stouffville ontario december 10 1931 mrs d h cook spirella corsetiere stouffville and district phone stouffville 8302 live fowl wanted highest market price paid for all live fowl hens geese duck s golden orders taken at peuuocks livory scores of poultrymen are now using our new winter laying mash because it more than substantiates every claim we make it produces more larger and better flavored eggs it is more palatable and more finely ground it is the lowest priced mash obtainable deliveries made to stouffville and vicinity at no extra cost get our prices on oats barley wheat and buckwheat before selling good used sacks wauled dickson hill mills phone 5506 cream are you getting everything pos sible from an uptodate creamery service if not try the p farm stock brings good prices largest credit auction tills rz- mhi realizes a surprising total of cash sales stouffville creamery co most efficient creamery service si nee 1918 phone 186 stouffville ont we close every night at 6 oclock except saturday night the postponed public auction scle of farm stock and implements be longing to a e gray and e c fielding was held last friday on the farm about two miles south of own on tho 10th concession al though the weather was warm in the morning it turned quite cool during the afternoon and rain toll before tho salo was half over this didnt prevent u tremendous irowd from attending and staying right up 4o tho last prices for botli stock and implements ruled fairly high and tho total proceods will run into a sum between 4000 and siroo although there was somo specu lation as to whether there would be a sale made of the almost new tractor soveral buyers were in the ring and tho coveted pleco of gas oline power was dropped off to ted appleton of pickering township at fboo tho tractor plow sold for 75 and the cultivator for another 75 the latter going to reeve h kidd of whitchurch although tho ten months terms of the sale were offered tho buyers all three paid spot cash a feature of the whole sale was tho largo amount of cash paid in the binder brought c5 not a high price but in these rather tough days for the farmer ho isnt just buying a suit of beach pyjamas in tho fall or a suit of woollen under wear in july as it were nor does ho need a binder before next july considerable interest centered around the sale of swine there was a lot of porkers small and large young porkers weaned only a few weeks brought up to 350 with sows bred bringing 20 good prices we say with pork down to 475 a hundred weight the milch cows didnt seem to appeal to the ring too well the top notcher going at 75 but heifers went better at 45 and 50 the best team of horses sold separately for 85 and 100 res pectively one cent a bushel was the pries for mixed grain and 5sc per bus for wheat this sale was first advertised to take place on thursday november 12th but owing to au injunction being served on mr gray it was called off just after the sale was opened by f v silversides and his assistant alvin farmer had tho sale been seld on this first dats higher prices would no doubt have been the order for at least swine and grain as the big markets pre sented a highly encouraging picture at that time but have siuce slumped badly the farm once the property of mr arthur williams is likely to bo rented if not sold in the meantime fall term results for utiu in these two new majesties i g lk tt ff tf the work of 7 tubes five tabes actually do the work of seven and do it more efficiently in these new majestic models the 224 tube acts both as oscillator and detector a new double function never before introduced in a radio set thereby eliminating one tube the new 247 tube has a power output equal to two ordinary 245 tubes thus eliminating another tube saving these two tubes saves dollars for you majestic first introduces in these radios the sprayshield tube entirely self- honouk idst i indicates in ordor 75over ii from 0c to 74 iii from co to 05 c from 50 to 59 form 1 agriculture i kathleen connor ii myrtle uose elinore marshall win malloy mary lehman jack pennock earl hoover ill sam anderson joyce cleasc harry holden elda hutchinson mary laidlaw lambert malloy ueesor steckley c claude brillinger irene crosier mabel eekhardt murray holden leolaf jennings mabel morton annie paisley kathleen stotts florence tindall margaret topper norman fockler doreen hodgins nelda lehman francis nigh kng composition ii mary laidlaw iii claude brillinger imalloy joyce cleare nelda lehman mabel morton lillian phillips enjoyment to necessary travels p vif qefore the development of d public transportation facil ities travelling was an ordeal fo be endured only when unavoidable the modern motor coach adds enjoyment to trips that must be made and creates the desire to make other enjoyable trips for social or business purposes ttrabcl u 3nns icihwatj gray coach lines wm norman lambert murray kathleen new ells wood model early knalih design lowboy with 5-tubosuper- hetcrolym chiwtis using sprayshield and pen tode tube modulate circuit variable tona heterodyne cihwus using sprayshield ami todo tube modulated circuit control and grand opcr speaker price complete i itoffcrs guirantcm tubo nn shielded eliminating the usual metal shield cans another absolutely unicpie develop ment in radio majestic radios for 1932 not only have these noteworthy improvements they are the lowestprice greatestdollarvalue majesties ever produced the 1932 made in canada havenwood model mantfj kmhw of georicun drin 5tuto supcr- hctcrolyn- chavn iu sprayshield and pv- ttxla ttibv modulated circuit variable ton control full dyiiando jpeajccr competo with hogcrj g uaran- g9 radio is here come in and see it today f y w brathwaite hardware radio stouffville ontario arc fockler malloy nemlick stotts c jharry holden mabel eekhardt murray holden elda hutchinson reesor steckley annie paisley jack pennock kathleen conner fred gibson leola jennings elinore marshall frances nigh myrtle rose history i kathleen conner sam ander son elinore marshall mary laidlaw mabel imorton ii jack pennock lillian phillips ross wideman earl hoover myrtle rose ill- lambert malloy c margaret topper murray nondiek reesor steckley nelda lehman kathleen stott claude brillinger ruth walls joyce cleare francis nigh annie paisley mary crosier norman fockler algebra i harry holden ross wideman kathleen conner lillian phillips fred gibson mary laidlaw sam anderson myrtle rose ii joyce cleare margaret topper iii earl hoover mabel morton claude brillinger reesor steckley frances nigh norman fockler c- tmurray holden jack pen nock lambert malloy elda hutchinson win jlalloyl elinore marshall geography i sam anderson myrtle uose kathleen conner elinore marshall mary crosier ross wideman reesor steckley jack pennock lambert malloy win malloy harry holden jliry lehman ii irene crosier lillian phillips joyce cleare norman fockler claude brillinger earl hoover mabel morton margaret topper ruth walls ill elda hutchinson nelda lehman annie paisley florence tindal mabel eekhardt leola jennings c murray holden ruby mover dan kreswell french i kathleen conner reesor steckley ross wideman sam ander son elinore marshall kathleen stotts margaret topper doreen hodgins harry holden annie paisley earl hoover myrtle rose ii elda hutchinson nelda lehman ill leola jennings mary loll- man florence tindall frances nigh c norman fockler lillian phillips mabel morton mary crosier irene crosier latin i kathleen connor harry holden reesor steckley elinore marshall ross wideman myrtle rose eulah brillinger sam ander son ii norman fockler ruby moycr wm smith ill doreen hodgins annie paisley kathleen stotts c mary lehman margaret topper joyce cleare literature i elinore marshall mabel morton kathleen conner lillian phillips ruby moyer ii mary lehman margaret topper sam anderson myrtlo rose jack pennock norman fockler ross wideman ill joyce cleare lambert mal loy reesor steckley claude brillinger harry holden earl hoovor leola jennings frances nigh c wm malloy kathleen stotts murray holden nelda lehman mary crosier annie paisley art ii irene crosier mary lehman 111 sam anderson elinore marshall kathleen stotts mary crosier kathleen conner frances nigh annie paisley c joyce cleare myrtle uose ross wideman mabel eekhardt nelda lehman ruby moyer ruth walls elda hutchinson mabel morton margaret topper norman leh- john mcneil mary doten grace bulley jack pennock reesor steckley lambert malloy norman fockler leola jennings florence tindall myron anderson fred gibson earl hoover wm imalloy claude brillinger murray holden form ii physiography i elgin hisey marion sellers evelyn baker helen hastings jas lawson velma brown grace ramer win smith eulah brillinger lillis morton ii harry baker man jack clubine olive bartholomew blake yake ill ruth barker doreen hodgins agnes duncan ruth davis dorothy duncan lorne kester myron anderson agriculture i olive bartholomew grace bulley lome kester jack clubine ii marjorie hoover mary dotcn evelyn baker marion sellers elgin hisey helen hastings james law- son norman lehman blake yake iii agnes duncan harry bake john mcneil grace ramer c wm smith dorothy duncan myron andersonjruth barkerlillis muston geometry i audrey hover velma brown isabel collard john mcneil maiy doteri ii luella gaymaii evelyn baker ruth barker elgin hisey grace ramer agnes duncan- olive bartholomew ill harry baker eulah brillin ger c jack clubine marion sellers wm smith blake yake french i evelyn baker anna scott ill olive bartholomew jack clubine marion sellers elgin hisey c ruth barker grace ramer lorne kester john mcneil grace bulley mary doten dorothy dun can ruth davis blake yake grammar i evelyn baker elgin hisey mary doten ii john mcneill jack clubine harry baker dorothy duncan grace ramer marlon sellers helen hastings anna scott ill james lawson lillis norton marjory hoovor agnes duncan c- olive bartholomew grace bulley ruth barker ruth davis lorne kester blake yake arithmetic i harry baker ii mary doten dorothy duncan john mcneil velnia brown elgin hisey marion sellers evelyn baker elgin hisey marion sellers evelyn baker ill james lawson jack clubine c helen hastings marjory hoover lome kester myron anderson eulah brillinger norman lehman anna scott ruth barker latin i velma brown ii jack clubinedorolhy duncan iii mary doten elgin hisey ruth barker marjorie hoover olive bartholomew ruth davis helen hastings c grace bulley lorne kester john mcneil graco ramer mildred dougherty literature ii evelyn baker james lawson iii john imcneil marjorie hoover grace ramer c velma brown mary doten agnes duncan lome kester lillis morton grace bulley myron anderson harry baker eulah brillinger jack clubine hastings william smith composition ii marjorie hoover sellers iii jack clublno james lawson mary doten evelyn baker grant helen marion baker grace bulley lillis morton c dorothy duncan grace itamer agnes duncan eulah brillinger wm smith olive bar tholomew anna scott lorne kester helen hastings elgin hisey blake yake john mcneil ruth barker volma brown uutn davis norman lehman form iii algebra i chas nolan chas ratcliff ii sam borinsky jessie laid law jack hill ill audrey fleischer c luella gayman geometry i jessie laidlaw ii ella slack agnes klinck donald closson ill mildred birkett grace paisley harley wideman jack hill c grant baker audrey fleis cher sam borinsky literature i harley wideman norma uusnell agnes klinck sam borin sky grant baker luella gayman marjorie moyer ii charles ratcliff mildred birkett donald closson mildred dougherty jack hill jessie laid law ill audrey hoover reginald ramer composition i edra burkett ii norma paisley ella slack marjorie moyer grant baker sam borinsky luella gayman norma russnel jack hill ill chas nolan chas ratcliff audrey hoover norma little mildred dougherty reginald ramer mildred birkett grace paisley c donald closson harley wide- man agnes klinck isabel collard french composition i grant baker harley wide- man audrey fleischer ii norma paisley glenn rat cliff charles ratcliff ill donald closson agnes klinck isabel collard c marjorie moyer reginald ramer chas nolan grace paisley audrey hoover norma russnel upper school geometery i edra birkett norma little 11- norma paisley upper schoo algebra i elra birkett mildred birkett c norma little physics i harley wideman donald closson sam borinsky c grant baker norma littie grace paisley agnes klinck audrey fleischer norma rusnell chemistry i ella slack edra birkett grace paisley xl birkett norma little chas ratcliff ii wm bryan reg ramer chas nolan hi jack hill audrey fleischer can history i chas ratcliff ii agnes klinck sam borinsky grant baker harley wideman reg ramer ill win bryan norma rusnell jack hill jessie laidlaw c audrey hoover aancient history i ella slack ii norma little edra birkett c audrey fleischer latin conip i harley wideman mildred birkett ill grant baker audrey fleischer c glenn ratcliff norma paisley agnes klinck chas ratcliff upper school modern history i norma little c edra birkett norma paisley chas nolan house to rent well located on main street six rooms electric and water iiiinmediate possession apply to geo brownshergermain street 5000 cash wanted on good security first mortgage on 100 acre farm in whitchurch town ship investors please apply at tribune office for particulars for sale a number of white leghorn pullets finest laying j strain apply j d reesor phone s603 j i shooting match i a shooting match will be held at fred riddles wednesday dec 16 j at lot 20 con 7 pickering 25 i geese will he offered as prizes i shooting match saturday december 12 shooting i match at lot 35 con 5 markham i the farm of w h bruce a good j flock of geese for prizes 22 rifles and shot guns allowed amininitiou supplied for shot guns shooting match 40 extra choice ducks and 30 geese and 25 chickens given in prizes at the match to be held at ielo3 grahams ringwood on satur day dec 12 rifles and shot guns free ammunition supplied match starts 2 pm sharp shooting match a shooting match will he held on saturday december 19 at lot- 2 con 4 uxhridge on the farm of j george readshaw a flock of choice geese offered in prizes shot suns land rifles ammunition supplied i yon are invited nl hay wanted load of timothy ji or slightly mixed herb ferrior for sale a few choice breeding cockerels barred rocks at 52 each h miller phone 4914 for sale nine pigs about 10 weeks old george redshaw hit 2 con 4 uxhridge for sale 2 thorobrod slmrt horn bulls ready for service also several fresh cow s thorobred seneca baker phone 209 wood for sale heavy hard wood 1100 cord cut short al so limb wood and rails fred steckley phone 29110 house to rent all conveniences and immediate possession hot water heating and hardwood floors front apartment opposite mansion house apply isaac boadway aj for sale 100 acres at lot 3 con 0 whitchurch occupied by allan pike practically all cleared with few acres pasture land and running stream fair buildings and two houses with ample water supply a good stock or grain farm possession in tho spring apply for torm and conditions to isaac pike r r 4 stouffville 24 new blacksmith i have installed a blacksmith forge and engaged a thoroughly competent blacksmith a share of your patronago for smithy work or general repairs is solicited edgar latcham goragemnn thono go01 phono 7001 stonffrllle ontario north york pixwmev the annual meeting of the north york plowing association will lie held in the tribune office stouff ville on saturday december 12 at s pm general business and election of officers will take place ralph baker pres a v nolan sccy secondhand machinery cheap good car engine for sale all fitted up for wood sawing or grind ing just the thing for power work on the farm also separator renfrew good as new peter hamilton root pnlper and othor articles dont buy new machinery when vou can get these ben rexlin denier in machinery and live poultry j stewart beare phone markham 2603 j or brathwaltes hardware 9c01 1 radio service 1 a service you will appreciate radio repairing gordon e coileit also repairing done on electric heaters irons stoves etc phono 8104 say it with flowers no expression nf eentlmanf mnrp j beantlfur plowbrs for evert occasion muston sons r