stouffville ontario august 13 1931 tps3e2si5i2i2 local happenings l lssl irttp ttmvrtfmmn7tfem no tribune next week large oak sideboard for sale very serviceable also good organ apply miss elsie johnson charles street roth eaton cup baseball games at sunderland ou wednesday aug ust 19 street dance at night 4stu highlanders hand the soufiville band under the leadership ot win dougherty had a threeday engagement last week at the sutton horse show playing thursday friday and saturday the regular meeting of the stuultville senior institute will be held in memorial park on wednes day afternoon august lit the ex hibit of flowers will be sent to the christie street hospital members please remember that there is to be a pot luck lunch visitors welcome lost leather key case and number ot keys also dollar bill en closed finder keep the dollar and leave keys at tribune ollice or shadow lake camp mr james harry has completed arrangements for the rebuilding of the large barn on his farm adjoin ing town to the west the barn which was hurled to earth on july is when struck by a cyclone will again be put up with a wood frame but with sheet metal siding work is now underway c f cooke of niagara-oii-the- lake has leased the billiard parlors and bowling alloys in the auditorium ami is now in charge a native ot sweden mr cooke in tends to move his family here shortly and thus become a perman ent resident mr and mrs wm simpson are now located in the mansion house witli mrs frank miller mrs sim- sons ability especially in the con duct of a dining room and culinary department is well known and the hotel is fortunate in securing her services the mansion house is a widely known hostolry of many years standing the tribune is official agent for all toronto daily papers whici can be renewed through this office at uireet saving to you roth eaton cup baseball games at sunderland on wednesday aug ust 19 street dance at night 4stn highlanders hand the village of markdale has re fused to allow any more gasoline pumps to be installed on the main street and also passed a bylaw assessing those now doing busi ness a yearly rental of 25 during the intense heat of last thursday one ot the work horses on the farm of mr tom simpson at liallautrae succumbed to the heat and died in the harness while work ing in the harvest field a chevrolet car parked in ux- bridgo lowai last saturday night was located on tuesday night south of goodwood where it had been abandoned after having been driven some 200 miles the ear belonged to oscar fairman ot uxbrldge mr and mrs william simpson and family have vacated their house in the west end and leased it to mrs thompson who had been living in miss elsie johnsons house on charles street miss johnson is again occupying part of her own home and the remainder has been rented to mrs harry gilbert dsummer clearing sale penmans balbriggan combinations for men long sleeve ankle length styles natural shade size 34 to 42 clearing at 89e penmans combinations in short sleeve and knee length sizes 34 to 42 to clear at 79c mens athletic combinations cool and comfortable for hot days made from fine quality broad cloth and dimities to clear at 79c mens balbriggan shirts or drawers same quality as combination shirts in long or short sleeves drawers are in ankle length size 34 to 44 clear 49c boys department boys balbriggan combs short sleeve and knee lengths natural shade size 22 to 32 special 49c boys balbriggan shirts and drawers same quality as above combinations size 22 to 32 39c boys athletic combinations made from white dinity size 26 to 32 special to clear 49c r e curtis phone 5g01 stouffville ontario last thursday the district auctioneer f w silversides cee- bratcd his 61th birthday and as a sort of birthday handout although his patrons didnt know it he book ed three auction sales for the fall season indications are that there will be quite a number of sales this coming season according to the man who wields the hammer on the auction block it is just 25 years this month since mr silversides gave up the management of the mcgillvary farm to devote his en tire time to the auction business house to rent on albert street garage apply john cleaver the tribune mailed to any address from now until dec 31 for only 50c to new subscribers house to rent on victoria street apply mrs wilson east end phone c515 quality service mr jess dover ol markham township the wellknown honey king of this section is authority for the oplnljn that this years crop of the sweet goods will not be heavy since commencing to gather the nectar from his big army of workers located at various outposts in whitchurch and markham ho has arrived at the belief that tor some reason the bees nave not laid up in store anything like the supply of the year previous attend sunderland legion street dance on august 19 4stn high landers hand in attendance broad cast ckgw c55 pm fast time harvesting operations were inter rupted over the weekend by the wet weather but everything was so well advanced that the holdup was not the subject ot any complaint from the farmers the odd farmer all through drawing in while others have just a few loads out but some threshing done grain is just an average crop with excellent straw the root crop promises to be extra good fields o vegetables near town present a wonderful pic ture and the crop will be a record one mr and mrs s c floury of welwyn sask with their four children are in town visiting with her mother mrs s m warrinor they made the trip by automobile travelling through the states to chicago and crossing the line at detroit speaking of conditions in his home territory mr fleury states that the farmers will scarcely have cnough crop this year for feeding purposes due to the unprecendented drought last year 50 per cent of the farmers were unable to pay their taxes at all and he could not predict what they will do his year to get them paid being the general merchant at welwyn he is in close touch with conditions and says the banks are not extending any loans while the merchant must do busi ness strictly on a cash basis or he could not survive long his town is located near the manitoba boundary about 130 miles east of uegina and while a small village it is located in what is generally a good farm ing settlement his father who is a former citizen of stouffville is a member of the firm with himself the fleurys intend to spend a few pleasant weeks among old friends here before starting on the return journey on monday last rev thos and mrs laidlaw were celebrating the 20th anniversary of their wedding day which was observed quietly at their own home and quite unknown ito their many friends we believe when the pastor and his wife were first married they located on the epsom circuit ot the old methodist church just five miles east of ux- bridge where they remained for the alloted time granted a preacher at that time friends will join with the tribune in extending to lilr and mrs laidlaw many happy re turns which although a trifle late is none the less sincere get ready for corn roasts- golden bantam corn ready this weekend at only 12c dozen also cucumbers for pickling alex denl son- cast end phone 0713 the church service next sunday morniig at lake musselman will be held at the usual hour of 10 oclock but it will be of an especial nature mr a j ward will preach and arrangements are being made for special music all who can take in this lakeside service in the church are requested to do so mr george taylor employee at the ratcliff store will inovo at the end ot this montn into his new home on mill street just north ot the shaw store the new residence which mr taylor purchased from mr john madill is hearing com pletion and contains all modern conveniences with nice bright rooms us e maminjenour productf- v- the tax rate for the town of wiarton up on the bruce peninsula was struck last week at 60 mills or 24 mills higher than the rate prevailing in stouffville the county rate up in that neck of the woods is about the same as we have to pay in stouffville but tho school tax is abnormally high as well as the rate for general expenses an other place just the size of stouff ville to outdistance us as a heavy taxed community is alliston with a rate struck last friday of 56 mills both of these communities are splendid places but do not possess any modern improvements over stouffville all of which indicates that we are in a very favored posi tion reg walker of stouffvlllo was sent to the work boys home for indefinite period on monday when he appeared before magis trate keith on a charge of stealing from the cash box at the mansion house here tho lad was previous ly on probation but the magistrate took a lenient view of his case and showed a desire to give him every chance to apply himself walker was arrested at lake musselman by constable pugh and later admitt ed his guilt of lifting the change from the cash drawer when no one was in the room at the hotel tryour high grade binder twine stockaid animal spray kills and repels flies lice and mcsquitos does not taint milk pleasant odor stain less does not blister or burn sprays easily 135 a gal stiver bros phone 4501 stouffville ontario mrs ralph hamilton has decid ed to vacate her brick residence on obrien avenue and will make her home with her sisters for a time at least the premises have been rent ed to mr hugh watson principal of the continuation school who will move to town within the next two weeks mr watson had previously rented the john baker place opposite dr sangsters but preferred the hamilton residence because of the increased garden privileges which appealed to the school principal who is an agricultural specialist mrs hamil ton will not hold an auction sale at present but will store her furniture a few days ago mr herb mitchell showed us a certificate just receiv ed from the department of agricul ture indicating that his herd of ayrshires are now fully accredited being entirely free from tubercluar of any kind something very omm- on to most cattle mr mitchell is to be congratulated on his progressive farming ability especially so when wo recall that just vvp years ago ho was a city lad and knew nothing whatever of tho life of rural ont the supply of milk from this herd is sold during the summer months to the campers at lake musselman where mr mitchell has built up a satisfactory trade among tho cottagers the citizens are growing anxious to see the new tower clock erected and in operation the tower is now completed excepting for a few finish ing touches but the clock is not expected to be installed until next week or until an expert clock man arrives from toronto to superin tend the work of installation on tuesday morning the new bell was taken up to the floor where it will be swung from the big beam in readiness for the clock connec tions the matter of installing the clock is in charge of the municipal council in the hoiueandhome games with newmarket played here on saturday and in newmarket on monday stouffville forfeited any right they had to the championship of the yorkontario baseball league the canal town took both games in two of the most ragged exhibitions of baseball staged in the league this summer the score at stouffville on saturday was 9 to 1 in the return game the score was 11 to 2 practically every run being scored on errors the lehman battery stood up well in both games but received little or no support just what happened the stouffville team that they played poorer ball at the end of the season than at the start is hard to understandbut any way this is the way it came out cheerio between 11 and 12 oclock on friday night mr roy grove the ringwood merchant was disturbed from a peaceful sleep by the fierce grinding of brakes and putting his head out of tho window was just in time to see a big mclaughlin buick car pass down the 8th con cession and crash into a garage at tho corner which belongs to him self before mr grove could give the alarm the two men in the car had left on foot at a lively clip cream are you getting everything pos sible from an uptodate creamery service if not try the stouffville creamery co most efficient creamery service since 1918 phone 186 stouffville ont open tuesday thur sday and saturday evenings up the 8th over the road which they had so fiercely drove over just a few moments before the big car proved to have been stolen from toronto and was the property of the shell gas co just a few minutes before the accident the car was at ballantrae store where con stable williams of whitchurch un dertook to search it for liquor when the driver raced away at a high rate of speed constable williams made chase but thought the car had turned to the lake when it went south from the ballantrae store and thus he was thrown off the track the stolen car came down tho eighth at what one observer said was 80 miles an hour and the road being strange the fleeting driver failed to realize that the road fairly ended at ringwood resulting in uie car racing right across the townline into mrgroves garage the impact was terrific smashing in the doors and knock ing tho building off its foundation only slight damage was done to the grove car in the garage but the big mac was crippled so far the thieves are still at large they are evident ly toronto citizens is it hot enough you for the recent heat wave which swept the whole north american continent inspired columns ot comment in newspapers through out the land but the following outburst of protest can be attrib uted to the energetic and perspir ing editor of the alvinston free press though the mercurys perspiring far above old ninetytwo still those darn fools keep en quiring is it hot enough for you people swoon from heat congestion horses die and turn to glue but it doesnt stop that question is it hot enough for you when from mundane life were fleeting from the world where troubles brew wonder it well head that greeting wonder if well hear that greeting send the tribune to absent friends some people imagine they are be ing imposed on when they are ask ed to buy a ticket for a celebration even when the ticket carries with it a chance to win a new car we wonder what this class of people would think if they were asked to subscribe for a newspaper publish ed in some distant town in which they are not locally interested in the least just to give the subscrip tion agent a chance to win a new- car this sort of thing is going on right now in various parts of on tario and agents have been solicit ing the stouffville district for sub scriptions to weekly papers publish ed in outside districts in order that the agent might secure a prize for selling tho most papers while the vast majority ot weeklies rely on their ability to publish a good news paper to maintain their circulation i others start a campaign for the purpose of bolstering their clrcula- jtlon and the distlnterested outside districts are made the goat if your i home town paper solicits a sub- ucrlptlon it has something to offer you in return for your money in tho way of a newspaper in whlcli tho news should bo of real interest and value to you but if a weekly paper from a town in which perhaps you know no one solicits your money it surely docs look llko an imposi tion riding in the up out and away from the cares and limitations of modern life sharing the joys of long days in the saddle in flowerstudded alplands and stately passes with a goodly company of kindred spirits happy evenings round the campfires and restful healthgiving nights in the winelike atmosphere of the moun tains such is tho life of the trail riders of tho canadian rockies on their annual expeditions from banff and lake louise which have long since become famous items in the summer programs of the two great canadian pacific rail way hotels at these renowned holiday places carefully planned rides of varying durations to suit all comers experienced guides cooks and horsewranglera a pack train always ahead to welcome the riders at tho evening meal with the nights camp all ready for occupationhorscs thataro surefooted as goatsnll contribute to making this form of holiday one of tho most original and enjoyable on the american continent cana dian pacific lines carry enthu siasts and new rccroits from tho four corners of the earth to banff and lake louise each summer this year the official fourday ride will be held from july 30 to august 2 covering 62 miles through banff national park in territory with special appeal to the photographer and fisherman and will be followed by a 10day ride of greater mileage