w i mmmnt vol xliii no 4 stouffville ontario thursday march 26 1931 a v nolan publisher backrite tablets i for the kidneys the moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts begin tak ing backrite tablets the first dose you notice an improvement and you will prevent serious illness rheumatism headaches liver trouble constipation dizziness sleeplessness and bladder disorders often come from sluggish kidneys price 50c j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 among the churches bakkr hill and sixth link uaptist churches w s wliltcombe is a pastor sunday alarch 29 1100 a in baker hill overmastered 700 pm sixth line peace stouffville and church hill christian churches p e hyde minister sunday march 29 1000 stouftville sunday school 1100 am morning worship 2 pm church hill sunday school 3 pm preaching 7 pm on thin ice we invite the public to worship with us in these services a cordial welcome to all blooaiington and ringwood christian churches e morton preacher altona sunday march 29 all our services next lords day will be in touch with the spirit of palm sunday 11 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood 7 pm altona mennonite church s s shantz pastor friday march 27 s00 pm prayer meeting sunday march 29 1000 sabbath school 1100 morning worship subject renewing our strength 700 evening worship subject the powers of evil monday march 30 s00 pm young peoples bible study raptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday march 29 1000 am bible school 1100 am good housekeeping but poor homemaking 700 am a young man who wns not a practical atheist pastor incharge at services remember prayer meetings wednesday s pm sunday g15 pm everybody welcome stouffville united church of canada rev thos laidlnw ma pastor sunday march 29 1100 a m subject voicing our experiences 230 pm sunday school classes business and young mens bible class 700 p m evening service the pastor in charge of both these services special services lll bo con ducted by the pastor during passion week every evening excepting sat urday for this reason all other mid week evening activities will bo can- colled all meetings commence at 8 oclock with a song service monday evening subject is there a god you are cordially welcomed to all theso services in memoriam in loving and tender memory of our dear mother mrs londbettcr who departed this lire march 30 1930 sadly missed by all the family dear mother just a year ago as i lingered in your room i little thought dear mother mine you would pass away so soon i know that your task is ended your at rest that land most fair dear mother we all arc trusting thnt some day well meet you there hilda l woodcock funds assured for clock tower before the week is ended it is practically assured that the financ ing for the now clock tower in stouftville will be accomplished and sufficient money placed in the hands of the municipal council to enable them to proceed with the construc tion work at once this is highly gratifying but it has entailed no end of work and effort on the part of a few who are anxious to see the main street adorned with a fine time piece that will ultimately prove a great convenience to all the citizens the men who are guaranteeing the money do so with the expecta tion that amply subscriptions will come in and relieve them of much of the burden the womens institute have agreed to put up 225 and mr delbert holden also makes another 225 possible so that 900 is need ed by public subscription to make the whole undertaking a real gift donations may be sent to the editor of this paper or direct to he business mens association of stouffville it is hoped an unveiling ceremony will take place in july or august for which details will be announced in due time bethesda mr roy smith was home over sunday the robins and bluebirds are back it must be spring miss susie pike was home over the weekend with her parents here avedding bells are ringing in this locality we wonder who next we wonder who will gather the news for bethesda now since geo is leaving mr oliver sherrick is helping valentine bolander with his work these days miss velma and bessie bolander had supper on sunday with miss janet empringham mr hains of this locality is stay ing in london for a lest on account of his ill health we hope to see him again soon the prayer meeting held at mr i pikes was well attended the young men were well represented keep it up boys quite a number from here attend ed the auction sale held at victoria square last week with the roads getting better we see the cars flying by again so we imagine old dobbin will have a rest now mr frank billby advises all young men that when they go out on saturday night to get in before six oclock sunday morning some of our milk shippers have been compelled to take their milk to ringwood on account of the bad roads but we expect the truck will he able to get up soon we are having some nice weather lately and quite a number attended sunday school and church re imcneal spoke on temperance for twentylive minutes which was quite interesting some of our local farmers luvsv been busy shovelling snow these last few days and the snow is going fast mr and mrs henry wideman were visiting with their mother here on sunday last she is confined to her bed quite ill but we hope for her speedy recovery mr j cauthorn who was over in england for the wlnted has return ed to canada agaii and has taken his new position with one of the lo cal farmers of this line we hope he will like his new position and ve understand that he intends to attend the baptist church mr wellington yake was at van- dorf on sunday morning we dont know just where he had dinner and we wont ask any questions g s h grimmer who is visiting friends around here before leaving for taking up his new position in walnfleet spent sunday with mr and mrs yake and family wo are sorry to see george leave this com munity as he is well liked by all the young people but we hope to have him back for a visit sometime all our good wishes go with him while the 5th is one of the first roads to be opened after tho big storm wo notice the editor got stuck in the snow just above mr percy alllns on saturday as he was travelling to vandorf to give a re port of the council doings mr allan and his son assisted in getting the reporters car out of the anow but he had had enough and did not attempt to go farther herb porter with his ford got over this line however on saturday for the first time in a week with a car local happenings tickets for the h s commence ment now on sale at ratcliffs store four ear loads of potatoes are be ing shipped this week from good wood station the price being 50 to 55 cents per bag mr jack miller and neil heiso both former stouffville boys spent sunday in town lost on saturday night march 7 between the rink and the eastend of town a velvet blazer with tns crest on pocket finder please phone claremont 002 reward with no less than three or four young ladies of the town recording birthdays last week the wonder is there was not a real upheaval in social circles mr frank rae has leased the rae farm on the second concession of uxbridge to mr jos cooper who lives and occupies the farm adjoin ing the rae property we expect to have mr a f hines with us again on saturday match 2s with a good line of spring coats suits and dresses come and see them at the w h shaw store the cost of big snow storm whitchurch council intends to consider bylaw for licens ing minature golf this week mr and mrs harry brillinger celebrated the annivers ary of their wedding day by being host and hostess to a large number of relatives at their home on main street west the mennonite quarterly meeting will be held at dixons hill on sun day march 29th at 10 am services in charge of rev s goudie at 11 am rev j hygeina of fori wayne indianna who is conducting special services at mt joy at pre sent will preach come and hear him v on saturday march 21 1931 mrs j wilmot brown of 20 beach- dale ave toronto celebrated her soth birthday at the home of hei son dr g f r richardson 107g kingston road mrs li rown was for many years a resident of stouff- ville her numerous friends extend congratulations the hydro electric auditor was in town this week and audited the hooks of our treasurer js dougher ty in conection with the local system mr archer said he had never found a better kept set of books in any municipality it is hoped there will be a handsome surplus in the hydro account from the operations of last year mr l ii raven district traveller for the daly tea co napanee ont has rented the rusnell property on alain street east one door south of alt collins home and now occupied by lou aiorden whom we under stand is moving to unionville for several years air aiorden has been engaged by stouffville creamery co as truck driver and is of course well known throughout this district continuation school inspector g kmllls visited the stouffville school this week in order to make the an nual inspection all of us have a vivid recollection of school days when the inspector came around the tension was strained and electrified even the teaching staff what a sigh was drawn when the inspector left the school later we came to the time when we realized how human these officials are and how sympathetic most of them can be we do not imagine inspector mills will find much to complain of in the local school and when his report finally is made to the school board it is expected that it will be highly gratifying although the robbin has not yet made its appearance in scarborothe ttork was quite active over the weokend according to town clerk w d annis registrar of births on sunday mrs john alckcown 34 red deer avenue was presented with a fine healthy pair of twins two bouncing baby boys and the next ioglstratlon was made in the name of airs herbert powell wlio was presented with a fine boy and girl twins airs powell resides near airs mckeown at 75 queensbury avenue birch cliff dr g f r richardson of 1076 kingston road attended both mothers picture beauty contest will be held from the auditorium theatre stouffville for which valu able prize will be awarded class a children under one year class b children one to 5 years class c 5 years to 10 years class d 10 years to 15 years the childrens photos will bo shown on the screen of this theatre mothers have your picture ready when representatives call to ex plain the contest council of the township of whitchurch met in regular meeting on saturday march 21st at 10 oclock in the township hall van dorf members all present reeve kldd in the chair a number of communications were ppresented read and disposed of by council ratcliff rae moved that the treasurer be instructed to pay the following bills the industrial home medical exam ination of and conveying to ont hospital of al condie j2000 j a af vannostrand and e s barkey auditing township accounts each 10j a clarke wood for twp hall 1000 ratcliff rae that the treas be hereby instructed to pay to a h vannostrand the sum of 7500 and to h ai jakeman the sum of ss000 advance on salary as assessors carried ratcliff williams that the auditors report of receipts and ex penditures for the year 1930 by accepted as satisfactory by this council and that the seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution carried williams ratcliff that this council accept the offer of the globe indemnity re highway liability in surance for the year 1931 premium j1ss70 carried evans rae that the treas be instructed to pay to geo preston the sum of 10 for registration and expenses at the annual meeting of the o e a held in toronto carried ratcliff rae that all road foremen in the twp have their snow shovelling accts in the hands of the road supt by april 15th carried ratcliff evans that when this council adjourns it to stand ad journed until saturdayapril is 1931 then to meet at 10 oclock am at twp hall vandorf for genera business carried the reeve gave notice that at next meeting of council a bylaw will be introduced to provide for the licensing of aliniature golf courses road accounts mostly for snow shovelling were passed totalling 13g319 personal mention miss alarion ratcliff nurse in traiuiug spent the weekend in town with her father mr anil airs clark of markham and daughters bertie and maggie called on friends in town on sunday miss hazel silvester of toronto spent the weekend with her mother airs w a silvester church street air and airs k d woodburn of toronto were guests with air and airs win gower obrien ave air and airs james ted rat cliff and little daughter of peterboro spent sunday in town at the home of his father mrs nolan who has been living in toronto for the winter spout a few days in town with her son air a v nolan air and airs blake sanders and air and airs walter brillinger were in attendance at the cinderella dance at the royal york hotel recently air and mrs george delaine of arlington ave toronto spent a few days this week with air and airs delbert jennings air alagnus alowat of lindsay has been visiting his father air james alowat who has been on the sick list and is still quite feeble alrswillis wideman was taken to toronto on wednesday morning to undergo an operation for appendicit is the widemans live on the 10th concession just north of town airs harold lewis and baby son garry accompanied by her mother airs george saunders returned on sunday from the toronto general hospital airs lewis has quite re covered from her operation altona miss verna lehman spent sunday with aliss beatrice carter airs d crosier and irene spent a day last v with air and mrs taun of stouffville air isaac lehman spent sunday with air and airs fred raymer mr and mrs los hill and air and airs floyd mckay spent sunday with air and mrs jos hill air and airs fred raymer and son had tea with air and mrs thos lewis on tuesday evening mrs m tindall and son roy spent sunday with air and airs r nighswander of atha air sydney roberts spent sun day with air fred aicnair the melville seventh scribe ditto mr lome wideman spent weekend at allandale air grant schuyler is spending a week at his home in simcoe master murray alorgan of alillikcn called on jack nigh on sunday air chester cook spent last friday evening at air willis leh- mans mr and airs a aicneil had dinner at air allan aickinnons on tuesday of last week mr and mrs harry wideman were weekend guests of mr and airs jacob wideman the junior mission band will hold their monthly mooting at the home of the president aliss edna houck on saturday afternoon the womens association met at the home of airs a mcneil last avednesday afternoon with an atten dance of nineteenafter the meeting a very dainty lunch was served the young peoples society of the christian church ringwood have made arrangements for the young people of melville united church to give the program at their next league meeting on alonday evening alarch 30th the westminster guild was held last wednesday evening and the meeting was in charge of airs mc neil and mr cyril parrlsh after the meeting was dismissed the committee for alarch took charge and a st patricks social in the form of games and contests was en joyed by all after this lunch was served in memoriam in loving memory of alargarct lintner who passed away alarch 2s 192s sadly missed mr and airs john mcmullen lemonville air gordon kirhy of toronto is igain in our midst air jearl cook was a recent visitor in the queen city geo mckewan of toronto spent the weekend with relatives in town we are glad to see airs j k brown and air alichael wallace out again after their illness air and airs elmer avells and family are moving the first of the month to their new farm air and mrs farrow and family are moving to ringwood we re gret losing the farrow family from our midst ave are pleased to report the improvement in the health of mrs ai cook who has been ill for the past six weeks airs jim cooney and children have returned from a three weeks visit with her parents air and airs walsh at newmarket air and mrs aicaiaster and family and air and airs courtney and aliss tade were sunday visiters with air and mrs thos spenco aliss cora alessrs harold and earl cook entertained on the 17th to a st patricks party the evening was certainly enjoyed thanks to the cook family air and airs avalter pipher are moving to the neighorn house and air pipher is going to assist ralph richards with the farm duties this summer lemonville is certainly a dead place but wait have you heard the clank of the horse shoes bill nesbitt is ascribed best man when lie has an assistant such as john pipher stan hall is another dandy and can throw shoes better than a race horse especially if aided by charlie preston support proahsed ox radial project aurora alarch 21 if new market is able to capitalize the aletropolitan radial line from rich mond hill to newmarket at a prico not exceeding 50000 then aurora is ready to support the project to the limit this was the decision reached by aurora council follow ing a conference with a delegation from newmarket last night coaiing to stouffville on alonday evening next march 30th the douglas players will open a three nights engagement at the auditorium theatre stouftville producing a repertoire of new and popular plays and uptodate vaudeville on the opening night everybody will bo admitted free when accompanied by a person with a paid ticket remember this is only for alonday night the only way is a comedy- drama in thrco acts teaturlng mr frederick lyle and aliss marie crawley in the leading roles the vaudeville numbers between the acts are new and every one uptodate special scenery and draperies are carried for each together with special lighting effects giving the people of the community a real pro duction for each play the members of tho company are well known of the dramatic stage notable wins at flower show we have much pleasure in an nouncing to our readers the out standing success won by alessrs aluston sons the local florists at the second annual spring flower show held at the royal york hotel in toronto last week with entries in three exhibits for roses in pots three first prizes were awarded and in addition silver challenge cups in the two classes that had these extra prizes attached to them wore annexed by the local firm the competition in all classes was keen and goes to show that our townsman and his capable foreman mr bert smith are producing a quality of goods that is keeping stouffville veil in the front ranks ave are confident that we express the feeling of our readers when we extend hearty congratulations to air james aluston on the results achieved by his firm just now it will he interesting for local people who are looking cor easter blooms and plants to pay a visit to the greenhouses and see and solect from the extensive stock be ing developed there new high quality feed farmers feeders and poultrymen will be interested in the production of a new high quality feed cor poul try swine and young livestock this feed called oat groats is made by taking the hulls off oats thus greatly reducing the fibre increasing the protein and lowering the cost of the food nutrients by a saving in freight although there is some variation in the chemical analysis the aveyago sample shows about l7proteii and from 2y to 3 fibre oat groats are fairly high in fat also containing about s of this valu able nutrient for young calves young pigs and all ages of poultry this feed will prove valuable in assisting rapid growth and general vigor because of the high protein and low fibre content the price of this product is very low when the feed value is compared to other feeds by buying this feed in carlot quan tities and using canadian barley to replace corn the cost of production of poultry and live stock products can be substantially reduced farm ers and poultrymen are advised to get in touch with their feed dealers regarding these products better seed pays big dividends in crop improvement production may be increased from 10 to 11 pounds per bushel and from 10 to 14 bush els per acre by sowing only large plump seed the farmer will find it a paying proposition to get the old fanning mill out of the storehouse fit it up properly with screens and make a genuine cleanup of seed this spring auction sale thursday alarch 2g at lot 28 con 8 alarkham farm stock implements bay and grain the property of orval drewery and mrs jesse raymer 7 mos credit f w silversides auctioneer friday march 27 at lot 7 con 9 whitchurch stouftville farm stock and implements belonging to louis hamm no reserve sale at one f w silversides auct saturday aiarch 2s farm horses dairy cattle implements to bo sold at lot 21 con 9 whit church alusselman lake tho property of s huttonsale at one f w silversides auctioneer alonday alarch 30 at lot 9 con s whitchurch farm stock and implements belonging to nathan gilbert sale at one f w silver- sides auctioneer tuesday aiarch 31 credit auction salo of farm stock trac tors implements mixed clover hay grain barley oats furniture etc at lot 2s con 7 pickering the property of j b stewart estate and p a stewart salo at one sharp see bills g jackson son auctioneers auction sale of stock implements hay grain etc to be sold by public auction at lot 9 con 8 whitchurch on monday march 30 1931 the following property belonging to nathan gilbert horses grey alare pcrcheron 7 yrs bay alare 7 veals bay gelding 10 years cuttle holstein heifer due to calf rqd cow milking lied calf blue white cow due time sale implements binder alccormick g ft alower m h 5 ft horse rake aih drill ai hi 13 disc nearly new floury plow no 7 scuffler cutter cultivator buggy wagon box hay rack fanningmill set sloop sleighs set double harness set single harness many other articles hay grain 150 bus barley 150 bus oats 10 loads hay terais hay grain and all sums up to 15 cash over that amount 7 months credit on approved joints or 6 per cent per annum off for cash salo at 1 f w silversides auct with easter so near and a strike on among the dress makers in tor onto we wonder how many hubbies sympathize with the strikers in the big city birth noble in stouffville on alarch 23 1031 to mr and mrs j henry noble vera hopkins a son steckley at gormley on alarch 19 1931 to air and airs levi steckley a daughter luella alargaret it special prices for orders in advance twelve special mixed glad bulbs 50 cents also jersey black giant or white plymouth rock hatching eggs call and see go cents per dozen a j ward brier bush gardens for sale timothy seed and spring wheat durham cecil story claremont 3g17 p daily coach service st0uffvillet0r0nt0 single 85c return 155 leave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am a 900 am al040 c200 pm c340 pm r 580 pm d825 pm f bl015 pm a sunday and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays only c saturday only coaches stop at any point to pick up passengers signal plainly by hand to the driver chartered coaches for all group outings at moderate rates for information communicate avith gray coach lines yonge at front toronto gray coach lines