vr 4ithjhekvsg lonfscouts fck when gold standard was suspended in britain world jamboree it lias been decided that the next boy scout world jamboree will take piace in 1931 at a place called godolb about 15 miles from the city of buda pest in hungary this was decided by the interna tional conference of hoy scout lead ers held recently at vienna austria j when tho canadian contingent was chosen for the last jamboree which was held iu england in lj29 the con- iitiou was that all candidates should be firstcass scout wouldnt it be a fine tiling if at the nest la jamboree some ontario jone scouts wero iicludcd iu tho con- tingcnl if you are keen to take the callej t heil at0 trip to kiiropc therefore you should est fre or burmng haystack a get busy in order to obtain the neces sary qualifications well in advance parents view of scouting the july issue of tho miami louie contains a short article written by the parents of a lone scout in that lis xiked forward to a a uitak in he steady routine of school work scout training mus and will tell upon the general habits the character and manners i nthe yeuri to come parents are becoming more and more alivo to the value ot scout train ing to their sons and we had very practical demonstration of this at tho scout booth at the canadian national exhibition this year where the grown ups showed almost as much interest iu the display as the hoys themselves preparedness bo prepared are you prepared lone scout what would you do if you were sud- for- at would you do in case ot severe storm hood or automobile accident would you be able to demonstrate that a scout u really prepared soe therefore louies that you take all the interest you possibly can iu j your scout work so that you can al- trict in which the following state- 1 ways conscientiously say i am pco- meuts are made pared scout work is ono of tho best u you ar0 not a scout and it you are tilings for boys it offers great pos- unable to join an oidinary scout bibililies for practical education as troop perhaps you would like to bo well as recreaticn it develops obser vation and alertness a desire to gain facts and methods of doing things most effectively it encourages the exchange of ideas so that tap boy may have the benefit of the exporienco ot a lono scout if so write to tho lone scout de- partmont boy scouts association 330 bay street toronto tell thorn why you want to bo a lone scout and ask them for particulars of this movement a view ot tho vast crowd which gathered in throckmorton street at london 8ti when news that bill was passed suspending britiih gold standard exchanjo others also it affords a sensiblo tliev win bo guui to hear rrom y0 form of recreation which is eagerly l e t wheat situation strong in canada carryover may be reduced to normal if exports continue ottawa world wheat shipments for tho first eight weeks of the pres ent crop year were the largest in the history ot the grain trade tho depart ment of trade and commerce re ported friday despite depressed economic conditions drastic restric tions against grain imports into european countries and other unfav orable factors wheat movements were abnormally heavy commenting on the canadian 46110000 loss by fire in 1930 annual fire waste in canada at rate of 200 per minute ottawa during the past ten years the markets produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned 386000 fires in canada have destroy- fresh extras 28c fresh firsts 25c ed property valued at 413000000 seconds 14 to lye butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 20 to 20ic no 2 1 to 10 vic churning cream special 20 to 21c no i 10 to 20c no 2 1g to 17c cheese no 1 large colored paraff in situation the departments bulletin said it remains very strong by vir- tuo of the small volume ot tho 1031 crop it canada exports 200 million bushels this year the entire 1931 surplus will bo sold and the carry over reduced to normal this in volves monthly exports of mately 17 million bushels august exports amounted to 14 v million bushels and export clearances in september indicated a higher figure for that month possibly 17 or is million bushels thus in the face of russian competition ot the past two months canada has practically maintained iter export quota figures released by tht trade and commerce department showed the extent to which russian exports in- ncd and government graded 11 vic quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry a grade alive spring chickens over g lbs 22c over 5 to g lbs- 20c over 4co to 5 lbs 18c over 4 to 4 lbs lgc over 2vi to 3vi lb- 14c broilers 1 to 2a lbs lgc over 1 te2vi lbs 14c over ivi to li lbs 10c fatted hens over 5 ibs 17c over 4 to 5 lbs 15c over 3v4 to 4 lbs- 13c under 3v4 lbs 10c old roosters over 5 lbs 12c poultry a grade dressed spring chickens over g lbs 28c over 5 to g lbs 27c over 4vi to 5 lbs 25c over 4 to 4vi lbs 23c over 2 a to 4 lbs 20c broilers lyt to 2vi lbs 22c over lvi to 2vt lbs 20c fatted approxi- hens over 5 lbs 21c over 4 to 5 lbs 19c over 3v4 to 4 lbs 17c under 3i lbs 14c ducklings white over 5 lbs 0c do 4 to 5 lbs 18c do col ored 2c less old roosters over 5 lbs 15c wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to retail dealers pork hams 17c shoulders lie butts 14 vic loins 18c cured meats iong clear bacons 50 to 70 lbs 10c 70 to 90 lbs 17c 90 and in addition 3926 lives have been lost and 9s5s persons seriously in jured by fire these figures were given out here by j grove smith dominion fire commissioner in the course of an appeal for observance 20000000 or less than ontarios pro of fire prevention duction for the first half of the cur- last year 39200 fires were report- canadian gold output exceeds us for 1930 toronto canada definitely passed the united states in gold production in 1930 officials o the statistical branch of the ontario department of mines declared recently in answer to a washington despatch which said that in all probability the dominion would rank higher than the u s a next year in 1930 canada produced in round figures 43500000 worth of gold l the official of the branch in the same year the united states pro duced 42800000 in the rst half of 1930 the united states output was mishaps take six over weekend train drags woman 50 feet in front of home- killed mrs agues watson 66 windsor malcolm muir 45 loruevillo junc tion william mckeuzie 55 st cathar ines miss ireuo collins 17 mitchell chester walters 20 thorndale unknown man killed near nemegos windsor fatality windsor mrs agnes watson 66 famous yachtsman wall street hit passes at 82 by tons of vater i sir thomas lipton dies j roaring flood from broken main damage sub- treasury new york wall street was visit ed by a 5100000 flood on sunday a huge water main near the chase national bank on nassau street broke and sent tons of water roaring into he cellar of the united states sub- reasuty building at wall and nas sau streets old records in the subtreasury cel- iar were damaged but the water did eh untold millions of gold stor- quietly end of event ful career london sir thomas lipton per fect sportsman aud one of the most engaging figures iu the worlds of com merce and yacht racing died quietly during his sleep friday night cheated of his hearts desire to win back the americas cup tor england his life ran coiucideutally with the history of that cup ho was born the year before the little america sailed i across the atlantic and snatched tho j lot re ungainly 500 vase from the hands of c tho building amazed british yachtsmen his a geyser tea fejt high shot into the avowed purpose hi life during the past a th sidewalk m iront of the 30 years was to recover the old mug phase national bank bulged upward five times lie challenged and fivoj ei t water bust a wall engineers con- aid of concourse nearby times he failed had he lived hei would have challenged again strutting a new skyscraper said their if his name however is closely wjrk wou1 e del linked by americans and britishers o tho americas cup it has also stood rhodesian capital moves tor something else in commerce it seat of government northern rhklesia is moving its creased during tho past two months to 110 lbs lgc lightweight rolls 18c united states and canada during the heavyweight rolls 17c lariv pure tierces 10c tubs lovic pails lie prints 11 to 12c shortening tierces 10c tubs 10c pails lovic special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 15 vic pails lgc grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making tiie following quotations for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard glc no 1 northern 58c no 2 do 53 vic no s do 481jc no 4 do 45v4c cif bay ports manitoba oats no 3 cw 30c no 1 feed 29c no 2 do 28c manitoba barley no 3 cw 35c argentine corn 45c plus duly us corn no 2 yellow 45c cif bay ports millfced del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 1525 shorts per ton 1025 middlings per ton 2325 ontario grain wheat 42 to 43c barley 34 vic oats 18 to 20c rye nominal buckwheat 37c live stock quotations heavy beef steers g to 625 hut- do first eight weeks of the crop year sold 383 per cent of tho worlds de mands the corresponding figure last year was 633 in 1929 141 and in 192s 702 per cent on the other hand russian exports ot wheat in creased from 114 per cent of the world movement last year to 304 per cent which more than counter balanced the drop in north american sales the department bulletin noted the discrepancy between the predictions made by two leading grain author ities one that russia would desert tho market by the end ot october and tho other that its holdings would permit it to continue in the export field until november ed with a properly loss of 16110- 000 if we analyze these figures mr smith says we can better grasp the magnitude of the problem the average annual waste by fire in can ada represents an expenditure of s2sooo0 daily or roughly 200 for every minute throughout the year capitalized at five per cent it re presents the gigantic sum of over 2000000000 which is only a little loss than our present national debt continuing the dominion fire commissioner makes the following suggestions let tho owners and occupants of property insist upon clean premises and clean communities every ne- was killed saturday night iu front of rent year it may e conservatively her home at 1700 london street west climate that ontario will projue mrs watson was running across the over 41000000 during the 12 months ro to tho grocery store when struck 1931 and canada more than 53- by an eastbound street car she was j00o00 dragged more than 50 feet according i to tlte police at the hospital doctors octopi caught i claimed she must have died instantly j vancouver an official report an inquest will be held at the f has meant new methods novel meth ods sometimes startling methods of business and advertising born in 1850 of poor parents thomas lipton ran his fathers little grocery and tea business into a gigan tic concern dealing in millions iu part this success or the inspiration for it came from america for it was in the united states that ho discover ed modern business methods and it was there that he saved 500 which was to launch his first company the last 30 years of his lite was spent outside of business hours in a sporting quest which with eacii fail ure was to endear him further to the sporting public of two continents each of his live yachts was a sham rock from his first in 1899 to his last in 1930 lipton refused to change the name refused to ow to supersti tion eacii time he said well you had the best boat ill try again it was a courage a spirit of sports manship which struck a ckorl of na- j tiouwide response in america and last year when shamrock v lost to harold s vanderbilts trim enter prise sir thomas had most americans on his side of tho contest and was honored with trophies such as no loser ever before had received a handsome cup for the worlds gamest losor was presented to him at city hall in new york he meant to try again in fact only one tiling could ever halt his chal lenges for the old mug he had planned to sail for now york on a short visit with tho possibility of an- er challenge within a year or so states that over 55000 pounds of ooto- windsor police station mrs watj pus were caught in 1928 and over 28- 000 pounds 1 1929 off british t ol- vmbia they are the incidental pro duct of othei fishing operations tak- ter tlie business depression had lift- for the nlort part in smiul draggers dump heaps turned into rose gardens bridlington eng evidence that tin- glected pilo ot rubbish is a potential sightly refuse dumps can be turned in to rose gardens and playing fields was presented at a conference of sanitary inspectors here in the form of a film illustrating the different stages in tho transformation the film significance lay iu that it firebreeder and disorder invariably is a sign of fire hazard then let every individual recognize his re sponsibility towards the common causes of fires cities towns and villages every- son is survived by her husband i and three children j mitchell girl killed stratford following a fatal acci- lie nu- of dent on no 23 highway north of mitj ciiell early saturday morning iu which miss irene collins aged 17 ot i mitchell was instantly killed ii a i benneteau of mitchell driver of the car in which the girl was riding ap peared before magistrate makins here on satufday on a charge of criminal negligence and was remanded until october 12 miss collins an employee of the ed but death the only thing that oould stop him came too soon put new ideas into business sir thomas had gone to america when iio was 15 years old leaving his home in glasgow where his parents had migrated from ireland he work ed on a farm in new york and then went to new orleans where lie drove a horse car later he went to south carolina to work on p rice plantation returning to new york ho was penni less and slept on park benches until j he could find a job at last he got a see the alps by air i seat ot gevernmeiit from livingstone in the zambezi valley to lusaka in the uplands where lie its mineral re sources rhodesia is so now to the modern world and was so old to tho nations of antiquity that it is a ques tion whether in making this change in capitals it follows tradition or de parts from it tho region ot which lusaka is tho heart is believed to havo been tho leading goldprodticiug field of ancient people- yet victoria falls next to niagara the greatest of cutar- acts was virtually unknown ti the modern world before its discovery by livingstone iu 1s55 and northern rhodesia was not recognized as an in dependent province until 1911 rho desia it is now divided for govern mental purposes into northern rho desia and southern rhodesia was a creation ot the imperial statesman cecil john rhodes and was named in liis honor the conditions that make demand for a change of capital arose with tho discovery and the development of tho great copper mines of the northern part of tho province this brought i many settlers aud development of the financial interests ot northern rho desia tiie largest and most favorably situated of the towns is lusaka it had been a point on a central african trail and tho seat of a powerful in- i terior tribe ruins in the neighbor- i hood indicate that it was tho centre ot a prehistoric civilization far in ad- i vance of those that rose in other in terior african tribunal lands it was here that also were found tho bush man rock paintings ancient cavo pic tures and the broken hill skull thought to bo tho remains of an ex- tinct species of man comparable to the neanderthal species of europe apart from these interesting scientific relics there still are to be seen the re mains of shafts sunk to a depth ot from 100 to 150 feet from which tho modern mining engineer estimates there must have been taken great wealth in gold where need better building laws and showed how by the expert manner in start and saved his money for several years returning to glasgow to work in his fathers shop he put new ideas into tiie business advertising widely once lie adver- royal hotel at mitchell met death i when the sedan driven by benneteau i proprietor of the royal hotel crashed into the rear of a sleel box gravel j proper ordinances for the removal of which the refuse was piled it could bo tnlck mr3 l a benneteau wife ot i a s clire tor llilills hy leau tho driver suffered painful cuts about j tho head and face but her innuries are i not considered serious j fire hazards and for the correction of quickly turned into sandy soil dangerous conditions in buildings and many of them need better equip- tree yields car of lumber ped fire departments it is to the a giant cypress tree recently cut interest of everyone to urge public down in the marsh of the amite river action in respect to these things of louisiana yielded more than a par ibus improving conditions in the com- load of lumber and is said to have inunitlcs in winch they live been more than 1300 years old babe ruth hits one two trains a day to carry unemployed toronto governmental machinery for the handling ot the unemployed will be speeded up this week when it is hoped to dispatch two trains cher steers choice 575 to 025 a day to northern ontario carrying fair to good 525 to 575 do com men to be employed on the trans- 3 to 475 heifers choice 575 to canada highway hon br j d do fair to good 5 to 550 do com 3 to 475 butcher cows good 350 to 415 canncrs and cutters being made with nc 2 5q tj the plans for these men and word moutclth said good progress is baby beef 050 to 9 hulls good received that additional batches can 305 to 375 do bolognas 150 to b accommodated allows us to speed 2 feeders good 425 to 5450 up our arrangements for the sending stackers 3 to 4 springers 30 to of men northwards said dr mon- j 70 calves good and choice 850 to telth we hope to be able to tako 51 mod g to 750 do grassers care ot a portion ot the unemployed i 7 l j lo 11 nii rii i 525 do bucks 475 to 5 sheep in the border cities j 1 to 3 lambs choice g75 to 7 a supply of radios for use in the ho bacm fol 5 off cars oamps has been purchased by the 5 hoff pre government and will bo sent on im- butchers 1 per hog discount mediately the appeal inado by hon w g martin minister of pub- 1 r 1 lie welfare for a supply ot books for tarthquake keported 1 tho workmen has been quickly ans- j in kingston vicinity i worcd and to date more than 6000 j kingston something resembling a hooks many ot them from the public svlf earthquake occurred at the vil- libraries and social bodies have been iak0 o n during friday rocctvod as this number will bo n but no damage has been ample for all requlremenls hon j r there was an earth tremor mr martin said that no further con- lind a rumd noise that caused trihutlons were necessary grca excitement armstrongs jury viewed tlie remains and an adjourn ment was hen made until thursday evening at 730 in he town hall in mitchell this is tint third fatality in the vicin ity ot mitchell within a few days fatal collision loudon out as the result of in juries sustained in a collision between his own machine and ono driven by j frank k taylor of this city on the asylum sideroad cfarl thursday j morning chester walters 20yearoid son of j h wallers a farmer of the thorndale district died saturday morning iu st josephs hospital in an antemortem statement walj tors who was riding with a younger brother said that when be saw the i taylor car approaching he ran his car almost in tho ditch but that taylor struck him head on on iho wrong side i of the road j taylor was badly hurt was not ar i rested until friday night when a war- j rant charging criminal negligence was j sworn out he is now held on bail an inquest on walters was open- j ed saturday and adjourned until tues day i w found dead on tracks fluelph believed to havo met death when ho fell from cnr freight train the body of a man identified through documents on his porsou as malcolm mulr 45 of lornevllle june- lion out was found lying near the tracks between guelph and rockwood on saturday bicyclist succumbs st catharines four hours after ho fell from his bicycle william u mac kenzie of orchard park died in the local general hospital two largo hogs through the streets with a banner saying liptons or phans his slogans caught 011 with 110 public and business prospered although the steady growth of his tea aud othor euterrrise brought him groat wealth it was tho manner in which lie informod tl e public of his business that later kept him out of the aristocratic icht clubs after accumulating a fortune ho was made a baronet anil at the turn jot the century had become a confirm ed yachting enthusiast on iiis last birthday ho smiled as he recalled bis challenges for tlie ameri cas cup i must get tho old mug back again he said sir george e cartier image on new stamp ottawa the confederation and his torical series of postage stamps is sued some time ago in tlie iwst ofiico department has just heen rounded out by the issue of a stamp commemorat ing the memory of sir george etienno j curlier the new stamp is greyish green in color and has a postage valuo ot 10 cents austrias new slogan see the alps by air this is the new slogan of the austrian air 1 transport company and is being j widely featured in an advertising and publicity campaign in the vienna press a new alpine airline is run ning for the summer and autumn and dozens of tourists atready have ex perienced its heady hi ill the lanes connect the three austrian provincial apitals of innsbruck salzburg and klangenfurt thus the route tra verses almost the whole of the mag nificent tyrolese alps as well as dachstein massif the carinthian highlands and the radstadttayern range the planes reach an altitude i of 10000 feet on some moments of the ro te going three times a weekin each direction with prompt connection with other lanes bound for vienna mun ich north italy or switzerland tho new line is a weeome addition to cen tral european airways ither changes honeys color honey from white dutch clover in tho pastures ot tho middle west is lighter in dry summers than in sum mers of normal rainfall says nature magazine temperature however does not explain tho difference in color between different plants edison continues to lose strength west orange nl thomas a edi son who is suffering from a combina tion of diseases continued over the weekend to grow weaker edison continued to be listless and has expressed no desire to resumo his former practice of taking short rides in his automobiles he spends most of his time in the library of his llewellyn park home mrs edison and day and night nurses continue in constant attend ance highlight ot charity baseball carnival slged by now yoik yankee giants and brooklyn dodgers at new york was contests held by diamond stars babo ruth establishes a now worlds mark for f ungo hatting moscow to become seaport moscow preparatory work has been started on canals designed to make this inland capital a seaport by 1 mr mckenzit who was 55 years of linking up the moscow river with the age was riding down pays hill at lock baltic sea by way of the mari and two of tho old welland fcanal when ho with the caspian and black seas 1 lost control ot the machine on the through the volga steep incline and was thrown 10 feet as ho fell headlong from the cycle nt doctors might prescribe certain lheurn near the foot of the hill ho authors in cases of persistent insoin- i siffered a fractured skull nia dean inge millions of lady bugs perish asotin wash vast armies of lady bugs true friends of the agriculturist arc falling piled at he base of trees on moscow mountain near here where they congregated in their last stand against hunger dr r l web ster head of the zoology department of washington state college reports soviet literature is only a dozen years old and there is no giant of that age maxim gorky freshwed my wife likes toa for breakfast while i liko coffee old- i wed youll soon get used to tea