stouffville ontario july 7 1932 quality service more power to your dollar if you shop at ratcliffs grocery claremont choice quality tomatoes 4 large tins 30c swansdown cake flour per pkg 32c pastry flour 24 lb bag 45c p g soap 6 bars for 23c gold soap 6 bars for 23c crispo fig bars 2 lbs 25c certo per bottle 29c sweet mixed pickles m w brand 37 oz 25c choice quality dried apricots per lb 22c bulk cocoa per lb 15c canada dry ginger ale the aristocrat of summer drinks family quart size 20c fresh fish every wednesday phone your order ratcliff co town delivery you pay less for more depot lowest prices our policy is such that we can afford to sell used cars for just what theyre worth in unused mileage the value of the new model ford is so high so close to the cost of production that wo have no leeway for making excessive tradein allowances when we accept used cars in trade thus when we resell a used car wo have no in centive to mark up the price to save us from taking a loss when you buy a used car from us you pay for the miles of unused trans portation in it for its actual worth and nothing else somjc on usual bargains in used cars new 20000000 ontario loan a new issue of 20000000 province of ontario 14 year 3 debentures is being offered for public subscription bonds are in de- namination of 100 j00 and 1000 and tho price is 97 and accrued interest yielding 5s1 to maturity special interest is at tached to this issuo in that it de parts from the usual procedure be ing offered direct by the provincial treasurer for public subscription the inclusion of denominations of 100 it is said will receive a wide response from small investers throughout ontario melville- notes and comments 3 ford coaches 1930 1 ford ton truck 1929 i ford coach 1929 i ford coach 192s 1 roosevelt sedan 1929 1 essex coach 192s 1 fordson tractor 192s a number of trucks and other used cars all at a and easy terms arrasged also a number of other good used cars very low prices d holden ford dealer phone 184 stouffville ontario mr douglas kiuch is spendingmiis holidays with jack nigh miss jean mustard spent the 1st of july with mrs ed nigh mrs c lehman of delhi is visiting with mrs s i lehman of almira floyd mustard visited his mother in stouffville on dominion day also alex of altona miss edith brodio is spending a few days with her sister mrs r kelly of sunderland mr and mrs harvey houck bad tea with her parents mr and mrs g w baker of oormley mrs j houck and daughter edna arc staying awhile witli mr and mrs peterbough of maple we welcome to our midst rev john mcewon of churchill who will occupy tho house vacated by mr mcneil keep the evening of the 14th of july open for tho play to be present ed by tiie young people of cedar grove in mellville church miss marjorie carruthers of brantford is visiting her grand- 1 mori to boys and giris that higher parents mr and mrs w car- 1 education is a luxury and not the ruthers duty of the state to provide mr and mrs harry wideman of twentyone british girls have arrived from the old country to do missionary work in western canada if they are fair to look on it will not be bard for those bichelor farmers out there to embrace christianity premier henry is being severely criticised for soaking the high school pupils 5150 per paper that they wished to write on at the re cent middle and upper school exani- inationsthe tribune has no quarrel with the premier in making those who write pay the full cost which tho premier says stands at 132 per paper what tax payers are disgust ed witli the premier over is the fact that it should cost any such sum as 152 to conduct these examinations why didnt premier henry reduce tho cost or reading and correcting tlieso papers then their would have been no need for an increase high school teachers who are drawing 200 to 300 per mouth will get an extra job this month and next on correcting papers at a cost of 12 per day in addition to receiving their salaries for june these teacher- drawn down 12 per day reading examination papers six hours per day its for paying such outrageous sums to teachers in times like these that he should be taken to task there are many persons who contend and with no little argu ment on their tiou past the bo paid for by those or by the par ents or guardians of those who re ceive it this school of thought says that tho public at large should not be expected to mee irig high school on to ottawa a chance to help yourself and serve canada markham spent sunday evening with his parents mr and mrs j sj wideman mr and airs fleming and family will soon be able to occupy their new house which is rapidly hearing completion air and mrs stanley topham motored to st catherines to visit his sister mrs h overbrough and report the cherries are very plenti ful c we have recently purchased a shipment of royal grafton english bone china tea sets these are the very same as selected at the recent china exhibition held in london england and bought by her majesty queen mary for use in the royal household these tea sets are composed of 21 piecesg cups and saucers 6 plates 1 cake plate cream and sugar and are in almond green glace and alton design also birdcen handle design and range in price from 1150 to s1650 we have a few cups and saucers and plates which can be bought separately wo think there is a good deal to ho said for this point or view and it should he kept in mind when anyone feels like being critical of the relatively small fee charged at examination time border cities star see our window display holiday special get in line on the holiday with a new bathing suit we make a special display of womens and childrens suits in plain and fancy colors at most attractive prices 125 to 295 bathing caps you will require one of these caps for bathing made of heavy rubber with or with out strap in a variety of colors to match suits each 15c to 29c chic hats the sport hat that folds in ten different ways on your head a brand new knitted fabric that is soft and light in pastel shades per pair 125 and 149 cushions you should have one of these cushions to make motoring real comfortable also splendid for sun porch or den in a range of nice shafles and designs special 29c to 35c mesh and lace hose tip yourself off to smartness with these lovely hose in pure thread silk full fashion ed and silk plaited foot iii good seasonable shades per pair 125 and 149 mesh and plain ankle socks for tennis golf and holiday sports wear a lovely selection for the holiday season in good qualify knitted seamless in new fashioned style and strongly spliced at heel and toe in plain shades or with colored cuff special per pair 25c and 35c household cheese cloth with its many uses in the home or cottage you should always have a good supply on hand 5 yards in package 25c shaws picnic accessories before going on your picnic get a good supply of plates cups serviettes etc saves time and very economical cups in assorted shades 8 for 10c plates 2 doze or 15c serviettes 100 xor 15c womens and misses dresses it need not be expensive to be smart these special lines of dainty voile and print dresses in lovely pastel shades also darker shades for women many smart styles in each of these groups all sizes 79c to 225 beach pyjamas you will require one of these to be in style in gay or more subordinate colors whichever you prefer in sizes for kiddies and misses fi9c to 225 van raalte lingerie beautiful dainty underwear similar to glove silk tailored styles with flat yoke fronts regulation bloomers panty and vest special 100 congoleum scatter rugs beautiful patterns that radiate the spirit of summertime a rug that will brighten up the darkest room and add the finishing touch to the scheme 1jx3 ea 50c exceptional value in blankets remember to stockup heavy quality flanneletle blankets 124 seconds you will be amazed at the quality offered at this low price blue or pink borders special per pair 1s9 phone 9512 j stouffville ontario the canadian countryman the imperial economic confer ence vonvenes at ottawa on july 21 at this conference decisions will be arrived at that will be of the very- greatest importance to this country u they are the wroxig ones then the people of canada will have to face a situation in which conditions will bo infinitely worse than they are at present it they are the right ones then it can be predicted with confidence that tho conference f ill mark tho turning point in a return to better times agriculture is the basic industry of this country unless agriculture is prosperous other industries can not be prosperous it is therefore allimportant that the welfare of canadian agriculture bo the prim ary consideration of the canadian delegates at the conference up until the present the federal government has had no intimation from agriculture as to what line of policy it wants it to follow other industries have been in close touch with the government for months past but so far tho voice of the greatest industry of all lias not been heard from this being so it is feared that canadian agriculture will reoeivo but scant consideration fcnd that a policy may be pursued under these circumstances of putt ing first things last and last things first which will result in hitter dis appointment it is obviously of para- side that all educdl mount importance that such a thing public school should i be prevented and the question is wliat aro farmers going to do about it that great canadian statesman sir john a macdonald once said that farmers ask for nothing and the cost of supply- 1 get nothing from governments this and college educa- j on too true farmers have ask ed for nothing from the present government and they have got nothing tho blame for this it must be said in all fairness rests not witli the government but on farmers themselves if tho imperiil confer ence is to be the success everybody hopes it will be farmers must lie heard from in no uncertain manner in order to give the farmers of ontario quebec and other provinces this opportunity the educational secretary of the united farmers of ontario is arranging for a deputa tion of farmers to wait on pre mier bennett and ills colleagues and indicate to them what they waul done at the coming conference this meeting will take place a week be fore the conference opens tho conference opens on july 21 and present plans are that this meeting will take place on july 16 this would mean that farmers living in western ontario could leave homo on friday evening be in ottawa on saturday for tho meeting and get homo again on sunday morning in this way only one day would be lost we have been asked to give publicity to this matter and we aro happy to do so the only justifica tion for the existence of canadian countryman is to serve farmers and we are therefore glad to support any movement plan or policy that will result iu a betterment of farm conditions we would urge as many of our readers as possible to make arrangements to be present at this meeting the greater the number of farmers who go to ottawa the more certain it is that the meeting with tho prime minister will result in something really worth while being done at tho imperial conference to improve the financial condition of agriculture there is no reason why the ladies should he left behind go to ottawa yourself and take your wife with you tho meeting will only take up an hour or two and you will have the rest of the day to see the sights of tho capital city it will be a case of combining business with pleasure we assume that those who are arranging this meeting will have the cooperation of the railways to the fullest possible extent as tho railways undoubtedly realize that their success depends on tho wel fare of agriculture the railways have been putting on excursions re cently from toronto to montrealtlie ordinary return fare from toronto to montreal is 2070 the excur sion return faro has been 5 the ordinary return fare from toronto to ottawa is 1530 so en this basis tho railways should he willing to give farmers a return fare of around 4 from toronto to ottawa with a corresponding reduction from other points in order to facilitate matters it is desirable that thoso who intend to take advantage of his oppor tunity write a letter or postcard to educational secretary of the ufo telling him tint they will ho there address your communication to the educational secretary united farmers of ontario 2s duke street toronto ontario and indicate how many there will bo in your party and whether you will bo going to ottawa by train or by automobile this should be done as soon as possible wo may say that this on to ottawa movement has nothing political about it it is being organ ized because it is felt that thero is a job to bo done for the farmers of this country that must bo done and done adequately if the standard of living not only on our farms but in our cities is to bo maintained at tho boots shoes shoes for summer wear for women a canvas sandal for misses and children a canvas oxford in white white with black trim and all brown these three have solid heels a heavy canvas work boot for men with a solid heel scampers ideal shoe for summer special a bargain table the of womens shoes at 98c 198 and 298 a mans leather work boot at o lehman the shoe store quality phono 4301 service coal ioc aoaoc wc dont call it greed aesop once wrote a fable about a man who put his hand in a jar containing filberts he sought to take so many that his hand was so full ho could not withdraw it so in the errd he had to drop them all in order to free ills hand that is true today in many ways we vere reading of the whaling business to day years ago men in small boats used to hunt whales and they cast harpoons by hand that gave the whale a fighting chance and the number of whales remained suffi cient in more recent years the method changed and the harpoon was shot from the deck of the boat out of a gun then they started to use these guns on speed boats and the whale had a very poor chance the business of catching whales has been speeded up we had applied j what wo term our methods of effic iency our ability to catch whales had greatly increased but the avail able supply had not increased at all the result is that all this elabor ate equipment or much of it is now idle and nations are making laws to limit the number of whales to he taken our mad craze to speed up everything is often just a nice way of referring to greed- only we dont like to use that word seed buckwheat wo have just received a choice selection of govt tested seed buckwheat get your supply of this seed now camels fly spray for live stock bring your own containers and save 20c per galloi this is a reliable spray and disinfectant you will require turnip seed right away we are- ready for you with a range cf seeds also millet seed remember we deliver cement and land tile if any reasonable size order quantity coal and coke always on hand s w hastings d o u o d o phone 169 stouffville ontario tile aoc aoaoc salt aoaoc aoaoc cement level it should be success depends entirely on you dear reader ami on other farmers if you and your neighbors spend your time in thinking up excuses as to why you should not go to ottawa then it is quite probable that noth ing worth while will bo done if however you and your neighbors think up reasons why you should go to ottawa and you go then success is assured do you remember claremont mr and mrs e d sliarpe of sheridan wyoming came in their aeroplane last week to visit mrs sharpes father george trari of atha and other members of the family living at claremont and markham while here they took a number of their relatives and friends for their first trip in the air on saturday the aeroplane circled low over claremont for some time tho bowling club held their first tournament on friday evening of last week the weather was ideal twelve teams entered for the prizes which were awarded on points no more than eighteen points to count on any one game mr rae of stouffville won first witli a score of 12 points mr m walt of stouffville second with si points and mr burns mark ham third with 35 points the club was congratulated upon hav ing such a splendid green it is reported that the good wood box lacrosse team considers it unfair that the claremont team should bo permitted to play league games on its own grounds while neither altona nor goodwood are so privileged the objection is that a team stands a better chance of winning when it plays on grounds with which its mombors aro famili ar however that may he claremont lost by a score of r2 when it play ed altona here last saturday night births lundy at ringwood on july 1 1932 to mr and mrs thbs lundy a son hewlett thursday juno 30 1932 to mr and mrs wm hewlett a son i tribune files 1805 w b wurts died in stouffville about seven years ago at which time he was made enjoying life as a retired citizen mr james ratcliff is administering the estate and his widow is a frequent visitor to tho old town bong here just last week mrs wurts lives mostly with her daughter mrs galloway of mimico tho late j b wurts came to stouffville way back in 1s79 or sixtytwo years ago before the village was incorporated here is what the stouffviile free press writes of this citizen in 1s95 or 37 years ago giving a glimpse of what j b wurts was to the village at that time tho free press says elias wurts was one of tho pioneers of markham township he came from pennsylvania in the early part of the century and settled on the farm on tho tenth line his son mr j b wurts first came to i stouftvillo twentytwo years ago lie j began his second term of residence hero in 1s9 and only five years ago began the baking business he lias within that period developed a large trade from twelve to fifteen barrels of flour per week are needed to supply his numerous customers and his trade extends to more than a dozen surrounding villages this largo building thirty by sixty feet which mr wurts recently erected for the convenience of his business is quite complete and is covered with iron roof aand metallic siding tho hake shop oven and bakers rooms aro all under this roof mr wurts also supplies all the small goods of tho trade wedding and other cakes and confectionery ice cream and oyssters are supplied in season in addition to this regular business mr wurts also conducts a flourishing coopering business he has put out several thousand bar rels this autumn and has large orders ahead with tho increase of tho appleshipping trade tills part of his business must also increase william tranmer marion burnett george giebner itoss gilbert mary paisley harvey byer to sr ill j roy brown reginald winterstein lillian chuiiy f editli churly f to jr hi helen tranmer gordon wideman annie byer eugene winterstein gordon brown i i to 1st elaine baker kenneth tranmer carl reesor elsie wideman doris brown marion gilbert to sr pi doris gilbert delbert gilbert flora byer to jr pr george vaughan elva wideman stanley j rose teacher say it with f lowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for everit occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ontario bloomington promotion examinations names in order of merit indicates honours f indicates failure to sr iv noel storry carson tindall margaret brown to jr iv i victor hugo if you cannot find a friend in a crowd bo sure that in a lonely placo you will find one there aro times when when wo all need an assistance equippment with ability authority and fairness rg clendening faanril director markham tolephono markham 9000