unemployment causes riots in canadian cities s10000000 blaze sweeds st john fk i militia called into action police and idle women clash men and winnipeg june 20 fourteen po licemen are in hospital following a violent riot of unemployed men and vomen this afternoon outside the hotel where senator gideon robertson do- ninioi minister of lalor was confer rals with city relief officials stones and sticks were thrown blocks of co in nt tossed about and policemens billies were turned upon an officer during the fray more than 1090 gathered in a mill ing mob aroused by the frantic screams of a woman who sought to jave the crowd force its way into the building after jobless delegates had been refused entry one hundred po licemen were called into action to quel the rage of the mob and for a time guerilla warfare with rocks and cement blocks as missiles was waged in the streets seven men were arrested before the erowd had been dispersed among them one alleged to have struck con stable john brune with bis own night etick vaer lie was caught in a swirl ing eddy of bodies as the crowd moved along most seriously hurt of the policemen brune is believed to have suffered a fractured hull as well as n broken arm the howling jobless claiming entry to the hotel were sent on tie run into adjoining streets when policemen roll ed down upon the rioters with swing ing billies but a group of the job less sought refuge behind the corner of a building two blocks down the street and showered with missiles the constables who sought to dislodge them inspector r mcdonald police vet eran was struck on the head by a five- pound rock while giving chase to the fleeing rioters momentarily stunned he was larried away in a police side car within 15 minutes after the fist disturbance occurred the crowd had vanished but the nearby streets were strewn with bricks stones broken fences and numerous impediments a child shouldered by a running rioter was slightly injured several of the rioters got on the policemens billies were not the ones who were actually engaged in throw ing stone3 but they prevented the offi cers from reaching the real offenders a machinegun was also sent but chief newton wh was in command there ordered that it not be shown until the situation got beyond control winsor ont june 2ij one police man was badly beaten three men were arrested and other were being sought following a riot staged by commun ists at a meeting of the trades and labor council the meeting was ad dressed by a a heaps labor mp for winnipeg north police and soldiers were pressed into service in dispersing the crowd of 700 which swarmed from the build ing where the meeting was held into the street sergeant joseph pero of the city police force was badly beaten as he attempted to break uy the mob he was rescued when constables came to his aid extra police in addition to tboso detailed to attend the meeting were called out when the crowd becaaie out of hand the essex scottish regi ment homeward bound after a par ade wa3 pressed into service and aided in breaking- up the crowd heavy rain which started to fall as the police began co gain control has tened the dispersal of the mob the trouble started when a group of communists attempted heckling just after the close of the address by mr heaps the police began to eject them and strenuous opposition was presented police reserves were call ed and soon more than 40 policemen were engaged in the turmoil harry binder the ringleader got outside the building and mounting the steps leading to the collegiate began a fiery harangue aid george ben nett chairman of the meeting and mr heaps urged the crowd to disperse quietly but their voices were drowned in the tumult wielding their clubs the police augmented by the soldiers and ithers commandeered into service drove the crowd backward the rioters fled railway tracks near the immigration after showerivvg the police with gravel hall and from a vantage ground com- and stones from a nearby tennis court nienced hurling rocks at the policemen they however did not escape being several of those who got hit by manhandled to a considerable extent dynamite blast kills foisr party sound area rocked and other workers stunned nobel june 26 with dramatic sud denness death struck here and four men were killed in an explosion which rocked the countryside the blast occurred in the mixing house of canadian industries limited and the explosives section of the plant is completely demolished property damage is set at 525000 the four dead were all employees engaged in mixing explosives they are p nazilsky married and father of three children g stauyer mar ried s marcovski married and is schneider single their bodies were removed to parry sound for burial all wore terribly mutilated by tho force of the explosion according to eyewitnesses the ex plosion came with terrific force there was just a shock a flash and a cloud of smoke all that remained of the mixinghouse was a huge gaping cavity in she ground by a strange twist of fate a delivery rig loaded with several hundred pounds of dynamite had just left tho door of the uuxinvhuse three minutes before tae explosion w s thatcher manager of the plant in a brief interview with the canadian press declared ho had no knowledge as to tho cause ot the ac cident the mixing plant is a unit in which the ingredients for making high explosives are mixed more than a ton of dynamite ex ploded the blast was terrific in parry sound seven miles away win dows wore broken several workmen half a milo from the scene were thrown to the ground one mau was stunned for 20 minutes the victims were all experienced men tho mixing process is done in rubberlined vats and precautions are taken against friction or fire be fore men are allowed to enter the building signs are prominently dis played warning employees agaiust car rying matches about the plant tho building where tho four men wero at work is one ot three or four in a group half a milo from several other groups of buildings which com prise the entire explosive plant an inspector with threo other men had just completed a trip through tho buildings and had reached another building 150 feet away when the ex plosion occurred tho nobel plant was one of the most activo units in tho manufacture of munitions during tho war at that time as many as 5000 men were cm- ployed there but now this number is reduced to 301 i zep makes good landing on surface of lake friedchshafen gegrmany the i graf zeppelin settled down on lake constance last week demonstrating for tho first time that she can bo landed successfully on the water without tho assistance of the landing crew which always brings her down to earth mam in rowboat plunges over horseshoe falls victim of rum gang feud is police theory partly sawn off oar recovered niagara palls out juno 28 stand ing upright in a rowboat wildly wav ing his hands tin unknown man disap peared to his death over the horse- shoo tails this morning while police and firemen watched unable to assist and unaware that they wero witness ing the last act in what is believed to havo been a gangster murder wlllam bed hill rivertnan and i1i3 son searching for the body found one ot tho oars with the blade snap ped off clean there were plain indications that tho shaft had boon partly sawed through in such a way that it would brak off when tho rower started to pull hard against tho current the police believe that tho unknown victim wak a rumrunner who was wards tho crest of tho horseshoe a call brought tho police and fire men with ropes and ladders but they arrived just in tlmo to see tho boat plunge over the falls tho bont passed 500 feet out from goat island too far out for tho first observors to cast a rope it is admitted that there were heavy shipments ot liquor across tho upper river during the night smugglers who camo from a dis tance are less familiar with tho river and it is suggested that the man prob ably would have been able to guide his disabled craft into shore eddies ovou with his hands had ho known the cur rents discovery this evening of tho sido ot a green dinger boat and an oar blamed by other rumrunners a few partly sawn through gavo tho sinister days ago for tipping off united states twist to the tragedy and suggested coastguards tho man is said to havo that tho victim died because of spito come from detroit watchers on shore who witnessed when tho oar snapped the victim the tragedy this morning assumed that stood up in his boat and waved frium- it was a pawer bj bat it is now be- cally a tho current swtvt h loicvl to hue a rowbwt jiththea lonpscouts recently a very interesting article appeared in tho oshawa time3 writ ten by a scout leader in that city who stated that oue evening recently whilst he was standing in hi- own gar den he was startled to hear the whine of a head west deluged after drought settlers who mourned parch ed acres now face floodwaters calgary from one extreme io an- iu which they handle same so that it other settlers in tho southern alberta can never bo recorded that a loua town of wayne struggled to savo their scout was resnousiblo for tho injury to homes from rising hoodwaters another person through tho careless handling of firoarnvs a fow simple rules strictly adhered j s2 bullet as it passed over his to will help a great deal along ther followed almost simultaneously j lines and wosuggest tho following out of grey skies raiu poured down as a grim sequel to the tragic events which commenced with the suddon cloudburst last wednesday four persons are known dead au- by the crack ot the rifle j when carrying the rifle keep tho other lost in tho roaring torrents and apparently some boys and we are muzzle pointed to the ground or up lnja sixth near death in hospital mora than 100 have boon forced from their glad to record that they wero not i the air if on rocky ground scouts had just shot a robin and they i kevr point the weapon at any other waterthreateued homes in tho ayno were seen to pick it up shortly after- person even if you know it is unload- j district and hundreds more wero wards and throw it into a nearby field ed tako care that it your bullet seeking meaus of protecting their little realizing that their bullet had misses its mark that it will not ho liko- dwellings against rising waters ly to injure anything else always uu- mining towns in the drumheller load your rlflo or gun before entering strict and farming areas near itocky- a house ford and ardeuode found that exten- do not leave a loaded gun leaning up sive damago had been dono coutiuued against a fence wall etc where it is rain and tr nperatures easing down flaming and smoking remains of grain elevator one ot many buildings along waterfront at st john n b destroyed during recent conflagration scores were thrown out ot work by tho burning ot buildings fishermens dories and schooners were burned at their docks bandit flies to toronto after daring bank robbery raids bank gets 2600 hires plane flies to toronto and disappears london ont june 28 favored at every step by the breaks ot lady luck a flying bandit robbed the richmond and john branch of the passed right through their victim and gouo speeding on for nearly another block past numerous people who might have been seriously injured now apart from tho well known fact that a scout is a friend to animals and therefore should not uso animals or birds as targets for their rifle prac tice thero arises tho question ot who should be permitted to uso firearms and who should not in my estimation no one should bo allowed to carry firearms until he is absolutely conversant with tho ordin ary rules of safety covering their uso as far a3 tho scouts are concerned although this organization is nonmili tary the uso ot firearms is not abso lutely forbidden and boys aro encour aged to learn to shoot accurately and a badge is awarded for marksmanship it is however very definitely laid down that all instruction for this badge must be carried out under the supervision ot a competent instructor and tho target practice rules aro very stringent no doubt quite a number o lone scouts aro in possession ot 22 rifles and wo urgo very strongly that they take particular caro as to tho manner liable to be knocked over and dis charged always clean your gun immediately after using if louies follow these rules acci dents will not happon wo aro glad to hear of an interest ing church parade attended by the elk patrol of maple recently at which scoutmaster don hutchison was pre sent and at which the lonies joined with the trail rangers girl guides etc we hear that there is likely to bo a troop at maple before long and tho lonies in this district aro planning another church parade at richmond hill and have invited tho patrol3 at uuionville markham stouffville etc to join with them some of the members of the lion and boar patrols ot the 3rd troop who aro located at lakefield are plan ning to hold a summer camp some where near toronto which can bo visited daily by scoutmaster vic shep- pard wo hope they have lots of fun lone e bank ot toronto ot 2g00 at toon saturday and while the police searched blind alleys in a clueless chase es caped by the sky route in a hired plane displaying enterprise imagination and not a little sense of humor the lanky young bandit hew to toronto so swiftly that he kept pace with the j him fr provincial township and weston police to find him a black derby hat of an expensive english make discarded by the bandit as he coolly j walked away from tho airport was the only trace police found cfter combing tho weston mount dennis and toronto wcst end districts watching hotels railway stations steamship docks and highways and keeping a sharp lookout all through the toronto area unable to procure a taxi to take and telegraph wires he vanished from the delesseps field airport at mount dennis half an hour before roaring police speed cars arrived up to late sunday his whereabouts remained unrevealed despite ener getic and relntless efforts by city tion of bumming a ride to- town and quietly slipped out of tho city or wont into hiding somewhere within the district it is thought possible ho continued his daring eastward flight from london and headed for kingston i or montreal record heat in mid- west colonel currie called by death veteran of first canadian overseas contingent dies in florida and of- deaths mount to two score and hundreds of prostra tions reported chicago june 20 the midwest sizzled and seared again today in a recordbreaking heat wave which gave no indication of letup temprature zoomed to 100 for the third day in succession in widely scattered cities a coppery su- sing ed and scorched all growing things while the list of heat doaths mount ed to two score and the number of prostrations rose to the hundreds suffring st louisans went about their work halfheartediy while the temperatures climbed almoit to 102 degrees the hottest day ot the year three more boat deaths brought the total here for tho week to 11 about 100 persons were prostrated iticlud ing a 9iyearold texan who was serious fires menace north more than 150 men sent to battle algoma blaze sault ste mane june 2c sixty- five men left the soo overnight oa the steamer mauilou making a special trip to join the 15 men from michipi- coten already tt the scene of the bush fire and 20 men were flown up from the soo in transportation plane3 a gang of men from the mines at wawa has been sent in and the a c r ran a train to sand lake an hours flight from the fire with 50 men sup plies and equipment two large plane- j will be operated from sand lake i a plane from sand lake lew over i the fire area in an endeavor to ae pictures which could be used as a checkup on the extent of the blaze j but visibility was poor the fire is burning in very rough country i civil whore he moved in life ten moved turinilontty remembered for his military record j and for his enlistment with his whole and hitchhiking homo from the funeral stand of pulpwoo in which there are of his wife- in daleware i innumerable windfalls providing five persons havo died of the heat splendid fuel indiana during the last kept i start- j battalion fully equipped in august j cape it i 11011 at the outbreak of the world two days war colonel jack currio seems tho heat wave in chicago best remembered as the stormy petrel j citizens awake last night and of many a hardfought political eon- od to send thermometers to new re- tests were not by any means restricted j cord notches today when a sudden o tests wero not by an means restricted cool lake michigan breeze sent tem peratures down from tho nineties to 78 then tho wind shifted again two have drowned trying to es- j shifting winds and ihe lack of rain are give as the cause of the spread of the fire toronto juno 2d veteran of th first expeditionary force of tho fate- 1 to warfare with bis political opponents fill days of 1911 ono of tho four origin- no was just as ready for war at any al captains of the isth highland regi- time or perhaps at all times within ment legistlator parliamentarian j his own parly former newspaperman author pro- comment was mingled as befitted moter and manufacturer colonel john tho man who hit hard often and allister carrie oxmp breathed his spared no feelings but on all hands last in a hospital yesterday word to that effect was received in tho city and drew much comment in tho circles political military and u miami florida niio recognition was generous of the fact that jack currio had sprung to arms among the leaders of his nation when the c 11 to battle rang through tho empire and pedestrians once more began to hunt the shady spots more than a dozen chieagoans havo been killed by tho heat true domestic appiness is found- ed upon ho rock of a cradle any man can agreo with a woman but it seldom does any good ridley college prize winners british newspapers increase circulation london newspaper circulations aro increasing generally in britain des pite trade depresion it was revealed at the annual conference of tho na- liooksellers and stationers here morn- lional federation of retail agents ing evening and sunday dailies wero particularly successful the report added though there was a slump in magazine reading a special appeal was made by the conference to end the coupon men ace a scheme whereby purchasers of certain goods recelvo coupons which numbers entitle the owners to free gifts of various kinds in conjunction with nearly every oilier national trade organization stated tho report our national federa tion has joined wholeheartedly in tho fight against this coupon menace wo consider this method of trading asi immoral and artificial and unless it is discontinued it will render futuro legitimate shopkeeping extremely pre carious parliamentary legislation is the only effective way ot putting an end to the menace toward the freezing point promised to add to difficulties which arose kiko kleboff aged 23 ot kamsack sask was killed when a canadian na tional railways train was wrecked duo to floods near ardeuode in the same accident charles katon aged 38 was so seriously hurt that ho waj rushed to hospital at rockyford soarchers along the washedou shores ot michigan creek added tc their quest tho owner of an abandoned car found on tho banks of tho creek they were seeking too for some trace ot mrs john graham and her son joseph who wero carried away when their homo was swept along on the torrent tuesday and the body ot c n coates prominent farmer who was swept from a bridge and carried away on tho angry tido the second cloud burst last week occurred in rosebud valley and caused tho washout that wrecked the freight train year moratorium granted dominions announcement in commons by snowden all leaders approve london grea britain last wednes day granted a oneyear moratorium to tho dominions for their war debts to tho united kingdom thereby comply ing with wdiat bt hon philip snow den chancellor of the exchequer told tho house of commons was tho spirit as well as the letter of president hoovers debts proposal this action of the british govern ment will cost the already heavily taxed british budget about 55000000 this is a serious sacrifice for tho taxpayers of this country following on the heavy calls which have been made on them mr snowden said in his ad dress in the house but wo hopo that the steps wo have taken in cooperation with tho united states will be moro than justi fied by the help given iu reviving con fidence and prosperity chancellor snowdens address was in reply to a question of rt hon stanley badwin conservative leader as to what practical methods great britain was taking to put the hoover proposals into effect mr baldwin thanked the chancellor and said that ho and his fellow con servatives believed the course taken to he fully consistent with the dignity and reputation of the country rt hon david lloyd george then said i am very glad that tho govern ment has given so complete courage ous and unequivocal au answer to the very noble gesture of tho united states miner finds gold on rhine karlsruhe germany a placer miner named theodore eisele who when collected in sufficient has for years been washing sand and gravel in tho lowlands ot the rhino between icehl and mannheim has finally located pay dirt in au near karlsruhe tho vein of goldbearing gravel which lies about half a mile from tho river is two feet thick and lies at a depth of six feet english pheasant eggs imoorled prizo winners at ridley college st catharines- back row left to right p ii seagram j herbert mason medal for high character a k matthews mossom boyd prize t orr turnbuu scholarship front row r w lauber t r mcrrltt matrlcula tion silver medal and french proficiency gold medal and k s harris french proficiency bronzo medal womans back broken in accident in north new llskcard juno 2g when a loaded truck proceeding to elk lake tossed a touring car into the ditch at tho ilillview crossroads north- of this placo mrs j mcguire 20 years of ago whoso husband is em- propagate the species ployed in a garage here had her back broken and suffered other injuries she was catried into a nearby store alberta oyster beds planned harrisburg pa tho pennsylvania stato game commission lias turned to england for choice eg of the mon golian pheasant for development ot tho bird in the stato woods the com mission purchased 500 mongolian pheasant eggs from the gaybird pheas ant farm great missenden bucks england they will bo incubated at tho fisher stale game farm and tho young birds will be distributed throughout the slate in an effort to where sho remains unablo to bo moved the automobile was driven by james foley a hudson township farmer and the truck was in charge of ceorgo stanley welsh 22 years old mrs mcguire and her infant wero thrown out but the bady was unhurt foley sustained bruises and his wifo had her left wrist sprained montreal great beds of oyster shells havo been found on oldman river near hillspring alberta and will bo developed commercially as fer tilizer poultry foed and linn tho shells aro almost pure lime they are deposits from prehistoric times when this part of western canadi was tho bed ot a groat sea