such a contrast laura allan i was waiting to be served at a res- mountains that honor mankind laurant table when au attractive young many famous peaks the world over serve as everlasting monuments to individuals out in tho black hills a mountain is being turned into a memorial by a sculptor working on a gigantic scale woman aud a threeyearold boy took tho opposite chairs while i as giv ing uiy order tho mother fussed with the chill to the extent of arousing his impatience then sho glanced over the menu card smiled at her son and said what are you going to have harold the tonic he needed to mo the scene at once acquired a3 hist both recent and remote interest a threeyearold was about bear3 wit a mountain as nature to cuoose his own luncheon well shapc1 may a serve p n ho wasted no time about it kmpha- grcat smokies thcy are talking of sizing his demand with a bang of his namin a cooofoot peak sequoyah in his knfchandlo upon tho table ho dej honor of au eighteenthcentury indian clared in no uncertain terms i want artisti a cherokee and only a short doughnuts with syrup on them andj time ag0 a wuolo ranre in antarctica iried ikgs was name1 by admiral byrd for ono the young woman had perhaps ot ms backera john d rockefeller noted my surprise at tho proceedings jr for her attitude changed in what the naming of mountains after per- was almost a pleading tone sho sug- goes back evon t0 ihe legendary gested hot soup would be very nice this chilly day see i am going to have some and so is this lady tho boy looked from his mothers face across to mine entirely uncon vinced ho refused tho soup placed before him and again demanded dough nuts i tried to help by commenting upon the excellence of tho soup so hot aud delicious and led on to another subject the mother took up tho cue delightfully and we ignored the boy who continued to mako a nuisance of himself i thought that his hunger would presently force him to capitu late but ho was overfed so that bit of stratagem failed tiio mother calmly ordered a vege table salad for both which tho boy scorned i kept up a merry chatter as i saw that she was weakening under the strain of his noisy demands but when i indicated a dessert on tho menu she smiled and ordered it harold was so captivated with the rosy baked apple and its whirl of snowy whipped cream topped by a red cherry that he seized his spoon and began an onslaught he even accept ed a crisp cookie with his tiny glass of orango juice we elders exchanged triumphant smiles and our visiting cards it was evident t tho mothers manner was a new experience to the child ho watched her with puzzled eyes and submitted to his outdoor garments without a word she whis pered in goodby your surprised look was a revelation and your sympathy and tact are inspiring i mean to per- bevere that evening it chanced that i dined at a home where tho threeyearold boy is the only child he had his own chair and low table near his mothers place and was served in courses like to grown ups but with special food his milktoma to soup was followed by a poached egg on toast which he managed dex terously then a dish of stewed prunes with an oatmeal cookie and a small cup of properly cooked coco- a spoonful of strawborry icecream was a festive finish he was quiet during dinner and polite to tho maid one scarcely knew he was present before getting ready for dinner he had had a merry romp in tho hall with his father and after dinner his mother told him his regular goodnight story then he went to bed happily it was all so restful so altogether satisfactory issued by tho national kindergarten association s west 40th street new york city these articles are appearing weokly in our columns water hemlock declared deadly by scientists children should beware of tho dead ly poisonous hemlock or water hem lock weed which is sometimes mis taken by them tor wild parsnip dur ing the spring and early summer warns both dr l w durrcll botanist and dr georgo h glover veterinarian at tho colorado agri- cultural collego experiment station in a recent bulletin i keep live stock away from ditch banks or swampy places where this dangerous plant grows and caution children against tasting any parsnip- like plants dr durrcll warns poison hemlock is a tall perennial weed growing three to six feet tall with a hollow smooth stem and characteristic thick bunch of spindle- 1 shaped roots when these roots are cut a yellow juice oozes out it i grows throughout the state up to an deration of sooo feet abovo sea level tho entire plant is poison ous poisoned animals suffer convul sions and die in great agouy death occurs in a very short time a small piece ot root tho size of a persons finger has been known to kill a horso within an hour no antidote is known but animals or persons poisoned should be given raw linseed oil or potassium porman- ganato in solution with water any remedy that will empty the stomach should be quickly used f alberta placenames the first rcferenco to coal in al berta is contained in a map of aaron arrowsmith it is that of edgccoal creek known today as rosebud river concerning this stream arrowamih says great quantity of coal in this creek geogrvuic board of can ada do we not find north africas highest mountain named atlas after tho giant who bears upon his ample shoulders tho burden of our earth are not the pillars of hercules the rock of gib raltar and mount ayela on tho oppo sito side of the straits named for an other mighty legendary hero who shouldered out the hills and let the broad atlantic sweep into tho land tho old world has many moun tains named for men and in it an eng lish name will always be tho highest for the loftiest peak in all tho world bears tho name of a rather modest english surveyor and geographer sir george everest who made a survey of many himalayan peaks in 1s41 and was the first accurately to fix the posi tion ot mount everest and to gauge its height so mount everest is his jim hatherton was right in the middle of his final examinations at varsity when as he said himself something snapped and he was just a bundle of nerves he went to a doctor and told his story the medical man not so long out of university himself asked a good many ques tions about jims examination and his home folks finally he said you sit right down here at my telephone and call up your mother and have a real good chat i know you write every week and all that but just have a good chat and dont hurry for it will not cost much anyway jim did more than that he called his home every evening from his rooms while the exams were on the sound of his mothers voice seemed to be just the tonic he needed mount tacoma or mount rainier seattle insists upon honoring the name everlasting monument and what a of captain rainier rather than that of monument it reaches up into space j tacoma a rival city rainlers name more than five miles above sea level j too has been given to a great national new hampshire it is believed leads j park all other american states in the num- oregon honors the name of an eng- ber ot mountains named for famous i lishman with its loveliest mountain persons though her mountains are mount hood raises its hoary head high not such aweinspiring ambassadors to above the surrounding country and heaven as are countless other peaks looks down from tho height of 11000 named for mortals she makes up in j feet upon the columbia river this numbers and in the dignity of her j mountain was first discovered by names what she lacks in altitude for white men in 1792 no ono knows new hampshire is the proud possossor just which member of vancouvers ex- of the presidential range j pedition first saw it and gave it a name the pacific coast evidently wanted in honor of admiral samuel hood of its own mountain memorial to certain his majestys navy founders ot the republic hence it is that in the cascade range in wash ington we find also a mount adams while her southern neighobr oregon has dedicated two great peaks to washington and jefferson people in washington have had a long dispute over one of their most famous peaks is it proper to say brand it meat for infantfeej- log where they arc unable to nunc their own children jiagle brand milk condensed the borjcn co ltd 115 george st toronto send mefreecopieaofyourauthori- tative literature on infant feedinc nam although an english surveyor had tho loftiest mountain in the world named for him an american presi dent was honored by having the peak that rises highest above the surround ing country named in his honor ever est has many lesser brothers hem ming it in mount mckinley in alas ka named in 1s96 in honor of william mckinley rises to a greater height above the surrounding country than any other mountain in the world it pierces the sky at a height of more than 20000 feet in the andes whoever named tho peaks seemed content almost to let mortals alone many are named for saints but we find a fine 17000foot mountain named in honor of a spanish poet who was born 200 years before columbua began his first voyage the poet ruiz may be otherwise forgotten but mount ruiz will keep his name fresh owl laffs day for the sunday school picnic and a good lefthanded pitcher for the base ball tear- wife you dont love me any more husband why dear i certainly do wife you couldnt love a womin with such old clothes as i have after vacation comes recuperation nothing tones down a trouble maker so quickly as to run into someone ho isnt sure ho can lick the success of a womans evening depends upon her dress one might say her happiness hangs by a thread death and taxes are no surer than summer visitors why the farmer needs the rain tho farmer needs the rain you know it helps him quite a lot it saves his fruit and grain and crops and other things hes got i the rain saves farms from damages it does and thats a fact it keeps the picnicers away and leaves the place intact shoppin i to somo women is so try ing now is the time to go out and in for gardening most folks want things to be different no matter how different they are already when you are promised 50 per cent return on an investment tho entire 100 per cent often fails to return o improve your appetite feeling indifferent tofoodf out of sorts depressed stimulate your digestive tract with dr carters little liver pills au vegetable gentle but thorough theyll get rid of body poisons that cause indigestion gas etc and give you a new in tercet in food 25c 75c red packages ask your druggist for iters ispills a vacation thought the bee though it finds every rose tho naming of mountains after peo- has a thonlj comes back loaded with pie may sometimes be accompanied honey from his rambles and why by ceremony such a ceremony took should not other tourists do the same place not very long ago in the heart of the canadian rockies when it was de- 1 a kindhearted gentleman saw a lit- cided to do honor to the memory of tie boy trying to reach the doorbell edith cavell the english nurse who he rang the bell for him then said was executed by a german firing squad gentleman what now my little during the world war in jasper na- man tional park a tremendous peak was l little boy run like the mischief chosen a peak that looked down upon thats what im going to do the clacier of the angels and was a j companion to mount sorrow and contractor to hls lawyer judgo throne mountalnand with candles tho doctor says t about a monul and choir and clergy representatives to j wan mako my of tho state and other dignitaries a it g0 my over in tho first great mountain was christened mount nationa ban goes to my wife she edith cavell the canadian rockies can expia thcm include several peaks named for pion- uity automolile t want eersor other men of distinction mount o gq tq s0 ho wi tq go hryce mount lyell mount coleman tq work to pay ue bi and others my biia to the bon1 few women have been honored by lng company they took bomo awful having mountains named for them al- c qn m0 a1 ar0 entitlcd t0 though there are in the antarctic the i som conductv she seemed like a good sensible girl brakeman yell she wouldnt pay- any attention to mo either seasonable poem mary had a bathing suit she carried in her purse and every time she wore the tiling it shrunk up worse and worse obedience one way to know is to obey even our primary conceptions of moral duty depend for their vigor and clearness uppn our practical attitude toward duty nothing so clears them as doing what we know to be right and eschewing what we know to be wrong that brings us to a solidity and simplicity of conviction which we can reach neither by observing mens experience nor by legical reasonings it keeps us in touch with reality and dissipates the vapors which other wise becloud the mind other processes may bring us to conclusions which we cannot deny but which have no power over our lives this gives us conclusions which act upon us as motives and helps to farther right action for as george eliot says the finest re ward of doing right is the power to go forward to right action which is more difficult life lifes but a means unto an end that tfnd beginning mean and end to all things gnd p j bailey there will be no increase in the price of on account of the new duty and increased sales tax t h estabrooks co limited toronto ontario shorttemper 0e way of reducing that surplus never lose your temper is a maxim that has been impressed on countless generations of young peo ple but if you are too fat and want to reduce its a good principle to adopt for it has now been proved by science that the emotions of anger and fear burn up fat so every time you loso your temper you are helping to combat that middleaged spread and if you inspire sufficient terror in- tho object of your wrath you are helping him to retain a slim and shapely figure as well so losing your temper may bo good for you and just as good for other people the shorttempered wife who flares up on the slightest provocation and whoso husband trembles at her words is all unconsciously the guard ian ot the family health even a wet holiday if it frays tem pers sufficiently may thus be a healthy holiday and tho small boy whose tricks make grownups stutter and shake with rage may bo a public bene factor but bo careful temper does sometimes get people into awk- j ward scrapes and the plea that youre reducing or helping others to reduce may not always be accepted classified advertising jaby chicks 4 baby chicks uarited jtjl- cks ancouas white and urown leghorns 10c each assorted 9c pul lets six ueeksk old 55c catalogues a ii swluer uranton ont personal akity kkiiabik matrimon- i at paper mailed free address f p magazine me new yorli c apr counsel 512- paob o book illustrated discusses prob lems or love marriage etc in plain language full particular about our special getacquainted offer sent free to anyone over is years of age vrlte international distributors io box 202 toronto salesmen do you want to get out of the rut are you ambitious to ret ahead and unable to see how to do it have you ever thought of salesman ship the highest paid profession in iia world an established toronto firm off to supply absolutely freo f cost a complete specialty course in the art of salesmanship two or three weekn spare time study will complete the course and you ean start earning ia soon as you are proficient booklet plaining tills offer will be mailed if yon write immediately to the britishcana dian school or salesmanship 1103 fed eral building toronto the hardest duly bravely perform ed soon becomes a habit and tends in due time to transform itself into a pleasure oliver wendell holmes highest prices paid the canadian wool co ltd 2 church st toronto coal better than sand as filter for water scientists have found recently that anthracite coal is an effective filter for water being much better than sand and gravel tests have shown that certain grades of an thracite properly prepared filter out as much as ninetynine per cent of bacteria in polluted waters and in addition remove colors and odors mi reasonable prudence is the begin ning of wisdom benito mussolini this new patented fireproof docu ment box a small safe will supply your need of fire protection for nil your valuable papers and costs only 51s75 send for circular agents wanted v fireproof uabinets safes ltd 353 greenwood avenue toronto 8 mention this paper queen maud rango and twin peaks i that newfangled machine on tho named mount ruth gade and mount job wa tho engllieer to have he alice lade all discovered by amund- 1 mae buy it maybo ha can make sen for an american woman moun- it work my equipment givo to the junk gardeners farmers horticulturists kingbugper tho ouallty product insecticide dls tlnrulshnble by its threefold pro perties suro death insecticide plant fertiliser and plant rrotector against blight and disease your selection of king hug killer for your insecticide will insure you tho greatest results at a minimum cost havo your denier supply you demand king bug killer no substl- tutcj write us for particulars km calcium products campbellvllle ont tain climber annie smith peck a great peak in tho andes has been man he ha oyo qn for named mount peck several years wherever explorers have penetrated i o hav0 the funera hamlle tho continent of antarctica ono finds y0h juge ally umicrtaker will tho names ot mensome prominent bnt t want thes slx matodal m0i1 others obscure perpetuated in moun- for tley iav0 carried tain peaks and areas of land itoss m0 s0 long they m as we finish j scott shackleton mawson and wil- 1 tll0 ob kins all honored their patrons and sup- j porters and sometimes their ships i brown do you think tho dead can nu t ii r j i communicate with us century uld 1 urtle jf ound j black i know they cant otico i franklin pa a turtle which has managed to borrow a dollar from ft lived more than a century if the date carved on its shell is authen tic was captured here tho shell was eight inches in diameter it is beyond osr pwer to hu manize tho conduct of modern war i arthur henderson hotel clerk writing a form name please guest tammas mactavish maciiagkis hotel clerk nationality wall street journal knights meaford flooring it s good see your dealer its even better ttct our p its the best th knight mfg lbr co ltd meaford scotchman a week later ho died and i havent htard a word slnco ono commodity in tho world not yet deflated is trouble if you dont talk too uch about your troubles most people wont think you have any and thats worth a good deal i forgot is never an adequate excuse except when you offer it yourself what wo cant understand is how tho ant ever earned its reputation for industriousnoss con sidering tho number of picnics it at tends theres something funny about arithmetic problems you cant under stand them when youre studying them at school but when youro grown up you cant understand how a child can bo so dumb two things most needed at this time of the year are a clear cuts sores apply minarda freely it walii out poison and cleanse any wound heals quickly after if ui theres nothing bclfcrl can be mom and units a low eiiiiiuue i the number taking krusclicn to fce d vn supcrlluous fat when von nkc vilniivana ivrusencri salts for a lew days mat oiu indolent arm cluur reeling deserts von it doesnt matter how far you are- the urge for activity has got you and youre stepping lively 5 arid best of all you like this activity you walk a couple of miles and enjoy t you thought youd ncvei dance again but you find youre getting as spry us ever the old tingling active feeling reaches even your feet kruschcn is a combination oi the six salts nature has already put into your body to keep you alive it it were not for these vital salts vou could not live one bottle is enough to prove to you that kruschcn will make vou feci younger- sprycr more energetic youll enjoy life cvciy minute oi it a half tcaspoonful in i glass of hot water every morning is nil vou need to keep healthy- keep mr stomach liver bowels and kidneys in splendid condition free your system from harmful toxins and acids ns are sure to get in even with the house screened hang up aeroxon the fly catcher with the push pin and longer and wider ribbon aeroxon is irresistible to flies because the glue is fracrant and sweet and will not dry jood for 3 weeks service at dru nrocery fc ur4 sohaoenta newton a hiz 56 front st east toronto aeroxon fly catcher gets the fly every time s prevent summerupsets warm weather and changes of food and water bring frequent summer upsets unless healthy elimination is assured yon will find fccnaniint effective in milder doses and espe cially convenient and pleasant for summertime rise insist on tiie genuine feenamint for constipation if baby has colic a cry in the night colicl no cause for alarm if castoria is handy this pure vegetable prepara tion brings quick comfort and can never harm it is ihe sensible thing when children arc ailing whether its the stomach or the little bowels colic or constipation or diarrhea when liny tongues are coated or tho breath is bad whenever theres need of gentle regulation children jove the taste of castoria and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use and a more liberal dose of castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use castoria jssue no 2531