stouffville ontario july 14 1932 m ksss1 1 local happenings potatoes were desirable product on toronto market last week bring ing 100 per bag the july meeting of the school board slated to be held last week is postponed until friday evening of tbis week early irish cobbler potatoes for salo by bag bushel or basket town delivery r stewart phone 1208 miss nettie rae has home after spendiug a london ontario returned j mr and mrs everton smith and week in family are camping at hawk lake haliburton county mr and mrs frank sparling of london visited over the weekend with misses nettie and allie and mr frank rae church street mr and mrs lud hoover mr and mrs lloyd hoover and mrs millard motored to jacksons point where they spent last sunday the annual picnic of the mussel- mans lake campers will be held as usual on monday august 1st full program of sports and other enter taining features is promised montmorency cherries oct your requirements now from the favorite collard orchard at gormley fred schelfco prop miss ruth curtis of toronto is spending a week in town with mr and mrs f c irowbotham green peas and new potatoes are quite the popular diet in our homes now mr and mrs wesley irwin of x v state and mrs l r guier and daughter of wilkesbarre pa have been visiting with mr and mrs samuel irwin almost every boulevard on main street is now in excellent sfoape mostly all of them being nicely grassed and levelled the odd neglected one stands out in bold re lief as an eyesore on a well kept highway mary the young daughter of e d mcgrattan was rushed to the oshawa hospital from uxbridge last week suffering from acute appendi citis following an operation per formed promptly she is recovering nicely the bailiff sale of cattle to have been held on the macnelly farm at lake muselman last saturday was cancelled settlement having been made in full before the sale day mr and mrs noah raker have re turned from a vacation spent on the shores ot paul lake north of minden they occupied a cottage with mr and mrs roy baker of toronto while mr and mrs edw baker spent a weekend with them in the north a farmer near alliston has sued the local weed inspector for 350 damages for plowing up his weed in fested crop the judge reserved judgment on the case mr harold quibel cnr em ployee here for some time has been appointed to a good position with he company at oshawa in charge of baggage department for the summer months mr james mustoii the florist has had planted in the large flower bed at the ninth concession a quantity of annuals which his men placed last week this will make a wonderful showing at this spot greatly appreciated by in general we also note that big improvements have been made along blake street where the residents on the street have planted flowers on the west side along the railway fencoheretofoie this spot grew up in grass and weeds hence the change will not only be appreciated by the people on the street but the gener al appearance of this prominent part of the town is greatly enhanced bhiko street runs south from main at the railway crossing dominion stores where quality counts friday morning early a load of fresh black cherries from vineland s5c per g quart basket only orders up to thursday evening will be filled weekend specials domino coffee per lb 2c richmello coffee per lb 30c lux large pkg 1c p g soap 10 bars 32c clarks pork and beans 3s 2 for 25c connors herring in sauce 2 for 25c red roso tea halfs 23c calay soap 3 for 19e lux toilet soap 3 for lic lobsters halfs 2cc jelly rolls for 23c kellogs corn flakes 3 for 23c certo rubbers rings jars paro wax for preserving paul boadway manager stouffville ontario rev gordon duncan accompanied by his aged mother and sister miss annie are holidaying at their old homo hero where mrs duncan and miss annie intend to remain for three weeks you are cordially invited to join a local truckload going to the mulock picnic at island grove on saturday july 23 the small charge and will be jot 25 cents for the round trip will the citizens be made to defray expenses kindly phone mrs hugh boyd or mrs j borinsky on or before friday july 22 wahneita m taun secretary of womens liberal association when frank mowder the painter clibmed those lofty ladders he may have thought that he was nearer paradise than many of his fellow men would be frank has now lived long enough to learn that there paradise even here below for a fisherman at least last week whilo trolling in lake scugog the brush pusher hooked up with a 12 pound fish that took the combined efforts of frank and his companions to land into the boat it was a beauty all right to look at for ye editor was permitted to have a peep at it on being brought to town the annual baptist picnic was held on wednesday of this week on the spacious camp grounds of mr robt ratcliff west of town at the same time the unied church picnic journeyed to kew beach toronto for an enjoyable outing the regular meeting of the sr womens institute will be held on wednesday afternoon july 20 in memorial park it is friendship day and every member is to bring a friend there will be a short busi ness session with reports of dele gates to the district annual pro gram ot sports and pot luck lunch each member bring their dishes come and have a good tmie every body welcome for four positions on the public school staff in the village of blyth c50 applications were received the trustees will save the ratepayers about j700 says the blyth paper by reason of drastic salary cuts too drastic perhaps may we add rev mr stephens former baptist church pastor at claremont has moved with his family to stouffville occupying half the double dwelling opposite the mansion house and formerly the w b sanders place rev mr stephens is without a charge at the present time the new comers will be a welcome addition to our community the results ot the entrance examinations held at stouffville centre were highly gratifying to the local parents the number from stouffville school who tried was 22 being the largest class in some years and the sucessful pupils numbered 19 the three who failed lost out by only a narrow margin and the papers of at least two of these are to be reread out of ten outside pupils who came here to write the entrance five were successful a big delegation of farmers with some local color will leave for ottawa on july 15th to pre sent their case to premier bennett the following day on the pressing needs of the agriculturalists the manufacturers have not been back ward in making their wants known for presentation at the imperial conference and the farmers are to be commended for organizing in their own interests the return fare from toronto to ottawa has been fixed by the cnr at 450 among those from this locality who will appear in the capital are councillor james rennie and his son watson also mr win rennie reeve kidd of whitchurch also expected to attend mr joseph qherpaw the oldest active business man of uxbridge celebrated his s4th birthday last week busy as usual with his daily work for long years he was a prominent baker there and now conducts a grocery store after spending some months with her daughter in collingwood mrs w h clark has returned to her home on church street accompanied by miss marion miss clark has been reengaged at collingwood collegi- ite for another term september the famous lennox picnic will bo held at island grove lake sim- coe on monday august 1st toron to civic holiday when there will be bigger and greater attractions than ever among the speakers will be the prime minister of ontario together with six other ministers of the crown and several members of both houses of parliament also boxing wrestling baby show ladies soft- ball quoits pitching champion swimming contests dancing fire works etc everbody invited everything free the frequent rains of the past week have made haying a more or less difficult job for our farmers al though it is being got into the barns in satisfactory condition high winds and cool weather following the copious showers have done their part to offset the bad effects of too much moisture had we not seen messrs truman holden and f w silversides head ing for the station on tuesday morning decked in the colors ot king william we might have over- beginning looked the fact that tuesday was the l2th of july and the day of the big orange walk mr holden who is getting near his 80th year joined the orange- association 32 years ago and its safe to speculate that he was one of the three oldest in the lines at uxbridge on tuesday his son mr delbert holden is worthy master of stouffvile lodge which turned out to walk at uxbridge the day was ideal goodwood down on the kurui down on tho farm about half past four i slip on my pants and sneak out the door out in the yard i run like the dickens to milk all the cows and feed the chickens clean out the- barnyard curry rhoda and jiggs separate the cream and slop all the pigs hustle two hours then eat like a turk by heck i am ready fora full days work then i grease the wagon and put on tho rack then sling a jug ot water in the old grain sack hitch up the mules slip down the lane must get the hay in looks like rain look over yonder suro as im born cows on the rampage hogs in the corn start across the meadow run a mile or two heaving like im wlndbroken get wet clean through back with the mules then for rec ompense rhoda gets a straddle the barb wiro fenco joints all aching muscles in a jerk- whoopifit as a fiddle for a full days work work all summer till winter is nigh then figure at tho bank and heave a big sigh worked all the year didnt make a thing less cash now than i had last spring some folks say there aint no hell shucks they never farmed at siloam or roseville when spring rolls around i take an other chance as fuzz grows longer on my old gray pants give my galluses a hitch belt an other jerk by gosh i am ready for a full years work quality service king bug killer a dry powder for dusting on potato plants cabbage rose bushes celery onions tomato worms asters gladiola climbing bushes shrubs mix in the soil for grubs cut worms and animal stockaid spray kills and flies and lice repels does not taint stalnless milk sprays freely nonpoisonous stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario xoe30e 30e30x ioe30i ioe30i be prepared do not be discouraged with the present cream prices for times have demonstrated that prices can quickly advance keep your herd of cattle up and be prepared for the upturn which is sure to come bad motor accident madoc girl sustains frncturefl skull and punctured lung when car overturns whether prices are high or loto for ship your cream to best results stouffville creamery co open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings phone stouffville 18601 the store for men mens flannel trousers exceptionally well made from grey and biscuit colored flannel in styles for men and young men with five- pockets and cuff bottoms size 31 to 40 price from 375 to 500 mens cotton broad cloth shirts a good buy in mens striped broadcloth shirts assorted col ors in collar attached style sizes 14 to 16 specially priced at 85c ea or 2 for 165 mens wool pullovers mens sleeveless v neck pull overs made from fine worsted wool yarns in plain shades of green and blue priced at 195 store open boys khaki trousers made of strong khaki drill the kind that gives lots of hard service and strongly stitched at points of strain finished with belt loops and cuff bottoms boys per pair 100 youths per pair 119 youths sport shirts with double yoke one breast pocket in new smart stripes and plain shades of blue and green price 75c 100 boys youths jerseys make from fine cotton yarns with crew neck or polo collar ideal for summer wear plain shades with contrasting color trim price 35c 49c tuesday and thu rsday and saturday evening closed each wednesday at noon r e curtis phone 1602 stouffville climax and delora bug killers ocedar fly oil for cattle guaranteed not to burn or stain will last longer than any other kind fyw brathwaite hardware stouffville the piano recital given by pupils of mrs zillah gilbert and mrs h b barnes was highly appreciated by music lovers given in ratcliffs hall on tuesday evening of last week evidence of careful training ra shown by each pupil as they rendered their respective numbers shown on the printed program bach item on the list held its own particular interest for the audience and received hearty applause those assisting in the programjoyce ball and doris baker anna scott marg aret forsythe elaine baker erma grubin donald rowbotham clarion baker luella gayman margaret ball glenn ratcliff alma baker marion rusnell imiss zillah cook rendered a selected vocal solo num ber in perfect style mrs myrtle beebe monks is pleased with her examination pupils who tried this years conservatory examinations in toronto miss agnes klinck secured honors in the second year primary theory miss grace lehman of atha who is only thirteen years of age passed the second year primary theory also the junior piano fourth year com ing very near the honour list mr f t heidner the german gentleman who camo to stouffville some weeks ago and while here built a rock garden for mr fletcher goudie as well as creating a good deal of smoko about building a swimming pool etc at memorial park is going to markham the council of our neighboring villago has engaged mr heidner to con struct a rockery at the four corners where the provincial highway cross es the main street in that village on saturday afternoon heidner met in conference with the village council who came here to meet him we understand that the con- tomplated work planned for stouff ville will not proceed there was a good deal of opposition to the under taking which is now a dead issue for tho present at least so we learn an auto accident occurred on sunday evening just north of bethesda opposite lot 13 when two sisters from madoc ontario and i gentlemen from toronto over-turn- 1 ed on the slippery road one member of the party sustaining a fractured skull driving a ford roadster d m ellis in company with misses clara and eleanor dafoe were motoring from the northern town to the farm ioc 30e30e xoe of col deacon at unionville coming down grade opposite the bradshaw farm the driver evidently lost con trol and the car completely turned up off its four wheels in the ditch dr ball of stouffville was summon ed and found tho one girl clara de foe aged 20 suffering from pain ful injuries she was rushed to the hospital at newmarket where a fracture to tho skull was revealled and a punctured lung the unfortunate girl evidently at tempted to jump when danger was eminent as her neck was pinned be tween the body of the car and the door her condition is said to he serious mcglarys furnaces and stoves dear sir the horticultural society greatly appreciate the contribution by mr jas muston of some two thousand annuals which he has so kindly planted in the large flower bed at the western entrance to the town great credit is also due to mr clif pipher for his assistance in the preparation of this bed the citi zens in general are to be congratu lated for their interest in keeping their boulevards and gardens in such line condition our main street can now boast with one or two ex ceptions ot finely kept boulevards on both sides for a mil and a quarter j r hodgins president july 11 1932 the old reliable are sold and installed by us have you a faulty water system let us make it give you entire satisfaction the summer is slipping this is the time to overhaul the heating system ready for fall heating when prices are lowest eavetroughing and tinsmithing plumbing a specialty e d mcgrattan plumbing heating stouffville ontario fortyfive years of progress stouffville made a good showing at the big annual bowling tourna ment held in richmond hill when mr f l- buttons rink carried off tho hon george s henry cup the andsomo silverware becomes the property of the team winning it most number of times in ten years in the hill tournament mr buttons rink defeated teams from some of tho outstanding clubs including newmarket rosedalo and totten ham the play off was with canada lawn bowling club the cup has been held twice by st matthews toronto and twico by stouffville in addition to capturing this coveted prize the stouffville aggregation were presented with silk bed blankets tho rink was composed of messrs chris armstrong e a button e m still and f l button sk a forgotten artist too modest to sign his name and a secondhand dealer form the strange combination that brought to light one of the best examples of the growth of canadas trade with the orient fortyfive years ago the first ship ever to fly the houseflag of the canadian pacific a flag that has since found its way into practically every port in the world bet out from port moody bc she was the barquerigged steamer abyssinia and such a marvel was she that the modest artist referred to transferred her graceful shape to canvas with painstaking detail another artist chancing upon the picture imposed it upon a photo graph of the latest canadian pacific ship in the orient trade the magni ficent empress of japan they are shown above in exact proportion as they would have appeared passing each other on tho broad wastes of the pacific some idea of the development of shipping in the 45 yeara may be gained by a comparison the abyssinia was 363 feet six inches long 42 j3 feet wide had a tonnage of3376 and a speed of 16 knots the empress of japan is 670 feet long 874 feet wide has a tonnage of 26000 and during her recordbreaking passages between vancouver victoria yokohama shanghai hong kong and manila has developed as high as 23 knots morothan half as fast again a strange coincidence is that tho abyssinia was chartered from w g poarce who later became the fairfield shipbuilding company which famous clydeside shipyard built the empress of japan two years ago