jan a komensky peace advocate in 1628 the protestants were finally expelled from bohemia anc kornen- eky left hu native land never to re turn he took refuge at lesua in poland where he began work again as a kchoolmaste- and wrote his janua linguarum or gate of lan guages this book written in latin remained in use as a schoolbook for nearly two centuries and with later works has kept his name alive amongst teachers o the present day it comprised phrases on many -ub- jects written in latin french ger man and italian and aimed at teach ing languages and general informa tion at tho same time and in an interesting way it was a great inno vation but it was translated into twelve european languages as well as into turkish arabic and persian evelyn in his diary 1658- refers to it as ono of the schoolbook i of his son richard while at lcsna komensky got into touch with a london merchant sam uel hartlib who sympathized with bis aims and through whose influ ence ho was invited to england there is to bo seen in tho british museum a copy of the sermon preach ed by john gauden sometime bishop ot exeter and then of worcester be fore the hon house of commons on november 29th 1610 ho took for his text love the truth and peace and at the close he drew the atten tion of the house to the noblo en deavours of two great and publlque spirits who have laboured much for truth and peace i mean commenius and duraous both famous for their learning and integrity and not un known i am sure by the fame of thoir works to many of this honour able learned and pious assembly he goes on to urge that they should be invited to england see and weigh their noble and excellent de signs in response to the invitation thich followed komensky came to london the next year and was well rocelved the long parliament voted money for endowing three colleges at chel sea winchester and the savoy where his methods of education could be applied but the unsettled state of the country then verging on civil war prevented the development of the scheme and komensky left eng land in some disappointment in a letter written from london he speaks of tho great piety of the people and how they take their bibles to church look up the texts and repeat the ser mons at home greek and hebrew he says are studiei even by ladies that they may understand the bible totter and he wag much struck by the rich literaturo and the number of books sold remarking that there were not so many bookstalls at frankfort fair as could be seen any day in london of his own reception in london ho writes i live as a friend among friends though not so many visit me as would do so if they knew that i could speak english or if they had moro confidence in their own latin or if they had not such a high opin ion of me several years later milton in the dedication to hartlib ot his tractate of education writes ot a person sent hither by some good providence from a far country to be the occa sion and incitement ot great good of this island and later in tho same letter he refers to komenskys edu cational schemes what many mod ern januas and didactics moro than ever i shall read have projected while in london komensky wrote a book called via lucis which treats of tho way to bring about uni versal peace as a means to this end ho proposed the introduction of 1 universal books 2 universal schools 3 a universal college i a universal language jessie mothersolo in czechoslo vakia tlio land of an unconquer able ideal try this salad dressing it keeps for weeks kraft siii dressing is so thoroughly blended it will keep for necks r stays good right down to the last tangy tea- ipocoful best 51 ill it costs iust ecchalt the price rcu re used to paying a ijcneious 12 ounce jar sells or only 25 cents get some today kraft salad dressing made to canad oy the makers or krait cheese ard vclveeta owl laffs im glad youre my mother mrs w b bailey mother did you too that woman ahead of us down on ontario avenue jerk her little girl along and tell her to shut up yes i did jerry- and i felt sorry for both of them for both of them why i just felt sorry tor the little girl i wonder what she was crying about jerry and his mother were resting on the lawn under their favorite treo after their trip to town although only six years om jerry was learning to think reflectively both were silent for a while then the boy continued you wouldnt have done that way it something had both ered mo until i cried would you i hope not son but a mother gets quite nervous and upset sometimes what do you think i sliould have done well i believe you would have said whats tfc trouble jerry boy cant you stop crying and tell mo about it then id have tried to stop and if i couldnt you would havo stood still and talked it out with me then everything would have been all right but im too big to cry on tho street though im sure glad you aro my mother and that we can talk together the way we do that is sweet of you little man and i appreciate it very much im just as glad you are my sou as you aro that i am your mother i guess wo are chums the boy said as he smiled up at his mother then he scampered off to meet his dog the mother sat wondering about the woman who had impressed her son so unfavorably why had she not tried to discover the source of tho trouble and to remedy it instead of being so rude and unkind why is it she thought that mothers so often forget that children are persons and should be treated with respect how humiliating to a little girl to be handled so roughly and spoken to so rudely in public i wonder if tho child will ever feel like going to her and talking over her troubles will she toll her mother they are chums and she is glad to be her little girl why id almost have halted traffic i believe if necessary to see what caused the child to be un happy enough to cry like that why didnt the woman lead her gently to one side where they could havo dis cussed the matter quietly until unhap- piness was erased from the sweet young face then this child too could have said im glad youre my mother issued by the national kindergarten association s west 40th street new york city these articles aro appearing weekly in our columns declare tobacco contains vitamins seeds of plant have high food value experi menters says nicotine absent in tests washington the seeds of the bacco plant have a high food value and include three of the essential vita- individuality mins in reasonable abndance ac- tho fiddles wishes he could sing cording to the report of experiments the writer longs to paint conducted at yale university tests the subject wishes to bo king on rats showed that any traces of the the devil would be a saint poisonous alkaloid nicotine cannot bo but wise is ho who plods along demonstrated i and leaves the singer to his song rats fed pn a diet consisting of 99 j per cent tobacco seed grew at the oh let the dancer dance say i mother to johnny go to the store and get a pound of soda crack ers johnny on way to the store crackers firecrackers giant crack ers torpedoes storekeeper what do you want johnny johnny give me a pound of tor pedoes winter flying is now made feasible a dovlco by which flying can be mado possiblo tho year round in can ada and tho northern united states without difficulties has boon invented by ii g perry vicepresident ot tho ottawa flying club ho exhibited it at a meeting ot tho canadian section of tho socloty of automotive engin eers at toronto the contrlvanco is constructed to bo operated on land in runways ot snow or ico and to provldo protection against mud in tho spring it has been tested out in theso conditions and found to bo practical a hydraulic jack was used for oper ating and when tho wheel was not in uso it was placed in a shoo tho ski as ho illustrated it was mado to keep out of harms way or to bo lowered and tho wheel placed in its pocket in case of tho craft getting stuck in tho mud tho ski could bo lowered partial ly so that it touched tho ground and assisted in pulling tho machlno out when governors of tho bally- money ireland high schools recent- j ly advertised for a principal thero were 60 applicants i friendly animals in the new york hippodromo a short time ago a remarkable friend ship existed between a baby elephant and a fine large boarhound both be longing to mr george power the dog was in tho habit of going regularly every morning to a butchers shop close by tho hippodrome where the butcher would give him a goodly par cel of bones and scraps of meat wrap ped in brown paper the dog would go straight home to tho hippodrome lay tho parcel down in front of tho lit tle elephant and wait patiently until did the little elephant give back to his faithful friend once or twice while watching them i was amused to see tho dog after waiting patiently and watching the others enjoyment very cautiously put one paw forward as though to take a little bit of the dainty but at tho first sign of such an action the little elephant would lift up his trunk and his voice and trum pet his very loudest vastly indignant that tho dog should try to get any and then tho funniest thing was to watch the dogs expression such a meek apologeic reproachful expression as though to say as he licked his lips well i think you might have let mo have a taste tho young animal had turned out the contents on the floor not caring for j ellen velvin in from jungle to zoo meat he would poke at it with his trunk disdainfully and then take no lilj for dinner further notico of it this was tho moment when the boarhound would como forward and tako it all up again bone by bone and scrap by scrap carry it all over to his own kennel and then make a good breakfast at his ease but ho was never once known to attempt to eat it without first offering it to his littlo friend also when ho was given cake or bis- east of the suez a hungry canadian workman would have something to say if stewed daffo dils wero placed before him after a heavy mornings work but in other lands particularly east of suez flow ers play an important part in the daily menu in madras and other parts of india as well as in the wild regions of af ghanistan flowers aro cultivated for cuits tho dog would offer them first to tho young elephant but this was food and in southern india whore tho a different matter not a bit or scrap population is mainly vegetarian lotus jelly is considered a great delicacy the petals of young flowers aro soak ed in a sugar solution and boiled until they form a stiff paste which is pow dered with moro sugar and moulded but this is scarcely a dish for the western palate shrub cakes made with blossoms ghee and bazaar sugar aro popular in tho north and sold at twopence apiece they lead to abdominal trou bles but as tho natives enjoy the strange concoction they attributo sub- i sequent ailments to providence every visitor to ceylon however should samplo butlerblossom which is boiled and flavored with cinnamon or cloves food from the florists chinese cook lilies in milk and eat candied jnsmlne while japanese havo a keen appetlto for flowers a tasto which is shared by tho egyptians who servo rosepetal jolly prepared with powdered sugar water and isinglass at tho end ot a meal in morocco tho coarso porridge is definitely improved average normal rao for 109 days and showed no ill effects they ate the seed greedily thus says the report thero is rea son to believe that tobacco seed con tains proteins ot good biological quali ty and that it includes at least vita mins a b and g in reasonable abund ance no advantage seems to accrue from additions of a moro complex salt mixture to uiis unusual ration tho further study of the nutritive factors in the tobacco soed is being prosecuted vigorously nicotine absent it was noted during a preliminary study of the seed the report con tinues that nicotine whilo entirely absent from the unsprouted seed was present in conspicuous amounts in tho sprouts that develop in about 12 days when the seeds are scattered on blot ting paper moistened with distilled water it is evident that this alkaloid is synthesized very early in the life of the plant the experimenters aro trying to find out where the nicotine a deadly poison in its pure state comes from chomi- cal analysis shows that the seed con tains a high proportion of fat and a very low proportion of carbohydrates thus somewhat resembling the soy bean and various oily nuts a method has been devised the re port states of extracting tho protein content of the seed and a study of its chemical properties now is under way tho investigators are especially in terested in tho various watersoluble substances which may be present in the alkaline content thus far they have demonstrated the presence of five biochemical sub stances choline an alkaline sub stance found in the yolks of eggs be- taine found in beets adenine a pro duct of growing plant cells arginine and guanine but there is no trace of nicotine tho alkoloid peculiar to to bacco itself somehow or other it is created in the laboratory of the grow ing plant watercress good in connection with the chemical work it is announced an easy method has been found for the preparation of nicotine of high purity the workers also isolated pure nicotimine a little known tolatilo alkaloid that accom panies nicotine in tobacco but is quite different chemically from the poison itself it is also reported that an abund ance of vitamine e has been demon strated in the leaves of watercress tests with rats indicate that tho dried leaf of this plant is at least two or three times as rich in this essential constituent of diet as is the dried leaf of lettuce one job enough for me twere nice to paint a summer sky and tako the artists fee twere nico to do anothers work but ive a task i mustnt shirk the farmer was the first man to mako his appearance in this world ac cording to the record and it things should come to tho worst the farmer wouw be tho last man to bo forced out of the race mr pearce the teacher was explain ing to tho class of small children the meaning of the word collision mr pearce a collision is when two things come together unexpected ly now can anyone give an example of a collision johnny twins there is no ono who knows quite so much about how a thing should be done as the fellow who doesnt know anything about it the less a man knows about a matter the moro free he is with advice probably the first rain that foil in the garden of eden was right after adam discarded his fig leaf for a pair of white duck breeches then there was the young bride who grew suddenly jealous when her husband revealed ho was in love with his work the woman who mar ries in order to obtain a meal ticket will often find that she has to earn the blamed thing over and over again orator if the average man were to look himself squarely in tho face and ask himself what he really needed most what would bo tho answer heckler a rubber neck something new in styles the girls once wore their skirts quite short and now they wear em jong tho drug store cowboys trousers have pleats that look all wrong the golfers wear their pins fours neat and feel just fine and dandy but wait till the mahatma comes and sets style a la gandhi there is a duty on tea now of four cents per pound and four percent sales tax all imports of tea now pay these extra charges but we have not increased the price of we bear the loss so you can still buy the very best of tea at the same price as before the duty was put on h estabrooks co ltd st john nb montreal toronto winnipeg knights meaf ord flooring its good see your dealer its even better get our p its the best kpght mfg lbr co ltd meaford the more air stamps countries all over tho world con tinue to issue special stamps to pay postage on letters conveyed by air mail while great britain refuses to entertain the idea of special air mail stamps luxembourg has issued a set of four stamps beautifully engraved and printed the denominations and colors being 75c brown 1 franc red li franc purple and 1 58 franc blue they can only bo used on air mail cor respondence messrs wbitefield king of ipswich point out that the issuing of these stamps must be excellent propaganda in making the use of air mails a moro popular method of despatching corres pondence from one country to another classified advertising 3aby chicks a1 baby chicks baitrbd l rocks 10c white anil brown leghorns anconaa sc assorted lets 6 weeks old 50c 8 weeks c5 h swltzcr granton ontario pul- a rj hook fill in theatlachetl coupon nj ihcy will bo lent you free of all cote eagle brand conocnseo tllk gg the borden co uj cw 17 115 george st toronto centlrmen ptcaie icmlnic freo copies of your autrioritativo liter ature on cbim welfare alime ijjrtfi v emblems of spring from harpers magazine when in tho woods tho small whito trillium flower after long seasons of the snow and rain gleams in uie dead moss and a sud den hour ot light is in the stormclouds and again birds make their nests under tho southern eaves and sun and hail are alternative in tho sky and tho apple treo with blossoms hides its leaves and night is tremulous with the marsh frogs cry then by theso signs men know an other spring has como upon the land and are con tent winter is now a gone forgotten tiling as earth awakens to new merriment earth has no memory the glad birds sing tho song of last years birds who camo and went at the circus neither evolution nor evolutionists in general have been atheistic dar- win leas ot all dr robert a mllll- kan babs sqarfj cascades of music from the band ladles in gay attire wonders out of every land and on a swinging wire jwhen served with a jelly mado from a whito carnation upsidedown 1 pomegranato flowers i a girl in billows of tarlatan gown i in tho west indies whoro exotic j nimble and swift as a whirling top plants aro as plentiful as cowslips at j spins by as it sho will never stopl homo florlculturo caters for tho tables i forgot tho giants tho pygmies too of all classes a confection of banana j and tho hindu eating fire blossom delights tho natives and rcsl- j to watch this girl go wheeling through dent europeans havo boen known to the air on a sliver wire express thoir appreciation j with a parasol mado from a piece of i in britain we mako tea from sting- i 8 ing nettles but havo wo thoroughly ei- sho swings and pirouettes till i plored tho possibilities of our country- see a top in perfect gyre sldo i then a winsome girl with amber tress i at every stago tho british constl- and a smilo as sweet as a soft caress lutlon has developed by making a new folds a parasol bluo as the bluest sky brick placing a now step removing blows a kiss or two and breathes orao definlto concreto obstacle sir j goodby john simon i mary florenco richardson another authority describes a pes simist as a man who sits under the treo of prosperity and growls when the fruit falls on his head but an optimist is one who under similar cir cumstances rubs his head and grabs tho fruit thero must have been a fair and oyen mind once upon a time since someone had to invent that say ing about there being two sides to every question there is no record that man has ever been able to hide a garden where tho insecl pests could not find it if some of these paragraph- ers snaps our wife had to stand over a hot stove and got a meal in the good oldfashioned way they probably would do less wisecracking about can- openers a word to tho wise is often resented if you dont talk kinda mean to somo folks they never believe yon really mean what you say thero will be no moro broadcasting from this station at this time hot weather has melted the microphone fortunate is the man whoso tastes are similar to the tastes of the cook ool highest prices paid the canadian wool co ltd 2 church st toronto rilwbddles blood t15sts5d l chicktr at lowest prices ever quoted barred and white rocks 10c leghorns 9c assorted chicks 9e started thick two weeks old 2c more express raid prompt delivery 500 lots 2c loss valu able free catalogue j u tweddle fergus ontario persona marry reliable matrimon ial paper mailed free adress friendship magazine medina new vork cj afe counski 512 fa 13 8 o book illustrated discusses prin- lcms of tove marriage etc in daiil language full particulars atinrt our special getacquainted our sent free to anyone over is years of age rus internationa distributors po ijok 202 toronto expert kouak finishing 23c roll any sie postpaid tia mini 3c each jackson studio seartutii rr constipation non habit forming safe scientific she knew thatsho loved him the moment she saw him in his new rolls- royce corns 6 warts 1 remove dry ki 0ah cl luiiurdi 3 lime daily c dry on alcr a whic corn nurses wanted tho toronto hoapltil for incurables in affiliation with porrthawi hospital now york city otfors a three years course of raining to young- women having tho required education and e- sirous of becoming nurses this hospi tal has adopted tho eighthour system tho pupils receivo uniforms of the school a monthly allowance and travel- linff expenses to and from new yorlc i por further particulars writo or vupsy i to tho superintendent j acid stomach completely relieved by famo vegetab pills mr frank c of blackburn writes have sultcicd long from acid stomach and constipation but since being ad vised to try your wonderful carters little liver pills can eat anything dr carters little liver pills are no ordinary laxative they arc all vegetable and have a definite valuable tonic action upon the liver they end constipation indigestion biliousness headaches poor complex ion all druggists 25c 75c red pkgs cmmmi bye i was a martyr to headaches with frequent attacks of dizziness affecting my vision my occupation is n very sedentary one a printers reader i gave krusclicn salts a good trial and from then onwards i seemed quite another person the headaches dis appeared and the dizziness and tho most wonderful thing to me is that i have gone back to weaker glasses a lens which i had discarded some years ago as not being strong enough i also suffered from bad circulation during the early mornings of winter now at 58 i can enjoy cold baths all the year round enjoy and am eager for my food and am what i consider very lit the sort of fitness that makes living n joy g p headaches can nearly always lie traced to n disordered stomach or to partial constipation a com plaint many indoor workers suffer from without ever suspecting it krusclicn sails go right down to the root of the trouble and remove the cause by gently persuading the organs of elimination to function exactly as nature intended they should r ond all the little flies they cant get away once they touch acrojcon theres something in it that has an irresistibicnttraction for these household pests a wider and longer ribbon provides a greater area nnd the glue does not dry good for 3 weeks service at druc grocery or hardware torcf solo aenttz newtom a hlxi s3 fort st east toronto a i fly catcher gets the fly every time was always tir severe pain at my periods lydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound helped me i took it be fore my twochildrcn were born and am taking it now at the change i have also used lydia e pinkhams sanative wash and found it a great relief for inflammation and for a dis charge which bothered me mrs caroline uorey 106 head st simcoe ontario 98ifotroowomei1 report benein feom ijdfee pinknofs vegelile gompooiii issue no 27 j