Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 10, 1932, p. 5

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thursday november 10 1932 i local happeningsf ssissdiisddisddisiasdssissdtsrmi mstl reserve the evening of tuesday november 29th for the play to be presented by the jr institute royal winter fair nov 1624 the keynote of progress in canadian agriculture focussing public attention on the domin ions vast wealth of agricultural resources the royal is the heart of canadian agriculture 15000 animals and birds canadas leading livestock show the pick of canadian beef and dairy cattle horses sheep swine poul try ict stok exquisite flower show fruit vegetable seeds international army teams from europe united states and can- ada in spirited competition daily the visit of the foreign officers army teams is again made possible through the generous contribution of okeefes beverages limited toronto junior farmers judging competitions horseshoe pitching championships choicest exhibits from field orchard garden and farm first day as good as the last reduced railway fares royal coliseum toronto 25 acres under cover llcol harry mcgcc president writ lor information to a p vatervch manager mr a m carpenter of minden was a guest at the home of clerk j s dougherty on sunday powell e a grubin optometrist will be at his office in stouffville on monday and tuesday november 14th and 15 dominion stores shipment of quaker flour will arrive on tues day next at 1s9 bag for the week limited allotment christmas rcake supplies of can died and dried fruits are on dis play at dominion stores ltd mr and mrs c e iuhcui accompanied by his mother were in fashion for town over sunday mrs powell jr weldon will visit her parents mr and mrs george cook for a few weeks our tip top tailor representa tive will be here on friday this week to fit customers for new winter suitings or overcoats finest clothes tailor made to latest only 2250 a e mrs f a dales of toronto who since the death of the doctor has given up her homo in the city has lccently moved to keswick ontario where she has a sister residing mr- ii mckerlie of toronto will preach in the church of christ west end stouffville on sunday xovernber 13th at 11 oclock am all aro welcome veterans attention fall in on friday morning at 1030 sharp at the post office to attend the public service announced elesewhero in this issue by the authorities veterans please attend in memory of our fallen heroes gh saunders secy rev v w fleischer pastor our baptist church and who also professor of church history the toronto baptist seminary slated to give an address in cann- ington on armistice day at the semiannual meeting of the regular baptist association rev george little b a editor of the sunday school publications was the special speaker in the unit ed church last sunday at both services to mark the occasion of the church annivesary the visiting preacher delivered two outstanding sermons which appealed in a wonderful way to the congregations tho choir under the direction of mr robt leslie rendered special numbers which added to the inter est of the anniversary on mon day evening the ladies of the congregation served a hot chicken pie supper and this proved a very popular event the proceeds of which totalled over 100 a program followed the supper all contribut ed by local talent the stouffville womens liberal association will pack a box of cloth ing and food for the neighborhood workers early in december all contributions will be gratefully re ceived and may be left at the home of mrs george storey on or be tore december 13 call and inspect the tip top tailor suitings and overcoatings at our store on friday this week a e weldon west end merchant coming f e luke optome trist 167 yonge street torontos eyesight specialist may be consult ed at boadways drug store stouff ville thursday november 24th glasses at right prices if required desirable house to rent or for sale solid brick 6roomed hard wood floors hot water heating sun room and electric fire place splendid garden well located on church street apply to owner n forsyth mr and imrs cooper mr and mrs h r mccay and daughter kathleen all of burlington were weekend guests with lilts ira badgoro chicken and ham the ladies of the lemonviile united church will serve a ham and cold roast chicken supper in the church there on wednesday nov 16 a good program will follow contributed by kidd bros orchestra mrs oliver and mr brown in duet selection miss jean hunter of newmarket and mrs jac kell soloists and miss king and miss brumwell elocutionists also peachs quartette supper from 630 ad mission 35c children 12 and under 20c dont miss this treat quality service we wish to announce that until we can collect our past duo coal accounts coal coke will be sold at a cash price that is cash with order or on delivery our cash price is very low for high quality coal coke schumacher feed ringwood fok crate feeding of chickens or fattenlng ducks schumacher feed is a good laying dry or moist old hens for mash for feeding mrs florence chapman a win some lady from icolorado was in town last week spending a few days with mr jacob yake whose com fortable apartments are in the silvester block mrs chapman who is a widow is a cousin of the late mrs annie corson yake on sunday mrs chapman was hastily summon ed to toronto where a friend had taken very ill anniversary service will be held in the presbyterian church next sunday november 13 at 3 pm rev j a hilts of davenport road will he the speaker and special music will be rendered including a duet by misses olive and eileen harrington imiss isabelle scott of cedar grove zion church will be at the organ all people are cordially welcome rev w h fuller pastor the late dr wm booth who died recently left an estate totall ing 522000 which is just filed for probate his widow and daughter are the sole beneficiaries dr booth was tho methodist church pastor in stouffville during the war years dr warriners wife is in town from winnipegvisiting her mother- inlaw mrs s m warriner on church street mrs j o totten is also visiting her mother while over sunday melvin honey and harold totten of toronto university enjoy ed tho day at the home of the latters grandmother yes its pleasant to have your baking done if its done in our bakery instead of in your own home the pure- food ingredients of our bread and pastry thoroughly mixed and baked with expert skill bring to your home the acme of the bakers art when you order our goods by name stouffville bakery ambrose stover prop reeve w e morden attended tho public function and official opening of the old forest hill road over the bathurst street bridge on satur day afternoon this new structure marks another step in the progress of tho county and city suburban area to open new territory for de velopment county and city officials participated in the speech making while many members of the county council were present for the affair earlier in the afternoon the visit ors attended the opening ceremony for the new forest hill village police station and fire hall the crowd paraded from thfs hall to the bridge for the second event at night the attending guests were present at a dinner served at the victoria hotel in toronto clerk j s dougherty and a v nolan accompanied reeve morden and en joyed the various stages of the function among the widely known citizens in the gathering were mayor stewart w d bobbins george ramsden county com missioners mayor mckenzie and reeve r j wallace of swansea hon leopold macauley minister of highways and others the village of forest hill was host at the evening banquet step on it stan a comedy drama will be presented in rat- cliffs hall on the evening of fri day november 25 by local talent from this is the fourth engagement for the group to pre sent their play they come to stouffville under auspices of the ioof and the proceeds will be used for relief work that will be carried on this winter last sunday morning a thin line of veterans who termed them selves the faithful few paraded to the stouffville cemetery where poppies were reverently olaced on the graves of their fallen comrades thirteen in number preceding this ceremony the veterans decorated the gates at memorial park mrs george boadway mails in 2 for the renewal of her tribune for another year mrs boadway is liv ing at 1239 shaw street toronto and is a former resident of the east end of stouffville she is among the pioneer folk of this district and her interest in the village is ever keen miss ada barkey spent tho week end in tilsonburg mrs huldah raymer is spending a few days at lemonville j our garage is expected to open for business again about the last of j thi3 week j ft number from here attended tho supper at claremont baptist church on a recent date we aro glad to see harry davis home again after spending several weeks in the hospital imr and mrs george mctavish and family of gilford visited friends in this community on sunday alex ratcliff had the misfortune of being struck on tho head by the lever of the tractor plow sustain ing a cut which required several stitches before it was closed up mr and mrs norman hardy who have been living in part of a pembletons house moved to i burgessvillo on saturday where they have purchased a farm ringwood choir rendered the music at bethesda anniversary two weeks ago our choristers are apparently appreciated in other localities too why pay more tlmn 135 per cwt poultry supplies for laying mash tho ladies of the presbyterian church will hold their annual bazaar and sale of homemade bak ing and candy in mcgrattans store west of the post office on saturday november 19 sale starts at 230 come early and select that christ mas gift while the choice is largest stiver bros phone 4601 stouffville ontario auction sale farm stock implements threshing machine tractor etc the property ob the late anson nichols lot 21 con south 1 mark ham township of victoria square overcoats men buy your winter overcoat now just what you want in a winter coat the values are outstanding the styles new and smart tho fabrics include tho wanted darker shades of grey blue and brown these coats aro well tailored and finished plan early for yours priced from 1200 to 3100 boys overcoats new winter coats in excellent quality materials well tailored and finished fully interlined colors of greys blues browns and mr stanley martin of detroit was here for a day or two visiting his mother mrs jos martin at ballantrae a noticeable improve ment in business conditions are dis cernible in the detroit centre according to this citizen the cabbage market at present is completely wrecked and local grow ers are having to storo their pro ducts in any conceivable building and in pits the abbage this fali aro a rare fine lot large and heavy and it is doubtful if the section ever produced 1 finer some have found sale at around 4 per ton in the field and 5 delivered but one grower informs us that he could not get 4 per ton in the field fact is there is no bid on them at all in small quantities of ten or twenty dozen they are selling off field for as low as 15c dozen but the de mand is very limited the regular meeting of the sr womens institute will be held on wednesday afternoon november 16 at tho home of mrs peter leh man there will be an address given by mr fred marshall on banking as it interests women a demonstra tion on different ways of cooking apples will also bo held social half hour everybody welcome about ninety friends gathered at the home of imr and mrs pemble- ton last wednesday night for a social evening before our village smithy moves to his new homo in burgesville their many friends here are very sorry to have them move from our midst but what is this communitys loss is anothers gain and wo wish them every success in their new place of abode mr pemhleton conducted the woodworking shop here for several years and the premises are now for lease again 1932 public auction sale of furniture silent appeared thursday lectured biddle an exconvict in ratcliffs hall on evening last week and on his lifes history a fair sized audience heard the address which was clean interest ing and educational silent biddle is a native of allandale but got much of his experience down in tho southern states a remembrance day service will be held in grace anglican church markham on friday november 11 at s- pm rev h c cox mc will be the preacher music by st simons church male voice choir everybody cordially invited all veterans are specially asked to parade offering for relief fund of the north york veterans over checks sizes 6 to 14 years price so50 to s850 re curtis store open thursday and saturday evenings closing monday tuesday wednesday and friday evenings at 6 pm open on wednesday afternoon phono 1c02 stouffvillo ont v a wonderful bargain at todays low prices with findlay stoves at the lowest prices in years now is the time to buy to enjoy from today tho cooking and heating comfort cno of theso famous stoves will give you although findlay prices aro lower findlay quality is as high as ever come in and look over tho various models f y w brathwaite hardware stouffville ontario those who think that all the goodness has gone out of mans heart and that real honest charity is a thing of the past should learn of the action of several of our young men in stouffville who through their engenuity have caused to be erected a miniature castle for one fred johnston better and more widely known as cuffie this in dividual has been experiencing times more or less tough since cold weather set in and sleeping out with only the canopy of heaven over him the weather was at times bitter because of this a number of tho boys got together last week raised sufficient money to purchaso lumber nails etc and on saturday a boe was held for the building of tho proposed homo for cuffie tho sito chosen is in the vicinity of the park south of the the creamery property ralph rao and harry peacock acted as head carpenters and with tho aid of the willing helpers the oneroomed building was soon completed we under stand tho womens institute are looking into tho matter of blankets etc so that our bachelor citizen should he in firstclass position for this coming winter with such com fortable quarters to abldo in the young men who took up this work aro to bo commended for tho splen did spirit which they displayed in giving cuffio tho helping hand he needed tho young men requested the tribune to extend thanks to all thoso who gave their financial support for tho purchaso of lumber and supplies and to those who aid- od in tho work on saturday mr robert miller has produced a turnip this fall that bids fair to command all outstanding place on the vegetablo market as a table vegetable the rutabages as they are called in tho usa for table use is from an imported seed and in addition to having a splendid smooth appearance thereby add ing to its attractiveness for retail store use has a particularly fine flavor free from the bitterness that is so noticeable in many tur nips mr miller is finding a market in the larger hotels in toronto for his product and has arranged with stiver bros to handle them stouffville housewives will be able to procure any quantity large or small by phoning their order to the flour and feed store household furniture and effects of late mary ann wright of stouffville will be for sale saturday nov 12 at her late residence corner of edward street- second stouffville furniture stoves chairs rugs carpets blankets beds mattress es comforters dishes etc all will bo sold by public auction commencing at 1 pm f w siiversides auctioneer horses gray mare ii d bay horse h d bay mare h d brown mare ii d chestnut maro cattlo jersey cow bred oct 11th holstein cow bred oct 9th red and white cow bred juno 1st red cow full flow red and white cow calf by side holstein cow bred april 10th shorthorn hull 2 holstein heifers 3 fat calves swine red sow 10 pigs white sow 10 pigs white sow 13 pigs white sow 7 pigs 10 fat hogs harness set team brass mounted breeching set team breeching harness set single buggy harness new s horse collars 3 horse blankets mower masseyharris singlo furrow riding plough 2 sets sloop sleighs set disc set scales 2000 pounds capacity cream soparator masseyharris set 4 section diamond harows set 4 section harrows potato plough gravel box cutter draw rope l gas drums set stewart horse clippers wheelbarrow crosscut saw extension ladder church fleury cutting box top buggy platform spring wagon trench stoneboat 2 scuitlars no 21 fleury wheel ploughs horso rako imccormack reaper masseyharris 13 hoe drill masseyharris seven foot binder masseyharris manure spreader john deere land roller sylvester spring tooth cultivator mh horse fork hay rack wagon gear farm truck chatham fanning mill with bagger hay and grain a quantity of barley a quantity of oats a quantity o mangels largo quantity of alfalfa hay and second crop a quantity of timothy first implements imodol ic case tractor used 3 yrs 2236 case thresher with clover attachment ball bearing equipp ed with one high grain handler and 1 low grain handler used 3 seasons 100 ft 6 4 ply drive belt 2 bottom 12 case tractor plough complete s 12 ft case combination spring and stiff tooth tractor drawn field tiller verity gang plough sale at 1 oclock terms grain calves fat pigs under cash over that amount 11 months credit on approved joint notes 5 per cent off for caslc tractor and threshing machine half cash prentice prentice auctioneers ross nichols clerk household effects 6 kitchen chairs range home economy no reserve roots and all sums of 2500 and our candy department has a rare supply of toothsome tid bits of interest dominion stores ltd silence the roosters stouffville nov 7 1932 to tho editor of tho tribune will you please allow mo space in your valuable paper for a noto of enquiry do wo as citizens of stouffvillo have to enduro tho crowing of that domestic animal tho rooster our rest broken night aftor night by the singing of those most beauti ful birds thoy cortalnly mako things lively about two or three oclock in tho morning until day light no rest for the weary from that time nerves worn to a frazzel more tired in tho am than on go ing to bed well heros hoping if wo have to onduro tho music that they all get larengitis and lose tholr melodious voice there has boon many noted singers lose their voico from that trouble heros hoping tho birds do a distracted citizen 4 ike i5cjj in 1867 he fathers ol confederation sat in tlicir memorable councils to con solidate a nation thirtyfive yeats beore that the hank ol nova scotia was founded by a group of local business men in halifax ns 35 years bef6re confederation this advertisement is one of a series commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the bank ol nova scotia the confederation of the canadian provinces was of paramount importance to the political and economic life of the dominion likewise the founding of the bank of nova scotia a century ago was a milestone in canadas financial history founded to meet the needs of a small community the bank of nova scotia today serves its customers through an organ ization international in scope and above all with the accumulated experience of a century of successful banking me nova

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