Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 20, 1933, p. 6

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u ask no questions by beldoti duff chapter xxix contd john said cropsey glancing down at diamond i want you to look at this boy and tell mo who he is the millionaire stared at david stared for a long time were it not that you would think me mad he said at last in his old- time cumbersome waj i would say he was myself my young self risen from the past to confront me with the mess i lave made of my life he tells me his name is renny cropsey lowered the candle and that he conns from maryland does i hat mean anything to you the flush entirely receded from diamonds cheeki leaving them paler than before come closer a gesture of ap peal brcught the giant to his knees before the couch so thats bet ter wistfully kenny a mary land uenny ell me who were your father and mothe david returned the millionaires hok with inter st roderick and annabcllc but they were only my festerparents 1 am a foundling the vier of the daily free press laid lis one sourd hand on the young mans shoulder and looked up at his managing editor breathlessly the mystery of brides house deepens alva he said roderick and annabellc renny were my own fqjhev and mother and this lad wit his great body and dark curly hair might well be as miss west rays my own son it was sunday afternoon and the lving room of brides house was crowded alva cropsey smoking his pipe john diamond his arm in a sling occupying the big ehai- in the bay window willie prentice and claudia hand in hntd on the couch seth toby and noah peabody lrd come bovi a lijjle sclfcoiiscious in their payevectirtgclotnes the table was set for tea there were sandwiches and a plate of iced cakes noah hoped that miss west would come soon th ride over from te crsirig had given him an appe- lite alls well that ends well ob served sethjtobvbrcakjng what had btcometa painful silence jch diamone sighed and alva glare it seemed that perhaps the observation needed a bit of explain ing theres no dnger of any further publicity said the chief of police im glad the boy didnt see his mouier im glad too toby id rather david never knew how badly his mother was drsfigured nor why has cransen made a statement yet hcth toby nodded a pretty clear one when we first took him lucky he did because now hes gone completely off his head what did he say about her ask ed diamond seems the little doc musta lived for the past thirty years between the devil and the deep sea he wantd revenge on you but he was afraid if he had it theyd tak- jane runnels away from him youll have to re member sir that cranson loved jane runnels from the minute he set eyes on her diamond asked how dm cranson know i had put my wifes body back of the fireplae heard her groaning interposed noah peabody cheerfully i say demanded cropsey whats the idea of going over all this it has been decidedthatno crime but assault was committed and that your years of anxiety have been sufficient pun ishment for that for the first time in days the mil lionaire smiled and it presaged a more peaceful outlook for the future alva he said gently i must hear dcrick cransons story to the end chapter xxx again the goodhearted chief squirmed this was a job he had not bargained for there aint so much more to tell janes beauty as i said before was spoiled the bottle when it broke gouged out one eyes smashed in her nose and split her cheek on top of all that in cransons shack she devel oped blood poisoning which finished the job when the baby came cranson per suaded a friend of his from the circus to take it down to maryland and leave it on your own doorstep the address was on a letter in janes pocket well doc was obsessed with the idea of having jane all to himself at fast did he say anything about that inscription over there whyj sir the chief of police said cranson done that himself it was the beginning of his crackbrained scheme to punish yoqj seth toby said im convinced cranson will never say a rational word again if theres any more to his story youll have to fill it in for us yourself its easy enough to do that dia mond said years of grueling anx iety for both of us and then i came back to hales crossing just as der- ick knew i would claudia prentice stepped forward the fact that i was kept so long safe and unharmed seems to prove cranson had no intention of killing it was only when otto discovered the tunnel in the red barn that he found himself driven to murder as a means of protecting his secret i dont think otto found the tun nel objected cropsey but t looks like a certainty that otto saw cran son dig up the coffin in which jane runnels was supposed to be buried and cranson knew he saw him the boys gone said noah and docs in a lunatic asylum poor little doc if he had been right in the head he wouldnt have harmed a fly whats eating me said toby is why cranson should have dug up that coffin in the first place i thought his idee was to keep everyone from knowing that jane wasnt bur ied in it i think i can explain diamond volunteered derick cranson had the stage all set thraugh mirs west i was to be lured to this house where as he himself said he wished to see his revenge completed what that re venge was to be we can all imagine but at the last moment his mad brain suggested a macabre touch the cof- fr in which my wife had not been buried the coffin was his undoing for it led to the murder first of otto anl then the deputy with a shud der i ali but caught him at his bloody work it was my ear that was on the wood road the night the de puty was shot last sunday i had talked with miss west urged hci to leave her determination to stay threw me into a panic all evening the thought of that girl exposed to a danger which i had ro way of explaining drove me almost mad as midnight approached i ord ered the car and drove over to bring her back with me by force if neces sary will you kindly explain why you didnt go in and lend a hand seth toby asked i can never explain that even to myself diamond said garling started the ear and the first thing i remember with any clearness is that we were back on the main toad it was the most cowardly act of my cowardly life i always said stated seth toby that id know you wherever i saw you but it was noah who first suspicioned you was the southerner who came and took jane runnels away so long ago willie prentice drew claudia from the couch to a seat into the bay win dow here they are at last willie suddenly announced walking up the path from the white arn wherein new bexstall had just been completed for dracula came an- nassa west and young david renny the giant had discarded his khaki overalls for soleleather boots and white whipcord breeches a fawn- colored coat fitted smoothly ever his broad shoulders the redheaded girl was also in riding clothes she had tucked one hand through her com panions arm and was looking up at him with smiling adoring eyes at the front stoop annassa paused youve met your inheritance fac tt face at last dear and it isnt io dark after all now is it gently the giant put his hands under the girls elbows and lifted her to the top step where her face was on a level with his own then he kissed her this is all that counts jn my life from now on he said gravely as for my inheritance the old haggard look returned for a moment to his eyes im not so sure theyve told me everything sc rnetimes i ask my- self j annassa put her finger to his lips remember the motto of your house i and dont ask too many question whats the use of going back over a past you never knew maybe youre right was davids answer and the clou1 lifted from his face always right came the gay re tort im a woman he kisssd her again there now chirped noah who ould have given a controlling inter est in the ark just then to be able to hear as well as see what was going on outside it looks as though every thing was settled in that quarter lets get on with our tea the end adds zest to the meal hollywood flashes mary pickford who first greeted toronto on april 8 1893 at the home of mr and mrs john c smith at 211 university ave received greet ing from hcr many friends around the globe this year seems to have been more than usually disastrous so far as cupid is concerned ho has practic ally been kicked out of the mm colony the latest breakup is janet gaynor and lydell peck whom she declared criticized her work in hard terms lew ayres hero of all quiet on the western front has definitely parted with his wife lola lane many rumors aie floating about re garding the retirement of popular stars according to one news source four hcadliners have definitely an nounced they will desert hollywood within the next twelve months no 1 ruth chatterton gives as her reason her real love has always been tho stage it is understood she in tends to rebuild her career as a stage actress and will appear in n london play no 2 is constance bennett who declares she will settle down on the riviera with her husband the mar quis de la fajaisc de la coudraye and raise a family no 3 ronald colman may not re tire permanently but desires a breathing spell of about two years duration no 4 clive brook who is under contract to make one british picture when his present hollywood agree ment expires will afterwards devote his whole time to writing he former ly wroto short stories chrysler sedan 8 and 60000 extra i will give 400000 to some deserving man or woman or a chrysler sedan 8 80000 to another 40000 to a third 30000 to a fourth 100 grand prizes all at one time arid 1000 special rewards sounds too good o be true but it is true i am giving away such fortunes to one of the most gigantic advertising campaigns you ever heard of every one who takes an active part will be rewarded so qualify partly for this opportunity by finding the magic figures find the mmgm numbers it there arc crlaln numbers from 1 to 9 which if filled in live five blank spaces in the square nlwve will add 15 in any direction see if you can find them write the numbers irf the blank spaces and send the square io me right away together with your name and address filled bi the coupon below -v- fsuv- be prompt i will send you 600 cash certificate at once tttr jone uniting ike mafrte nonibf r will lie narlly qnalllkd or an opportunity to win p0000m casn vkizfitf or chrysxeu mkdak anil jwo0o kxtiia think what jkw will mean to jonl yoovwoffftj gone it ear tlrvams come trao all the joy nail napplnc you hac been longing for ihay now he your tiix iiunbbed bolians extita it yen are prompt and win llrttprlje in llnal jlljtrlbntlon so dont delay wtuctjoar answer and rush it tome fiend coupon intkrnationat mfjls assn inc 3d st catherine st knit montreal i aae fonnd the magic nomfafr and i am sending yon the kftnar hh the number died in the blank space jleiue let me hear frotn you at once samc- city- no money jir rnompt i will send jou six iiunijkfii doitahs cash cpll- tificate at once 1 mm 11 bol- ican last recelxed a grnhnmralgo north mr c maulorgne choroiet coach worth jsj500 mls e ilotst wllljs knlht worth jjs5ce mrs j a llrnanld wlllysknlght worth 15500 and htndrcda il others it is now yonr turn act at once promptness pays c ties a id secretary farmhand finds fortune in swedish fields one of the finest collections of anti quities ever dug up from scandinavian soil vas revealed when emil jocnsson a farmhand in skaane the most southern province of sweden uncov ered this fotrtune while plowing jocnsson at first noticed some blue- white pieces of porcelain in his fur row stopped his horses to investigate and discovered a number of silver coins right then his fortune was made an archaeologist was sent for and the lucky strike examined there were no less than 378 swedish danish and german coins dated some 300 years back beautiful ornaments of handwrought gilt silver and a set of beautifully worked and decorated buckles spangles and mountings of a belt archaeologists are of the opin ion tho ornaments belong to the very best specimens of late gothic silver work now existing in sweden it is thought a wealthy nobleman or merchant probably hid his most valuable belongings in the ground during times of warfare and peril about 300 years ago and was pre vented from recovering them prob ably by death the find in accordance with the swedish law was offered to the state for redemption and the state histor ical museum purchased it from tho lucky farm hand who profltted by a fortune lost centuries ago j fingerprint test for art munich fingerprints for identi fying old masters without having to call in art experts with their conflict ing tenets is what alexander eibert phd of the munich institute of technology is developing into a sys tematic testing method starting with some thoroughly au thenticated old painting says a durev dr eibert makes a searching micro scopic and microphotographic study of the fingerprints after comparing these with other genuine works by the same hand the durer fingerprint once established can be invoked as ft conclusive test of doubtful or in any way questioned durers in quite the same way as fingerprints arc used by trie police this now art dactyloscopy applic able of course only lo painters who helped out their brush work with their fingers especially thumbs is being de veloped at the institute for the tech nique cf painting of which dr eibert is director fresh from the gardens there are new nearly 6000 fully qualified women dccurs in the un- od kingdom thcenglishman abhors pedantry too have seen the english gardens the glorious parks where trees and flowers flourish as if they knew that they were beloved many an english road bends merely to avoid disturbing an oak or an elm and this is not merely due to the decrees of some lord of the manor you will seldom see in england gardens laid out in thcitalinn manner with their hori zontal alignment which is nothing more than the prolongation of the architectural plan set out by the house the english look down on this style artificial they call it dis dainfully its unbending lines dis please them i suppose that is why the word crescent in an address has a slightly aristocratic tone pos sibly because it suggests a curve one day when i was having tea with an old squire in his garden under the shade of the immemorial trees he told me what a painful impression he had had of the avenues of versailles where the trees are clipped to a line he went so far as to say that this alignment this repeated tampering with the intentions of nature was a marked characteristic of the french mind this is not how we under stand nature he smiled and then added i have often wondered how you could bear to live in the boulevard de la reine and while he was speak ing he waved his stick and quite un consciously it seemed 0 be pointing in the direction of iris perfect lawn im maculately shorn and cut every other day and rolled night and morning and from which every daisy plantain and dandelion was rigorously extirpated and where no blade of grass would dare lift its head above the others six to one etc the englishman has such a honor of pedantry in all its guises and such a great admiration for character that he has come not actually to despise intelligence but to disdain it some what so that now the word clever bears something of a derogatory con notation for my part i think that england has done and is still doing a groat service to humanity in prov ing almost daily that intelligence is not the greatest and the most import ant attribute of man and that so long as ho forms a part of the community his moral qualities ar of even greater value there is no country where it needs less courage to maintain a ridi culous point of view and on the other hand whete it is less necessary to shew intellectual originality to cut a good figure in the world it will be considered sufficient for a man to have an ample fund of anecdotes and mildly amusing stories and no blame attaches to him if he prepares his most spontaneous impromptus before hand felix de grand combe in england this way london ivor nicholson watson ltd pierre curie pushing search for element 61 paris the search for the chemical element no 01 missing from the atomic chart but identified il 1926 and christened illinium by dr b smith hopkins of the university of illinois is being pursued by pierre curie grandnephew of mme curie he and s takvorian an american student are examining four tons of rare earth in an effort to isolate the element they have reported to the academy of sciences that they have ascertained the existence of the cle ment but were unable to extract any they obtained only proof of its radio activity their experiments consisted of an analysis of a mixture containing ele ments sixty and sixtytwo in the course of which they got a radio ac tivity ten times greater than either of those straw regarded as a waste pro duct of agriculture costs the world some 500000000 a year fashion mm how- to make my old short skirts conform to the new length was a prob lem to me until i hit on this plan i dropped tho hems and as the part that had been turned under was darker than the rest i rcdyed the entire dress nflcr having bleached the goods fol lowing directions in the diamond dyes package i used diamond dyes tor the redyc- ing ot course i have dyed many things with these wonderful colors they have saved me many dollars and have never tailed to give perfect re sultssmooth even colorsfast to wear and washing friends think my things arc new when i rcdye or tint them with diamond dyes they do give the most gorgeous colors mrs g c levis quebec vitamin c may be obtained from paprika chemist finds budapest general scientific inter est has been aroused by the claim of a prominent hungarian chemist dr albert szentgyoergyi professor at szegedin university to have discov ered after ten years research a method of producing vitamin c ar tificially prtessor szentgyoergyi says he has established that the vitamin is abundantly present in the hungarian paprika or sweet pepper which he holds contains at least four times as much vitamin c as an orange or a lemon in his experiments he has used 10000 paprikas and claims that he has now extracted the vitamin which can be administered in the fotm of powder or pills even to tiny babies at the present rate of progress there will be as many deaths as births in england and wales in 1930 if you cant nurse baby yourself try eagle brand s coumlem tlioiandof hraltlij tiappy babies have been reared on eaitle uranj during the last eveutyfivo years you will hind our iuiebookleluabjrs welfare full of valuublo hlnta on baby care- write- for it use feoupoa below the harden co limited yardlcy home toronto gentlemen i pleaio aend die a free copy of booklet entitled dafcy welfare noma 111 r addrcjt speml time counts when youre in pain insist on aspirin not only for its safety but for ils speed aspirin tablets dissolve at once they arc many minutes faster than remedies that arc oftcrcd in their stead if you saw aspirin made you would know why it has such uniform dependable action if you have ever timed it you know that it dissolves and gets to work before a slower tablet has any effect stick lo aspirin you know what you arc taking you know it is harin- lesst nothing in these tablets to de press the heart you know you will get results for headaches colds neuralgia rheumatism the safe and certain relief is aspirin aspirin trademark rog plant protects english linnet even humble gooseberry bush offers sancutary to bird life from enemies xature is never at a loss to pro tect her subjects even some ot the lowest creatures have cunning means of overcoming enerniesv writes oliver g pike pes- in tlt- blu london the common 6nail carries its pro- tection on its back the thrush however has discovered a method ot getting at the tender meal insldo she carries the snail to a largo stone then dashes the shell against thltf until it is smashed shellfish such as oysters ccesi les and mussels aro ablo o protect themselves from most rnemies but- the carrion trow and tonic ot the gulls are able to get t they by carry ing them to a lieijnit and dropping them on to the rocks englands common linnet protects her nest from enemie- by building itf in tho centre of a gorse bush whero it s surrounded by thorns the gaf- denwarbler will do the same int gooseberry bushes the thcrns themv selves however are uot provided for the birds but are natures wajj ot providing the plants with protect tive armour on deserts ami otherl large open spaces in topieal cout tries where there is little or io rainy we find certain plants flourishing we can understand that it theso hadf no protection they voild quickly ber exterminated by the tew animate f und in such places weird shapes these cacti are protected in such a wonderful manner that for thous ands ot years they have flourished aid held their own all plants need moisture and tho first thing these desert plants have to discover is a supply ot water they have long roots which go downwards until moisture ot a kind is found and have a way of con serving water during long periods ot drought plans that thrive in places whero there is plenty ot mosture give out largo quantities in the form of vtt- pour from their leaves tho cactus has dispensed with leaves and in their place there aro innamerablo spines or sharp thorns spreading out in every direction some ot thesej aro small and so numerous that they have the appearance of a soft fleecy covering but any animal that at tempts to eat them soon discovers that this apparently soft covering ljj an enemy in disguise and it lindg its tongue covered with hundreds of sharp thistles these thorns tre tho armourplate of the cactus and they have protected it trom attacks throughout countless ages one o these called wislizens cactus is covered with a double plate o armour myriads ot tinjf spines as tough as steel cover tfio body of the plant while longer ones prevent larger animals from ap proaching too close the cactiij concentrates all its branches 5lj shoots into compact forms some consist otjust one tall trunk others have f appearance of vegetable marry ws and all knds ot weird shares aro found the covering skii is thick to prevent evaporation and in tho thick but soft body we find plenty ot moisture issue no 1633 banker who kept servant 47 years edward wagg a retired iondon banker who died recently aged 8ft and was cremated at golders grccrj might well go down in history as an employer to whom tho servant prob lem meant nothing for 50 years he ha maintained a largo staff of servants at his beauti ful riverside home the islet maiden head and also as his london housij new faces appeared in his serr vants halls during those 50 years but always the nwcomer was predejf fined to long service with the man who kept his servants at mr waggs death ids hea4 c achman was still holding that posi tion after 47 years his housekeeper mrs keats i9 still living at the age of 92 at the islet after 43 years in his servicft for many years she has been an in valid and mr wagg has provided for her in her old age many other servants had been in mr waggs employ for upwards 6i 25 years while others were pensioned off mr waggs servants were not his servants jut his friends safd an old friend to a reporter there will never bo another mas ter like him there were scarcely any chtnges in his staff throughout tk years except those enforced by age- mr wagg never married for 5q years ho lived with his servants and in the company of his lifelong friend mr j k edwards mr edwards was married last year at the age of 73 and was pres ent when mr wagg died in his shcejj at his home doctors are showing reluctance to pply for commissions in the royal army medical corps because of tho low pay and pensions a lieutenant gets 5 a day a captain g and fl lieutenantcolonel 1250

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