the aztec mystery a thrilling story of the old west by murray le1nster stripes are in j synopsis sonny iloluian believing he is the rightful owner of the azuc holds up the iiiine payrolls janet laurier who bolus ickii title to the astec believes that sonny is at the bottom of numerous ore thefts and offers a reward for hts cap ture janet is kidnapped jy arcias rnu and sonny follows and rescues he tilford the aztec manager imports mine guards two of them kill jake hornaby honns friend in the absence o the sheriff sonny singlehanded ar rests them then rids out of low news comes of a cattle raid sonny rides after the rustlers and his horse lir owder im shot by two of janets mine miards he brings hack the cattle under the name of john doe he runs for sheriff opposing tlie cantltday of t itorel chapter xvi tilford stopped and stared at the placard it had been hastily piintel so much was evident but it meant more than a political announcement to tilford hoofs sound d behind him thomp son of the circle bar and jamison of the star wheel reined up tilford nodded nervously hello hello said thompson grimly we wanted to talk to you hells bells yes grunted jami son his grizzled moustache seemed to bristle what in blazes he roared dyou mean by trying to pass off a poor fake like that letter you sent out to the circle bar i dort know what you mean pro tested tilford that letter said thompson grim ly was supposed to be from garcia to sonny holman asking him to help raid my herds he regarded til ford steadily its on exactly the rame kind of paper the aztec min ties for its letterheads he explain xl softly its spelled too well much better than a greaser like garcia would spell the man who wrote it had just heard of the raid it wasnt written until after id phoned in to town and asked for riders i dont get you said tilford nervously i assure you yuh get us all right growled jamison yu faked that there let- tor t set us against sonny holman us bein durned fools yuh came near ttoin it but that there poster yuh readin favorin john doe that theres the result an we goin t put through the stuff at the courthouse new t make him a reglar candidate yuh got no more chance o bein elect ed than a snowball in hell i ive got to be going said til ford nervously he moved away with as much haste as he could short of outright flight he reached the mine enclosure and a greasy halfbreed mexican lounging before the office grinned at him tii- ford swallowed suddenly and stopped short then he waveringly motioned the mexican to come with him and led the way into his private office senor garcia e says grinned the half breed wat t hell you goin do tilford gnawed at his linger ends he was shaking all over the question was clear enough to him garcia vanted to know what he was going to do about the guards who had cut oft his ore stealing how was he going to square himself for having double- crosscd garcia what inducement would he offer garcia not to have him shot or knifed at the earliest oppor tunity finer avor fl rsaiep -goijttiiiijtwl- bdired salad dressing kraft omfashioncd salad dressing has a piquant freshly mended flavor that adds new pleasure to every ealad flisli t offers delightfully rich sinoolli- mess yet has no oily taste beit of all it sells for an amaz ingly low price get tome today mau in cnnaju kraft salad dressing issue no 28 32 look here ho managed to say nervously at last im going to be the next sheriff ill split the county with garcia tell him ill give him a free hand rustling and now and then let him get away with a payroll of the mine ard ill promise not to interfere with anything he chooses to do among the mexicans si queried the halfbreed yju let hum tek girls hoi up stores air tip litem off when men chase heem yes agreed tilford uneasily le wont make it too raw but well work together the halfbreed rolled a corn husk cigarette and lighted it sprawling out familiarly in the office chair an wat else he demanded insolently garcia e dor lak you so much now you are buyin vour life hcmbre pav high tilford shuddered he knew he was buying his life the system of terror izing that had made the ore wagon drivers docile aids in garcias high- grading scheme had proved its ef cacy more than once more than one man had disappeared very quiety more than one case of fever wouid have shown traces of arsenic if pains had been taken to look and especial ly more than ne man had found bul lets plopping unexpectedly out of no where and singing unpleasantly close to him tilford had ordered enough of thee events to know that his life was not worth much if garcia chose to have his assassinated a courageous man of course wculd have taken the chance but tilford was hardly a courageous man what else does garcia want he asked dismally he cant drive me too far the halfbreed grinned at him and spoke one word and tilford licked suddenly dry lips and said weakly all right ill arrange it i 1 he choked suddenly lie could not speak any more j the halfbreed was laughing when he went out meeting janet on he way to the mine office he leered- anti cipatorily at her as she passed the horse doctor inspected the forej hcof of a big back stallion and stool up with some pride now you look at that maam he said proudly there aint another pheesician in gila county nor the state neither could ha done that as peat as i did you take one o these here drenehin physickin hoss doctors an hed ha used the iron on this animile an youd a had a lamed hawss good fcr nothin but me naam in lessn a week i got him as good as new if not better that there leg maam is somethin to be proud of janet her under lip caught beneath her teeth nodded absently can he be ridden now she asked well maam said the vet judi ciously if it was a ordinary hoss id say no maam but this here is a speerited animile keep him stabled much longer ar hell get to frettin it aint as if hed lost a lotta blood that bullet just about nicked his hoof an twas the shock that numbed the whole hock moren anything else that messed him up yes maam i rck n you can ride him i wouldnt be goin too far y know but id give him enough exercise to keep him gentled they were in the stables of the aztec mine and amid the rustling thudding noises of stabled mules janet nodded again now she said abruptly youll be going back to leftover and you wont mention why you came i ere no maam the veterinary sur geon drew himself up to his full four feet nine ill just say maam that i was called in as eonsultin pheesi cian on a obscure case among the mine mules he preened himself then curiosity overcome him maam who- all owns this animile there aint many more like him 1 am taking care of him for a friend said janet abruptly mr tilford will pay you for your trouble and thank you the horse doctor bowed profoundly and departed though with an expres sion in which curiosity unsatisfied stil lingered janet stroked the big stal lions silky muzzle i hate to do it gunpowder she said uncertainly but i have to gunpowder nuzzled her shoulder affectionately janet herself had sup ervised his removal from little can yon after he had been brought down by a bullet from one of the mine guards pistols and he had ridden in state in an ore wagon- that had beer carefully padded and for a week janet had visited him daily bringing lump sugar and tidbits dear to the heart of a horse janet put her arm about his neck somehow she was not very happy dont you see gunpowder she ask ed uncertainly my father is in a terrible position he hasnt been very nico to me sometimes gunpowder but ho is my father it we cant raise isomo money somehow hell have to go to prison and this mine is all we sally eilers for a moment view the very erepe de chine what film star pauses and allows us to latest in striped quite swanky own now hes lost eerything else we owned maybe he deserved to but i cant think of that can i gun powder the big stallion nosed tentatively at the pocket of her riding jacket its just that we must have money gunpowder we must have a lot such a lot gunpowder or hell go to prison and your master has been taking so much froif the aztec that the bankers say it hasnt been paying dividends for years and it cant be fny good they wtnt buy it and they wont even lend us any money on it so ive got to makrj your master leave the mine alone honestly gunpowder ill give him a chance to get away 1 promise ill tell him about your hoofs and ill promise him that if hell go away i wont let them chase him to be continued from a window in new york a certain drab and desolate- grandeur was always present in our outlook but sometimes at sunset when slateblue clouds piled moun tainhigh in the southwest and the mists of our foreground and softly tinted the blank sides of skyscrapers with violet or when a flaming vapor drove in across tho southern sky and the faraway lights of the qucensboro bridge sparkled like prodigious loops of diamonds the city took on the dignity of an im perial capital it became noble as well as vast y there was one precise spot in our sitting ioom from which i could glimpse across the roofs of my mil lionaire neighbors a curve in the park reservoir often at dusk this water took on the appearance of a lamplighted bay with a wall of palaces just beyond along whose highway a stream of carriages lash ed in endless procession it was my habit to sit at this window- per mitting myself to imagine that 1 was looking out upon some lovely old world town at times 1 proudly dis played that bit of water to my guests it was our noblest posses sion one of those outer glories which partly compensated for tho plain tiess of our walls and tile narrow spaces of ear lloors at other times when a robo of new fallen snow concealed the gravel roofs of lesser houses the towering hotels of park avenue assumed the majesty of citadels they were espe cially impressive at sunrise although no one but myself ever rose in time to enjoy their dawnlit walls of ilame and gold it was my habit however to call the entire family to the window to share in any espe cially resplendent phase at all hours and seasons central park was a solace and a refresh ment one of our regular evening exercises was a spin around the reservoir which meant a walk along the path which circled the raised hank of the upper pool often as we left fifth avenue and mount ed the embankment we came upon a scene of enchanting beauty the misty towers anil vague battlements of tho houses seen across the pond assumed an ethereal alien charm rising like dim cliffs of arizonian planes sparkling with camplires their images floating softly on the still surface of tho water while below us motor cars flitted among the trees through purple dusk liko monstrous hastening firellies from backtrailers from the middle border by hamlin garland is delicious ikrite salaja toronto tot excellent recipe 269 spring flowers of australia world is growing colder and drier you been fishin here every day aint you william yep ever ketch anything nope but grandpa sez he kin remember when a man did ketch a fish right in this spot ray penetrates 18 feet of lead panama city dr arthur h comn- ton noted physicist of the university of chicago said recent investigations by his cosmic ray expedition here and in new zealand australia and hawaii showed a ray which pene trates 18 feet of lead it is definitely affected hy the earths magnetic field he said and added this indicated it was not light but a stream of electrical particles canadian flour tested in rome koine the superior qualities of canadian hour for breadmaking pur poses were demonstrated in striking fashion before tho international breadmaking congress here recent ly by dr f j hircharil chemist of the canadian grain commission winnipeg one of the dominions delegates to the congress twelve loaves baked at bologna with italian flour were compared by dr richards with loaves made with mixtures of canadian and italian hour and finally with bread in which tho canadian product only was used as the percentage in which the canadian flour was used was in creased the loaves gained in volume and improved in color and texture the loaf made 100 per cent from canadian flour was twice the size of liial made entirely from italian come team with me in the wilds of australia in tho home paddock near a house in the western district ot victoria there grows a tall wiry grass and among it in spring all sorts of little orchids tturo is one tiny green fel low about throe inches high with very open mouth old nannie used to call him the grandfather and spider or chis as though cut out in velvet in every shade of cream and buff and dark red with thin tough stalks also a dear littlo blue one not unlike an english bluebell hut shorter more sturdy and of a gentian blue one is a daffodil yellow and its first cousin has brown on the petals it is september the equivalent of april in northern lands with glimpses ot sunshine and intervals ot squally rain a little later there will bo a small flower possibly of the scabious or cornflower family but a bright forget ineriot blue with gray stalk and two tiny gray leaves on either side flat on the groud a child is with me there how happily we hunt for the sweet flowers overhead the wattle mimosa you call it is in full bloom its fragrance filling the air near by ono could find an occasion al specimen of what we used to call tho sheoak an untidy sadlooking tree with long needles for leaves you know if you put a cockle shell to your ear how you get a sound as of the ebbing of the sea ono gets the same soughing of wind and waves under these strange trees a moment conies back to mo when riding home in the twilight one summers evening with a dear compaion we lingered and lis tened what did the tree tell us now let us skip over some one hun dred and fifty miles or so to the gram- pion ranges in victoria still there under a big hill called ambitiously mount abrupt we find ourselves at its base among a species of low scrub with very t dy soil and all around us heaths tall and short pale pink deep pink white and red and a bush with spiky red flowers which- may be a gre- villea in such country there will be later a shrub which we called wild fuchia with long hanging narrow flow ers red near the stem and then sot greeu and bottlebrush resembling its name but a brilliant crimson and with notches rather like small nuts on its scrappy boughs shall we take a long flight now right away to the itiverina in new south wales where the gieat plains are there they stretch before us for miles and miles covered with myriads of everlastings white and yetllow is uie v tscent ut- ed to you on the gentle breeze in every dampish hollow wo shall and a delightful vetch with large flowers some mauve and some violet and a delicious perfume is wafted on the breeze reminding ono ot wistaria or still more of hyacinth moreno the sun is burning eveu in spring and tho sky is a brilliant cloudless blue the crows are cawing lazily presently we are baked and wander toward tho river which skirts the plain on one side with a narrow belt ot timber there it is cool and shady not a tidy riverside as in england but with great gum trees and fallen logs where one may rest and dream a little in the bends there are tall buttercups two or three feet high and mallows similar to those in other countries but a sweet halfforgotten fragrance seems to come to me from them that is missing elsewhere there are patches of mint beneath ones feet long ago one would have come across an occasional miamia the tem porary dwelling of a native shaped liko a tent but made of green branches the mountain thrush is calling to his mate a wild beautiful note echo ing down the river a deep peace reigns how sweet are reminiscences of other days and other climes contri buted tenton crocodile caught manila a crocodile weighing 19 s00 pounds and measuring sixteen feet set a new record for tho philip pines tho reptile was caught in a pond in the southern province of carmarines stir and brought to the bureau of science here but died in a few days john barrymore jr makes his bow john blythe barrymore heir apparent of the royal footlight family and son of john and dolores costcllo barrymore eyes the camera nonchalantly as be poses at hollywood with his parents imperial conferences date back to 1887 ottawa canada evidence of the universal interest in connection with cue forthcoming impend economic conference which opens in ottawa on july 21 next is shown by the volume of inquiries being received at official and semiolllcial sources for informa tion concerning it imperial conferences are by no means a new departure their origin dates back to 1886 when the first con ference of representatives of different parts of the british empire was held in london in that year tho prime ministers of the vnrior dominions were in london at the celebrations ot tho jubilee tho late queen vic toria and they seized tlu occasion for a discussion of matters relating to mu tual welfare another gathering was hehl in london in 190 these two assemblies were known as colonial conferences and were presided over hy the british colonial secretary in 1907 representatives of the various parts of the british empire again met in london this timo as an imperial conference with tho prime minister of great britain as chairman sinco then conferences have been held in the british capital in 1911 1917 1918 1921 1921 1920 and 1910 the confer ence in ottawa will he the first held outside of great brltrin tho delegates to tho conference re present a total population of 450000- 000 persons and countries that occupy an area of 139097s2 square miles or about onequarter of tho known sur face of tho glabe distributed almost equally over tho northern and south ern hemisphere of tho poulation of 450000000 about 00000000 are white tho remaining 390000000 include 315000000 of tho native races of india and ceylon 40000000 of black races 6000000 malays 1000000 chinese and 1000000 polynesians with various other elements the religions repre sented include 210000000 hindus 1000000 mohammedans 80000000 christians of which 67000000 are classed as protestants an 13000000 as catholics 12000000 buddhists 12- 000000 animists 4000000 sikhs jains and parscs 750000 jews and tho remainder polytheists and others there is o fundamental law upon which the constitution ot tho brltitsh empire rests but tho two main prin ciples underlying its administration are selfgovernment and selfsupport for words are wlso mens coun tersthey do but reckon by them but they aro the money of fools thomas hobbes unemployment will not be re lieved until business revives and business will not revive until con fidence in the future has been re stored albert c ritchie most men like straight blunt deal ing if you say things in a nice way preserving the correct attitude sir eric geddes scientists declare forests and animal life migrated south with climate changes washington evidence that t he- world s growing coolei and drier and has been j so for millions of years has been found in tropical jungles by two scientistexplorers traces of changes in climate and also hints of what the world may tn like in the future have been discov ered during a strange journey into the past by dr ralph w chancy ot the university of california ami dr erling dorf of princeton their findings were described by dr chancy in an announcement of the carnegie institution of washington in the hot moist rainforests of central america and venezuela the scientists found r sort of lost world where plant and animal life closely kin to that of the earths ancient past still survives secrets of past found in the depths of this forest said dr chanty lie many of the secrets cf the past many of the explanations for conditions on the earth today suggestions even of what may be ex pected in the years that lie ahead twothirds of the reos that lived in western north america millions of years ago known today by the fossil imprints of their leaves in ancient- rocks have close relatives living in the forests of venez ica the scientists found these forests and those in central america saiddr chaney give a pic ture of the past which has endured down to the present in costa rica and guatemala a picture of california and oregon as they may be once moro if warm ocean currents and winds re turn to make more hospitable tho northern borders of he pacific reconstructing history reconstructing the history of the earth en the basis of the fossil flora of western america and their living equivalents in the mountain forests of venezuela and central america a tend may be observed during past ages from a moist warm climate to the relatively dry and cool conditions of our day he went on just what were the causes of this gradual change is a difficult question to answer variations in the amount of heat given off by the sun or in tho insulating power of the atmosphere shifting in position of continental masses with a resultant alteration of currents of water and air all these and many more factors may have con tributed the fact of this climatic change is fully demonstrated by the migration southward of the forests and the ani mals which lived in them to the only part of the world where suitable con ditions of temperature and moisture still exist humans also may have shared in this southward migration dr chaney said he finds evidence of it in the similarity of appearance and mode of living between the maya indians of central america and the mongol tribes of asia if you cant nurse baby yourself try eaglebrand countless thousands of healthy happy babies have been reared on eoglo brand during the last seventy- fivo years you will find our little booklet baby welfare full of valuable hints on baby care writo for it uso coupon below conensei mxxsk good sewing machine needs best oil say repair men if all housewives knew what repair men know about sewing machines they wouldnt think any kind ot oil will do threefourths of all repairs on sewing machines aro due to neg lect or the wrong kind of oil theres only ono oil good enough for your machine the host regard less ot price you cant find hotter oil than 3inone it is a scientific blend of high grade animal mineral and vegetable oils and contains unique properties not possessed by ordinary oil it cleans and protects as well as lubricates it is unsurpassed for sow ing machines vacuum cleaners lawn mowers washers electric fans re frigerators locks hinges and general household lubrication dont endanger tho life ot your sowing machine and expensivo house- hold equipment with ordinary oil 3 inono oil costs only trlfto more and will savo you lots ot money in repairs at good stores ovcry whore for your protection look for tho trrtdo mark 3lnono printed in bed on every package i but old houses go the old house was ovely at all times but especially so in spring when the daffodils flamed up in tho grass yellow and intended audit was loveliest of all in the summer iusk opposite stretched a great pas ture curving down into the great western sky and this sky blazed at dusk with orang or scarlet dwindling down as the minutes went into thin lemon or vagve mauve tho air was full jf pricking ialfnoisos and abovo them like the cut of a knife the shrill of peacocks across in the madonaid farm we children sat out on tho fron steps in the soft light clinging closely together behind us gleamed the one window in the attic colored with the west and before us lha fur- 1 vigs of vast rich sky thrust through with that separate and kniteliko sound we were sad we felt our selves alone in a wide bare world but houses go the town pushes out ai d clutches the fair meadow- lands and the uneven lanes aro straightened into uniform streets and the few roofs givo way to hundreds each after the same fashion and tho single shop to a sprawlin dozn ard this was tho way of the old house hey built a new one on tho opposite sije of the orchard and transplanted tho white lilac bushes to a spaco along side another weatherbeaten fence it jiieved my childish heart to sec tho enchanted place go from a victor ian village by lizette woodworth reese they werent there two irishmen made their boat fast to a wharf and went to sleep tho boat broko away in tho night and drifted far out to sea when mike awoke ho could sec nothing but water ho shook pat and said wako up quick pat wero not here at all pat roused himself and looked out and replied no hegorra and were a long ways from here the joy at hand let ns enjoy the scenery of tho present moment tho landscapo around tho bend will still bo thero when our lifetrain arrives horatio w dresser