Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 9, 1931, p. 2

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siscb delicacy o5 flavour is not sound in other teas fffessa 292b tsi gardens april escapade by kathleen norris synopsis mary kate ohara in order that hr lrotlir martii may have an opportun ity to i to jermany to stujy mctuvino agrees to play the pan ot christopher steynes wife at a function given by her 1okn gonion htnmtree to a itussum countess ami her daughter who are de sirous of marry trip xuynes mary tells her mother she in toim on a btimiueh trip steynes meets her at the station at jimlinaine that night a turgar in ters steyues home and chris shoots kirn ioliee enter and take marys name ami address she returns home only to lint she haw fallen in love with steynea she tells this to cass keating who is en- caped to her then she meets steynes at lunch and he tlls her the man whom he shot refuses to let them drop the ease mary oes to the hospital and finds the wounded man to be her brother aurtn who had entered steynes house to protect her martin returns home chris hteynew and cas keating are with martin and mary mrs ohara hav ing tone out mary has told martin that she onlv attended the function ax christophers lady friend and that there were others in his house that nlkht and now steynes unwittingly exposes the falsehood chapter xxxvi mary kate had stopped breathing all was lost now she raised her head and looked defiantly steadily at her brother martins face was ghast- you said there were others in tne house sis he asked almost in a whisper the eyes of sister and brother met and they might have leen alone in the world there werent mary kate an swered hardly audible and he did call you mrs steynej didnt hev yes mart marts tone was suddenly gentle nil brotherly how much money did you take from him dear none she had been planning to say while he spoke but the little tender word disarmed her and she faltered out an indistinct monosyl lable and was silent banging her head tell me the truth wont you molly you know no one in the world loves you as much as i do mart pleaded her armor was pierced through eyes suddenly drenched again she j tried to smile at him i honestly mart i didnt do anyl thing wrong honestly marty i know you didnt mean to mart raid but you let him buy you slothes you took his name you went to his louse and spent the night ah dont now molly he protested for the i tall girl had left her chair and taken three steps toward h and was on her knees with her face against his cheek and you took his money he finished the arraignment why you know what all that looks like but mart if it isnt what it looks like and if i didnt take his money mary kate sobbed dont cry molly he said cry ing himself his well hand was on her abased coppery head he ooked across at chriswpher and spoke with a simple and broken dignity i sent for you today mr stcynes martin began because i thought there was only one thing to be dene and i still think so tass keating laughed as an ouor man laughs at a boys dramatics mary kate brought her head up sud denly and stared amazedly into her brothers face christopher pursed his lips thoughtfully i you have yoar sisters word for it and you have mine mr ohara chris presently said in his poised leisurely way that nothing wronrr took place i know that martin assented but that isnt enough for you it isnt that martin said but i shes not quite twenty and you are j several years older ses very poor she hasnt a penny or an influential j friend youre a very rich man and accustomed to buying what you want yachts houses horses for your polo jewels and i suppose women too you can suppose what you like naturally christopher said in a steely tone he lighted a cigarette with a shaking hand she went to your house when there was no other woman mart pur- sned you called her your wife be fore your friends she wore clothing you had bought and spent the night alone with you that there was a police investigation wasnt vour fault but- ill tell the world it was not chris agreed scornfully as martin paused now you say and she says hat it was all a practical joke and i be lieve you martin resumed redden ing a little but in no other way tak ing any notice of chris manner but you must see that you have done her a terrible injustice she has been engaged to mr keating here my dear mr ohara chi is said airily all the man of the world you are taking all this far too seriously of course we took a chance your-sis- ter and i but just because appear ances were against us doesnt mean that you have to treat the girl as if shes outraged all the laws of god and man no honestly martin hes right cass added you musnt make too much of it he came to martins side and held out his hand to mary kate and she got to her feet and went over to take the chair he had vacated cass sat on the arm of it with his arm about her she told me about it he said i was all a mistake mary kate leaned her head against his arm and closed her eyes he was being so generous so kind and it mattered o little when she says that everything was straight and aboveboard why that means everything was straight and aboveboard cass said cheer fully martin looked from one man to the i other gloomily hes not afraid of what people think of her reputation cass mar tin presently said with a glance at chris it doesnt costhim anything to hush it up buy me off pay my ho pital bills thats nothing to him but if id gotten him that night 2s 1 wish i had the boy went on levelling a sudden look of hate at the late comer if id gotten him that night then he would have paid then he would have paid and you would have paid too and mary would have paid chris remind ed him unperturbedly she pays anyway martin return ed sharply i was a fool mary kate whisper ed her head still resting wearily against cass arm her eyes still clos ed but that was the worst i was there was a moment of silence when she could feel like tangible cur rents throuhfj the air the hostility of the glances the men exchanged then there was a stir and she opened her eyes and started to her feet as her mothers voice struck suddenly across the other voices well what is all this whats poing on here mrs ohara rosy and breathless from walking her widows veil dang ling from her dingy bonnet her cot ton gloves her hand was standing amazed in the hall doorway she had come in from the front of the house tom was peering sleepily cur iously over her shoulder christopher rose pclitely to his feet extinguishing his cigarette with a quick motion of wng brown fingers against tre little ashtray on the sink martin trapped locked desperately about him brought hie eyes back to his mothers face mary kate ier face tearstained her hair dishevelled her breati coming shallow and quick went to her mother she took off he widows veil with her cwn loving ex perienced hands and earried it as she had carried it many times before into her mothers room she came back to smile gallarly at the older woman nothings the natter mother she said dont toil me that mrs ohara rebuked her sharply she crossed to the char mary kale had just vacated and sat down staring bewilderedy from face to face whatevers hap pened mart she asked for a full minute there was the sil ence of utter confusion christopher and cass sat down again and mary kate took the chair she had first occu pied at the table and rested her chin in her hand again youve met mr steynes mrs ohara cass remembered to say then rather flatly the older woman acknowledged the introduction only with a shrewd ap praising glance and a brief nod what come to all of you she demanded aluminum lawn mower a lighter easier tun ning and longer lasting mower aluminum drive wheels and side latcs barium metal selfaligning bearings steel drive wheel axles and steel drive wheel bushings at your hardware dealers canada foundries forgings limited icisftpni fifidmodog scottie- a fresh as fresh can be and good listen once you have tasted shortbread like the christie baker make youll agree you never knew before how very delicious really fresh shortbread could be sold by the pound or in childrens packages mmk poone a bonnie rich shortbread chapter xxxvii again for a moment nobody spoke in the orderly kitchen with its wiped shabby table oilcloth and its brushed linoleum that was worn into brown circles the clock ticked and the hot water faucet dropped an occasional pearl upon the dry zinc surface of the sink only one lamp was lighted the greenshaded light on the table where the children did their evening lessons the drop light over the sink was dark mother weve been in sort of trouble the inst few days martin then began haltingly and perhaps we ought to tell you about it i couldnt go out he added as in sheer stupefaction mrs ohara was still and none of the others spoke so 1 had to ask mr christopher sleyncs the syllables were so many threats 1 had to ask mr christopher steynes to come here martin repeated with a glance at him i thought youd be at uncle roberts until at least eleven your uncle robert is very bad and i promised id get into a was dress and go back and set with him mrs ohar said automatically lv mind not upon her words her anxious eyes upon his children i dont know why you had to keep anything from me mart she added her look moving from one member of the silent self- conscious circle to another in this case mrs ohara cass said there was no reason why yoi should ever have been bothered by it mary kates mother gave him a glance of superb scorn a look express ing all the resentment of the reticent proud woman whose private affairs are indecently and unfairly made pub lic then she turned her expectant eyes toward martin again to be continued in a public park once on a time the fairies tell me so the trees grew weary of green liv ery saying why should not we the radi ance know wherewith the dainty garden flow- era glow would we not wear such beauty splendidly then jacaranda borrowing the blue of skies in summer wore it and was proud a little while hut certain gumtrees knew a better secret and the long day through waited till color stained a sunset cloud saffron and rose and crimson then were blent burning toward beauty with a gentle flame and when adowu the leafy lanjs i went i saw the wise trees crowned so and content to face the rilled skies and know- no shame ethel davles the austrajisan draperies made new when we resumed housekeeping a month ago i found my draperies had neeomo creased from packing i hung them out on tho line hoping to remove the creases then i forgot them tho result was they became badly faded and sunspotted i was heartsick until the happy thought struck me to dye them i just dyed them a deeper green and as i used diamond dyes they look gorgeous and new i have never seen easier dyes to use than diamond dyes they give the most beautiful colors when vsed cither for tinting or dye ing and never take the life out of cloth as other dyes do mrs jft montreal sticking to its number tho two rather racylooking men met on the race course and their con versation turned to tho topic of strange coincidences the most amazing coincidence i ever remember happened last year isald charles the bigger man of the two what was that asked henry eag erly it was the eleventh day ot the eleventh month and i lived in a house with number eleven on the door and i backed the eleventh horse in a race explained charles and broke in henry the horse won i suppose nothing of the kind came from he wanted his share midnight slowly the householder crept down the stairs suddenly he threw open the drawingroom door dont move he cried pointing a gun at tho man who crouched by the trophy case tho burglar raised his hands whats in that sack asked the householder tho burglar lowered his hands and revealed a glittering- array of silver cups and cutlery put them hack on tho sideboard at once ordered tho other lumme guvnor cried the burg lar a pained look on his face not all ot it be fair art belongs to the ouse next door the language of friendship is not words but meanings it is an intel ligence above language henry d thoreat his companion the came in eleventh beastly animal talk 1 dont like to talk with people who always agreo with me it is amus ing to coquette with an echo little ivhile but one soon tires of it 0 w holmes oooo wanted r spring muskrats highest price paid s shapiro go limited 1 135 king st east toronto ont issue no 15 31 there is a race of men who are born rival armies less than a hundred mies with a gift of roving and a thought away 1 asked scottie if he woum be that all lands are home theyll haug interested in going to tho front and i their hats in an esquimaux igloo or ho wagged his tail and danced about a chinese emperors palace and eetj wo must confess that scottie didnt tie down as complacently as a black like tho chinese very well at first cat on a warm onco he had been captured by chin- hearth rug give cso bandits and sine then had car- them a stout old rled a grudge against the entire race pair of shoes and ho mixed with them just as a lighted a new highway cr match mixes with a keg of gunpowder an old boat and a knowing the grouch scottie carried salt wind to push i shouldnt have taken him with me the sail and theyll when i went to se general iu to ask find their way into for a pass to tho front the queerest places i general lu was located in a palace with absolute surety that all will in a small walled city walking into come out right in tho end j the room he greeted us with dignity it yon asked theso men why they shaking hands with himself in tho get along so well they might tell you chineso fashion general lu was aa that this is just because they have immense manvery tall and stout found that folks aro much tho same and gorgeously dressed in silks he ny where they would tell you that was extremely impressive to me lint he didnt impress scottie a bit tho little black boys in africa and the brown boys in india yes and the yel low boys in china like to play at the same kind of games as you do and that big folks are just littio folks grown up in china for instance thero aro about 400000000 people mostly chin ese some- aro wiso and learned others are poor and ignorant some are kind and honest others danger ous and wicked thero aro other things too in china there are great bamboo forests full ot tigers bears v lvet slippered foot to ward off scot- and wild animals thero aro shady ties attack jut the terrier was all rivers where pirate junk ships iie in ready for such a move he dodged wait for plunder there aro gilded and quick as a flash he caught the temples with the funniest little spires slipper in his teeth shaking and tug- and turvets and theie are frownin general instinctively imagine m y dismay when right in the midst of the how scottie growled a n d earing the leash from my hand made a jump at him startled then he shot out a forbidden cities away up in the moun tains where the bravest white man dare not go one bright morning scottie and 1 talked it over and decided to go to ging and pulling for all he was worth finally making off with it there are times when whatever one says it is the wrong thine so i waited for the next move i glanced up ex pecting to see tho general order ut china and meet with new adventures put out or what not and much to my inside of a week we were on board a surprise he was smiling tho situa- steamer bound for shanghai and our tion was so ludicrous that it had ap pealed to his sense of humor that was indeed a relief and 1 apologized fluently for scottios short comings general lu stood and smiled and didnt understand a word of it then tv interpreter- began to talk in chinese suddenly general lu spoke assembie our plane just as tho job sharply i waited in suspense so finished reports camo in that much depended on his answer good plane safely crated talk about your rough weather they screwed down the hatches and shut all the portholes while great black seas crashed over tho ship driven before the blast of a screaming east wind landing in shanghai we began to was fighting had broken out between two to be continued ilftil li the healthgiving delicious drink for children and grown ups pound and half pound tins at your grocers an early start the young couplo were married and set off for tho lake district to spend their honeymoon let me havo a postcard from you as soon as possible were the brides mothers parting words the newlyweds duly arrived and after booking accommodation at a hotel went for a row on one of the lake- the following morning the brides mother received a postcard which read arrived safely dick andi had a grand row before supper good graciousl exclaimed the fond parent to her husband i didnt think theyd begin to quarrel so soon always act in such a way as to secure the love of your neighbor pliny the elder try this salad dressing it keeps for weeks krafr salad dressing is so thoroughly blended it will keep for weeks fc stays good right down to the isst taney tea- spoonul best ol all n costs just onehall the price youre used to paying a generous 12 ounce jar sells for only 25 cents gcr some todiy canadas leading hydro systems department of the interio gives list of eighteen with largest out- put in 1929 the large hydroelectric power sycfc terns of canada are defined as thost interconnected undertakings under a common control and management tha havo each an annual output of 160a- 000000 kilowatthours or more tha growth of such systems is of pirticu lar interest as illustrating the mederri tendency towards interconnexion anil unified control interconnection pro motes reliability of service unified control makes possible the highest class of expert advice and increases the economy and efficiency of opera tion tho dominion water power and jlydromctric bureau of tho depart mejit of the interior has made an an nual study ot theso systems sinccj 1922 at which time there wore seven such systems with a total output ot about 6602 million kilowatthours by j92s this had grown to eighteen systems with a generated output of nearly 17000 million kilowatthours jtese being all classed as central electric power stations and this out put accounted for nearly i3 jcr cent of tho total amount generated by all central electric stations in the do minion it is however the total out put including that purchased that dev terrolnes the scope of operations anil service to the public by each system i for instance the montreal light heat and power consolidated purchases over onethird of the energy it distri butes to its customers the eighteen systems generating c er 100000000 kilowatthours each in 1923 stood in order of their total output as follows 1 hydroelectric power commis sion of ontario 2 shawinigan water power company 3 dukeprice power company 4 gatinean power company 3 montreal light heat powe consolidated 6 price brothers and company 7 winnipeg electric company iin- c ulii j manitoba power co 5 canadian niagara power com pany 0 west kootenay power company 10 city of winnipeg hydroelectric system 31 british columbia electric power corporation 12 canada northern power corpor ation 13 abitibi electric development company 11 dominion power and transmis sion company 15 southern canada power com pany 10 huronian company 17 calgary powar company is great lakes power company of the above systems the first five exceeded a thousand million kilowatt- hours each the hydroelectric power commission of ontario leading with over four thousand million theso preat hydroelectric power systems are well distributed from coast to coast quebec has 0 ontario 7 manl- tja 2 alberta 1 british columbia 2 it is of interest to note also that it can b3 shown that in proportion to its population canada has attained great er development of these highly mod ern large electric power systems than any other country nddc in oruds by the makers ol kraft cheese nrd vclvecta edwrdsbuig protection of wild life colombo times of ceylon by far the greater portion of fauna which year by year is destroyed throughout the world is made for tho purpose of putting clothes on the backs of wo men and it is quite obvious that so long as women demand feathers and furs so long will tboro be those who- will be able to supply them laws prohibiting destruction are utterly useless in this connection the osprey is an outstanding example various countries have prohibited the- importation of the osprey but thero is probably no country in ths world where the osprey cannot he pur chased the only true solution would appear to be the punishment of thoso who wear the feathers or tho furs ot prohibited animals the average woman docs not wear either furs or feathers in places in which she can- net be seer by an envying sisterhood but on the contrary she flaunts her acquirements with the greatest pos sible publicity it would bo a com paratively simple matter for those found wearing prohibited feathers jr furs to be punished in the same way- that a motorist without a number plate or a licence is dealt with it would however be an extraordinarily brave government which would dare to introduce such legislation this famous rcfp flook contains nearly 300 prize rtelfxs chown from 75000 rrceiied irom all parts ol canada they arc endorstu by one ol canadas forrmott food eiperls re sure fo rnclose 10 cents in stamps or coin to cover mailing costs addttix the canada starch co limited montreal fear and frssiness causes illhealth doctor declares toronto speaking of the two dif ferent schools of medicine existing today dr george philip told the hamilton old boys meeting at the royal york here that fiisslness about health increased fear and impaired the serenity of mind and fear was conductive to illhealth over anxie ty showed itself in three ways worry over ones individual health worry about childcn and overanxl- onsness about health in the part a whole community

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