Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 18, 1931, p. 7

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qlomechirfk by i tmqptoat best and the children shall ba inineheard it again so looking at bis moth- saith the lord of hosts in that day whan i make up my jewels malachl the kiddies weo john ot three va3 visiting his uuclc henry in tho country for tho first time ho was very interested in tho live stock and oue day for the first time saw the cows mlikod tho milk was pouring into tho pail in a steady stream and ho watched it in tently how would you liko a drink of milk john asked undo henry rut john turned away making a face and walked to tho stable door saying posi tively no mo milk bottle after a white he became used to milk coming in this way and in duo time a couple of tho cows had their little calves whom ono day ho saw feeding industriously in the natural way ho was exceedingly intorested again watching them for a long time that night when ho was eating his supper and was given his glass of milk ho re marked thoughtfully nice little calves milking cows for uncle henry the twllght hour story chicks and other little friends no 24 topsy the barn cat was curled up in fluffys chair sleeping you see fluffy was not back yet mamma lady was making somo real good cookies in the big bright kitchen you know the kind little boys liko were the kind sho was making my but jdont cookies smell good when they are baking billy wasnt far away when ho knew cookios wore to bo made he liked to liolp take them out of tho pan after lio washed his hands good and clean ho liked doing that so well i wouldut be surprised it billy should be a baker wkou he grows up im suro it must bo nice in tho big shops to keep tak ing out of the oven good cookios and ake3 and pies piles and piles ot them and warm crusty bread to put on the xow8 and rows ot shelves for all the joople well these cookies smelled jo good billy wanted to eat ono a nice extra fat one because ho was iielping i bolievo he had two but then moro than that wouldnt be good lor any little boy so ho just thought about supper time when ha could liavo another one after those two wero all eaten up everything was real quiet in the klt- chon tho clock even sounded loud ticking away on tho shelf when all at onco billie heard a littio noise ho ha asked whats that noise mummy just a weo little noise up there in tho coiling billy had pretty sharp ears for mamma lady didnt notice anything there it is again cant you hear it uow yes i believe i do it sounds just liko something scratching up there is that what you hear billy nodded hi3 head let mo see i gues3 that part ot the celling would bo the attic upstairs said mamma when this last pan of cookies is baked wo will go up and see if wo cau find out what it is when they went upstairs and opened tho attic door who do you think was standiug there so glad to see them it was fluffy sua had been shut in and couldnt get out oh fluffy im so glad youra found at last cried billy you seo mamma lady knew that fluffy was all right ot course she did but sho didnt know just exactly whero she went to hide it wa3 a good thing sho had put something up thero for her to eat in case sho had got in to tho attic for sho had been thero three whole day3 and nights but why did she want to hide mamma wo wouldnt hurt hor she knows that said billy very puzzled petting fluffy all the time yes dear i believe she knows that but i think all at onco sho grew a lit tio afraid ot kovor waa that it fluffy but fluffy just purred aud walked round and round mamma lady aud billy havent you got something to show us said mamma lady smiling where are they fluffy but fluffy just kept purring and pro tended sho didnt kuow what mamma lady wa3 talking about well billy i guess woll have to find out what that noiso was for fluf fy wont tell us once moro she asked her whero aro they fluffy wont you tell me no fluffy just sat down comfort ably on the floor and curled her paws under her to stay there until they wero ready to go downstairs sho even shut hor eyes aa though she wore going to sleep she wasnt though for onco in a while sho open ed them a littieto see wbat they wore doing cant you guess billy what that noise was no i cant guess do you know yes i know dear said mamma lady but that is what woll toll you about next time if you keep quiet and wont mako tho least bit ot noise what new york is wearing by annabelle worthington illustrated dressmaking lesson fur nished with itery pattern 3084 extensive research planned of ontario pasture problems guelph ont plans for extensive yesearch on the pasturo problems of ontario were made at a recent confer- jence of representatives of tho various interested departments of the ontario agricultural college at which the deputy minister of agriculture at tended and assisted in outlining the project a committee was appointed fx mako a preliminary survey of pas ture conditions in the province and jwill start out shortly to visit different parts of the province research pro jects will cover different phases of the problem such as grasses fertilization best utilization and management the control of weeds the elimination of insect parasites diseases etc this means tho cooperation of the depart ments i field crops chemistry ani mal husbandry farm economics en tomology botany and zoology a number of experiments on pastures ore now under way at the college and sn other parts of the province these jvill bo supplemented and new phases of the work will be undertaken being a fool is no disgrace tisnt that whats tho trouble then the money is always on tho other sido among tho accessories at a re cent amorlcan wedding wero halt a inllo of sausages two orchestras jsauerkraut by the barrel anl 1000 ivlolots for decoration in honor ot tho brldo whoso rimo was violet cattle clubs edmonton alberta cattle clubs i formed under the new federal livc- stock policy by which three purebred bulb are loaned for six years with changes made every two years for each throe clubs of a breeding centre have inado good progress in alberta says the edmonton journal to date there aro 03 bulls scattered all over the province each centre solects one breed and while the majority of clubs to date secured beef and general pur pose breeds a number of clubs have requested dairy bulls of tho ayrshire holstcin and jersey breeds also red polled most of tho bulls already placed liavo been shorthorn with 40 whe you study this lovely after noon dress youll see its really very simple to fashion its slenderizing too tho original carried out the fash ionable black and white theme in crepe silk print the bodice is given a softened line through the becoming cowl drape and to give the figure heights the wrap- over tunic skirt sees to that there are numberless other fabrics equally suited to this model for in stance a printed chiffon would be adorable for more dressy occasions wool crepe plain crepe silk and many rayon novelties are smart style no 3084 i3 designed for sizes 36 38 40 42 44 and 40 inches bust size 36 requires 4 yards 39inch with vc yard 39inch contrasting how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto what type of book does the girl of today read what do the young german high school girls between fifteen and twen ty years read today was a question put in an inquiry sent out by tha as sociation of booksellers do they still devour the sweet tales for young maidens filled with suushino and fiowers and always ending happily no tho times have changed in this age in which families aro struggling to make both ends meet in which the young woman of tho educated class only too often must step out into tho world and earn a living the german high school girls want to read about tho world as it presents itself and not as it is imagined this anyway is the gist ot the replios received make- believe is taboo with the wholo na tion having braced itself iu the last ten years to face unpleasant facts un flinchingly aud to discuss iu public conditions so as to master them which were formerly not even mention ed iu private circles tha young girls do not want to continue living in an abstract rosetinted world for the same reason they decline to bo problematic this also marks a change for not so very long ago tho probelmatic formed tha chief topic of countless books plays and conversa tions tho germans liavo still retain ed their fondness for deep thinking but it is now turned toward investigat ing facts and not abstract quesions the uow desiro for reality has lessen ed tho appreciation of the classics this may seem surprising iu a country honoring goethe schiller and shake speare so highly but the young girls think much more of the problems the persons and the happeniugs of their books than ot tho poetical form in which they aro cast the books which are to appeal to them must bo simple sincere and straightforward weather bureaus girdle the globe to the use of education truth london it is high time we abolished the intellectual snobbery which regards art literature music and the classics as members of the aristocratic educational family with science as a distant cousin and which spurns technology as being illegiti mate a e evans at a conference of the national union of women teachers there is a great deal too much intellectual snobbery in modern education and tho snobbery takes the form of learning or trying to learn a thing not for its own sake but because it ha a social cachet subjects that exercise the mind equally have an equal intellectual value and in schools tho utilitarian should bo regarded as nore important than the cultural for those who want to be cultured will realize their ambition on thei own the first requisite is to teach young people how to earn their living by doing useful work not to cram them with illdigested gobbots of informa tion which are as different from cul ture as chalk is from cheese an oldtime custom holding out ones baud to indicate in which direction ono intends to turn when driving a car has often been considered an innovation brought about by our ago of tha swiftly mov ing traffic but it was in use 170 years ago in berlin as is shown by a decreo published at that time when the conclusion of tha poaco of huber- tusburg was celobrated in oils city tha pollco headquarters issued tho following proclamation during touighta illumination in tho city carriages aro ordered to move at a slow paco only and drivers in tending to turn at streot corners and enter a side street aro ordered to hold out their right hand so that they aro not hindered ono wonders what precautions tho city fathers would hava taken it an eightcylinder 100horsepower car with screeching horn and glaring head lights had taken part in tho nightly corso ot carriages tho christian sclenco monitor greatness lies not in being strong but in the right using ot strength henry ward beecher o whon holland has completed her work of draining tho zuyder zoe sho will hava added g50000 acres or tho per cent angus herefords and other cqu ot 10000 farms to her breeds area bowling holds place in saxony dresden ot all sports the time- honored game ot bowling is oua ot tha most widely popular in the stato of saxony there are about 200- 000 active bowlers in germany and onefifth of them live in saxony what is moro remarkable is- that bowling is not tho bobby ot the male population only in dresden alono thero are fifty womens bowling clubs learn how magnetic storms are caused by sun mount wilson observatory cal twentyfive weather bureaux of the sun are being organized around the earth by these astronomers expect to learn just how storms in the sun causa magnetic storms on the earth tho question involved is how long it takes the outbreaks on the sun to start a storm on the earth light from the sun travels the 93- 000000 miles to tho earth in eight minutes perhaps the magnetic dis turbance travels that fast but it will be a year or so befori the astronomers are ready to report the results of tho solar observations then will be known the possibility of forecasting storms on earth caused by solar mag netic disturbances dr charles e st john member of the international committee on the relation of solar to terrestrial phen omena announced recently that or ganizations of the weather bureaux of the sun may be perfected next july in brussels tho committee holds its triennial session then these solar weather bureaux will bo equipped with spectroheiloscopes that observe the bright and dark flocculi on the suns disk dr george ellery hale of pasadena is the in ventor dr st john announced observa tions here had established in ono case a magnetic earth storm registered on the mt wilson magnomoter corres ponding precisely to a solar outbreak observed through the spectrohelio scope the twentyfive solar weather bu reaux will have their international headquarters here sending in regular reports of their observations to be checked and compared at mount wil son with observations and magnetic earth storm records some of these solar outbreaks last only a few min utes and only by observations made simultaneously from various points around the earth can their effects be accurately determined sunday school lesson new vegetables bred by scientist raddage and caranip are curios from professors garden loudon new names may so u be sovereignty luke 24 4453 se on british menus they will golden text god so loved the 00 thoso of vegetables never ioforo tho world that he gave his only i tasted or even heard of for they begotten son that whosoever be- i been produced only tlm year june 28 lesson xiii review jesus the worlds saviour suffering and hodge this is a pretty warm day to bo wearing an overcoat isnt it dodge yos but i want every body to know that im not forced to soak mine as soon as spring comes endeavour to bo patient in bear ing with tho defocts and infirmities ot others of what sort soever they be for that thyself also has many fallings which must bo borno with by others thomasakompls berlins tinhated cabbies are rapidly disappearing berlin only 116 horsecabs are left in berlin and the oldtime drivers with their high hats made of metal in stead of silk have all but disappeared their humor was so much a part of the life of the capital that their pass ing has been felt it was said that thoir horses could find any street without assistance from the driver who usually turned his back rnd entertained his oassen- grs they were so proud of ber lins points of interest that they would show them free to a stranger the last bid for public attention was made several years ago by a 70- yearold cabdriver who rode in his cab with his old horse from berlin to paris and back for soma time he was a national hero and waa called the iron gustav but his feat failed to boost his trade permanently lieveth on him should not perish but have everlasting life john 3 16 for teachers of young people and adults by rev professor fred w langford mre toronto we have followed the latter part of jesus public ministry through this quarter we have seen some of his greatest expositions of his gospel of love and its implication fo our life on through the period of growing hos tility from tho leaders to his cruci fixion and resurrection the greatest of all his expositions of his gospel of love in the discussion f this week ith so wide a field to cover we can not hope to do more than to restate a few of the great lessons of the quar ters study some of the following questions recall tho lessons of the past weeks what was jesus teaching about humility is it in asset or a liability in this age give somo illustrations of the humble spirit as a person of real strength give the gospel message the real good news disclosed in the story of the forgiving father and the return ing prodigal what does it mean to bo spiritually lost was zacchaeus lost in the samo way or as effectually as was the prodigal son what about the rich man who had no thought for lazarus what is the value to you of the ob servance of the lords supper could je3us have become tho saviour of man it ho had stopped short of the cross if he had net risen from the dead how would you tell a stranger to christianity what you mean by calling jesus the worlds saviour for teachers of intermedi ate and senior depts by rev a e mccutcheon bd beleville ont aim to discover the appeal and claim of jesus as our saviour as pre sented in the complete study of the quarter introduction who has been the central figure in our studies of this quarter frcm whose records were these studies thken what do you think was lukes idea as he told the story of jesus presentation what do you think jesus meant to teach in his story of 1 the prodigal son 2 the rich man and lazarus 3 the parable the results of long experimental work their novelty may make them leap to popularity as iu the case of the grapefruit most ot our present vegetables are natives of britain or they have been brought from abroad and culti vated hero and this is generally tho chief distinction between them apart of course from their national cliarac- istics but the newcomers are cross breeds produced from two or more different kinds of vegetables a cross between the cabbage aud the radish promises something ot a novelty aud this has been ob tained it has been found to grow well and to lie very fertile alto gether a successful vegetable per haps it will bo named a cabblsh or maybe a raddage it has been grown by tho russian institute ot applied botany which has also produced othor astonishing things in the plant world the in stitute has over a thousand workers all busily engaged in studying and experimenting with thoir countrys plants with a view to benefiting russian agriculture long known methods this institute i3 not the originator ot this method ot plant breeding it has been practised all over the world for many years vegetables flowers and cereals have all been improved by its application nature used insects and winds to transfer pollen from one plant to another and produce new plants but tho plant breeder has improved on this he performs delicate operations on plants needing more skill and lightness ot touch than even a sur geon requires in this manner he ensures perfect fertilization some idea of tha patieuce neces sary can be gained whon it is under stood that the average time needed for the production ot a new plant is ten years and this may end in a failure to the bitter disappointment ot the breeder another vegetable ovolved by tho institute has the qualities ot tha cabbage tho raddlsh and tha turnip can you imagine what it will tasto like so far it seems to have no name but wo may come to ftnow it as a caranip or perhaps a caturdlsh u th th i the professors of botany however it s 5 lue publ an wiu probably glva it some hteb sounding title another remarkable result ot scientific cultivation tchleved years ago is celery to obtain this ex periments were carried out with the sinner describe lach of the following inci dents 1 the entry of jesus into jerusalem 2 the crucifixion 3 jesus treatment of zacchams 4 the scene in gethsemane in your own words tell what you think is the meaning ot 1 the lords supper 2 ihe resurrection 3 the triumphal entry 1 the crucifixion some general questions 1 how did jesus teach a lesson on humility 2 how did he illustrate the grace of humility 3 how did jesii3 teach that gods attitude to men was love 4 what was the sin of the rich man 5 who was zaccaeus g 300000 gold crown tops rangoon pagoda rangoon india a now golden top inset with diamonds which cost more than 300000 has been hoisted on tho famous shwa dagon pagoda pilgrims from all parts ot burma at tended the ceremony tho top was destroyed by an eartbquako in may 1930 and on march g of this year a fire consum ed several costly carved wooden structures with images which stood on a platform encircling tho main building tho pagoda tradition says wa3 founded in 085 bc gethsemane 15 what help came tha honeymoon is over wheu sho t jesus in gethsemane 10 how british weed growing in marshy places and near the sea by this work the world has been enriched with thoso nuttyflavored stalks so much in demand nature has sometimes performed the office ot breeder ot new plants a familiar one is tha cauliflower which it is generally agreed sprang from tho cabbage when in a wild state the broccoli kalo and brus- j great change came over his life how 8 what and where is the mount of olives 9 cite any inci dent of importance that occurred on the mount of olives 10 why did jesus weep over jerusalem 11 why did jesus cast the people out of the temple 12 what was the pass over 13 how and where did jesus i observe his last passover with the disciples 14 why did jesus go nto serves him shoulder hot tongua and cold did the disciples know that jesus was i risen and living 17 cite any great j i principle learned to guido you in your tha llsta of oao prominent film conduct company in hollywood which con- application do we owe anything tain the names of 2460 girls show 1 jesus what do we owe himhow that blondes ara most popular thore lo you think we can best pay him what hoi- 1 two at ih n we owe him what do you think he being 1022 enrolled at tho other ft ug wi t end of tho scale como twenty rod- m y0u saviour and master and haired holies mutt and jeff by bud fisher in rttakiwg the cgnsus how many peoptfe i this h jail house jujsc thats trte 6vjy h sart he was retakwc ti trte census ani he poluet me b66est jail fccuvery where did zacchajus live 7 what ae k are also offspring ot this same parent plant a word about wheat the insti tute has fourteen hundred different type3 each is kept separate from tho others and examined individual ly in order to determine the best kinds tree planting in canada winnipeg manitoba the tree planting car of tho canadian fores try association has completed a tour over canadian pacific linos cover ing from sinclair to souris manitoba and along the estovan lino from that point to pierson in all 13 towns wero visited 33 lectures held with an attendanco made up of towns people farmers and school children of slightly more than 4900 as tho seating capacity of tha car is 130 aud tho average attendance was 148 overflow crowds were present at ovory stop splondld assistance was given thoso in charge ot tho car during tho tour by officials and employees of tho canadian pacific postmasters school teachers and tho editors ot both local and city papers to follow him some double exit bookkeeping worst nil dos- independent smith was tho worlds golfer but his motto was perandum ono day after a fearful show ho said to his caddlo tho day i go round under ono hundrod ill give you five shillings shant need it thanks replied tho caddie ill havo my oldago pension an amerlcn jazz orchestra which sailed tho other day for a tour of south america will bo lucky it it isnt mistaken for a revolution to girls contemplating matrimony whero 8ingleno3s u bliss tis tolly t be wives

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