Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 3, 1931, p. 4

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stouffville ontario december 3 1931 quality service special tomato sale after sampling t ho quality v have purchased a large quantity of canned tomatoes from the new factory at clare- mont a special variety of tomatoes were grown and with the newest type of machinery and the most modern method of cooking and packing they have produced what we tvlieve to iv the finest canned tomatoes on the market uomomhor that these are not standard brand which is the lower grade but every tin marked choice to intro these gtvds we otver for a limited time i no 2vi size tins for 25c you pay less for more notes and comments ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 notice please take notice that on and after sept 15th 1931 absolutely no credit will be given on ford parts plow parts accessories and tires cash basis only will be strictly enforced the usual credit terms will be given on new and used car sales some unusual bargains in used cars 1931 ford toufuxg ford roadster rumble seat seat 1930 dodg if tox del 192s ford coupe 1929 ford coupe 1920 1 ford y ton del 1929 1 roosevelt harmon 1 ford tudor 192s 1 essex coach 192s i mclaughlin sedan 192c come ix and fill up with antifrieze we handle glyerine alcohol axd valcan also handle arvin heaters for cars chains axd tires d holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 an australian ucleutlsl liim in vntl a match thai will strike time seonus like uiiif liiallilimlilal muulia v read iihoul down hi the united stalvs m the millaimlllhlmlm t llto cnu liliiniiik fnm lllmkwiitcr in t tuk- mik itoiloiinly lh ihoil ul lalltvay mrvlco ilulcd ilu uoavur- ttn kiiia rather refor to it n kqlid riddance when it ttaya tho uw railway wcliuduto hy which i hla section rita only 1 1 ii in ilally up ami ilowu tho mill luitil division of th cnu went lu lu oitoct monday wo litiyo not noticed any special tendency t ri- ll at the change as u matter of fact th disposing f th evening train has solved problem anil annoyance which has existed for yearn public meetings eutoitaln- uts etc wore all dangled at tho end of that mail string the arrange ment however as it now stands in volves a two day journey to reach oar nearest eastern neighbour lorneville once again the government has made the public the goat a stiff increase in the cost of motor licenses comes with some surprise to say the least within the recollection of even the young men the present government declared in favor of a gasoline tax instead of license tax and accordingly put on a stiff gas jtax and reduced the motor license to a nominal fee this was a commend able move for the party who wears out the highway is the party to do the most paying but now with no decrease in gas tax up jumps the motor license to more than double for some types of cars with the ontario governmentlike every other government bending its efforts to finding new ways of taxing the people instead of bending their efforts in reducing expenditures and j it can be done it would just be surprising to hon geo henry should he come to the country with his program of more and more taxa tion to learn the hostility he is engendering brought about mainly by the non payment of arrears of taxes scarboro township council is faced with so serious a situation that the town ship bank refused to issue de bentures amounting to s7s000 in tended for the construction of a watermain to east york as a relief measure until a drastic cut in ex penditure is made by the municipal ity in all departments the assets of scarboro are listed at s 000 000 and the debenture debt 4 000 000 will greed of nations for trade wreck the league of nations a man with more than average understanding of world events gives a concise opinion on the league of nations and the orient if the league of nations ever had its great opportunity it would seem to in the present conflict between japan and china which now threatens to blossom out into a fullblown war yet beyond various meaningless gestures the league of nations is doing nothing and what is more the feeling of well informed statesmen is unit the league of nations will be able lo accomplish nothing the league may bring all its moral forces to bear upon both japan and china but it cannot take definite action theoretically the league of nations could institute an enquiry to determine which is the aggressor nation and then could briny into play the moral and even the physical powers of the member nations to punish that aggressor but the league of nations will not act without the consent or cooperation of the two or three european countries which really run it and these countries are not anxious that the aggressor should be named for they well and truly know that the only logical conclusion that can be arrived at is that japan is in the present instance the aggressor if the league were to name japan as the aggressor it would un doubtedly react unfavorable against great britain france and some other countries in the meantime the united states which is not a member of the league and which would there fore maintain a detached position of independence toward the proceedings would gain a great moral advantage in japan anil the influence on japaneseamerican trade relations would be pronouncedly favorable at the expense of british and french relations under the circumstances we may expect the league to continue to go through the motions of attempting to bring out peace between japan and china but without accomplishing any of the purposes for which its idealistic supporters think it was formed on the other hand one wonders how the league of nations can continue to have any great moral influence so long as it proves to be helpless when a real military crises arises it has managed to settles some small difficulties that would have been settled by the pressure of larger powers in any event but it apparently dares not offend any of its larger members the outstanding taxes unpaid at the end of 1930 amounted to almost 500000 the north end of this county liiids it hard to understand the riotous living that the southerners indulge in they are the chief cause of the countys alarming school debt while here in the north we build more in keeping with our ability to pay the south demands elaborate schools with cafeterias j gymnasiums etc it is refreshing toi see that someone has brought one of the big spenders up with a haul as the bank has done in the case of scarboro truck vs railway local students in public speakingcontest make oihmi showing in public con- tct before county council iuolic school pupils of both stouff ville and whitchurch came well to tiie fore in the championship public speaking contest for winners of the public speaking competitions held at the york county rural school fairs in the fall while the championship went to a lad from king township ueta atkinson daughter of mr and mrs chas atkinson stood in second place in the class of nine while lambert malloy son of mr and mrs howard malloy came sixth in the list the former is a pupil at s s xo s on the 6th concession of whitchurch where lome wideman is teacher while the latter just pass ed his entrance from principal wat sons room in the stouffville school the competition was staged in the county council chambers on ade laide street east wednesday of last week the competition was very- keen in fact the most outstanding of these events up to the present time congratulations were extended to t lie speakers by various members of the council and prizes were present ed by warden wesley gohn and agricultural representative r e white the judges were miss rorke j ii coore inspector jordan all of tor onto robert gillies of aurora one of the county inspectors acted chairman the names of the nine toa- testants the order in which tuej- finished and the subject matter is as follows james gray king the value of courtesy reta atkinson whit church solving the problem of barn fires andrew mcclure t woodbridge the ideal rural school elsie keeutr west hill laborsaving devices on farmf ivan cryderman keswick how- toh meet the weed menace lamberts malloy stoufrvile the value of- courtesy clarence cave king why 1 shall stay on the farm roscoe farr weston alexander graham bell inventor marjoryfj whilelock weston laura seeord one dose german r ends ga i was sick and nervous with ind0 gestion and stomach gas one dose of adlerika helped i eat anything no- and sleep good henry dodd you cant get rid of indigestion or gas by just doctoring the stomacbj for gas stays in the upper bowel adlerika reaches both lpper abjj lower bowel washing out poisons which cause gas nervousness anj bad sleep get adlerika today by tomorrow you feel the wonderftfi effects of this german doctorv remedy j m storey druggist ft coal coke truth in a nutshell the store of splendid service buy your new coat now our coats are excellent value in boucle broadcloths and- tweeds generously and richly trimmed with fur good lining and interlined all moderately priced coating make your own coat down comes our price on this wool blanket cloth coating close heavy weave and serviceable weight for kiddies coats scarlet copen and maroon width about 56 special per yd 119 reversible eiderdown extra value eiderdown for warm bathrobes for either women or children soft and fleecy pinkpale blue copen blue red and navy yd 45c allwool sport flannel price reduction on this glovefinished soft pure wool sport flannel gaining new popu larity every day for smart tailored styles in dress green copen blue sand rose rust henna and brown width about 31 special per yard 59c dress tweed the very new tweed smart as can be nothing in greater favor for handsome fall dresses than this fine flecked tweed colors navy brown red green and black width 54 per yard 150 french berets just the thing for kiddies in all wool felt and splendid range of shades at 60c 79c buy christmas cards now just four weeks until christmas extra special value is offered to our customers at this exceptionally low price attractive boxes containing 16 choice greeting cards and envelopes to match per box 59c we also have cards at 5c and 2 for 5c christmas stationery a selected assortment of note paper and envelopes also correspondent cards all nicely joxed white and pastel shades 49c up to 95c this makes a lovely gift visit our china department for christ mas suggestions dolls call and see our wonderful assortment of dolls a real family dolls of all sizes and baby dolls priced from 25c to 500 attractive dresses spendid quality flat crepe dresses in the new fall shades lots of lovely styles and so reasonably priced delightful these new pottery lamps with shades with pastel toned pottery bases and shades crepe with fringe trimmingthey are in the colors that fit in with modern color schemes so inexpensive and charming for gifts only 325 cotton flannel dresses as smart as they are low priced dainty and wellmade a splendid quality of material and nicely trimmed sizes 36 to 42 great value at this price 119 rayon slips great value here made from heavy rayon silk with opera top and shoulder straps flatly pleated at sides and are shadow proof small medium and large reg 249 special 139 towels large fancy bath towels also linen towels strong absorbent quality white grounds with attractive colored borders special each 15c 19c stamped aprons for women and kiddies a splendid quality of cotton and all nice designs kiddies aprons have colored bind ing special 1 5c colored border table cloths buy them for gifts or for your own use excellent quality irish linen fine even weave striped borders of gold blue and green each 100 to 149 gift handkerchiefs galore smart inexpensive always welcome lace trimmed embroidery colored borders etc in lawn linen and swiss at 5c up to 35c each dainty handkerchiefs boxed ready for christmas extra good value box 25c to 95c wall street journal it is not always fair to take a sentence or paragraph from a speech by a public man and comment upon it but in the opening address coinj mercia conference secretary of commerce lamont there is one sentence that is so complete in itself that it can be fairly commented up- i on the speaker was discussing the question of tariffs and in lifting the j one sentence from his speech this i newspaper disclaims any intent to i iterpret his attitude as being cither for or against the present tariff law j in a nutshell chairman lamont ex pressed a great truth and with that alone the wall street journal is concerned here it is but the point i wish to malt an argument was in course of discussion in the editors sanctum a few evenings ago we work night and day when the opinion of the men present was that motor trucks should pay a higher license fee as no one present could tell what the real cost or a truck license should be as based- on a fairproportion of their contribution to road upkeep they all based their opinion on the fact that trucks do the hauling now at a less rate that the railway and deliver from door to door in the bargain when we stop to think of it there is really no reason why truck rates should not be lower than freight rates the truckers have no sir henry thorntons drawing down 570000 per year and 20000 or l000 addition for expenses nor are the truckers caled on lo pay the taxes imposed by the m r iei- palities for railway property in their borders also the truckers are free from union labor which in some we have everything in the line of poultry feed and baled straw straw 50c bale marmill laying mash is much lower in price than a year ago scratch grain crack corn and buckwheat are also down in price put in your orders for coal and coke now while you can get it dry and clean brandies is holding the railways up to healthy hourly wages let the railways get rid of the 70000 salary individuals and a few other extravagant methods and then the steam roads may have some change to cope with the truck competition even now they ih i haul in some cases for less a i recent test showed on 3 haul of so miles that a farmer gained 30 in from the freest possible contacts operation and exchange of good j and services between the nations that the greatest good to the greatest shrinkage and 20 in transportation number of the people in this western g11 a i ot 21 cattle hemisphere and- throughout the world for that matter will come j tho last analysis however cost of transportation or transport ing goods is paid for hy the people who buy the goods to make any transportation agency pay more freest possible contacts coopera- is to tion exchange of goods and services between nations what are they here they are laid down as tho means of bringing the greatest good thei r carrying charges up to the rates of steam roads is unfair to the public increase must he based on knowledge of the truckers share of i of the earth can any- shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario to the nation one say this is not true in this age of division of labor can any maiui capitalist or wage earner prosper unless he can exchange the products of his labor for those of oilier labor a shoemaker may make great quantities of shoes but they will not give food clothing shelter and warmth lo his family satisfy tax and interest demands unless lie can ex change them for other products what is true of shoes is true of every other product of industry man livetli not unto himself alone neither does any nation in this day of quick communication no nation least of all the united stales can be prosperous unless other nations are prosperous because in tho division of the worlds labor eacii country must become the market for the products of others this implies that every country must be able to purchase tho products of tho others i it cannot he said that there is anything approaching full coopera- tion between the nations if there were the world would not now bo plagued with fear of some thing it knows not what while its being broken under the weight of armaments neither is there a free exchange of goods when high tariffs countervailing tariffs and tariffs for reprisal are the order of the day our diminishing exports point an accusing finger toward our own tariff which going beyond tho bounds of protection has placed ob stacles in the way of export trade something that is essential to busi ness recovery chairman lamont is entitled to road moot j thanks for so vital truth cogently stating a 111- crease further the already tormid- 1 able cost of distribution taxing the truckers to compel them to rain costs life is complicated hy mens desires not by their necessities differences of opinion are oftimes the fog in which men fight out their selfish battles simplicity and dignity mark the observances superin tended by our staff ours is a service of consideration and fairness scientific study ex perience and modern equip ment qualify us to serve rg clendening faueril director makkham telephone markham 9000 prompt service phone 177 chas coopef ed mcgrattan manager plumbing and heating main street stouffville ont

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