Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 1

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sf i mtmm volxliv no 3 stouffville ontario thursday march 24 1932 a v nolan publisher that iroublesome cough why let it hang on you cannot afford to take chances neglected coughs usually lead to more serious conditions nyal creophos relieves deepseated coughs and bronchial affections its antiseptic qualities combat disease germs and creophos builds strength largo bottle 100 rosie oreilley well patronized j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 tkomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone is202 stouffville a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire ii 0 klinck sun life assurance company of canada also representing various strong companies in automobile fire and casualty phone 8307 medical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 111 6 coroner for york county dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto ollico in g cabins lilock phonp s201 markham every tuesday ollico in wear block d c smith ldsdds neil c smith ldsdds office over the bank of comerce office hours 0 to 12 130 to 530 phone office 1011 residence 1015 legal mccullough button barristers solicitor convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan veterinary s t bodendistel vs bv sc veterinarian graduate of ontcrlo veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to dr j t storey the musical comedy rosie oreilley drew nw splendid houses in ratelius hall on friday and saturday evenings last and only the sudden snow fall and wind storm early saturday morning re sulting in bad roads prevented the saturday evening attendance super seding in size the big house assem bled for the opening night the play brought to stouffville by the eastern star was under the direc tion of mr russel li hawthorne author of the drama the entire cast was local beyond mr haw thorne and just two weeks were spent in getting up the work a record for brevity we think for aa undertaking of the nature the sotting for the play was on the deck of the private yacht of mr oreilley a new yorker and a recent addition to the rank of the millionaire class in the hope of disengaging the attention of his youngest daughter rosie from an oufatuation for a young wireless operator a lengthy cruise is decid ed on in order to remain in touch with his new york broker a wire less operator is engaged to go along and this post through the stragedy of rosie and the captain in league with her is placed n the hand of rosies suitor under an assumed name mrs otreilley and her elder daughter lady genudino have am bitions for rosie and wish her married to lord lumsley one of the guests aboard for the chief purpose of pressing for the hand ot rosie of course the play has a happy ending and events lead up to the young operator- making a lortune in oil stocks and winning the admiration of oreilley who admired his pluck and willingly took in the young operator as a member of his family mr j r hodgins played the roil of mr oreilley mrs e m still mrs oreilly mrs s w hastings as lady geraldine and miss ethel sanders that of miss rosie while her partner the wireless operator was mr fred mcxair other characters were taken by mr h o klinek as will chandler who was immensely interesting in mollia vaughan taken by mrs jas muston lord lumsley was none other than mr f marshall the role of sunshine the negro servant was played by mr hawthorne mr a j ward was captain of the yacht it would be both indiscrete and impossible to single out any of these actors as the best for all were adapted for the part played and each one of them excelled in their respective roles there was not a hitch discernible in the whole per formance and from the first rising of the curtain for the pageant by the little tots of radio station kids the audience was held in wrapt at tention to the grand finale when the entire east choruses sailors etc assembled on the deck of the boat for the ringing down of the curtain lmiss agnes klinek was at the piano for the entire performance and won special praise for her effort specialty numbers wore given by miss ross of the public school staff miss luella cayman and edith borinsky also by mr ormsby leh man as the chinaman all of which added to the interest and enjoyment of the program the chorus girls over ho in number looked striking in their pretty uniforms while the choruses they sang are still ringing in the ears of half the town folk had good swing to brought unstinted dead indeed the recent appeal made by the cemetery commission for funds to pay for some special work done jjt the cemetery must have fallen on the ears f the dead only 300 was needed to pa for the new rest room erected for the convenience of funeral parties coming from distant points less than 100 was sub scribed and this by local citizens the encouragement given the cemetery commission is not such a will induce tlieiii to attempt any further improvement other than those undertaken by the council and paid for through taxation we trust that the outcome of attempting to finance the improve ments to the cemetery though popu lar subscription will show the futil ity of such a system of getting money not until the price of lots are increased to a level that will maintain the place will financing be properly done price of plots in stouffville ceme tery are away below the rates in both uxbridge and markham where the grounds are kept in ideal con dition as 5 0 per cent of the burials mjjdo here are from outside points it is not right to compel the local tax payers to meet the annual deficit rates for plots must be put on a better business footing morelocal citizens may be taxed jingle men will probably be paying income tax on 1200 and up and married men on 2000 how many are affected here the cantata the cantata olivet to calvary which is to be given by the choir of the united church on the evening of good friday march 25th re calls simply and reverently the scenes which mark the last few days of the saviours life on earth and some of the reflections suggested thereby the rejoicing of tho multitude with hosauuas and pauns the view of jerusalem from the steep of olivet the lament over tho beautiful city tho scene in the jtomple and the lonely walk back lover the mount at night form the i thief features of the first part part two opens with the supper i of the passover at which jesus i washes his desciples feet and gives i to his friends the new command- meats of love for one another as the sign of true descipleship from local florist wins second year presentation of the federal hud- get before the house of commons at ottawa is likely to be made right after the easter holidays or when the house reopens on march 29 in v r i ii i i i this the scene passes to the infinite a deficit in the neighborhood ol 5000000 and an extensive in crease in pathos of the garden of gethsemane taxation will bo announced s of the bv hon edgar n rhodes minister if vf c by desciples his utter loneliness e a giujbin r o eyesighl specialist at slouifville every other monday each visit to stouffville ollico is an nounced in local columns of the tribune phone stouffville 2105 a c kennedy chiropractor chare st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 3 to 12 am say it with flowers no oppression nf sentiment more beautiful flowers for every occasion muston sons phono 7 001 stouffrllle ontario licensed auctioneer gordon phillips sales conducted anywhere in york county no sale too small or too large phone s405 stouffville phone 156 aurora the numbers them and applause undoubtedly if mr hawthorne is ever brought to stouffville at some future date to present another such drama he will find his pathway just strewn with flowers as tho say ing is old gormley lady ix states passes tho death is announced from minneapolis of mrs catharine wide- man widow of the lato adam wide- man who died 45 years ago at gormley for tho last ten years the widow had lived with her two sons in the united states her maiden name was catharine bakerdaughter or the late samuel baker ono of the bishops of the tunkard church at gormley mrs wideman was a sisterinlaw of mrs elias stover of stouffville the remains arrived in stouffville on wednesday evening of this week accompanied by one of the sons the funeral will take placo to hoise hill cemetery on thursday morn ing service in the church at 10 am schools close this thursday for the easter holidays resuming studies again on monday april 4th community conference community life conference under auspices of the pickering college newmarket and through the cooperation of the dept of agriculture at newmarket an out standing conference will be held at the college yonge street for three days march 2v29 and so the program on tuesday and wednes day is as follows tuesday afternoon an analysis of the rural problem and possible remedies dr g i christie president ontario agricultural college marketing j a carroll secretary the ontario market ing board community recreation r c sidenius county secretary went- worth ymca tuesday evening the contri bution of science to agriculture j buchanan director of extension ontario agricultural college guelph illustrated address conditions in giejit britain hon duncan marshall formerly minister of agriculture for alberta wednesday morning if i were a canadian rev f l meadows newmarket wednesday afternoon can canada continue to support the pre sent tax burden- professor d mcgregor university of toronto rual taxation is it equitable h hannam educational secretary united farmers of ontario discussion in which local farmers will present practical problems from their own experience wednesday evening presenta tion of reports from conference committees address the provincial gover- ment ad tiie farmer hon t kennedy minister of agriculture for ontario no town just like stouffville cookstown march 1932 dear sir some tribune time ago wo read in the a letter from an old timer followed by a second letter from an other oldresident all of which was interesting now i am not as old as either of those writers hut i have fond recollections of that old school house i well remember having my desk removed as to place my self and tho present reeve morden at a greater distance from each other we iiad a high regard for principal hand for i for one was afraid knowing his word was law mr mcdougal too was another with whom hie average pupil did not dare to trifle my husband says that he was one man who struck fear in to his heart as a boy here are some of the former pupils from whom an oldtime letter would be keenly interesting ross floury oscar scypher mildred meyers hannah radmoro up heie where we are located there are truly interesting topics to discuss such as the holland marsh which provides beautiful scenery but there are no friends like tho old friends no topics quite so interesting as school days remin iscences and no town just like stouffville your truly i c mrs d h cook spirella corsetierc stouffville and district phone stouffville i30s of finance in this his first budget expenditure has been cut some 35- 000000 for the fiscal year starting april 1 which leaves about 40000 000 to be made up in increased taxa tion if tho government is to attain its object of a balanced budget for 1933 two taxes which seem certain to be increased are the sales tax and the personal income tax the sales tax it is believed will be raised from its present four per cent to six per cent in addition the govern ment will ask parliament to re move a largo number of commodi ties from the long list of articles now exempt from sales tax an effort in this direction was made last year without success this year it is suggested that the greater stringency of the times will lead to a casting aside of the political considerations which previously have militated against any contraction of the list of exemptions ijcss exemption likely in the personal income tax the exemption for married men will probably be dropped from its pre sent 53000 to 2000 the level at which it stood until six years ago the single persons exemption will likely be lowered from 1500 to 1200 there is lo a distinct probability that the rates of taxa tion will he raised possibly start ing with an increase in tho rate on a taxable income of 2000 that is a gross income under the new exemptions of i000 for married men without children it is estimated that at least a dozen or so individuals in stouffville will be affected by the new tax that is this many more will be gathered in the meshes of the tax depart ment on income who now do not show enough earnings to be taxed the measure is likely to be un popular with a largo majority of people in moderate circumstances increases in the income tax will be defended on the ground that tho cost of living has declined and that most citizens incomes have decreas ed a condition which would greatly lessen the governments income tax revenue if the exemptions wore not lowered other taxation changes are likely to include an increase in the corpora tion income tax this tax now stands at 10 per cent it will probably go up to 12 or 12 per cent an in crease in the import excise tax is al so under consideration this levy may he raised from its present ono per cent to three per cent since this tax applies to all imports whether of free or dutiable goods it is a good revenue maker for the government by serving as a de terrent to imports the increased tax also would coincide nicely with the governments policy of gaining and holding a favorable balance of trade hi among ruthless foes the tumult be fore pilate in the judgment hall tho passage of the icross tho tragedy and triumph of calvary nothing more fitting lias ever been written to commemorate this the greatest event in the worlds history the entire public is invited to hear this rendition on frday evening silver collection ringwood fine glasgow monday was the first day of sprin so bores hoping we get some weather now mr joe hare is much improved in health which wo are glad to hear of george roe and family have mov ed on the farm vacated by mr vic tor stover last fall we welcome them in our midst quito a number from our burg attended mr w lehmans sale at atha last week mr lehman once lived in our community oh whore did you go on sunday night tolar mo sees you a comin home and say that dodge it did get stopped right on the road and wouldnt go so had to stay there all night and i guess tho poor boy had to walk home too bad hawaiian studio of music l e beebe teacher of hawaiian steel guitar saturday class for appointment phone 503 the mitchell farm also the wil son farm here are both without tenants and none in sight we under stand our esteemed citizen mr abner baker who has been seriously ill in a toronto hospital returned last saturday much improved in health the death family who occupied the wilson farm just to the north of ringwood moved last week to a property in pickering south of brougham our feathered population will be increased in the next few weeks by the hatching of 1400 rock chicks on the farm of frank bruels ono of the successful poultry raisers of this locality kent road committee refused to pay a bill of 2 for burying a dead skunk if there were enough bur ials of this sort assured a person might invest in a suitable equipment and reduce the fee but for ono job of burying a skunk we think 2 is not a scent too much our happy merchant roy grove won an easy prize a week ago in the form of a handsomely bound copy of the bible with a concordance attached roy was listening in at midnight and heard of the prize be ing offered to the listener at the longest distance as the program came from texas roy dropped them a card when back over tho 2000 mile expanse came the book guess there is nothing in the teachings of this book that will convince roy he ought not to sit up so late at night norman steckley whose father holds down one of the few jobs referred to in the bible tax collec tor has engaged with frank bruels for a year the extra house on the bruels farm will bo occupied by mr and mrs steckley whom we wel come to our neighborhood our village was stirred the other afternoon when the report was circulated that a pitch fork battle was raging on a farm up the eighth we saw bailiff e pennock andj3en rexlin returning and while they undoubtedly had a thrilling time were none the worse for tho threaten ed onslaught due allowance must be made tor people who become in volved and are likely to lose their cherished possessions through mis fortune of even their own creation an accident occurred here on wednesday morning last week which came off without injury to a human being when a heavy truck loaded with milk driven by albert cosburn agincourt was going wst on the town line and was right on tho bridge when ho noticed a car coining north on the sth con at a fair rate of speed according to the information given out by constable walker tho driver of tho truck saw that tho car driven by mr us wideman markham twp would bo unable to mako the turn in time to avoid a head on so ho applied his brakes and the road way at that point was icy his truck turned right across the road just then mr widemans car crashed into the left front ond of tho truck tho car was not damaged much though the milk truck was dinged by the impact smashing tho front fender running board and battery which was locat ed on tho fender constable walker tested the brakes of widemans car and found them weak which means that wide- man may bo out 1000 anyway and maybe more it pays to have your brakes tested often it affords us considerable satis faction to announce to our readers the success attained by mr james muston at the spring flower show held in toronto on thursday friday and saturday of last week if solom on could return to earth ho might feel compelled to revise his state ment- that there is nothing new under the sun for the colorful and varied display of choice spring blooms with near zero weather out- sido the building would be a revela tion to the son of david that his generation did not know tho last thing on all matters and that 1932 could teach the people of his gener ation just a few things that they never realised it is not too much to say that this years spring flower show held in the eaton auditorium at collego and young st was a distinct advanc ever its predecessor and witli an average attendance of 2000 each day gavo evidence that this new venture had caught on concentrating on three classes for roses in pots mi- muston again secured first prize in each class and in addition for the second year in succession won a massive silver cup which will become his property it successful next year our scribe was fortunate enough to pay a visit to the local green houses shortly after the successful exhibits had returned from toronto and a sight of the massive heads of bloom were con vincing enough to justify the award they had secured just now the display of plants in bloom with other products at the nursery aro worthy of a visit lor each house is stocked with blooms that are very hard to fault a new pollyanthus rose that will capti vate every lady visitor is of a de lightful shade of terra cotta and named glori imundi this out standing novelty mr muston had the distinction of introducing to the toronto public and it is a pleasure to report that sales this year are al ready so extensive that little if any of the stock ready for disposal will be on hand after the end of this week of- roses suitable for the cut flower trade some s00 aro being cut per day while large consignments of snaps and sweet peas are also being daily forwarded to toronto and other points local flower lovers should not miss the opportunity to inspect the splendid display specimens of which no doubt will add to tho joy and gladness of easter time in many homes in our village special friday delivery their will be an early delivery of hot cross buns on good friday morning fresh from the ovens of tho stouffville bakery phone your requirements lfrrge or small at once ambrose stover among the churches menxoxite church rev w b moyer pastor sunday march 27 1932 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship easter message 700 pm evening service a cordial welcome to all t t t t rloom1xgton and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher sunday march 27 1932 each part of the year has a distinct call and lesson the winter says be patient spring says be awake summer says be active autumn says be fruitful let us try those applications services next sunday 1100 am blooniington 230 pm ringwood 700 pm altona a cordial welcome to all christian churches stouffvilue and church hui f e hyde minister sunday march 27 1932 1000 am stouffville s s 1100 am morning worship 200 pm churchill s s 300 pm service churchill 700 pm the church and her redemptive task t t t t stouffville baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday march 27 1932 10 am bible school 11 am morning worship 700 pm sub a womans dilemma and gods answer prayer meeting wednesday 8 pm sunday 615 pm you are cordially welcomed to these services t t t t sxouffvhjil united church pastor rev thos laidlaw ma sunday march 27 1932 1100 am morning worship pastors easter message 230 p m s s bible classes business and young mens bible class subject the glb- ralter of christian faith 700 pm eveuing service of song passion week services beginlng with song service at 745 pm on good friday at s oclock in audi torium of church our choir will give a cantata entitled from olivet to calvary next weeks activities will be an nounced on the sabbath you aro cordially welcomed to all these services the regular meeting of the womans association will be held in tho basement of the church on wednesday march 30 at 230 pm mrs pateman of toronto will be the guest speaker please note the change of date and hour sun life executive appointments arthur b wood formerly vicepresident and chief actuary becomes vicepresident and managingdirector e a aiacnutt treasurer of tho sun life assur ance co has been appointed vicepresident and treasurer sunday broadcast ckcu fi30 to 030 pm the raymer eventide hour special easter programme ono hour of old hymns and favorites for lovers of impressive music can you think of anything more peaceful and blessod just at the close of sabbath day remember then noxt sunday 530 pm raymers canadian bakery lloyd raymer 5c3 danforth ave

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