umitmi voice ot the press canada the empire and the world at large good example her excellency the countess of boss- borough sailed from halifax on the canadian pacific liner montclare the maritime provinces will appreciate this crumple set by her excellency in the use of canadian winter porta iu many respects sailing from halifax is more comfortable although the ships are less elaborate than sailing from new- york the ottawa citizen force of world opinion after all the cautious policy of the league of nations has borne fruit critics who spoke of the impoteucy of the league and jeered at it3 inactiou must admit that had it not beeu for the existence of that body very seri ous international complications might have arisen no one can say what would have been the result of a vigor ous assertion of the powers conferred by the covenant or the adoption of the grievances have raised adolf hitler to great influence la germany it is the white collar middleclass worker who is paying the piper in canada what can be done for him vancouver sun the ottawa conference the conference will not be of merely external importance its intended pur pose is inextricably interwoven with the doin stic business of this country and to allow it to be thrust out of thought for the sake of seemingly more intimate affairs would be suici dal when the strictly business na ture of its work is appreciated there is met the absolute necessity of a repre sentation fully qualified to deal with matters of trade aucklaud weekly news managing the pound if there is any chance of a further speculative bull movement in the pound developing and we are not ds- newfoundlanders protest coercive expedients proposed by some posed to minimize the danger it impatient counsellors moderation would we urge be useful if it were and the force of world opinion have made clear by theactlons of the bank had their effect instead of being dis- 0 england reinforced if need be by a credited the league is vindicated a3 definite official statement of policy an agency of international co-opera- that while no decision ai to the ultl- tion against a common menace when emergencies arise tator international affairs in the realm of international deal ings the united states has provided no record which canada would desire to parallel it has guessed wrong on mat ters of foreign policy far oftener than any other major power few parts of its program in recent years could justi fy either blind imitation by canada or excessivelyamiable attempts to meet its wishes it canada needs outside advice on foreign policies she will be wise to remember that britain still holds the worlds alltime record in the matter of guessing right on interna tional questions toronto telegram world trade decline a graphic idea of the extent to which depression affected the trade of the world during the past year may be gained from a perusal of the statistics just issued by the british board of trade there was a decrease of 27 per cent in comparison with 1930 and of 41 per cent from the total for 1929 but british trade ttood up- very well compared with american trade since british imports fell off by 166 per cent and american by 32 per cent while british exports decreased only 31s per cent compared with a falllng- off of 37 per cent in exports from the united states the devastating effects of australias fiscal policy were reflected in a de crease in her imports of 54 per cent australias exports however fell off only 17 per cent the depression hit the rubber industry very heavily in malaya and this 13 indicated in the fact that british malaya showed the heaviest decrease in exports 57 per cent below the figure for 1929 the german figures showan amaz ing turnover for 1929 1930 and 1931 germany had a progressively favour able trade balance it was less than 2000000 in 1929 it rose to more than 80000000 in the following year and it was in excess of 140000000 for the 1931 period montreal star empire trade one of the pointa brought out by the minister of finance in his budget speech is that owing to the policy of the present government canada is trading less with the united states mate level of sterling has yet beeu hamilton spec- reached there is so far no underlying justification for any substantial up ward movement and that therefore effective steps will be taken by the acquisition a loutrance of foreign shortterm assets or even gold to give speculation for the rise its quietus economist london britains recovery we are satisfied that never since the war has there been so firm a case for sane optimism true that everything cannot be done at once true that the larger problems are still almost of the same magnitude and that we are only just beginning to make a real im pression on them but the great work of national reconstruction is fairly in hand j l garviu iu the london ob server ind prices in britain the doleful prophecies that the prices of imported foodstuffs were hound to rise have not been fulfilled this is due in part to the fact that cer tain countries from which we purchase 59 per cent of our imports of food fol lowed great britain the gold stand ard and other gold countries had to adjust their prices to ours but it is also due to the praiseworthy selfre straint of both wholesale and retail traders who refrained from exploit ing such opportunities as offered london daily telegraph ind cons britains great effort it is fair to say that things are look ing up our trade balance is better the stock market has visibly brighten ed sterling has risen we have paid back before it was due a large part of the 80000000 credits from france and america income tax payments are flowing in well budget prospects are reasonably good and the econo mies effected by departments more than come up to expectations all these things bear testimony to the na tions immense strength and to its magnificent capacity for effort lon don sunday times cons the enigma of germany germany is a curious country where the unexpected always happens from an economic point of view the ger mans are perhaps the greatest race of modern times at any rate they pos- newfoundlanders never let the old flag fall even when arioting part of crowd of 10000 is shown mounting the steps of the assembly house just before they began wrecking the place completely de moralizing the police and civil forces furniture industry in the dominion thousands perish in chinas quake the markets produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce canadian manufacturers sup- many towns and villapes in at following prices ply over 90 pc of demand over 90 per cent of the furniture hupeh affected corpses strew ground hankow china chinese reports used in canada is manufactured bv the slowly trickling in from the northeast i eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 15c fresh iirst3 13c seconds lie butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 19c no 2 18c churning cream special 21 to 22c no 1 20 to 21c no 2 17 to 18c fob shipping points cheese no 1 large colored paraf- several tens of thousands of persons fined and government graded loyi to it imports con- hupeh province sunday said an earth of its raw ma- quake on april 6 took a terrible toll canadian industry siderable quantities terials but the great bulk of the lum ber it uses is cut from canadian trees perishing 1 10c it does a small export business but the despatches said that the quake poultry alive spiing broilers oyer both imports and exports of the finish- which slightly jarred the yangtze val- x lbs 22c ci over 5 lbi ed products are small in the latest j ley had affected scores of towns and five years tor which information is villages in northeast hupeh available the output of the iudustry has risen by over 35 per cent under 5 lbs 10c fatted hens over 5 lbs 12c over 4 to 5 lbs lie over 3 to 4 lbs 7c ducklings over the reports whose tardiness illus- 5 lbs 14c over 4 to 5 lbs 12c old trates the lack of communications in roosters over 5 lbs gc guinea fowl the value of furniture produced in the interior paiuted a picture of ap- over 2 lbs 15c canadian factories in 1930 was 36- palling conditions as the result of the poultry dressed chickens oyer 5 scg195 this was a reduction of about quake i lbs 13 to 16c under 5 lbs 11 to 14c 8000000 from the previous year but i human corpses and dead animals i tulke 12 to 20c was larger than any other recent year are strewn over the ground in the j s to lie olvrooer in 1925 th value of the output of the stricken area the chinese messages t l lm rooster industry was 27110462 so that the said i whot fs at f ppovriinns growth in the interval was some 36 i the important walled town of ma ji per cent imports of furniture into the cheng was reported to have received i dominion in 1930 were valued at 2- the severest jarring the walls of 70ste- fouown l retai1 967572 and exports at 5291015 im- per cent of the houses having crump- j pork hams 12 to 12c shoulders ports in 1930 showed a fallingoff olled on their inhabitants i 9c butts 92ic loins 13c about 30 per cent from the previous the despatches concluded that the cured meats long clear bacons year as did also exports quakes had beeu a terrible visitation 50 to 70 11s 12c 70 to 90 ibs llc furniture manufactured by the cana- upon the people who already have suf- 90 to lbs 10 dian industry consists chiefly of house- fered untold plunderings from com- ov tlerc sess a capacity for work unrivalled by and more with the british empire than other nations but politically they are it did in other years for the 11 incompetent many among them are months of the past fiscal year for the flrst t0 admlt which reports ar r- available our im- ab3euce ot an understandlng of m ports from the british empire were 13 one ot the tragedies ot civilization hold furniture iu 1930 this branch of production was valued at 19741721 and was made up of upholstered living room bedroom dining room and mis cellaneous household and kitchen fur niture in the order named the next most important items were store fur niture and fixtures at 5103182 radios and cabinets 1516800 and church and theatre furniture 1317347 253 ot our total imports as com pared with 220 the previous year our imports from the united states co9 as against 645 and our im ports from other foreign countries 133 compared with 129 our ex ports have shown a somewhat similar chango for the better this trend is encouraging to all those who entertain high hopes of closer trade relations within the empire as a result of the forthcoming imperial economic con ference at ottawa next july it la moreover to be repeated that for 11 months ot the past year canada has a favorable trade balance ot over 25- 000000 compared with an unfavorable balance ot noarly 71000000 in the previous corresponding period in other words ther has been a change in canadas favor ot nearly 100000000 mail empire toronto unemployed and placer mining it would be far better in every way and cheaper in the longer run to put unemployed men in the way of earn ing a good living for themselves than george soleveythick in the teenth century london nino- 30000 barrels of flour distributed to needy philadelphia thirty thousand bar rels ot flour milled from the surplus government wheat ot the farm board will arrive shortly in the phil adelphia area to be distributed to 55- 000 needy families here according to mr george wilklns chairman of the special red cross four distri bution committee hero and superin tendent of the shelter for homeless men in this city the flour will be distributed in 24 and 48pound sacks dlreotly to the consumers from warehouses con veniently located throughout the city unemployed men trom the shelter will operate trucks donated for the work to haul both tho wheat and the flour authorized welfare agencies will have charge of the distribution continuo to keep them in idleness by 1 way ot direct relief it is a matter of e organization chiefly to transfer a largo toulon suburbs body of men to tho placer gold district of british columbia where climatic and general working conditions aro highly suitable to outdoor work they need employment and canada neods gold calgary herald paying the piper yield roman epoch coins found rome about fifty coins of the roman epoch some ot them dating to the year 537 ab urbe condita or 216 b c hav been found in the vil lage of bufalara near tormoli on the southeast coast of italy the coins were struck by the neighbor ing city of larinum or alarium now- known as larino in bronze in accord ance with the roman edict which forbade her depenent cities to strike coins in silver or gold the coins have heen place in an amphora which was discovered wflieu the roman tomb protecting it was unearthed by some farm workers the tomb lay a meter an a half underneath the surface ot the soil and is com posed of slabs of tufa stone nmnists and bandits relief from the provincial govern meut was requested in april if i am slow forgetting it is because tho sun has such old tricks of setting when april days are done the soft spring sunlight traces old patterns green and gold the flowers have no now faces the very buds are old it i am slow forgetting ah well come back and see the same old sunbeams petting my gardenplots for me come smell the green things grow ing the bokwood after rain see where old beds are showing their slender spears again at dusk that fosters dreaming come back at dusk and rest and watoh our old star gleaming against the primrose west margaret lee ashley poems 80 pails 9 prints 8 to 9 shortening tierces 8c tubs 9yic pails 10c prints 9ic special pastry shortening tierces 14c tubs 15c pails 15c live stock quotations heavy beef steers 450 to 050 butcher steers choice 55 to 550 do fair to good 450 to 5 do com 54 to 5425 heifers choice 5 to 525 do fair to good 450 to 5 butcher cows good 3 to 5375 do med 52 to 3 canners and cutters 51 to 52 baby beef 550 to 57 butcher bulls 250 to 325 do bolognas 52 to 250 feeders good 425 to 450 stockers 5350 to 4 springers 540 to 565 calves good and choice 50 to 650 do med 4 to 5 do com 3 to 350 sheep 1 to 350 lambs choice 750 to 5775 do culls 54 to 55 spring lambs each 53 to 9 hogs fb s4 to 410 do off cars 450 to 460 australia will have five advisers at ottawa parley j melbourne australia five busi ness advisers have accepted the invi tation of the commonwealth govern ment to accompany the australian de legation to the imperial economic con ference at ottawa they will repre sent manufacturers and traders pro ducers and farmers and labor second contact in lindbergh case gobetween issues an nouncement at new york money is posted new york dr john f condon said j sunday that he was in contact with i the kidnappers ot charles a liudj bergh jr and that he hoped to have the baby back soon condon who under the name jafi sle conducted the negotiations thatj led to col lindberghs payment of 50000 to swindlers who failed to givo back his infant son made his state- 1 meut during a charity baseball game at which he umpired speaking into a talking picture mic rophone condon said we are iu con- tact with the kidnappers and tho baby will be returned soon i hope the 72- j yearold fordhant lecturer said he j could add nothing more to this state ment and that the public hill under stand why j a series of mysterious occurrences at sea off vineyard haven including contact between an amphibian plane and the coast ruard destroyer mac- dougall early sunday morning led to rumors that lindberghs agents or perhaps the colonel himself were ouce more surveying the locallty where two weeks ago the kidnappers had promised to restore the baby to his father cruiser sighted authorities at hopewell said they had no knowledge of the plane that met the destroyers in the early morn ing darkness the macdougall is re ported to have passed out to sea after meeting the amphibian and late to day a naval n cruiser resembling the milwaukee steamed through vineyard sound and headed towards new york dr condon indicated after the base ball game that he would go back to his home in the bronx and wait devel opments there at a late hour he had not returned however it was known meanwhile that col lingbergh has placed a certain sum of money with one ot his agents in new york for immediate payment to the abductors of his child provided any agreement made with them stlpu late immediate unlivery of the baby no progress police bulletins outlining some of the activities of the authorities show ed no progress in the actual tracing of the criminals two clues which had appeared promising earlier in the case were knocked down the flrst had to do with an automobile parked in a brooklyn garage early in march under suspicious circumstances in vestigation proved it had no connec tion with the case another boat supposed to have been used by two men a woman and a small blondehaired baby was traced by marine authorities and discovered to be innocent of connection with the kid napping in his afternoon bulletin col schwartzkopf said only that there was no progress to report at norfok col lindberghs three in termediaries were silent as to any de velopments from their contacts with persons they believe to be the kidnap ping gang the three men john hughes curtis the rev h dobson- peacock and rear- admiral guy h burrage remained in norfolk through out sunday col schwartzkopfs 9 pm bulletin was as noncommittal as his earlier statements but it is intimated that one child said to resemble the lind bergh baby was being investigated when an american visitor mistook this potsdam child for the miss ing lindbergh baby the german mother was arrested she proved that he is her son rolf bohnen 3 first woman surgeon named in us public health service washington for tho first time in the history of the public health ser vice a woman has been appointed as a surgeon president hoover has nam ed dr estlla ford warner of the state of washington to this post she will tour the country in the interest of child hygiene work study the meth ods of state municipal and school health authorities and recommend im provements the public health service has bejn interested in child welfare work in a general way since 1912 but has not entered into this field on as elaborate a scale as is now planned dr warner will make a report on the proposed coordination of child health work throughout the country 21 yearold inventor produces tubeless radio columbus ind ernest patrick mountain boy inventor from ken tucky celebrated his twentyfirst an niversary recently by announcing what he claims is the first tubeless radio it is an allelectric alternat ing current set it operates entire ly without vacuum tubes among the things claimed are that it will greatly decrease the cost ot radio sets and operation and vir tually will banish static and giva almost lifetime service the tubeless radio according to its inventor snatches sounds out ot the air by means ot a new wire hook up the technical etails of which are withheld the tone is said to be smoother mellower and more vibrant due to elimination of noises common to tubes a double crash abundant helium source toulson hydrologists announced discovery ot the abundant supplies of helium in the suburbs of toiiton j previously tho precious non-influni- mable balloon gas has been produced j only in america the great middle class ot white collar the french experts were seeking workers in oftlccs stores and factories bow water supplies in tho suburbs is tho backbone of society the big tax- when they discovered the helium if paying class and the big purchasing the source proves as extensive as indi- cli3s and it is the class that stands cated and if it can be developed to as a buffer between organized labour rood effect the construction of llghtcr- nnd organized capital it is the white thanalr craft in europe may bo stlmu- collar middleclass worker whose lated ontario attracts majority of tourists j 76 per cent of american cars came here in three years toronto using the recent tourist trade report of the domiuion bureau of statistics to complete his computa tions hon leopold macauiay minis- east africa stops low flying british princes enter planes for kings cup london the prince of wales ami piincc george have entered planes in the kings cup air race one of the out standing aviation contests of the year in great britain the race is over a 1250mile course around britain starting from brook- lands july 8 and finishing there the next day the prince of wales entered his comperswift craft which will be pil oted by flight lieutenant e h field- en prince george entered a dh pussmoth piloted by flight lieuten ant j g d armour ter ot highways recently noted that during the past three years of the 14- 878586 american automobiles that en tered canada according to tho bureau more than 7fl per cent or 11361823 cars came into ontario to use the pro vinces network of fine roads 1 using the dominion bureaus aver age of 32 persons to a car mr ma- to protect wild herds zondon the government of brit ish east africa has piohibited flying of airplanes at an altitude of less than 1500 feet above herds of wild animals theeori of onslow president of the society for preservation of the fauna of the empire told a meeting caulay calculated that 30000000 motor of the soclct that lt th tourists and travellers had entered i habt of manv east at aviators this province during the threeyear tj swo0p 1wn on tho herds of b period on this basis ho added on- stampeding th separating young tario got a lions share of the one bil- f mothcrs a causing many to lion threo hundred and three million me dollars that the tourist industry j brought into canada according to do- soviets build rail combine minion statistics during the five years to replace section hands ending 1930 british engineers will meet in canada montreal in an attempt to form their own impressions of the pos sibilities of the dominion as a mar ket for the products ot their firms moscow a railroad combine which while traveling two and a halt miles an hour will remove gravel from tho road bed replace old tics and de fective rails and restore tho gravel is under construction hero for the com missariat of transportation the combine consists of a locomo tive and work cars containing eleven mrxf v v tjfoj ssgagmri flying at 2000 feet in formation with sixteen o thers two pianos collided a hak mils west 0 ridge field michigan and fell within forty feet ot each other 4elf- a summer meeting will be held in pieces of equipment including an dec- i canada this year of the institution trie plant the cost will be nearly of mechanical engineers of great 1000000 britain announcement to this effect was made here recently 1 uruguay buys gas i montevideo uni tho government the fear of pain is but another recently purchased 20000 tons of gaso- aspect of the love of life have- une and 10000 tons of kerosene from lock ellis russia to be delivered in july