stouffville ontario july 2 1931 quality service ratcliff s grocery bulletin best quality rolled oats 8 lbs 25c new seasons maple syrup while lasts gal 200 pastry flour 24 lbs 50c pure lard 2 lbs 25c corn flakes 3 pkgs 25c picnic hams per lb 18c whytes finest bacon per lb 22c lemon crisp biscuits 2 lbs 25c ginger snaps per lb 10c fruito jelly powders all flavors 4 pkgs 25c 10 bars comfort soap with 6 cups and saucers clover leaf pattern only s3c fresh lake nipigon trout and white fish every wednesday phone your orders you pay less for more ratcliff co crop to burns up in west horses shot relieve them from terrible thirst bonus to provinces leads to waste town delivery phone 7112 coal coke seed corn fertilizer for garden roots prices lower on no 1 grade seed corn mangold seeds turnip seed cement land tile ask for delivered piices on cement put in your order for coal at summer prices s w hastings phone 169 stouffville ont tibs salt cement a local resident has received an interesting account of personal ex periences of an old stouffville res dent living in the ltegina district and a constant reader of th tribune but who is terribly shy about having their name in print this former citizen living near yellowgrass sask states that neighbor had their crop blown out three times this season and their experience is a continuous torture of dust storm and drough they are moving their stock this week some 70 miles to- the east to get water and are paying 75c per tank for water at yellowgrass another tanner who came from ontario has packed up and moved back to his home town of walkerton after shooting his ten head of horses which were suffering from thirst farmers owning chicks have never been able to feed them even grass let alone any other green feed for ourselves writes this subscriber this is our first failure of crop and we have had seed and feed right along we have found it necessary to dismiss the school teacher for this term and some idea of the tight money may be obtained when you know no one can borrow over 50 from the banks in the colfax territory the only green thing to be seen is a hedge potatoes and onions are up but are at a standstill assistance in the shape of seed feed and gas for transportation are being handed out by some municipalities and this aid is being received by 7 per cent of the people in the district slack ward a aniet but pretty wedding was solemnized at claremont on satur day june 20th by the rev ii it stephens when mrs elizabeth slack only daughter of mr and mrs vra wallis of claremont and formerly of uxbridge became the bride of evans ward the bride was becomingly dressed in power blue crepe ensemble with white hat and shoes to match she was attend ed by her daughter miss mabel slack wearing shell pink crepe witli white hat and shoes the groom was supported by his son kenneth ward after a dainty luncheon the bride and groom left for toronto on their return they will reside on the grooms farm east of claremont lowest verified prices anywhere compare actual values porch dresses for summer such attractive frocks for allday wear at this surprisingly thrifty price cool summery prints in dainty patterns styles that fit excellently and suit a variety of figures trimming details refreshingly new reg 125 special 98c special selling of china tea sets 23 pieces 1 59 decorated with a wide border and flower sprays around the rim a choice of two colorings blue predominating in one and gold in the other very special a set 159 exceptional value womens bathing suits jjayon bloomers and vests of finely knit soft wool yarns at very c c special prices regulation or sun tan back all of fine quality rayon with reinforc- style kiddies 98c to s125 ed guessets finished with strong elastic womens 250 to s395 at knee and waist vests with opera top wash fl oths colors green orchid peach pink blue and white small medium large sizes 59c p w cloths wllh f colored borders at 5c each griffin lockknit vests and mercerized lisle hose bloomers they are fine knit they fit trimly and excellent quality nonrun rayon vests tne a the practical buy for camp and bloomers and pantees an unusuallv good sports the doubleknit hem is comfortably value reg 200 and 250 special 98c adjustable in afternoon beach sandfrench nude beige putty dusk grey gunmetal special purchase ani v certainly outstanding at printed batisle voile and wendy- ths pnce 3oc p think of the outfits the children will need pillow cases for holiday about the house an interesting made from a fine quality circular cot- variety of designs on white and colored ton and well bleached with neat embroider- grounds special yard 21c ed design and scalloped edge they are pillow cases that will give splendid service silk and rayon hose special pair 89c medium service weight with lisle rein- glasg t0w forcement at foot and garter top fashion- able shades sunbrown nuskin plage a remarkably low pree for all linen ringdove and gunmetal sizes 8 to 10 towehng a strong durable qoiry ot special pair 7 50c linen wlth colol borders special yd 15c womens cotton balbriggan womens cotton vests bloomers splendid weight for summer wear at just the right type for hot weather uij 29c 35 and 50c special pair 35c and 50c shaws store phone 9512 stoaffville ontario our store will bo open tuesday thursday and saturdaycteningciosed wednesday at noon the financial post mr king made one of the most constructive comments of his whole career when he uid the other day in relation to governmental ex penditures i would be much more ready to forgive honorable gentle men opposite for not carrying out a few of their pledges than i would be to commend them for endeavor ing to do so under present condi tions during the last election campaign mr bennett went around the country promising various new projects and new laws that the fi nancial post at the time figured would involve the country it they were carried out in total expendi tures ot 400000000 mr bennett is not trying to carry out all his promises now but lie is going fur ther lu that respect than the finan cial condition ot the country will permit mr kings remark came in the courso ot a very scholarly and at the same time practical address in which he opposed i he grown prac tice of making grants from the fed eral treasury to the various prov inces in addition to the annual sub sides provided by the state mr king estimates that during the past ten years grants have been made by the federal government to the provinces concerning which there can be no complaints since they are part of the contract of confedera tion totalled il912ir2 the additional federal grants during the period of roughly the last ten years include payments for the advancement o agricultural instruc tion and aid to employment offices grants for highway construction grants for the promotion of techni cal education giants for the com bating of venereal disease unem ployment relief old age pensions mr king claims that it is a wrong principle for the federal govern ment to make grants to the provinc es for work to be done by the provinces without control of the expenditures by the government that is required to raise the money he points out also that while the revenue problems of the dominion have become progressively more difficult the provinces have in re cent years gained many now taxa tion sources such as liquor revenues gasoline tax and other motor vehicle revenue succession duties and water power revenues mr king might have gone fur ther and pointed out that the system of federal grants to the provinces leads to an extension of the extravagance that is al ready apparent in the affairs of the nine provinces in re cent years provincial expenditures have risen at an alarming rate and it is largely due to extravagant and increased expenditure in this field that the general burden of taxation in the country has risen enormously any increase apparent at ottawa has been moderate compared with the increase in provincial expendi tures for the federal government to have handed over nearly sixty millions of dollars in the post war period to the provinces to aid them in connection with work that should be done by them out of revenues raised by themselves merely adds fuel to the burning fire of extrava gance mr king did a good service to the country in raising this question and in placing on record the figures he emphasized the fact that he was attempting to speak in a nonparti san sense and in fact admitted that under his own regime some mis takes had been made along this line which were now regretted it is to he hoped that the present govern ment and members of all political parties will view the matter in the same nonpolitical light to the end of eliminating this vicious system of bonusing the provinces getting them into easy come easy go habits keep those valuable papers mv safe r a bank of nova scotia safety deposit box safeguards wills stock certificates bonds and other valuable records against fire burglary or loss the rent of a box is small enquiries are invited bank nova scotia established 1832 capital 12000000 reserve fund 524000000 total resources 265000000 stouffville branch f marshall manager new lakeside inn is opened 7 eautifully set in one of the most picturesque sections of nova scotia combining marine and landscape vistas which bid fair to bring it fast into line of popularity with its sisters at digby and kentvflle the new lakeside tnn at yarmouth ns was formally opened on june 16 as the newest link in the canadian pacific railways great chain of hostelries from atlantic to pacific readily accessible from saint john through digby via the luxurious steamer princess helene from halifax over the dominion atlantic railway and direct from new york boston and portland by eastern steamship lines the town of yarmouth and its new hotel are destined to play an important role in tourist traffic to nova scotia with its famed annapolis valley and his toric iand of evangeline sport and recreations are plentiful and varied canoeing tennis fishing swimming and innumerable at tractive excursions are only a few of the offerings there is good golf available near yarmouth and the hotel and its cottages form a comfortable base of operations taste and comfort have been sill- fully combined in its spacious public rooms broad verandahs and airy bedrooms its cuisine and service are conducted on the established standards known to guests of the company throughout canada notes and comments veterans split up newmarket june 27 headed by llev frank guyattsome 05 veterans decided her last night to break away from the veterans associa tion of north york federal riding and form a separate body of their own to be known as the newmarket veterans reasons for breaking away from the main body were given as the high handed methods of pro cedure used by the federal execu tive and the making of the associa tion a political catspaw trees and moiitxixo to seek shelter under an oak treo during a thunder storm is al most as dangerous as to search for gaaolrno with a lighted match or all trees the oak is most suscept ible to lightning so says a bulletin issued by the daray institute of tr surgery which has lieen studying the phenomena ot lightning in relation to t rees if you must get under a tree says the davey institute find n beech for it is rarely ever the victim of lightning the ratio of the oak to the bench is being struck by an electrical bolt is go to 1 according to observations made over a period of years it is said that the largest acreage in years has been planted to pota toes in uxbridge township this year and the promising crop indicates a yield above the average some farmers have as much as 40 acres in tubers w v the town of chesley is building a swimming pool 25x50 feet in size for which a tender of 500 has been received for building this is some thing that has been needed in stouff ville for a long time for town lads to get a real swim they must travel four miles to lake musselinan and we hope that some enterprising citizen will rise up sooner or later and see that the rising generation have proper advantages in this re gard there is enough water runn ing to waste at the reservoirs to keop a swiming tank in good shape the chinese have started making moving pictures and almost at tin outset there is trouble this we gather from reading of a court case in shanghai where hsueh chi- hsi an actor is suiftg for 521900 because he had the end of a finger cut oft during the taking of a picture hsueh claims the scene called tor a substitute linger being nipped off but the director of the business wanted to make it look more like the real thing so off came a section of the actual finger what a slaughter thero would be if the same thing were applied to the pictures which are shown in this country where a couple of thousand indians were killed in less time than it takes to stumble through the gloom in the picture house and find a seat yes and whats more weve watched big juent men tapped on the head by a hammer die right on the spot but of course we know the indians were killed with wax bullets and tit big man was tapped with a straw hammer if the chin ese persist in actual operations in their movies it will be more deadly than their civil wars special s scuff lers we have a limited number of new scufflers for sale at extra low prices also good binders and one mower ready for work good running liter gas engine for sale 5 hp ji 3 sets single harness and one hand washing machine good free demonstration with our new mccormick deering milking machine on your own farm phone for particulars agent for international implements and repairs frank baker will french clean and press any gents suit or overcoat ladys suit gown long coat or dress small extra charge for pleating leave orders at hardings barber shop or phone 15s we will call for goods sherrins dye works markham agent unionville agent jas campbell gam davison phone 700 delivery days tuesday thursday and saturdays groceries ginger snaps 2 lbs 22c sodas biscuits 2 lbs 25c brooms 5 string 35c peas 3 tins 20c shortening 2 lbs 25c ammonia per pkg 5c sun ray health natural food per pkg 25c tomato soupslarge size tins 2 for i 29c v a w scott cream are you getting everything pos sible from an uptodate creamery service if not try the stouffville creamery co most bfllclont creamery service since id 18 phone 18p stouffville ont open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the roots of a treo tap the to the tree which serves as another electrical field ot the ground when storm cloud is overhead the posi tive electricity in it is attracted by the negative electricity in the earth and lightning follows trees such as the oak which have a large root area naturally have larger electrical fields than others oaks also have tap roots which go far into the ground and bring up large quantities of water attraction for electrical bolts the best advice of the davcy institute is to avoid trees altogether when lightning is at work as it would be somewhat dllllcilt for tne layman to make a scientific selec tion in time of emergency better to keep in the open spaces if no house is near and get thoroughly wet than to offer yourself as a tar get for lightning