stouffvffle ontario april 2 1931 5 ff canada must win world championships world championships in 1933 will b won by farmer who recognize that the cleanest and best quality seed with the most careful cultivation arc eseatlal to the production of exhibition grain while it ij recognized that these things should apply to tfa vrtulo crop area concentration upon a small plot is the best plan for securing an exhibit sample if such a plot is subjected to extra preparation with more caro probably than it is possible to devote to the whole crop area and sown to the very choicest seed it will not only provide good quality foundation stock for next springs seeding but a winning sample or exhibition at dtid conference reg1na july 25 aug 6 1932 this neat world exhibition id conferfnc u orenlrd tor ihe ttat of canadian tixmei for tk diicnnt of csnsdian agriculture to dcraonnrat the sajwrtofuy ot co- ouo rm crops to further stimulate a worldwide dnanl for canadioc cio products canada galiit all competitors must win the major snarjs 200000 in cash prizes 2500 a first pric for 50 lbs of wheat 30 ibr tit out s1s0o for 40 icjs of barley 50 lbs of rye 5 800 for 10 tars of corn s 300 for 30 lbs of peas 30 lbs o flax 20 lbs of closer ah provincial committees hare special literature for helping ihtemltn ahliiliri ror tula inform stlou writ tne cum in lite nearer you ontario j a carroll ihvl of acrf- ciilturc toronto quebkc paul ikiho lept- of agri culture quebec nova scotia iv v hovgley college of axrkulnm- trum new hiclnswiciv o c hick dept of agriculture itederfctaa manitoba n c mtckay lvpl of agriculture winnipeg hiutksh columbia c tier kiehl cror cimnilloiicr victoria prince edward isianr j w botuier deputy minister of agriculture cnariotlctotvn saskatclinwan s h lxr pert of acrlulure regius albkltta e l gray wpt of agri- culture edmonton on application the secretary worlds grain exhibition an1 conference imperial bank clumber lulna ill send yon prize lists rules and regulations governing competltlto entries and all other informatics still he signed up in interviewing one of our busi ness wen the other day in an effort to secure his help iu erection of a brick memorial clock tower we were given a little more than usu al insight into the trials and tribu lations of the present day store keeper the merchants are regulated in spected governed by laws and by laws harased by their clerks cur sed by the wholesalers damned by j their customers ridden to death by tho banks and taxed by every con ceivable way by their municipali ties our merchant went on to say that lie puts his money and know ledge into the business only to hud that so far as conducting it is con cerned it is no more his than if he were a complete strangeriiis hours of business are set his rate of pay for clerks is set if he rents his premises his rate of rent is fixed if he ownes his property the pro fits are about eaten in taxation the merchandise he sells is always too high iu price or no good anyway if we buy farm produce he is ex pected to pay more than the going market price and not be too criti cal as to the condition of the pro duce the merchant is the target of every petition and collecting sheet that is passed around from an ap peal to send heavy woollen under wear to the hottentots to buying ice cream for the eskimos he is expected to support the baseball club the bowling club the hockey club and all other clubs that can be thought of he must join the board of trade or business liens association he must dig up not only for his own church but for every other churcn in his com munity and include therein atten dance by himself by proxy at all teas bazaars chicken suppers or entertainments held if some one wants to get out a program for something he sells advertising to the merchants to cover the cost a merchant must hold himself in readiness to be elected a councillor or alderman or school trustee and thus donate his time and money to the public good if he tries to collect his bills his customers get sore and take their trade elsewhere if he lets these bills run and goes broke he is a poor business man just at this point the merchant picked up the pen and signed the paper to assist in building the clock tower and we made our es cape after thanking him for his help under existing conditions the ford is a value far above the price new ford tudor sectan read over the list of features given below and you will see that the new ford brings you everything you want or need in a motor car at an unusually- low price it lias beautiful lines and colors it will do 55 to 65 miles an hour you know how quickly it accelerates in traffic its power is evident on every hill it is unusually safe because of the fully enclosed fourwheel brakes and the shatterproof glass windshield it has four iloudaillc doubleacting hydraulic shock absorbers for comfort and it is an exceptionally economical car becauso of the low cost of operation and upkecp low yearly depreciation and long life many of the new fords have already been driven 50000 75000 arid 100000 miles iu tests and contests in this country in united slates and abroad it has won many medals for reliability and general allround good perform ance it is used exclusively by a large number of iudustrial companies and government bureaus which keep exact cost figures telephone or visit the nearest ford dealer and have him give you a demonstration ride in tho new ford pick your own roads plan to give tho car a severe test check up on speed power acceleration ease of control safety comfort on every feature of good performance then you will know why the ford is the most popular car it leads in sales because it leads in value call or phone for a demonstration new ford tudor sedan delivered in stouffville 675 tts decorated with walpamur the famous flat finish for walls and ceilings walpamur is permanent washable fireresisting and nonabsorbent to moisture it can be applied to a variety of surfaces such as rough and smooth plaster wallboards etc and is most easy to apply it is the most economical wall finish that you can select the soft lightdiffusing effects it produces and its lovely choice of colors convert an ordinary room or hall into one with charm and per sonality consult your decorator or dealer at to its many uses ask him for a shod card or write to us direct a product of the crown diamond paint co limited toronto montreal hiifot walpamur proilu cts are sold by f y w brathwaite stouffville ont the farmers information from dept of agriculture bloomington ulr stanley hose spent the week end at brooklyn jack spentely of claremout spent tho weekend under the parental roof mrs alvin cowie has returned home after spending several weeks near goodwood cutters and sleighs shall again attain their hours of leisure as the ninth line is open for cars mr orval wideman has engag ed with arthur stony for the com ing season ulr ghs grimmer has befell visiting old friends in our com munity mrs a law and watson fairies tapped their maples last week and report a fair run when will the taffeyoff be we noticed reeve kidd passing down the sth con on mon day which we understand is the first since the big storm mr eldon smith is engaged with mr smalley at llartman where lit is going to peg away for the next eight months he will be greatly missed in our hamlet our pup carpenter arthur smith has completed an addition to edgar storrys house anyone requiring building done from palace to a flyhatchery should not over look our mechanic mrs arthur storry held a quilt ing bee last week sometimes call ed a shegossip meeting some questions on love were discussed in arguments nearly as good as the one between lmayor stewart and chief draper after the quilt was finished we had supper and of course everybody had a delightful time on thursday night the choristers of our hamlet namely misses laura hill ruth storry eva ramer and messers eugene lemon eldon smith and melvin burnett joined the choral class in stouffville and motored to victoria square where they found a full house the lunch they received after the concert was not very palatable but easily di gested several farmers in our communi ty are tiring of chores so are hold ing auction sales louis hamm had one on friday which did not draw a very large crowd but prices were fair s muttons sale on saturday was postponed until next friday on account of the heavens pouring down its excretions so freely xathan gilbert had a sale oa monday on friday night the 20th the young peoples s s class held a st patricks party at the home of vincent wagg the evening was spent in irish games and contests looking over the results of the contest the majority of the class need to make a tour of ireland be fore the 17th march comes again after the games lunch was served j in irish style which was greatly 1 enjoyed the hospitality of mr and mrs wagg was appreciated the pharisee bethesda mr dudley foster was the guest of mr ernest staley sunday we understand there is a threatened lawsuit in this district sorry the rain which fell last week was welcomed by most of the farmers prayer meeting was postponed last week on account of bad roads but we hope to have a large atten dance this week who says we have not a first class junior choir on sunday last about fifteen hoys and girls of our sun day school delighted the school by singing two beautiful hymns miss anna bolander played the organ d f holden dealer stouffville ontario phone 18402 3m farmers in sandy districts are now engaged in plowing frost left the ground early this spring owing to the aridity of the soil in many sections it is now in good condition for working and early seeding of oats and barley is expected as a re sult ontarios celery market capture for ontario growers of the celery market in this province which for years the united states has been supplying is the aim be hind negotiations conducted by tho department with growers of the theford district the suggestion lias been made that a cold storage plant be established at theford celery requires a special system of refrigeration and cooling which is not available at present and which would raise the standard of the pro duct to enable it to compete on the open market investigation is pro ceeding in regard to the possibilities in this direction cowtesting in peel interest in cowtesting work in peel county is keen results for 1930 of the peel county cow test ing association were presented at a recent meeting the twenty best cows averaged 12557 pounds of milk and 415 pounds of butterfat whereas the twenty poorest cows only averaged 5207 pounds of milk and 210 pounds of butterfat it is fell that the culling of low pro ducers would alleviate the surplus milk problem iu toronto over 100 cows were entered during february in the cowtesting work which brings the total number being test ed monthly for milk and butterfat production to nearly 300 cows at brampton isritish market for barley steps to secure markets for ont barley in britain are being taken by hon t l kennedy in conjunc tion with fedeial authorities recent one week have shown that british brewers and makers annual ly purchase about 21 million bushels of baley from californiathis barley is especially suited for making beer a variety of bright hard sixrowed barley developed at the oac is now being grown here and is equal ly as good ontario farmers could produce 100 million bushels ot this barley for it california barley has been bringing 76 cents a bushel on the english grain exchanges while cost of shipping is 1540 cents a bushel ontario could ship at about the same cost california farmers have been receiving 53 g cents for their barley at san francisco while ontario farmers receive less than 10 cents british brewing interests are reported to be willing to give the ontario product a trial but want to be assured of a sufficiently suuuy supply to meet their needs as never before in the history of farming should care be exercised in the purchase of seeds for planting this spring is tne advice of one wellknown authoritywho adds that it is doubly important to make sure that purchases have been govern menttested as a result of last years drought and tho reduced supply of high quality stock he warns against buying bargain seeds where price alone is the only description given because reliable seecsmen do not approve of advertisements where seeds are offered at stipulated prices without any indication as to their quality or origin it would actually be cheaper to buy the best the market affords than to take the poorest as a gift he concludes m w the potato and seed show held at shelburne recently proved a very successful and instructive event the classes weie filled with good quality products with dooley pota toes and alaska oats an outstand ing feature a program of lectures was given the speakers including prof w j squirrel of oac and mr j a carroll director of the departments crops and markets branch the latter emphasized the success of grading of farm pro ducts in canadathe quality of eggs potatoes and hogs had undoubted ly been improved canadians were now eating 30 dozens of eggs per capita while england eats only 11 dozen per capita 1 business directory legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan norman borinsky barrister solicitor notary associated with the legal firm of corley keen and howard counsel j v seymour corley kc trusts and guarantee building room 605 302 bay street toronto ont telephone elgin 3153 and 3154 res tr 6343 george coltham ontario iand surveyor surveys levels municipal engineering aurora ontario box 264 phone 04 t ivlcdical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county drsira herbert freel dr ira free consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed frl 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only or herbert free 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed frl afternoons by appointment only a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co also automobile and fire auction sale anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory phone 4301 studio lehmans block dontal e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royai college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone s20l markham every tuesday office in wear block massey harris agency in the old stand just south of post office stouffville gel your repairs and new implements now j p cassidy phone 902 friday april 3 farm horses dairy cattle implements to be sold at lot 21 con 9 whit church musselman lake the property of s huttonsale at one f v silversides auctioneer saturday april 11 credit sale at lot 25 con 9 whitchurch uxbridce township farm stock hay grain etc belonging to john lmclaughlin who has rent ed his farm sale at one f xv silversides auctioneer george baker realtor and vnluator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phpne office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary strawberry plants for sale senator dunlaps 75c per 100600 per 1000 oac 100 per 100 700 per 1000 pocomoke varieties 100 per 100 700 1000 delivered at stouffville at residence of aaron w burkholder in the planting season oscar burkholder breslau ont e a grubin r 0 eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 192s at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phone stouffville s405 s t bodendislel vs bvsc veterivaniax graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 1g1 successor to dr j t storey gordon phillips licensed auctioneer experienced in farm stock implement and furniture sales phone stouffville 8405 for terms say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowfrs for every occasion mustonfi sons phone 7901 stouffvillb ont electrical contractor house wiring farm work motors everything in electric estimates given chas nevdick phone 257 r g clendening funeral director and embalmer private ambulance phone 9000 markham ontario