imi sunday school lesson november 22 lessonviii paul in rome acts 28 1624 30 31 golden text 1 can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me phillppians 4 13 analysis i roue at last acts 281g ii the jew first acts 28 1729 iii a world religion acts 28 30 31 introduction paul at last within sight of his longsought goal ra once mor- overcome with depression wonderfully preserve from the hands of men and from perils by the sea he was coming now to the critical mo ment when he must stand before caesar to defer d himelf and uphold christianity at the centre of the world three years had gone since he hail written his letter to the roman chris tians ahat would their attitude be by now one can understa d thi joy vlth which he found a body of roman christian brethren waiting for him at the appian market forty miles from the city at the three taverns ten miles on he met another group this evidence of confidence and love dispelled his gloom he thanked god and took courage 28 15 he saw in these christians the evidence that the kingdom was advancing even in the shadow of caesars throne it was a good omen then too paul like other heroic souls needed sympathy and en couragement- luther going up to the diet of worms was braced for his ordenl by theknight who slapped him on the back as he passed him and spoke a hearty word of cheer so paul came to rome ac last i rome at last acts 281c rome was the climax toward which pauls missionary labors pointed christianity ones firmly established there vould make its way quickly to every corner of the roman world al though arriving there a prisoner paul was given considerabo liberty the good reports of festus and agrippa and of the kindly julius who brought him won for him much leniency in stead yt geing lodged in jail he was permitted to rent a house and live there chained to his soldierguad 2s 1620 chained to his guard paul preach ed his gospel the frequent change of soldiers gave him an opportunity for teaching many philippians 113 sug gests how he turned to account even fcis imprisonment to him a class of ionly one pupil was not a class to be despised through it the gospel came to caesars household ii the jew first acts 28 1729 paul was not the man to let the grass grow under his fset having 0iured lodgings he immediately aot in touch with the leading men of the roman synagogue v 17 he had al ready met the roman christians or some of them this first conference with the leading jews was not so much ian evangelistic effort as a prudent pre paration for his trial it was import ant to learn their attitude and if possible secure if not their support at least their neutrality his appeal to caesar he told them meant no at tack upon his own people the jews v 19 he was simply defending him self he had not revolted against ethe- the nation or the religion of the jews- his message was not the de struction of their ancestral beliefs but their lfilment it was for the hope of isrrcl and not for its destruction that he wore his chains v 20 the laders were noncommittal they had received ro official word they said they had heard nothing probably they knew more than they admited their reference to this sect ii v 22 indicates as much one can imagine the next day spent in testifying disputing persuading the rabbis with their rolis verifying the references to the prophets the brave preacher and teacher trying to win his own countrymen for jesus christ the sua results followed the crowds were sifted as they always are by faithful preaching for one jesus may be a sure foundation for an other a rock of offence as every where the jews turned their back on the gospel the gospel turned to the gentile for the jews it was the final refusal iii a world religion acts 23 30 31 our last glimpse of paul shows him preaching his uniform gospel to the cosmopolitan population of rome when long ago ho prayed to see rome also did he dream of crowded squares thronged basilicas to hear his mes sage during the two years while he waited for the accusers from jeru salem who never came he preached in a prison the crowds came- to him the book of acts ends abruptly probably there was nothing more to tell just then luke may have intend ed to write more later on from other sources we learn that paul wa3 ac- quited at the first trial after an ex tended missionary tour he was brought back to rome his second trial four years after the first prov ed fatal one winters day he was led out on the ostian w and beheaded at the modern tre fontane having fought a good fight a little poem a little laughter as a while wo tarry upon this weary road weve christen ed life a little ache as friends go passing on wards leaving behiud this world of pain and strife a little thoughfulness a little wisdom a little gentle pressure of the hand a tender word sometimes will ease a burden will often help more than we under stand a little aid when tilings are getting muddled a helping hand to some one sorely driven a word or two by someone geutly spoken oft briugs to us a little glimpse of heaven nina stevenson in animal life sites of dd forts to be preserved famous skater sonja heme retired worlds champion fancy skater hoars tho call onco more and puts on her skates for a recent ice show in berlin germany she come3 from oslonorway art traded for food stockliolc an art clearing house where paintings and sculptures may ho exchanged for food furniture or other merchandise has opened in stockholm under the name of art for coods among tho founders is anshelm english writer recalls many historic events in canadian history that north america has niauy his toric ruins of much interest especial ly along tho great unfortified border between the united states and can ada was the subject ot an article by v i banks in the landmark organ of the euglishspeaking union wo read fort anne in annapolis valley long before tho pilgrim fathers landed at tho plymouth rock there was a flourishing french village at annapolis royal novia scotia then known as port royal hero the first ships ever built on the continent un folded their sails to the winds ot the atlantic and here the first mill was stream the founders of the colony turned by the waters of the nearby de- monts champlain aud poutrln- court had passed to their reward be fore the mayflower cams to new eng land the french had come in 1g01 and built their first acadian fort on a site now marked by a cairn some seven miles from the present annap olis royal six times from then to its final passing under the british dominiou in 1710 port royal changed hands be tween tho rival powers in 1013 it fell tor the first time to an expedition from jamestown va under captain samuel argall in 1035 it was again in french hands and the second fort of fort royal was erected on tho pre sent site of fort anne a part ot the rock and timber foundations ot one of the bastions of this building is still to be seen the present structure wa3 built in 1095 and on its flnal occupa tion by general francis nicholsons forces from new eigland in 1710 its name was changed to fort anne in honor of tho reigning sovereign largos part still in good shope fort anne i3 situated at the en trance ot the worldfamed annapolis valley amid scenes ot the greatest beauty it was built as a square earth work with four bastions aud sur rounded by a dry ditch aud embank ment for musketeers and a large part of it is still in good shape the fort and the surrounding laud have been set aside as a national park aud there are few more interesting or significant sites on the continent no other hasj seen more dramatic and momentous events tho departure of the acadi- ans in the expulsion ot 1755 immor talized by longfellow in evangeline was au incident in its history fort chambly twenty miles south west ot montreal on a conspicuous headland of the richelieu river is au- other ruin of groat value whose pre servation has beea assured by govern ment action the first fort chambly built ot wood by jacques do chambly a captain of the carignau regiment in 105 was planned in order to resist the raids of the iroquois aud to servo as a headquarters for the settlers of tho richelieu country the red men ot course simply gavo tho fort a wide berth and continued their depredations as before in 1709 the present fort a formidable stone structure was erect ed to resist english aggression it 13 interesting to note that the energetic colonists had already built the fort before the vacillating home govern ment had authorized the undertaking for generations chambly was one ot tho most important ot tho border fortresses it passed into english hands in 1700 the americans under montgomery occupied it in 1775 and burned everything combustible when they evacuated iu 1770 tho follow ing year the fort was repaired and iu it american prisoners were incarcer- bess mm bgjjsat wl ms bwkrl iav- fill 3 1 dr hans pannwitz berlin sani tarium director introduces hypno tism into treatment ot patients gentleman in foreground is being treated as per prospectus clined to make little of the war ot 181214 which does not loom large in tho history of their countries butto canada the war was of much greater significance it must bo remembered that a sweeping american victory would probably have meant tho an nexation of canada by tho united states aud in such a case thero would have been no canadian nation today such names as luudys lane beaver dam and queeustou heights have al most as great a place in tha heart of the canadian patriot as have valley forge or saratoga or bunker hill in that ot his united states cousin many sites ot events in this war especially along the niagara frontier have been marked by the canadian na tional parks branch and other agen cies one ot the most notable is old fort george at nlagaraonthelake where a cairn ha3 been erected to commemorate the battle of fort george which took place jllay 27 1813 this was one of the most critical epi sodes of the campaign and eventually resulted in the capture of the fort by tho americans who held it for seven months before being forced to retreat across the river again parts of the fort are still iu a good state of preservation and descend- ants of the men who fought there in the opposing armies view them with prideful memories of the past but happy in tho convictiou that never again will canadians and americans meet in armed conflict schultzbcrg prominent swedish paint- atod for tiie remainder otthe war cr who two years ago arranged an ex- during the war of 1s12 fort chambly hibit of american art in stockholm was a base ot operations in tiie cham- landscapes still iifes and portraits plain country the expedition to are offered in exchango for lamps plattsburg started from it during bicycles kitchen utensils talking ma chines and other practical objects a similar clearing houso has been established in copenhagen whero as alma louise olson recently roported in tho art columns an artist can bar ter a flaming sunset tor a filling that will easo the ache of a throbbing tooth or a stilllifo in silverpolnt tor a stand ing order of his weekly portion ot lamb chops or steaks tho abortive rebellion ot 1837 iu can ada the fort was again used as a pris on and it was not until 1851 that it was anally abandoned a3 a military retreat subsequent to that dato it was neglected for some time and was fall ing into ruin until tho appointment of a curator and tha beginning ot pre servative operations in 1889 canadians and the war of 1812 americans and englishmen aro in- cotton stockings for years it ha3 been customary for sophomore students to rule what tho freshmen must do or wear but it ha3 remained for secondyear wo men students at louisiana stato col- logo to set an excellent examplo by ruling that cotton stockings must bo worn by firstyear students to help cotton pricos no louht parents would appreciate also the economy involved it the rule should spread to other schools the christian sci ence monitor unknown warrior by muriel stuart in his arms he carried a morsel a wisp ot a baby a illy that somehow he had mysteri ously fathered that flowered from hu hunger and dirt himself the sacrament broken dally to feed and enrich her and he carried her like a flag swinging brightly above his battle for she wore a gay little pellsso round him stupendous cars rolled idle and fabulous women languid as wax in glass cases and men as polished a3 agjtes bland and insufferably cleau viewing through halfshut eyes the blare and blink ot the traitic and he trundling on with his baby and passing the cenotaph raised his unspeakable cap what reason had he to make that exquisite gesture of homage as he passed that ironic stone that stupid and meaningless symbol him too unnamed and unknown the world had pinned down with a stone on the breast and as careless but without saluting this soldior and the wreath that he car ried went rushing by in its cars fashion notes i960 the last war from pootry against the purple sky soft bombs were flowering liko poisoned orange poppies hiss ing light blossomed and guttered out bright sparks were showering liko falling stars a silence thick as night swallowed the city and his tired ears hurt ho saw white smoke curl up the sky in scrawls the antiaircraft guns began to spurt a dull roar rose like distant water falls dull roaring broke in blasts ot heavy thunder black wings swooped loud propel lers cut the sky shells split the ale skyscrapers ripped asunder gas clouds swirled down his throat and eyes got dry his knees snapped something broke inside his head ten million died that day the papers said thomas w duncan black and brown characterize smart glore for street wear white la used for dress with roaebelgo a close sec ond the latter owing us popularity to its power to blend with the eggplant and dark red shades it will beconio more popular as tho season advances suede la tho popular leather heavy sheers which include crepo- romaine elizabeth crepe and crepe- delaine are being sponsored for dinner and formal afternoon the smartest colors are rust reddish brown per sian rose and green formal after noon gowns are uow worn eight inches from the floor tho finest ot silkmesh hose jn dark tones are being worn with the sheer wool dresses dark brown aud black are favored clips huskies anj fancy buttons are much in evidence curtainring clips ot sterling silver trim gown hat aud purse they may be worn in sets or singly what new york is wearing by annebklle wokthington here and there illustrated dressmaking wesson fur nished with livery pattern theres going to be plenty of talk at our tablo this fall ma aud sis are movingpicture fans aud pa and brother jim are football bugs precious words lord lister had many honors heaped upon him in later life ho was the first surgeon to uso antiseptics aud his methods changed the wholo practice ot surgery and have been the means of saving countless lives in 1902 lister was sworn a privy councillor on tho occasion ot king ed wards coronation which had been postponed owing to the kings opera tion for appendicitis what pleased luai far moro than the honor ot being made a privy council- lor said lister afterwards was the fact that when his turu camo to step forward to shako hands tho king said lord lister i know well that it it had not been for you and your work i should not have been here today three sets of twins all serve in tha choir of tho parish church at had- leigh essex- s photographs were recently taven at a depth of 900 feet below sealevel by a research expedition- working near genoa the custom of tattooing still per sists in egypt as love charms signs of social status and guards against bad luck and ill health v every man is according to the scien tists worth 9000 to his country at birth the worth of women is put at half this figure pilgrims progress bunyans im- i ortal work written years ago is still a best seller it has been translated into 12g languages and dialects britain leads in nurine speeds tha average rate of travel of all british ships working out at 1051 knots against the foreign average f 939 knots per ship fu- farming in canada has now developed into an industry worth 30- 000000 mink skunk muskrat mar ten and fox are raised on the 5513 farms established cats are to be taxed in saga sil esia because there are so many of them one household will pay 5 for the first cat 15 for the second and 20 for the fourth cat kept the english summer recently end ed was one of the five worst ard wet test in the last centuiy and a half the rainfall during august was ttt3 heaviest for that month since 1815 when records were first kept a policeinspector who recently re tired at reading england after twentyeight years service was born in a klice station his grandfather father two uncles brother and bro- therinlaw have all served in the foee children in salford england are provided with playgrounds in the most crowded areas in 102 streets which are closed to motor traffic the result is that the number of fatal street acci dents to children have been cut down to alnost half fr nch and german lessons hava j been ofured to the players of the ar senal football club london by a girl student of london university who is a keen supporter of the team tho idea is that they will stand a better chance of posts is trainers abroad if they speak the language editor i like this poem its capital poet yes t hopo so but how much time hangs heavy on tho hands of a clock power o power to dol o baffled will o prayer and action yo aro one who may not strlvo may yet fulfil tho harder task of standing still and good but wished with god is dono whitticr maybe youre wanting one of those lojeiy coat type frocks that the chic parisicnne always includes in her wardrobe for fall and how snappy this al jt will serve so many occasiiwjt just the tiling for street a5ft a topcoat and indispensable for travel and college girls wardrobe it is made of a fine strpe woolen in tweed effect in rich brown tone style no 3227 may be had in sizes 1g 18 years 3g 38 40 and 42 inches bust size 3g requires 4 yards of 39- inch material with yard of 39inch contrasting- black or brickred d agonal woolen would also le chic for this model black cantonfaille crepe silk is modish with white vest how to order patterns write your name ard address plain y giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto leaps and bounds at manchester the guard finding macpherson without either ticket or money grabbed him by the arm and put him off the train with a well- placed kick at the next station he found mac- phcrson again and epeated the ex pulsion accentuating the force of iho gesture at the third statior the guard was astounded to find macpherson yet again bending low macpherson at tempted to jump off quickly enough to escape at least part of the violence of the attack- how far do you think youre going to get like this asked tho guard as far as london replied mac pherson if my constitution will stand it daily cares oor daily cares why anxious grow and load the heart with sorrow tho wind today that rudely blow may softly sigh tomorrow mutt and jeff by bud fisher maybe its a bag of peanuts suspicious little isaac had just started to earn his living and brought home his first wages how is this isaac asked his fa ttier looking at the money you bring only 9s lod instead of 10s veil fader i was so tired i jump ed on a bus coming home veil dont do it again the second week raw a shortage of threehalfpence irt isaacs pay and ho exprincd to his father that ho had folt hungry and had bought some bis cuits the third week saw tho same de ficit and isaac senior looking very grave drew his son aside and saidt now look here my poy as man to man who is the voman mwtt how abooti eme jsf abovt that tolcmi 0u buq trouble it in said in tho report of recent in vestigations into tho flight ot bird that at no other tlmo can a bird fly to such advantage as whon it flies against a gentle wind it certainly u no with mens souls and men are by troublo lifted toward tho higher elo- monts toward reason toward moral oxcollonco toward a conception of what they aro and ot what god ibj toward au apprehonslon of what tha futuro is and of what their destiny 1st toward a realization of what tho valuo ot tlms is as compared with tho value of eternity of what things aro wo7ta as compared with qualities and ot how tho lifo of tho body la to bo estimated as compared with tho life of tha soul bepchor life lifo is a ionoly business and most human achlovemant art the family tho tribe the state tho drama lettors music springs from an effort to rs- liovo tho solitude philip guadella