flashes elephants can consume 200 lbs of hay corn and roots in a day eight out of every ten households 3n america keep at least one pet there is one beerhouse and one telephone to every 2t1 of the inhabit ants of berlin hedgehogs which destroy cock roaches and beetles are growing popu at as domestic pets in gt britain hailstones of such size fell recently in one section of the transvaal that ihey killed 400 cattle and 2000 sheep a new animal about the size of a mouse with pale bluegrey fur has been discovered in south australia king christian x of denmark the tallest monarch measures 6 ft 0 in he is also a fine linguist speaking tome five languages a leading firm of french motorcar manufacturers has a trade school where in normal times as many as boo apprentices are trained people who make their living by street trading including costers ped lars and sandwichmcn in london number 30000 of these 700 are sand- wichmen substituting certificates for prizes in london elementary schools has re sulted in the big saving of 00000 a year the certificates cost about 500 to print the worst period of fog ever re corded in london was probably the tour months from novenber 187d to februai 1880 whan the fog was prac tically continuous commemorative issues of postage- stamps are becoming so frequent that collectors are taking alarm for ex ample the russian authorities pro pose to put out nine special issues next year it londons winter temperature was according to its position on the globe iho thermometer would register about eighteen degrees fahrenheit as it is the normal temperature is about thirtynine degrees all precious stones in the state of cashmere are shortly to become the property of the state the present cwn- ers receiving a third of their value in payment unless they can prove a valid title o own them wireless telephones a lib and a special car for culture and rest are given as the attractions of a lux ury train now running between mos cow and tiplis a journey occupying seventysix hours a wireless set has been installed in ono of the cars owned by the prince of wales so that his royal highness can listen to music while motoring there is also an exti loudspeaker for the chauffeurs use while waiting live trout are in regul demand i certain hotels in london where cus tomers choose their fish before it cooked so there is a regular supply kept in an underzround building the city whore a stream of fresh water sows constantly through the tanks legacy i had a rich old greataunt who left mo when she died one meagre acre and nothing else beside nothing else she left me but a clump of sweet phlox and a silver aspen and some hollyhocks a hummingbird disputed my heritage with me and so did a robin and a goldback bee a cricket claimed a hummock he couldnt say how two wrens held a mortgage on an aspen bough never such an aero to mortal was given my rich old greataunt may sho rest in heaven nancybyrd turner in good housekeeping royal bank of canada in strong liquid position annual statement shows total at 765512920 liquid assets at 355929915 and equal to 5286 per cent of total liabilities to the public included in them are cash holdings of 164630724 equal to over 24 per cent of public liabilities savings deposits hold up in satisfactory manner bad attacks of flu brings wonderful vitality eskimos receive praise ottawa a new conception of the nativo eskimo people who inhabit canadas subarctic regions was given hero by richard finnie official arch ivist and photographer of tlio cana dian artie under the federal depart ment of tho interior eskimos he said wero not refrig erated blubbersaturated savages but happy intelligent and hospitable people the finest most generous and most likeable peoplo of uncultered races mr finnio predicted that within tho next four generations towns and cities would grow up across tho fringe of tho polar ocean to form the nuc leus of a new empire tho airplane has changed tho wholo situation in tho arctic among other things it has helped tho tourist discover tho mackenzie rivor with its 2000 miles of magnificent waterway through unspoiled country a smile sandy to his daughter young mcpherson has asked mo for your band and i have accepted daughter you dear old dad sandy so never mind going to the dentist now to have that tooth filled wait until you are married ideas delightful task to rear the tender thought to teach tho young idea lor to thoo ttojefi shareholders of the royal bank f canada will have reason to be grati fied at the strong statement that is being forwarded to them for the fis cal year to november 30th in line with the reports issued b the larger banks total assets due to the less active business conditions are uown moderately from the pre vious year on the other hand there has been a substantial increase in the holdings of government and muni cipal rlonds with the result that liquid assets have increased to 528s per cent of public liabilities a further feature of the liqud assets is represented by the holdings of cash which now aggregate us much as 164630724 and are equai to over 24 per cent of publi- liabili ties profis for the year as vvrs to be expected show a slight recession due to the general trade conditions and the lower interest rates that have pre vailed in reserve centres but after making full allowance for all ad and doubtful debts and providing for cost of management they were amply suf ficient to permit of the payment ot dividends and the usual appropria tions as also to allow of a further contribution to profit and loss ac count strong liquid position tho statement which appeared in a recent issue shows total assets of 765712920 of this amount liquid assets amount to the large sum of 355929915 equal 0 5286of all liabilities to the public cash holdings aggregating 164630- 724 ana forming one of the striking features of the report represent over 24 of liabilities to the public dominion and provincial govern ment securities are 8944s844 com pared with 85473058 at the end of the previous year and canadian municipal securities and bitish for eign and colonial public securities 26750444 up from 24641816 the various loan accounts reflect current business conditions and are down substantially from the previous year commercial loans now- stand at 360562286 against 419345043 while call loans in canada have been reduced to 28951263 from 39137- 268 and call loans elsewhere to 36- 400142 from 371561 11 reduceo import and export trade account for the eduction in letters of credit to 20092951 from 28966506 deposits at satisfactory level deposits have been well maintain ed total deposits at 619094143 show a reduction forthe yesr of less thai 7 from 664795716 savings deposits made a very gratifying thowing and at 46839 153 are down less than 8000000 in view of tie large government loans floated during the year the total would indi cate i tendency among depositors to keep ample cash balances and to add steadily to their savings noninterest deposits which in the main pre the working balances of business and farming customers reflect the eui- tailmnt of trade activity and lower prices being down to 18983165 from 170910903 si ireholders will ce interested in seeing that the reduction in loan ac- coiitj has more than offset the re duction in commercial deposits at the same time the strong liquid posi tion means that just as soon as trade recovers the bank is in a position to take care of tie increased require ments of its customers earnings have held up well espe cially in view of the lessened business a vity and the lover interest rates at reserve centres profits for the year were 4861849 compared with 5448327 they fully coveted divi dend requirements of 3859000 con tribution to officers pensoi fund 200000 appropriation for bank premises 3200000 and restve for dominion government taxes 600000 for a number of years the bank has cirried an unusually large am ount of undivided profits this year the directors have authorized a trans fer of 3000000 of his amount to investment depreciation reserve this will be regarded as a conservative novc strengthening as it does the in jer reserves of the bank to this ex tent and leaving 1166954 to be car ried forward to credit of profit and loss account the annual general meeting of the shareholders will be held at the head office of the bank in montreal on thursday januay 12 settlement work lauded toronto tho most permanent and constructive relief work now being carried on in canada is the back-to- theiand movement in northern on tario in the opinion of hon w a gordon dominion minister of mines and hon william finlayson ontario minister of mines tho value of the backtotheland movement in the development of nor thern ontario cannot be estimated according to hon mr finlayson administered by an authoritative committee the movement is being car ried out in a most thorough fashion pitfalls encountered in previous at tempts are being avoided by careful selection of lands in the upper and lower clay belts the farms are cho sen for their fertility and most are near railways churches and schools where a farm is more than three miles from a school correspondence courses are supplied the children e m ward finds wonderful pick meup in dr williams pink pills i have had at tacks of the flu frequently since 1919 and some times very bad at tacks but always when on the road to recovery i take dr williams pink pills and 1 find them a wonderful pickmeup so writes e m ward saskatoon sask who further states i would recommend dr williams pink pills to all sufferers from that rundown listless feeling i have taken the pills on many occasions and they seem to tone up ray blood wonder fully i have been anaemic for years and find that when 1 get rundown after taking several boxes of dr wil liams pink pills the color comes back to my cheeks and i have won derful vitality dr williams pink pills rebuild health by creating new blood and in creasing the red blood cells which re store the wasted tissues and revital ize the exhausted system they re move the cause of rundown or nerv- ous conditions try them at your druggists 50c a package our crossword puzzle owllaffs a toast heres to the man who plans thinjri builds things makes things who prates not of wonders of old nor gloats over ancestral gold but takes off his coat and tokes hold and does things classified advertising n ower to every inventor list of wanted inventions ana ull inrormatlon sent rt the kimiay jom- puy world patent uiuivs 113 uaum street ottawa canada lumbago plaster of uolokn drops cv h relieve the worst cases or iumbao try it and be convinced luc and lluu prepaid uallaghc remedies peterborough ont winter term from jan 3rd shaw llumnes- svhools of toronto secretarial accouihiii stenographic courses personal at tention assistance employment from special office practlc uurcau catalokue free address v ii shaw pres iiaychailes mk uer a no matter how- seriously a man is injured on the way to the hospital he has the satisfaction of knowing he soon will be getting along as well as can be expected visito suppose that your home town is one of those where everyone goes down to meet the train village wag what train cynical cynthia thinks its too bad so many people give up dancing after theyre married thats about the only time they ever put their arms around each other balancing the budget teacher we borrowed our num erals from the arabs our calendar from the romans and our banking from the italians can anyone think of other examples charlie 4our lawnmower from the smiths our phonograph from tu browns and a pair of stps from miss evans horizontal 1 biblical character 4 to fasten 9 proverb 3 2 collection of facts 13 boat 14 girls name 15 sentence construc tion 17 to spread out 19 goddess of discord 21 french article 22 to climb 25 father 27 american island 31 warm 32 lessened 34 latin conjunction 35 because 36 vase 37 prepositiou 3s to decide 41 through 42 slender 43 asiatic ox 44 trunk 45 above 47 tq appoint 49 refrain 53 strong 57 manner 5s attends co part of to be 61 favorite 02 unmetered writing 63 animals foot vertical 1 holds 2 some 3 aide 4 mark 5 art of mounting i enclosed 7 fish s to fall 9 an east indian tim- 52 title ber tree 54 opening 10 racket 55 age 11 manner 50 moisture 16 number 59 negative is nut 20 pouch 22 shelters 23 inn 24 pronoun 26 topers 28 pronoun 29 chewing plant 30 to worship 32 beetle 33 rather 35 bone 9 musical note 40 scottish for john 41 river in italy 44 to solicit 46 shoe 4s to ponder 49 top 50 to hasten 51 remainder answer to lst puzzle weeks lecturer who has spoken for two hours i shall not keep you much longer i am afraid i have spoken at rather great length there is no clock in the room and i must apologize for not having a watch with me a voice theres a calendar behind you mis ter mother you were very naughty to disobey me and i have punished you to impress it on your mind son mummie arent you mistaken in re gard to the position of my mind fmmmmm that in the big grain elevators at montreal there is a machine that can pick up a loaded freight car and tossing it about as though it were a toy empty it of its grain in less than a minute the photo graph shows a freight car being unloaded by one of these machines th unlosdicg record o one of these machines is three cars in two minute v here are some answers from exam ination papers of school children a man who marries twice commits bigotry in christianity a man may have only one wife that is called monotony a spinster is a bachelors wife a skeleton is a man with his inside out and outside off give her some catnip mrs gabb so your husband ob jects to cats mrs stabb yes indeed he says that i feed all the cats in the neigh borhood wont you stay and have tea figs of thistles your methods of cultivation are hopelessly out of date said the youth ful agricultural college graduate to the old farmer why id te astonish ed if you got ten pounds o apples frou that tree so would i replied the farmer its a pear tree a writer says that golfers are rare ly moved by scenery but how those golfers can move the scenery some girls wouldnt mind having a wedding ring on their finger its the thought of having a man on their hands teacher who can name one im portant thing we have now that we did not have 100 years ago student me credits due tho man who discover ed that the only person who makes a success running other peoplo down is tho elevator boy and we can guaran tee that ho runs more peoplo up than down mr newlywed is the steak ready now dear mrs newlywed im sorry im so long georgo dear but it looked hope less grilled and it doesnt look much when teething i find babys own tablets ex cellent for fevered restless children when cutting teeth as they case the gums and enable the babies to sleep writes mrs s c smith carp ont cross fretful distressed little folks are made happy and comfortable by the corrective action of babys own tablets give your child these sweet acceptable and absolutely safe little tablets for the relief of colds colic constipation or disordered stomach safety guarantee in each 25cent package 71 or wllllinu babys own tablets better fried but if youll be patient a little longer ill see what boiling does to it encores the fellow who starts out like a house afire usually ends up a smotlld- ering ruin no battle ever looks as hopeless as from the rear things dont seem half as expensive when you can charge them the ability to save makes the difference between poverty and wealth adversity made our ancestors great but the greatness developed in process of licking it time may be the great healer but its certainly no great shakes as a beauty specialist not a pain at 78 she feels like 48 aches and pains aio not inevitable in old age when they do come there is always a cause for them a cause that can be overcome here is a woman of 7s for tho last five years 1 have taken kruscheu salts and- 1 toll you truth fully i could not live without them i am 78 years old i havo not a pain in my body and i feel as young as i did at 48 i give the credit to krus- chen salts no one will believe my age mrs c m most peoplo grow old long before their time because they neglect one vital need of health the need for internal cleanliness eventually they start the healthy kruschen habit then probably for tho first time in their lives they start getting rid every day of all waste matter from tho sys tem and almost immediately they feel energetic and happy in a word theyve got that famous kruschen feeling issue no 233 in these our winter days in these our winter days deaths iron tonguo is glib numbing with fear all fish upon a fieryhearted globe an ago once green is buried numbered the hours of light bloodred across tho snow our sun still trails his faint reatreat spring through deaths iron guard her million blades shall thrust love that was sleeping not extinct throw off tho nightmare crust eyes though not ours shall see skyhlgli a signal flame the sun returned to power above a world but not the same c day lewis in the spectator a musing anecdotes of famous people sir james barrie has divulged the secret that during his schooldays in dumfries scotland he was writing his first novel it was a very cynical work he says entitled a child of nature she was not really that kind a long thing 100000 words a year or so aog i came upon the manuscript and you will be relieved to hear gently tore it up just in case it should fall into the wrong hands you know what a pity apropos violet hunts recent book the wife of rossetti ellen terry tells an amusing story in her auto biography ellen terrys memoirs it involves dante gabriel rossetti and his devotion to mrs janie morris wife of william morris an english beauty with the spiritual ethereal look which the preraphaelites loved when anyone was the object of ros- settis devotion ellen terry says there was no extravagant length to which he would not go in demonstrat ing it he bought a white bull because it had eyes like janie morris and tethered it on the lawn of his house in chelsea soon there was no lawn left only the bull rossetti invited people to meet it and heaped favors on it until it kicked everything to pieces when he reluctantly had to get rid of it flashes of wit and wisdom from a lecture by john galsworthy on six great novelists seen in profile the english novel from clarissa harlowe to ulysses has allowed it self a good deal of selfindulgence it often goes to bed drunk anatole frances whip was the most effective ever wielded his vic tims still do not know they are dead they read him still and call him maitre still flashing the bird modernity has had a good run about the farmyard given the war it was an inevitable goose and am i wrong in feeling thatthe goose is being cooked in these days our personalities are controlled by our glands if we have too much pituitary we are artists too much thyroid moralist or vbe versa mr galsworthys six novelists were dickens conrad turgenieft tolstoy maupassant and anatole france a in john drinkwaters life of charles james fox eminent states man who espoused the cause of the american colonists at the time of the war of independence is an amusing story told about lord north british prime minister and foxs political foe an acquaintance asking north who that extremely plain woman was received the reply my wife sir o with a desperate feint his interro gator explained that she was by no means the lady he meant but the one on her right that sir continued north is my daughter and we are said to be three of the ugliest people in london on the night of june 25 ljoc al bert payson terhunc then a report er on the old new york world iov famous for his dog tories was cov ering the opening of mamzeile champagne a new musical comedy at madison square roof garden in new york it was his good luck as i a newspaper man to be sitting al- i most next to stanford white when he was shot by harry k thaw in one second says frederick l collins in glumorous sinners a story of the thaw case he realized what had happened and he was prac tically the only witness to the whoe affair v ths audience was in at uproar terhune raced out looked for a tele phone couldnt find one on the roof garden floor and chased down the stairs to the floor below where an ordinary dance was in sway there was one telephone across the floor it caught ms eye and he rushed over to it knocking dancers right and left terhune is about six feet and built like a coachs dream of a tackle the booth of course was occupied terhune stood there for one second and heard a man not a very large man saying yes tessie in 25 years he has been unable to forget that her name was tessie no tes sie stop your kidding tessir terlune pushed the doo- it the booth open and yelled to the man in side i am a newspaper man thve has been a murder upstairs anl 1 want to get my paper righ- away tlu man slammed the door in ter- hunes face and went or talking tessie dear there is a roug newspaper man here who wants to get in but i wont let himr- nothings going to stop my talking to my tes sie nothing perhaps out tei hune terlune pushed the door open chucked tessies boy friend ut and called the world he began to toll the story to the rewrite man when he noticed the man he pushed out of the booth coming at him with a knife ho was a small man and it was a sm til knife terhune was a hunter and used to big men and big knives he kept trying to push the fellow sway while dictating at this stage he icalized that he man with the knife was not attacking him bu trying to cut the telephone wire but terhrne kept him away and finished the story next week he got n tendollar bonus not a tendollar raise animals do not know what it is to be superstitious declares a clergy man but we have yet to hear of the mouse that will pass a white cat on tho stairs on a friday free music lessons oi yonr own homt- on tho instru ment your choice with guaranteed results wrtto lor details without obliga tion mentioning your favorite instrument whaley royce co limited 37 yonoe st toronto health v take- regularly v ttamtamiririck i scott to build resistance easyto digest tired and irritable take lydia e pinkhama vegetable compound it steadies the nerves and helps to build you up you will eat bet ter sleep better look bet ter life will seem worth living again remember that 98 out of 100 women say it helps mej let it help yon too liquid or tab let form as roll prefer