Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 11, 1931, p. 6

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no increase in the price of to the pubiic canadas largest selling tea will not cost the consumer more despite the new taxation do not pay more than the price shown on the package we pay the duty and tax to grocers you will find no sales tax or duty item added to out invoices we will pay these ourselves in order that you may serve the public without extra charge and keep the same profit as before salada tea company ofi canada limited ciosa no bridges well hope it wont come to that i hope not don agreed fervently meanwhile what would you advise me to dv this mrs kane is she still in the house yes were on a plane of armed neutrality at present but i couldnt very well ask her to go dont she knows your wife per haps tetter than you do certainly better than 1 do that means that she may be useful whether she wants to be or not you think i have no reason to think anything yet dr cavanaughs leisurely emerg ence from the deep chair left don ro alternative but to rise also i wish i knew more he said as they stood in the open doorway perhaps you know that old eliza bethan recipe for cooking hare it begins first catch your hare and with this dubiems reassurance don had to be content qje advntoks of t the ule marsh story of a missing actress and the taxing of wits to explain her fate by nancy barr mavity 1 synopsis sheila oshea formerly a popular actress and now the wife of the young multimillionaire don ellsworth ilisai- bears leaving no trace behind her don vtuits dr cavanaugh the famous crim inologist and confesses that bis married life has been very unhappy chapter iii contd if she did leave you dr cavan sough amended so low that he mi have been only thinking aloud den visit and that it was surely her own affair not that of the police a pretty fool id look yes dr cavanaugh agreed soft ly but you see she hasnt turned up noo ellsworth admitted slowly but i still think mrs kane may jl know where she is my dear man beware of obses- the dctors tone was almost i chapter iv piper the city editors raucous voice rose above the clack of type writers and the murmured exchange of jokes in the herald local room peter piper untangled his legs from the rounds of his chair caught tip a sheet of copy papr and a pencil and ambled over to the city desk i want to get a follow story on the ellsworth case anything new there isnt anything new thats the trouble weve got to nurse it along till there is it may blow up any time of course but its a grea story while it lasts and its lasting the city editor who on dull days was a man to avoid like a violent and insufficiently caged wild animal nt the zoo was content as a cat in a led of catnip when a big story broke peter pipers long mobile face which had drooped disconsolately over his typewriter was slit by a wide grin whats the dope he asked h of the others have been public pro- briehtj near eyes waking up perty only unless it was some one from a bol contcn of the out of the past i dont know who it bulletin board could be sheila had not the slightest are the c on tile hus desire to give me grounds for divorce b wve use a that stuff 1 really think in a way that she course but he boar watching hes wanted to settle down play the great not teuin a he knmvs not by lady at any rate there hasnt even lamn sight see if y0l can ret anv been a shred of gossip about her in thjng on him j you might that respect and when there isn t g0 out am sce if you can t an any gossip about sheila you can de- j jnv with cavanauh pend upon it that gossip looked i didnt know he was around pretty closely before giving itj j on hj l j he isnt not yet but hes likely your own opinion seems to be to be when the police are in doubi then that your wife must have left j an j they seem to be in quite eon- j of her own free will because there sidcrablc doubt his tip they always was no way for er to be removed play cavanaugh besides hes good- against it and that on the other stuff anytime get him on the psy- hand she did not leave either alorc chology of why wives leave home or or in an elopement because she was something like that satisfied with things as they were peter blinkd an exaggerated that seems to be rather an impasse blink which conveyed a decidedly ad- it is and its just because the verse opinion of the reasonableness of more i think of it the more impos- city editors sible it all seems that ive had to hells bells jimmy he protested seek somebody elses advice on it i cavanaughs nboj as easy to intev- what came tfor after many adven ture in china captain jimmy meets an old friend lieut stone the two escape from bandits in a freight train which is wrecked in enemy territory eluding the soldiers they set out to find a plane they had hidden in the woods by the time i had forced my horse through the mob scottie had got himself untangled from the oflieer and was in pursuit of jed stone who had a horsefor himself and was busy getting fu our interpreter on another such yelling and such shrieking every m an lor himself we were a hundred yards or more away before i a single shot was fired and at that j distance we might as well have been homo in bed for all the danger of those soldiers hitting us except for a lot of shooting there was little attempt at pursuit we circled through tho woods and after going a few miles turned out again to the railway tracks turning the corner of a thicket 1 was suddenly confronted with tho most welcome sight of my life giving a great war whoop i started forward there just as wo had left it stood our old plane a hurried check up showed that it was just as we had left it but no gas no oil no any thing a fine situation there we were with a perfectly good plane powered with a tremendous engine that used so much fuel it called gas gas every time it went by a gasoline station and we had just about enough in the tank to clean a grease spot in a suit of clothes well borrow some from the sold iers jed stone suggested ha ha ha 1 laughed and while youre at it just borrow a ten course dinner for each of us my stomach is so empty its digesting itself quite right he said well jus do that of course it may not be a ten course dinner but we will eat shortly and fly soon after just as soon as it is dark our plan was perfectly simple if it worked it was grand if it didnt we wouldnt need any more gas and oil we settled down to wait for darkness a long hungry wait it was too til near midnight we were mounted lieuenant stone fu hsu the interpreter rnd i scottie trotted along on foot with eveiy possible precaution against making any unnecessary noised we circled the nlace where the old en gine lav on har back about a mile below that pot we crosel the tracks and shaped our course for the sleeping camp a couple of miles away perhaps half a mile frcm the camp we dismounted ku hsu and scot- tie stayed with tho horses lieuten ant jed stone and 1 went forward to rcconnoiter all was quiet in camp sentries pacing to and fro were all that seemed to be awake we crept as close as we dared on our left a targe roomy tent stood out against the sky line back at the horses once more we arranged our plan fu hsu on pain of death agreed to stay alone with our horses jed stone mounted h i s horse circled back and to the right so as to reach a point a of the camp as ife nearly opposite ll the large tent we had seen as possible under com pulsion scottie went alorg with him he much preferred to stay with me but jed stone needed him to help him carry out his part of the plan i crept quietly back towards the big tent to be continued note any of our young realers writing to captain jiimy 2010 star bldg toronto will receive his signed photo free sofdmti ofiocoiate malted mill the healthgiving delicious drinlt for children and grown ups pound and half pound tins at your grocers earlier egg plant produced in qz da but dons face was a study in j sions the dctors tone was almost i as i understand it since mrs view as the dalai lama he charges angry bewilderment bantering however you may be ellsworths departure is already in forty dollars a look by appointment there are other possibilities 1 1 r of course she may the public eye the only way to turn only and then if he doesnt like your doubt in fact if the one you have ive even thought every day that that eye in some other direction is to looks good night peter piper was mentioned would be the first to occur i i might get a letter from sheila her- find 0ll what has become of her and a student of law in his off hours and to most men in your position self with an explanation if possible to do it before the activ- v as entitled to wear though he never well she couldnt very well be kid- and if she did leave you youll i ities of the police stir up more pub- did a phi beta kappa key but his licity is that a fair statement of i office vocabulary was strictly in the the situation vernacular if you put it that way j now dont go off thinking you i do thats the bare bones of i cant get an interview with cavan- jiapped from her own boudoir in a have to pardon me for being very per- jiouse full of servants and by the sonal would she have any reason same token she couldnt have net that you know of if you let her sce with an accident or have been hell as plainly as you have let me sec that up by bandits without leaving a trace you regarded your marriage as a fail- an egg plant which promises ranch of value to canadians is referred to in the annual report ol tho director of size was produced which is much i earlier than the black beauty ex perimental work in this connection is j now being centred upon getting the typo fixed when this is accomplish- ed an egg plant suitable for cultiva- dominion experimental farms as the i io canadian conditions will result of long continued studies the bo established and it will probably it as i sce them and if you come to i did not mean to speak harshly of j tre the knowledge could not have me at all you niusnt expect me to put particularly happy could icr just now when i said she might made have staged a vanishing act to plague it me she wouldnt set out deliberately shed never have left me just be- to hurt anyone she merely wouldnt cause i wasnt enthusiastic about our notice whether they were getting hurt j marriage don said with bitter em- or not if they got in her way and j phasis she was getting very much you must remember that sheila was what she wantei out of it until she used to the most complete freedom of decided that she wanted something me he added action she wasnt the sort of person ielse i did think of that of course j hoped youd be able to tell me you could put in a bottle and keep that she had gone with another man what what shed be most likely to there suppose she turned up in a she could turn any man she wanted l l fa meekly week or two and announced that she blind and crazy i know because she had merely gone away to pay a siiel- did it to me and the names of some the ruffles on them dr cavanaughs manner for the first time was auth oritative the smile which warmed tho sternness of his words did not mitigate the fact that he was laying down terms to be taken or left and why by the way did you come to crisp salty crunchy christies osogud butter pretzels i dont know enough about her to do that off hand im no magician you know any science even such a muddled science as psychology must have its laboratory material i couldnt undertake the case profes sionally theres too little to go on but simply as an unofficial adviser im willing to look into it if youre sure you want me to of course im sure didnt i tell you wait a moment the limpid brown eyes took on the polished hard ness of agate if i go into this at all it is to find out the facts sup pose the consequences prove more un pleasant than those you are now- facing they couldnt be much more un pleasant don looked suddenly tired and white it is a severe handicap to be brought up to consider the world your tame kitten and then to find that it has claws any fee that you choose to name of course and ill be glad to leave a retainer therell be no fee about it if for to other reason than because you and barbara used to be pretty gocd friends you know about barbara i you did what you had to do or bought you had to do which amounts augh because i know you will here take these the city editor thrust a sheaf of clippings from the office library each one pasted on a strip of colored paper in peters hands anc turned to the telephone what an assignment peter groaned aloud the groan was en tirely spurious because the stimulus of doing difficult things was the wine of life to him like all reporters he affected to he blase and cynical and like many of them though he would never commit the outsiders solecism of calling newspaper work a game it really was a game to him played with immense and carefully concealed gusto to be continued dominion horticulturist makes the following observation a japanese egg plant called negas- aki with fruit loo small for the gen eral market having proved the only egg plant that would produce a satis factory crop in many parts of canada owing to its earliness was crossed with tlio black beauty one of the large but rather late varieties with tho result that an egg plant of good become an important new factor in horticulture throughout canada unless the noises of cities decrease their residents will have to depend upon artificial hearing by the next century according to one expert everything comes to him that hustles while ho waits thomas a eljson mr bachelor horace did you aw tell your sister that 1 was wait ing horace rather she said yon ought to get a job like that in i a restaurant the educational valuo of the newspaper and its power to form public opinion can hardly be exag gerated nicholas murray butler no matter how severe you can always have immediate relief aspirin always stops pain quickly it v upmn niways stops pain qmouy it to the same thing besides there is does it without cm ill effects harmless another reason it is barely possible j to the heart harmless to anybody but that this affair mav become too it always brings relief why suffer aspirin for our private handling the pel have been known to avail themselves of my services i shall certainly do nothing to invite such a request but if they should appeal to irc i must feci absolutely free however lets trade mark beo mado in canada issue no 2431 greenlands begs fail to appear exceptional conditions this year puzzle meteoro- gists and ice experts something meteorologically strango is happening in greenland the ice- has not moved out and come down ou the transatlantic steamship tracks as in other years two coast guard cut ters tho mohave and poutehartralu have been lying in boston for weeks prepared lo run down the years first iceberg and send out warnings to ves sels of its presence ami location but none has appeared a 125foot patrol boat the general greene sent out to scout and make sure no mountain o the deep bad escaped notice reported by radio that she found but two insignificant bergs and those were down only as far as 47 and is degrees of latitude or up ast of st johns newfoundland tho reason for icebergs is fast wan- ug april 1 to july 1 is the usual time for them reckoning over a period of years in 1911 the prowlers ap peared on feb 17 and did not disap pear until aug s last year one loom ed up ou march 25 and all had gone on june 9 the year before the pro cession began on march 20 commander stanley parker of the mohave and commander william t stromberg of tho pontchartrain are about convinced that if greenlands icy mountains do not have their spring landslides within two weeks there will be no bergs in the shipping lanes next summer why icebergs leave home is now less important than why they do not weather experts of washington found some time ago that certain parts of the arctic legion were becoming warmer while other parts were growing cold er they set about to solve the mys tery in the greenland sea north of europe milder weather and less ice than ever has prevailed while in the bering sea and the regions of north america unusually heavy ice was re ported it was the kind that clung and would not let go for a voyage south the gulf stream usually the tar get when meteorologists find them- selves up against a problem was i blamed by some it is known that the warm wateis of the gulf as they swing northeastward toward europe eddy to the north in the direction of greenland and the birthplace of bergs in disko bay the warmer water blasts the glaciers at the ocean edge and chunks of them swing away the labrador current picks them up and its cold water nurses them along as they pass tiie coast of baffin land and labrador further south the current swings hack north it swirls and eddies some of the bergs continue in it back home others i slide out to the south some to drift i and become ugly castoffs others to he i caught up by the neighboring gulf stream there and dissipated in its warm water since 3003 there has been talk of a nineyear cycle of heavy ice early in the season north of the newfound land banks there was such a con dition that year and again in 1912 tho year of the titanic disaster heavy ice also appeared in 1021 and last year keports from fishermen sealers and explorers about spitsbergen and tho eastern arctic pointed to a radical change in climatic conditions and hitherto unheard of warmth in that part of the earth old glaciers had disappeared and land loomed bare where there had been but ice captain martin liigebrigsten who had sailed the eastern arctic for fifty- four years reported that he first noted the warmer conditions in 111 s ami that as a region it was far different from what it was between 1scs and 1917 so the coast guard finds itself in a position of watchful waiting an car to the word from the practical adven turer the other to wisdom of scient ists and both eyes on the sea duke of sutherland offers alberta lands for safe montreal one of the show farms of alberta the 7000acre holding of the duke of sutherland at brooks will bo sold the farm is situated in tiio cimi eastern irrigation block aid includes 5023 acres of irrigable and 1798 acres of nonirrigable land it will probably be subdivided twenty years ago the father of tho present duke of sutherland purchased the farm with tho object of inducing british families to settle on the land and a number of them were placed of late years it had been farmed as a unit and in good years produced about 100000 bushels of wheat a few years ago when it was under tho man agement of it b sangster the farm won a 1000 prize for the largest yield on a single acre of land with an aver age of sixtyseven bushels no crop will he placed on the farm this summer it is understood ami if the property has not been sold pri vately in the meanwhile it will in whole or in convenient sized lots bo offered for public sale next november if the machine is highly enough perfected it is in the final analysis cheaper than labor at its lowest j price albert einstein t villains have a disappointing way j of turning out to be rather decent when you know them lincoln steffens

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