qiome chats by v ukbann best what do we plant when we plant a treat a thousand things that we dally see we plant the spire that outtowers the crag we plant the staff for our countrys flag wo plant the shade from the hot sun free took his head in her hand and slapped the side of his nose a few times not very hard for did you know you dont often need to puuish animate very hard to make them mind but then you mustnt let them off altogether either for uiey must know what 13 right and wliat is wrong just tho same as little boys and girls must be taught wo plant all these when wo plant a dont you think so tree henry abbey a good spring appetizer and spring tonic the lowly dandelion in salad gather the early tender plant of dandelion it is best when just show- lug on top of the ground tho whiter and more blanched it is the more deli- cato i3 tho flavor sometimes it grows up long blanched and delicious under fallen boards or around and uu- dor stones sometimes you may find it in a freshly plowed field and you may be sure the farmer will be only too glad to see you come and gather all you can tako away for it is an un desirable weed to him except when he us63 it on his table if he has also grown to like its slightly bitter taste cut off the roots as you gather it and keep as free from grass as pos sible as you go along put it all in a large dlshpan it takes a lot of dande lion to make a good sized dish full for it goes together a good bit cover well with warm salty water wash through a number of waters to remove j all the sand then cut a few slices of bacon into dice and fry brown in large frying pan add vt to vi cup white wine vinegar not too strong 1 tblsp sugar more or less accordiug to taste salt and pepper when it is boiling add the dandelion turn it over and over with a spoon to get it well mixed until it is wilted but do not boil or cook it put it into a salad bowl and cover with sliced hard boiled eggs this tastes very good with a ham and eggs dinner many people eat it every day in the spring it they have time to gather it until the dandelion grows too old an easy crumb cake 2 cups pastry flour ivii cups brown sugar cup butter 2 teasp baking powder dash of cinnamon work above ingredients to crumbs then take out i of a cup and add to the remain der 2 eggs not beaten cup sweet ilk and vanilla if desired beat up well put in greased pan and cover with the crumbs bake in moderate oven cool in the pan and cut pieces out as needed twilight hour story chapter 13 about vves chickles and other little friends i told you last week that when they first brought fluffy the perslan pussy h line rover didnt care about it very much of hirse he wouldnt hurt her because he know fluffy belonged to the house just as much as he did but one day just shortly after fluffy came she was outside enjoying a sun bath izamma and billy were up town and itover thought it would be fun to make fluffy run and ho actually chased her up a tree she was so sur prise to think hed run after hor but she found he could climb a tree al- ost as easily as walking but oven when she was high abovo rover she was so frigmened that sho kopt on climbing up and up then when sho was away up there aud looked down she was so high up she was afraid to come down i tell you fluffy was glad when sho saw mamma lady and billy coming homo just then it happened a little neighbor boy saw rover chase fluffy so he came over aud said rover chased fluffy up the treo i saw him mamma lady looked hard at rover and said rover did you chase flufly up there shame i dldut thluk youd do that and rover hung his head and came over slowly then when bo got to mamma lady ho put up hi3 paw to shako hands that was his way of saying he was sorry but mamma lady had to punish him for doing that eo he wouldnt do it again and sho well fluffy was away up in the troo seeing all this and when mamma lady looked up at her aud called her sho was so excited aud delighted she couldnt stand still she called hor again aud do you know what fluffy dld she didnt climb down this time but sho jumped down all the way it may bo she lost her balance for the branch was so littlo away up there and she wasnt used to climbing yet anyway she jumped down all that way and what do you think she landed right on hor paws kittles always fall on their paws if they slip did you ever know that they never fall on their sides where it would hurt like every thing the way we would most likely fall no thoy never do well when she plunked down right beside mamma lady she didnt run either no she knew rover wouldnt ran aftor her again it mamma lady wa3 there bo sho ju3t waited until mamma lady picked her up and took her into the house but fluffy got back at rover after a few days for running after her like that sho wasnt quite so afraid of him now when hed come in tho house this is what she did you see when rover is glad he wags his big tail which i3 his way of saying ho is hap py well when he came in one day feeling awfully good and wagging his brushy tail like a good fellow fluffs- was behind him and she started to play with it he was so surprised and stopped and looked round at her but fluffy knew he couldnt come after her with billy around she just hid until he stopped looking at her aud as soon as he wagged it again she grab bed it again and the only way he could keep fluffy from pulling at his long hair was to keep it real still aud such a funny look came into his brown eyes he didnt like standing still when he was feeling glad and not be able to wag his tail do you know he had to go off in a corner if he wanted to wag his tall in comfort fluffy was pretty smart that time dont you think but i wonder what jimmle chick and the three littlo chick sis ters have been doing all this time were going to find out next issue sunday school lesson mrs brown you used to call mo your turtle dove mr brown well i was some thing of a bird myself in those days april 26 lesson iv how to pray luke 18 114 golden text lord teach us to pray luke 11 1 analysis i the parable of the unjust judge 18 l- ii the pharisee and the publican 18 914 i the parable op the unjust judge 18 18 the point of the parable is to show that christians ore to pray at all times that is even when their pray ers seem not to be answered and not to faint or give up in despair the jdge in the story is perhaps a local magistrate or ino of the two regular policccuurt magistrates in jerusalem who because they sat continuously were paid out of the temple treasury thero are various references to the ignorance arbitrariness and covet- ousness of such men in v 5 a very strong cxpressi- n is used lest in he end she come and give me a black eye but perhaps this is not meant literally for some reason or other the un just judge does not want to right the womans wrong bat in the end be cause of her importunity he listens to her thinking it will on the whole be less bother to him to be rid of her wo must not understand by the par able that god who otherwise would not trouble to answer our prayers will in the end answer them if we bother him enough god does not an swer our prayers because of our im portunity but we are to go on asking him without ever despairing because we know he will answer our prayers this is another instance of the how much more argument thich jesus so often employed in his teaching about god if even an unjust judge in the end will listen to prayers how muoh more shall god who loves his children in the end in his own good time an swer their prayers by avenging his elect we are pre sumably to understand he deliver ance vindication and justification of those who have been faithful through trial and persecution the parable as we have it seems to deal in gen eral with the questioi of prayers that seem to be unanswered and in par ticular with the sufferings and trials of the church between the death of jesus and his eagerly expected re turn let the persecuted church take heart god will speedily avenge his elect it is not clear whether the second part of v 8 is a saying of jesus or a comment by the evangelist when what new york is wearing by annabelle worthington illustrated dressmaking lesson fur nished with every pattern darling youthful chic for allday occasions is expressed in this simple frock of printed crepe silk the cowl drape and flounce trim med sleeves lend a softened touch to the bodice tho unusually clever shaping of the skirt produces a decidedly slimming effect the lower part displays a com fortably full hemline to copy it exactly takes but 3 yards of 39inch material for the medium size stle no 3032 is designed for sizes 16 18 years 3g 38 40 and 42 inches bust it is very fashionable too in plain the so i of blan comes will he find crepe silk in navy blue or if you pre not faith but the faith on the f black crepe silk it is stunning her majesty discovers quaint wallpaper london many collecting families which have been long settled in one house have been known to discover hidden treasure in some neglected at tic it is now disclosed that queen mary herself an ardent colloctor lias made several interesting discoveries of this kind not long ago she found in buckingham palace i understand to her surprise nod delight a gayy painted chinese wallpaper acquired by king george iv stored away and forgotten tho beautiful and incidentally valuable wallpaper now adorns one j of the sitting room in the- palace known as the yellow drawing room becauso the colorscheme is carried out in a charming clear- jasmine- yellow collector earth the words the faith seem naturally to mean true christianity and it is perhaps right to suppose that the words are the comment of some disheartened church leader who does not doubt hat soon christ will come but who is gravely disauieted about t state of the church in any case the point of the parable seems to be this your prayers for deliverance seem not to be answered vou are doubting whether god will do hi3 part but the real question is whether you will do yours of course god will vindicate- hi elect but are you sure that you will be found numbered among the elect ii the pharisee and the publican 18 914 selfrighteousness is the subject of this story the public and official worship of the tomple was almost ex clusively sacrificial but the temple ourts it would seem were also used for private prayer it is difficult to sec how far the prayer if the pharisee may properly- be called a prayer a all he giv thanks to god for the blessedness f hi3 condition tut the impression is left with us that the pharisee is not so much grateful to god for the gifts of gods grace as he is boasting before god of his own attainments he as lone more than tro law requires he has fasted on mondays and thursday the chris tians to be different chose wednes days and fridays for their fasts he has paid tithes nj only on his pro duce as the law required but on ihe whole of his income he has avoided the open sins of the worldling a not dissimilar prayer of a rabbi has come down to us i thank thee 0 lord mv god that thou hast put my part with those who sit in the academy and not with those who liko moneychangers and traders sit at the corners for i rise eariv and they rise early i rise early to the words of the law and they to vain things t labor and they labor i labor and receive a reward they labor and receive no reward i run and they run i run to the life of the world to conie and they to the pit with a touch of white in embroidered organdie with narrow lace edge used for the flounce sleeve frills how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto of destruction it would be a great mistake however to suppose that these prayers give us a complete and normal picture of tho piety of the pharisaic party moreover the phari see in the narable does not seem to be wholly condemned tho publican re turns to his house with a heart more acceptable to god than the pharisees because he ha3 a greater sense of moral realities but the righteousness of the pharisee is not despised what is meant by saying that he publican is justified rather than the other justified is strictly a term taken from the law courts and means acquitted it applies here that all men are sinful in gods eyes and all must pray forgive us our tres passes but that a broken and con- rite heart is more acceptable to god than a proud and selfsatisfied right eousness humility is the right atti tude of man before god and the ion- ship to which we are called is not an easy and lighthearted companionship and familiarity one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warnings j r lowell spring song just smell a crocus and close your eye3 but you cant shut out the blue ot the skies the green of the grass and the glint of the brook v the racing and chasing ot mad chinook you cant shut out the fleecy clouds floating and dowuy fairy shrouds for tho crocus has in it the spirit of spring and its gay purple bells the spring song ring and its gay yellow heart is the heart ot spring just smell a crocus aud listen not for youll hear tho songs that cant be forgot the song of tho lark in an airy doll the rustliug of fairies at wishing well tho raucous cry ot the coal black crow the honk of the wild geese as over thoy go for the crocus has to it the spirit of spring aud its gay purple bells the spring song ring and its gay yellow heart 13 the heart of spring we know spring is bore when days grow long whou the brain is cleared and the heart beats strong when ice breaks up and tho lakes shine blue wo know spring is coming then we do but wo greet the crocus with roll of drums for spring is here when the crocus comes for tho crocus has in it tho spirit of spring and its gay purple bell3 tho spring song ring and its gay yellow heart i3 the heart of spring original one ot tho race that knows joseph a litte welsh bureau new coiffure by emlie with cor rect size veil and plumes aud ornament worn oft forehead lon don fashions decree for this years debutantes short hours and one job offered as solution berlin tho commission appointed by the chancellor dr holnrlch bruening to study germanys unem ployment problem suggested two partial solutions general shortening speare ot working hours and prohibition of the outstanding literature produced civil servants engaging in side jobs i by writers ot the united states were the commission headed by the listed by mr galsworthy as mark british author gives list of favorite works philadelphia john galsworthy dis cussed english and american litera ture ot the past century at the phila delphia forum here he discussed the socalled realists with frankness saying that their phil osophy would not live though tholr style was arresting the novelists mr galsworthy himself finds perennially interesting were charles dickens robert louis stevenson katharine mansfield joseph conrad w h hud son and mark twain dickens was tho greatest ot eng lish novelists mr galsworthy said the quest for truth and beauty is a hard one but what else is there worth seeking he added in discussing tho uso of satire which he said was to forcibly point out truths stevenson mr galsworthy re marked gave u3 the unexpected in diction more frequently than any other english writer excepting shako- former minister of labor heinrloh brauns believed that shortening ot working hours would afford an op portunity for at least part time work to many who now are without jobs the commission recommended that where industries proved recalcitrant to the plan the government be cm- powered to fix the hours of work twains tom sawyer hawthornes scarlet letter and frank norriss mcteague mending curtains springtime and housecleaning time approach those muslin curtains need laundering and yet the commission urged also that rather old and delicate to withstand all civil servants bo prohibited from another washing try this and see accepting remunerative job3 outsldo how well it succeeds after the cur- their regular civil service when i got home last night said the struggling author i found that burglars had been in my place really exclaimed his friend what happened did they take anything they searched through every drawer in tho flat and then left 200 on my desk walter and how did you find the beef sir customer oh i moved a potato and there it was drying rods a kitchen stool which yields ig 26inch galvanized rods tor drying inside the house in the roc tluu mary shared with sarah was aafjier link with the past a past that ta this case reached back beyond every thing her babyhood had experienced the little bureau from wales where the sisters kept their clothes in or derly piles was a constant spur to the chrlds imagination she had been told that her grandmother sarah price from whom her sister sarah was uamed had brought i from radnor to pembroke whn she came there as the brido of james harris marys grandfather that was the bureaus first journey from radnor to pembroke in walos an mary rolled tho names ou her tongue and tried to picture the towns the country for which they stood bu when she questioned her mother sho found little satisfaction for eliza betas memories of wales were fragmentary of the house where she was born she had littlo to say save that james harris a clergymat who had received his training at out of the kuglish universities ha many books sho remembered thesi books and an atmosphere of beauty but tho details of tho picturo were gone thero wore memories ot tin high hedges that bordered tho road the men who doffed their caps the women with highcrowned hats worn over showy kerchiefs who curtsied at grandmother harrl3 passed by thu grandmother was a woman of in fluence with property enough to quality under the welsh law as a freeholder so much elizabeth knew for most vivid memory was of a rainy afternoon when a candidate fot parliament called to request hei grandmothers vote a dash ot rate against the window always brought back tho picture in after life and for hor littlo daughtor elizabeth re constructed the scene sho described li6rsof sitting on the windowseat struggling with tout sticky and refractory needles with which she must knit ten rounds on her stocking the long room with the dark paneling on its walls the fireplace where the rain falling down the chimney throat softly spat on the glowing coals the three windows with the rainblurred panes wore the background for her grandmothers figure in the armchair a tall woman made taller still by her towerlnj cap mrs harris elizabeth ex plained to the child looked with dis favor on the changing fashions ot the regency holding that their sugges tlons ot the actual female figure wer signs of that unrestraint which had brought france to ruin and she not only wore full skirts and cross- they are ed kerchief herself but she dressed her granddaughters in volumlnoua defiance ot a licentious age even the baby phoebe staggering from chair to chair that rainy afternoon struggled with a multiplicity ol skirts that made her little figure as wide as it was long then a servant had opened lha door to announce ithe caller andi little as she was elizabeth said sho tains are washed starched and damp ened put a piece ot thin white net under the worn parts and press tho two together while ironing them the damp starch will cause the not to stick to the curtains and the net backing will make them look like new it will save hours of mending j had noticed with pride the look ol and when the curtains are hung the respect in the wouldbe members net will not be noticed in the full- j eye as he bowed to her grandmother ness curtains mended in this way that was all the picture but it was have been in use for two years or more and tho results are very satis factory fire halts wolfpack enough for mary as she drew the smooth drawers of the little welsh bureau in and out to find or replace her clothes she would sometimes stand dreaming thinking she could see the tall old woman in the arm chair across the sea from wagoni west by elizabeth page north bay ont like a tale from siberia camo the story of tho all- night vigil of a trapper and two young boys who forced to camp near a lonely northern lake burned pine- boughs until dawn to keep a wolf pack a bay the trapper an experienced man small articles helps to solve the and his companions had started on a problem of lack of drying space in flftymllo trip to a northern settle- the tiny apartment when tho rods ment heavy snow slowed their are not in use thoy fit in a cone be- progress and forced them to spend a neath the stool which may then night on the trail startled near serve as a useful piece of kitchen midnight by the howls of wolves they furniture heaped boughs upon their fire until j provisions to its mllilary forces nnd j flames shot high into tho night the described the process in a book that wolves could be dimly seen in the j france could give to the world this surrounding woods but they kept away and at the first streak of dawn they disappeared into the brush father of canning father of the canning industry is the- name nicholas appeit frenchman unknowingly made for himself it was in 109 afier 15 years of constant experimenting that appert received from napoleon i the prize offered by the french govorn ment to anyone who discovered a way to supply suitable and wellpreserved an observer ho alone is an acute observer who can observe minutely without being observed lavater this same philosophy is a good flowers of many forest trees are horse lu the stable but an arrant important sources of pollen for honey jade on a journoy oliver goldsmith bees mutt and jeff by bud fisher this good samaritan is an esvno book was published in 1s10 but not translated into english until 1s20 the cash prize received by appert for his discovery was the equivalent of 5000 and with it ho started a j canning business outgrowths of which under the same name art- still operated in france appert called his products her metically sealed foods his cans being widemouth glass bottles each with a cork carefully cut by hand this being the onl known method ol preventing leaks and consequent spoilage of the food the preserv ing and sealing of food in a can ister of tin or other metal was tii noxt development ot tho industry and explains the origin of the familial tin can ot today in hating ptod- ucts on hand and in making out in voices the early canners abbreviated the word canister to read can in consequence a tin canister soon became known as a tin can with out any visible sigji of tho abbrevia tion honor honor is but the reflection of mans own actions shining bright in tho face of all about him and from thence rebounding upon himself wise sayings the wise sould somehow maiinge to turn every adversity to jroflt rupert hughes