vol xlv no 7 stouffville ontario thursday april 27th 1933 a v nolan publisher backrite tablets for kidney bladder trouble a valuable remedy for weak back backache consti pation headache torpid liver box 50c mrs robtduncan passes aged 82 linked with first white settlers in markham township j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey- ancers c buttons block stouttville money to loan norman a keys h scott ritchie ritchie keys barristers solicitors continental life building 371 bay street toronto 2 telephone ad 9767 harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public etc office 26 bloor street west toronto telephone kingsdale 5545 stouffville tuesday thursday and saturday phone 180 medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dental a woman whose great age served as a link between the pioneer settler to york county and the present era passed away at warkworth on sun day april 23 1933 in the person of imrs robt c duncan who would have been s3 years old on july 7th this yoar this grand old mother who for 35 years lived continuously in stouffville was a daughter of the late james mustard and his wife isabella bell and granddaughter of the late capt james mustard one ot the first white settlers in mark- ham township having settled in 1801 opposite the church at mel ville mrs duncan was born in 1s50 over half a century ago she married the late robt bruce dun can and resided for about half of their married life at gormley to them were born one son and one daughter namely rev gordon duncan a presbyterian minister at warkworth near hastings in northumberland county and miss annie who resides at the manse with her brother in 1894 the family moved to stouffville where they lived until just a few years ago when the de ceased went to reside with her son although the old home in town here is usually occupied by the family each summer for a short time mrs duncan has two sisters mrs r a stiver ot unionville and mrs thos martin of northport wash and one now deceased mrs m a hagerman mrs j h mitchell of ringwood and mrs robt stewart of stouffville are her sistersinlaw tho funeral was held from the family homo in stouffville on wed nesday afternoon of this week to melville cemetery a large con course of old friends attended and floral tributes in large profession attested the love and respect held for the departed and her family limit placed on twp road grants e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubin8 block phone s201 markham every tuesday office in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of commerce office hours 9 to 12 130 to 630 phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to late dr j t storey a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phono 18202 dlourfviluv automobile owners attention big reduction in insurance rates are now available why not start tho new year with tho pro tection of a good auto policy h 0 klinck auto life fire insurance agent stouffville l e oneill funeral director and embalmer successor to w j stouffville mather night and day service business phone residence phone 9801 9820 stewart beare phone markham itos or to brathwalt hardware 901 radio repairing a aervlco you will appreoute baker heirs agent is hard to get the ontario department of high ways has just notified all ontario townships of a drastic reduction in road subsidies for 1933 amounting in some cases to co and 73 per cent from those paid in 1932 markham township last year ex pended on roads and bridges be tween 29000 and 30000 on which the government paid the customary 40 per cent clerk david son has been officially informed that naming county treas revoked at banks behesti j a sangster buried in west council decides to advertise post funds lacking to finance schools faced with tho lack of funds tc finance high schools throughout the county york icouuty council in special session last week accepted the edict of the county bankers hat the subsidy this year will only bejno one having past or present con paid on an expenditure of 15000 nections with the county council lid in speaking to some members should be appointed treasurer and of the council they do not see how the township can possibly get by with expending only 15000 to maintain the roads the township of whitchurch with an expenditure of 15000 in 1932 is advised that no subsidy will be paid on any expenditure over 9000 uxbridge township is con fined to an expenditure of 5500 this move on the part of the government will provide a real curb on township councils but most of i hem have- been very cautious and will see a hardship in the limits placed on them heretofore the de partment paid the 40 per cent sub- tidy on any amount a township saw fit to expend on its roads and few- are spending any more than they are forced to in order to keep the local roads passable give the roads chance at securities commissioner anxious for clint with him col george a drew securities commissioner of the province is anxious to have a talk with aaron feligsohn named by william baker as the agent in pittsburg who had been paid for services in connection with obtaining settlement of the claims of the heirs to the baker and four other estates col drews last information was that feligsohn was paid over 200- 000 for his services and was in a sanitarium in pittsburgthey assur ed me said icol drew referring to baker heirs that efforts were be ing made to have an appointment so that i could be able to go and see him they have never been able to make it altona buy everything for your garden at melville spring fair may 12th miss olive and hilda madill at tended by mr edward morris and gordon bartholomew were at the opening dance at musselmans lake on thursday night mrs g howsam of port perry is visiting with her son e howsam and family miss evelyn reesor visited with miss annie and verna lehman on sunday mr and mrs e howsam and family visited with her parents atj princo albert on sunday tho girls organized class met at tho home of miss mary and irene crosier on friday evening last an unusual large congregation assembled at the church on sunday evening to hear the pageant sun rise in the garden presented by tho girls organized class and ringwood orchestra also being in attendance both being much appreci ated a man with a fairsized truck pulled up just a few doors from tho office the other day the truck looked as though it had recently taken a mud bath there was a length of heavy rope fastened on the side mute evidence that tho truck had been pulled out of the mud the driver was mad he was say ing things to any who desired to lis ten something should be done about those roads they are awful i cant get this truck through some of them at all just goes right down to the hubs and then theres nothing to catch on we ought to have some people around who would get our roads fixed up there was much more of course but that is sufficient that took place ten tlays ago and we are certain if the driver of that truck had a plot of ground he would not have been digging in it had he been a farmer he would not have been out trying to run a seed drill the land was not ready to use and he would have known it without having to be told but when it comes to roads which apart from pavements are also land the driver expected that a miracle would have been worked the frost would come out the excess moisturo depart and the road surface would remain in fine condition he probably never stopped to think that when he was forcing that truck of his over some of the roads he was actually taking the surface gravel and driving it away down into tho mud below he was ac tually doing damage which will re quire a good deal of work and money to make right it w h pugsley dies at his richmond hill home in 82nd year father of metropolitan radial iteevo of richmond hill for 32 years births smith at the private nursing home church street stouffville ontario on april 23rd 1933 to mr and mrs roy smith nee marjorlo peacock 387 woburu avenue toronto a son ronald roydon radio repairing get that set in shapo for easter all work guaranteed gordon e- cober member of radio international guild and student of television college chicago phono 8104 j edwin smith specialized radio service formerly with t eaton co ltd prompt servlco on all calls phone 3306 obrien ave stouffville william ii pugsley former warden of york county and father of tho metropolitan radial line died at his home at richmond hill monday morning april 24th in his 82nd yoar active for over thirtyfive years in york county politics mr pugsley was warden in 1891 when the metro politan radial agreement was sign ed for thirtytwo years he was reeve of utichmond hill never in all those years being defeated in an election and in most years being elected by acclamation born at icrediton devonshire england mr pugsley camo to canada at tho ago ot is in 1s80 he was first elected to tho richmond hill council and five years later was made reeve a position ho held until 189c he became a member of the york county council in 1ss4 and remained so until his retire ment from actlvo politics in 1919 boforo tho amalgamation of the ancient order of united workmen and tho independent order of foresters mr pugsley took an active interest in tho former lodge ho was a mombor ot st marys anglican church a member of york county lohlldrens aid society and county auditor for criminal justice accounts in toronto and york county imrs pugsley predeceased her hus band about two years ago surviving is an doptcd son victor of sedley revoked a resolution passed tlie day previous appointing exwarden e milton legge to that position as a result the county councils twoday session estimated to have cost 1s00 was nullified and tho warden and commissioners were in structed to advertise for a treasur er obtain approval of the bankers to the proposed appointee and then convene another emergency session of the council to validate the ap pointment by bylaw this decision was reached after a hurried confer ence with the bankers during the afternoon at which it was indicat ed that the county bank the can adian bank of commerce was not prepared to advance funds for the payment of high school grants until a treasurer satisfactory to them had been appointed grants in doubt we have no assurance that high school grants will be paid as the situation stands now declared warden george b elliott the war den declared that the majority of the municipalities were endeavor ing to finance the schools at least until the pupils graduate in june tho startling state of affairs that 90 per cent of the schools need funds to carry on with at the end of the month was revealed by deputy- reeve w w gardhouse of weston chairman of the educational com mittee the bank is fed up with the way the treasures office is being oper t fed declared the warden they want a man appointed with banking experience in whom they can have confidence warden elliott declared that the commissioners hadnt the authority to pass a bylaw delegating the treasurers powers referring to the suggestion of members that it was not necessary to convene another special session we look like a bunch of i dont know what to say and we should close the schools rather than call another session before the regular june meeting declared reeve her man kidd of whitchurch warden elliott informed the council earlier in the session that the bank had refused to accept the appointment made by council be cause they were convinced that the appointee should bo completely divorced from county politics the banks decision had not in any way been influenced by the individual chosen he assured the members anniversary services rev dr brace a former pastor ot lemonville will preach tho anniversary services there on sun day may 2sth and special services will continuo the following week and on the following sunday gormley buy overything for your garden at melville spring fair may 12th an estate valued at 4734138 was left by miss hannah duncan late of the village of gormley who died april 2 legates are elizabeth kelly sister 150 edward a and albert n duncan nephew one- eighth ot estate each alex robt c thomas j duncan brothers and annie i hagerman sister one- eighth residue laberta j stiver ada l hood nieces david a dun can nephew onethird of one- eighth residue assets are real estate 3500 mortgages 34529- 01 cash 245062 bonds 1022- 75 and household goods 150 our farmers aro getting on the land and seeding will soon be general the lato martha thomson aged 73 died at gormley on april 21 at tho homo of her soninlaw john bond interment on sunday was at old st andrews cemetery scarhoro new telephone directory the rethcsda stouffvlllo tele phone co limited aro compiling lists for a new directory kindly advise us at once if you intend hav ing tho telephono installed or re connected so that your namo and number will bo in this directory also any change of occupation or address of our present subscribers bcthesda stouffville tel co the leduc alberta weekly on the anniversary ot his arrival here with his family 34 years ago john a sangster postmaster and farmer of th conjuring creek dls trict passed away at his homo on thursday april 6 after a serious ill ness of several weeks mr sangster was born june 71s52 in uxbridge ont his father the late robert t sangster being one of the pioneer farmers of the province in 1sss mr sangster moved to michigan where he resided until coming to alborta in 1s99 he farmed con tinuously in tho conjuring icreek dis trict 14 miles southwest of leduc sinco that time and ranked as one of the oldest postmasters in the province having opened the con juring creek office and main route in 1900 his only son walter a sang ster was killed in action during the great war surviving are his widow to whom he was married in uxbridge ontario in 1874 mrs g i ferris conjuring creek mrs g l ken nedy mt pleasant mich mrs c h stout calgary daughters frank sangster and dr walter a sang ster stouffville ontario dr a e sangster cheboygan mich dr h e sangster calumet mich brothers mis e j tarney sunnybrook mrs j m hughes and mrs r o dahl conjuring creek grand daughters hubert kennedy and walter kennedy mt pleasant mich laurence h stout vancouver geo h stout and monte h stout icalgary grandsons also eleven great grandchildren the funeral service was held at his late residence on saturday april 8 at 130 pm rev e j thompson of st davids united church officiated and interment was made in conjuring creek cemetery tlie pallbearers were messrs a e faulkner w j blondheim e c hamilton hs- hamilton ejcook and c f tarney beautiful floral tributes were received from wife and family clarence jessie and the boysimogene esther and helen mr and mrs e c hamilton and mr and mrs h s hamilton mr and imrs f wyss mr and mrs j j alpaugh mr and mrs andrew anderson mr and mrs w l ped- ley and alice the blondheims mr and mrs jens pederson and mr and mrs geo cook mr and mrs h lee and mr and mrs r lee mr and mrs f w coates and family mr and mrs j e cook and mr and mrs r 1c emery mr and imrs a m davis mr and mrs m a sank c k french teacher and pupils of humble school conjuring lake community club conjuring ufw- a conjuring ufa spruce corn er wi conjuring icreek wi free distribution of seeds resumed distribution of free vegetables and flower seeds to the children of york county to enable them to compete in the school fairs this autumn began last week and will probably ho com pleted this week following tho decision of the pro vincial department of agriculture last year to discontinue tho freo dis tribution of seed and the resulting inferiority of vegetables and flow er exhibits at last years school fails the department of education has undertaken to provide seed this year each child will get ono package of vegetablo seed and ono package of flower seed choosing tho variety of each that he or she will plant the seeds are boing sent from tho office of tho county agricultural repre sentative ralph e white at new market the seeds include eight var ieties of flowers and six varieties of vegetables tho children of york county will plant 450 pkgs of field corn 1000 of sweet corn 550 of mangels 700 of turnips s00 of beets s00 of carrots 700 of onions 500 of parsnips 800 of asters 750 of zinnia 750 of verbena 750 of french marigold 750 of pinks among the churches todd residence burned to ashes at goodwood buy everything for your garden at melville spring fair may 12th melville miss marlon sellers spent a few- days with miss vera topham last week mr p spofford and mr fred carruthers motored to toronto one day this week a new bungalow is being rushed to completion on mr grants farm on melville hill miss jean mcewen was the guest of miss marion hodgson of church- hill for tho easter week mr jos todd mr and mrs sherman todd of glllford were tho guests of rev j and mrs imcewen on friday the stoulfvillo united church choir under the direction of mr robt leslie will supply the music in melville church on sunday after noon at 230 oclock everybody welcome if there is anything now under the sun here it is melville spring fair on may 12th overything for your garden will bo available at astonish ingly low prices healthy vegetable and flower plants in boxes will bo supplied by a reliablo gardener there will also bo an adequate supply of bulbs shrubs rose bushes grapevines etc amusements pro vided for all particulars and place later miss ethel carruthers visited her parents mr and mrs wm car ruthers during the easter holidays mr frank liiter visited mr and mrs wm carruthers ono day st week miss marjorlo lehman has com pleted her hospital training at belle ville and has returned homo after being away for nino months mr and mrs p puterbaugh and family ot maplo visited with mrs m and miss edna houke on sunday mr and mrs edgar bateman of glllford have moved to their farm recently purchased from mr p spofford wo wclcomo them to this community the most disastrous fire to occur in this neighborhood broke out hero just before noon hour on sunday when a spark from the chimney started a lire on tho john todd farm just east of the village which totally destroyed the red brick house fortunately plenty of help was able to save all tho household furniture and only the seed pota toes and other things in the cellar were burned a call for help was phoned to uxbridge but as the bri gade there had no chemical outfit they could render no assistance then an appeal was made to the stouffville brigade their chemical wagon arrived in short order but too late to be any use the chemical deadened tho fire but it broke out again the telephone was even re moved from the wall along with all the furnishings which belong to miss jessie todd the occupant the late john todd remodelled the house 40 years ago and it was a well known residence in the town ship tlie loss will mostlybe cover ed by insurance and misstodd is contemplating rebuilding stouffville presbyterian church rev w h fuuer b a sunday april 30th 1933 200 pm sunday school 300 pm afternoon worship the band ot willing helpers meet on the third monday night ot each month bloomixgton and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday april 30th 1933 wo are having special revival services at ringwood this week and bloomington next weok every weeknight but saturday the kins men quartette from toronto will bo with us this wednesday night and mr raymer ono of tho members will preach on thursday night a quartette will be out from victoria park ave christian church mr emerson sanderson pastor of that church will preach the public aro invited to join with us in these services goodwood mrs watson of stouffville spent a day visiting friends in town last week miss gladys wagg visited over the weekend at tho home ot mr millord rose of ballantrae horse shoo pitching has once more taken the floor here we ex pect some of our experts to win tho championship this year mrs r hynes of stouffvillo is spending a few weeks with her brother and family c w watson school reopened on monday last after tho easter vaction with the usual number of beginners aruthur knight of stouffvillo spent a tow days last week with his sister mrs edgar latcham mrs j f reld is visiting friends in whitby the new county grader was over our road today for tho first time and all tho town members wero viewing samo and giving their opinion on how tho machine would work distin mcdonald our local resi dent and tax collector was in the limelight last friday evening when ho presided over tho big imasonic function given by richardson lodgo in stouffvillo distin is master of the order this year and wo supposo j f reid and moiiey symes are quarter masters but we aro not too suro about tho terms in any case they aro masons who participated in tho official welcome to their district master former bethesda farmer dies suddenly abram sherrlck of schomberg junction died on wednesday morn ing of this weok ho was 5g years of age and will bo buried at dick- sons hill on friday april 28th servlco in tho church there at 2 oclock tho lato ab sherrlcvr was a resi dent of bethesda and is widely known in tho district only a fovv years ago ho moved over to yonge street and had been inteasely inter ested in fox farming his death will be a groat shock to his wide acquaintance stouffville baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday april 30th 1933 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship prayer meetings wednesday at 8 pm sunday at 615 pm a cordial welcome to all our services mennonite church stouffville rev s cressmon pastor sunday april 30th 1933 1000 am sunday school 1100 am and 700 pm april 30 evangelist d shultz will begin a series of evangelistic services week night services at 8 pm except saturday ballantrae bloomington lemonville united churches rev j a o kell pastor sunday april 30th 1933 1030 morning service ballantrae 300 pm lemonville 700 pm bloomington the yps will meet at the home of mr o drewery on friday even ing at s pm a hearty welcome is extended to all stouffville united church rev thos laldlavv ma pastor sunday april 30th 1933 1100 am morning worship the consecration of daily life and labor 230 pm ss and bible classes young mens class at parsonage lot us rally to this last meeting of tho spring time 700 pm evening service a young man and his traps or the devil disguised monday 800 pm swastikas wednesday 800 pm prayer and bible study you are cordially welcomed to all these services stouffville and church hell chester o sonuner minister sunday april 30th 1933 stouffvillo 945 am ss bible classes 1100 am worship preaching 700 pm worship fitproachlng wednesday 745 pm prayer meet ing at tho home of mr and mrs quantz mr collins will be the loader church hill 200 pm s s bible classes 300 pm worship preaching thursday 800 pm at the church a discussion meeting on why marriage is a success or a failure everyone is invited to all services airway vacuum for rent mnko your houscclcaning easy airway vacuum sanitary system cleaner for uso on your up holstery furniture polishing and cleaning hardwood floors oto it is also equipped with a moth spray which will rid your furniture etc of this pest l e oneill furnlturo dealer phone 9801 house and lot for sale on main street residence has all conveniences and large lot and known as thojames hand prop erty apply on premises to mrs losllo hand or phone 255 horticultural tonight keep in mind tho regular meeting of tho horticultural society this thursday evening in tho municipal hall noto tho tlmo 730 to 830 oclock