waters fertilized for fish life federal scientists study ferti lizing plan whereby fish stocks may be in creased interesting tests made ly fisher- i research scientists working uu- der the dominion authorities have iodieated that water may be ferti lized in such a way as greatly to increase the plant and animal life within it and thus to make it cap able of sustaining a larger flsb popu lation than could otherwise be pro duced for instanre says a progress report by m w smith who was in charge ot an experiment conducted at the station of the biological hoard of canada at st andrews new brunswick a pond or lake which has not many fish may lack sufficient food for them and by add ing fertilizer the substances needed by the plants are put in and as a result the latter increase greatly in numbers until finally all the life in cluding the fish which are most de sirable is increased in the st andrews experiment the addition ot only a single pound of herring meal to a thousand gallons jf water was sufficient to make the pond so fertile that it produced nearly a hundred times as many plant growths as developed in a similar quantity ot unfertilized wa ter in making his tests mr smith used two small concrete ponds on the station property from the one source he fed a thousand gallons ot water into each pond to ono lot of water he added a pound of dried and ground herring waste from a sardine cannery but nothing was placed in the second pond except the water the effect of the one pound of herring meal wag remarkable says mr smiths report as could be seen by following through the sum mer the difference in the plant and animal life between the fertilized add unfertilized ponds it showed well that those substances which th plants needed for their growth were present in such small amount in the natural water as to limit their growth as well as that ot the animals which require the plants for food nearly one hundred times as many plants were found in the fertilized pond as in the unfertiliz ed in this way increased growth ot fish rood either in hatchery ponds or natural ponds and lakes may be brought about this particular experiment or study was only one of many which dominion scientists were carrying on last year in connection with fish eries subjects research is in pro gress virtually continually at the four stations of the biological board which operates under the authority of the dominion minister of fish eries icelands sole newspaper produced under difficulty london greenlands only news paper editor is in london to study bri tish newspaper methods and bring new ideas back to the arctic he is kristoffer lynge a sturdy oreenlander 37 years old who lives at godthaab on tho west coast his newspaper is atuagagdliutit or freely distributed reading socalled because tho cost of printing and distributing its 3 goo copies is borne by the danish government editor lynges newspaper is pub lished once a month despite the pro tests of eskimos who complain that they cannot possibly read a whole is sue in so short a time its foreign news comes by radio its greenland news is sent to godthaab by local cor respondents in all the tiny settlements along tho coast the paper is set up by linotype by tho light of blubber oil lamps and distributed by dog teams and kayaks to readers living within 000 miles of tho north pole red rose tea at reduced prices red label 25 1 lb urange i ekoe jo 2 lu aerqxon fly catcher gets the fly every time 2000 billionyear rocks found in manitoba ottawa standard time consisting of eons eras suberas and periods is tho aim of the national committee on stratigraphlcal lomcnclature dr f j alcock of tho geological survey of canada chairman told section four of tho royal society ot canada here re cently it is the opinion ot the committee that geological time previous to the de velopment ot abundant life on tho artbs surface is at least as great as geological time from that development until the present moment tho sug gestion is that therefore there should bo two major divisions and that these to known ns eons seven hundred million years was the estimate f somo members of tho sec tion of tho length of the latter eon and they thought tho former to bo mucli longer granite rocks in manitoba kayo been stated to have an age of two thousand billion years time the true manner ot preparing for tho last moment is to spend all tho others well and never to xpect that aver dot e upon this world as it it never wero to javo an end and wo neglect tho next as if it were never to have o beginning fenclon always use best oil say expert mechanics when you consider how much yon paid for your sewing machine vac uum cleaner lawn mower washer and other expensive devices dont you think its foolish to try to economize on oil the very best costs only a few cents a year and is really cheap est in the long run 3inone a scientific blend of min eral vegetable and animal oils is made especially for lubrication of household devices it cleans and pro tects as well as lubricates 3inone cost more to make than ordinary oil but it costs less to use it you knew what expert mechanics know- about oil youd never use anything else around the house at good drug gro cery hardware department and gen eral stores for your protection look for the trade mark linone printed in red on every package miracle i wonder like a child how this can be how every grumbling spring though men forget a summer wisdom works behind the wet to bring the rose unfailing to the tree day after day i watch ill dark and she a star of crimson in a cave of jet still haunts th more unappre hended yet behind the veils of sleep she burns for me and dreaming how my dear w once a child who drew the common air with scarce a stir while men destruction on destruction piled or greatly gave i marvel how un sought softly as drawing breath or taking thought this haunting rose of womanhood came to her anon in the glasgow herald the boon of spring how many more springs may i hops to see five 1 six springtimes welcomed joyously lovingly watchsl froir the first celandine to the budding of the rose who shall dare to call it a stinted boon five or six t the miracle of earth voclad the vision of splcnjor and loveliness which tongue has never yet described set before my gazing to think ot it is to fear that i ask too much g gissing whats all this noise about father demanded ot one of the twins nannys given me two baths and says im freddie underweight my baby was so thin bis hands were like bird claws but he thrived won derfully after i started giving babys own tablets writes mrs l kennedy portland ontario babys own tab lets help to regulate stomach and bow els ami the thin child gains weight absolutely safe 25c package 353 dr wllllttnt babys own tablets what new york is wearing by annebeae worth1ngton illustrated dressmaking fesson fur nished with every pattern 2783 heres a cunning sui boy of the house it has much unusualncss in the vvaj the trousers button to the blouse the silor type neckline is one all the little boys like so well note the collar ter minates in scarf ends they slip smartly through slashed openings at the centrefront it can be made with very brief sleeves or ong sleeves that gather into wristbands light navy blue linen combined with plain white linen in the original loads of other attractive schemes can be worked out several suits can be made at the price of one ready bought suit style no 2783 may be had in sizes 2 1 and 6 years size 4 requires 1 yard 35inch for blouse with yard 35inch for trou sers how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide sttoronio books napoleon used presented to dominion ottawa three remarkable books unique i the world have come into the possession ot the canadian archives in ottawa they contain a translation into french ot the voyages ot sir alexander mackenzie said to bo the first white man to cross the continent of north ameri ca and they bear the inscription napoleons copy from st helena and tho stamp of tho imperial eagle tho story is that napoleon order ed this translation of mackenzies voyages that he might be supplied with information to aid him ir a pro jected attack on british north america from the pacific coast it was a fantastic scheme ot course as apparently the emperor learned when he read of sir alexanders adven tures in exploring tho subarctic and crossing tho rockies through some unexplained means tho volumes came into possession ot tho mackenzie family after napo leons death mrs bernard heald last ot the family died recently in sussex england and her husband presented the books lo the domln ion red letter days grave on thy heart each past red- letter day forget not all tho sunshine of the way by which the lord hath led thee ans wered prayers and joys unasked strange blessings lifted cares grand promiseechoes thus thy life shall bo one record ot his love and faithful ness to thee francis ridley havcrgal hubby fas burglars are beard downstairs slib dear this is to bo a battle ot brains wife how brave of you dear to go un armed wow to play bridge auction contract by wynne ferguson author of practical auction 8wdcb aw article no 2g which are the easiex to bandle weak hands or strong hands most players probably will reply that strong bands are easier to bid and to play and that is probably true weak hands as a rule offer more problems than tho strong ones but the latter are frequently hard to handle the writer was watching a new club member playing tho other day and as dealer he passed a very strong hand when asked why he did so lie replied the hand was so big i didnt know what to do with it this is not an uncommon fault so learn to be as careful in bidding and playing the strong hands as you are with tho weak ones in the play particularly one is apt to become careless with a big hearts a 10 s 3 clubs 9 7 3 diamonds k 10 spades a q 1 s no score rubber game 7 dealt and bill one club what should a now bid with the foregoing hand as proper bid at either auction or contract is undoubtedly a double ot zs one club at one table a doubled and y bid four clubs this was a good bid for it prevented a and b from bidding it also forced a to guess as to the proper lead he led tho ace of hearts and then the ace of spades as a result z made fiveodd at clubs at table no 2 a bid one no trump which y doubled b was on the job however and took a out of the double by bidding two diamonds z was now in a difficult position he knew that a must have spade strength to war rant his no trump hid but saw no other way to give his partner addi tional information so made the bid of two spades a passed for he was sat- hand but remember that bad babits are hard to break you may lose a trick or so on a big hand anil still go gamo but if you are just as care less on the next hand the trick you lose may prevent you from going game the only way to become a good auction or contract player is to play every hand strong or weak for tho maximum concentration on what you are doiug will win moro rub bers for you than any other one thing tho following hands were played in a recent duplicate tournament and the bidding showed a wide diversity of opinion tho hands of all four players are given so that you will thus have an opportunity ot comparing your analysis with the actual tesults hand no1 htarts k j 6 5 4 clubs a s 2 diamonds a j s 4 spades 4 ilenits- 9 2 clubs 5 4 y a b diamonds q 9 z spades hi 7 2 hearts q 7 clubs ic q j 10 c diamonds li spades k 9 6 5 2 isfied with the twospade bid and y was forced to bid two no trump or three hearts ho elected to bid tho two no trump because it seemed a safer hid than three hearts he just made tho bid so failed tomako game a big loss compared with table no 1 this hand is a good illustration of winning by bad bidding the proper bid with as hand is a double of one club the bid of one no trump is very faulty the only reason a b at table no 2 gained by the bid was because the player of as hand at table no 1 made a bad opening with a trump opening the proper one on the bid ding y z can only make three odd in clubs it is an ideal hand for that opening note that the lead of the ace of hearts followed by the ace of spades gives declarer game study this bidding and think over as proper lead fin- the smal hand no 2 hearts 0 5 clubs s 4 3 diamonds k q 10 7 spades 7 i i hearts a k q 7 clubs a q j diamonds j 9 4 2 spades 9 r hearts 1 10 9 clubs k 7 diamonds none 4 2 j leans 8 3 clubs 10 9 fi 5 2 diamonds a 8 3 spades a q io spades k j s c 4 2 auction bidding z dealt and passed a bid one heart y passed b bid one no trump and z and a passed y bid two diamonds b passed and z bid two spades what should a now do with the foregoing hand at one table a doubled two spades on the bidding it is a certainty that b has strength in spades and yet there is not a sure game in no trump there fore a should play the certainty and double two spades rather than bid two no trump by opening the king of hearts he should defeat z by three tricks at the second table the bidding of this hand was entirely different auction bidding z passed a bid one heart y passed b bid one no trump and all passed the writer thinks y should have bid two diamonds this hand could not stand any other lead and yet was strong enough to warrant a bid ot two diamonds for the lead as his partner hadnt bid z opened his fourthbest spade which b won with the ten he then led a low club and finessed the jack the only way he could get his hand into take another club finesse was by playing either the ace ot dia monds or the ace of spades ho didnt care to do either so led a low diamond in the hopo that y would not cover he then intended to play the eight and throw the lead into zs hand y made a big mistake by not play ing his ten of diamonds so when b played the eight it held the trick much to his surprise from then on he had little difficulty in making a grand slam by forcing z to discard either spades or hearts and thus set up winning cards in either as or bs hand work it out for practice if y had played the ten ot diamonds b could still have made a little slam by allowing y to hold the trick no mat ter what he leads b can win the trick set up his clubs and forc z to discard so that he must allow a b to win four heart tricks or a spade and three hearts try it out for practice contract bidding z should pass a should bid one heart and y should pass b should bid one no trump and z should pass a should bid three no trump and all should pass the play then proceeds as at table no 2 both ot theso hands offer problems of bidding and play much above tho ordinary so study tffem carefully 10000mile polar trip planned by soviet moscow a 10000mile voyage from archangel to vladivostok circling the long arctic coast ot siberia and pass ing through bering strait is an out standing leature of russias plans for wrought marvellous change i as terriwy rimdown says mrs doughty dr wil liams pink pills built me up f brieve it my duty to tell others w hat wonderful results i obtained from dr williams pink pills rites mrs tames dough ty brantford out i was in a ter ribly nervous and rundown condi tion very pae and with no ambition i took three boxes ot tho pills and i soon began to feel like a new woman no troublo to do my housework the pills built me up and put me in first- class condition mrs richard rusk rohlin man writes diphtheria left our daughter beth a nervous wreck sho was un- ablo to continue at school i gave her dr williams pink pills and the change in her was marvellous she is enjoying splendid heath and wo do feel that dr williams pink pills saved her life dont allow yourself or your daugh ter to be robbed ot heath and vigour tako dr williams pink pills they are no temporary relief they banish rundown or nervous conditions by creating new blood which imparts health vigour and vitality joc at jour druggists celebrating the second international polar year in 1932 prof o u schmidt head of the allunion arctic institute will tje in charge ot the ice breaker sibiiiakoff which has been chosen for this exacting voyage in announcing plant for tho trip professor schmidt declared that while it is hoped to make the voyage with out interruption outside of brief halts for purposes of exploration the vessel will carry provisions for 15 months tho sibidlakoff will cany a radio ap paratus and airplanes useful for scout ing expeditions as far ns northern land a large arctic territory which is separated from tho northern coast ot siberia by a small strait tho sibiriakoft will havo a companion ship the icebreaker rusanoff ono purpose ot this expedition lo northern land is to take oft an intre pid arctic natural scientist named ushakov who with a few companions has now- spent two years in this re mote and desolate arctic region she dare noleat butter acid stomach since childhood now enjoys life- thanks to kruschen dont ban a food because it disagrees with you in nine cases out of ten it isnt the food thats at fault its your digestion put that right and you can eat to the order of your appetite that is just what happened with this woman i have ecn taking kruschen salts for about hrce years i began its use for rheumatism to which i was becoming a martyr kruschen soon arrested that anil i now suffer very mldom from it but i have experienced the greatest good in the correction of constant acidity of the stomach from which i suffered from a child i could never cat butter nor very little fat of any kind now 1 enjoy butter especially and eat plenty with no ill- eftects 1 have recommended kruschen in hundreds of cases a m w consider for a moment the cause of your indigestion your internal organs have lost tone and as a result your gastric or digestive juices are failing to low freely your food instead of being digested and absorbed into your system is simply stagnating in your stomach and intestinal tract and pro ducing harmful acid poisons let it lie made clear that these poisons not only give rise to the discomforts of indigestion they dull your brain acken your nerves decay your teeth infect your joints with rheumatism and prejiare the way for many other obscure conditions of illhealth the immediate effect of the six salts in kruschen is to promote a natural how of the digestive and other vital juices of the body soon after you start on kruschen you will begin to feel the benefit you will find to your satisfaction that you are able to enjoy your food without any distressing after effects and as you persevere with the little daily dose you will sec that the relief which kruschen brings is lusting relief kruschen salts is obtainable at all drug stores at 45c snd 70e per bottle owl laffs maiden aunt a giil who is en gaged should never go out with an other young man modem maid oh its all right hes engaged too a chinaman opened a laundry on a street between a drug store on one side and a restaurant on the other side the druggist put up a sign we never close then the restaur ant put up a higu which read open at all hours the chinaman not to be outdone by his neighbours put up a sign which it id me xo sleepy too classified advertising collarstuds we read are never re ferred to as anything but buttons by americans we admire their restraint tin whats an appropriate s for a telephouo operator tack why not give her some ear rings pauline did the hotel you stopped at last summer overlook the sea peter yes completely a youth whose sweetie used to stand in the door and wave at him was asked why she didnt wave any more this was the reply it didnt prove to be a permanent wave history professor what were the dying words ot lord chesterfield class in unison they satisfy jane buddy told me i was the eighth wonder of the world mary what did you say jane i told him ho had better not let me catch him with any of the other seven ever hear the one about the man who married a scotch wife because he knew shed never give him a piece of her mind grandma it says here that young women are abandoning all restrictions now mind dont let ine catch you goin out without yours ethel it a man has lost an eye a hand or a leg ho gets plenty of sympathy but if he loses his hair it is considered a great joke so ha ha and also ho ho then there was the little chap who on being sent to buy a cake ot soap insisted on having one with a high perfume whats the idea sonny asked tho druggist well 1 want mother to know when ive washed my face so she wont make me wash it again hello archie was the lady i saw you with the other night your fiancee or your sister dont know old man i havent asked her yet after years ot research scientists have discovered that tho kind of hens that lay the longest are dead hens rubber firewood london rubber has now joined coffeo as one of the commodities be ing used as a fuel with rubber at less than 2d a pound merchants hero aro supplying distributors with bags of rubber cut into narrow strips to be used as fuel for starting fires windy item from the commanche oklahoma clarion the high wind damaged two school houses and injured threo teachers miss elklns mr tylle and miss bennfold miss elkins had a gable end blown off and was moved six inches on her foundations you can hardly blame the social lion if ho longs to relax once and awhile and associate with a few roughnecks another record has been broken by a glider man eight times in the hos pital in one week destiny who can complain of being com prehended in tho same destiny wherein all things are involved wool highest prices paid the canadian wool co ltd 2 church st toronto unsightly pat rgbs 1ou or alt youthful charm stendor tab lets help you to rid yourself ot unncces sarv avoirdupois exact formula on tho box three weeks treatment jtso mailed prepaid roy kitchen the care ful chemist uc l london bab chlcg3 save z pkr hundred leg horns c cents rocks wlilte rocks red 3 cents delivered any time month olds lsc pullets all ages prlccs- furnlshcd model hatchery kltchenei out can approved chicks leghorns so harred rocks 10c mlnoreasr white rocks llo 10 per cent books order plctscu- llatchcry stratford routo 6 o weekly newspaper would lease weekly news paper in ontario send oar- tlculars o box 10 wilson publishing c- ltd toronto moto boat por sale rich r d son double cabin cruiser about thirty feet in uso altogether only tour or flvo months lft- two seasons eompleto equipment includ ing carpets bed and table linen china- glassware and silver as welj ns all mtvr- ire equipment and many extras this- cruiser wilh its two cabins and its veil equipped galley is an unusually comfort able boat for weekends or longer cruises for four to six people it bs ex ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised all over the great lakes h has a nlgn class and very economical 60 horsepower sixcylinder power plant with eompleto electric lighting throughout and jpcc of 12 to 14 miles per hour it is aspej clal paint job and very attractive inapj pearance owner will sacrifice for ntaw its original cost ii watklns 73- vt adelaide st toronto men wanted average 4000 weekly earnings ten wanted to sell our special con structed servico shoes and safety shoes to garage men mechanics and railroad men also complete lino of- dress and sport shoes tho finest and most complete lines of ten s footwear in canada no experience necessary we teach you how write today for complete flee selling outfit dexter shoe company limited ept w po box 722 montreal mothers hope youth fades poverty failure mis fortune may come but through it all mothers love endures if success comes she is hap y but no amounv of shortcomings can shake one iota m s hope and love all with the four seas are brethren confucius it shampoo regularly with t cuticubca soap prercdo by appllcnllons j cuticcma mitmejw k soup 25c ointment 25c ami 50r i neuralgia a rood application of min- rdf according lo dirliont juit hil iht ipotjyoull find ib you- the bot thing you can buy for biliousness and sick headaches soij ryiher in 25c and 75c red pks issue 232