and get a square deal jacob yake real estate jeweler main street east stouffville e a grubin registered optometrist may dates 1st and 2nd 15th and 10th 29th and 30th june dates 12th and 13th 20th and 27th- at stouffville every other monday and tuesday eyes examined phone stouffville 2405 toronto single 85c return 155 daily service easter standard tinn ueave stounvillo leave toronto backtofnrm movement tho present increased employ- j menl of men on farms is a definite step toward minimizing tho unem ployment situation declared dr christie president of oac in a iccent address ho referred to the fact that more boys and moro men as farm managers on salaries had been placed on farms this spring than in any like period for tho past ten years a 615 am b 1000 am b s15 am c 1230 pm c 230 pm a 410 pm b 730 pm b 915 pm a daily except sunday and holidays b sunday and hoi only c saturday only parcels express to alt points on gray concli lines routes except usa points