Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 14, 1932, p. 6

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the aztec mystery a thrilling story of the old west by murray le1nster svnoisis sonny llolmun believing he is the ilkhttut owner oi the aztec mine iioms up the mine payroll janet iaurier f- ers r reward for his capture she is kidnapped by nrclia gang but sopiiiy rescues her tilford the mine foreman imports some mine guards sonny is visiiirik a ranch when news comes of cattle rustlers sonny rides after the rustlers and brings back the stolen cat tle but his horse gunpowder is knot janet secretly lias the horse doctured chapter xvii gunpowder lifted his head suddenly and gazed at the entrance to the sable tilford was coming in he looked acutely nervous and he was fidgetiig with his watch chain as he came toward janet the stallion jerked his head away and moved aside aj the mine superintendent drew near 1 paid that vet miss laurier said tiiford uneasily hes on his way back to leftover when do you intend to start in about an hour replied janet ill get the men and dogs out at nee then said tilford were goirg to use liver and aniseed boiled to gether ho announced any dog in the world will follow that scent any- where just as a cat will follow catnip you wont be n any danger m laurier im not afraid said janet slowly somehow i dont think mr holnidji would harm me you forget tilford interposed harshly that he has been robbing your mine and in company with gar- cia i wonder if he is really helping garcia said janet uncertainly tilford moved uneasily there cant be any doubt about that your kidnapping he saved me then janet shivered a little tilford waved his hand impatiently that was jealousy he said brutally i have a small pistol for you you can hide it somewhere in case of need ill take it janet reached out absently to touch gunpowder but 1 dont think ill need it ill get ready she stroked gunpowders muzzle again almost apologetically and went slowly out of the stalie tilford watched her go and when she had dis appeared his expression changed he drew a handkerchief from his pockeu and mopped his forehead he began to tremble a grinning half breed appeared from nowhere and regarded him insolently with his hands in his pockets bueno hombre he said amiably but wy you geev er a peestol it it wont shoot said tilforj harrasscdly good god what a thing youve made me do the half breed laughed there jes more he said pleasantly the senor garcia c is vairy angree so e asks one more theeng an then e weel be ftriens weth you again tilford shuddered its not too late to stop now he said suddenly in weak desperation i warn you you cant drive me too far i can tell miss laurier everything the halfbrecd grinned once more wat deed you tin in your desk thees roorneeng tilford clenched and unclenched his ftsts a rattler he groaned a rattlesnake dead si the halfbrecd nodded and grinned ect was shedding eets skin too tcelford eef ect had been put in there alive the flare of desperation that had made tilford seem about to issue a fierce defiance evaporated he shiver ed but strove to keep up a pretense of resistance well what more docs he want the nex ore sheepment said the halfbrecd calmly tilford clenched his hands then he said and what is my split the halfbrecd grinned ycu his air was insolence un diluted why hombre you leeve he swaggered to the door of the stables swept off his sombrero with ironic politeness and was gone tilford shuddered and ground his teeth at the same instant this was a clear enough indication of garas future intentions he tilford would b less than a tool from now on now he was reduced to the status of a servant the ore stealing had been tilfords idea from the first he had promoted garcia from hc lowly way of horscthief to the nobler estate of mine robber the rise of garcia to power and even his safety up to the present time was due solely to til- fords assistance and advice and now garcia had turned the tables neatly the six guards tilford had hired with janets funds would not protect him against such tricks as halfblind rattlesnakes in his desk tilfords life hang by a hread which a word from garcia would snap and now he would receive as his reward for more dangerous criminality thin eve bef re not larger sums nor even the same but simply the privilege of continuing to live as garcias most despised underling rage swept over tilford while ter ror invaded the very marrow of his bones he knew garcia too well not to fear him but even a coward has his courage if pushed far enough and the desperation only a coward can feel was possessing tilford just now he went back to his office casting wildly about for plans from the office window he watched janet ride out of moleville and toward the hills he watched until she was out of sight biting at his finger ends in an agony of indecision but when she had vanished he reached for the telephone on his dek he cajled for the circle bar trying to make his voice steady as he did so and he asked for thompson who a week before had shown his scorn and distrust as plainly as it was possible for a man to do janet rode slowly but steadily to ward the hills until the first gentle rises of the slopes were under gun powders feet then she let the reins hang slack though from time to time she urged the big stallion onward with her voice he hesitated more than once uneasy at the lack of guidance each time he halted she spoke for him to move on and presently he seemed to make up his mind what was wanted and walked steadily forward he found what seemed to be a trail though no sign was visible to janet and he followed its ramblings here and three picking his way as if he knew just where he was going once indeed of his own volition he broke into a trot and this was just what janet hid expected and was counting on know ing the stallions intelligence she had believed that if he were released he would find his way to sonny holmars hangout and the stallions hoofs had been soaked in a mixture of boiled liver and aniseed which to a dog is as fascinating as catnip to a cat any dog will follow that scent anywhere to make assurance doubly sure the bandage still about gunpowders fore lock contained a sponge soaked in the same pungent liquid drops would fall from that with sufficient regular ity to leave a trail irresistible to a canine nose the mine guards were waiting somevhere along the rojte with a mot ley of moleville dogs they would pick up the trail and follow it leisure ly when they judged the sign was fresh the dogs would be muzzled and the pursuit would bo more swift and even sonny holman would be forced to surrender by such overwhelming force janet counted upon encountering sonny holman either at his hangout or before it and she was resolved to give him his choice of flight immediate and final or combat with the six pur suers she could not explain even to herself why she was willing fcr him to escape punishment for what she considered his crimes she as sured herself without conviction that it was because she did- not want to be the cause of a battle in which men might be killed fcriil in which sonny would surey die the way was long gunpowder had started out more than usually 1 mettlesome from his weeks confine ment but as he made his way up into the mountains the recurrent shocks ot his injured hoof striking upon un yielding stone tendeel to make him favor it a little perhaps from prie he would not limp but his pace was undeniably slower as he wound deeper nd deeper into the hills the sun had been little past the zenith when janet set out but t moved slowly onward and began to decline toward the west shadows ap peared and lengthened in the can yons that had been places of a curious baking heat at midday despite the tninncss of the mountain air a pe culiar chill seemed to gather beneath the frowning cliffs janet felt a mo mentary chill of fear but then gun powder with the air of a horse who knew exactly what he was about turned to follow a dried up stream bed that went where no horse would ever gc unless bound for a definite destina tion and the certitude of his action comforted her he picked his way among the boil-1- ers and scrambled up what must have been a rushing cascade in the spring thaws and came out suddenly upon a shoulder of rock that gave a limited but clear view for a long way back along the trail he hael followed janet looked back and down and saw the last of a cavalcade of horsemen just disappearing behind an intervening uprearmg of rock she saw only the last two or three of them and was frozen for a moment but but i guess they are our men she said uncertainly they must be their hats looked very big like sombreros and our men wear stetsons but it must be our men gunpowder hurry hurry to be continued by more speejl sir malcolm campbell in opuar mechanics worlds record speods aro decided i by fractions of a second turjrig a car for a world mark is therefore a battle against time to win you must j have a combination of r perfect car tho right course and favorable weath er and i am going to add another re quisite luck which always plays a large part in ueh undertakings by luck i mean what americans call hav ing the breaks daytona beach fla is the only place i know where it is possible to j make worlds landspeed records the sand packs amost as hard as cenuit and there is sufficient length to get up to 200 miles an hour speed the measured mile is set as near the centre of the 12mile course as possible ticre is a wire stretched at each end of the measured mile lowest price in 15 years eh bbs kb eh fresh from the gardens 22 no substitute can be good enough csmsfties arrowroots iybur mothers mother gave her children christies arrowroots canadas original arrowroot biscuits baked iii canada by christies since 1853 there is nothing better for your children declares tree housed one thousand birds the sunday oregonian of portland recently held a contest for strange anel true wild life stories the fol lowing by j r molyneau won first prize with several friends i was on a fishing trip to lost lake in the east- ern part of clark county washing ton recently we were all busy cast ing when all of a sudden from a hole about twothirds of the way up an old dead fir tree probably 150 feet high birds started to come they literally poured out for five or- six minutes until the air was positively alive with them a conservative esti mate of their numbers as they soared over the little threeacre lake would have been from 1000 to 1200 they would fly down to the water and skip along the top evidently drinking or bathing the birds continued to fly around in this manner until each one had had its turn at drinking and bathing and then at a signal from the flight com mander if there was one they start ed pouring back into tho hole in the tree in five minutes or more there was not a bird in sight after a few minutes members of our parly desiring to see the same performance again went to the foot of the tree endeavoring to frighten tho birds out but there were no re sults if anyone doubt this unusual story there are three other eyewitnesses will corroborate my statement i would like very much to know what kind of birds these are and their habits also how could so many birds possibly live in one hollow tree to decelerate from 200 to 100 miles an hour and on down to zero requires another thrco miles take tho tenkilometer dis tance on a 12mllo course hutinin or any other distance that may be southward at daytona beach the ten- wished and tl- impact of tho ears kilometer distance starts at approxi- front wheels on tho wire is trans- mately the third mile and ends at the milted to the electrical liming ma- ninth since it takes the bluebird chine one trip is made in each direcj between four and five miles to get up tion and the average for tho two is speed i am not travelling at near top the official speed made this is done speed when 1 enter the tenkilometer so that no advantage may v had from the wind 1 have been making records with tie bluebird for six years my first trip to america was in 1928 when i made a world mark of 20695 miles an hour over the measured mile the fol lowing year i went to south africa to try a dry lake bed for speed because my record had been beaten by an american driver bay keech i used the same engine as the year before and made 1 new record of 211491 miles an hour in 1931 1 came to america again after the record which in the meantime had been raised by my fellowcountryman major se- grave to 231g26 miles an hour i instead of going 200 miles an hour i am travelling at approximately 230 miles an hour my speed increases as i go now in order that i may be able to decelerate safely and come to a stop i must back oft the throttle while i am still in the tenkilometer distance in fact i begin backing off a mile or so before i reach the end this must be done gradually to hit the foot entirely and instantly would mean disaster i begin gradually and havo not entirely released my pres sure on tho throttle pedal until i have gone a full mile even then i am travelling about 200 miles an hour laving my engine in gear to get its braking effect i do not use my brakes knew that my old car as she was could m 3nee llils dee reduced to advertising boosts sales in britain london proof that a vigorous and systematic policy ot advertising can offset tho effects ot even acute and widespread business recession is found in somo commercial figures recently published here of a number of leading business omis in great britain which in- creased their profits last year over the preceding one at least two- thirds attributed this success to in creased advertising persistently car ried out over a full years sched ule ono of the most conspicuous examples of this was upsons ltd shoo manufacturers whlc last year opened ino new branches tho chairman of tln company stated in pursuance of a vigorous policy ot expansion advertising wss increased with excellent results es pecially from newspapers and peri odicals both tho number of cus tomers and the turnover of the busi ness have greatly increased not hope to equal that record so i installed a new engine of 1450 horse power with a supercharger thefrontal area was cut from 1 to 15 square feet by changing the body design tho driveshaft was placed to the left of the centre of the car and a larger sta bilizing fin was built at tho rear this car did 245733 miles an hour at day tona afterward i feit tho bluebird was good for a few miles more and we reduced the size of the radiator somewhat and dropped the lines of the nose tho result this year was my mark of 253 9c8 miles an hour he motor of the bluebird is a 12- oylinder supercharged napier with three banks of four cylinders each the centre bank vertical the two outside banks at 60 degrees the engine has a safe speed of approximately 3700 revolutions a minute at this speed each piston changes direction 7400 times a minute gas consumption is approximately 45 gallons an hour eight or ten minutes is required to warm up the motor properly a car is only as fast as its tires will permit and only as good as its component parts the buebirdtires are of 12ply construction with a two- ply construction with a twoply break er strip each cord is the size of the lead in a normal pencil the pressure is 120 pounds the tiresizes are 35 by g inches front and 37 by 6 inches in the rear these tires served me for one complete round trip of the course roughly about 24 miles they aro built to withstand a speed of 300 miles an hour and to do this they are all car cass they ha so only enough rubber over tho cords to make a smooth sur face and keep dampness out tifey re volve at a speed of 2000 times a min ute during a worlds record trial and that is one reason their air pressure is so high to prevent flcxiig duo to the terrific centrifugal pressure occurring while they turn a recordspeed car lslie result of evolution i do not say that one could not bo built without previous experi ence but i do say that experience is a great help it is my hope lo he the first to drive an automobile 300 miles an hour there is no question at all that someone is going lo do it within the next five years i believe that there is no limit to the ultimate speed ot a land vehicle if one can drive 200 miles an hour why not 250 and thence onward to 275 and 300 i havo actually reached a top speed or 275 miles an hour in my present car i cant seo any problem of stability of tires nor ot mechanical perfection that cant keep abreast of the increase in speed body dcslgu is most important as tho speed increases one must increase tho horsepower or decrease tho head resistance or both and at the same timo design the body so that the car will maintain close contact with the ground it is not enough merely to makoa sloping nose and tail it is not enough to figure that the down ward pressure ot the atmosphcro will hold tho nose of the car down and that tho sweep of tho body io tho rear will hold the rear end down so that traction may bo maintained there is a delicacy of design required to accomplish this tho car must not bo heavy from pressnro at either end it must bo balanced exactly weight distribution must bo correct 100 or 125 miles an horu they would not be much use above that and would only be burnt up by applying them by slowing up before the end of the tenkilometer 1 cheat myself of quite a bit of speed but i make stopping safe in the case of the kilometer and the mile i enter them going prac tically at full speed and come out the same way to make a perfect record one must have a perfect beach in addition visibility mils bo good and there should bo no wind this is a difficult combination to realize almost impos sible i neve havo had it on the first day of my trials this year the beach was in good condition visibil ity was poor and the wind was decid edly ball eeuliar tiling about the wind it ippears to help very little but to retai a great deal when driv ing into it two days later the wind was just as strong and the beach was rough i got a terrific bumping my wheels left the ground at points and spun free yet my southward run was made in 14 seconds over the mile an average of 257142 miles an hour e tests assist youths to shape careers london as the result of an ex periment recently conducted in birmingham it hag been establish ed that children leaving school can be fitted into suitable occupations more readily by the help of tests of bents and aptitudes than by the usual methods of school reports and impressions at interviews the experiment has been con ducted jointly by the birmingham education authority and the nation al institute of industrial tfsychiol- ogy the 300 hoys and girls leav ing three elementary schools in 192s were divided into two groups one forming the tested and one the control group tho children in the tested group were examin ed for intelligence and other special aptitudes and a rating was made of outstanding temperamental traits the vocational recommendations was based on theso findings the control group were not tested but were advised in tho ordinary way at tho schoolleaving conference the careers were followed up over a period ot two years and compari sons were made which showed in all classes the superiority of the advice based upon tests boy scouts of montreal will watch eclipse montreal the boy scouts of this city have been given perhaps one of the most unusual jobsvver given to a troup of that organization during the total eclipse of the sun on aug 31 boy scouts will be stationcel alon the edges of the predicted path of the eclipse to establish definitely the ac tual limits of the darkness area tne boys will attend a lecture at mcgill university before the eclipse to learn about their duties the darkened ara will stretch from the arcti by way ol hudson bay and james bay acrpss tie st lawrence river cast ef mon treal over the northeastern part of vermont all of northen and central new hampshire and the southwest corner of maine darken cape ann and the eastern part of cape cod and then pass out to sea the duration of the total phase of the eclipse along the central line of the path will be about 100 seconds the eclipse will occur about 3s0 oclock in the afternoon eastern standard time when the sun is more than halfway down the sky due to competition by buses and a falling off of freight business in 1931 the report of he privately ownn railroads in sweden recently male public in stockholm shows a net lois of 5160000 kronor about 1000000 last year compared with a net profit of 1191000 kronor in 1930 ramblings all real amber which is a mineral ized resin frcm a certain cxtisit crv is at least 600000 years old only one copy of the first numbe of the london times newspaper ex ists it is in the british museum lib rary m in rome it is possible to arrest a person on suspicion when the arrested man has to prove his nnocenee wireless licei ses issued in great britain work cut at an average of about one to every ten of the popula tion copies of the first edition of thq famous bradshaws timetable pub lished in 1839 are now worth ilot each british farmers produce more po tatoes wheat ofts and barley pet acre than do thtse of either france or germany in her first car the canadian pa cific liner empress of britain travel led about 100000 miles and carried 10800 passengers coal has been turned by a new ger man process into a fertilizer so good that certain crops are reported to be doubled by its use by speaking for over seventyono hours in a law case an australian kings counsel recently set up what is probably a worlds record nightingales are reported as having returned this year to many spots in the south of england from which thoy have been absent for cars the cheapest horse that ever won the derby was little wonder who was bought for less than 350 in 1838 anil won the blue riband in 1810 our longest golf course is princes at sandwich which has a declared length of 0998 yards a good player will cover four miles in one round gt britain has now 5000000 acres ss under arable crops than we had the people of great britain are jt 18 ami hail a m fewer pc0 living much longer in one big friendly society there are 21016 members over seventy years of age 3772 over eighty and 106 over ninety kmawtiurjwmwvirakmbw rig ii new invited t tor me finest pie are directly employed in agricul ture there are believed lo be 34000000 wireless sets in se all over the world of which number the united states has the highest individual total about 14000000 people who ring up one big gramo phone companys london offices arc new invited to listen to music whiio the person they wish to gaged mode in canada cooperative cattle shows popular in hungary a noticeable chango in agricultur al shows held lately has been that cooperative societies ot cattle far mers and breeders aro gradually su perseding big estate owners in both number and quality of cattle exhib ited and they aro carrying off the principal prizes it is a slight but sure sign of tho gradual chango coming over the h lagarlan country side due to postwar economic con ditions at tho samo time where horses aro concerned such fine teams as those ot tho flvo white lipizzaner of count franz esztor- hazy or the four dapplegreys of count johann ilatlik havo not tel been equallcel by any teams from these organized societies horse- manship is deeply ingrained in tho this year i made fivo records the hungaran nature and all classes in longest ot which was 10 kilometers tho nation unite in enthusiastic ap- 62 miles i did this on a 12mllo prcciatlon of good jumping and rld- courso this brings in a very fine ing the keen ambition of tho young point ot acceleration and deceleration peasant farmer anxious to cany ono cannot guess at the distance re- back to bis village tho chief prizo quired for theso two he must knowot the day leads often to excellent it my car is travelling say 280 miles equestrian displays accompanied by an hour it is going to requiro approxl- much goodhumored comment from mately two miles for it to decelerate competitors and onlookers h lb packages or sliced from tiic famous 5 lb loaf ixxk for the name kraft as iho only poeilivo identification of the genuine- english irish and scottish people frequently emigrated to poland hun dreds of years ago in one case in the early sixteenth century 30000 scots went in a body and became pedlars nine ships in the british navy have borne the name delight the first was a small vessel of 120 tons which was wrecked on the coast of newfound land in 1583 the latest is a destroyer of the d class blind exservice men tnined at st dunstans arc now working at tele phone exchanges throughout great britain they are taught to take short land notes of niessages the full course of training takes about a year education by mail proves to be popular education by mail a mode of study that is distinctly american in origin having been devised in largo partby president harper of the university of chicago is now one of the most popular methods used in adult edu cation so reports professor leon h richardson director of tho univer sity of california extension division recently returned from adult educa tional conferences professor richardson believes that the fallacy of being too old to learn is rapidly being dispelled loading j educators have found ho says that onlv best oil cives proder i when the compare youth and middle j ago there is hardly a subject in tho lubrication says expert curriculum that the average raaturo mind will not grasp with about equal if housewives only realized theyjoiso and with superior understand- wero buying lubrication instead of ik- just oil few of them would use any thing but the best hero is one placo you cant cut corners for anything less than tho best lubrication endan gers tho lifo ot sewing machines when two men of equal intelli gence one 45 and one 20 both in good health and with good habits both frco from hampering worries aro turned loose on a new subject in vacuum cleaners lawn mowers elect- which they are both interested ono ric fans washers and other household i 0 man of ago and cxperlcnco equipment jas the advantage 3inono oil is mado especially for tho educator looks for an increase such devices and for 35 years it has j in tho number of adults studying by been recognized by housekeeping ex perts as tho best it is a scientific blend of high grade animal mineral and vegetable oils and contains pro perties not possessed by ordinary oil it does more than lubricate it also cleans and protects dont bo satisfied with anything but j geography books and atlases will tho best ask for tho old reliable nccd aucr now tho zuydcr ze0 mail with tho university of cali fornia fewer than twenty courses were offered in 1913 by tho university when it first undertook correspond ence instruction at the present tlmo more than 200 courses are offered 3inono oil and get tho most efficient sorvlco from your mechanical devices at good stores everywhere for your protection look for tho trade mark 3inone printed in red on every packago issue no 2932 has been cut off from tho north sea tho dutch government havo official ly rcchrlstcncd it tho ysel lake golfing novice well thats round tho course anyway caddy and round tho clock loo

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