v aid of banks not required in floating service loan private funds carry it through shows world canada well able to look after herself says sir charles gordon montreal no participation by the mediately popular both with the largo banks ol the country was necessary in institutions and the private investor the success of the national service ho had r500000000 lying at interest iu the savings banks of tho country hree beauties at the fair loan of the dominion government sir charles gordon chairman of the loan committee announced sunday night the loans assured oversubscription all came from institutions and private investors sir charles stated lie viewed this outstanding achieve ment as clearly showing to tho world that canada was well ablo to look af ter herself in economic matters aiding the government to dispose of the loan a contineutwido soiling or ganization was created comprised of 5000 accredited agents and the banks prominent financiers and transport tion heads iu addition to the acting premier of the dominion and the pre mier of every province uniting in urg ing citizens to aid the government in its financing and at the same time se cure the best rate at interest that has luco the progress of the loan as an nounced by tho general management been offered by tho government committee follow monday sg0o00- 1923 000 tuesday 71000000 wednesday i while a patriotic note was sounded ss1000000 thursday 101000000 in tho campaign the offering was sold friday 121000000 i on its merits as an investment the the total figures at the end of sat- bond issue was in two classes a ilve- urdays business hours were not avail- 1 year maturity offered at j9vi to yield able but sufficient applications were 1517 per cent and a ten year maturity received during the day to make it cer- offered at 99 to yield 51s per cent tain that the amount to come will car- denominations were in round figures ly the loan over the objective thus from 100 up but seven business days will bo re- fourteen firms financial institutions quired to raise the largest amount of and insurance companies made appll- money collected at ono stroke by a cations for a million dollars or more canadian government in many years j while the number of individual invest- bearing an interest rate of five perors was legion no estimate has been cent or an annual yield of fractional- made yet as to the amounts subscribed ly over that amount the lean was imin each province french minister visits england ostensibly after pheasants but may also seek tariff reduciidns london pierre etieane flandiu finance minister of france bagged a couple of pheasants over the week end among the cjetries of tho world iu and therewas keen speculation as to lh industry and in second position whether he would attempt to bring i ia exports of motor cars the trade is down some taris tcj carried on with ail countries of the lie came over from paris with his wqrlll including the nited kingdom shooting kit and said he had just come france and germany as well as many for a weekend of hunting but in view ies industrialized countries including canada fourth in auto industry takes second place in ex port of motor cars ottr quick progress iu the manufacturing of automobiles has placed canada ia fourth position those champion llorofords woro tho causo ot many admiring oxclamatlona at tho royal wintor fair toronto university of alberta are- tho owners lumber trade improves in nb estimated production is in creased from 67 to 1 25 million feet ideal girl descriptions baffle college journal new brunswick nj rutgers un dergraduates havo many and varied conceptions ot tho ideal girl in a survey made by tho targum under graduate newspaper which printed tho results student leaders suggest tilat tho ideal girl should bo sensible beau- frederieton nit tho lumber- industry after two winters of depres sion is now definitely on the up grade tiful congenial and adaptable but no in new brunswick two students agreed on all of the de- instead ot the 07 million superficial sired characteristics train hits auto marine men die the markets buying the presents produce quotations i several husbands and wives after a toronto dealers are buying produce hectic afternoons christmas shopping at the following prices were dining together and the womeu eggs ungraded cases returned were happy but haggardly tired fresh extras 43 to 45c fresh firsts if yo on leave it to me said 38 to 40c second 20 to 22c pulct one ot the men i at the lines extras 28 to 30c under his wifes blue eyes id have butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 21 to 22c no 2 20 to 21c tho whole buslq over in w0 churning cream special 21 to 22e t hours instead of rushing all over no 1 20 to 21c no 2 17 to 18c the town as you do id go into one cheese no 1 large colored paraf- shop with a list buy everything and fined and government graded 11 to have them sent away from there hvic but supposiiug you didnt get what quotations to poultry shippers arc you wanted his wife said as follows rd et sorae thats th jjfzv ad 1 wager that th over 5 to g lbs- 15c over 4v- to 5 lbs pcoplo who got what i sent would b 13c under avi lbs 12c select sc just as pleased as it youd spent dayi less than milkfed broilers 11 to looking for it 2vj lbs 14c over 1 to lvl lbs 12c j thats what i say another bus- fatted hens over 5 lbs 15c over 4 to baud chimed in women are much lbs lc over to 4 lbs 10c over too particular now when wo go into 3 to 3vj lbs 8c ducklings white a el au1 lue saleswoman shows u w v l 9c something in shawls or scarfs i think colored 2c less old roosters over v 5 lbs lie turkeys geese market do alrisul bu whca lm fish price guinea fowl over 2 lbs 15c i g for tho lists ot sister and sister- poultry a grade milkfed dress- inlaws to send them to my wlf cd spring chickens over c lbs 22 shakes her head and moves away and to 25c over 5 to g lbs 21 to 24c over j theres all that time wasted yet shs 44 to 5 lbs 18 to 22e under 4 lbs will still insist that i come with ber each 17 to 20c select 3c less than milkfed fatted hens over 5 lbs 19c over 4 to 5 lbs lgc over 3v4 to 4 lbs 14e captain of gleneagles and ov 3 to 3 12 ducklings o i iv i white over lbs 18c do 4 to 5 lbs lgcdo colored 2c less old roosters csl manager victims port arthur capt w a lavigne ot midland skipper ot the canada steamship lines freighter gleneagles and brock a batton district manager ot tho canada steamship lines fort of the aarm iu france regarding bri tains new antidumping measure it was regarded as a significant coinci dence that r hon neville chamber lain chancellor of the exchequer was shooting not far from where the visit or was persia tect which early in the season it was jack grossman varsity football i william met death when mr battens estimated would be cut du ing the player regards character as tho most winter it is now believed by operat- essential quality i like a girl who ors that the cut ivii aggregate close to seems to understand a fellow and the 125 million feet j things that interest him who acts ua- iu tho last week or so several opera- tural and unrestrained he said i tors who had previously little inten- want her to bo a good sport in all tion ot winter activity have sent forms of companionship however crews into the woods the long lum- in twentytwo years ot search ive her industry in addition to the getting never come in atact with a girl out of lathwood is enjoying a marked possessing all theso traits revival with the operators looking opti- edward baumer chairman ot the mistically toward improved world mar- sophomoro hop committee has the kets perfect woman figured out on the fol- while the uptred in industry in the lowing percentage basis personal ap- dominion with iudicatons ot increased pearance 50 per cent culture social activity in tho building trades next background and personality 30 figure to choo30 tho christmas presents to overt l w 20 v ti the mans job is to trail after and pay up but it wo are left to our selves we could do the job in halt tho time certainly men go about the business of christmas gift buying differently with them its something thats got to over 5 lb3 15c wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are be done and the sooner its over the quoting the following prices to retail oilers pork hams 12c shoulders 10c butts 104c loins 12jc cured meats long clear bacons car was hit by a canadian national 50 to 70 lbs 19c 70 to 90 lbs 17c china stvalt settlements paraguay aud peru canada also occupies a prominent year is tle primary factor iu tho re- 10 and dancing ability 10 position in tho manufacture and the cent improvement better prospects in mort oconnell jr varsity basket- export ot rubber tires rubbersoledl tuo british isles are also playing a ball and baseball player has different canvas shoes aud other rubber goods p operators are figuring that lm- ideas money and a car are necessary fr 4 up to 21 years s tho vast hydroelectrical development perial trade preferences will give new ho says intelligence is relatively un- home was formerly in c freight at tho intercity crossing at 9 oclock spunday evening captain lavigno wa3 instantly kill ed brock batten suffered concussion and other injuries and died at 10 oclock in the mckellar hospital fort william mr batten was driving captain la vigno from fort william to hl3 boat which is in port arthur captain lavigne master of the glen eagles one of the largest ot the cau- ada steamship lines freighters for several seasons leaves a widow and three sons brock batten has been located here for 25 years and leaves a widow and four children three girls and a boy mr battens collingwood flandin was the truest of iw in canada producing electric energy brunswick lumber an advantage over important and personal appearance and he was a native of that city and m flandin was the guest of sir canada producing electric energy ra au auaiuige uvtimwuam auu pe comer berry since sir neville was for factory purposes at a low cost has european products in the old country counts for a great ciae bv a meetin- between the two made possible the development of the nak0 tuc increased production c otis brown r seemed possible before horn y when rubber manufacturing industry to such here permanent key is quoted as 90 to 110 lbs 16c lightweight rolls 18c heavyweight rolls 17c lard pure tierces ovic tubs 10c pails 10 vic prints 10 to 10mc shortening tierces 10c tubs 10c pails loic special pastry shortening tiercel 15c tubs 154c pails 16c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board i of trade are making the following quotations for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard 69c no 1 northern g7c no 2 do 62t no 3 do 59c no 4 do 58c cif bay ports manitoba oats no 3 cw 35c no 1 feed 34c manitoba barley no 2 cw 48c argentine corn 55c plus duty south african corn 59c plus us fund i cif hay ports miufeed del montreal freights deal had been associated with lake ship- bags included bran per ton 212 l i it 52 shorts per ton 2225 middlings perls m flandin intended to go home j extent that it today is canadas meanwhile it was learned that ceri industry thus while practi many belgium and holland had in- cally all the raw materials used in the structed their diplomatic representa tives to make r friendly protest against the new measure and to seek some alleviation about 12 per cent ot germanys total exports to britain are affected by the new duties belgium is anxious about the woolen silk chlua and glass business and holland is worried by tho threat to her early vegetables fruits and flowers australian farmers may raise horses rubber manufacturing industry iu can ada havo to be imported the cheap cost ot manufacturing by electric power makes it an economical possi bility shoemakers of far east rival paris craftsmen bagdad arab modern german machiuery has revolutionized the leather industry in bagdad it is pro ducing highly finished skins ot the very highest grade some of tho skins turned out arc fine enough to be used for upholster- sydney nsw wheat farmers furniture or even for bookbinding ot this state face a serious shortage 1 they can command a market at four of horses according to mr w f rupees about 128 a skin compared dunn minister ot agriculture who with eight annas about 10 cents ob- in an official statement say3 that talned for skins finished by tho old- thousands of wheat farmers may do- fashioned roughandready process cido to use horses instead of trie- j which used to be followed in bagdad tors i and which had not changed since the in 1915 he says there were days ot the arabian nights 733311 horses in the state whereas iu 1030 the number had dropped to 531913 the position in regard to foals is even more serious as while 00337 foals were raised in 1915 the total was only 1071g in 1930 the rehabilitation of the fanning industries depended very largely on horses being available for work he explained a redout return sup plied by the government statistician showed that in the wheatgrowing djtvcts 5530 tractors were in use most of these tractor3 had been in use for same years and would soon have to be replaced it was certain however that very few fanners would havo tho means to purchase tractors and in any case after thoirexperience in regard 10 costs ot operation upkeep and re placement they were unlikely again to invest in tractors us finance victoria colonist cons no doubt tho next ot tho great powers which will embark on a period ot govern mental economies will bo tho united states that country last year had a budget deficit threo tlniej as largo as that which brought about tho crisis jn britain tho first quarter ot tho pres ent fiscal year in tho united states paints to the possibility ot a budget deficit which may reach 2000000000 there is no dolo in tho united states but there as elsewhere thero has been an irnmnso increaso in tho expen diture on social services unemploy ment relict is catering to from g000- 000 to 8000000 people and tho num ber affected may reach 10000000 dur- llng tho coming winter tho debt moratorium has meant a loss for the year ot 210000000 to the american treasury a maiden apcocli ask father chaplin as napoleon in prospect is claim new york charllo chaplins lengthy sojourn in great britain and frequent visits to tho european contin ent are explained in the discovery tho comedian is writing a play about na poleon says tho new york times in a special cable from london the play is not for tho screen but tor tho legitimate stage and with tho leading role probably to be played by chaplin himself the times quotes tho evening standard as saying two acts of tho play based on a novel concerning a theory that na poleon escaped from st helena aro completed south australia sets new wheat record adelaide s aust official esti mates glvo south australia the larg est harvest in its history this sea son nearly 60000000 bushels it is expected that thero will bo an ex portable surplus of at least 54000000 bushels sinco propaganda is being circul ated urging farmers owing to tho low prlco ot wheat not to market their supplies mr stanley whitford minister ot agrlculturo issued an of ficial warning that such a movement in tho present financial crieis might lead to national bankruptcy special paint invented by an ameri can hairdresser can be used on hair to glvo it tho fashionable platinum blonde tint for evening use it can be removed the next day member ot scarlet p h his life follows the per- years of age feet girl will not be au admirer of a certain brand ot cigarettes or com pulsory chapel nor will she be a mas he was about 52 electricity usurps gas meter figures show ter of mathematics my ideal woman ottawa indicating to what extent must not have too much athletic electricity has supplanted gas in caua- ability aud she must havo a deep dian households and factories the an- appreciation ot delicate humor and nual report ot the department ot a understanding ot malo weak- trade and commerce shows that on 1 nesses march 31 last there were approximate- 1 targum admits itself frus- ly 1g54000 electricity meters in uso trated in its attempt to find tho ideal as compared with only 531101 gas meters inspectors ot tho department inspected during the past fiscal year 3g19g0 electricity meters and 133859 ga3 meters g girl ot tho college man huge ontario water power toronto it ia estimated that on tario possesses in tho neighborhood ot 1500000 installed horsepower unde veloped distributed over tho nine french wheat crop p 1 j 1 cc i vuiopeu uisinuuieu over mo nine ueclared insufficient grea drainage basins a considerable paris tho ministry ot agriculture j percentago ot this wealth ot wator- sugar beet cultivation growing farmers iu canada aro finding an increasing revenue in the cultivation of the sugar beet the product grown is ot a high grade and large shipments aro being sent to united states re fineries in ontario where tho indus try is still in experimental stages pei ton 3025 ontario grain wheat 62 to 65c barley 40c oats 21 to 24c rye 48 buckwheat 45 to 48c hay and straw prices toronto dealers are paying for hay and straw baled carlots delivered per ton no 2 timothy 1250 to 13 no 3 timothy 11 to 1150 wheat straw 650 to 7 oat straw 650 to 7 live stock quotations heavy beef steers 175 to 625 more than 9000 men were employed butcher steers choice 575 to sg last year do fair to good 5 to 550 do com j 5395 to 450 heifers choice 550 to canadas fishing industry f do g 1 5 j do com 325 to 450 butcher cows ottawa in a survey ot the fishing k 3 to 375 do mod 250 to industry in canada compiled by the 325 canners and cutters 125 to dominion bureau ot statistics it is 175 baby beef 550 to 8 bulls shown that in addition to 1200 fishing good 3 to 375 do bolognas 225 vessels thero were more than 16700 to 250 feeders good 450 to 5 gasoline boats and 14570 sail and 3 lo 4 springers 30 to estimates tho 1931 french wheat crop power is located in immediate proxlm- rowing boats used in canadas sea z j ceve and choice650 to better they see a gift and attach it to a person whereas women work th other way round a man too likes to send something substantial and ho reasons that anything it it costs a lot ot money will bo acceptable and appreciated men always spend more relatively on presents for the people they like than women and they are not so interested in pretty trifles but thats useless a man would say yes but its lovely and ann would adore it his wife will answer and ann who has three children no maid and has to worry over things does adore the fragile extravagance that was given to her simply because it was beautiful and not because it was useful of course the presents we give at this time ot year seldom truly repre sent our tastes or the measure ot our affections we are obliged to proffer a pincushion often when we would like to bestow a grand piano personally if i could i would cut out all the small s and send only things like motor cars to those of my tired hardup friends who do not get out often enough in the country hampers o lovely things to eat to familiesvvho have to exist on bread and cheese a nice fat cheque to several friends and correspondents who i know havo debts and money difficulties a paris model and a fur coat lo a woman ot taste who never gets a new gown tho freehold ot a cottage by the sea to a brilliant professional man who is suf fering from lack of cash and brain fag a threo mouths stay at a friendly hotel to a sweet woman 1 know who has spent her life with a tiresome tyranical mother a weekly gift ot flowers to one who loves them and cannot afford them with what joy would such gifts be given with what excitement aud joy received but failing the bottomless purse tho aladdins lamp that will make 31 at 27s853300 bushels as compared with 230023721 bushels in 1930 tho domestic need is estimated at 312000000 bushels indicating the ne cessity for importing nioro than 50- 000000 bushels some ot which will como from morocco ity to tho timber pulpwood and ing areas and tho ontario government looks upon this a3 ono of tho great economic factors that will liavo a marked influenco on the rapid develop ment ot tho regions in which it is lo cated zlzt vz t h 7 do mod 450 to 0625 do grass- 1 everyones dream como true it is mln- fisheries last year i shcurlng g to wonderful how much we can do even nent plants and canneries between 15000 lambs choic6 g to 5375 d0 cu with tho moncy and materlai at our 4montholdcub arrives in toronto and 10000 canadians wero employed 4 50 to 5 do bucks 475 hogs bacon fob 150 do off cars 510 do selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 1 per hog discount purebred canadian cattle shipped to australia ottawa canadian cattlo as well as specimens of canadian furbearing ani mals and bird llto aro passengers ot tho canadian goodwill ship the cana dian constructor now en route for australia a bull two cows and a calf all purebred holstolns will attend australian cattlo fairs as representa tives ot canadian blueblood cattlo ontario roads up to tho end ot tho 19th century about 5000 miles of new roads were opened up in northern ontario aud g50 bridges built since tho beginning of tho 20th contury another 5000 miles of roads havo been built aud about 2500 brldg03 constructed 217pound member too slim for turkish fat peoples club turkish men to whom fat has meant beauty nro endeavoring to koop up thoir own bulging waist lines cvon it tho womenfolk do slenderize fazll boy aid ot the governor ot istanbul has boon ask- b c loganberies favored by buyers in great britain bictoria bc british columbia loganberries which have been prolific this year and canned in largo quan tities are finding a ready market in great britain it is reported by the department of agriculture store has its salespeople taught to speak correctly dallas now in the interest ot ef ficiency one of tho largo depart ment stores here has decided to teach its salespeople how to speak correct ly they aro being sent to special classes at the dallas littlo theatre much lime is wasted tho store officials explain when customers aro forced to ask tho salespeople to repeat hocauso ot slovenly or in correct speech correct speech will save time and make transactions picasantcr disposal to make christmas a happy time for ourselves and those about ua and those who go about their christ mas gift buying with a frown and a grudging spirit as though it were a disagreeable expensive business and who thank goodness when it is all over would be better not to do it at all for surely it christmas presents and christmas cards aro to mean any thing they can only bring a blessing it they aro sent with a blessing with lovo and not with reluctance i should to brinj back into tho theatre ford the children mary pick- a recent arrival in toronto is tony a fourmoiitlnold bear cub who was found in tho french river area a few days ago w j hcrbort at loft is tho cubs now master canada retains place in overseas trade ottawa notwithstanding the world- wido decline in business canadas ox- ed to resign from tho fat peoples l trade is retaining its placo and the association because ho deliberately foothold which canadian commodities brought liia weight down from 264 have overseas is well preserved dur- pounds to 217 j ing october canadian exports were tho women ot istanbul havo been distributed among world countries as going to doctors and gymnasium in- 1 indicated in the following wheat 25 structors for some tltno in an effort wheat flour 56 oats 20 oatmeal and to achlcvo tho new slimnoss but the rolled oats 17 automobilo tires 70 fat peoplos association composed automobiles and trucks 2g canvas ant ill aund a man along to make ot 200 bulky men has been thriving i shoos 2fi rubber shoes 21 leather it play minimum weight ot 201 pounds is re- footwear 13 lumber 21 agricultural quired for membership in tho organiz- implements 9 condensed milk 27 czechslovaks want short work week prague czechoslovakia a bill es tablishing a 41hour working week in most industries of czechoslovakia is to bo introduced into parliament by tho minister ot social welfare other provisions in the bill extend tho present cighthourday legislation so that iu mines tho maximum work- ing time will be 7m hours dally aud j 2tz hours weekly improvements era also to bo mado in tho working con- a dllious for agricultural and forestry workers where there will be a weekly rest ot 36 hours silent pedal needed tho very harassediooklng paront j entered tho music shop and leaned j confidently across tho counter to onsj ot tho assistants its about tho piano wo bought from m you ho said my daughter tells mo m thero is a key on it that will not playiffi very well sir replied tho assist- ation tho blblo is still tho greatest butter 13 cheese 19 eggs 6 tho parent shook his head hurriedly u no that isnt what i want ho said j id prefer you lo make tho other keyl like it no lifo can bo puro in its purp0jij character is moral order seen best seller in britain moro than through tho medium ot an individual 100000 copies of tho new shilling edl- j nature men ot character aro the and strong in its strlfo and ahilfc not hon having been sold in the first two consclcnco of tho society to which bo purer and stronger thereby owen months of issuo they belong r w emoraoa i meredith