stouffville ontario june 25 1931 quality service ratcliffs grocery bulletin best quality rolled oats 8 lbs 25c new seasons maple syrup while lasts gal 200 pastry flour 24 lbs 50c pure lard 2 lbs 25c cora flakes s pkgs 25c picnic hams per lb isc whytes finest bacvn per lb 22c lemon crisp biscuits 2 lbs 25c ginger snaps per lb 10c fruito jelly powders all flavors i pkgs 25c 10 bars comfort soap with t cups and saucers clover leaf pattern only s3c fresh lake nipigoh trout and white fish every wednesday phone your orders you pay less for more ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 coal coke seed corn fertilizer for garden roots prices lower on no 1 grade seed corn mangold seeds turnip seed cement land tile ask for delivered prices on cement put in your order for coal at summer prices s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville ont cement lower school results stouffville continuation school a o a 3 fa j y anderson myron 58 59 26 56 30 50 baker evelyn 86 81 65 93 89 87 so 61 91 baker harry 70 69 62 70 52 68 60 63 74 barker ruth 50 57 55 54 50 62 52 57 83 bartholomew olive 55 66 54 55 56 71 54 56 59 hrlllinger eulah 63 67 56 66 40 61 55 56 bulley grace 82 85 63 75 54 78 66 57 54 clubine jack 75 86 56 87 78 83 63 61 72 davis ruth 52 74 57 71 51 61 55 50 61 doten mary 69 73 60 66 0 75 65 65 72 duncan agnes 55 61 58 64 54 50 53 60 65 duncan dorothy 52 65 56 63 53 60 57 54 59 hasting helen 70 65 68 69 58 75 67 69 58 hisey elgin 64 73 52 85 72 64 72 62 79 hodglns doreen 57 68 59 41 22 59 57 44 holden harry 39 47 55 39 51 10 40 36 54 hoover blanche 43 43 42 23 20 41 52 3 hoover marjorie 59 55 63 53 76 22 kester lome 69 63 50 53 57 63 53 52 64 lawson james 88 85 60 67 52 53 71 76 60 lehman norman 50 57 57 54 s 50 53 48 mcneill john 74 76 67 72 61 57 62 60 sg morton lillis 53 70 64 64 52 71 63 28 nendick murray 45 49 0 7 40 nigh frances 12 57 53 18 54 ramer grace 53 59 53 54 59 57 69 57 68 ratcliff gordon 64 76- 51 73 53 68 52 5s 62 sanders william 48 52 0 19 0 0 47 30 31 sellers marlon 60 71 65 73 52 60 61 59 82 smith william 3 67 57 61 41 40 56 60 77 stots kathleen 47 51 42 38 15 50 53 10 yake blake 54 53 51 45 50 37 51 50 53 not promoted c u t- d wo m o a a v hflllnjiiijoo e baker grant 71 borinsky sam 54 brown velma 61 brumwell marion 73 bryan william closson donald 63 collard isabel 72 cutler aileen dougherty mildred 41 foote laura 45 gayman luella 50 hill jack hoover audrey 62 klinck agnes 70 moyer donald 53 rusnell norma 67 scott anna slack stanley 51 smith ross wideman harley 88 52 70 70 72 77 36 71 62 39 82 70 81 75 63 40 85 75 66 35 63 54 42 75 79 81 68 50 51 65 63 60 38 56 43 58 62 24 63 67 53 53 65 63 60 57 60 24 64 56 68 32 69 80 63 60 52 52 50 69 54 65 31 54 61 29 73 51 57 55 67 58 58 45 63 50 66 61 si 81 68 55 68 54 54 76 70 59 38 30 61 52 64 61 46 50 50 62 38 42 45 50 65 53 92 78 6s 82 72 65 90 65 47 78 33 64 88 84 52 58 94 93 52 s2 29 72 so 50 53 65 50 42 64 51 60 55 71 33 55 73 32 58 si 57 60 80 76 54 76 58 17 85 39 57 78 31 59 85 84 61 50 form iii pupils taking lower school subjects barker elizabeth latin 56fleischer audrey latin 50 jakeman elsie latin 25 french 51 geog50 nolan charles arith 54 latin 50 ramer ireg latin 41 french 52 ratcliff charles latin 53 french 54 pugh edna geog 34 the above is the flnal examination reports of the lower school of the stouffville continuation school first two years in the four departmental subjects 1st 4 mentioned of each form the government will issue certificates in august for all those who obtained 50 below 50 on any subject is a failure and the subject must be repeated next term even if pupil is promoted the teachers have dealt very carefully with this report and the principal recommends it to his succssor c e powell b a principal a sale that will delight the heart of a june bride 97 piece service consists of 12 cups and saucers 12 dinner plates 12 soup plates 12 tea plates 12 bread and butter plates 12 fruit nappies 1 fruit bowl 1 large platter 1 small platter gravy boat and stand icovered sugar and cream 2 covered casserales 1 slop bowl this superb dinner service for 12 people may be had in three beautiful patterns namely cosita mary ann and betsy ann it is a high grade product by myott son co england and we are offering such value that no matter whether it is the june bride or the experienced housewife she will see the importance of attending this sale cotton preferred this season there is no doubt about its success from the garden of voiles ostend neaulda and polly prim in a beauti ful assortment of floral and figured patterns all peter pan fabrics and there fore guaranteed fast to sun and will retain their freshness through many tubbings as lovely as a summer day per yard 59c chiffon voiles exquisitely fine for afternoon and party frocks 125 yd also beaded voiles in rose blue black just the thing for childrens and womens wear 49c yd sensational values- in prints and demi- ties your choice 19c attractive chintz only 15c yd for hot weather garden hats 25c 40 barred mosquito netting in green and white 10c yd a bargain in substandards ladies silk hose in blush turf tan rifle plage silverwing and black in all sizes pair 29c clearance in coats and suits ladies tailored and fur trimmed coats silklined to clear 1250 misses tweed coats special 775 smart and practical threepiece silk and wool knitted suits in navy brown green and orchid sizes 34 40 all greatly re duced 695 825 1260 specials for saturday gowns tabic linen china etc see our window display school notes reports shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario onr store wiu be open tuesday thursday and saturday vcningcloed wdnuday at noon it is the custom in some schools to report the standing of the pupus monthly in the local press it may be of public interest in a town but what interest has the general pub lic in the report of a rural school of course it is a pleasant thing for the parents and friends of clever children to see the names bearing the high marks the others must be content with middle or low places in the list if we could only measure and report the actual amount of i honest effort expended on lessons it would be more to the point the clever pupils usually get the patt- jlng on the back the dull plodder receives little attention yet in many cases the plodder turns out to bo the more desirable citizen in a number of schools monthly report cards are sent home to the parents one entry on the- card shows the pupils rank in tho class it is next to impossible to estimate the real standing in this regard be- sides a difference in the intelligence of pupils there is often irregular attendance to consider then there is a place to report the conduct of the child why shouldnt parents re port to teachers the childs home conduct it is usual that a child who behaves well at home finds it easy to do so at school cleaverness is also a factor in conduct pupils are often clever enough to put it over and get away with mis chievous conduct and taen get re ported e or g pedagogue riding officers re elected the north york reform associa tion elected officers for the year at its annual meeting held at new market last saturday a number went over from stouffville and hoard addresses by win p mulock morgan baker and others mr mulock criticised the budget declaring it benefitted the million aires and men like the prime minister himself mr baker said he didnt know a conservative farmer within five miles of stouffville that was satisfied with the new budget officers elected arc morgan baker president h naughton secretary and t trench treasurer telephone qao markham zoual its stewart beare for expert radio service prompt service anywhere notes and comments god has given us tongues that we may say something pleasant to our fellow men heine one reason why people strenu ously object to increased taxation is that so much money is wasted by our governments that it arouses a resentful feeling the three cent postage for instance is a heavy bur den to be placed on the people yet up in the town of walkerton tho caretaker of the post office 65 years of age is being superannuated and given a life pension of 900 per year this new pensioner drew 1200 per year since 1916 as caretaker and now draws most of his old salary a new caretaker is taken on at 1200 just why this position held for only a few years calls for a pension is something not explained people who have families to feed and who must count the cost of ev erything they buy are foolish if they do not make a full use of eggs and butter these days word comes from toronto however that people are not buying as many eggs as when they were double or treble the price an egg so long as it is fresh is just as good at a cent as one at five cents people who are not thrifty enough to take advantage of the present low prices are not good managers butter milk and eggs the three most valuable foods obtainable are now procurable at lower prices than for years w the report that newfoundland is trying to sell labrador has been de nied there is however consider able speculation going on in can ada and not a few are of the opin ion that it would be good business for canada to acquire this strip of her main coast line with its hinter land the reason no doubt for this view is that labrador is rich in minerals and would be an ad junct to canada in that respect it is thought that there will be rich iron deposits as well as lead zinc copper cobalt silver and gold the chief trouble is that mining develop ment would be a slow and laborious business in that country owing to transportation difficulties and for that reason there might be diiiicul- ty in interesting capital on the other hand because of the knowu richness of the country the price that newfoundland would want might be considerably higher than the dominion would feel like pay- ins particularly at this time it should not be allowed to go to any other country however for it is really part of canada even if the privy council did award it to new foundland ontario colxtvs torkst whitby chronicle a number of years ago when ontario county went into the busi ness of growing tress to supply future generations with timber establishing a miniature forest in uxbridge township there were those not in the county council however who viewed the experi ment with considerable doubt as to its success they fell that the county was investing money from which adequate returns would never be realized today according to a report pre sented to the county council last week there are s23 acres planted and only ten per cent of the trees planted liave died this year 75- 000 more trees will bo set out and there now only remains 150 of the 973 acres purchased to be planted the trees are grjwins rapidly on laud unsuitable for farming thirty years hence men will be going in with axes to cut down timber pro vided through tha foresight of men who believed that they did not live for themselves alone but cwed something to posterity the forest now successfully growing is one of the best invest ments the county ever made and remember the county will gain financially from it when the forest reaches maturity groceries soap chips 2 lbs castile soap 10 cakes catsup 2s oz bottle kipper snacks per tin lobster per tin herring in tomato sauce howntrees cocoa jlb tin peas 3 tins vegetable soup 2 large tins a w scott isc 25e 1 6c 7c 20c 19c 21c 20c 29c cream are you getting everything po sible from an uptodate creamery service if not try the p stouffville creamery co most efficient creamery service since 1918 phone is 6 stouffville ont open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings you will not only see and hear this great motion picture you will live itu howard hughes great spectacle authentic to the minutest detail its real ism will leave you thrilled and breathless the startling picture of the air irfth jean harlow united msu ben lyon james hall xorthermcmelecmc s o u n d fkssyf system tltitm m tnm strand theatre uxbridge thursday friday satuisdav june 25 26 27 thursday and friday start at s30 saturday start at s oclock sharp regular prices