Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 2, 1931, p. 7

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owl laffs lt6 of models cant be at bad ze lic7xo painted speaking of endurance fllebts a man his been up 48 hours the baby has the colic springtime springtime- and the gieen thereof and tho rose springtime and the lure thereof that each ono knows and a certain girl grown lovely and winsomo quite and the armored heart within my breast feels sudden fright springtime and tho green thereof what do you mean springtime and the lure thereof neighbor como clean lias a certain houso grown dingy with winters grime and do you dread with sudden fright housecleanlng timo a tramp came to the front door of a house in the country asking for a pleco of cako tho woman wo have no cako but you can have bread butter and coffee tho tramp nopo this is my birth day and 1 must have cake lessons worth learning learn to laugh a good laugh is better than medicine learn to attend strictly to your own business i learn t toll a story a welltold etory is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sickroom learn to avoid all iilnatured le- fanarhs and everything likely to create friction learn the art of saying kind and en couraging things i loam to keep your troubles to your- feorf tho world is too busy to car nor your ilb and sorrows learn to toi grumbling if you cannot 3eo any good in the world keep the bad to yrurself learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile no ono cares whether you havo the earache head- 1 ficho or rheumatism learn to greet your friends with a smile they carry too many frowns in their own hearts to bo bothered with any f yours parents example influence child happy home atmosphere vital factor in bringing up children london modern psychology has shown that tho attitude of any man towards the problems of life and the degree- of courage with which he meets those problems depend almost entirely on tho conditions under which ho has spent his earliest years writes a mother n daily eipress ho learns from his mother his first social lessons from his father the lessons of- work and livelihood and from both parents together his at titude towards sex ho begins to learn in his cradle the baby who hoars constant quar relling between his parents is bound to develop some disability which docs not diminish but rather increases with ago standard of conduct the least disability ho will acquire will be a quarrelsome nagging dis position some children become sub- joct to permanent nervous disorders as a direct consequence of living in tho presence of threats and bad tem pers such a child will be out at elbows with some ono all his life his broth ers and sisters his playfellows his coworkers his wife his own chil dren so tho evil goes on for ever increasing its sphere of influence and harmfulness the importance of tho behavior of parents towards ono another and towards their children cannot be overemphasized the home is the first unit of sooiety with which tho child comes in con tact and it is there that ho learns ineradicablo lessons of behavior if he is set an example of dignity courage and good manners ho will take that example as his own stand ard of behavior if on the other hand ho meets with intolerance shreiklng and squabbling these things will be the foundation on which the conduct of his life will be built to as john at the wood he was listed frank coward bright young canadian pacific weston winnipeg shops apprentice aggregated 92c per cent over a period of three years annual examinations tha highost avcrago ever made since the inauguration of tho competitions in 1923 he is shown being con gratulated on his remarkable record by d c coleman vicepresident canadian facific hallway western lines where our names came from in the year 13s7 ladislas king of painted sign which gave a gay and the teacher was ho creation john ving a lesson on interrupted with was the remark my father says wo are period surnames were not a popular descended from apes teacher your commodity our ancestors seem to poland and duke of lithuania called his subjects together and announced that for tho good of tho nation they wore all to he baptized this was a rather elaborate undertaking and might have perplexed most monarchs but ladislas had carefully laid his plans so separated the men and tho women into two camps and these in turn were divided into two more the men of tho first group received tho name of peter those of tho second paul likewise tho ladies were desig nated either catherine or margaret according to wbero they happened to bo standing vp to five or six centuries ago this matter of names was a perplexing prob lem judged by modern standards tho king of polands program seems rath er impractiea but at least he was try ing to establish somo definite system of nomenclature the fact that he specified no surnames for his subjects not an oversight for at that mrs godhody aid how long tvero you a prisoner tramp five years mrs goodbo hut the war didnt jast five years tramp whos talking about the war there are birds still so dumb they think mistletoo is a foot disease rt3 family affairs the clasv grotesque aspect to the streets those medieval signboards were tho source of many presentday sur names and as in tho instanco of green other tavern keepers derived their title from those of their estab lishments thus the wild man gave rise to wilde or savage similar ly tho lamb and the flag tho kings head and many others gavo rise to lamb flags king and so forth industrks and occupation course responsible for a multitude of surnames before the introduction of tho roller tho manufacture of cloth depended upon its being trodden by human feet into the proper consist ency those engaged in this work were tho first to bear tho namo of walker the glovemakers shop was marked by a hand above its door james or george or robert hand na turally followed as being somewhat simpler than james or george or rob ert tho glove maker tho progenitor of the fletchers fetched arrows for thus in tha hundred rolls or county i records ot medieval england john i at the wood however was too cumber some and it was presently contracted to john atwood similarly edward at tho ash tree become edward nash thomas of seven oaks thomas snooks robert in the dale robert dale nd so on such names as joy pride vice bliss and love are traceable not necessally to the qualities of their original bearers although that is quite possible but more likely to tho miracle plays or mysteries of medieval times these wcro allegorical dramas prim arily religious and they afforded the foundations of tho modern theatre tho parts wero acted not by profes sional players but by citizens of the community it adam interpreted tho rolo ot pride on tho stage ho was qutto apt to be known as adam pride for the rest of his days the crusades wero also a factor in tho origin of surnames jordan as tho result of thousands of englishmen journeying to the holy land began to bo applied as a family title tho de sign carried by a warrior on his shield in the campaign gainst the saracens frequently became his name griffin or griffith has its source in the drag- oniiko figuro on tho arms of somo medieval knight and cross as the crusaders standard came into com mon use as a surname it is the element of uncertainty that makes the origin of surnames a fascin ating study the field is so vast that no one can speak with undisputed authority and beyond a certain point the doughtiest scholar and the veriest tyro aro on an equal footing where and how surnames originated is of no practical consequence they aro no j longer ar expression of character or personalit but if one sets out on rdrde were of tl0 namc w presently find himself in a province of curious facts and fancies whose existence ho may never have suspected before fls jr i the christian science monitor the two miracles tho yearly miracle of spring of budding bough and greening sod- is it less wonderful to view than is the risen sou of god what man can call the flower forth or bid tho buried seed spring up can free tho prisoned butterfly or paint the golden crocus cup no more than he could think or dream that god could die that man could rise tho selfsame power that calls tho seed out of the darkness where it lies could call the christ from out the grace o ignorant and foolish men who watch the miracle of spring yot doubt that jesus rose again by annie johnson flint in youths companion classified advertising tin i p ou machine oh uandkn1tt ingi all wool silk and wool old time all colors 76o lb up samples free stocklnk yarn mlllaj lept t orlllia ont 4 baby 3hick3 what fish again growled peck were always having fish well john said his wife its good for you it feeds the brain bosh why should you think my brain needs so much feeding well didnt your mother give you fish before you got married no ho hissed i wish why do somo writers live in at tics asks a reader because few of them can live on first stories a woman reader says that she can not stand peeling potatoes she should try sitting down have no interest j have managed to got along without i his living and tho original mr pepper she hart them and it was not until the fifteenth appaiently obtained his name not on century that surnames came into gen- account of a stormy disposition but father well tommy how do you think you will like this follow for a brother tommy inspecting tho new infant somewhat doubtfully have you got to keep him dad or is he only a sample eral uso in western europe and tho because he was in the spice business an angler who had been trying to book something for the past six hours was sitting gloomily at his task when a mother and her small son came along the youngster oh do let me ueo you catch a fish his mother addressing tho angler now dont you catch a asm for him until ho says- please mans work is never done mans day ate arduous and full of toil in december january and february ho has snow to shovel furnaces to attend and ashes to carry out in march april and may ho has gardens to hoe seeds to plant screens to put up and carpets to beat jn juno july and august ho has grass to mow in september october and novem ber ho has leaves to rake and again carpets to beat there is no peace for the lazy jltlmajjiuwji free to every enstomer purchasing a set of 5 or more tnocu one uparo given pbee no list our price u 201 a 175 85c 159 325 160 ux 171 a 300 150 ux227 310 155 un 2s0 265 135 ux245 2 so 145 21o 1250 075 ux 226 260 135 uy 224 4c5 245 all other typeo at equal redactions each tnho gnarantcea so days mail orders filled reliable radio tubes 49 vonffo st arcade toronto suburbanite reading from seed cataloguo tills magnificent plant from a single seed bursts into an avalanche of glorious bloom in june giving tho garden tho splendor of a billowy surfswept coast of miles of great rolling snowdrift emblazoned by tbo sotting sun wife oh henry lets buy g cents worth of that league backs study of calendar reform geneva calendar reform which is being studied by committees in almost every country will como beforo an in ternational conference hero next oct te a leaguo of nations committee on communications and transport will designato a group of twelve it was announced to codify reports of tho national committees and summar ize their conclusions for submission o tho various governments before tho tonforeno opens tho transit committee of the league jxprcsscd tlio belief in a report to tfid council that all questions of ft religious naturo raised by calendar re form must bo isfv f tho rcugilus jhitnorhk5 concerned it was suggest- d that tho conference merely express tho opinion of participating govern ments on the social and economic jhasos of the thirlcenmonth year but the committco recommended that re ligious bodle- bo invited to send ob icrvers strong demand large quantities needed remittance mailed same bay shipment bccclvcd beferonce canadian bank of commorce toronto or anywhere in canada 250200 200175 1751s0 150125 choiee heavy 1 no 1 ex large srdlny heavy no 1 px largo nlliiary jno 1 ex lrfirgc winter no 1 kx large choir heavy i ordlny hiavyf ordinary i winter i choice heavy ordlny heavy ordinary winter choice heavy ordlny heavy ordinary winter i no no no no 1 1 1 1 largo largo largo largo no no no no 1 1 1 1 med med med med no 1 small no 1 hmall no 3 small no 1 small 200150 150125 125100 100- 75 150100 100- 75 75- 60 60- 50 100- 75 75- 60 co- 50 50- 40 shots kitts and damaged liberally valued baxter i cant stand this money money money business much long er the next time you mention money ill havo you mr baxter how mub dear above price are absolutely net to ship per 1 pay all postago and express charges and win hold shipment on re quest until returns are approved all other inta aro in demand and x will ac- copt shipments during tho open season matcc small shipments oy parcel post zargcr shipmentr by express havo yonr inskrato dried and stretched so they will not spoil in transit will mall shipping tags on request tclephono xiri 2061 address all shipments to m rosenthal 15s kino st east toronto 2 ontario british isles in the course of years the population increased commerce was developing rapidly and ii every respect the business of living was con tinually growing more complex and presently there came a time when a surname to distinguish an individual from his fellows becamo an absolute necessity surnames developed naturally and i they sprang from innumerable sources many are easily traceable but there j aro others whose beginnings aro largc- i iy conjectural tho origin of names covers a vast field and within certain limits tho laymans guess as to the why and the wherefores of english surnames is as good as the learned i doctors as an example ot how some of tho commonest names havo moro curious origins than might appear take the case of green the natural inference is that green in its earliest beginglns was somehow associated with color the original mr green however camo to his namo in an entirely dif ferent manner in medieval england tho green man was a favorito titlo for an inn or tavern a certain ed ward let us say for examplo was the proprietor of such an establishment to distinguish him from other edwards in tho neighborhood ho was referred to as edward of the green man this was too much of a mouthful and even tually it was contracted to edward green in his account of london during tho reign of charles ii macaulay wrote the houses wero not numbered there would indeed havo been little advantage in numbering them for of tho coachmen chairmen porters and errand boys of london a very small proportion could read it was neces sary to make marks which even the most ignorant could understand the shops wero therefore distinguished by at somo remote period a lady brew master appeared on tho scene and founded tho family of brewster the wainrights owo their title to a wagon maker and tho most ancient of the parkers had charge of tho inclosed areas of his lords domain and was so designated tho origin of surnames however does not always follow such clearly defined courses and frequently the search for the beginning of a very common name leads info controversial territory the name turtle for example al though a comparatively infrequent in a period of depression we must run as fast as we can to stay where we are cyrus h k curtis no snow omthe boardwalk free inrgo illustrv- cd catalogue o new and rebuilt bicycles from 10 up motor cycle hoats outboard motors radio- ot tation paid write to duke cycie and motor co 635 qneen street w toronto ont transpor- a highclass decorative medium mixes in hot or cold water free stencil premium label on eeery package send for decorators guide and stencil catalogue 404 gypsum lime and aladastine canapa limited ph tturfo ew process homelike strand than staying j at home write us so we may quote them to you so you will know the exact cost before leaving music salt sea baths compli mentary tea daily 4 to 5 pm we will personally see to your j comfort 1 t e iindow mgr t h bradford richmond i kennedy menton 121 collego st toronto harleybovidson distributor write at onco for our oarcaln list ot used motorcycles terms arranged jp and jl cream 1 1 paper ii raid r la painfu equal parts of miliar wecf oil cjtor oil or spread on brown apply to burn or before long tbo nful smarting stops atlantic city new jersey sends greetings to its many j friends in canada we are quoting such a very low i surname derives its meaning not from chrt stay st 3ii l tho animal m question but from tho turtle dove the symbol of constancy whover named tho original mr turtlo was therefore paying him a high com pliment just tho same a great many animal names wero originally confer red on their bearers in a literal sense at somo period in history thero was a person conspicuous for his large bulk and elephantine traits in general his descendants aro the oliphants and ollivants of today somo authorities hold that the original mr fox received tho name because of his prowess as a hunter but it is just as possible that ho had a shrewd and tricky tempera ment and that fox expressed it exact ly our ancestors did not distribute such names as bear beaver crane swan drake pigeon otter oyster wren fish cod and a hundred others among tho populace for noth ing it is not illogical to suppose that the first of tho cranes was tall and lanky and that tho original mr bear had a surly disposition occasionally a family name ot the most lnconvruons sort survives for generations until 1sc1 tho name of hellcat was to be found in tho di rectory of manchester kng it had a curious origin in the beginning cer tain members of this family wero credited with occult powers ot a kind to enable them to transform them selves into cats at will their des cendants were proud of this tradition and retained tho namo up to a period when it appeared ridiculous and must havo proved a considerable- embar rassment there is some doubt as to whether such name as black brown or white wero originally conferred in tho sense ot color or complexion ono stephen black in the norman period was con spicuous for his dark features and is sometimes thought to havo been the founder of tho black family it is al so supposed that tho blacks received their namo from tho blacksmiths or workers in iron that the browns were hot pwsmrily dusky hued in the be ginning but took their title in abbre viated form from brownsmlths or cop per workers and that tho whites may havo sprung from tho whitesmiths who controlled the tin and silver in dustries but cray was evidently first applied in respect to physical colora- lion and oreen as explained camo from a tavern sign many surnames developed from an individuals place of residence john for example to distinguish him from a hundred oilier joln was referred when children there arc times when a child is too fretful or feverish to be sung to sleep there arc some pains a mother cannot patnway but theres quick comfort in castorial for diarrhea and other infantile ills give this pure vegetable prepara tion whenever coated tongues tell of constipation whenever theres any sign of sluggishness castoria has a good taste children love to take it buy the genuine with chas h fletchers signature on wrapper causes headaches wf iikn theres too much acil in your stomach you must forco your self to work and even pleasures aro loo great an effort appetite lags tho digestion is poor the whoio system suffers laboratory tests show an acid condition is duo to errors in our modern diet but you need not wait to diet your way out of the trouble take a tabuspooufttl of phillips milk of mfijca this will neutralise the excess acid hjuntly ilo ydi foe like a new ments take a little whenever heartburn sick headaches nausea flatulence indigestion or billiousness show tho digestive system is becoming too acid whenever you arc taking cold or feel sluggish weak constipated phillips milk of magnesia has a gentle laxatlvo action delightful to take endorsed by physicians for 50 years and pre scribed everywhere for irn wc- nien and children the genuine is always a liquid it in tablet form u iimo pmilsp1 flr 1 made ways hears the i proeef foil al babx chicks in six vall- l 1ktie3 joo and up 7atnloiuea live a u swiucr granton ontario an offer to evkrx inventorv ilst of wanted inventions and full information sent free tho ramsay comn paiiy world patent attorneys 273 sank street ottawa canada- 1 e astern canadas largest selection registered stallions mares and work horses freight prepaid write- giving exact description your require ments frlcea terms reasonable arnolds wold farms grenvllle quo prison chaplain why aro you horo again perkins convict be cause ot my belief sir your be lief what do you mean i be lieved tbo policeman had gone by sir ciifictira soap restores tbo normal action of tho pores by its wonderfully effective cleansing and purifying qualities fifty year of servleo soap 25c olutmcnt zsc and 00c 2e3ex 15 convent sisters say theres nothing to equal krusceten this letter is not me persons opinion it is the unanimous yli if the sisters of a large convent we arc a large community h in number and find no medicine to equal kruschcn salts many oi the sisters nre troubled with rheumatism ncli necessitates taking more than the daily dose we eannot speak rni highly of kruschen salts and ie benefit we derive from them sister ialj the natural treatment lor rheuma tism is kmsciien salts the six mineral salts of kruschcn have a direel eifcft upon the whole blood stream neutral ising uric aeid which is the recoiiii i cause of rheumatism they o restore the eliminating organs to in or working order and so prevent c-ii- stipatioii thereby checking the further formation of uric acid and other body poisons which undermine the health free trial offer if you hie never tried kruschcn try it now nt our exrtcnso we have distributed a kiit many fpcciiil giant packages uliich make it easy for you to prove our claim fur yourself aslr your druggist for the new giant 75c package tliis consists of our regular 75c- liotile loctliw with a separate trial bottle sufficient for about one week open the trial bottle first put i to the test and then if not entirely convinced that kruschen does everything we claim it to do tho regular bottle is still as rood as new take it back your dnirgist is authorised to retiro your 75c immediately and without jue4tcn you have tried kruschcn free at our expense what could be fairer manufactured by e grifliihi lluplie- ltd manchester fur eetab 1756 importer- megiuivray bius ltd toronto- cpejore her -j- babyijarhe i have used several bottles of lydia e pinkhams vege table compound and find it helps me wonderfully espe cially before childbirth i have five lovely children after my last baby came i had a misera ble pain in my right side so i bought another bottle of the j compound and i feel fine now i work outside during the fruit season in addition to my housework mrs charles slingcrland rr 4 st cath erines ontario iaile in orcda issue no a3

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