orange what new york j is wearing by anxabelle worthington srssfo sfssa tine gasssssss synopsis mary kate ohara tccjts a proposi tion inatlu hy tnriijtopher suic that the act a- his wife at a dinner given by ivr portion uountree in order that j fusslan countess ami her daughter jiay be diseouraseji and aitctmtltu9 their attentions to steyjjes mary uils her moilter she is koln on a business trip ami meets stcvnis at the station at lurllmuine the countess is tlis- couraged and mary stays overnight it yteynes house duriok the nijht a tuiktar enters and sleynes shoots him joliee take marys name and address mil she is terrified for tear her mother will and out about it after returning heme marv discovers she lias fallen in love with steynes and tells this to cass keating to whom she is engaged cass just laughs at it a vecl later chris phones wary anil she meets and goes o lunch with him lie asks her to visit the robber in the hospital who will no let the ease against him be dropped jiary agrees to go marry me gant you see that we wouldnt hrve a dogs chancre for ap- pincss cani you imagine yourself saying something like this to me j dent know your friends i dont understand they way they talk about things they fuss me when they pull german and french on me german and french mary kate echoed in a pause looking away lightly biting her full lower tip oh 1 dont mean german and i mean experience and filled with interest in chapter xi j as b i n0 speak you know that it was after two oclock now the all i mean is that the things the music had ceased the dining room j women i know do would not hold yot was almost deserted only a few wait- for one second they are not real trs hovered near the door only a few i know that i hate the whole crowd late lunchers were murmuring as 0 them dressing and eating and these two were at scattered tables i gambling i dont see you playiik- outside the blue sky was clouded bridge every day jabbering their jab- rgain and the light irresolute rain ber i mean was again falling i i know what you mean she said chris leaned across the table and impatiently resentfully in the pause for a quick second put a warm brown j that well that in a way youre hand over her own his eyes were the rentes girl ive ever met chris smiling but his tone was all kind explained your mother your fam- french i mean everything well everything the beggar on horseback mary everything she told him the history kate said lightly of the old mansion on nob hill point- you know bftter chris reproach- 1 ed out the college town and the pri- ed her warmly you know what 1 1 son island the quarantine and naval mean better than that he went on i faase islands in the bay and the old j youve got your mother and home here and your brothers and sisters and friends ive come along to up- j get all that another halt mary kate ende the silence by saying you have damn chris ejaculated simply illustrated dresmakbtg lesson fur well go to the hospital now tbs nlthed wit kj eery pattern girl said beginning to gather her things and after that ill not s you again i osk you i beg yott she went on not to try to see me again after today but sometmn happened to me last week she con tinued very simply looking down speaking in a low voice i didnt know what it was at first i just knew that i was sort ox trembling all the time and that i couldnt tat or sleep and yet i didnt feel sick exactly everything looked so bright and so well i dont know thrilling to me she went on in a dead silence even i myself was thrilling to myself and then thinking one night i suddenly knew what it was i was remembering kurlingame and all that time last week and when i came to thinking about you a little shrug an upward glance from her troubled blue eyes complet ed the sentence she got to her feet so thats that she finished they did not speak again as they left the dining room but in the yellow taxi lumbering through the light sunpenetrated rain that was still falling falling to his surprise and to his rather touched relief she was suddenly her usual self again a tall redheaded girl eager foi qe abventuke3 of j fitidiiadog scottief you very answered she said she began its not going to take long to get over it mary all my life she quickly ah no my dear not that it matters dully i dont know again with a desperate little laugh i dont know who told you i would j to have died rather than let you know itiagl youve been telling me all day of course youre making sense chris answered you told ne last the gir said in the most natural tone right over the telephone she had yst used but ifer cheeks she accepted this squarely meeting were aflame his eyes but her color rose steadily i suppose so she admitted simp- ily the man youre engaged to marry all that is real if i wanted that sort of thing little sisters and bro thers all needing me all wanting things that money can buy i couldnt get it youve got a marvelous time ahead youvia got everything am i making sense he broke off to ask wih a little sefconsciou fair site lying level along the edge of the sullen gray rainflattened wat ers from personal emotional mat ters she kept resolutely away and he saw it do vou dread this interview mary not much i have a feeling that it will come out all right she turned to him with that ani mated wideeyed look he so especially liked in her im absolutely crazy we ha- slipped down the burning slope- expectin every minuto to be our last then found ourselves falling into space we shut oar eyes rather than see the fiercely burning furnace that we believed lay below the sud- 1 youth and jauntincss expresses this accommodating little bolero dress for all occasions its neither fussy nor too sporthc to span over the needs of an entire day- the softly falling bolero in a subtle depths of a moun tain pool i fsught my way to the top and found s c o t t 1 e swimming in cir cles up there on the surface looking for me with a most doleful expression on his whiskered face above us the woods burned brightly and down stream the river disappear ed in a smokefilled tunnel of flaming trees it was through that tunnel we must go ii we were eer to get out the air was alive with hot cinders and the light was so uncertain that we had rv idea whether the sun was shining or not when tho water grew shallow i waded trouud slippery boulders and crawled over ledges whore tho swift white current pulled and tugged at my clothes and often swept me off my feet it was painfully slow work for both of us scottie was clutched un der my coat and i staggered alon fast as i could famous pickwick wl in wreckcra hands news that the golden croa hotel in the strand london opposite char ing cross station is to hi demolish ed recalls the fact that it was at tho golden cross although it has been that mr eacouuter with the cabmarijore of the most amusing scenes in pickwick papers it was there too that mr pickwick left by coach the commodore for denlv i found my- carefully cut the heavy leather iuto kochester and david copperficld self choking for strips using the sleeves and all when j you will remember went to the golden breath deep down fastened together these strips made a cross on his arrival from canterbury la the cool swirling strong rope about ten or twelve yards j long now for a place to tie it at the head of the falls i needed a log that could bo wedged securely between the walls of the gorge that would do it final- ly i foun one the right size half floating it i made my way towards the edge and ov i worked one end iuto a crevisa in know whether mr pickwick would the ledge with on end anchored i appear iu his famous gaiters imagine pushed tho other into place against the outburst of laughter wiits up bob- the opposite wall of the gorge then bed a little undersized man of mouru- slowly step by step we retraced rebuilt since those days our way bck through tho gorge on pickwick had bis fit a hat rock in the stream we sat down to think the bank was too cool for comfort and tho rock was none too ceol taking off my leather jacket 1 speaking of pickwick calls tc mind a story about sir henry fielding dickens only surviving sou of tie great novelist ami one of tho judges at tho celebrated old baijey iu the city of loudon it fell to him one day to examine a witness named pick et tho falls one falsa movej wick and sir henry caused a chuckle pd have gone carefully in court by remarking that he did uot ful appearance and legs like clothes- props then augustine birrell tells of an occasion on which charles dickens distributed the prizes at a liverpool prizegiving a little girl came up for waist i braced her prize and suddenly dickens stop- scottie from my shirt i made a sling with one end of tho rope anchored around my tho tree and that gave him pause lowered scottie j wo all waited broathlesly down tlifj rope just reached and he mr birrell who was present climbed out on the side of the basin as my turn camo now i straddled the log took a tight hold of the leather tho stream narrowed and the rock r0 and slipped over tho force of ledges 3n either side rose to a height the falls was tremendous the rope of twenty feet or more it was a re- slipped through my fingers and i spun gulnr gorge up over us tho woods dizzily around and with a thump i were burning fiercely but above the landed in the shallow water at the crackle and roar of the fames roeo edge of the basin 1 climbed wearily another sound a sort of deep bass out and there war scottie watching rumble like thunder that broke me on tho bank through a long drawn out note fall- the wtods seemed to bo getting ing water and not very far ahead lighter ahead i pushed on faster the current grew d er and the gorge continued to relate devour ing him with our eyes and then it the name came it was welle without a moments pause everyone of us was convulsed in merriment dickens him self remained imperturbably grave as if amazed and poor miss weller was too taken aback to laugh and far mora disposed to cry in his early days ai the bar augus tine birrell accepted a brief at a fea below the registered minimum charge the same evening he was arraigned per and swift- and soon we were on the edgo of the before an impromptu court at the bar row nicest little mountain lako you ever mess and accused of unprofessional steeper aid narrower 1 clung to a saw far up to tho right the fire was j conduct for taking o low a fee his ledge for support while i rested i rapidly working down to tho lake to defense h not a hundred feet i our left the woods were burning ah im what my brother mart would call way diminishes the width through the completely olf he reservation im waist and gives prominence to the doing things and taking chances that flatness of the hipline the gores ct would absolutely have floored me j the slightly circular skirt are ength- that would have scared me to death giving and slenderizing a few months ago i dont know a printed crepe silk in algerian whats come over me i was in a blue tones made the original of todays place where burglary and murder frock ly shrugging a feeling like that he said doesnt last do you see what i mean i mean why we all do that we all get involved but the real thing the things that are tied up with your family and your friends and your home town and oh well a mans success and future anil chil dren everything he stoppd im trying to say something he recommenced with a laugh as h r gravely watching eyes gave him no encouragement and i dont believe im getting away with it hi oh yes youre getting rv i mary kate assured him no but suppose suppo argued eagerly that the shoe was o the other foot that the situation wa whatdoyoucallit reversed tpnos2 the situation was reversed- suppose i was begging you tc well mary i want to say something to you chris said suddenly with a quickened manner of tone this thing has gone very deep with me ive done darnfool things in my life and i thought this was going to be just one more of them but its not i dont mean what happened friday nigh were going to get out of this moody business all right im not afraid of that ill square him if 1 have to join the socialists and throw a few bombs myself here and there but its this other thing that gets me if youre going to feel badly about it if youre going to think hcwll i put this i mean if iy with unlrappiness for you- itnply i his incoherent sentence into any dwindled ilt leiice he made a fresh start res what im trying to say j oure young and youre very beauti ful you really are it sounds like a flat thing to say but really you are and youre going to be married and dont be helpless when you suddenly get a headache reach in your pocket for immediate relief if you havent any aspirin with you get some at the first drugstore you come to take a tablet or two and be rid of the pain take promptly nothing is gained by waiting to see if the pain will leave of its own accord it may grow worse why postpone relief there are many times when aspirin tablets will save the day tiiey will always case a throbbing headquiet a grum bling tooth relieve nagging pains of neuralgia or neuritis or check a sudden cold even rheumatism has lost its terrors for those who have learned to depend on these tablets gargle with aspirin tablets at the first suspicion of sore throat and reduce theinfection look for aspirin on the box and the word genuine in red genuine aspirin tablets do not depress the heart were attempted a few nights ag- im lying to my mother im lying to cass im on my way to see a criminal- the summary ended in her gay irresponsible laugh it was as if he saw her confession had relieved her soul washed away all fear and re sentment for the moment at least did you tell your brother no hes in oregon and a bless ing too but i did tell mr keat ing what the whole thing almost and what did he say oh he was wonderful he really understood chris had a moment of mortifica tion i suppose he thinks im a skunk he said uncomfortably i suppose he dees she conceded indifferently- its all sort of a mess chris mus ed after a moment mary kate made no answer is this man in a jail hospital she asked no gordy managed that he asked them that no charge be made against him until we got it all straight he intends at least he hopes that he can claim that it was all a sort of joke a man- he knew whod so on could he do that oh its being dore all the time chris assured her they were at the hospital mount- ingthe formidable flight of steps that rose at its imposing base inside there were certain formalities and then a middleaged nurse with a bunch of keys at her girdle led them through various clean antiseptic- scented hallways to one of the im mense wings of the enormous build ing an elevator boy then took charge of them and eventually they found themselves alone outside of a white- painted steel door one of a hundred similar doors that closely dotted a long upper corridor number seven- sixseven chris and mvry kate pushed open the door and were in a small clean white room filled with a narrow whitv high bed a white chair and a j great whitecurtained window flooded with afternoon light j chris saw these things after one quick glance at the man who lay bandaged on the bed his suilen stis- j picious look turned toward the door j but mary kates look got no further than the invalids face and this fascinating style no 3010 may be had in sizes 11 16 18 20 year 36 and 38 inches bust other schemes equally wearable are navy blue flat crepe silk a roman stripe wool crepe and grey canton crepe for resort linen prints pastel tub silks mens striped silk shirting and cotton mesh with angora finish are ideally suited to this model how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto along the stream dropped over a i most to tho waters edge we were ledge i crept as closely as i dared j hemmed in again apparently tho water fell twentyfive suddenly there was a scrambling in or thirtylive feet into a round basin tho underbrush some heavy animal and the gorge was considerably wider scratching through scottie remem- at that point it looked for all the bered the bears and stood still with world as if somo giant with an auger every hair standing straight out like had bored this big hoi in the rock la porcupine the crashing grew into which the water tumbled and nearer hissed to be contviuedj the healthgiving delicious drirk for children and grown ups pound and half pound tins at your grocers moon on the thorn i hear the grey geeso winging between the stars and me and little people singing along the misty lea a valley fox is crying a mountain cat replying a far off river sighing upon her way to sea the fairies flock and mingle till blows an elfin horn and gallop from their dingle otten boiled at the club and j two ringstraked unicorn i hear the creatures neighing come monkeys cease your playing be off be off a maying the moon is on the thorn then kouold deev arid pixie red troll and sprite and fay pidwidgeon brownie nixie make haste to seek the may and where they took their pleasure at midnight hour of leisure a white hare danced a measure before he hopped away eden phillpots in country life london keeps fruits fresh some interesting observation with respect to the application of quick freezing processes to perishable fresh fruits and vegetables is con tained in the current newsletter of the dominion cold storage branch tests recently made with peaches 3how that the process preserves all tho original nutritive values and min eral salts with no evidence of loss of valuable chemical constituents or flavor tho process seems to keep the fruit absolutely fresh in fact 10 out of az tasting tests reported the her breath rose on a quick gasp frozen peaches more juicy sweeter for a second she wavered as if she i and of better flavor than that of were going to faint then with a fresh peaches the spruces of canada the spruces of canada play an im portant part in the industrial life of the country and are an asset not fully appreciated by the general public there are fiv spruces of commercial importance in canada tho white black and red spruces of the east and prairie provinces and the sitka and engelmanu spruces of british colum bia which was deemed satisfac tory was that his conduct could uot be called unprofessional inasmuch as he had taken all that his client had london schoolchildren of today aiv at eight years old nearly an inch tall er than those of 1913 while the 12- yearolds arc both taller and heavier sob she took the little space between door and bed with a few flying steps she was or her knees beside the in in british columbia experiments are being made in tho rapid frecz- lnb oi green peas in small cartons juretl man her face against the hand j these pease will be held in storage she clasped in both of hers i at a temperature of 35 dcg f below oh mart mart mart she cried zero until marketed next winter to be continued when tempted to so out and nr late investigate and then ht a gate the cbriitisn sexzce mini tor i marriage to most girls is like a tele phone they get a ring and then wake issue no 1331 to go back to judge dickens he was 21 years old when his father passed on cl years ago come june 9 next charles dickens had eight children six boys and two girls judge dickens is the youngest son he possesses a fine collection of relies of the great novelist and happy memories of him for instance his father taught him shorthand and to increase young harrys speed used to dictate from his own works how well i remember how he mado me laugh- recalls judge dickens in memories of my father so much so indeed that i was soon reduced to a state of helpless imbecility with the natural consequence that when in tho end i had to transcribe my notes i found myself confronted with an im mature collection of undecipherable hieroglyphics bluebirds the bluebirds the bluebird- are out there in the snow the meaning of their music no heedless ear may know the violets forerunner is that faint bud of song and after it the harebells will troop a blueeyed tjroug they drift their fluttering azure i across the snowsheets while and underneath the daisies j are stirring toward the light j and soon the purple crane bill and goiden buttercup for overbrimming sunshine will hold their goblets up the bluebirds tho bluebird- it is the fifth of march yet though there hongs no iasscl on alder birch or larch they never have deceived us if summer always came too slowly for on wisao their song was not to blame lucy larcom in childhood songs kraft saihi dressing ofcrs everything anyone could ask for in exquisite refresh ing flavor yet its sold a a price to low its within the reach of everyone a brgc 1 1 ounce zt costs only 25 cents one- half the cos youre used to paying get some tocay try it anj youll instant know why its the favorite everywhere in canada aiaajnessiig mae in caraa by the matr krair ceajve hohing doesn pay holding eggs for a rise in tiie market doesnt pay as a recent re port from federal inspectors at win nipeg clearly shows i ivads the majority of receipts are of good qual ity although some hold eggs are in evidence these invariably grade seconds showing the fallacy of hold ing perishable products for any length of lime in anticipation of a higher market at the time this report was received tho spread of extras over seconds was five centj per dozen tho egg marketing ser vice of the dominion department oj agriculture urge farmers to market their eggs in tho very best of condi tion which naturally is as soon after laying as possible so that they will get the benefit of official rrading for women drivers caver onehalf yard of drei weight- j lug wits silk ribbon and faten at each end inchwill office cllpi of the snap j variety the vtlghtrg will ie across the drivers lap and with the ends clippsd to the skirt will hold i la j ptce without injuring the finest mc- i tsrisl or plaiting tus the annoyance 1 of t itterlng -kirt- win be vocd