king congratulates young marksman canadians win kings trophy and imperial challenge shield ottawa canadas boy marksmen who have won the kings trophy and the imperial challenge shield for 1930 sis the result of their expert shooting have been congratulated by hla ma- jest the king the department ot national defence announces receipt from the secretary of the national klfle association bisley camp eng land the following message from his majesty the result of the competition for his majestys trophy has been laid before the king and i am to ask you to convey his majestys congratula tions to the boys ot canada on their ticcond victory they havo set a very high standard for future competitors signed sir frederick ponsonby keeper of the privy purse in the empire match canada had in 1925 only 2020 eutries which num ber has been increased each succes sive year until for the 1930 contest 79f9 boys took part a total of 34312 boys from all parts of the empire fired in the competition according to the report of the competition issued by the national rifle association the young marksmen of canada won his majesty tl- kings trophy with toe remarkably one average ot 8c9c7 for their national tam this is thj highest average yet mr 3 in the match and is an advance ot 37 points over south africas win ning score in 1929 canadas previous win in this contest was in 1927 when the team of 3000 boys whose scores top tho averages in the various parts of the empire averaged 79211 points canadian boy marksmen won 158 silver and 222 bronze medals in tho 1930 match a number considerably in excess of the numbers won by all other pn i of the empire combined in addition to the kings trophy the junior imperial challenge shield was won by canada and is to bo held for the year by st willibrods academy cadet corps verdun que a unit which had 289 cadets fire in tho compe tition this corps under the instruc tion of lieutcol e mackaypapineau vd averaged 91629 points per boy anl won 31 silver and 53 bronze med als second place for the juuior shield w i taken by the quebec seminary cadet battalion quebec with 200 com petitors who recorded an average of 97562 points winning 05 silver and 27 bronzo medals third placo was awtded to the calgary public schools cadet regiment central public school calgary al berta whose team of 41 boys averaged 964 the senior imperial challenge shield goes to abergavenny company first monmouthshire cadet battalion church lads brigade england with an average of 98136 pmnts early jellicoos sword is awarded to the kingston navy league sea cadet corps england with an average of 97605 this sword was awarded in 1929 to the military ontario cadet corps the sword of tho late earl haig goes to st peters school sea- forth sussex england the trophy presented by tho duke ot devonshire when govornorgeneral ot canada for annual award to the cadet corps ot the dominion showing the highest allround proficiency in thi competition has been awarded to st willibrods academy cadet corps which unit in the honors list of tho best hundred units in the empire ranks first under special awards throe canadian competitors receive bronze medals tho special medal awardod to tho youngest boy who makes tho highest possible score of 100 points is won by j macdonald ago 12 ot tho central public school calgary alberta miss l gillmour and miss m leigh both ot tho all saints girls riflo club westboro ont receive bronze medals fqr scores ot 95 points violent deaths take 3 in north blimp mailcarrier army blimp c52 drops bag ot mail for president hoover and mem bers ot his party oft virginia capes blimp is shown abov uss arizona drowning suicide and fall ing tree fatalities reported cochrane a series of tragedies to the district over the weoknd are re ported here the list including a drown ing a death from suffocation under a fallen tree and a suicide through drinking poison all the victims were men stanislaus holdys polish by birth a laborer employed by the dominion construction company at the abitibi 1 canyon foil into the river while at i work there was swept away and drowned his body was not recovered john j hamilton 23 married with two children who arrived from gil bert plains man recently to settle u a farm seven miles from town was pinned under a huge tree when it toppled over the wrong way whilo he and russell buchanan were felling it buchanan could not lift the trunk alone and hamilton was dead from suffocation when help came john scluk a russian about 40 years old who owned a bush lot near bourkes drank half of the contents of a tenounce bottle of sulphuric acid jin a stable on the farm of valentine krondachuk with whom he lived and died in agony after telling of his deed prroces leave for england prince of wales and brother end 20000mile tour of south america rio de janeiro the prince ot wales and prince georgo his youngest brother bailed for home on the liner arlanza sunday evening terminating a 20000mile good will tour ot south american countries the ship sailed at 635 pm tho princes were given a cordial farewell thousands cheered as they went up the gang plauk and stood on tho ships deck waving a3 the liner moved out of tho bay the princes have visited most of i laced in a refrigerator for varying tho countries of south america during periods while electrical apparatus was the past several weeks the peak of attached to their bodies to register jvjg gfcgffi per cent and their tour in so far as their trade the efficacy of their shivering those ft 5 l c g ermanv is not mission was concerned occurred last who lent jn month at buenos aires where tho shivering stood tile cold test best he mourn ii uuinoj a iui ii o be unjust to give germanys reduction which were demanded by the allies the journal des debats comment- lug on these statistics in connection with the forthcoming confer nee says these figures and others show i that the situation has reduced its when cold shiver says scientist bodys method of resisting cold and manufactur ing heat montreal lacking a comfortably- heated atmosphere or a fur coat the thing to do is to indulge in plenty of plain and faucy shivering according to dr r w swift ot the university ot rocehster who read a paper before tho physiological section of tho feder ation of american societies for experi mental biology in session here people shiver to keep warm and it is a good substitute for that dr swift said shivering is the bodys method of manufacturing heat he ex plained dr swift said lie had expert- merited with volunters who had been french war budget shows big cut paris there la no indecision in fiances attitude toward the forthcom ing world disarmament conference at geneva in 1932 it comments on frances recently approved 19311932 war budget are to bo taken at their face value although the present budget is 180 000000 francs higher than in 1930 french writers have brought forth figures to show that frances military expenses compared with 1914 show a greater drop than any great power tlie official table showed ance 16 per cent less than 1914 italy 11 britain 10 japan 48 per cent more than 1911 u s 86 another tahlo shows that france has reduced her fighting effectives 45 prince ot wales formally opened the british trade exhibition said many new industries to start in manitoba winnipeg man mr j m david son secretary of the industrial de velopment board of manitoba who has recently returned from a trip through the east and south reported at a meeting of hte board that new blind are aided by new invention instrument produces raised military effort by considerable pro- letters from ordinary pages new york robert e naumberg of industries will bo established in the cambridg magg- demon3 for the ganda pretends that this effort does 4v1ththem lonescouts this week brings us news from our most northerly lone scout who lives at tho hudson bay post at landsdowng house in northern on tario his name is walter wraigbt and waiter is quite an outstanding scout in other respects besides his northerly location coming from the old country last year ho brought a very fine re cord with him and he is the posses sor of the coveted silver cross tor bravery which was bestowed upon him for saving tho life of a dog tho lone scout commissioner has a picture of walter with the dog a cocker spaniel that he saved on arrival in canada ho was sent to one ot the hudson bay com panys northern ontario posts and ho has been in that part ot the coun try over since and tells us that he quite enjoys the life although it is a little lonely at times especially in the winter tlmo when travelling is difficult and he has to wait for a long tlmo for his mall walter has loarned to drive a dog team but ho says that it you talk kindly to the dogs they think that you are a weakling and just lie down on the track and wont budge it u necessary to use quite strong lang- uago to them before they will take any notice ot you the last mall which the po3t received was brought in by dog team driven by an italian priest and he was quite embarras sed by the fact that the dogs would tahe no iotice of ordinary language so he compromised by swearing at them in spanish walter is a lone scout indeed lately we have noticed several people busily engaged in their gar dens and this reminds us that every lone scout will of course have a garden talks it is advisable to move your vege tables around in tho garden from year to year this practice is kiowa as rotation one vegetable grown in exactly the same location each sea son will soon exhaust all the partic ular nourishment that vegetable re quires and may also fill the wu full of disease then too some degumin- oua crops such as peas and beans should qualify for the gardeners badge and now is the time to com mence operations to earn this badge i which actually add fertilizer to the like quite a tew of the other scout soil must be moved around so that badges the gardeners requires quite the whole garden will benefit these a little patience and cannot be earn- w help to compensate for the iu- ed overnight i roads made by such gross feeders as it is necessary to have some knowl- carrots beets and corn in tho edgo of soils and to actually grow small garden it is always well to a number ot flowers and plants from i sow a few rows ot vegetables extra seed but all this is very interesting i early although tho bulk of tho seed work which would be enjoyed by j should not go in until the time speci- every lorie i fled in the seed catalogue with a lit- get busy and ask your scoutmas- ho left over to opaut any spots ter to send vou particulars of the which may have been visited b gardeners badge so that you too slugs frost rabbits or children ii can qualify for it lhe irst sovfa vegetables come on all and talking of gaidening reminds right and they have about a two to us of a very good turn that wa per- j five chance of doing this every year formed last year by tho lone wolf you will have extra early and satis- patrol of paris the founders of tho factory results but if they are lost present paris troop i 011 oul a fow ce for these- louies looks about them and t labor ot cours 3 uot discovered some old folks who were too gardens so they considered in this argument because a pleasure with spades and rakes and all the necessary tools and set to work to plant these old peoples gardens for them and then later on they also tended them when necessary wasnt that a real good turn maybe you can do the same thing thi3 year and still talking ct good turns in the springtime have you noticed how the bright sunshine shows up that dirty rubbish heap and untidy scrap laying all around the house and which was previously buried un derneath tho snow how about making this week a rock garden material practically all seedsmen list suit- table planting material tor tho rock garden that interesting little lay out representing a mountainous rango in miniature which can be de veloped in ones own garden while there are literally thousands ot species ot alpine plants from all parts ot the world the number that are proving hardy in canada is limited and the novice would be well advised to confine himself at first to any or all of the following varieties which arc obtained either lone scout clean up week and as seed or plants the three best so put everything shipshape for phloxes obtainable in plants only the bright weather which is ahead of are subulata lilac us garden of his very own which he j go to it lone scouts and then will lay out and plant to his owl o your scoutmaster and tell likin 1 him what you are doing and therefore every lone scout lone e the markets produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 20c fresh firsts 18c seconds 10c butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 32 to 32 c no 2 31 to 31 c to shoo sheep 2 to 650 hogs bacon fob s do do woc 65c above fob do selects 51 per hog premium do butchers 1 per hos discount allcanadian phone system now installed toronto the first canadian all- churning cream special 33c no- wire telephone service between mont portions she has executed with wil lingness more than a limitation she has entered resolutely in the road of diminutions certain foreign propa- province involving an aggregate ex pendlture of more than 5000000 the prospective industries includi first time last week a printing visa- j not count because it has been done i graph au instrument that produces under financial pressure i magnified raised letters from the food products implements two turni- j g o orinary ture factories building material and ife fo the comlill0i mee ot household products packing industry based on the canadian exports decrease ottawa expressed in percentages american institute of electrical imports frora canada represented imnn ami ilia a ivitin n slrtmptv here next year as the result of ex- f i engineers and the american society 3 gl pjr cent o thj tom importa would be especially valuable in provid- compared witu 3 per ceut in lm there will be a beet sugar refinery mechanlcal engineers tho machino z i ro novt vmr na the result of ox- ml lhe ulllieu kingdom in 1930 perimontatlon which has been car- a i0rmlnd pergon8 fcctw tho visagrapll reproduces large dial trade commissioner in london embossed letters on a wide roll of this iu tho com intelligence jour- aluminum toil with tho result that tho tha unitcil statesj wu finished product corresponds in some britains largest supplier of goods respects to the braille system nauni- aiao experienced a decline the figure burg estimates his machine will m- being 1533 per cent in 1930 against hobart tasmania planes driven croase tue reading range of the blind 16 67 per cont th nrovloug yeai ried on for several years in the pro vinco stxengined planes for tasmanian trip liner eclipses promised speed new cpr empress may rival bremen and europa loudon tho now 15000000 cana fllan pacific steamship empress ot britain loft tho gladstouo graving dock at liverpool over tho woekend tor tho clydo for her speed trials built for a speed ot 24 knots she has already dono 26 in her preliminary trials in furthor tests sho may ap proach the speed ot tho europa and the bremen tho cunard linos 73000ton ship now known simply as no 534 being built at tho clyde bank yard of the messrs john brown co was origin ally to havo boon dellvored in septem ber 1933 but the speeding up ot con struction makes it virtually cortalu aho will bo completed five or six months earlier than expected thug sho will bo roady for tho summor in vasion of europe by tourists in 1933 instead ot being handed over at the beginning ot winter an unprofitable time for steamship companies bettor an impediment in tho speech thin la the brain by six engines are being planned to a thousandfold replace the thrceenglned machines now handling the triwcekly service between tasmania and melbourne so successful has the present service proved that a daily service is now proposed so that any day tasma- niaiis may hop across bass strait after breakfast and tako their raid- day meal with friends in melbourne tho passage via northern tasma nia is scheduled for four hours clip ping is hours oft tho railsteamer time tho christian science moni tor canada tool 539 per cent of the united kingdoms total exports in 0 930 compared with 503 per cent in bessborougtl lo be patron the preceding year the united regina world exhibit states was responsible for only 535 ottawa his excellency the cover- ler cent against 657 per cent in norgencral has consented to act as 1929 chief patron of the world grain ex- 1 5 hlbition and conference which will there is nothing so easy but that it take placo at regina iu the summer becomes difficult when you do it with of 1982 his excellency was requested reluctance terrence to act as patron shortly after accepting tho post ot governorgeneral and has agreed to do so 1 32c no 2 29c j re new york aud loudon and direct cheese no 1 large colored paraf- telephone service between can- fined and government graded 13v to 0da and england via the canadian marconi system will soon he iu oper ation a new circuit is under construction which will give transatlantic telephone 13c quotations to poultry shippers arej as follows pouitry a grade alive fatted hens over 5 to 6 lbs 20c over 4 to 5 lbs 18c under 4 lbs 16c over 3m to 4 lbs 15c under 3a lbs 12c old roosters over 5 lbs 12c ducks over 5 lbs 27c over 4 to 5 lbs 25c muscovie ducks over 5 lbs 23c over 4 to 5 lbs 19c spring broilers rocks over 2 lbs 35c leghorns over hi lbs 30c wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to retail communication by vsre for tho first time according to j ii brace general manager of the western division ot the bell telephone company of can ada this involves open wire plants from montreal and new york to nova scotia submarine cable to newfound- laud open wire across that island then submarine cable to tlie british isles at present there are five radio in white pink aud tvmoena pink and divaricate in white and pale lavender blue violas may be secured in many pleas ing colors there are two primulas the cortusoides a rosy lilac and deuticulata a white to lilac rose two arabis the alpinus t white and the alpinus roseus a pink other plants include alyssum saxatlle compactum yellow aubretia various arni- eria rose ind white calamintha alpina purple campanula carpatlca blue and white cerastium tomon- tosum grayish foliage with white flowers cheiranthus allioni bien nial orange dlanthus doltoidos rose pink gypsophila repens white helianthemum mutabllo various iberis sempervlrens white linarta alpina blue papaver alpinum mixed various saponaria ocymoldes rose sarl- fraga hybrids various silence schatta rosypurple tunica saxl- fraga pink veronica prostrata blue lychnis alpina bright rose the secret of suocessful rock gardening is informality use irregularly shaped stones planted firmly with the pocket of soil be tween leading back into the centre of tlie mound so that there will bo full room for root development and moisture supplies will not he cut off there must be good drainage before healers- telephone circuits between great brij attempting to establish one of these smoked meats hams mod 20 to tain and north america threo short- gardens it would he well to visit ona 24c smoked rolls 21c breakfast ba- wave and two longwave circuits in your locality or at least to con 18 to 27c backs peamealed 21 radio service from north america a good book on tlie subject 26c do smoked 31 to 33c i to japan the philippines aud australia i flowers for bouquets pork hams 17mc to 18mc shoul was another step planned ot tlie j some times the beauty of the re- dors 15v4c butts n vic loins 22 c nnoooo telephones in tho world lol gu flower garden is marred when go to 70 jsr 19to 90 rtc- day 21 i to blooms aro cut for decoration in- 0 to 110 lbs 16c lightweight rolls exchange conversations this is 8s to avoid this a supply ol 18c heavy weight rolls 17c per cent and will soon be raised to flowers are often grown in rows in lard pure tierces lie tubs 100 per ceut j uie vegetable patch for cutting pur- umic pails 12c prints 12 to 12vs at the recent imperial conference p05e only here too arc grown lie tubs shortening tierces hmc pails 1191c special pastry shortening tierc 10c tubs154c pails 16c national injustice is the surest road to national downfall william ewart gladstone whole city destroyed by quake london mr brace said wo now i flowers such as cornflowers have available public telephone serv- scabiosa and salpiglossls which ice between ships at sea and any i beautiful bloom but poor foliago telephone on the north american j fhe main crop of asters may also continent we have on tho trains ie grown here as these plants occupy grain dealers on the toronto board between toronto and montreal facili- a ro deal of space before producing of trade are making the following ties so that conversations can be flowers california poppies zln- quotations for car lots j carricd on wl these trains are in niag and marigolds can be grown grain quotations motion to telephones in the homes both in the cutting garden and flow- in rows with i manitoba wheat no 1 hard 65c no 1 northern i22e no 2 do 61c no 4 do 56c cif coder- aud l njacos this coiversa- e border plantod it and bay ports i tion passes from tho trains through the vegetables and receiving regular manitoba oats no 1 feed 31c mo 2 feed 29c manitoba barley no 3 cw 31 no 4 do 30c feed 20c argentine corn 53c may ship ment to arrive millfeed del montreal freights bags imuded bran per ton 2225 shorts per ton 2425 mmdlings 2725 i ontario grain wheat 06c barley 31 to 32c oats 25 to 27c rye nom inal buckwheat 0c j hay and straw prices j the air to tho wires along the route cultivation these flowers are more which are connected to the telephone easily attended to and often do bet- system at kingston out then via ter on account of the thorough cultl- land wires to a radio telephone station vation than when grown in the re- along tho atlantic coast over to great gular flower garden and ot course britain where again it is picked up they may be cut xl will without dis hy land wires and carried to a radio figuring any border station which sends the message to i plant trees now australia again being picked up by shrubbery rose bushes climbers land wires and carried to the place cf business or home of tho man to whom our canadian friend wishes to 8 eak such a conversation would dealers arc quoting shippers for normally bo established within the hay and straw carload lots delivered courso ot ten minutes on track toronto the following i no 2 timothv ton 14 no 3 do 12 to 13 wheat straw 850 oat straw 8 live stock quotations heavy beef steers 625 to 7 but cher steers choice 6 to 650 do fair to good 525 to 575 do com 450 to 5 butcher heifers choice geological relic is found near quebec quebec a relic estimated to be 15000000 years old has been un covered in tho city of quebec it is part of tho shell of a giant fruit hushes fruit and ornamental trees are usually planted as soon as the ground is dry enough to do it the same rule applies to herbaceous perennials once the soil loses tho moisturo ot early spring and tho hot dry winds commence a much larger proportion of plants is likely to die than if set out earlier 575 to g25 do fair to good 5 to sna and ll ls estimated that when 550 do com 450 to 5 butcher tho crcaturo lived it measured 15 foot cows good to choice 425 to 475 in length do med 325 to 4 canners ana the piece of shell which lies i lowing soven yoars this increased cutters 150 to 2 butcher bulls horizontally on a cliff on viaduct to a per capita consumption of 354 good to choice 4 to 450 do bol- i2iii i in groy limeslono pounds ot cheeso 4708 pounds ot cheese milk and ice cream the consumption ot chooso milk and icecream is increasing in can ada in 1921 the average used por head of population was 251 pound ot cheese 1401 pounds ot milk and 526 pints ot icecream in tho fol- ottnas 3 to 350 baby beef g to and stands out clearly from us sur- milk and 705 pints ot icecream city of managua capital of nicaragua was destroyed by earthquake morning of march 31 only a fow houses are said to bo lott standing and thoy were on fire this photo shows tho national palica at managua 8 feeders good 5 to s550 stock- crs 450 to 476 springers 50 to rounding at first it was thought 80 milkers 40 to 60 calves good l0 b nart ot trc0 or somo otncr th0 tctodhona girl acquires mora to choice 9 to 050 do mod 7 object but inspect by theo donls earrlra than flngor rings to 8 do com 450 to 5 lamb superintendent of mlhb- placed it as o choice 1050 to 11 buck lambs being part of a giant mall which bettor say only bait you 4hlnk than 750 to 8 spring lambs each 5 lived thousands ot centuries ago think only half you say r