voice of the press canada the empire and the world at large fivecents a ride canada how canada came through canada has come successfully through ten serious depressions in less than half a century considering population and resources some of the earlier depressions were perhaps graver than the one through which wo aro now passing in many respects that of 1837 was the most severe in our history rut canada survived them all and passed on to greater heights of prosperity the present depression seoms to be lifting and there is overy reason to believe that economically our future will follow the history of the past this depression requires to be looked at in its proper perspective our previous experi ences are described in a pamphlet en titled canada comes through by mr floyd s chalmers editor of the financial post toronto these arti cles aro an antidote to pessimism and give reason for confidence in the fu ture toronto mall and empire weeds are expensive just how serious is the loss occa sioned to canada agriculture by the weed nuisance is shown by the report of the associate committee on weod control of the canadian research council this body which has been investigating the more important ques tion with particular attention to the western provinces the report de clares that is per cent is a very con servative estimate of the crop loss due to weeds and taking the average wheat yield on the prairies to be three hundred million bushels the oats yield ai two hundred million bushels and the barley yield at one hundred mil lion bushels the committee considers that at current prices weeds mean a loss of 40000000 a year to agricul ture in three provinces apparently causes little concern peterborough examiner dangerous holiday there is no more foolish vacation than an automobile trip that requires too fast or too long driving it is much more comfortable as well as much safer to plan an easy driving sche dule peterborough examiner france that the august lacademle de medeclne was asked recently for an opinion weightily the academic con sidered then over the voluble opposi tion of a youthful minority delivered these decisions 1 the country mans hands carry fewer gorms than the city mans but 2 more germs change carriers during a handclasp than dur ing a perfunctory peck ot tte iip3 hence the haudshako is more dan gerous than the kiss border cities star value of fats a notable fact is that diet plays a most important part iu combating tuberculosis after the german occu pation of warsaw there was an alarm ing increase in tuberculosis because the germans removed as much fat ot all kinds as they could with which to make high explosives when the peo- plo of warsaw were ble to roturn to a diet containing sufficient fat the tuberculosis declined rapidly it is generally accepted that a diet rich in fats constitutes a definite protection against tuberculosis efforts made to reduce dust in factories are also cited as a contributory cause of the decline as well as sanitation water supply and personal hygiene montreal star the empire today we have a tale of the new restlessness that has come over the pitcairn islanders culminating in the departure ot two pitcairn maidens to seek careers in new zealand no longer are they content like their for bears in the hollow lotusland to live and lio reclined on the hills like gods tosehc care less of mankind but are fled away to that world of ac tion over which the gods smilo in sec ret so it is and has always been the flood pictures generally invoke scenes ot chin a hut youre wrong this time the children ot ocean city nj made some pocket money when high seas flooded the streets to a depth ot three feet ontario loses eminent jurist britishmade cars excelled a terrific contest for automobiles was conducted recently when the in ternational alpine trial3 were held there were contests for four grades of cars which had to drive over a long steep and tortuous course through the alps a gruelling trial of speed and mechanical efficiency competitors were not permitted to put fresh water in their radiators the ability to nego tiate the hills without a boil out be ing one of the factors considered in the race britishmade care were one two three in every class and some times four fivo and six as well there wero cars from france germany italy and other countries in the competition and they were simply blotted out british workmanship is rarely sur passed by that of other nation st thomas timesjournal too quick with the plow in brant county a farmer was dis gusted with the prices paid for straw berries and ho ploughed up his plants and put in something else in niagara district tho fruit growers procooled and refrigerated their strawberries and opened up a new market in winni peg theres a difference the view point ot ono was pessimistic and des tructive whilst the other fruit growers were optimistic and constructive tho optimists wero quick thinkers with initiative while tho pessimist was the man with tho hoe sherbrooke re cord conversation there are few accomplishments to be desired above the art of a skilled and interesting conversationalist judged by the multiplicity of examples the term is disconcertingly misunder stood so many folks seem to think that wind and word3 make conversa tion they blather about inconsequen tial things their victims aro given no opportunity to drop a suggestion nor to express an opinion that is ono reason why so many intelligent and highly educated people talk so little brandon sun centenarians tho census returns account for 103 centenarians in ontario wo have no details of tho ages but probably sev eral of thorn aro well beyond the cen tury there aro 74 men and 89 women in tho list indicating that women arc the most icnaclous tho roturn shows that about ono person in 18000 has a chance to become ft centenarian in the province hamilton herald handshake dangerous because americans englishmen germans dutchmen swedes lithuan ians poles danes armenians ser bians greeks estonians syrians letts icelanders norwegians and os- eciaily tho japancso think it is effem inate many modorn frcnchmon have obandonod tho ancient and bonorablo gallic custom of greeting friends with ft resounding kiss on tho cheek or jaw time jays so- widespread has bo- fiomo tho custom ot shaking hands in knowledge of insurance and marine laws invaluable province death unexpected toronto hon frank egerton hod- gins for 20 year3 judgo ot the first appellate division of the ontario su preme court and judgo of the admir- men of the bounty found their lotus- altjr court died early sunday morning land their descendants weary of it i at his residence cloynewocd 9 dale for the heart ot man is never satisfied i avenue rosedale in his 9th year since he came out of eden another j mr justice hodgins had undergone generatio will come that has had two serious operations during the enough of action and of motion and summer the second on july 18th last longs for re3t and ease and forgctful- noss and the influenco of mildminded melancholy but alas lotuslands grow ever more difficult to find there is no escape from the ant heap and the hive london evening news australias recovery during the eight years to june 1930 the net excess of imports over exports was sixtytwo millions that is to say during these years we not only did not pay anything towards our overseas interest wo slipped sixtytwo millions still further back that we should this year be able not only to pay all our interest but put by eight or nine millions as well is a performance to which we are surely entitled to at least call the worlds attention syd ney bulletin pineapple market as it is the canadabritish we3t in dies trade agreement gives a prefer ence of two cents per lb on canned pineapple from any of these colonies but where may we ask is the pre served pineapple jamaica the colony from which some american investors obtained three thousand pine suckers in 1882 which they shipped to the hawaiian islands and upon which an enormous industry one that provides fruits for fifteen canning factories in that american dependency has been built up ha3 not taken advantage ot canadas generous offer to assist her to establish an industry which should he worth a considerable sum to island producers the valua ot pineapple culture and canning to hawaii is ap proximately 50000000 dollars per an num kingston gleaner jamaica loan- to austria during the weekend it was an nounced that the league of nations had granted austria a loan of 9000- 000 one third of this amount will be furnished by great britain this money is being diverted from our own needs and interests in tho empire to bolster up a country that no longer maintains independent national exist ence hut whoso products thus subsi dized will directly competo with ours evory one knows that austria must evontually bo taken into a customs union with germany berlin intends to absorb her to continue to lend money to austria is only to add to tho bcnelovent golden stream which has its source here and its outlet in tho bottomless sea of german finance london daily express births deaths fewer in canada this year ottawa livo births in canada dur ing the first quarter of 1932 numbered 58355 which is equivalent to an an nual rate ot 223 per 1000 population according to a report issued by the dominion bureau of statistics com parative figures for 1931 show there wero 59002 births and a rato of 233 por 1000 deaths totalled 27723 with a rate of 10c as against 28c55 and a rato of 112 thcro wero 11217 mar riages against 11300 for the corres ponding period of 1931 deaths under ono year of ago were 4362 a rate ot 747 as comparod with 5597 and a rato ot 939 la 1931 he had been making wonderful pro gress and strong hopes were enter tained of his ultimate recovery an unlooked for relapse occurred early sunday and he passed away a few hois later called to the bar in 1879 and cre ated a kings counsel in 1902 hon frank egerton hodgins had been a justice of the appellate division of the supreme court since 1912 born in toronto in 1854 he was che son of j g hodgins lld and a nephew of the late mr justice hodgins master- inordinary at osgoode hall his education was received at up per canada college and trinity uni versity which institution conferred upon him in 1901 the honorary degree of bachelor of civil law upon launching into his profession he en joyed from tho start a large and suc cessful practice eventually rising to the senior partnership of the law firm of hodgins heighington and bastedo license investigation from 1890 to 1896 he was legal agent for the dominion government in toronto in 1907 he acted as counsel for the ontario government in the license investigation of that year and the following year was appointed soli citor to tho toronto board of educa tion long a bencher of the law so ciety he was also elected president of tho ontario bar association r 190s his flair for difficult inquiries of r ide and intricate scope received re peated recognition two of his prin cipal investigations as royal commis sioner were inti the automobile insur ance rate in ontario 1929 and into medical education nurses training and the care of the feeble minded in tlm province in 1913 his grasp of insurance law was also evidenced by his authorship of a volume now a standard reference entitled the life insurance contract iu ontario in common with many of the other supremo court justices his lordship was a leader in tho affairs of the church of england in canada la 1900 he was executive chairman of the committee in charge of hymnal re vision and in 190809 was chairman of the laymans missionary movement committee he contributed much to ward the inquiries in 1930 and 1931 of the anglican national commission appointed to make a comprehensive re view of the stat of the church in canada the commission reported to the 1931 triennial national synod of the church held in toronto his lordship was married twice first to miss anna macklem of chip- pawa ont and in 1899 to miss blanch lockhart toronto who sur vives other survivors are four daughters mrs john de la cour santon brazil miss dorothy hod gins and mrs paul adcock in eng land children of the first marriag and mrs d e s wishart toronto of the second and seven grandchil dren his son sherwood hodgins a lieutenant in the royal navy died ill 1918 after having served throughout the great war big comeback seen in saskatchewan canadian wins aluminum wire us golf title j exchanged for oil ross somerville beats good- soviet barters with dominion man by 2 and i comes from behind first in seri deals s o f baltimore ross somerville oti new york the aluminum com canada the sole entry from the land of canada limited has con- of the maple leaf to qualify fought j traded with the soviet government his way to the amateur golf champlou- t0 exchange aluminum wire for crude ship of the united states on saturday 0 declared he new yoik tiuios in ono ot the most thrilling final duels iast week tll0 flr3t sblpmcnts ot ever held 0 are llovv en rou to montreal the c ross somcrvillo of london ont paper gavs better known as sandy somerville j the transaction is described by conquered johnny goodman tho the bewspaper as t first ot a omaha kid by the narrow margin of series bv wnicn russiii buy 2 and 1 in a handtohand conflict that j roo yrom canadian industries seesawed and zigzagged for six hours through the barter svstem until somerville ran his approach putti a arrailgcment has ue made by none dead on the 35th green to take aluminum wlth tne ia sa ou his place as the new amateur golf company for tho laltcr 0 refine the champion of the united states j 0 an to distrlbute tlve proauct so it happens that the first tune in throughout canada the paper pro- 21 years for tho second time in his- ccc tory the coronet of amateur golf pass es beyond the borders that pay tri bute to the eagle and the stars and stripes britain won in 1911 twentyone years ago at apawomis back in 1911 harold ii hilton of england stopped freddie hereshoft on the 37th hole when hiltons ap proach to the extra target struck a rock and caromed back upon tho green since that date back in the long ago of american golf tho old ilavemeyor cup has been ably defend ed by its marching legions of ouimet travers gardner sweetzer martson ninety per cent improve ment in one year re ported by editor winnipeg that saskatchewan has staged a 90 per cent recovery in one short year and the big crop areas of the province represent substantial buying power this year is the finding of w l mactavish editor of the winnipeg tribune who has been mak ing a survey ot conditions the tribune article from regina von elm and bobby jones who have considered rolled hack all invading tides with guarding blades ot wood and steel but tho lone wolf from canada broke through at last johnny good man the 22yearold star from omaha put up a gallant fight to keep golfs main trophy on tho old home shelf but even the nebraska bulldog had to give ground before the final savage russia will utilize the aluminum wire in its vast electrification pro- grain it is said and is negotiating for tho barter of oil and coal and other raw materials in exchange for items essential to the success of its industrial development proceeding the times saya tho significance of tho deal which involves approximately 1000- 000- ot aluminum is believed to be not so much its size as the fact that interests as prominent industrially and politically as are behind tho company are turning to russia as an outlet for their goods this is furthermore as a highly significant step toward the rehabili tation of world trade the deal is lie first of a series by which the soviet hopes to acquiro essential products with which to carry out its vast industralization program already several larger deals are being negotiated on tho same basis with the soviet exchang- charge ot the lone wolf who finished j 0 coa and other raw materials of wllich it has an abundance for distribution in nations where they are needed the program is based of course as a champion should came from behind ross somerville came from the shadows of defeat at the 27th hole to reads in part last year the overtake and pass johnny goodman in on the fact that barter is only pos- government had to find 18000000 for a thrilling final the lone wolf from sible where both parties are to relief ample till seeded this year 1000000 will be i canada walked off the 27th groen two assimilate the down with only nine holes left and out upsetting spring 8000000 acres were from that point on the new champion markets with wheat supplied by the successor to francis ouimet electri- the decline goods received wlth- their own domestic government next spring require- fled a big rushing gallery with one ot vancouvers grain shipments grain shipments from vancouver for th crop year ending july 31 last were much heaver than in 1930 according to tho canadian national railways for the 193132 crop year exports of grain from vancouver totaled 84524- c95 bushels as compared with 74154- 053 bushels for tho previous crop year the charity of tho poor is not to hate tho rich do tocquevllle the mind seeks but it is the heart hlch finds georgo sand in the price of raw materials has sharply curtailed the ments will not exceed 100000 bushels the most gallant counterattacks a golf purchasing power of russia in last year 57000 families required final has ever known i foreign markets the consensus is relief this year there will be 9000 somerville stands out as canadas that russia will not be an import- families star allround competitor he sells in- ant factor in world trade until thcro ninety per cent of the farmers of surance for a living and on the side is a material improvement in the the province will be able this year to he has starred at golf hockey rugby j price of raw materials which con- pay current years taxes repay the and cricket at the age of 29 he has stltute virtually all of tho soviet ex- government for seed binder twine and i won tho canadian golf championship ports the soviet virtually has do- binder repairs pay all expense ot the four times elded on the principle ot itarter for i had almost decided to lay off golf essential foreign supplies i aluminum is essential in the next springs seeding without assist- said but ive changed my mind now soviets electrification program as is ance jl think ill stick to golf for a while copper reports here indicate that threeeighths of the pro- longer i russia plans to build long transms- vince yielded 20 bushels to the acre or somerville and goodman squared sion lines rather than frequent sub- over onefourth 15 to 10 bushels one- away in tho forenoon round for an all- stations which would be more ex- fourth 10 to 24 bushels only one- eighth averaged less than 10 bushels missing canadian girl found in new hampshire wolfeboro nh gladys debaie 17 who vanished from her employers home in truro ns on august 28 1 years work and have enough money i was found saturday in a farmhouse left to live until next harvest and do and go in for cricket and hockey on the outskirts of wolfeboro police said she had been brought there by two men whoso names are withheld the girl is being held by chief of po lice theodore sturgis pending instruc tion at police chiefs home springhill ns mrs patrick de baie mother ot gladys debaie the 17- yearold girl who disappeared from truro three weeks ago and turned up in new hampshire received a tele gram sunday afternoon came here of own accord it read am well dont worry letter follow ing the girl gave her address in care of mrs theodore j sturgis of wolfe boro nh mrs sturgis is the police chiefs wife 1 day battle between two fine golfers pensive and two stouthearted fighters who saskatchewan government cut their way through perhaps the p era of prosperity will balance its budget this year fastest field any championship has yet rural municipalities will ho able to known both belong to the cool phleg- operato in normal fashion there matic type that show no emotion un- aro no unemployed in saskatchewan der any strain it was the timber wolf cities they are in harvest fields to gether with many hundreds ot tran sients attendance record made london fair beats 31 mark london ont in spite ot a dreary day on saturday with intermittent drizzling rain 8133 people attended western fair on its final day whllo of canada against the nebraska bull- for agricultural ontario oshawa hon g howard fergu son canadian high commissioner to london officially opening the oshawa dog and they put up battle that only i fair last week brought an encourag- true champions could offer after a ing message ot optimism to the farm- weeks strain two youths severely bitten by convent police dog ers attending i see a great future in the agricul tural industry of ontario and the do minion a great futuro for a larger number of people declared mr fer- ottawaattacked by a police dogs- an 0r in the garden of the dominican con- t must be t0 meet demand in an honest manner tho vent here clifford daley 10 and leon ard mccloskey 12 aro in hospital financial structure of canada is sound and that stands us in good stead at tho tho saturday attendance was small it i v was sufficient to lift this years attend- 1 jsx lers psent time we are prepared to en- xi it requtl itches to ctottlfe i r opportunity that is now open- it tho weather had been better a new alltime record would have been within sight attendance forthe weok was 158570 compared with 157599 in 1931 the william wrlgley company lim ited ot toronto was responsible for 2728 of tho attendance that number being admitted at tho companys ex pense onredomptlon of fivo wrappers from the companys chewing gum thi3 fall wo will experience bvds wero quite stylish during the jocont heat wave especially for tho gridders who turned out for practice notwithstanding hera aro temple university hopefuls booting the ball around required wounds on the lower part ot his body on a hunt for apples young mc- much improvement and by next year closkey and his chum went to the wo will feel the change in a pro- garden saturday evening daley ounced way climbed a tree and while shakng a jn branch lost his grip and tumbled into possibilities ot tho western cop his the garden below tho dog roaming dec ared erguaon- wo the convent grounds rushed at the i are assured of a better market for or prostrate boy ho tore at the boys i s wheat and while tne price will loft log stripping it to the bono 16 ar our keeest aml mot leonard went to tho rescue ot his chum and he in turn suffered terrible injuries tho big dog then galloped away without further attack and tho boys frantic with fear and pain made their destructivo rivals for tho worlds mar kets will be out ot the picture this year with russia ont of the market arid other world supplies considerably loss it means that between 200 aril 250 millions of outside money will ha way to tho convent gateway where j coming into canada to stimulate or passersby camo to their aid sccur- 1 trau ing immediate medical attention rcs ot tho imperial conrcrnco dominican brothers said tho dog offered opportunities to canadians to had been a pet around tho institution i develop new trade relations declared practically since its birth a year andj ferguson who pointed out that a halt ago it often played on the statesmen and governments could only streot and never molested anyone i o principles and provide facil- thoy declared it will bo destroyed j tles and tiat remained for the pea- following observation to determine it t0 lake advantage of them cana- it is suffering from rabies dlan8 declared had not always studied the conditions and require ments of the british market you can not sell goods in great for balance of year britain unless they are of the kind i and quality that the customers want ottawaindicating the heavy move- lhq wan0 canadian pr0 can- ment of wheat from canada in the was tno ml count a t0 sc near future hon h h stevens min- nruain ccrtlbcat0 nnd heavy wheat exports without samples ho stated improved transportation facilities should bo pro vided for placing canadian fruit on tho brtlsh market ho suggested istor of trado and commerce was ad vised last week from vancouver that within fortyeight hours ocean spaco for 80000 tons of wheat had been booked at that port for tho united kingdom and europe j tho spaco was booked for novom- mr3 wagg why your husband la her december and january shipments always homo in tho ovenings mrs approximately 3000000 bushols of wragg yes indeed ho finds it wheat will be necessary to fill this caslor to stay in than to explain why space i h stayed out