Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 7, 1932, p. 3

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paris notes versailles oldest tree eiffel tower shows profit paris it is said that there is only one tree iu the forest of versailles which was there in the time of louis xiv according to a writer in the nvspaper lecho de paris this is due to the activities of napoleon when ho was first consul of france he then needed great quantities of wood to make rafts and convoys for his pro posed invasion of england all the forests in france were expected to contribute to this vast store and even versailles was not excepted the surviving tree is a giant oak iakes money the eiffel tower is not only a unique featrro of paris but it is also a moneymaking proposition it was reealed at a recent meeting of the stockholders that tho gross receipts amounted to nearly 7000000 francs 210000 for the year 1931 and that the net profits were almost 3000000 francs m citroen who uses the tower for advertising his motorcars by electrical designs pays 300000 francs a year for this privilege other sources of income are admission foes tho restaurant anil the sale of souve nirs art gallery in theatre the comedie francaiso like the opera possesses a valuable and largo collection of theatrical objets dart but unlike the opera it has no space to display is collection adequately portraits and busts of bygone actors by famous artists such as houdor and io moyne are set out in the corridors and can be viewed only by people at tending a performance it was the custom at one time for a wellknown artist or sculptor to make a reproduc tion of some famous actor in the troupe of the comedie francaise and in exchange to have a life admission to that theatre there is also a large collection of manuscripts and these are stored in a narrow corridor to gether with display bills magazines and photographs bagp per and boards scottish bagpipes icelandic flutes and wesh trumpets will lend color to tho international gorsedd of breton bards to be staged in pontivy brit tany july 29 to 31 inclusive bards who write in the breton language from scotland wales iceland eng land and canada will assemble for their annual poetry contest and prizes will be awarded to tho breton singers who best chant the glories of druidic traditions twenty choirs will com- pcto in a breton eisteddfod and ex position of breton art will be given while in the streots on with the dance will be the slogan as ancient breton instruments play folk music during tho gorsedd breton will be tho chief language spoken in pontivy especially since many foreign dele gates are unacquainted with french but do speak a patois which is related to breton mistletoe which figures in druidic symbolism will be sold by breton girls to visitors uniforms at saintcyr the cadets of saintcyr frances military academy are to be allowed to resume their old uniform next autumn it consists of bright red trousers with a blue stripe and a black coat led by their commandant general frere they have been pro testing against the sky blue uniform over since it was instituted in 1914 then it was only after strong pro tests that they were allowed to retain their traditional cockade of red and white plumes which will of course continue to be worn writer wins amity award tho strassburger prize for 1932 has been awarded to m philippe soupault for his articles on francoamorican friendship which appeared during 1931 in the paris papers leuropo nouvele vu and bravo at tho time of the award m soupault was in the united states making a lecture tour and writing for tho potlt parislen no formal presentation could bo made but the news was cabled to him this prize tho gift of mr italph beaver strassburger is awarded each year for tho best article or series of articles tending to promote cordial franco- american relations wow to play bridge auction contract 6y wynne ferguson auihof of practical auction bhjdcb auilcle no 30 iu the follow hig hand the professor of greek at one of our wellknown universities bid one no trump at auc tion all passed and a opened tho threo of clubs the professors hand and the dummys hand are as follows hearts 10 c 5 clubs 9 4 2 diamonds q 10 4 2 spade- q 10 9 hearts a q t clubs a q 7 diamonds a k 3 spades j s 7 2 tho professor should have sized up tho hand as follows a can have- only four clubs for ho has led the three and hie deuce is in dummy there fore a b should only mako two club tricks and two spade tricks if the diamonds are evenly divided i can go game without finessing the queen of hearts if they dont break then i will have to finesse the queen of hearts unfortunately he failed to figure out the band as outlined and as soon as he got dummy in the lead led the heart finessed the queen and a won the trick with the king of hearts it was now impossible for the pro fessor to go game as he had to lose two club tricks two spade tricks and ono heart trick ho should have set up his spades and then have played for the drop in diamonds they were evenly divided so that in this way he could have made game if tho professor had been playing contract he should have made an original bid of two no trump and part ner should have bid three no trump tho writer has occasionally men tioned the law of symmetry in these articles this law is in effect a theory that there is a symmetrical re lation existing between the distribu tion of tho four suits in any one of tho hands and the distribution of any one of the four suits amoig the four hands this symmetrical relation is well exemplified by the distribution of stratford gleanings the following hand which ccntly iu actual play came up ve hearts q clubs k j 7 4 diamonds a 8 7 c spades 5 1 3 2 c hearts j 9 0 clubs q 10 s c 5 diamonds q j 9 5 spades 7 y a b z hearts k 10 7 clubs 2 diamonds k 10 spades j 9 8 2 hearts a s 4 2 clubs a 9 3 diamonds 4 spades a k q 10 auction bidding no score rubber game z dealt and bii one spade ah passed and a opened the six of clubs z won the trick with the nine of clubs and pro ceeded to look the hand over what would you figure as to probable dis tribution and correct play of the hand z should note that his own hand and ys were divided 5131 he also noted that a opened the six of clubs and that b played the deuce if b had held two clubs he would have started an echo to show his partner that he could trump the third round of clubs so his play of the deuce indi cated a singleton a therefore fig ured that the clubs were divided 5431 he held five spades and his dummy three so that if a also held a singleton it must bo in spades therefore the spades must be divided 5431 his heart and diamond hold ing and that of the dummy also indi cated a possibility that these suits were divided 5431 z therefore who was a very fine player decided to play accordingly at the second trick he led the ace of hearts and then a low heart trumping in dummy he then led a low club which b trumped on this trick z played his ace of clubs so that he could finesse the king jack later no matter what b now plays z must make a small slam figure it out the hand is remark able in that after the first lead the distribution of all four suits can be so accurately determined it is also a remarkable illustration of the law of symmetry all of the four suits and all of tho four hands have the same distribution 5431 it is the first time that the writer has ever noted such a unique hand contract bidding z should bid two spades and y three spades a and b always pass z should now bid five spades and if y is a sporty bidder ho will bid six spades it is a tossup but as al ready pointed out z can make six spades against any defense problem hearts 4 clubs 8 7 6 diamonds none spades a j 7 hearts 9 8 clubs i diamonds 10 spades none 9 s heaits q j clubs q j diamonds 3 spndes s 10 hearts k 0 clubs none diamonds k spades 10 if spades aro trumps and z is in the lead tricks against any defense solution iu the next article q g how can y z vin all of the pregiacial plants found in minnesota well minneapolis pre glacial plant specimens that grew 50000 years ago in minnesota are being examined by university of minnesota botanists the plants woods and mosses were found at the bottom of a former well near bronson minn it is tho most axtcnslvo bed of prcglaclal plants ever discovered in tho state accord ing to dr c o rosendahl head of the botany department specimens found are in perfect con dition preserved under tho ground morraine or earthly residue of tho ico sheet which crept down on the re gion now tho middlo western states near tho end of tho pleistocene era partial identification of tho mosses woods and plants has been mado by dr f k butters professor of botany dr hosendahl and robert humphrey assistant in the department who has charge of tho specimens bits of wood clogging a pump brought to light the remains newspaper ads increased sales u s publishers association announces results of bureau s survey now york many companies have maintained and even increased their earnings by constant newspaper ad vertising the american newspaper publishers association said in an nouncing the results of a survey by its bureau of adertising one automobile concern which in creased its newspaper budget 33 per cent tho bureau announced showed a 40 per cent increase in earnings during 1931 a manufacturer of elec tric refrigerators spent 200000 last year in newspaper space and dollar talcs for tho year were 400 per cent of sales in 1930 of four leading tobacco manufac turers who increased newspapor spaco in 1931 three showed an increase in earnings and ono a slight decline from the high net of a year preced ing aggregate expenditures of these four companies in newspaper advertis ing were increased from 20000000 in 1930 to 26000000 in 1931 and ag gregate earnings increased from 105- 200000 to 10300000 on tho other hand the bureau said that four tobacco companies which de creased their aggregato investment in newspaper spaco in 1931 showed a 45 per cent decline in combined net earnings wife you didnt many a cook english in ireland the angloirish idiom is naturally ormed and logically constructed every deviation from the standard english tongue has its reasons and its explanation arc you selling the horse today the speaker of cor rect english has to move the emphasis from ono word to another of tho last four according to the information lie ho bitterly no i found that out a four successive positions of long time ago the ch stress give four different meanings to the question the anglo- irish idiom which in this matter fol lows the locution of the gaelic has io need of accentuating its user would say a is it you who are selling ue horse or b is it seling the horse you are or c is it the hove you are selling or d is it today you are selling the horse in other words says a wellinformed writer where the english purist depends upon stress to bring out his meaning the irish idiom employs construction for the same purpose and much more effectively in reply to the query does it rain here the native says it bees rain ing or it does be raining he is iris king an attempt to reach an exact itude that is possible in gaelic in that language there is a distinct form of the very to be to indicate the hibitual the frequentative tense the irishman who has the tradition of gaelic even though he may never have heard it spoken feels the want of the frequentative tense in english ind he attempts to supply it and so bees ard does be are used as a distinct tense in the anglos xon idiom pa- draic column in the road round ireland nature from poetry world nature has no mathematics such as banks and merchants use she cannot mako her unshod feet walk a straight line in shoes she seldom is quite accurate nor often punctual sho keeps on hand no pecks and pints to measure large and small nor recipes for turning plum blossoms into plums the spring is never quite on time and yet it always comes marjorlo barstow greenblc in all england there is not a clean er more decorous or more restful j town than stratforduponavon and even to look upon it is to receive a suggestion of peace and comfort the red brick dwellings shine among the trees the flowerspangled meadows stretch away in every direction and the green hills sprinkled with copse aud villa glimmer through mist all around the iovoly valo tho red horse ibome in tho north with its conspicuous monuments meon in tho south rugged and bold red hill in the west and far away eastward beyond a wide smiling area of farms and villages the crests of edgehill at radley and ri ing sun where once tho armies of king charles the first confronted their roundhead too the face of england can wear many ex pressions but when propitious it is a face which to see is to love and no where is it more propitious than in stately warwickshire and around the home of shakespeare after repeated visits to shake speares town tho traveller begins to observe more closely than perhaps at first he did its everyday life and its environment i have ra i d through fragrant fields to clifford church and strolled through green lanes to roman tic preston and climbed borden hill and stood by tho maypole on welford common ami ui noyed n the bot tlehaunted crest of edgehill and rest ed at venera com unwyn tes and climbed tin hills of welcombe u loer into the ceiling alleys of the avon and bear the cuckooi to echoed and reattoc from rhododendron groves axl from tho i nysterious elms that en lower the countryside for owl laffs miles and miles around this is tho t ma tv everyday life of stratfordfertilo ha outh c t c t to have but she should have that farms garnished meadows avenues of white and oir hawticrn masses of milky snowball boeysuckle and syrln- ga loading tho soft air with fragrance chestnuts dropping blooms of pink and white and laburnums swinging their golden censers in the breeze the building that forms the south east corner of high street and bridge street in stratford was onco occupied by thomas quincy who mar ried tho poets daughter judith and an inscription appears upon it stating that judith lived in it for thirtysix years richard savage that com petent patient diligent student of the church registers and other document ary treasures of warwickshire fur nished proof of this fact from investi gation of th town records that being only one of the many services that he has rendered to the old home of shakespeare standing in tho cellar of this house i saw that its walls are four feet thick also 1 saw many pieces of old oak which i was inform ed had been taken from the belltower of the shakespeare church in 1ss7 when a new frame was installed to sustain a chime of heavy bells and which would eventually be converted iuto various carvings to tempt the taste of enthusiasts of siaespeare in the poets time tho belltower was surmounted not as now by a graceful stono spire hut by a spire of timber covered with lead that removed and was replaced by the stone spire in 1740 the ck frame to support tho bells however had been in the tower more than three hundred years from gray days and gold by wil liam winter what new york is wearing by annebelle wortiiington illustrated dresmakiiy lesson fu nished with every pattern patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number ard address your order to wilson pattern service 71 west adelaide st toronto 864 heres a charming dress in flatter ing beige lace its so versa n it will meet for mal afternoons as giaciously as sun day night affairs dinner engagements and those informal dances at the club there is a definite slimming quality about this model with its crossclosure bodice and new necklace capelet that is brought dowr to the waistline naturally the flowered chiffons dot ted chiffons crepe silks and voiles arc lovely for to fashion it style no 2854 may be had in sizes 14 1c 18 20 years 3c and 38 inches bust size- 16 requires 4 yards of 39- ineh ivtorial with 24 yards of rib bon for sash how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such butter buried centuries unearthed in scotland aberdeen scotland a remarkable find of bogbutter centuries old from skye was described by professor james ritchie fsascot of the university of aberdeen at a meeting of the society of antiquaries of scot land the wooden keg containing tho butter was discovered during the cutting of peats by mr hugh mackay at a depth if six feet the keg was hollowed from a treetrunk the butter during its immersion for centuries had ohanged into hard olid mass with a somewhat rancid small and greasy to the touch like a piece of french chalk it tast ed professor ritchie assured the audience like slightly sweetened tal low candles the keg and its contents which weighed about 100 pounds recalled the days when the farming peoples of the highlands left their villages in spring to migrate to the upland sheilings here they and their do mestic stock remained during the summer and during that time accu mulated stores of butter and cheese which were to las throughout the winter the custom of burying the butter in peatbogs was widespread for it has been found iu several parts of the western highlands and many in ireland it had been suggested that the burying wa simply a device for the preservation of the buttor in the ab- scneo of salt but it is probable that prolonged burial for at any rate a few years ripened the hutter and improved its flavor voice of hers filed or scraped badly smitten i was charmed by the look in her eye by her nightingale voice i was smitten and her beautiful figure oh my by her glorious hair i was bitten shes really the charmlngest girl sir in her arms any man would find bliss sir but what struck mo most about her was her hand when i started to kiss her host wheu i was a young man i always said id never bo satisfied un til id smothered my wife in dia monds guest most laudable hut why in diamonds a failure who understands why he lost and blames tho right person who is himself has some elements of greatness sherlock ah watson i see you have put on your summer underwear watson marvelous holmes how did you deduce that sherlock well you have forgotten tc put on your trousers classified advertising salesmen wanted salesmen wanted to relhb- sent the old reliable fonthlll nurseries exclusive territory liberal commissions new specialties stone wellington toronto 2 j wziixx newspaper wanted aal looking for weekly news paper in ontario which 1 could lease for a term with purchase id view send particulars to box 12 wilson pub lishing co ltd toronto labtt chicks save j2 per hundred leu- horns cents rocks white rocks red 9 cents delivered any time month olds isc pullets all ages prices furnished mode hatchery iitclicner ont motob boat fob sale rich c dson double jab1n cruiser about thirty feet in use altogether only four or ove months in two seasons complete equipment inclul ing carpets bed and table linen china glassware anu silver as well as all mar- 1 i equipment and many extras this crulsei with its two cabins and us veil equipped galley is an unusually comfort able boat for weekends or longer cruises for four to six people it is ex ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised all over the great lakes it has a nlgn class and very economical 60 horsepower sixcylinder power plant with complete electric lighting throughout and speed of 12 to 14 miles per hour it is a spe cial paint job and very attractlvo in ap pearance owner will sacrifice for half its original cost 1l watkins 73 w adelaide st toronto never criticize anything at a charltv bazaar you can never tell who mad it- i dangerous days at the first signs of peevishness or ill- ness in the hot trying months of sum mer i give baby babys own tablets and in a short time he is well and smil ing his thanks writes mrs alton parchcr glcnal- mond que relieve simple fever colic upset stomach constipation cer tificate of safety in each 25c package 20 dr wllllimi b own tablets issue no 2832 take it or leave it its a consolation to know that those who live by taxes shall perish by taxes it would serve some of these hoarders right too it they forgot where they hid it only exceptional men can run enterprises on idealistic lines and make them pay the aver age persons imagination is what en ables physicians to make a comfort able living beliove it please there are fellows so tight that they regret it when tho pores function buying her too big a stone has put more than ono boy on the rocks maybe so many society girls go on tho stago because it has become a matter of good form loafer will you marry me working girl im afraid not loafer aw come on be a sup port the wife dont you think we ought to get mother a little present to take back with her when she goes can you suggest anything tho brute what about a nice big jar of vanishing cream it may be as a womans college in quiry shows that men get mad twice as often as women but dont the wo man break even by getting twice as mad jerry tom are you ver troubled with sleeplessness tom 1 am some- nights i dont sleep three hours jerry i pity you then ive got it awfully bad ive been afflicted now for about three years the doctor calls it neuria insomnia paxalaxitis tom grunting ive had it about six months bi we call it a baby prince is entitled to all treasure trove london the discovery of gold bracelets 3000 years old under a hedgebank in a cornish village has drawn attention to a littleknown privilege enjoyed by the prince of wales as the duke of cornwall ho is the only one of the kings sub jects in england to have tho rights of treasure trove the british museum has now ac quired this cornish treasure trove from the heir to the throne it con sists of six bracelets and two torques twisted gold probably worn as bracelets on the bullion value ot the hoard which was discovered by a laborer a considerable sum will be paid to the finder quiet about the hardest thing tho world for a woman to keep acknowledged as a protection againet seibjj troiawes price 25c v theres nothing 10 equal mfnarda it takes hold antiseptic soothing healing gives quick relief i horseradish u now being brigtened up with the aid of beet juice it is now a horseradish of another color the business man who retired to escape salesmen has returned to his ofiice to avl housetohouso canvas sers teacher your trohblo is you dont address tho ball properly wouldbe loiter well i was po lite as long as could be a traveling cannery a traveling cannery to aid in con serving surplus foodstuffs is an origin al idea being promoted in josephine county ore boiler pressure cook er tin cans sealer and other needed equipment aro being assembled on a fourwheel trailer which will shortly establish a schedule for visits to vari ous communities it is expected that a majority ot the 445 families enrolled in the yearround garden project will take advantage of this profitable can nery to preserve their garden pro duce vrurely take them every so often theyll keep you healthy sold everywhere 25c and 75c red pcs ovpteksispitls what is browns score ho cant find the holes he says they must bo phychological depres sions irom the point ot view of the hat- seller two heads are better than one correct the cause of childs failing children should not be punished for bedwetting it is caused by weakness of kidneys or bladder mothers will find my homo treat ment helpful for their little ones send no money but write today for free trial treatment adults with urinary weakness will also find my treatment beneficial vanderhoof co f box 25 windsor ont for sale by leading druggists to a small child for g teach me little playmate teach mo to bo wise a universe ot wisdom is cradled in your eyes and their trustful look can gi ample faith by which to live teach me little playmate teach me to be gay for ive felt your laughter lightly sweep away doubts and cares of heart and mind mists before a golden wind adelaide love in tho chicago tribune itish 4 rail men taught to shoot hamburg germany because ot a scries ot robberies at stations the hamburg elevated hallway has arm- cd its employees and allowed them time off for target practice the longer and wider fly catcher that will not dry aeroxon is freeing thousands of canadian homes from the dangerous diseasebearing fly this hondy spiral fly catcher is coated with a specially pre pared glue fragrant and sweet which will not dry or lose its attractiveness to flics ask for aeroxon at any drug grocery or hardware store it is the fly catcher with the push pin and the wider and longer ribbon ood for three weeks service iaeroxom fly catcher gets the fly every time set a f nli j e ii oenest ro box 33 bhttbro 0t qn

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