french excursion steamer j capsizes 500 perish boat overturns throwing hundreds of excursionists with out warning into rough sea after panic follows sudden listing all women children aboard believed lost sir malcolm and his daughter st nazaire france nearly 500 ex cursionists aro believed to have lost their lives sunday when the excursion steamer st ihilbert sank between st gilda3 point and poruie about live miles from here only eight survivors had been pick ed up by rescue boats late sunday night and it va3 believed that except for these all the passengers and crew of tho boat were lost the excursion steamer was carrying largo holiday crowds on its run be tween nantes and tho island of noir- moutier all of tho eight who were rescued from the water by boats which put out for the scene shortly after the catas- tropho were men there were a num ber of women and children aboard the boat panic causes disaster a squall struck the boat in tho lato afternoon tho survivors said it knocked the small steamer over on her beam ends and tho crowd becoming i panicky rushed to tho opposite side of the deck causing the boat to cap size and spilling its load of human i freight into tho churning sea j tile eight survivors were more dead j than alivo when they were picked up after more than an hour in the heavy seas they wero saved they said by lifebelts which they managed to grab before they were thrown into the water tho first information about tho ca tastrophe came from the lighthouse keeper at st gildas point tile keeper saw tho squall strike the boat and overturn it and ho im mediately telephoned to pontic for help lifesavers put off at once for tho j spot where the boat went down and after they wero on their way the keep er phoned the news to st nazaire i even after the receipt of this news i the report that tho boat had sunk was discredited jtero it was only after the first of the survivors reached tho shoro that the reality of the eatastropho was accepted thought impossible the operating company continued to insist that it was impossible for tho j boat to sink at this point where tho water is shallow and navigation is pro tected by noirmoutier island ono of tho survivors an austrian named sllauek was picked up by tho tug pontic which was sent out from st nazaire tho other survivors wore rescued by a llfesavers boat the boats also recovered the bodies of four of the passengers three of the bodies recovered wero those of unidentified women a hope that the loss of life might eventually appear to bo less than at first estimated was given by a report that many of tho passengers left the boat at noirmoutier island to wait for hotter weather private excursion the excursion was a privato one conducted by a cooperative society of nantes hough seas wore encountered on tho way to the island and hiauy ot the pas sengers especially women and child ren suffered greatly from seasickness it is possible to reach tho mainland at low tide for about an hour or so over an ancient causeway and tho hop wa3 held that many of the sick passengers might havo landed to take this means ot crossing and left the boat with that in mind it wa3 pointed out however that there were enough on board when tho squall struck to capsizo the craft when they rushed to one side the survivors wero taken to a hos pital tonight black squall descends disconnected stories which the sur vivors were able to tell after they were picked up by the boats indicated that a black squall descended suddenly on tho excusion boat capsizing it quick ly a cloud black as night they said rushed on the steamer from over the lowlying noirmoutier island tho happy excursionists started out front st nazaire on what might be compared to a canadian sunday school picuic to noirmoutier noted island of the monks of tho middle ages but now a favorite haunt of french artists similar picnics havo been held on summer holidays for many years and have been considered without danger becauso of the island and the short crossing the markets produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices egs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 16c fresh firsts 13c seconds lie butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 21 to 21vic no 2 20 to 20ac churning cream special 20 to 21c no 1 9 to 20c no 2 10 to 17c cltcete no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded llc quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry a grade alive fatted liens over 4 to 0 lbs 10c over 3 vd to lbs 14c over 3 to 3vi lbs 13c old roosters over 5 lbs 10c spring broil ers hocks over 2v lbs 23c do over 2 to 2v1c 20c vhite ducklings 4 to 5 lbs 22e do over 5 lbs 25c poultry a grade dressed fat- te hens over 4 o g lbs 20c over 3v4 to 4 lbs 18c over 3 to sv- lbs 17c old roosters over 5 lbs 13c wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoling the following prices to retail dealers smoked meats hams mod 22 to 24c smoked rolls 21c breakfast ba french scientist has hobby his own miniature railway reno claude son at dr georges claude whose experiments in rtiliz- ing the difference in temperature be tween deepsea and surface water for tho production ot mechanical energy have attracted worldwide attention lias an unusal hobby lots of little boys have miniaturo railway trains in their gardens but not many men have complicated electrical transport systems to play with in their spare moments writes the paris correspondent ot ian science monitor around an artificial garden m claude has about a kilometer ot railway tracks and dozens of freight and passong- con is to 27c backs peamealed 2 er cars all in miniature but strict- t 2sc do smoked 35 to 38c i ly true to scale there are clectri- poik lams 18xic to lite shoulders cal switering and signal systems 5350 baby beef 550 to 750 feed ers good 475 to 5 stackers 425 to 450 springers 50 to 75 milk ers 40 to 00 calves good and choice 050 to 750 do med 5 to 0 lambs choice 12 sheep 150 to 1 hogs bacon fob 775 do do woc 65 t 75c above fob do se lects 1 per hog premium do but chers i per hog discount sir malcolm campbell british speed driver with his daughter jean following a demonstration of his racing car tho bluebird at brooklauds track england recently mishaps take 11 over weekend six are drowned five killed in variety of accidents drowned edward deniolen 9 sault ste marie miss lola andrews trenton jean rouleau lake chibougamau youth named smith sesikinika lake winston mccloskey 11 ottawa carl mccloskey 12 ottawa killed eugene ingram 34 endean avenue toronto collided with fire truck john robertson adelaide town ship smothered in gravel pit allan bruce algonquin kicked by horse david walker 11 wetland burn ed by power wire harry blodgett struck by auto withthea lonescouts with the lone scouts this week we have received another very interesting letter from lono scout walter wraisht who is con nected with tho hudsons bay com pany and lives at ono ot their isolated iost3 in northern ontario the winters aro long and dreary in that part of the country and there aro only two or threo malls delivered by dog team throughout the winter months walter says that they wero looking for the commencement of tho breakup of wintry conditions about tho 10th or loth of may and ho will receive no moro mail until then walter says ono fllock of geese has to improve some sort of shelter on arrival page 177 of your handbook for canada tells you how temporary shelters can be made and if you aro camping in very wooded country and the weather is settled and fine it is sometimes more advantageous to erect such shelters than to carry tent- age on your backs however if you havo had no experience in erecting these shelters it is as well to practico a littlo at home before starting out good waterproof sheets can also be improvised as shelters and provide very good covor ko having decided just what shelter wo shall depend up- we next come to tho question of already passed over head on their non- j what each boy shal ltake along tho stop flight to the bay there aro a following items are essential what- few ducks around and of course ever kind of camp you propose to plonty of crows have two warm blankets a ground tho windigoes ghosts have al- sheet in addition to any to be used ready started thei rannual trips every for shelters a sweater or jersey spring without fail tho indians bring sleeping suit spare shirt and shorts iu all kinds ot weird tales of being at- towel soap toothbrush comb eating tacked by ghosts last year ono load utensils needle and thread scout ot freight was lost tho indians told a i uniform to be worn of course 12 peterboro the christ- lake in his constructed 1314c butts 10c loins 21vjc cured meats long clear bacons co to 70 lbs 10c 70 to lb 17c ot to 110 lbs 10c lightweight rolls 18c heavyweight tells 17c lard pure ierces 10c tubs lolic pa is lie prints 1016 to lie shortening tierces lie tubs lllic pails llio special pastry shortening tierce3 15c tubs 1514c pails 10c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard 05io no 1 northern 0414c no 2 do 6114c no 3 tough 534c no 4 tough 5014c cif bay ports manitoba oauno 3 cw 32c no 1 feed 3hic no 2 do lottc manitoba barley no 3 cw 37c no 4 do 36c feed 35c argentine corn 12c spot plus duty millfoed del montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2025 shorts per ton 2225 middlings per ton 2525 to 2725 ontario grain wheat g7 to c9c barley 31 to 36c oats 21 to 27c rye nominal buckwheat nominal hay and straw prices dealers are quoting shippers for miniature repair shops and all the material of a fullgrown railway sys tem while playing with his trains m claude gets helpful ideas rbout railroad mechanics and safety de vices busy canals ottawa new traffic records for the month of may wore set for canal traf- lie through tho wetland and st law- hay and straw carload lots delivered renc0 ca according to a dominion home tannery inexpensive and simple farmers told raleigh nc the farmer may save money by tanning his own leather said r e nance animal husbandman at north carolina stato college tho farmer is tho chief producer of hides and skins mr nance said but ho is also the chief user ot leather the hides he has to sell usually bring prac tically nothing while tho leather ho has to buy is usually expensive ho may get out from between theso two millstones by curing and- tanning the hides and pells at home this work may bo douo in offseasons and is neither expensive nor difficult tho first consistently fair week end in ontario in the past two months saw the toll ot dead by drowning and other mishaps in the province placed at eleven sault ste marie trenton and threo northodn lakes wero the scenes ot the aquatic fatalities while the locations ot the other accidents were as varied as tho nature ot the mis haps a horse a fire wagon a gravel pit a power wire and a motor car were involved taking the lives ot three men and two boys boy falls in canal sault ste marie out while play ing on the north bank of the michi gan northern power company canal sunday morning edward demolen nineyearold son of mr and mrs arthur g demolen 101 street slipped into the water at kim ball street and was drowned the body has not been recovered perishes at picnic cobalt apparently seized with cramps when ho went swimming iu sesikinika lake while attending a picnic there an lsyearold youth named smith was drowned smith was iu a canoe alone and when he dived into the water a short distance from shore reappeared once and then sank the body wa3 re covered in seven feet of water an hour later and resuscitation was at tempted without success the body was taken to kirkland lake brothers die together ottawa two brothers winston and carl mccloskey aged 11 and 12 years of ottawa were drowned sun day afternoon at wolf lake 40 miles northwest of tho capital where they had gone witlt their mother and old er brother to spend the day no details of the accident were available here as a storm in the dis trict threw communications out of order a brief message was received that the boys had been drowned and ask ing that grappling irons and dry clothing for their mother be sent to wolf lake from the latter re quest it is thought here their drown ing was the result of a boating acci dent and that mrs mccloskey was saved later word was got through that their bodies were recovered caretaker drowns north bay in a communication received by the north bay police de partment from the rouyn office ot the general airways limited rela tives in mattawa and north bay wore advised of the death by drown ing ot jean rouleau caretaker ot a camp in lake chibougamau 200 miles northeast ot rouyn it was stated that rouleau had lost his life while crossing the lake alone in a canoe rouleau had been in the queboc mining region for a number of years and was regarded as an expert canoeist he was a son ot mr and mrs j rouleau ot mattawa four hurt at oakville burlington about 130 oclock augusta j sunday morning a serious accident occurred east of burlington at osi ers farm when a car driven by ken neth good 579 jarvls street toronto crashed into a brick pillar at the osier farm gates good was accompanied by l mc- cluro also ot toronto and mis3 sheila armour of oakville and miss sheila lleddle also of oakville good story of having been shot at by ghosts tho canoe was found with bullet holes in it all right and as tho crew were not carrying riflos it mu3t havo been someone else rather substantial ghosts that can use 3030 rifles dont you think tho literal translation of the word is i think wild indians walter is living quite a hard but very interesting iifo up there in the north and ho says that lie 13 looking j ah this can be packed into a pack sack or rucksack to be carried on tho back the stores department at headquarters ottawa stock a very comfortable rucksack care should bo taken to havo good wide shoulder straps and to see that the sack fits snugly to your shoulders otherwise you will soon bo tired and have sore shoulders divided amongst the patrol tho fol- forward to the summer months so lowing equipment should bo carried that he can go our exploring in his a good hand axe large frying pan canoe as he wants to pass his path- three or four large kettles or contain- finders badge lie also says that lie era for boiling purposes aud a large wants to go and see a dentist beforo tablespoon ho goes crazy so you see there are i food should be thought of and your disadvantages too j daily menus planned before you go often it is possible to obtain such last week we discussed camping things a3 egg3 milk butter and vege- and tho way to select a suitable camp tables from farms near your camping site aud this week we will go a little place and then you can save yourself further and think about the necessary the trouble ot carrying them the equipment to be taken on theso trips other food should bo provided by the let us plan a short weok end camp patrol each member bringing certain for a patrol of loue scouts we have articles and care being taken that already decided upon the place where items are not duplicated by several we intend to make our camp head- scouts quarters and wo have decided whether i next week we will discuss the food the trip is to be made on foot or by problem in more detail and also cou- wheel i sider the activities of a patrol when if we are going on our wheels we in camp shall be able to carry a littlo morel boys who are not scouts and cannot equipment than if it all has to bo car- j join a regular troop can obtain par ried on our shoulders but first of all ticulara as to how they can become let us thiuk about the matter of shel- lono scouts by writing to the lone ter on this class of camp of short scout department boy scouts as duration it is better to either take sociation 330 bay street toronto 2 along small light puptents or else out lone e received injuries to his head ind leg3 mcclure had his jaw broken miss armours arm was fractured aud miss heddlo sustained a broken collar bone traffic constable b delaney investigated the accident and tho victims were taken to a hamilton hospital horses kick fatal brockville allan bruce aged 13 employed by f smiley a farmer at algonquin grenvillo county is dead in the general hospital hero as a result ot having been kicked in the abdomen by a horse which was run ning at large along the road near the home of his employer tho horse was caught by smiley and after being handed to the boy kicked him an emergency opera tion performed at the hospital after his arrival proved of no avail i consider boredom the most legiti mate ot all reasons for a divorce noel coward lindbsgh tests plane for japan flight bureau ot statistics report traffic through the sault ste mario canal was however nearly the highest in tho past decado for that month i through the welland canal freight on trck toronto the following prices no 2 timothy ton 14 to 1450 lower grades 5 to 10 straw nom inal live stock quotations heavy beef steers 5 to 025 amounted to 1165853 tons wheat at heifers choice light 525 to 550 1 1s1809 tons was double tho corres- do choice heavy 450 to 5 do fair i ponding flguro last year barley to good 5 to 525 do com 1 to amounted to 131030 tons and oats 4f0 butcher steers choice 525 to 7j l0ih 575 do fair lo good 5 to 525 do com 4 to 475 butcher cows good to choice 4 to 425 do bologn an 3 to 350 ennners and cutters 150 to 250 butcher bulls good to choice 350 to 1 do bolognas 3 to gerald gould in tho observer there is no duty wo so much under- 1 rato ss tho duty of being happy it i l stevoti30n colonel and mrs charles lindbergh testing pi resins which bave been fitted to their ocean flying paie at glen curtis airport north beach new york the lockheed sirius piano is seen on tho water with col lindbergh in tho forward cockpit a nd the former anno morrow in tho rear tho couplo plan to fly to japan in this plane in the near future british flier sets new fast record breaks kingsfordsmiths re cord by flying from aus tralia to england in ii days lympne eng australia cant- to within 11 days of england on june gth when flight lieutenant charles w a scott brought his gipsy moth plane down at the airfield here ten days and 23 hours after he had left port darwin by his feat scott beat the record of wing commander charles kingsfordsmith who made tho westward flight from australia to england by nearly 4s hours previ ously lie had clipped 20 hours from kingsfordsmiths eastwrd record making the flight from england to australia in nine days 3 hours and 20 minutes scott had not been expected home and he missed an elaborato official welcome which had been planned for him at the brooklauds airdrome a day later however after leaving briudisi italy at dawn ho decided to travel the entire 1350 miles in ono day consequently he landed to tho greetings ot the air field attend ants only the same men who bade him goodbye on his departure for australia two months ago the airman was tired was suffer ing from gas fumes and was badly burned by the sun and wind it is too far and i really am glad it is all over now he said color of food declared vital yellow vegetables more ef fective than the white says diet authority new haven conn dr lafayette b mcudel sterling professor of physi ological chemistry at yale university an authority on nutrition said that yellow vegetable food products fur nished the equivalent of viiamin a in a paper on plant pigments in animal nutrition read at au american uni versity recently the pigments of plants have at tained new significance in recent years through the discoveries of imvpecid potencies of some of their colored con stituents in human and animal nu-i- tion professor mendel stated it has been known for some time that in the long run we are dependent uuou plants for the supply of those remark able food essentials now termed vita mins they cannot be produced do novo by the animal organism hence wo must secure them through our food supply the familiar green pigment of leaves chlorophyll is indispens able to tho normal growth of certain plants it is related in chemical make up to tho respiratory pigment of the blood hemoglobin for some time it has been observed that various yellow vegetable food products seem to furnish the equiva lent of vitamin a the food factor that is abundant in butter and in cod liver oil yellow corn is moro effective than the white varieties tho yellow sweet potato is richer than the ordin ary white potato and the yellow car rot abounds iu something that cau avert the lack ot vitamin a in tho dietary tho newest findings indicate that the yellow plant pigment termed caro- tone is the forerunner of vitamin a in tho body it is potont iu extremely minute amounts apparently some edible plant products that have been known for some time as comparative ly rich sources of tho socalled fatsol uble vitamin carry tho yellow pig ment hidden beneath a veneer of green chlorophyll the study of pigments in plants tho colors that attract our eye iu tho vegetable world about us is thus acquiring a greatly increased significance a novel chapter in the story of plants is being written kingston woman 100 gets royal message kingston out mrs annie town- send of this city celebrating her 100th birthday on juno 3rd receiv ed a front i twelfth anniversary of british exploit the mail and empire toronto this last sunday was the anniversary ot the first nonstop flight across tho atlantic ocean that flight was ac complished by two englishmen john alcock and c w brown who were both afterwards knighted by his ma jesty the king for their unprecedent ed exploit they left the vicinity of st johns newfoundland in a vickers vimy machine equipped with a rolls- royce engine shortly beforo 430 on tho afternoon of saturday june 11 1919 and sixteen hours later spied two tiny specks of land off the irish coast these islands proved to be ecshal and turbot and shortly after wards they landed near the wireless station at clifdeu on the mainland the whole expedition was british from first to last the flight was ntado from the most ancient of british col onies lo the mother land it was made by two daring young english men it was made in an english plane equipped with english engines it was made iu response to a prize offered by lord northcliffe and the london daily mail the contest was controlled by tho royal aero club of london tho achievement was all the moro remark able becauso it was brought off at a time when airplanes were not nearly so fully developed as they aro today eight years before lindburgh mado his splendid solo flight from new york to paris alcock and brown were the first men to fly the atlantic without stop while according to a united states authority lindburgh was tho sixtyseventh person to make tho crossing in spite of those facts too many canadians who very properly honor tho great united states aviator have forgotten all about the daring young englishmen who anticipated the pass age in a comparatively inferior ma chine eight years earlier tho ignor ance ot canadians in this respect may bo due partly to the modesty ot eng lishmen to tholr incapacity in tho matter of selfadvertisement 50yearoid calla lily in bloom all winter montreal mrs w b bourne of east luther ont has a calla lily cablegram of congratulation wweh wag iantc hcr lis majesty king georgo v in i voar ago bmf whch up j which it was said i he king and number ot sjl00t9 t f queen heart ly congratulate you on tl0 your 00th birthday and wish you many ag every joy aud happncss the cable scaso rm cala ioomed out the winter and has another bud now mrs james tucker of port ar thur ont has one in bloom which is in its twentyeighth season a valuable wood in tho sitka spruco canada poss was signed by tho kings privato secretary a telegram of congratulation was also received from right hon it b bennett premier ot canada while letters from other prominent men were received the kingston con servative association presented mrs townsend a birthday cake bealag es ono ot tho most valuable woods 100 candles the cablegram from used in aeroplane construction thero tho king was read to mrs townsend aro fow woods of its great lightness by lieutcol tho hon t a kidd to equal it in strength toughness and mla resiliency and thero is no oilier wood mrs townsend d in full posses- with those combined qualities which sion of her faculties and on this is available in large sizes and quanti- j birthday sang tho 123rd psalm and tics comparatively free ot knots and o beulah land other defects kawrr